The Wingham Times, 1904-04-07, Page 1a
We've Moved
We are now comfort-
ably and conveniently
located in our new store
in the Macdonald block
(J. & J. 1-1. Iierr's old
stand), and invite you
to call and see us.
Will be pleased to show
you the latest and most
up - to - date in Gents'
Furnishings for Spring
See our stock before
purchasing your Spring
Hofflllth Bros
J. & J. H. Kerr's old stand
Macdonald Block, - W .NGHAM
Issued by FRANK PATtvasoN, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,000 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
PureMaple Syrup
Received this week by express.
A very fine article, put up iu
tins. Try it.
Oranges, Lemons & Bananas
Your Grocery Order
Will he promptly filled, with the
best and freshest anode that are
to be bad anywhere.
R. A. Hulchison
Guods delivered promptly. Phoue 50
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150' and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfeld Townships, Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed ou deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th Juue and 81st
December eaoh year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
R. Vanstone. Solicitor,
t7apital paid np, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President--- Nox. Wit. GUisoN.
Vice -President and
General Manager T. Tttaxnirrt,
33111. V.VoIis
ieJoa.s1enProctor,ek`hn Roach,
Insl100tor-H. M. A2801.
Estate Notice.'
Wear Greer's Shoes. and Rubbers
Base ealI.
The regular meet ig of the Base Base
Club will he helot a the King Edward
hotel on Saturday e ening, April 0th, at
8 o'clock sharp.
Do you intend to guy property in town this
Spring? If you do, I eau save you some money
if you buy from the. I invite you to call and
have a look at what I have to offer you.Prices
front $200 up to ;3,500, according to quality and
I have sone special bargains that I would
like to show you, and I feel certain I can satisfy
you inhouse property no natter how particu-
lar you may be. ,
Big sale of Manitoba lands on
at present, Cali and get prices. '
Beal Estate and Business Transfer Agent
oericn-Vanstone block, Wingham.
o1ineiogoarcieDeposits f and upwrds eed. In-
allowed, end computed en the 36th No-
vember and 131st May each year and added to
ntteelas deposits also received at current
tewee t interest,
17rafte en ore.* Britain and the United
States Bought and sold.
Travellets are notified that the hank of iiant-
Ilton and its Branches issue Circular Bates of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
which call be cashed without charge er trou-
ble to say part of the world.
W, CORA0111,1, Agent
bliON1.15ISO ' ill 11O1a atS, solicitors,
Have you seen Cooper's wall paper?
New Coal an Wood Yards.
The Wiugham Co 1 and Wood Supply
Co., with Mr. W. - . Green as manager,
are making all a raugements for the
opening of a first- ass coal and wood
yard in Wingham nd already a large
supply of coal auc wood has been order-
ed, and the comp ny will soon be in a
position to fill or rs, From the read-
ead-ing of the coutpe 's advt. in another
column, Wingha ites need have no fear
of afuel famine it Wiugham next win-
ter, as the compel y intends keeping ou
hand a full suppl of both goal and wood
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
On lots 39.40, col
day, April 14th; fa
meats; 10 months
o'clock. W. 3. Joh
Purvis, auctioneer.
Don't fail to see
Irishman. He w
Tuesday evening,
1, Mor s, Thurs-
to and imple-
c it; sale at one
stop, proprietor; 3.
The Spin
The cold weathe
day put a nice the
the water in both
had a splendid ch
bulk of the snow , nd ice is now away
and it is thought ,! at all danger of dam. -
age from lligli w ter is now past. It is
reported that the gravel road, south of
the town is badl washed-out in several
o funny
the blues,
g Freshet.
of Saturday and Stal-
k on the thaw and
ranches of the river
ce to get away. The.
Beantiful trimmed Spring Hats going
at reduced prices at Mrs. Green's.
