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The Huron Expositor, 1988-02-17, Page 8
8 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 17,1988 NUM SEAFORTH'S MIDGETS won their first playoff 'series against Clinton last'week. Here Andy Ball centres a pa:,. to Blair Beuermann in the first game of the series in Seaforth. The midgets took the game 7-1. Corbett photo. MIDGET DEFENCEMAN Mike Schoonderwoerd lets go a blast at the Clinton net while teammate Pat Moylan holds off a Clinton player. Seaforth won the first game of the playoffs 7-1, and finished the series with a win in Clinton on Friday night. Corbett photo. Midgets down Clinton in two The Seaforth Midget hockey team started the first round of OMHA playoffs against Clinton this past week in a successful manner. ' The first game of the two -out -of -three series last Tuesday appeared an easy vic- tory with Seaforth sliding by Clinton 7 Seaforth dominated the play with goals by Terry Gray, Ray Murrnn -ter and Andy Ball, before C! 1 leis only goal midway into the I , xi Blair Beuermann and Ray M . 1'h two more, rounded out th' win. Game two however, proved to be a little more difficult, with Seaforth eventually coming through with a 5-3 win. Andy Ball, assisted by Brad ('-5-r e5-. scored the only Seaforth goal in easy period, with Clinton keeping up by tallying one as well. Blair Beuermann, assisted by. Mike Schoonderwoerd and Ray Murray, and Brad Carter, made the second period more pre- mising ro-musing with two unanswered goals. Clinton came out fn the third period deter- mined to win and, got the two goals necessary to tie the game up. seaforth's Ray Murray, assisted by Schroeder and Gray, scored the winning goal at the 6:38 mark of the period. Clinton pulled their goaltender in favor of six at- tackers, but Andy Ball- hit their open net with four seconds left in the game. Seaforth began the second round of OMHA playoffs last night against Palmerston. Results of that game were unknown at press time. Bantams win first playoffs round The Seaforth Bantams wwon the first round of playoffs by defeating Mitchell 5-3 on Mitchell's home ice Monday. Scoring for Seaforth were Paul McLlwain with two goals and two assists, Kevin McLI- wain with two goals and one assist and Jason McNichol with one goal. Jason Schoonderwoerd and Ted Sills each assisted on one goal. Mitchell had taken the first game on home ice 6-5. Seaforth goals were scored by Ray Mur- ray with one goal and one assist and Mike Boven, Jason Horan, Kevin McLlwain and Karsten Carrot with one goal each. Assists went to Ted Sills with two and Brad Schroeder, Jeff Gemmell, Brent van den Akker and Jason McNichol with one each. Seaforth tied the series on Tuesday night in Seaforth. The boys won 7-1. Scoring for Seaforth were Ray Murray with two goals and two assists, Ted Sills with two goals, Karsten Carrol with one goal and one assist and Mike Boven and Jason Horan with one goal each. Brent van den Ak- ker assisted on two goals and Paul McLI- wain, Jason McNichol, Jason Schoonder- woerd and Kevin McLlwain had one assist each. Jason Patterson has been sharp in goal. Seaforth moves on to play against Har- ris -ton Thursday at 7:30 p.m. s Centenaires wrap up season with a tie The Seaforth Centenaires played the last two games of their schedule this weekend. Both games were hi Seaforth, and on Friday night they were blown away by Brussels, while on Sunday afternoon they tied with Mitchell. BRUSSELS 21- SEAFOIltTH 7 The Cents' walked oiltc the ice on Friday night with only nine skaters and goalie Brad Bender. The test of their team -all the midgets- were in Clinton playing the second game in their midget playoff series which was scheduled for that night. Seaforth has beaten the Bulls twice in the regular season and on Friday they skated with them for most of the game but as each period wore on the lack of players took its toll. Steve Lightfoot, who has been out of the Cents' lineup with an ankle injury, reinjured his ankle and ended up leaving the game early. So for most of the game Seaforth had one line and only three extra players. Scoring was started in the first period by Kevin Williamson, assisted by Neil Corbett and Mike Betties. Rob McEwen got his first goal of the night with help from Terry Pugh and Trevor Price, and following this Pugh got one of his own, assisted by McEwen and Corbett. The score after the first period was 7-3. Seaforth started to make a comeback in the second .period, and got to within two point of the Bulls at 7-5. But Brussels kept coming on offensively and scored another seven goals to keep the game out of reach. Kevin Melady capitalized on a power play, assisted by Price and Betties, and McEwen added the only other Centenaire goal off the period with help from Pugh. The final period was more of the same as the Bulls once again got their seven goal quota. Two power plays resulted in more goals for the Cents'. B,ettles scored both goals -the first unassisted, and the second assisted by Melady and Williamson. The final score was 21-7. SEAFORTH 6 - MITCHELL 6 On Sunday afternoon the Centenaires had a hill complement of players once again as they faced the Mitchell Hawks. Mitchell is the club Seaforth will have to contend with for a spot