The Wingham Times, 1904-03-24, Page 6THE WINGIIAM TINES, MARCH[ 24, 1904
Kernels irom the $ancthm Mill
interesting Paragraphs troth our Gxehanges.-
.Dr. Sheerci, Medical Health Oflieer, of
Toronto, states that the ',resew, winter
lees been the worst for siekuess in his
Baas tho Thu Kind You Hato Way:. But:glil
fl gueturo
Tne Eaton brewery'at Owen Sound
and the whinestile establiehmentof L nig
Bros., Coliingwootl, weed destroyed by
fire hist week.
DOCTOR rah: 11011SLS.
Mrs, Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man.,
'writes; "My husband would not be with-
out Hrigyard's Yellow Oil in the house,
as ha uses it n good deal for doctoring
op the horses and considers it splendid."
Price 25e.
Mr. Jahn Idingtou, K.C., of Stratford,
and 141x. F. A. Anglin, K 0.. of Toronto,
bave been appointed J udges of the new
Exchequer Court for Ontario.
Beass this The Mad You [lave Alm Bauglit
of 6:71.7
Brautford is in darkness its a result of
the collapse of tee Mohawk Like em-
bankment, deprieine the electric Baht
plant of power.
sic WITO wOisls.
Mrs. J. D. ;Myo, South Stultley, P.
Q.. wrote the following: "One of my
children took sick with worms and after
trying everything; without getting relief
-we procured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup
which acted Promptly and effectually."
Knox Presbyterian Ohurcn at Guelph
was totally destroyed by fire on Wednes-
day evening of last week.
To prove to youthat Dr.
Chsso's Ointment s a eertait'
and absolute curd for each
and every form of itching.
bleedingand protrudine piles.
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See les•
-imonials in tho daily press and ask your neigh•
bore what they think of it, Yon can use it and
get your money back if not cured. 60c a box, at
all dealers or EDMASSON,BATES 3. Co.,Toronto,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
Mr. Robert Leathern has disposed of
his 50 -acre farm in the township of
Stephen, being south half of lot 22, con.
4, to Mr. Albert Ford. The price paid
was $3,000.
After a night with "the boys" there is
do better remedy to clear the head and
settle the stomach than Milbtiru's Ster-
ling Headache Powders. Price 10c. and
25c. all dealers.
John S. Bartz, a Barnardo youth, was
sentenced Saturday at Whitby by J udge
MoOrimmon to ten years in the peniten-
tiary on a charge of firing the barn of
Mr. Gibson, a Brock Township farmer.
Bears the - ,,Tha Kid You Have Always Bought
Sign: turn
L'isses in the 13 tltiulnre fire, amounting
to about its entire surplus of $00,000,
have caus•'d tho directors of the L'tfay'
Otte Fire Insurance Company, of New
York, to decide that the company shall
retire from business.
The Methodist Church proposes to ex-
pend more than a quarter of a million
dollars in new edifices and extensions in
"1 had been suffering about six months
with Neuralgia when I starteil taking
Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did
mo more good than any medicine I ever
used. Mrs. Annie Ryan, Sand point, N.
Hon. T. R. McInnes, for many years
a Seuator of Canada, and Lieutenant -
Governor of British Columbia from 1897
to 1000 (when he was dismissed by the
Federal Government) died in Vancouver.
Lever's Y -Z (Wiee Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
as it is both`soap and disinfectant. se
Double -tracking on the Grand Trunk
between London and Hamilton will be be-
gan as soon as the weather permits. The
contractors, Ross & McRae, expect to
start about the first of April,
All kinds of Coughs and Colds. Bron-
chitis, Whooping Cough, Pains in the
Chest, Wheezing, Hoarsness, Sore Throat
and Asthma, yield to the Lung -healing
lirdperties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. Price 25c.
In packing apples for England a box
of 50 lbs. is reported to the Ottawa De-
partment at the most commendable size.
The box should be long and wide, not
deep, to show a large surface of apples.
