The Huron Expositor, 1988-01-27, Page 1010 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 27,1988
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No breaks given to Parr Line men
LADIES BROOMBALL clock when Vickie Innis takes a long shot arouse the team as he scores, credit going to
FARMERS 0 QUEENS 5 from the blue line and the ball takes a weird Tony Arts, thanking Ted Janmaat for the
A lucky break goes out to Norah Eckert as bounce and goes into the net. It is helped by pass. Royals had a little hard luck not get -
she scores a meek wrist action shot and the Frances Struthers and Joyce Dow. ting anywhere, but the effort was sure there.
ball rolls alongside the goalie into the net. WINTHROP 3 GRADS 2
Help came from Cathy Monk. Cheryl Kruse PARR LINE 1 COMMERCIAL 0 This fellow, on his knees, and flashing his
pulls up her socks and she's off scoring a Sandi with her shot lin such awes the audience baby blues., starts the scoring for the Grads.
couple of goals. Her helpers were Patgreat angle for a Craig Smith delivers a flip shot goal, after
Koehler and Janice Vivian. Jean Haggitt sure point. Her back up was Lori Hill and receiving a tack -on pass from Adrian
and Brenda Empy were a duo as they each Lorri Symons. Commercial Ladies were Wydeven. Henry "OH" Henry what have
performed saintly goals. The Farmers were -keen as the score shows how eager they you done? - you have scored a great one.
in full force and played man-to-man making were 'pla ' man-to-man and holding th
it unconditional for the Queens to try and
add to their goal scoring.
Deb Murray and Donna Arts -. what a
combo- scoring the first goal after only play-
ing one minute and 30 seconds into the first
half. Kathy Larone uses her talents and
pops a goal into the net with an exact shot.
Direct passing came from Dianne Bennett.
This lady shoots from the red line and
everybody watches with amazement as it
goes adequately into the net, Jean Haggitt
needed no help. Betty "Boops" is hot to trot
as she performs a debonair goal, cordial
passing from Susan Hulley. With 13 seconds
left in the last half of the game lucky
number 13 scores •a goal. Way to go Marylou
Anderson. Her helpers were Betty Glanville
and Jean Haggitt. Perth Ladies picked up
energy with two minutes remaining on the
score to a remarkabllow a Teammates helping were Tony
margin. Great Vanderiheuvel and the new recruit goalie Al
playing by both teams. Haid. The Winthrop players are no slouches
Tonight, January 27 at 8:10 p.m. it's as theystart
Juniors vs Queens; at 9:00 p.m. Qu vs performing with Jim
Commercial; at 9:50 p.m. Jr. Farmers v McDonald scoring as he races down the ice
Winthropd at 10:40 and flips the ball over the goalies head.
p p.m. Parr Line vs Assisting were Fred McClure and John
Perth. VanVliet. Ross Mitchell ties thegame up on
MENS BROOMBALL a great pass from Fred McClure and goalie
PARR LINE 0 MUSTANGS I Paul Machan. But what is this 12 seconds
Mustangs absorbed this opportunity of left remaining in the last of the game when
scoring as the opposing goalie came out to all star Fred McClure drills one by. the
help his teammates, but unfortunately was goalie to take the lead? His helpers were
detained longer than he should•have been. Ross Mitchell and John VanVliet.
Dave Leonhardt takes advantage of the DUMPERS 3 CHISELiIURS I 1 ,
open net and scores. Richard Skinner aid gob Nash takes a wierd
angle shot and
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ed with his goal. Parr Line men had plenty
of scoring chances but no breaks were given
to them.
Rick Harris gives a quick slap shot and
scores an easy goal. Larry Barters was by
his side. A wrist action shot by Jim
Nyenhuis was an astonishing goal Back up
was Joe Dorssers and Joe Vink. Joe
Dorssers twirls one way and goes the other
way and still has control of the ball and with
a quick reflex scores unassisted. Rats put up
quite a fight for a while but nothing panned
out for goals.
