HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-02-10, Page 7Hibbert church women horior bride Staffa Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Ribbert United Church Women hosted a bridal shower honoring Kim Finlayson, bride elect, on Thursday evening in the o. Family Life Centre. A program consisting of a reading by Nancy Dearing, a humorous skit presented by several ladies and a con- test was enjoyed by everyone. Katie Kerslake read an address of good wishes. Kim was the recipient of many love- ly gifts. She was assisted in opening them by her "sister Karen and Kathy. Kim expressed her thanks to everyone and a social time brought the evening to a close. RESOLUTIONS MEETING Mary McMane, Director of nursing for the Perth District Health Unit, was guest speaker at the Resolutions meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute. Mrs. McMane's topic was AIDS, telling what it is, where it is believed to have started, and many of the symptoms associated with it. This was followed by an excellent video about a family who had a Cromarty church Cromarty Correspondent R. IAING :145-226 member with AIDS. The video told of the family's problems accepting this situation and how they handled it. A question period followed. Mrs. McMane was introduced by Florence McPhail and thanked by Roberta Templeman. The community had been in- vited to come and hear Mrs. McMane speak. A lunch break and a .time to chat followed her presentation before the meeting resum- ed. Margaret Daynard chaired the meeting opening with the Institute Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and a poem entitled "Houseweary". There were 15 members and 16 visitors present to answer the roll call with their cure.for the winter blahs. Everyone enjoyed a piano instrumental played by Margaret Kemp. Doris Miller gave some good quick housecleaning tips. Roberta Templeman presided for the business opening with a poem for the new year "God Speed". Verle Mahon read the minutes and correspondence including a let- ter from the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario President, Margaret Monro. Kay Smale gave the treasurer's report. Lillian Douglas looked after the draw for inducts its 1988 s A committee of Carol Ann Scott, Alice Gardiner, and Betty Lou Norris, was named to investigate the advisability of buying a piano for the church auditorium. John Scott presided for the annual meeting of Cromarty Church Congregation following the church service and lunch on Sunday, January 31. Ruth Laing was elected secretary for the meeting. The minister, Reverend Lucie Milne, opened with scripture and prayer. There was a moment of remembrance for the late John Hoggarth and John MacDougall, and for the former members who no longer reside in the area and have moved their membership to other churches. Annual reports from the Session, Marian Ritchie Women's Missionary Society, Ladies Aid, Cradle Roll, Sunday School, Boy Scouts, Trustees, Cemetery Board, Managers, and Cromhenex Board, were read, discussed. and approved. The 1988 allocation of $3150 for Presbyterian Sharings (formerly the Budget) was accepted, and the congrega- tion was congratulated on having reached the 1987 allocation for the same amount. The sum of $100 plus any individual dona- tions received by treasurer Pearl James, before June 30 will be sent to help support the Inter -Church Committee's tent at the Plowing Match. Eva Laing, Cromarty's contact person for Crieff Hills, outlined its building expansion plans and the programmes available there. Mrs. Milne expressed her appreciation for the help given her when starting her ministry in Cromarty, and explained some of the plans for the future. secret pals for 1968. Kay Smale volunteered to attend the Farm Women's Safety Demonstration at Russeldale Farm Equip- ment on February 27. A motion was made to send someone to the Leadership Conference in Kingston in May. Members expressed their opinions on how they would like to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Staffa Women's Institute in 1988, and a decision regarding this will be made at the February meeting. It will be hosted by Lorne and Helen Fell at Rosebank Seed Farms. A special collection will be taken at this meeting for Pennies for Friendship. The meeting closed with a reading, "How to plant a cooperative garden", and the singing of 0 Canada. Margaret Daynard, Florence McPhail and Freda Kerslake were hostesses for the afternoon. PEOPLE Doris Miller had her grandson, Ricky visiting with her last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ebel,.,,poderich and Jane Robinson and Carol Stewart, Kit- chener visited last Saturday with Rob and Bev Templeman and family. late of officers The slate of officers for 1988 