The Wingham Times, 1904-03-31, Page 6tr THE WINGHAM TIMES, MARCH 1944 Kernols from the Sanetum Mill 4.111.101MINNOI111..111111>, Interesting Paragraphs tram our Exchanges. - Finns for violation of the liquor law in Sonde Bruce in 1903 ainouuted to f110. Petitions presented to parliament in favor of a Sabbath observance law num- ber 1;817, and claim to represent 377,090 persons. SICK WITH WORMS. Mrs J. D. Mayo, South Stulcley, P. Q . wrote the following: "One of my children took sick with worms and after trying everything without getting relief we preoured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup which acted promptly and effectually. John Spittal, from Bruce County, was found dead in his cabin at Eburne, B. G. and a coroner's jury have returned a verdict of murder against persons un- known. Mr. Wn►. Ching disposed of his hun- dred -acre farm in the township of Hay, being lot 6, south boundary, to Mr. Silas Stanlake, Sr., of the township of : tephen, for the sum of $4,500. DOCTOR TELE HORSES, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man., writes; !*My husband would not be with- out Hagyard's Ye11ow Oil in the house, as ha uses it a good deal for doctoring np the horses and considers it splendid." Price 23e. Every day more than 3,000 children are born in the United Kingdom. To bo exact 11 tiny strangers make their debut every hour, or more than two each minute. There are 107.8.18 dressmakers employ- ed by firms in Loudon. The highest wages obtainable, except in the case of about a dozen heads of departments, are $4.50 a week. NEURALGGIA. "I had been suffering about six months with Neuralgia when I started taking Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did me more good than any medicine 1 ever used. Mrs. Annie Ryan, Sand point, N. s.3, In 18;4 there were 1_0 tavern licenses in Bruce County and 25 shop licenses. In 1002 the number had been reduced to 80 tavern and 4 shop licenses. There died last Sunday, March 20th, at the residence of David Lawson, Dun- lop, Colborne Township, Sarah McQuar- rie, aged 94 sears and 10 months, her death being the result of old age. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of It is estimated that duriug the last five years telephones have been put into nearly half a million rural homes. The farmer finds that with the telephone he can keep in touch with the markets, sel- ling his produce or live stock wheu quotations are the most favorable. James Butler, who has just returned from the west, has sold the remainder of the Butler farm, consisting of 87 acres, on the pith, Goderich Tp., to his present tenant, Geo. Cook. He makes twenty yearly payments of $100 each; we would consider this a pretty liberal deal. Bears the The Kind You HaeAiway Ba1 Signature of .^GiAizt Another chauge was consumtnated last week in one of Clinton's business firms. Messrs. Seeley & Turuer, who have been in partnership for the past three years in a general blacksmith, wood working, bicycles, suudries and repairing etc., have dissolved partnership. Fred D. Kel.ner has sold his 100 acre farm iu Grey Tp. to Geo. Grubber and gives possession the 10th day of April. Along with his mother and sister he will take a trip to sunny Alberta. We wish them a safe and pleasaut trip and hope it may improve their health. hell greasy dishes, pots or panr with Lever's Ivry Soap a powder. It will re - I move the grease with the greatest ease. 36 The G. T. R. are puttiug a long dis- tance telephone service into effect on the seventeenth division. On Saturday an instrnment was installed in tbe ticket office at Ingersoll which will give the lo- cal offices connection with points be- tween Hamilton and London. Some time ago a Miss Reid, employed by Mr. Paul of Wiarton in his laundry, got her hand caught in some of the ma. john Scarlett, awell-known McKillop- ite, who has been so dangerously ill with an attack of inflammation of the bowels, is improving nicely now, his many friends will be glad to hear. A complaint has been laid against Mr. F. Goodies, station master, by Constable Russel, for not bnlleting the trains when late. They are bound to keep Mr. Goodier "Good and busy" at Walkerton. UR. A, W. CHASE'S On CATARRH CURE is sent direct to the di ^ ,rd parts by the Improved Bb r.•.•r Heal; the: ulcers, clean the ax passages. stop, drepping3 is th throat and pern,,ih:ant;v cure Catarrh and flay Fever. Blower free. All dealer;. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Cu.. Torunto and 13ni a1,. The Minister of Education has intro- duced a bill by which trustees in rural sections may provide free text books to pupil's, spending an amount for this pur- pose equal to the Legislative school grant made to the section. Mr. Wm. McLeod died at Lochalsh ou Tuesday,. March 220, after a lingering illness at the age of 31 years. His life was brought to a close by cousutnption. The deceased was well known in Huron Township, and his death is deeply re- gretted by the entire neighborhood. Last summer while buying eggs at Geo. Hamilton's, 8th cell., west Elma, Russell Curtis of Atwtod wrote on au egg the r: -quest that the person purChas- iug the same would write to himand let him know how far the egg had travelled. Some weeks ago he re- ceived a letter from a Mrs. Richardson 11 of Nelson, B C., ih"forming him that she had received the egg in good condition. Do You Tire Easily? IF YOU LACK STRENGTH, ENI'ARGY AND FORCE, IT'S BECAUSE YOUR BLOOD IS THIN AND WATERY. The Best Tonle is Fcrrozone—Read or the Marvel it Performed For Three Sisters in Lawreneetown--it Can Do The Same For You. Speaking for herself rod sisters, Miss Dorothea Bondman writes: "I am ltux- ous to make kuowu the great benefit that 1 and my sisters derived from !Per - rezone. A short time ago 1 was tired out and depressed, and felt as if some severe illness were hanging over me. I was so nervous that I found it hard to keep up with my work. Noticing that mauy Ctu.tadian women were being built up by Ferrozoue I sent fora supply, and took if regularly for a mouth. So great was the improvement that my sis- ters also took Ferrozoue. Not one of us had a spark of color in our cheeks, but Ferrozone soon made our complexions ruddy. We soon had good appetites, slept better, and were helped a lot by Ferrozone. We stili use Ferrozone be- cause we find it keeps our systems in a strong, healthy condition. It is certain- ly a wonderful tome, and a fine remedy for weak woolen. Ferrozone has been worth its weight in gold to our family." To take Ferrozone means you get more strength ; means a reserve of energy, and protection agaiust weakness and sick- nees, Ferrozone is a food medicine that supplies the body with everything need- ed to build np the braiu, blood and nerve tissues. If it's health you seek, Ferro. z0114 will bring it quickly. It is a food - tonic that every woman should use. Refuse a substitute and see that you get the genuine Fcrrozone. Price 50e. per box or six boxes for $2.50, at all drug- gists or N. C. Polson & Co.. Khigston Out., and Hartford, Couu., U. S. A. It is with feelings of deepest regret that many learned of the death of Mrs. Wm. Makins, which sad event occurred on Weduesday, March 9. Deceased had been ill only six days suffering from an at- tack of pneumonia. Mrs. Match's, whose maiden name was Mary Aun Rouatt, was born ou the Goshen line, Stanley, on November 5th, 1863, and was united in marriage to her now bereft husband in the year 1889. For Ovnr Sixty reare. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow''s Soothingsyrup has been used for over sixty years bynulliousof mothers for their children wh:i3 teething, with perfect success. It soothes the chile softens the guars, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of tho world. Twenty. five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other !dud. The death of Jane Wilcox, relict of elle late Wm. Parsons, occurred at the I residence of her daughter,Mrs. Haggith, Fairfield, on Friday March 18th. De- ceased was born in Cornwall, England in 1823 and was eighteen years of age when she came to this country. Her first home was in Darlington, afterwards she and her husband moved to the west, settling on the farm on the London Road, a short distance south of Exeter which is now occupied by their sou, Mr. S. Parsons. The local print of a Kansas town thus refers to a society leader and a recent chinery and had it severely mangled. event in that town: "The new gown She sued her employer for damages, worn by Helena Glade at the dance Wednesday night was made at Chanute, claiming that the machine was not proper/y protected. She won her snit, and is said to have cost $40.00. Old man and the whole