The hundred acre farm offered for sale
by public auction, at the Commercial
House, Exeter, by Mr. W. R. Elliott,
being lot 7, concession 2, Stephen, was
purchased by Mr. Thos. Handford, cif
Exeter, for $2.250.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Nave Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Tuesday, March 8th, Postmaster Far -
raw of I3russela passed his ;est milestoneWELL BALANCED NERVES
ami received the congratulation), of a
large member. Iiia less b'eo au active YOUR SUCCESS. IN LIFE DEPENDS
life during the last half century, comiug 411PON THEN.
to tinscunutry from 1 uglaud in the year
1849 a mere boy of 16 years. He began
to teach school in 1852 and taught 14
years, afterward lteepiug a general store
at Bluevale for 7 nears and in addition
was local Superintdendent of Schools f ,r
the townships of Morris, %Vawauosh and
Turnberry, incladiLg Brussels and
Wiughttut public schools. After this
time he was chosen Conservative repro.
sentative in the IIouse of Commons for
15 years for North Huron and East
Huron. He became Postmaster of
Brussels in Aug. 1S80, now nearly 15
years ago.
Edward Bennet, aged 21 years, son of
Hirry Bennet, who recently want to
Meaford from Kincardine, accidentally
shut himself Wednesday night while
cleaning his shot gun. He did not know
that the weap m was loaded. He lived
only one hour after the accident.
Lasa—Liver Pills are a positive cure for
Stek Heatlache, Biliousness, constipation,
Dyspepsia, and all stomach and liver
complaints. They neitlier .ripe, weaken
nor sicken. Price 25c. at all dealers.
The sum of $100 was granted by the
Stratford Council to the Trades and
Labor Council towards promoting tho
celebration of Labor Day, and a guar-
antee of au additional $100 `should the
weather prove unfavorable. If the cele-
bration proves a financial success, the
committee agreed to return the $1001
advanced, or what proportion of it they
For Oa,r Sixty Fears.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been -used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children wirne teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the chile
softens the brims, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and. is the best remedy for
diarrbcea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists iu every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents abotle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
' for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Mrs. Mary Houston, who lives in Dol -
ray, a suburb of Detroit, has just heard
from a sister, Mrs. Mick, of Spirit Lake,
Io wa, whom she had not seen nor heard
from for 41 years. Both were born in
Grey County, Oat. Samuel Gould, a
brother of the two women, died three
years ago in the Klondike. He left con-
siderable property in the State of Wash-
ington, which will go to his surviving
brothers and sisters, as he was unmar-
«'ell Aaiun.
The many friends of John Blount will
be pleased to learn that be has entirely
recovered from his attack of rheumatism,
Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured him
after the best doctors in the town (Motion
Ind.) had failed to give relief. The
prompt relief from paiu which this
liniment affords is alone worth many
times its cost. Sold by Colin A. Camp-
The will of Mr. Alfred L. Cohen, who
recently died in London leaving a for-
tune of $2,776,750, says in bequeathing
to Isis son, George Alfred (Cohen, his
house and stables and their contents and
$'600,000 in trust: "I make the foregoing
bequest of the contents of my house and
stables to my son iu absolute confidence
that he will maintain his promise to me
that when he marries he will marry a
girl of the Jewish creed and race, worthy
to preside in his house and maintain the
traditious of my family."
Colds are Dangerous.
How often you hearitremarked. "It's
only a cold," and a few days later learn
that the man is on his back with pneu-
monia. This is of such common occnr-
ence that a cold, however slight, should
not be disregarded. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy counteracts any tenden-
cy toward pneumonia. It always cures
and is pleasant to take. For sale by
Colin A. Campbell.
Int 1575 11 was communicated to the
British Government that the Khedive Is-
mail Pasha, beiug in desperate need of
money, was willing ti sell his 176,602
shares of stock iu the Suez Canal Com-
pany at a fair price. Disraeli wasethe
Premier and he didn't hesitate a minute.
