HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-02-17, Page 7Valentine's party a success at Queensway Monday morning several Queensway residents gathered in the sunroom to sip on tea, eat cookies and watch the wintery scene outside. In the afternoon everyone tried their luck at Bingo with the Kippen United Church women. Tuesday morning fun and fitness took place in the Activity room. Rev. Don Rodgers of the Exeter Pentecostal Church led the worship service in the afternoon. Residents thoroughly enjoyed Rev. Rodgers' service and also appreciated his son Kevin who led in the singing of several hymns and accompanied on his guitar. Wednesday morning Queensway Ladies Auxiliary had a very productive meeting as they discussed many upcoming events. In the afternoon residents welcomed ladies of the Zurich Mennonite church. They assisted residents with Valentine crafts and helped decorate the dining room for the Valentine celebration on Sunday. Thank you ladies for the delicious heart shaped cake. Thursday residents attended the movie presentation Iceland, "River of Challenge". This movie was produced by National Geographic and everyone found it very in- formative and interesting. Sunday morning coffee hour was held in the Activity room. Residents enjoyed a relaxing hour of hot coffee and fresh tea biscuits as they listened to Gospel music. Sunday afternoon was very special. Alfred Ropp and his orchestra joined residents and entertained from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Valentine party. There was lots of pink punch and delicious cake and ice cream served the ladies auxiliary. Marj Vere of Clinton was the lucky winner of the draw on a beautiful floral arrangement. Genevieve Windover, Rolly Greiner, Aleida Kats, Lloyd McDougall,. and Doug Needs won prizes for wearing the most red. All had a very enjoyable afternoon. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 17,1988 — 7 ALL DRAPERY FABRIC SALE FEBRUARY 12 -MARCH 4th DRESSED IN RED - It is difficult to tell from this black and white photograph, but these three residents of the Queensway Nursing Home, were all dressed in romantic red in honor of Valentine's Day; Sunday. Lloyd McDougall, Rowland Grenier and Aleida Kats were awarded for their Valentine spirit at a party held at the residence. Mcllwraith photo. Exeter team Hensall Correspondent SUSAN HARTMAN 262-2449 South Huron Youth For Christ held their monthly rally Saturday, February 6 at Huron Centenial School, Brucefield. Sharon Parker from Crediton sang, ac- companied by Philip Gower of Goderich on the drums. An exciting Quiz was won by Exeter with 240 points, Goderich 160, Zurich 110. Due to the weather, the Clinton team was unable to attend. Sharon Parker sang "Just Like You" then Pastor Kevin Rutledge of Exeter challenged youth and adults alike. There will be no rally in March and the South Huron YFC is encouraging people to support the Barry Moore Crusade in Exeter from February 29 to March 6. SKATING PARTY Remember the Skating Party to be held March 12 at 7 p.m. at the Hensel] Arena. The next regular meeting will be held April 2. A bus load of local youths will travel to Delawan N.Y. for a Winter Retreat February 12 - 14. The South Huron Youth For Christ Quiz Team will be in competition with several U.S. Quiz Teams. CANVASS FOR HEART A canvass of the village of Hensall will be made during the next week to 10 days for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Thank you in advance to the volunteers who are making the canvass and the people who support this very worthwhile project. Canvassers are as follows: King St.: Lea Seaton, Carol Goudie, Bob Reaburn. Rich- mond St. S.: Kay Davis, Denise Schroeder. Oxford and Albert Sts.: Kim Masse. York St. and York Cres.: Audrey Dixon. Queen St.: Winnie Skea, Donna St. John. Richmond St. N.: Kim Genttner. Mill St.: Linda Towton. Brock St.: Ann Maxwell. London Rd. and Lorne Ave.: Bonnie Bozzatto. Apartments: Sadie Hoy, Dorothy Kipfer, Dorothy Corbett. SENIORS MEETING The Three Links Seniors met in the after- noon on February 9 and decided to hold another Euchre Party at the Hall at 8 p.m. on February 23. Ladies please bring lunch. Hostesses for last week's meeting were Pat Volland, Irene Davis, Eileen Rennie and wins quiz at youth rally Evelyn Flynn. Euchre was played following the meeting and the winners were: Ladies' high, Pearl Taylor; second Mary Broadfoot; Men's high, Emma Campbell; second Percy Campbell; Lone hands, Pearl Shaddick; Lucky cup Walter Spencer. The Social Com- mittee was Vera and Alf Ross and Dorthy Mickle. Shuffleboard scores for February 8 at Hensall Arena' are High Ladies': Eileen Dowson 362, Gertie Moir 342, Pearl McKnight 308. High Men's scores: Percy Campbell 326, Alf Ross 299, John Pepper 269. STORMY WEATHER Due to the weekend storm many local events were cancelled and postponed. Two such events were the Celebration 88 awards ceremony and the Hensall Figure Skating Club's skating carnival entitled "All Occa- sions". The parents' committee has set the new date of March 5 at the Hensel' Arena, 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door and everyone is welcome to come out and watch our local youngesters and guest skaters Suzanne Killing and Paul Mathison. HENSALL HOCKEY The Hensall Novice Hockey Team travell- ed to Blyth last Wednesday to play a previously postponed game. Hensall managed a 4 - 3 victory due in large part to the strong effort of Graham Keys who scored three times for Hensall. Hensall's other goal was by Mark Bell. Brock Weiss and Bryan Struthers chalked up assists. Saturday's game in Clinton was postponed due to weather. NURSERY SCHOOL The Hensall Co-op Nursery School is pleased to announce they are sponsoring two concerts by talented children's enter- tainer Fred Penner. The afternoon and evening performances will be held at South Huron District High School on Thursday, March 24. More information soon! YOUTH SUNDAY A very large congregation was in atten- dance at Youth Sunday at Hensall United Church on Sunday. Sharon Wurm