Raiders are on a roll. What a goal by Ron
Finlayson who amazes himself. Dave
Hulley and Paul Parsons helped. This man
makes smooth moves and manages to
guess what, he scores. Passing came from
Dale Kennedy and Dennis Murray. Here
goes twinkle toes as he winds up and with
authority scores a genuine goal. Passing
came from Gord Dick. Brother Jim Nash
supported a positive shot from the blue line
and scores while his other brother Bob Nash
assists. Chiselhurst men manage to squeeze
a goal in also as Blain Marks uses up all his
power and blasts it by the goalie for a goal,
great help Al Wynja.
Thursday, January 28 at 6:40 p.m. it's
Juniors vs Winthrop; at 7:30 p.m. Winthrop
vs Rustlers; at 8:20 p.m. Knights vs
Chiselhurst; at 9:10 p.m. Rats vs Dumpers;
at 10:00 p.m. Raiders vs Grads; and at 10:50
p.m. Royals vs Mustangs.
Parr Line sits out.
Bowling teams named
BY GEORGE LOVE 281, 194, 326 - 801, (4) Reg Dick 212, 264, 328 -
Qualifying rounds for the National 804; (3) Terry Morey -183 - 317, 247, 747; (2)
Classified Bowling Championships have Paul Baillie 197 - 221, 278 - 696, (1) Arie Van
been in progress all month at Starlight Diepen - 198, 216, 170 - 584. Team Two will lie
Lanes and the winners have been named to (5) George Love 282, 241, 269 - 792, (4)
advance to the zone playoffs in the next George Johnston 220 - 295 - 242, 754; (3) Don
round. Nolan 217, 241, 224 - 682; (2) Rick Van Der
The ladies will have one team entering. Veen 224, 210, 226 - 665 and (1) Gary Robin -
There are five different classifications, with son 213, 178, 189 - 580.
one bowler from each class making up the
team. (Class 5, 200 plus) Charlene
Caskinette 173, 180, 160 - 521; (Class 4 185 -
199) Betty Johnston - 265, 252, 167 - 684.
(Class 3 170 - 184) Carol Johnston 197, 181,
258 - 636, (Class 2 155 - 169) Pat Nolan 198,
207, 191, 596 and (Class 1.0 -154) 137, 211,171-
There will be two' teams of men in
Classifications 5 - 216 plus, 4 - 200 - 215, 3 -186
-200,2-171-185and 1•-0-170.
Team One will be (5) Murray Bennewies
Junior Intertown Bowling has started at111
after the first week of play, the standings
are: Seaforth - 5, Goderich Blue - 5,
Goderich Red - 5, Zurich - 2, Wingham - 2,
Molesworth - 2.
Seaforth Bowlers were Angie Jervis - 86,
100, 128 - 314; Tracie Carter 145 - 126, 161 -
432; Liz Hunt 93, 153, 97 - 343, Monica Ryan
132, 176, 105 - 413 and Luke McMillan 112,
134, 138 - 384.
SCOTT ROBINSON puts in an easy one for
his team in Men's basketball action. This
basketball is put on by the recreation
department Thursday nights from 7:30 to
9:30 at Seaforth Distrcit High School. Cor-
bett photo.
A Message to
Grain Farmers
Special Canadian Grains Program -1X98? Extension.
The federal government has announced
the 1987 extension of the Special
Canadian Prains Program.
The subsidy war between the United
States and the European Economic Community
is continuing to financially affect Canadian
farmers. This program will help offset the low
world prices of 1987 grain, oilseed and special
crops caused by this subsidy war.
For crops produced in 1987, this special
assistance has been increased to $1.1 billion.
Also increased is the number of eligible crops.
The grain, oilseed and special crops included
in the program are listed below
1 Farmers who applied for a payment
under the Special Canadian Grains
Program last year have been tnailed application
forms this year Other farmers can obtain
forms by calling the toll-free number, or by
• Agriculture Canada regional offices
• Farm Credit Corporation offices
• Offices of Members of Parliament
• Elevator agents
• Producer associations
• Provincial extension offices.