England paid. $20,000,000 for the Khe-
dive's holdings, or at a rate of ;113.60
per share. Since then the dividends on
its purchase have aggregated $24,060,000,
and to -day the shares are selling at :3700
each. This shows a profit on the trans-
' action of $102,600,000.
°' tz It Speak& for Itself! • I her household accounts better it would
For A Disordered Stomach.
"I have been tronbled for some time
with indigestion and sour stomach," says
nfrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass .
"and have been taking Chatnhcrlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets which have
helped me very much sn that now 1. can
eat many things that before I could
not " If yon have any trouble with
your stomach why not take these 'rah.
lets and get well? For sale by Colica A.
For a Double Profit.
Poultry can be grown on the snrne
land where fruit trees have been planted.
We know of three Large peach orchards
and one plant orchard used exclus-
ively for large flocks of poultry. In one
of these between 500 and 600 Leghorns
are kept, in another some 200 Plymouth
Rocks, while the third is allotted to
White Wyandottes. The large orchards
are caref ally enclosed, and the fowls aro
kept in separate flocks throughout the
whole season. The running of so much
poultry in orchards that have been cult.i
vated as they should be is of advantage
int the way of fertilizer, the orchard
furnishing the best range for the poultry
and a double profit is gained from the
The Pullets For Next Year.
The foundation of success with fowls
is to hatch all the pullets about the
same time if possible or get them oiit
early at least. Pullets of the large
breed should surely be hatched before
March 15 or not later than April 1 and
diose of smaller breeds not later than
May 1. Attention is called to this mat-
ter, as there is now but little time left
for doing so. If the hens do not become
broody get a small hundred egg incuba-
tor and provide a place for a brooder.
By hatching as many as possible about
the sante time they will all bo of the
same age when winter conies and will
also bo more uuiform in other respects,
which will be much better thau having
them hatched at different periods, with
some of them too late to mature and
become profitable as winter layers.
Sell or part with all the cockerels as
soon as they are large enougb to be
marketed and thus save costs and give
the pallets more room.—Western Poul-
try Journal.
If Lacking in Nerve Force, Build Up
Your System With Ferrozono-1t
ides liclped Otners—Let It Help
You tou.
H.tnpy is the titan who eau work un'
ctttalunty wataunt tear of tin" ttttaok u:
the nerves." He gets along, prut•pers,
rises to position of powrlr and iutturt
awe. Thu strung ntas is pushed over
the heads of bis v.•et,ker brothers by
virtue cat being capable to du end ea
when nect'tiaity
The weak nervous mind is distanced
before the rice starts. But he ehoeldn't
give up without trying whist Ferruz ,ue
eau do fur him, This strengthening
toile has great power for building up
people who are raft down, tired and
Ferrozoue starts right et the root of
the trouble and drives ail impurities out
of the blood. Then it gives the blood en
additional supply of iruu t.uid other
strengthening elements which enables it
to nourish the nerves bac:: to normal
condition. Luce the nerves are toned up
iudigestlou and stomach trouble disap-
pear. Then your system is in good order
and capable of being rebuilt iu the proper
way. Nerve tissue is formed, flabby
muscles begin to harden, weak organs
regain, strength, and before long the
half -Wrecked man glolies in the new -
tumid vigor that Ferroz.iue has bronght
Yon may have tried a hundred reme-
dies; they may all have failed. But
this inuetu't ieflneilee you against Fur.
roz rue, .r hich is so different from other
preparation:. Ferrozune actually makes.
aloud, and makes the kind of blood that
is valuable in maintaining health. Then
Ferrozoue has a wonderful action on
toed, couvertwg it iuto nutriment, so
that everything you eat is going to be
useful to your body.
Ferrczone is uuoxuelled as a rebuilding
tondo fur children, women and men, the
young and olid, in fact everybody can
donee lime tit from Ferrozsue, which is
spettieliy 'reuoutmended for chlorosis,
anatuua, laesi.tude, weakness and all
disorders arising from impaired nerves
or blood. Try Ferrozone yourself.