The Ete
The electrio ligh
busy for some day
shape for the new
streets of the towt
that these lights
the end of next w
town are of the o
iug plant has not
the town took co
informed this �c
of April after pa
notion with the
was left ou ham
the year comes it
council will be a
have a good p
ric Lights.
workmen have been
getting the line in
lamps on the back
and it is expected
11 be in operation by
ek. Many people to
inio,t that the light-
en paying its way since
trot. We have been
k that up to the first
ing all expenses in con
plant a good surplus
Meeting of Bowlers.
The meeting called
for the re -organize
Bewling Club has t
orTuesday evening
on of the Wiugham l The Wingham To
en postponed until 1 regular wouthly ses
Friday evening of t is week at 8 o'clock' chamber on Mon
in the council cba ber, All parties V itin the oh
iuterestee in lawn owling should at- of the council all p
tend the meeting ou tidily night Minutes of last n
A statemeut fro
was read, showing
of the municipalit
follows: Town ace
light account, $778
The finance corn
WANTED --To rent, a
located ou Mato street
ply at once to Boa A.,
to centrally
f ` iughatu Ap.
11E5 office.
Celebration C led Off.
Tho Wingham firem at a meeting on
Tuesday evetsiug decid d to abaudou the
24th of Illay celebratio the year. They
were uuable to secure the 48th High -
lenders Baud and other attractions that
were looked for, and is s now not likely
that Wiugham will ave any 24th of
May celebration,
Go to 0. 3, Maguire, Real Estate
.Agent, if you waut to bny a house in
town, he has just what you want.
The Scottish
Next Monday evening
Royal Scottish Concert
give au enteraintnent i
opera house, under the
Westminster Guild of
Presbyterian church.
should not need any i
Wiugham audience.
few weeks ago and wer
heard them to be the b
pany that ever visited
kenzie Murdoch is the
Scotland has ever produ
r,cotland's greatest teno
April 11th, the
Cotnpany will
the Wingham
uspiees of the
the Wingbatn
These arsists
reduction to a
hey were here a
said by all who
st concert com-
ingham. Mac.
reatest violinist
.ed; Geo. Neil is
;Harry Munroe,
ence Murdoch,
t, Be sure you
ight. Plan of,
and when the end of humorist, and A. Law
is expected that the the celebrated solo pians
le to show that they Bear them on Monday
iug electric lighting hall is at Campbell's drt
Opera House, Wingham, Tuesday
Eyenin ••, April 12,
"Jerry from
show since time
uuiform ed Concei
read what the
March 23rd says
'Gras one long laug
last night. A mo
date company he
Brantford audio.;
waits. The audie
watch all the rim
watching. They
and Orchestra."
Watch for the
again at 7.30 in fr
Tuesday, April 12
erry," the Funniest
gau, ith ieir own
Band an Orchestra,
rautf., c Courier of
this pr. duction : "It
t at the Opera House
e amusing and up -to -
never played to n,
e. There were no '
ice had something to
and it was worth
arry a first-class Band
oonday concert and
nt of Opera House,
The S •w Record.
If the records • f the Toronto weather
bureau are to be •t lied. upon, winters in
Canada are not ways over by the first
of May much le.s the first of April, and
it may be just a well to refrain from
making flower • eds and putting out
plants for some ime yet. In 1850 and
1852 there were .now flurries as late as
May 20. In 185 there was snow on the
30th day of May and is 1830 the natural
product for wh h Canada is justly ;
fatuous fell as las: as the fourth day of •
leafy month of J
it snowed on Ma 14. Though these
were for the most part merely flurries,
in 1873, on May D y, there was a fall of
three inche. L year we had one
inch on the same late.
e. In 1893 and 1000
following account
R. Kinsmate, labo
A. Forsyth, work
Jas, Erock,labor.
Wm. Moore, labor
W. Showers, labor
W. Sheridan, labo
3. Davidson, team ork, eto
Jas. Raby, labor, treets.
