HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-06-20, Page 1515- PROPERTYfor RENI J24'CARD OF THANKS 1 25. IN MEMORIAM' 10. ARTICLES FOR SALE 15 ft. round above ground pool Jacuzzi filter, cleaning equipment and over the wall safety ladder, 51,295.527-0411. • 10-25-1 SAFETY- ladder for above ground pool, like 540.00. Phone 527-1640 days or T2/-.0829 evenings, 10-25x1 TEAK bedroom suite, double bed, with mattress, night tables attached to head board. Large 9 drawer low dresser with mirror, 5400,00. Cal) weekdays 2-5. 527- 1370. 10-25x1 ONE year old male dog to give away to good home or farm. Part Border Collie, house trained, loves kids. Owners moving. 527- 0244. 10-25x1 QUALIFIED Dealers, '1847, Confederation Lo Homes require additional dealers, highest commissions paid. Contact Mike Murphy, Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario, KOM 1A0,(705)738-4131. 10-25-01 SIEEL BUILDINGS. Odd sizes and types. Must sell, need factory space. Buy direct at factory prices. Call now. Collect (416) 676-1343. 10-25-01 USED pig feeder for weaner decks, like new. Phone 527-1698. 10-25x1 BRAND new Super 5, floppy disc drive, slim half. height, Tully Apple compatible, S.S.D.D. Phone 482-7475 after 7 p.m. 10-25-1 THERE is still time. Special ecial on storage buildings, easily erectedin any weather. Beat the July price increase. Example 40 x 54 complete with one solid end wall and one open end wall with sliding door, S7812. First come, first served. Call toll free Miracle Span Steel Buildings, 1-800-268-4942. 10-25-01 MANUFACTURER of steel quonset build- ings clearing out surplus inventory, have four buildings with doors on both ends. One is 26 x 40 for 54,990. Others are 35 x 46, 40 x 58, 46 x 80. Serious enquiries only. Call (416) 663-5323. 10-25-01 LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture. glassware, piano, riding lawnmower, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for the Estate of Mrs. Mary Mustard of Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erington of Dungannon. Saturday, June 23 at 10 a.m. Upright freezer. 24" electric stove, fridge. Hoover spin dry washer. Do- herty upright piano and bench, 2 wicker rockers. six matching pressback chairs, antique side board, Pequegnat oak mantle clock. library table. hall chair and mirror. antique dresser w/mirror, thtice_assasbstan4s, bulvpttack 4R_ . pedestal dining table. two antique ifireel drawer chests w/mustache pulls. wicker love seat with matching rocking arm' chair. wicker baby cradle, six matching dining chairs. doll buggy, dresses' w/oval mirror, enamel scrub board, Saturnscope. old pictures. organ stool. oak dining table w/3 leaves. tree caliper. tin piggy bank. Planters peanut tin. vacuum cleaner, old post card album. Hoosier type cupboard. antique oil lamp. rollaway bed, magazine racks. humidifier, wringer washer. crocks, old wooden barrel with top. rocking chair. antique cooking timer. blanket box. knee hole desk, continental double bed. odd chairs. tredle sewing machine. portable se -wing machine. Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, some bedding. dishes and glassware. step ladder, 20 ft. extension ladder. MTD 5 hp riding lawn mower. MTD 3 hp garden tiller. wheel barrow. hand weed sprayer, large offering of old books and novels, plus our usual large offering of items too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER - RiCHARD LOBS 482-7898 JO; ARTICLES FOR SALE 20 acres standing alfalfa. Timothy hay, 10 acres standing alfalfa hay. Also 500' bales straw. Phone 345-2373. 10-25x1 1972 17' Citation, fridge, stove, toilet on lot at Woodland Lake. 345-2660. 