case cost Mr. Paul about Glade owes Sim Rooves $60.00 for gra- series; John Ranh :36.00 for meat; Sam Brown $S.00 for milk; this paper $5.00 • After a night with "the boys" there is on subscription, and he has a lot of no better remedy to clear the head and other bills that he has been runnitg for setacMilu's two or three years. His house needs fent HeadachehestomPowders.hthan PbricernlOc.Ster• and 25c. all dealers. shingling and there are three panes bro- ken in the kitchen window. .500. Mr. Daniel Flanigan, of Flanigan's corners, Downie road, recalls a winter, 1842 or '43, which was even worse than the present one. There was logging on May 24th. The cattle had exhausted their supply of food before pasture was obtainable, and trees had to be cut down so that they might feed on the tender shoots. Laxa-Liver Pills are a positive cure for Sick Headache, Biliousness, constipation, Dyspepsia, and all stomach and liver complaints. They neither gripe, weaken nor sicken. Price 25c. at all dealers. Colds are Dangerous. How often you hear it remarked. "It's only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneu- monia. This is of such common occur- ence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tenden- cy toward pneumouia. It always cures and is pleasaut to take. For sale by Colin A. Campbell. Billy Jones wrote ou the blackboard: On the evening of Tuesday, blanch "Billy Jones can hug.the girls better than 22nd, an interesting ceremony tookplace at the residence of Joseph Colwell, God- erich Tp when his youngest daughter, any boy in school." The teacher seeing it called him up, "William,didyou write that?" "Yas ma'am," said Billy. Lefty, was united in marriage to D. "Well, you can stay after school," said Cameron Galbraith, son of John Gal- she. After school the children waited braith, Stanley township, in the pres- for Billy to come out, when they began encs of the immediate friends of the con- to guy him. "Got a licken, didn't ye?" tracting parties. Rev. J, Hamilton, "1Vope," said BiII. "Get jawedey B. A., Goderich was the officiating "Nope." "What did she do?" they ' asked. "Shan't tell," said Bill, "but it clergyman. pays to advestise," Bears the Th Kind You Have 'hays Bought In dealing with the Act to incorporate Signature /�� the St. Joseph and Stratford Electric of Railway Company, The Railway Com - On Sunday morning, March 20th,God• mittee of the Legislature has adopted a The American automobile made its de- but at Odessa for the first time during the past year, and a few machines were sold, which have given great satisfaction. The Post -office Department has decid- ed to institute a system of insurance of inland registered letters. The maxi- mum amount to be insured will be $25. The insurance fee for $10 will be 3 cents; for $13, 4 cents; for $20, 5 cents, and for 925, 6 cents, In addition, of course, the full postage and registered charges must bo paid. (Joins, articles of gold and sil- ver, precious stones and other articles of valve must be put in strong boxes, in accordance with directions furnished by postmasters, in envelopes, with direction furnished by postmasters. Envelopes with black or colored borders may not be used for registered or insured letters. For A Disordered Stomach. "I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass , "and have been taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now 1 can eat many things that before I could not." If yon have any trouble with your stomach why not take these Tab- lets and get well? For sale by Colin A. Campbell. Conversation in 1823. tEineariiiue Review.) "Did you know Jim. Jones?" "Kuow hien? I know him as well as 1 knew my own brother. Why, he and 1 travelled on the same train once be- tween Kincardine and Luckuow iu the wiuter of 1904." WANTED. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE in this. county and tidjoiuiug territories, to re- present and advertise au old established business house of solid finutHiial stand- ing. Salary $21. weekly, with expenses; paid each Monday by check tweet from headquarters. Expenses advanced ;posi- tion permanent. We furnish every. thing Address, The Columbia, 030 Monou Bldg , Chicago, I11. -4- Wednesday of last week at high noon Rev. T. W. Cosens, of Brussels, tied the matrimonial bow at the home of S. Cant- ron, Ethel, between George Miller of Brussels, and Miss Mary, daughter of the host. The ceremony was performed under an evergreen arch from Fvhich were suspended floral bells. Miss Eva Cantron, sister to the bride, was brides- maid, and Ernest Miller, brother to the groom, vas groomsman. Both bride and bridesmaid looked first class in cos- tumes of Nile green. A well prepared dinner followed hearty congratulations, and the happy twain took the afternoon train for a wedding tour to Brantford and Paris. On their return they will take up their residence at Brussels. wise principle by requiring companies Deranged nged Neryes seeking incorporation to show an evi- dence of their intention of doing business AND and not merely to get a charter to barter off. The time limits for beginning and finishing the road were reduced to one erich township lost another of its good citizens, in the person of Jeptha Hol- land, who passed away at the age of sixty-nine years and nide months. He was a native of Oxford, England, but came to this country about forty-eight years ago and 'first settled near the city year and three years respectively. The of Belleville. There he married Miss road purposes to run from Stratford Clark, who preceded him to the Better through Hensel]. to St. Joseph. on Lake Land bysomefourteen months. Thirty- Huron. The promoters are Narcisse Mr. R.tl.SampSon's,Sydiiey,N.S., Weak Spells. The Sunny Side of Life. A men may be perfeotly square and move in the best oircles.—Philadelphia Record. "Foreigner, hey? By gravy, you talk our lauguage like a native!" "Pardon me; I hope not."—Chicago Tribune. "Have you asked papa?" "Yes, I tol- ephoued him. He said ho didn't kuow who I was, bat it was all right,"—Life. Jones—Is your sou fond of literature? Jenkins—hutuoderately. I've known him to read some of his own articles.— Boston Trauscript. Jiinpson—The horrors of war are cer- tainly unspeakable, Simpson—And the names of the naval commanders are equally unpronounceable.—Judge. English Iustructor—"Do not use the word 'rough house.' It is too collo- quial." Studeut—How would 'jagged domicile' do. "—Harvard Lampoon. "Smith has lost his job, and I'm hust- ling to get him another." "You are?" "Yes. I owe him ten dollars and I'm afraid he'll be needing it. "—Puck. He,—Yes, my father could carry a tune with the best of them. She- • Heav- ens! You don't mean to say he was an organ-grindtir!—Chicago Daily News. The Poiut of View.—Gingham—Do you consider Dr. Seton a skilled physi- cian? Butcher—None better in town. Pays his bills regular.—Boston Trans. cript. Orawford—"Isn't progressive euchre the same as gambling?" Orabshaw— "You wouldn't say so if you saw the worthless prizes the clubs put up"— Judge. "You don't mean to say you girls have started a secret society?" "Yes, it's a society whose members pledge themselves to tell all the secrets they know."—Philadelphia Ledger. Citizen—What have you done in that murder case? Detective—Well, we've jumped on to more et rong clues than any other set of detectives this season.— Cincinnati Tribune. Cholly—"Such vulgah persons, they talked forevah about twade, don't y 'know." Miss Peppry—"And what did you talk about??" Cholly—'•Nothing." Miss Poppry—"The idea! How egotisti- cal! "—Philadelphia Press. "And you have finally decided the momentous question?" "Well, no—er —not exactly. We have decided to get married, but whether we'll board, keep house, or live in a flat, is still in the air."—Baltimore News. "How nonsensical it was for them to say there was nothing original about yoar book," said Miss Cayenne. "You perceived its merit, then?" said the young man with sad oyes and inky fingers. "Yes, Indeed. The cover de- sign was one of tho most original I ever saw."—Washington Star. "Yes," said the American traveler, "I'm delighted with your city. I wish we had your climate." "But the fog, you know," said the Londoner, in sur- prise; "here it's noon by the clock at this minute and yet it's dark as night." "Yes, splendid! splendid! I'm president of an electric lighting company at home, you. know."