Jas. Nelson, sawin wood, etc.. , 1.70
H. Kerr, repairs t. hall and scales 10.50
Mcginuou Bras„ rood 45 00
J. B. Pergnsou, sa • ry and postage 46.00
V, Vunnorman. sa ary 842; expen-
ses taking patien to London, $9. 51 00
R. Rankin, salary . 5.67
W. J. Mailagh, sa ary 16.00
W. Pattison, team ng, etc,,. 2,35
W. G. Gray, hose o•flre. .50
Firemen, salaries. 3 months 63.00
E•Iook & Ladder C
H. B. Elliott, priu
A. E. Simmons,
L. W, Hanson, w
Hanna & Co.,sup
Isaac Davidson. 1
A. Sanderson, sn
Jos. Gowdy, labo
D. Vanaistine, la
Geo. Wraith, lab.
T. Hall, printing .
These accounts
payment, with tl
the wages paid fo
be at the rate of $
$1.50 as charged b
accounts of C. A.
gatt, laid over fro.
On motion of C
Bell, the report of
was adopted.
On motion of C
strong, the sum o
credit of the Selig
n Council net in
ion in the council
y evening; Mayor
ir, and the members
seting were read and
the Dominion Bank
mounts to the credit
on March 1351 as
nut, $10,09: eleotric
nittee considered the
streets. , ...., $ 2.00
t drain 4.07
WaxTED-A wagon s
coal yard. State cap
and price. Box K., TIl
le, suitable for
city. coudition
s office.
Selling Goods i Town.
During the past week t vo pedlars have
beau doing the tows wt h their wares.
These men are eau,' es
to house and endeavor
goods, tweeds and othe
have county trauscient
and it appears the town
not iaterfer. This is au
business men and some
devised whereby this
should not be allowed to
We understand they q
prices, but if our towns
the town stores they will
secure just as good berg
quality of the goods is t
sideration. We would a
ers to deal with the h
printer, baker, butcher, g
wilt always get good g
ng from house
g to sell dress
goods. They j
reder's licenses
nthorities can-
njustice to our
eaus should be
ass of people
isit the town,
rte very low
eople will visit
find they can
ins when the
ten into con
vise our road -
e merchant,
ocer and you !
ods at honest`
St. Louis, Mo. •
The Great World's Fair,
Will Be Open Ap
i 18Oth.
By all comparison ti is will be the
most wonderful exposit]. , u in all history
It is the
greatest of t o creations of
modern loan. Fifty n tions and all the
• States and Territorie of the United
States have combined their efforts So
Take it a twentieth ecu
Grand Trunk Raiiwa
exhibit in the Canadian
Reduced rate tickets
andafter A ril 25th
To RENT - Corner store in Button p ,
Block is for rental, Apply to i v , F. Van- Trunk have arranged t
Stone. at any intermediate C
Western F'
The twenty-fi
Stili big bargains offered in long Western Footba
otball Association.
11 annual meeting of the
Association, Canada's
rganization, was held
Friday, 'iu the aucli-
dsonto :sew Carnegie
and was not only the
black plumes at Mrs. Green's. They oldest sporting
are handsome. in Berlin on Goo
torinm of the ha
Librar b 'ld'
Steam ngines.
In the best steam :ngines only 6 to 15
per cent. of the coal burnt actually pro-
duces power that can be used, says
Power; the rest is a dead loss. Where
does it go? To beg n with, 22 per cent.
Hies up the chimna, in smoke; 3 per
cent. is wasted by r iaut heat from the
boiler; 1 per cent. drops through the
grate; 10 per cen . is consumed in
pumping water into ie boiler; while 57
per cent, goes off in clam after passing
through the engine. lie rest is account-
ed for by leaks and w ste heat.
The Trade and Na
the fiscal year 190
amounts collected a
toms offices in the co
Goderieh .......
Wingham ,
It be
given the lowest pia
this is not to say that
port less goods than
county. lvttloh of t
coining into Wingh
Listowel and Clinton
igation returns for
show that the
the several Ons-
nty • were as fol -
,... 12,914,50
,... 9,305,70
fiat Winghain is
e it1 the list, but
Winghamites im.
ther places in the
e duty on geode
IS collected at
y ul nig,
most largely a •tended, but was un-
doubtedly the m st important gathering'
in the history of he association. Dele-
gates were preset from a large number
o towns,and three sen -
mediate, eleven junior
p Clubs were represent.