10-25x1 COME to Judi's Antique and Used Furniture, Walton. This month all coal Oil Lamps 'reduced. Also see the Barn Sales. 887-600. 10-24x3 1yROWLER, Golden Falcon, Boler Travel Trailers. Lionel Hardtops. Truck Campers and Caps. New and used. Sales, Repairs. Rentals, Camp -Out, Hwy. 8 W Stratford 393-5938. 10-17.14 COME in and see our new wallpaper department. Campbell's Crown Hardware, Seaforth, 527-1420. 19-24-2 TRUCKLOADS of slabs and edgings from our sawmilR.J. Dungey & Sons. Mitchell. 348-8477.10-02-tf ALLIS CHALMERS side rake, 77 slant six motor, excellent, 5175.00; 74,318 motor, excellent, 5175.00. 262-6408, 9-10 mornings or nights. 10-25x1 ANNUAL TRUCKLOAD freezer sale at Modern Appliance Centre in Listowel; 3 days only, June 21 -June 23, 1984. Buy your freezer now and save, 291-4670. 10-25-1 HOUSE KITTENS to give away. Litter box trained. Two part Persian. Some barn kittens as well. Doris Carnochan, 482-3354. 10-25-1 GREEN onions and leaf lettuce for sale, Apply 150 Market St. Seaforth. le 10-25x1 1 electric fan, size 20" with 3 speeds, new condition. Phone 527-0554. 10-25x1 1,2, 3 and 4 week old pheasants. Call after , 6:00 p.m. 527-0448. 10-25x1 IGQQKING for good farm home for female / collie mix, one year old. 527-1750. 10-25-1 30 inch Frigidaire electric range, white; Kitchen Aid portable dishwasher, almond;. 527-0897. 10=25.1 20. AUCTION SALES PROPERTY AUCTION Four bedroom home for Mrs. Ida Close at 92 East William Street, Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, July 5 at 7:30 p.m. Property known as 92 East William Street. Seaforth. Ont. consists of three bedrooms upstairs. Downstairs has one bedroom. living room. dining room, kitchen. pantry, bathroom and back woodshed. Carpeted upstairs and down. new roof in last two years. outside painted last year. gas furnace. electric water heater. Situated on a good sized tot dose to arena and curling rink in a good neighborhood. Terms on property 10% day at time of sale balance due in 30 days being offered subject to a reasonable reserve bid. For information and viewing phone the auctioneer at 482- 7898. ' AUCTIONEER - RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOTE: Coition -la of tenure will be sold Sat. July 7 at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. 7-- -. .►-� = w s- -� - �- + AUCTION SALE Metal lathes. milling machines. punch press radial arm drill. heat treating equipment, garage equipment. benches. tools. chairs. etc. to be held at Clinton High School for Huron County board of Education. Saturday, June 30 at 10 ani Large radial arm drill with 3-4" horizontal travel. 12 inch vertical travel with coolant pump & motor like new condition weighs 1100 kg. Rousselle 15 ton punch press. Elliott horizontal milling machine .v, assortment of cutters and vise. Excello vertical milling machine style 602 with horizontal dividing hoof & vise. Universal grinder w/accessories in good condition. Elliott 13 inch ram type shaper w' swivel vise. teaching model shaper with stand and cutaway sections to show operation. Cincinnati tool & cutter grinder w/accessories, Granite 3 ft. x 4 ft. surface plate on stand. Woodhouse & Mitchell 14 inch metal lathe w/36" bed and accessories 12' face plate. 7- face plate, 3 and 4 Jaw chucks steady rest & taper turning attachment. 