HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1988-02-03, Page 1414 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 3,1988
In lovingmemory of our "Dear Grandmother,
Marie Hickey - deceased February 7, 198Q.
There will always be a heartache
And often a silent tear,
But always precious memories, "Granny",
Of days. when "You" were here.
Always remembered, Pat and Janice Murray.
In loving memory, of a "Dear Mother, Marie
Hickey, deceased February 7, 1980."
Mother is such a special word,
A word that brings to mind.
A big warm smile, a helping hand,
A way of being kind.
Devotion to her family
A word of patience too,
"Mother", ,is such a special word,
Because it' stands for "You".
Always loved and remembered Mary Murray.
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Bantam YBC bowler scores a 182 Wednesday
Standings ate: Lightning Express 60, Kool
Kats 54, Ravin Fun 53, Strike Force 48,
Spare it up 39 and Strikers 31.
Ladies High Single — Patty Ann Gridzak
307, Patty Ann Gridzak 307 to date. Ladies
High Triple — Carol Johnston 627, Betty
Johnston 681 to date. Ladies High Average
Wednesday YBC high single bowlers were
Amanda Manuel who bowled 139 and Carrie
Bannon at 128. They changed places for high
doubles with Carrie getting 238 and Amanda
High boys went to Steven Fehr with a 182
and Kevin Barry at 162. High doubles were
also Steven with 320 and Kevin at 266.
Most improved for January was Michael
Nigh who improved his average 19 points.
Standings this week are Snowballs 45,
Bulldogs 43, California Cuties 42,
Latecomers 40, Bluejays 39 and Starfighters
Sunday mixed league high bowlers were
Noele Thompson at 93, Monica Ryan doing
great with 207 and Janet McBeath at 203.
High triples were also Noele with 266,
Monica at 485 and Janet with 548.
High boys went to Joe Kenny with 173,
Luke McMillan at 187 and Jeff Alce at 236.
High triples were Joe with 387, Tom Hunt
bowled 473, and Jeff had 590.
— Betty Johnston 191.
Men's High Single —Jeff Dick 295, Randy
Gridzak 346 to date. Men's High Triple —
George Johnston 698, Rick VanderVeen 841
to date. Men's High Average — George
Johnston, 214.
Team Standings — Loose Talk 85, Hot
Dogs 77, Holy Rollers 63, Whltlisnake 60,
Whipper Snippers 58 and Gutterballers 35.
New Hamburg doubles Tiger score
BY GEORGE LOVE Matxold 230, 248, 223 -1099 and Jack Fuller
Seaforth Tigers lost to New Hamburg 238, 228 -1056.
32-16 in Men's Inteetown Bowling League
play in New Hamburg on January 30.
Cal Melitzer led New Hamburg with high
games of 227, 269, 326 - 1212, Kerry Swartz Team standings after 18 weeks are:
257, 231, 226 -1131 and Tom Stroh 229, 251, 230 Goderich 573%, Bowl Mor 5171, Seaforth
-1096. 473, Mitchell 421%, St. Marys 409, Clinton
Bill Wilson was high for Seaforth with 403, Lucan 402%, Mikes 400%, New Ham -
high games of 266, 303 242 f»r 14wi t'°''' 03' burg 395 and Zurich 324%.
Seaforth will bowl in Zurich on February 6
and in Clinton on February 13.
Novice undefeated
• from page 11A
Belmont and Seaforth were evenly match-
ed for the first minutes of the game, and
ended the first period in a 0-0 draw.
Belmont started the scoring at 3:46 off the
second period, then scored again 10 seconds
later off the face off.
Seaforth started a turn around however,
when Charles Robertson scored at the 3:11
mark. He was assisted by Pat Gridzak and
Mark Van Dooren. Half a minute later Grid-
zak scored off a rebound from Robertson
and Marion. Seaforth went ahead 3-2 on a
goal by Anstett, assisted by Van Dooren.
In the third period Marion counted two
Lions top Jaguars
• from page 11A
Hulksters-57, Ramblers -57 and Dogs -49.
Cuba downed Japan 7-0 and 2807 - 2673 in
total pins in the Commercial Bowling
League bowled at Starlight Lanes on
January 28.