1 of thirty-eight clubs,
lutes, entered by coma
manifested enthusiasm
elegates was tangible
-ociation football will
his season, Mr. Elmer
legate from Wingham.
'cers were elected:-
. IL Goldie of Galt;
of western Ontar
for, eighteen inte
and six Hough Ci
ed, making a tot.
and a number of
mueication. Tho
displayed by the
evidence that A
boom in Ontario
Moore was the d
The following o
Icon. President,
President, R. C. t heswright of Walker-
ton; Secretary -Tr. asurer, I7,1:'otsyth of
Berlin; Assistant Secretary -Treasurer,
W. Brown of Belli . ?J. J. McLaughlin
of Brussels was el cted Vice President
for Huron District, and Dr. Deering, of
Mildmay, Vice 'esident for Bruce
District. 1u the intermediate series
Wingham, Brussel and Seaforth make
up the Huron dist of and Walkerton,
Mildiney and Cargt made up the Bruce
district. %'or the j •ior series. Huron
District, Group 1- iugham, Brussels;
Group 2, Iiistowol, , ilverton, Winners
of both groups pl Moine and Heine
ury wonder.
will ha
i11 b
e au
h sale on
c1 the Grand
services 3 50
iug and adver
hating 1,50
ad for charity1.75
ies for indigent 4.70
bur, streets..,- 53
w plowing 3.00
or 63
r 1.75
vere recommended for
understauding that
street and drain labor
.25 per day, and not
some. Also that the
Rintoul and R. Leg -
last meeting, be paid.
ung. Millikin and T.
the finance committee
ns. Holmes and Arm -
$350 was placed to the
Drug Busi
The drug busines
Douglass for the pa
this week and the s
from the premix
that Dr. Irwin int
store for a new 1i
new tenant will oc.
the course of a few
Mayor Vanstone .sated that Mr. How-
son had interview ed him in regard to the
present arrangement for the lease of the
water privilege by the company. The
water wheels wer not of sufficient ca-
pacity, a new fium would soon be need-
ed, and the oompa did not care to run
the risk of going i to the increased ex-
penditure with the ossibility of being
deprived of water p wer on six months
notice, according to is present arrange-
ment. The matter s 'll be dealt with at
a future meetiug.
A conuuunication vas received from
the secretary of the , Ingham Baseball
Club asking for the se of the town
park for on Mo day, Wednesday
and Friday evenings of each week, and
for the privilege of cat vassing the park
for the purpose of char: iug an admission
fee when visiti\g eh/lbs come here to
Mayor 'V'anstone reminded the chair-
men of the different committees to hand
in at next meetiug, au estimate of the
amount of money required to be expend-
: ed for the balance of 'the year, including
the amount already spent,
I The council adjourned to Monday
7.30 o'clock.
an ,
allow stop over •
uadian Statfott,
and at Detroit and U Bongo, Tickets
valid for 15 days will be sold at single
fare, 30 day tickets at are and one third.'
and tickets valid uuti Dec. 13th, at 80
per cent, of double.o way rates.
For information a .ply to any Grand
Trunk Agent, or t J. D. McDonald,
District Passenger .A eat, Toronto.
Welcome !
Owing to the closing as a " DRUG
STORE," the store recently occupied
by R. A. Douglass, many are left
without a
We will be pleased to WELCOME
any such among our list of SATIS"
Our Drugs are right.
Our prices are right,
And we'll use you right.
Walton McKibbon
Next door to post°Mee.
evening, 11111 inst., a
Fon ,SALE. -T. H.
his beautiful brick
street, Wingham.
, most modern and u;
' town, and will be s
Ross offers for sale
esidence on Frances
This is one of the
-to-date dwellings iu
tld at the right price.
ess Closed,
conduoted by R. A.
few yeare was closed
ock is beiug removed
We understand
nils remodelling the
e of business and a
py the premises in
Ladies, don't fail to see the Iarge dis-
play of city trimmed ready -to -wears, in
all shades and latest styles at Mrs.