was accepted as presented by John Scott. It includes: Trustees; Gordon Scott, Robert Laing, Auditors; Glen Elliott, Robert Norris; Cradle Roll Supt.; Carol Ann Scott; Sunday School Superintendent: Alice Gardiner; Assistant: Cathy Elliott; Record Sec.: Pearl James; These Days Sec.: Mary Elliott; Library Comm.: Muriel Scott, Roberta Templeman; Cemetery Board: Larry Gardiner, Ivan Norris, Carter Kerslake, John Templeman, Gordon Laing, John Scott; Nominating Comm.: John Scott, Gordon Laing, Jean Carey, Cathy Elliott; Board of Managers; For 3 years: Gordon Laing, Robert Templeman, George Douglas; For 2 years: Ina Finlayson, Ronald Miller, Richard Templeman; For 1 year: Joy Scott, Laird Ruston, Isobel Kerslake and Members of the Session are Philip James, Larry Gardiner, John Scott, Jean Carey, Craig Kerslake. Cranbrook WI enjoys discussion on Tweedsmuir Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 Edith Baker of Brussels was hostess for the February meeting of the Cranbrook Women's Institute. In the absence of the secretary, Brenda Perrie read a lengthy amount of cor- respondence, including an invitation to visit Ethel W.I. on March 9 to hear a guest speaker on Australia. Nancy Vanass will arrange for the annual visit to the Callander Nursing Home in March. Members will be notified of the ex- act date later. Youth participate in Duff's service Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY McCALL 887-6677 The Walton Public School choir par- ticipated in youth Sunday at the morning church service at Duff's United Church. Many parents braved the stormy weather to bring their children. All the teachers were there it. the ,chool children. Yount took part in the service. Sherri Hoegy gave the Call to Worship. Others par- ticipating were Heather McGavin, Steve Fritz and Manny Taylor. Blaine Marks told the children's story. Nanci Godkin gave her report on Toc Alpha. ABOUT PEOPLE Attending the 85th Anniversary of the Ethel Women's Institute on February 2 were Helen Craig, Maxine Marks, Margaret Shortreed, Viola Kirkby, Mary Humphries, Margery Huether, Annie Reid and Leona McDonald from the Walton W.I. Rev. Charles Swan visited in this area one day last week. Eva Mills has now taken up residence at the Maplewood Manor in Seaforth. Her For Your SWEETHEART Scarves Jewellery Lingerie Gift Certificates For You SAVINGS many friends in this area will be sorry to hear she fell and broke her right wrist. Earl Mills is a patient in Clinton Hospital. Walter and Jenny Hendricks and Andrew visited recently with Clint and Judy Em- mrick, Jamie and Katie. Susan Carter has passed her Grade 2 Theory with honors. The catering list was revised so that members will be in line with neighbouring groups. The financial report will be filled out by the treasurer from now on. No doubt the P.R.O. will be happy to hear of this change. The guest speaker was unable to attend so curator, Edith Baker led a lively discussion on the Tweedsmuir histories. Four guests from Brussels W.I. con- tributed ideas and added to the enjoyment of this meeting. The Forester's euchre scheduled for February 5 had to be cancelled owing to the weather. Better weather is hoped for on February 12 when the Hall Board will have'a euchre. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keys, Seaforth, and Mrs. Jean Dunn, Listowel, visited Mrs. MacEngel on Sunday. Dublin woman recovering Dublin Correspondent MRS. DON MACRAE 345-2842 or 345-2140 Get Well prayers go out from the friends of the community to Mrs. Hugh (Ann) Benn- inger who was a patient in Seaforth Hospital and is now at home. We also pray for a successful recovery to a good friend and relative of many in the community to Mrs. Pat (Marion) Cleary, London, who is a patient in University Hospital, London, after undergoing 1r : 'or heart surgery last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, Niagara Falls, were up to visit mother Mrs. Millie Evans during the week and at the same time home were Jack and Marie (Evans) Cleary of London. Ben and Mary Lynn Benninger, Kit- chener, were up to visit their mother and father Ann and Hugh Benninger in the village on the weekend. With Joe and Olga Eckert on the weekend were Shirley and Mike Van Loon of Rich- mond Hill, Keith and Beta Kelly of Stratford and Sister Margaret Rose of Strathroy. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 10,1988 — 7 BERGSales - Service Installation Free Estimates • Barn Cleaners • Stabling • Bunk Feeders Donald G. Ives R.R. 2 Blyth Brussels 867-9024 McMaster Siemon • INSURANCE A BROKERS INC. Auto • Home • Farm Branch Manager BILL (WM.) SIEMON COMMERCIAL & LIFE INSURANCE r.(). Ho,, 480 Call Collect 08 Ontario Rd., Bos 308-9150 MITCHELL. 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