led the service. "A religion that does nothing, costs nothing, suffers nothing - is worth nothing." Following hymns and prayer the Junior Choir, under the direction of Debbie wood, sang "How Can I Keep From Singing." Members of all youth groups: Saturday's snow storm `unsettles Kippen area bride-to-be Kippen Correspondent MRS. MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 Kim Finlayson was more than pleased when the snow storm subsided on Saturday, to allow her to follow through with her in- tended.' wedding plans. The Kippen com- munity congratulates Kim on her marriage to Bob Malone on Saturday, February 13 at St. James Church in Seaforth. Kim is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garry Finlayson, and Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Len O'Rourke. Al and Margaret Hoggarth were also glad Messengers, Explorers, Beavers, Cubs, Venturers and Rover, along with their leader recited their Purposes. Guest soloist Peter Snell performed his own composition "His name is Jesus" in which he appealed to the young people in a very stirring manner to not take the Lord's name in vain. Peter accompanied himself on the guitar. Peter told the children's story. Shawn Wurm and Chris Smith read from the scrip- tures and Mrs. Wurm gave a very dedicated message to young and old alike all about goals and responsibilities. The Youth Choir sang "On Eagles Wings." • The offering was collected by Chris Gard- ner, Jeff Cardiff, Rob Hoffman and Steve Brock. Peter Snell performed another solo. A special thanks to Sharon Wurm and to all members of the organizations who led the worship on Sunday. Greeters at the door were Beaver Jerry Corbett, Cub Shane Wilcox, Scout Marc Tinney and Venturers Mark Brock and Andy Phillips. The ushers were Scouts Rob Hoffman and Steve Brock and Cubs Kris Leppington, Scott Reid and Jeff Reid. Rev. Wright returns next week. minion Securities I f f ers you a m i re consistent return on your RSP or Savi gse.. with i amt the .risks f ; arket volatility. If you're looking for growth opportunity for your RSP or Savings, but you're nervous about current market conditions, consider this... Now you can get a better long-term return than Savings Accounts, Canada Savings Bonds or a 5 -year G.I.C. You can benefit froms increasing unit value and add substantially to the long-term value of your savings...all with a Fund that invests in guaranteed bonds and first mortgages. It's called the Bolton Tremblay Bond & Mortgage Fund; and it offers you the best of both worlds...a more consistent return and peace of mind! Bolton 'remblay's seasoned portfolio managers will strive for superior returns without sacrificing safety. And the Bolton Tremblay Bond & Mortgage Fund is very actively managed, to maximize all growth opportunities. If long-term growth with security is what you want for your RSP or Savings, I urge you to contact us today. BOLTON TREMBLAY BOND & MORTGAGE FUND Units of this fund are offered for sale by prospectus only. ❑ YES, FREE BROCHURE 1 want a more consistent return on my RSP or Savings. Please send me your free descriptive brochure on the Bolton 'flremblay BOND & MORTGAGE Fund. Name Address Apt City Prov. Postal Code Phone (Home) (Business) Fill in, cut out and mail to Dominion Securities GARY C. BEAN 188 Main St. S., Exeter, NOM 180 —t 1-800-26:x3478 TWO FOR $1 0°0• 1 For a limited time, BUY BOTH BOOKS at this low price and save '29° the ma weatner cleared up un aaturday, and the highways were opened up so they could attend Margaret's , Uncle Stan Sutherland's birthday party, held in London. KIPPEN UNTIED CHURCH At St. Andrews United Church on Sunday, February 14, Barbara Cooper presided at the organ. Rev. Lorne Keays preached on "Is Your God Big Enough?" A reminder that next Sunday, February 21, the annual congregational meeting will be held. Starting with the regular church service at 10 a.m., followed by a potluck lunch, and closing with the annual meeting. Plan to attend. Everyone welcome at water quality information day Why did your well go dry this past sum- mer? What are some of the recent trends regarding water quality? How does agriculture affect the quality of water we drink? These are some of the questions that will be discussed at an upcoming informa- tion day. The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority announced it will be hosting a Water Quality Information Day on February 19, 1988. The event will be held at the South Huron Recreation Centre in Ex- eter. Six different topics will be presented between 1 and 4 p.m. The Honorable Jack Riddell, Minister of Agriculture and Food will be the keynote speaker. At the Credit Union. your Registered Retirement Savings Plan earns a corn petitive interest rate with no fees of any kind. See us now about building your future financial securrtyr In addition, the results of local water quality research work will be featured at this year's information day. This is a public information day so everyone is welcome. "The discussion will be of interestto farmers and to anyone that has a private drinking water supply," said Dave Balint, who works as a Water Quality Technician for the Ausable Bayfield Conser- vation Authority. Opportunity will be pro- vided to have your questions answered by people working directly on pollution and water management problems. More details about the program can be ob- tained by calling the Ausable Bayfield Con- servation Authority at (519) 235-2610. YEAR CDMPOUNDED' ANNUALLY RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Clinton Community CREDIT UNION "Where the rates are higher and service is Number 1" 70 Ontario St. CLINTON 482-3467 374 Main St. EXETER 235-0640 This is, Bob Shrier's Newest Book Available for 57.95 AVAILABLE AT em. Fincher's. The Square. Goderich. Queen St., Kincardine & Main St.. Exeter or King's Bookstore. East St., Goderich, Goderich Entertainer. Shoppers Square or AT YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER OFFICE IN Lucknow. Mitchell, Goderich, Seaforth, Clinton. Walkerton & Kincardine A