Mr. W. H. Gree
the New Era a ca
been called to G
serious illness of h'
son, but floods for
ried him back to
still occupies the p
Wingham's electri
ing sold out to th
the banks of the
statement "that
away he wanted t
He is a f ai thf al o
way. At present 1
gold watch, chain
mends the gift of
for looking afte
Methodist chore
time, a few year
$50.00 to California and Return.
I V is The Chicago, talon Pacific & North-
Western Line, from Chicago, April 23 to
1,Iay 1. Choice of routes going and re-
turning. Correspondingly low rates
! from all points. Two trains a day from
Chicago through without ohmage. Daily
and personally conducted tourist car
excursions, Write for itinerary and full
particulars regarding special train leav-
ing Chicago April 20. B, H. Bennett, 2
Fast Ring St. Toronto, Ont.
The Ontario He th Statistics.
The mortuary stati tics for February,
just issued by tho P ovincial Board of
dereliction on the
making returns.
will be attended
Ilodgetts. Only
statutory returns
to have been 2,332
24,976, or at the
For the same
lotion of 1,941,032
During the month
f smallpex in 11
11; 251 cases of
s, with 13 deaths;
in 55 places, with
re reported in 41
o death, Whoop.
in nine places,
consumption in
a Health, shows a grea�
part of medical mon i
This phase of the at
to without delay by D
080 divisions medo th
and these show death
' in a population of 1,1
rate of 14.4 per 1,00
month last year it pop
reported 2,176 deaths.
there were 41 cases t
places, with one dea`
scarlet fever in 03plac
283 cases of diphtheria
! 42 deaths. Measles w
; municipalities,' itlto
j ing cough occurred
typhoid fever in 23 in
t Clinton.
of Wingham., gave
Friday, He had
terich owing to the
sister,Mrs. Hender-
tening at home hur-
is post, Mr. Green
-ition as manager of
light plant, (he har-
t town) situated on
ver, and made the
ould the dam give
be there with it."
er in more than one
s Carries with him a
nd charm set ia dia-
e Methodist church
the building of the
under Rev. Hobb's
ago. -Clinton New
SEED OATS. -The New Waverly is
now admitted to be the heaviest cropper
and best strewed Oat ever brought to
Canada. We have them at half seeds -
men's prices, Geo. E. Knee.
A Man is W at He Eats.
I have seen some of these uucooked-
fruits-and-nuts pe ple. I don't say I
saw the right ones. Like enough, I saw
only those who for the coo o au d f the o se,
should never have
der into society.
fessed to be in th
It seemed to me t
scenic accessories.
"Rest" on it in ii
here and a sheaf;
Ratepayers San
$10,004 to
& C
tion the Loan of'
essre. Walker
The property -ow rs of Wingham at
the polls on Tuesd gave *ministate.
able evidence of the concurrence in the
proposition to grant loan of $10,000 to
Mess: s. Walker & 01 (;g to assist them.
iu enlarging and imp • ving their uphol-
stering factory plan Fromthe first
there has beeu practic ly no opposition
to the scheme, and the nauimtty with
which the by-law oarri: 1 is best shown
in the fact that only 8 v . tes were record-
ed against it, while 314 •roperty-owners.
marked their ballots in is favor, being
51 more than was neoess ry for the carry-
ing of the by-law. The vote was a fairly
large one, considering tl e number of peo-
ple who were away frot town, and also
the non-residents at a d e teuce who were
unable to get here to v. e. The Town
Council will meet on outlay evening
to finally pass the by -1: v, and it is ex.
pected that an early et: t will be made
at the construction •r the buildings.
The following is the r- ult of the vote in
the different wards:
Ward 1,.,
Ward 2„-
Ward 3
Ward 4
For. Against.
