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Father Oos
Correspondent •
. KO. CA .% RYAN
A farewell party was held on Sunday, June
24 for Father P. Oostveen prior to his leaving
St. Columban where he has been the parish
priest for the past 15 years.
Mass was celebrated at 11 a.m. by Father
Oostveen'l'ollowed by a pot luck lunch in the
parish hall which -was filled to capacity.
Ken Ryan, master of ceremonies called on
Carol Ryan, president of the CWL who
wished Father happiness and enjoyment in
his retirement •and thanked him for all his
help and guidance as spiritual director of the
An address, written by Marie Melady was
read by Frank Crowley and Father was
presented with a plaque commemorating his
45 years as a priest, a wrist watch and a
wallet, filled with money from the parishion-
Father will be making his home with his
sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John
Sontrop of Commissioners Road, London,
Follqwing is the address read to Father.'.
We the members of the parish have
assembled here to spend a few- social hours
with you, and to express our appreciation of
your work as pastor of St. Columban Church.
It is with mixed emotions that we, gather
here to honor you. Let us take a few
moments to reflect on each of these feelings.
. First, we feel regret that we are losing
Such a devoted priest who has served St,
Columban parishioners so generously for the
past 15 years.
• On the other hand, we can share in your
happiness and joy at being able to retire with
your sister in London after 45 years of
faithful service as a priest.
A feeling of fondness will be ever present,
for you have, endeared yourself to your
parishioners by your unselfish devotion to
the parish's spiritual and temporal welfare.
Next, we must express our appreciation
for your zeal in developing parish activities,
your guidance of the young children through
your visits to St. Columban School and your
drive for improvements in the Church and
With a thankful heart, we are hopeful that.
you may enjoy a well-deserved rest in the
autumn of your years and that God will bless
you with many years of health and
Just to conclude then Father, we will miss
you, and we will pray for.. -you. When you
retire, take with you the satisfaction that it
was a race well run. Carry with you the best
wishes of your St. Columban parishioners
and this prayer for you:
0 Jesus we pray for your faithful and
fervent priest Father Oostveen. The priest
who baptized the new members of St.
Columban; the priest who absolved us from
our sins; the priest who offeree Mass and
gave us the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist in
Holy Communion; the priest who joined
many of our young couples in Holy
Matrimony; the priest who administered to
the sick and anointed the dying. 0 Jesus
keep Father Oostveen close to your heart, for
we, your people, are indebted to him in
many ways. Bless him abundantly in time
and.eternity. Amen.
Mr. and 'Mrs.. Raymond Murray (Vera
Diiffjf)' celebrated "their 40th wedding' '
anniversary on Friday, June 22.
A Mass of Thanksgiving was offered by
Father Odstvecn at 7:30 p.m. in St.
Columban R.C. Church and this was
followed by a reception at the Scaforth
and District Community Centres in Seaforth.
Ray and Vera were married on June 14,
1944 by Cher late Father O'Drowski at St.
Columban R.C. Church and have a family of
three sons and four daughters including Bill
of RRS, Seaforth; Elaine, Mrs. Gerry
Vanden Hengel, RR 5 Seaforth; Mary Lou,
Mrs. Pat Jordan of Stratford; Joe of
Sudbury; Patsy, Mrs. Frank Crowley of RR 5
Scaforth; Douglas of Grand Prairie, Alberta
and Jean of Stratford.
There are also 14 grandchildren.
The family were all home for the
celebration. Relatives and friends attending
the reception came from Orillia, Sudbury,
Grand Prairie, Stratford, Monkton, Clinton,
Exeter, Guelph, Kitchener, London, Strath.
roy, Mitchell, Seaforth and surrounding
Graduation exercises for grade eight
students of St. Columban were held- on
Thursday, June 21
The graduation mass was celebrated at 10
a m. by Father Oostveen. At 7 p.m. the,PTA
and the grade seven students served a
dinner in the palish hall.
Chris Maloney, master of ceremonies
welcomed parents, teachers, guests and
fellow students and called on speakers Joe
MacDonald and Agnes Gaffney who had
matey words of wisdom and hope and good
wishes for the graduates as they continue
their education in high school.
Joe MacDonald, principal, presented the
graduates with their diplomas and Steve
Murray presented a class picture to each on
behalf of the PTA.
Staffa people
visit N.e')a Scotia
Mrs. Philip James, visited for a week in
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, with her family,
Captain and Mrs. Murray Haines, Kenneth
Nora and Alison. While there she attended
the baptism of her granddaughter Alison
Patricia at the Iona Presbyterian Church,
and a staff party in Halifax honoring her son
Murray, who will be promoted to Major, the
beginning of July.
A good crowd attended the annual ham
and strawberry supper at Cromarty Presby-
terian Church on Wednesday evening.
Rev. James Patterson, Molesworth and
Gottie charge was guest minister at the
anniversary service at Cromarty Presbyter-
ian Church on Sunday. Special music was
provided by the�Seaforth Harmony Hi-Lites.
The Schedule of service for the first three
Sundays in July for the joint service between
Hibbert United and Cromarty Presbyterian
Churches is July 1, gam Cromarty -Rev. Ray
Anderson, minister, July 8, 9am Cromarty -
Rev. Ken Knight, minister, July 15, 9 am
Cromarty -Rev, Ken Knight, minister,
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Templeman, Carrah
and Cain, Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman,
Mr, and Mrs. Mike Palsons, Mr. and Mrs.