Price 50e. per box or six boxes for $2.50.
Sold by druggists and by ail from N.
C. Poison & Co., Kiugstou, Out., and
Hartford, Conte, U. S. A.
"A Bad Old March.
Toronto, March 16.—Despite the fact
that this winter is the severest recorded
for the last 7.4 years, the month of
March has hitherto shown no severity
beyond the average. Mr. F. R. Stupart,
of the Toronto Meteorological Observa-
tory, admits that it has been distinctly a
bad one, and that the prospect of its con-
tinuing so is also a had one; it cannot,
however, he consolingly added, be by any
means a record one, notwithstanding the
fact that the three past months have
been, if not individually, at least iu the
aggregate, record -breakers. Despite the
vigor of the winter, a late spring, accord-
ing to the same authority, was not to be
apprehended. The spring of 1875 was
the latest on record, being overdue six
weeks. Much that we hear, said Mr.
Stupart, of the decay of "the good old
winters" is due as much to the irrepress-
ible buoyancy of the oldest inhabitant as
to any other cause. One crumb of con-
solation ]night be extracted from the
severity of this winter: such rigorous
seasons generally come in cycles, and we
were not likely to have so hard a one for
a long time to come. To show that
heavy snowfalls are not unusual in March
it is only necessary to state that on March
3, 1870, there was afall of sixteen inches,
and the same on March 5, 1505; twelve
inches on March 12, 1905, and the same
ou March 17, 1871. In March, 1870, 62
inches fell, and in 18711 41 inches: in
• March, WOO, eighteen inches.
The best way for a girl to spread the
news of it is to have a secret engage-
It is a great comfort to a woman to
know that if she understood how to keep
• ,tF�l,: tee71 • cost her much more to run it.
s When a woman hasn't any looney she
• - - c • can always know where to go shopping.
• t'' w Occasionally- you find a luau so lucky
• >*� 11� , •• that his `wife goes to visit his mother -in. ,
u :•
• •
Wiedeu, a suburb of Vienna, has the
largest dwelling house to be found any-
where. It coutaius 1,400 rooms, divided
into 400 snits, and affords shelter to 2,112
II-MAN,1 i1iD WASTJ; .
• Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage
r busia,-ss in this county and. Adjoining territory
a for Well ;end faverabty known house of solid
Guarantee', to Cara wltU 30 Minutes" or money Mongol' et financial standing S?el.Oa straight rash salary
• and expense:n paid vials Melville by cheek
All tuggietsoftwilled. fie $et.lcl Iemetly Ca.. sioatrtial divert from lloaciquarters. Expniian money
•.MM••N.•i•.A•MO.M••r••till••es•rr•r*O**toot ••••r••0• ailt^.tnred, lyuiitfnnperivanriit. Aarlii+
3fannger, Siv Cumu B1a'k, Chicago, Illi:toiq.
A Kidney Sufferer
Fourteen Years.
Could not Sit or Stand with Ease.
Consulted Five Different Doctors.
idney Pilis
Mr. Jacob Jamieson, Jamieson Bros.,
the well-known Contractors and Builders,
Welland, Ont., tells of how he was cured:
"For fourteen years I was afflicted with
kidney trouble which increased in severity
the last five years. My most serious attack
was four years ago, when I was completely
incapacitated. I had terrible pains across
my back, floating specks before my eyes
and was in almost constant torment. I
could not sit or stand with ease and was a
wreck in health, having no appetite and
lost greatly in flesh. I had taken medicine
from five different doctors and also
numerous other preparations to no pur-
pose. I finally began to take Doan's
Kidney Pills and before I had taken five
boxes the trouble left me and I now feel
better than I have for twenty years. Those
who know hie know how I was afflicted
and say it is almost impossible to believe
that I have been cured, yet they know it
is so. I have passed the meridian of lift
but I feel that I have taken on the rosy
hue of boyhood."