Patti Fuhr was high bowler for Cuba with
a 263 single and 689 triple. The leaders for
Japan were Cor De Corte 262 and Doug Fuhr
Canada shut out Monaco 7-0 and 2794 - 2474
in pinfall.
Cor Vanden Hoven had a 241 single and
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goals for Seaforth, while Belmont countered
with one. Marion received the Player of the
Game Award.
Seaforth found itself once again facing
Belmont, when it came to the Silver Stick
final. And once again the game was a tough
Seaforth's Pat Gridzak initiated the
game's scoring at the 4:30 mark of the first
period, off a beautiful pass from Mark Van
Belmont tied things up early in the se-
cond, but Van Dooren popped a second
Seaforth goal past the Belmont goaltender
two minutes later, off a rebound of Robert-
son. Three minutes later Gridzak made
some great moves to count his second goal
of the game.
Belmont came back with two quick goals
to tie things up at three. Then with 1:09 left
in the game Van Dooren scored the game
winner, assisted by Marion.
The Silver Stick win was a result of ex-
cellent team effort. All lines did a fine job
hemming in their opponents, and
goaltenders Scott Wood and Josh Dietz com-
bined to make several key saves.
Claudette Elliott, a 676 triple to lead the
Canada scores. Jerry Fuhr led Monaco with
265 - 602.
The Gypsies edged the league leading
USA squad 4-3 with USA having the edge in
pinfall 2617 - 2507.
Wilhemina Poppe was high for the Gyp-
sies with 240 - 574 and Harry Deloyer was the
leader for USA with 244 - 670.
Team standings are: USA -75,
Canada -62%, Japan -55, Monaco -49, Cuba -49
and Gypsies -45%.
The Junior Intertown Bowling League
was in action at Starlight Lanes in Seaforth
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on Sunday, January 30. This was the second
week of bowling for the Juniors and showed
some very fine competition. ,
Molesworth downed Zurich 5 - 2, Goderich
Blue topped Wingham 5.- 2, and Seaforth
took over first place when they blanked
Goderich Red 7 - 0.
Seaforth scores were: Robin Scarrow - 93 -
107-146-346, Kevin Coleman -136-83-123-
342, Liz Hunt - 143 - 143 - 111 - 397, Monica
Ryan -200-131-174-505 and Tom Hunt -177
Team Standings are: Seaforth - 12,
Goderich Blue -10, Molesworth - 7, Goderich
Red - 5, Zurich - 4 and Wingham - 4.
Local teams • from page 10
pionship. No goals were scored until the
overtime period. The Most Valuable Player
award of the game went to Palmerston
goalie Gary Hopper.
In other games involving local teams:
Chiselhurst won 2-0 over Skidz before being
eliminated from the tournament by the
Dumpers. The Red Rustlers lost its first
game 2-0 to Husky Turbo but then recorded
two wins - 2-0 over the Ironmen and 3-0 over
the Skidz, before being eliminated 2-1 in a
sudden death overtime period by the Red
Rustlers. The Grads lost their first two
games - 3-1 to the Bombers and 2-0 to the
Rams. Parr Line lost its first game 5-0 to
Teviotdale, won its second game 4-0 over
Regiers Raiders and lost its third game 2-1
to the Rams. In addition to the loss to Parr
Line the Raiders also lost 4-1 to Cambridge.
Winthrop lost 1-0 to Morval Steamers, won
3-0 over Mitchell and lost 3-1 in overtime to
Deemerton. The River Rats lost 2-0 to
Camlachie and 3-2 to Deemerton.
E xpositor
In March, The Huron Expositor will publish a Special
Section... "Seaforth, Building for the Future, Stepping
into the 90'x" This positive, progressive special edition
will feature a full colour picture on the front page.
That picture could be one of yoursl So start digging
through your photo album now. Or go out and take
one depicting the theme — you have plenty of time.
*Must be a colour photo — no slides.
'fudging will be based on the photo that best
illustrates the theme — "Seaforth, Building for the
Future, Stepping into the 90's"..
*Photos to be submitted to The Huron Expositor
Office, 10 Main St. South, Seaforth.
*Deadline for entries is Friday, February 12.
*Submit as many photos as you like.