in the playoffs, so this game was worth more than just two points to the players on both clubs. The first period was all Seaforth as the local club outshot Mitchell 14 to 10 and outscored them 2-0. Brad Carter got the first Seaforth goal just a little over one minute into the game, assisted by Melady and Brad Beuttenmiller. Mike Betties added one to that late in the period to get the Cents' on the right track. Carter and Andy Ball assisted on that play. If the first period was all Centenaires, then the second period belonged to the Hawks and Seaforth's two goal lead was to be short lived. Mitchell scored early in the first period, but not a minute later Melady and William- son teamed up to maintain the lead. Mitchell scored again to come within a goal, and again Seaforth pulled away on a goal from Pugh, assisted by McEwen and Beutten- miller. But Mitchell eaugbt the Cents' in the last five minutes as they scored first on a power play, then rallied to score a short handed goal and tie the hockey game. Shots on goal in the second period were 19-12 in Mitchell's favor. Seaforth was determined to come away from their season with a win and at 18:56 Williamson scored to give his team a lead. At 18:25 the persistent Mitchell club showed how much they wanted the game too by ty- ing it up, and three minutes later they took a lead. Mike Schoonderwoerd got Seaforth's sixth and tying goal, with Melady assisting. Centenaires coach Graham Nesbitt says his team made three crucial mistakes m the second period against Mitchell that cost them the win. The defencemen was trapped at the blue line twice and it cost the Cents'. Goaltending in the game was excellent as Trevor Fortune handled 40 shots, and made more than his share of game saving stops. In their regular season the Centenaires finished with thrwa wine Z7 lnecpc anti uvea tie. But Coach Nesbitt is optimistic looking in- to the playoffs. "We've pia; ed well for four of our last five games. Now if we continue to get goalten- ding and everyone plays their position we might surprise some people." The first game of the Mitchell series will be Friday night in Mitchell, and the r,rst home game will be Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Atom Is win first game of WOAA The Seaforth Atoms Is played their first Schoonderwoerd two, and Joe Murray one game of the W.O.A.A. Championship and Mike Weber one. against Durham and came up with a 6-4 vic- tory. It is a best three out of five series. Seaforth started out strong, scoring three goals in the first six minutes of the game. Durham, however, replied with three goals Seaforth Atom Is play their next game in a three minute span. against Durham Friday at 7 p.m. in Goals for Seaforth went to Joe Murray, Seaforth. On Saturday at 5 p.m., a fourth two, and Mike Watt, Mike Devereaux, Jeff game will be played in Durham Wednesday, Flanagan and Steve Mclnally each with one. February 24 at 7:15 p.m., and a fifth game III Seaforth February 27 at 5 p.m., if needed. Dean Finnigan has returned to the lineup after being off six and one half weeks with a broken collar bone. APCIQt. want to lU i llavaraanv 1wn We'vna New bowling star on the rise Watch out bowling world...a new star is on the rise in the person of Pat (POW) Deighton. She is riding high in Thursday night bowling, proving time after time she deserves her humungus scores by continual- ly scattering those poor innocent pins all over the alley, especially the elusive C.P.s. She loves to see them go flying and fly they certainly did as Pat skittled her way to yet another sweep of the women's weekly highs recording a stupendous - 700 triple and an overpowering - 245 ,single. This is Pat's se- cond 700 plus triple in three weeks and with the play-offs under way you can bet it will not be her last. Watch out 800! ! Murray (the Marvellous) Bennewies con- tinued his steam roller tactics recording a 760 triple and a 328 single taking both men's weekly highs for himself. However he was under immense pressure to garner these titles. Mike (how many H.P.s is that?) Meidinger was hot on his heels with a 748 tri- ple and a 300 barrier breaking 306. Enjoy your free pop Mike, but the next time you want th repeat this feat make sure you are playing another team at the time. Keep those fingernails hidden I am about to list the point totals to date. Are you ready...heart rate steady...here they are - Wingers -2, Swingers -5, Team Three -4, (what a comeback), Expos -7, (the team to beat), Misfits -3, Highballers-3. I must also beg a million pardons for misspelling our super spare's name last week. I am sorry Carol and I promise never, never, never to do it again and that is why I used only your first name this time. I have a real problem with names. And last, but not least, it saddens me to. report that one member of the elusive D- Tettm failed to heed my advice last week. Which one could it be you ask? Well as usual I will tell you the culprit's name. He is none other than our very own Doug Procter who once again bowled a 701 -triple, thereby en- suring his presence in this report. We will be watching closely next week to see if this alarming trend continues. OPENING CEREMONIES - John Patterson Sr., a longstanding member of the Seaforth Curling