Price 5o as: per box, or 3 for $r.25, qU
dealers or
From centre
to crust
The Market Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. White, light,
sweet centre; rich, brown, short
crust. Mixed, molded, baked
and delivered in just the way to
win your approval.
We have all the latest machin-
ery, and there is no need of
sending to the city for your
bread or pastry,
Opposite Presbyterian Church,
(:Yew Orleans Tiutes-Democrat.)
A pull. a frill, a bit of lace,
A patch nt powder on tilt, tate.
A reloaded arcs, a slender neck,
White semi tilers without flaw or fleck,
ALM —uutliitih more.
A. tow of teeth. an Infant amide,
A glaucc (quite iunuueot of guile,
A little heed well peeked wall Ione
Of fi tuuce, tiuuu tout proper gore,
Aute—nut man utufe.
A knowledge that the world is rotted,
Some diet idea cat -time" toid "sound,"
. phrase or two of ]?reuch, you know,
Enutieli "rag•time" to make a show,
Aucl—uothiug mere.
:1, sweet eontenipt for nl l -rinse ways,
Fur eltosic bards or Modern Ings,
A uo s " lunch filo u ttwW t ltko wind,
But suaus regal d tor men who grind,
un—nutliiug more.
A puff. a frill, a bit of rioo.
A patch of ,,owder un the face,
A soul iu which emelt interests lie —
A simple, social butterfly.
Aud—nothing more.
The Famed Ones of Yesterday.
Olt. where is mighty Kitchener,
'nil luau of grit and gore?
And Ellen Smile, all, wuut of her?
We hear her name no more.
And what's Coin Harvey doing now,
And Sockless Jerry, say?
Woare's Captain Lemly, anyhow?
Has Fuustuu passed away?
Where's Baden-Powell, now, and who
Is watching Sinnott San,?
Oh, what's become of Paty do
Whose other name was Clain?
Oh, fame's a fleeting thing, alas!
The heroes come and go,
So many things are brought to pass
Within a year or su.
Who, when the snowflakes fly next full,
May nau'e one Ruseitin cheap,
Or still be able to recall
The name of any Jap.
—S. E. Kiser, iu the Chicago Record.
Boaotifnl faees are those that wear—
It matters little if darn or fair—
Who]e•souled honesty printed there.
Beautiful eyes are those that show.
Like crystal paues where hearth -fires
g ow,
Beautiful thoughts that burn below.
Beautiful lips are those whose words
Leap from the hearts like songs of birds
Yet whose utterance wisdom girds.
Beautiful hands are thoso,that do
Work that is earnest, brave and true,
Moment by moment, the long day
Beautiful feet aro they that go.
On kindly ministry to and fro,
Down lowliest ways, if God wills so.
Beautiful shoulders are those that bear
Ceaseless burdens of Homely care,
With patient graces and daily prayer.
Beautiful lives are diose that bless—
Silent rivers of helpfulness,
Whose hidden fountains few may
Beautiful twilight at set of sun,
Beautiful goal with race will run,
Beautiful rest with work well done.
Beautiful graves where grasses creep,
'Where brown leaves fall, where drifts
lie sleep
.O'er worn-out hands—oh! beautiful
Strange to relate, more people live to
be centenarians in warm countries than
in cold ones.
A girl has an awful good time trying
to do something she would'nt like to do
if some other girl weren't allowed to do
Five Paris policemen have passed their
examinations as motor car drivers.
They will shortly be put on duty with
fast cars so that they can overtake and,
if necessary, arrest any drivers of such
vehicles travelling at excessive speed.
WANTED—A trustworthy gentlenian or lady
in each county to manage business for an old
established house of solid financial stalling. A.
straight, bona fide weeklysalary of $18.00 paid
by check each Monday with all expenses direct
from headquarters. Money advanced for ex-
pese. envelope. Manager,
sEnclose addressed
A luau to represent "Canada's Grade
est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham
and surrounding country, and take
orders for
in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits
Ornalilentala, Shrubs, Roses, '
Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e.