David Templeman, Mitchell, Ruth Temple-
man Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neilson,
-Jennifer and Jessica, St. catherines, were
all guests of Joanne Tempi an at her home
in Milton on Sunday.
Cprt2a"Ryan, president of the CWL
Presented each student with a plaque,
Knights . of Columbus awards were
presented by Frank Crowley to Sandra
O'Reilly and Paul Ryan.
Dublin's Lions member . Mery Slew n
presented the best effort awards to Sandra
O'Reilly and Paul Ryan.
Sportsmanship award went to Paul Ryan,,
most courteous award went to Pat Moylan
and most improved to Barry Cronin.
Validictortan, Patti Ryan reviewed memor-
les with, his classmates during their eight
years together in St. Columban School
rolyn Miltind Pres'cnted Father'.Oast- e
Veen With'a retirement gifton behalf of the •
staff at ySt Columban„ *School,
The evening concluded with a dance for
., the graduates and grade seven students and
a gap} ,of.cards for the parents and teachers,
at the: school. •
McK Clop 4-H tour well landsOped homes
By Anne Ryan divided in groups of beneficial and destruc-'
A guided tour of some well landscaped
homes in St. Columban was the highlight of
the fourth meeting on Horticulture- for
McKillop 44.
The fourth meeting wa's held on Monday,
Jurie 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mary
Helen Van Loon. This leader's home was
included in the tour.
Topics covered included insects, plant
diseases and landscaping. Each member
brought an insect which resulted in a stir
when one Was missing.
These were identified and methods of
destroying discussed. The insects were
Symptoms and control- of plant diseases
were studied. Safety precautions when using
chemicals were noted. --
The section on landscaping was read
before the tour aiding understanding of what
to look for in a well prepared area. Effects of
plant 'size and color were noted and the
advantage of a simple design rather than one
A visit to the Stratford festival to see its
effective landscape is planned for July 14 at
9 a.m.
Flood line study starts in Dublin
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Au-
thority will be starting its regulatory flood
line study in the Police Village of Dublin
during the first week of July. a The study
group members will be carrying a introduc-
tory letter from the Township of -Hibbert in
order' to establish their identity.
The Conservation, Authority will pay 80
per cent of the costs of the program with the
Police Village of Dublin and the Township of
Hibbert paying the other 20 per cent.
\ tir
General Yard & House
cagiR,a4 an&n
Canada Day Specials
For your BBQ we have the
FRESHEST hamburg, hot
dog, crusty and dinner rolls!
Nutritious Bran 1.09 ■ 0�
Muffins 6 for
Baden XXX
Colby 2.9911.
A wide variety CANADIAN
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With every three loaves of bread,
receive any pkg. of rolls for
J.M. Schneider
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14 Main St. SEAFORT}1
This Thursday Only
June 28'
at Dixie Lee
Buy One Chicken Snack (2 pets. Golden Chicken and Fries) et Regular
Price and receive a Second Snack rem Ir Regular. Value
FR t E.2.79
SAVE 239
Available Only At:
45 Goderlch St. E.
Happy Birthday Canada!
Ne !?hone Orders
Thls Day Only
The nest' meeting is to be on July 23 at
7:30' p.m. at Theresa Cronin's,
Mary Jo Ryan left on Sunday for
Huntsville where she will be working for the
next two months at Camp Huronda which is
a .camp for diabetic .children which helps
teach the children how to eat properly.
P0Si Q,R, 'J.IJNE 27, 1984 - AS
AFTER 45 Y '� RS Father P.A. 0t tveen Is Presenting him with' gifts are Frank Crowley
retiring. He was given a farewell dinner by (left) and Ken Ryan (right) in appreciation of
members of his parish as lila last offIGlal act everything that he has done for the church.
with the St. Columban church'. on Sunday. - (Photo by Hook)
Seaforth Pu
Utility ,Comms sion
Effective July1 ,1984
These rates will be applied to all bills issued ori and after July 1, 1984.
(Flat Rate)
(Flcit Rate)
(Metered Rate) 1st 8,000 gal. at
2nd 8,000 gal. at
Balance gal. at
Service Charge
Minimum Bill
'6.00 per,mont
$6.00 per month
$1.50 per M per,month
$1.25 per Mper month
$1.00 per M per imonth
$1.50 per month
$6.00 per month
COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERSwilh sprinkler systems.
(Flat Rate) '12.00 per month
(Metered Rate) 1st 8,000 gal. at
2nd 8,000 gal. at
Balance gal. at
Service Charge
Minimum Bill '
$3.00 per M per month
52.50 per M per month
$2.00 per M per month
83.00 per month
812.00 per month e
'7.00 per month
$7.00 per month
81.75 per M per month
$1'.45 per M per month
81.15 per M per month
81.75 per month
87.00 per month
'168.00 per
- '14.00 -aper month
Chairman - J. Sills
Manager - T. R. Phillips
$3.50 per M per month
82.90 per M per month
82.30 per M per month
83.50 per month
814.00 per month
Vri '",;',,1 '0. ciiit,,
Commissioners - G. Pullman
A. Ross (Mayor]
4:30 pin.