Club, carried the torch when curlers gathered Saturday for the Fleming Feed Mills Ltd. Curling Bonspiel. The curlers opted to hold an Opening Ceremony in honor of the 15th Olympic Winter Games, and to commemorate the fact this year curling has been introduced into the games as an exhibition sport. Mcllwraith photo. March break program is in plac The Seaforth Recreation Department will be hosting the aimnal MARCH BREAK PROGRAM from March 14 to March 18,1988 at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. This program is designed to give your child five exciting days during the winter break. Your child will have the opportunity to participate in; Bowling, Swimming, Skating, Arts and Crafts, Sports and Games and Movies. The program is designed for children from grade 4 to 8. Registration fee will be $5 per day or $25 for the week. To register or for more information please call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. SENIOR SHUFFLEBOARD will continue today, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Admission is free and everybody is welcome. Carpet Bowling, Table Tennis, Crokinole, Cribbage or Euchre are also available. Come out and en- joy an afternoon of fun and fellowship. "WORLD DAY OF PRAYER", sponsored by the Egmondville United Church, will be held on Friday, March 4 at 2 pm. This year's theme is "OPEN DOORS". Special music and Drama presentation by the First Presbyterian Church Ladies. Social to follow. Everybody is welcome. For more in - 17.1°70 OVER 20 YEARS. RECREATION PREVIEW by Marty Bedard formation please call Doris Carnochan at 233-3354. "Increase profits for your organization" FUNDRAISING INFORMATION NIGHT will be held on Thursday, March 10, 1988 at the Montcalm High School in London from 7 to 9 pm. View displays and meet with representatives from over 20 different fun- draising companies. A perfect opportunity to choose your next FUNDRAISING PRO- JECT ! Everyone welcome - donation at the door. The Seaforth and District Ringette Association would like to announce the FASHION SHOW will be held on Wednes- day, April 27, 1 at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. For more in- formation please call Joan Wood at 527-0194. Seaforth and District MINOR BALL will be having it's first meeting of the new season on Tuesday, March 1st at 7:30 pm at the Seaforth and District Community Cen- How does your RRSP stack up against the Industrial Growth Fund standard? r - Be honest. Because few other investment fund RRSPs can compare with . Industrial Growth's 20 -year record. Check the figures. 1 YR YR 5YR 10 YR 20 YR 11.7% 15.4% 15.2%116.9%1 17 1% If your RRSP isn't up to the Industrial Growth standard. it's not good enough. And more information on the real goods is just a phone call away Dominion Securities GARY C. BEAN 186 Main St. South, Exeter NOM ISO PHONE 235-2231 TOLL FREE - 1-800-265-3478 BOB'S CARPENTRY tres. Minor Ball needs your support, everybody is welcome. Call 527-0882 for more information. The Seaforth and District Pre -Learning Centre will be showing a WALT DISNEY MOVIE called "Monkey Go Home" on Sun- day, February 21 at 2 pm at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. Everybody is welcome, there will be a small admission fee at the door. The Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring an EASTER BONNET CONTEST. Decorate your own Easter Bonnet on or before Fri- day, March 25. For more information please contact Frances Teatero at 527-1979. BASIC MICROWAVE COOKING PRO- GRAM will begin on Tuesday, March 1 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Seaforth and District High School. Registration fee will be $20 which includes all food. The program lasts three weeks. To register call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. • Additions • Renovations • Repairs • Houses BOB REGELE 527-0715 --ems--- MR ins ®®o© 0 WS a telling combination Please send me more information on Industrial Growth Fund and how it can be used to build returns for my 1987/88 contribution • NAME ADDRESS CITY POSTAL PROVINCE CODE PHONE (Business) Dominion Securities Inc, Gary C. Been LHAIL To 186 Main St. South, Exeter, NOM ISO All figures to Dec. 31, 1987 are average armual compound returns based upon the net amount invested and include reinvestment of dividends. Rates of return are calculated before deduction of RRSP administration fees (maximum 375 per year). Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Any offer made only by prospectus which contains complete details of all charges. Please read it before making your purchase and retain it forfuture reference. (Residence) 5-a The Industrial Group of Funds Looking both ways. To manage your RRSP. Better. JOHN Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada LIFE & MORTGAGE INSURANCE PLANS DEFERRED ANNUITIES INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE FLEXIBLE NO LOAD RRSP NONSMOKERS RATES AVAILABLE Rep. ARNOLD STINNISSEN 117 Goderich St East, Seoforth Tel. 527-0410 ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC •Farm Wiring LTD. •House Wiring •Commercial Wiring *Pole Line Construction *Hydro Poles "You name it we'll wire it" PHONE: 345-2447 "24 hr. Emergency Service" John Elligsen Electric Ltd. R. R. #4, Walton, Ontario.