5 Utilathe 9 inch metal lathes, 24" between centres, one has taper turning attachment. Some measuring rods & gauges, Southbend 6" metal lathe w/flat belt drive, Arbor 14" press. Diacro flat steel & pipe bender w/stand. Comparator' metal testing machine. Dillon Dynamometer 10.000 Ib. tensile tester. Rockwell hardness tester w/1 'set of test blocks. Johnson 118 gas bench furnace. Johnson 133 gas forge furnace. Johnson 120 gas blower type furnace w/temp controls; Johnson 510 gas crucible furnace, Quenching & brine tank. Atlas 3 inch steel bench top lathe w/stand and accessories. NOTE above equipment 208 volt. most units in good condition. Selling due to closing of machine shop at Clinton high school GARAGE EQUIPMENT etc. Rotunda transmission tester. 24" Scroll saw powermatic 3 phase 208 volt 'h hp motor. two front end alignment machines. Allen engine analyzer with built in scope, Analyzer meter. Snap On engine analyzer, Hunter wheel balancer. May tire changer. armature tester and growler. timing light. spark plug tester.Adams head light aimcr. Allen ctkrrent regulator tester, 5 Eico vacuum tube voltmeters Eico model 147A signal tracer. AM FM tuner. Eico ST40 stereo amplifier, Stark capacitor checker. Eico CRT tester & rejnvinator, B & K television analyzer. RCA colons bar generator. 6 Eico 1030 regulated high voltage power supplies. 96.000 BTU high boy gas furnace. 15 ft. store counter with glass front & top and lights. 20 ft of cupboards w/adjustable shelves and sliding doors. 7x5x1 ft. stage, 18 science desks w/sinks, 25 light swivel chairs on castor wheels, 2 steel top welding table. 7 utility stand w/steel legs, steel plate tapped bench 30" x 6 ft. 7 steel top tables 2 ft. x 6 ft. plus other tables. storage cabinets. hand tools. ete. Preview Friday, Jane 29 from 5 p.m- to 8 p.m. TERMS CASH or good cheque with iD Auctioneer RICHAPD LOBB, CLINTON, ONTARIO 519.482-7898 4.11; ., THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 20, 1984 - A15. 110. ARTICLES FOR SALE BALER twine, S14.45 at Vincent Farm Equipment, Seaforth. Phone 527-0120. 10-25-2 SIZE 12 boys beige sport jacket with brown pants, complete with shirt and tie. Excellent condition. 527-0672 after 5:30 p.m. 10-25x1 HIGHpressurewasher, Epps model 600 5104'pressure washer, like new. 1012 SHOP EQUIPMENT, as new, model 4000 engane lift, 5590; hd drill press with stand and motor 5295; 30 ton hydraulic press 5590. 527-1040'- 10-25-1 FIBERGLASS truck top for a Datsun shortbox pickup; aluminum storm windows (6) 321/2 x 68 in. MP 8 hp hydrostatic lawn tractor. 482-9208. 10-25-1 ONE 8X30 ft. Glendale trailer, one slateool table with accessories. Phone 527-1373. 10-24-2 11. WANTED TO BUY 1 WANTED TO BUY 250 bales of clean straw in the Seaforth area. Phone 527-1436. 11-25x1 PIANO WANTED: Not necessarily in good condition, - Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. 11.01xtf 13. REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED for serious buyer, 3 or 4 bedroom home • in Seaforth or immediate area. 525,000.00 to 540,000.00 with posses- sion end of August. _ .13-25-1 14. PROPERTY for SALE 3 plus acres Seaforth, 1'/2 storey brick, 8 rooms, 1'/2 acres, 100 amps., dulled well, barn, small 527:1066. 14-25x1 HOUSE FOR SALE, 116 North Main St. Close.to high school. shoe factory and arena. 527-1325. 14-18-tf I% storey 4 bedroom family sized house in mint condition, 2 extra lots. Listrice 533,900 or best offer. Phone 345-2504. 14-25x1 15. PROPERTY for RENT AVAILABLE July 1st, heated comfortable upper one bedroom apartment, 5185 per month, near to shopping. Phone 527-17 15-25-tf FARM HOUSE for rent 11/ miles west of Brussels, County Rd. 16. Farm can also be rented. 345-2679. 