—Philadelphia Press. two years ago they came to this town- Cantiu, St. Joseph, agent; Tocssaint Barney Weber has been working for ship, where they romained until death' Gidion Coursolles, Ottawa, chief trans - the past two weeks on tho G, T. R. overtook them. ; lator of the House of Commons; Oliver opening up the Kincardine and Durham I Bissonette, St, Joseph; Thomas Tombyll, lines. They encountered some snowbanks Well .Again. i St Joseph; Felix Marcel Hamel, Ottawa, 35 feet high. Barney says the people inTire many friends of John Blount will i civil engineer, and Alphonse A. Taillion, this section don't know what snow is. be pleased to learn that he has entirely Ottawa, bank manager. ---+► recovered from his attack of rheumatism Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured him All kinds of Coughs and Colds, Bron- after the best doctors in the town (Monon chitin, Whooping Cough, Pains in the Ind.) had failed to give relief. The' Chest, Wheezing, Hoarsness, Sore Throat prompt relief from pain which this and Asthma, yield to the Lung -healing liniment affords is alone worth many ! properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine + tunes its cost. Sold by Colin A. Camp- Syrup. Price 050. bell. rl•••••••••••••ooh.••M•.•o•see•e•••••••*•••••••••.t se • =R It Speaks for Itself! ••• .,� = Fk J • i T ti • • : s . . ‘1111 NI:\ '• �. '0 • • - n , _ • •• s d • >• a ,minx . 'rAD Druggists or mailed. The Sereldl ltemeds.C..0 Mortreel 's CU PES HEADAC H E • • r•wstatt '+ • Guaranteed fa Curd within 30 Mingles, or money refunded • 416.001 IP••••►tra1••••••••• ►ss/arnitif••nne)ssOs«set/t►tret►s110 W. Bell, John H. Hamilton, John Martin Bond, John Crowe, Robert L. Torrance, John A. Scott, C. Kloepfer, L. Goldie and A. H. McDonald of Guelph; Daniel McCrae of the Town- ship of Guelph and E. N. Lewis of God- erich have asked to be incorporated as the Guelph &; Goderich Railway Com- pony with power to build a line from Guelph Junction to Goderich and { branches to Listowel, St. Mary's and Clinton. The petitioners ask for power to take over tbe rights, franchises, bon- uses, right of way, etc., granted to the Guelph Junction Railway Company and the right to enter into an arrangement with the C.P.11•. The bonding power is proposed to^amount to $25,000 a mile and the capital stock of the company' to $500,000 The Guelph Junction Rail- way Company also ask for similar powers and for ratification of sag agree - Mont regarding routing and traffic with the Canadian Pacific, Advice to all Sufferers from Nerve Trouble is "GET A BOX. OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. is He says t "I have been ailing for about a year from deranged nerves, and very often weak spells would come over me and be so bad that I sometimes thought I would be unable to survive them. I have been treated by doctors and have taken numerous preparations but none of them helped me in the least. I finally got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Before taking them I did not feel able to do any work, but now I can work as well as ever, thanks to one box of your pills. They have made a new man of me, and my advice to any person troubled as I was, is to get a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve) Pills." Price So etas per box, or 3 for $r,25, all dealers, •r THE T. MILBURII CO., Lirn tsd, t...�_...,..-.1I011SITI,Sit ..........._ An Order -in -Council has been passed changing the name of The Morris, Field, Rogers Company, of Listowel, Limited, to that of The Morris Piano Company, Limited. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage lntsiness in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably known house of solid financial standing. 520.00 straight cash salary and expenses, paid each 3Ionday by clienk direct from headquarters. Expense money advanced. Position permanent. Address a nager, 910 Como Block, Chicago, Illinois. WANTED A loan to represent "Canada's Great- est Nurseries"• in the town of Wingham and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, ReseS, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e. Stools true to name and free from San Jose Scale, A perinanent position for the right man on either salary or com- mission. STONE at W ELLIN(,rTON 0�i"llhzL7. tittitSEItIi s over 900 Aersil BEAVER MOOS TORONTO, w ONTARIO JOSBPSIINE STRE1xT. r..,;; • •, .��., atiy ?`tt '.f,,yn✓A�,r,::f•L+'i`. ii'� :fy i>dV, ,. otoftw�K4d.4:e.':ti4 FOR IiOOD IIEALT 1 ' ru ! To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take. They are glade of a combination of medicine:; approved and used by every physician. Ripon's Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people ----but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. 'remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est '-.3m'-:dy with a long and successful record, to c r�. '.a.ugest't,n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _a ..t.lpation, t _zensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • .ltion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular g: .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- .' .'ts. They stregthen weak stornachs, build up 1 ' hhwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives .:on tont benefit from a regular use of Ripans ri'..b=,ties. Your druggist sells them. The fve- c.mt- packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottit 5o cents, contains a supply for a year. .;1 vt, BLOOD DISEASE CURED. If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never cafe until the virus or poison has been eradicated from the system. Don't be satisfied with a "patch up" by some family doctor. Our New Method is Guaranteed to Curo or No Pay. ris,No Names Used without Written consent. ,-; Cured When all Else Failed "Could I live my early life over, this testimonial would not be necessary, though I was no more siuful than thousands of other young men. Early indiscretions, later excesses, exposure to contagious diseases all helped to break down my system. When I commenced to realize my condition I was almost frantic. Doctor after doctor treated me but only gave mo relief—trot a cure. Hot Springs symptoms returned. Mer Mercury and Potsh drove the poison into my eys em i... instead of driving it out. I bleas the day your New Method � Treatment was recommended to me. I investigated who yon Iwere first, and finding you had over 25 years' experience and re - spousible financially. I gave you my case under a guarantee. You cored nae permanently, and in six years there has not been a 25 Vara in Detroit. sora250,00, pa0inculcerured. or any other symptom of the blood disease." . We treat and cure Varicocele, Blood Polson, Nervous DebiliM.tyA., COStrictureNLEX, Impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Froo. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Books Free. DRS. KENNEDY 86 KERGAN 148 SHELBY f3TUEET. DETROIT, MICE. �tf �i .. • i �.a til•\+s it?�.,r, <Jt•:�t�\.�K.. & ¢K :K K BLOOD DISEASES •ter. DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. CURED TO STAY CURED. If your blood has been poisoned with any Hereditary or ac- quired disease you are never safe until the virus is eradicated from the system. Don't trust to family doctors, patent 'medi- cines, blood purifiers, mercury and potash, etc. They will nev- er cure you—though theyptay help you temporarily. FIave you — blotches, eruptions, running sores, bone pains, itchiness of the skin, sore throat, falling out of the hair, dyspeptic stomach, weak heart—We can cure you. YOU CMI PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED. Our VITALIZED TREATMENT is the result of 3e years experience in the treatment of thousands of Blood Diseases. If we fail in curing you, you need not pay us a cent. We Cure Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases, Varico- oele and Strictures, (without operation), Sexual Weak- ness, Urinary, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKLETS FREE. List of questions sant tor Home Treatment. D. SPINY CO. 290 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mico?, Clubbing Offors 1903-04 314.:••1••' +.144"1.4• i••i••€'•'r+.l•h°•'r3••i••6^3r+++ THE TIMES announces the following low -rate. Clubbing Offers for 1963-04 :— Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 - $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8 -page illustrated supplement 1 GO Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness — 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun. 1 5 Times and Daily Globe 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25 Times and Toronto Daily Star. 1 80 Times and Montreal Weekly herald 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 30 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATE:,, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the BALANCE' Oa1903FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers Mill receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address ---- THE TIMES OFFICE WING AMr