59 1
63 2
79 2
113 3
314 8
$33,00 to the Pacific Coast
Via the Chicago -Union Paeitic & North-
Western Line from Chicago daily during
March and April, to San Francisco. Los
Angeles, Portland, Seattle,Tacoma, "Van-
couver and other Paaifie Coast points.
Very low rates to Helena, Bette, Spo-
kane Ogden and Salt Lake City. Cor-
espondiug low rates from all points.
Daily and personally conducted excur-
sions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars to
San Francisco, Los Angeles and Port -
sen allowed to wan- land, through without change, double
They one and all pro- berth ouly$7.00. Choice of routes. For
rudest physical health. particulars address B. H. Bennett, 2 East
ley lacked the proper Ring St„ Toronto,
A floral pillow with
uortelles, say about I
f wheat tied with
purple satin -faced .'bbon over there,
would have seemed ore natural and
suited their complex' ns better. As to
their mental vigor iter I had heard
them talk a while gave right in to
their most cardinal doctrine. A man
is what he eats. I£ e eats beef he be-
comes of the beef b , fy ; if he eats nuts
lie becomes -but en ugh -Everybody's
Dr. Butler. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist. 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
The muscular dere nment of Ca A-
bell and Fletcher. e acrobat with
Jerry from Kerry Col p y is nsidered
by all the medical Dr • e f to be inar-
venous, and as co , e lens they are
among the best. 'ingham Opera.
House, Tuesday, Apri 12.
Many Calls
are received from business firms and
Many Students are placed in good
positions each year by the famous
,dural Jour talism.
western editor in •rittn�n the e
and clowns of rural ournalistn, says:
"Then again, you ma,' lose a friend who'
finds "o" upside (lowr in a line of obitu-
ary poetry. Next we It you try to make
the correctiou, leave he dot oft the "i"
and another subscrib r is gone. One
will quite root and ranch when you ,
ask for the dollar du: you, another will t
go to Stew Creek a • . not finding his
name in the paper, t :p of column, next
to reading platter, o - goes another name.
The oldest daughter a most lovely girl,
Sallye, graduates an yon speak of her as ;
Sallie and you are n. again. There is a 1
new arrival at Sam t ones', and you for-
get whether it is a :.iri and say so iu !
your paper. The n: xt week you meet
the father of that fi . e bay and probably !
you are down again By the way when
you don't know jus what it is always
say boy. Experiene has taught ns that
thiseis a safe rule. We don't attempt
to explain, but its me all the same.'
However, such thinshould not happen.
An editor ought to :now what would
snit each individual .r he ought to take
each item before it i published and let
the person whom it oncerns censor it.
An editor has plenty .f time to do this,
as all he has to do is o hunt vows and
clean rollers, set type clean his floor, pen
short items and hust ' 'advertising, press
the paper, fold theand mail them,
write wrappers, talk 0 visitors, and dis-
tribute type, read roofs, correct 1018-
takes, spilt wood t ' en there is any to
split), build the fire-, hunt the scissors.
dodge the bill, du delinquents, take
cussings and toll the subscribers he
needs money; thes' are only a few of
the things a newsp per man has to con-
tend with, and yet he should not make
mistakes in his pa. er while attending to
such minor dotal at the same time liv-
ing en oxtail son,, lettuce, prunes, sun-
shine, wind pudding and imagination for
This school stands for the highest
and best in business education in
Canada to -day. Maur business col-
leges employ our graduates as teach-
ers. We have scores of applications
trona other colleges. Ask to see them
the day you enter. Commense course
now. Catalogue free.
Winghanl s leading Shoe Store
As good as you t an get eny-
where else by paying, a ;Iollar more.
It's a wondertul shoe sane that
ean beat the world ;die that, and
vet it isn't if you keow how we do
it. Everybody thought the world
was flat until Columbus came
round. Pay us :MOO plaee of
eeeese or $4.00 elsewhere and jinaie
die ehange in yew r pocket and
wear the smartest shoe in town.
Most all the careful fellews are
up to this trick.
Are you, Sir?
All geod leathers and x lithe lasts.
The Shoe Man.