A separate application form will be
distributed to honey producers in
A first installment payment covering
about three-quarters of each farmer's
total entitlement will be made before March 31
1988. Final payments will be made by the end
of June.
Farmers who do not receive a first install-
ment payment will receive their total payment
in June.
The application deadline is '
March 16th, 1988.
To be eligible for the assistance. all farmers
must submit anpplication form. They must
be postmarked nater than March 16, 1988.
If you need more information, call toll-free
between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., EST:
wheat barley oats ° rye mixed grains corn soybeans canola
sunflower seeds dry peas mustard lentils canaryseed
safflower buckwheat field peas faba beans honey alfalfa for processing
pedigreed seed popcorn triticale farm fed grain.
Tigers down Mitchell
Seaforth Tigers downed Mitchell 35 to 13
in Men's Intertown Bowling League play
bowled at Starlight Lanes on Sunday,
January 2A.
Jack Fuller had an excellent day with
games of 292, 264, 296, 316, 251 and a 1,424
total kr five games. Neil Beuerman had
games of 253, 243, 280, 231, 231 - 1,238. Erich
Matzold bowled 231, 223, 232, 268, 281 for
1,235. Murray Bennewies had high games of
247, 238, 242, 252 -1,154. George Love 240, 249,
235 - 1,096 and Roger Edwards 212, 243 -
Norm Wilding was the leader for Mitchell
with games of 233, 290, 289, 348, 274 - 1,434.
Mark Phillips had games of 246, 214, 238, 250,
250 - 1,198. Lorne Johnston had high games
of 222, 262, 221, 237 - 1,136, and Clare French
251, 257 -1,080. Seaforth was ahead in pinfall
7,121 - 6,740.
January 30 it will be Seaforth at New
Tiger averages after 19 weeks - Murray
Bennewies 253, Jack Fuller 232, Geo. Love
224, Erich Matzold 224, Neil Bererman 221,
Roger Edwards 211.
Team Standing after 17 weeks are:
Goderich - 5561/2, Bowl Mor - 495, Seaforth -
442, St. Marys - 391, Mitchell - 391, Lucan
3851, Clinton - 377/, Mikes - 377712, New
Hamburg - 370, Zurich - 2941/2.
Bantams win big
The Seaforth Bantams ended their
regular season play with a big win over Har-
riston on Saturday night. Harris -ton had
been undefeated in all other regular season
games. Seaforth beat them 4-2.
Seaforth goals were scored by Jason
McNichol with two and Jason Horan and
Brent van den Akker with one each.
Assisting on the goals were Roy Murray
with three and Jason Schoonderwoerd, Ted
Sills, Paul McLlwain, Brent van den Akker
and Brad Schroeder with one each. Jason
Patterson was sharp in goal.
On Tuesday night, Seaforth defeated Clin-
ton by a score of 7-2.
The boys played a slow first two periods,
but came to life in the third. Jason McNichol
scored three goals. Roy Murray got two
goals and assisted on one. Brent van den Ak-
ker scored one goal and assisted on two
goals. Jason Schoonderwoerd scored one
goal and assisted on one. Karsten Carroll
and Mike Murray each assisted on one goal.
Seaforth gets a bye in the first round of
play-offs. The team will play the winner
the Mitchell -Clinton series.
Soccer league wants teams
Adult soccer teams in the area, looking
for a league to join, need look no further.
The Stratford and District Soccer
League is looking to expand its league to 10
teams from the current six.
Anyone interested can contact John
Morton, league president. at 271-1641 or at-
tend a meeting Saturday, January 30 at 2
p.m. at the Stratford Kiwanis Centre_
Petites inako►;better
showing against Exeter
On Sunday, January •24 the Seaforth
Ringette Petites were at home to Exeter.
The girls ended up on the losing side of a 5 -1
score but with abetter showing than last
Scoring Seaforth's only goal was Tricia
Smith with an assist going to Jiii Wood.
The Petites play again Sunday, February
7 in Mitchell.