1 Stock true to name and free from San
Joso Scale. A permanent position for
' the right man on either salary or cora.
oyer 806 Acres BEA1IIR BLOC$
.�.iL.,va.''�i�'..i'ri", nc•-n*. ap.•..,,,F,,.•n, •.M "''"i�i '.r'f9' ja i+tp. .
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicine; approved
and used by every physician. I'ii'al:s f abules are
widely used by all sorts cf people ---bile .o the
plain, cvety-day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tubules have become. their stan-
dard fam......r'emedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est ' 'n11 °dy vith a long and successful record, to
<" r' • 'o
tines"tell, dyspepsia, habitur.l and stubborn
.Llpation, t Jensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
ttion cf the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
.atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver coo-
.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
I-,wn systems, restore pure blood, gond appe-
• .: ".id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives.
on ti:.nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans
`t' :',Files. Your drl ggist sells them. The fi ve-
c..nt packet is et, rh for an ordinary occasion.
r contains
Bat:, a
'1 • Bot ,o cents,
The Family tIPY
for a year.
"e•. yo.; t.: .,r :.,.. i a.�'•;{:::;GkA'ai;'tilt' ;(. e:; sae' w,...r" . +, to,. ;•?�• .0, 4,
+++++++.14+44+444.44+4-1444+44.1.44+44.4-14.1.44+0144++++++++ •
There is seldom a day that we are not consulted in regard to a cotid*ion that, if we
were to have seen it in its early stages, the sufferer would have been relieved, cured and
saved considerable expense. This we consider is due to lack of knowledge on the part of
the doctor who has previously treated the case; therefore, we say to you, if you are suf-
fering from any disease or condition peculiar to men, or if you have been a victim and
been dissapointcd in not getting a permanent cure elsewhere, we would ask that you
come to our office for personal exanninationt or write us for a Question Blank for Home
Treatment. We will explain to you OUR SYSTEM OF TREATMENT, which we have
originated and developed after our whole life's experience in the treatment of special
diseases of glen. We will give yott, irREE OF CHARGE;, an honest and scientific opinion
of your case. If we find you are incurable we will honestly tell you so. If we find your
case curable we will give you a written guarantee to cure you or refund yotryour money.
BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PROSTATIC troubles,
Question hist Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSUI TATION FRB$.
290 Wood- 'l'
ward Ave., ..
Detroit, Mich. 'g'
.}...<.ar4.44ra.".eEifr 'flk.i.f't}"+' ;Jf%tl.lhrt�f�tK3.',ti( ...s(.iF'AJ'T'I4ii:. tKlirP : `
READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are yon contempla-
ting marriage? Eas your blond been diseased? have you
any weakness? Our New Method Tyco tment will cure you. What it has
done for others it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who ]las treated
you. write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.
—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), ou Diseases of Men,
AEs-No Names rased without written conmarat. Private. No
Medicine oent C. O. D. No names ors tmor-es or •envelopes.
Everything confidcnatittl. Question List and cost of Trent.
=cut FREE.
If you are buying a pair of shoes or a suit of
clothes you are particular as to the honesty and
reputation of the merchant., Your health is of
nloreinnportancethan either, yet you let quacks,
medical fakirs and other humbugs deceive you by
their deceptive offers of something for nothing.
After being defrauded by these medical shark:: you
think all doctors are rogues, whereas, you atony
are to blame. why not first demand from -hent
evidences of their honesty and responsibility as
We have been located in Detroit 25 years and can give best of bank
Clubbing Offers - 1903-04-
TIMES announces the following low -rate...
Clubbing Offers for 1903-04
Times till Jan, 1st, 1905 $1 00
Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated
supplement 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50
Times and Weekly Sun., 1 75
Times and Daily Globe - 4 35
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25
Times and Toronto Daily Star. 1 80
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15
Times and Toronto ,Daily News 1 85
Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 30
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can.
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIxED RATES, marked down
so as, to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use
;asking for cheaper rates.
In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the VALANCE OF 190; FREE. The rates quoted
are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
Call at the office, or address --