15-25-3 CHAIRS Sealed tenders will be received until 2 p.m. Wed-, July 4 '14 for 32 chairs for the Council Members, Court House. Godertdt, Ontario. Tender forms may be obtained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not recetsarlly accepted. For further information contact the undersigned. B.G. Manly Clerk Treasurer & Administrator County at Huron Caa -thous*, Goderid+, Ont. PITA 1M2 1-S1e-52443ft Classified Ads... kre Packed vrith Savings 1 RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED. JUNE 20, 6--3'.1 p.m- Tent trailer, appliances and furniture for Noel Dumont, 194 Shore Cresc.. Goderich. SAT. JUNE 23, 10 a.m. Antique furniture. collectabfes, appliances etc, to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn. Clinton for Mustard Estate of Brucefield, plus other additions. WED. JUNE 27, 6 p.m. 3 bedroom house and household furniture, appli- ances. etc. at 128 Princess St., W., Clinton for Mrs. Margaret Moodie. SAT. JUNE 30, 10 a.m. Machine shop equipment. garage equipment, metal lathe. heat treating equipment to be held at Clinton High School for the Huron Cty. Bd. of Ed. Tf1URS., JULY 5, 7:30 p.m- 4 bedroom hoose for Ida Close. 92 East William. Seaforth. Filil. JULY 6, 10 a.nt. Self-propelled combine, 2 tractors, MF baler 2 years ' - old, New Holland haybine. Fait line of equipment, ensilage, seven polled here- ford cows and calves, seven yearling stockers,•misc. toots, etc. for Robert J. Smith, quarter mite west of Holmesville, Ontario, on Cut line road. SAT. JULY 7, 10 a.m. Antiques, furniture, appliances, at Richard Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton. HOUSE FOR RENT. Across from public school. Available' July 1st. Apply 150 Market St. 527.1405, 15-25x1 BACHELOR APT. -for rent. Available imme- diately 5175.00 month. Phone 527.0607 or 527-0712 after 5 p.m. 15-23-tf BRUSSELS: Apartment in duplex, excellent condition, 3 monis down, 2 bedrooms u 2 baths. Available July 1st. Phone 887-6164. 15-24-2 3 bedroom duplex available July 1, 1984. Inquire daytime. 527-0800 or evenings. 482-7908. 15-25x2 GROUND floor apt. for rent, available July 1. Suitable for mature person., Call 527-1931. 15-24-tf UPPER Duplex. , 2 bedrooms, own . gas furnace, separate entrance, parking. Avail- able July. 527-1833, 15-18-tf HEATED 2 bedroom apartment, carpet throughout, Close to shopping. 527-0828. , 15-19-tf TWO bedroom apartment, available imme- diately_Phone527-1680, 15-17-tf I17WANTE�TO RENT I'IG barn set up for 30 to 50 sows. Preferably farrow to -finish, within 10 mile radius of Dublin. 345-2065. 17-25-2 18. FOR RENT ' WHY BUY? "R'ent instead!", Garden tillers. Campbell's Crown Hdwes ,Seaforth. 527-1420, • 19-24-2 FLOOR sandets for rent. B. & M. Rentals and Sales. Wingham. 357-1666. 18-45-tf 19. NOTICE ARE you living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 19-25-1 FREE 128 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top -paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide 'Street, West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 19-25-01 18. FOR RENT Elizabeth Court Apartments 176 Oxford St., Hensall 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE includes utilities, carpeting, appliances, Laundry facilities. Phone • 262-2846 --NOTICE- Town of Seaforth requires a person or persons who are a resident or ratepayer to fill vacancies on the following boards or committees. 1. Town of Seaforth repre- sentative on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Au- thority. 2. The Seaforth Planning Advisory Committee and the Seaforth Committee of Adjustment. If you are interested please contact the Seaforth Muni- cipal Office before June 29th. - J,CROCKER Clerk AUCTION SALE OF INTEREST FOR MRS. StIELDON JACKUN of BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. CONTENTS FROM HER FORMER HOME, R.R. 2, B.UEV ALE OF ANTIQUE FURNITURE & EFFECTS, PLUS A FEW ADDITIONS TO BE HEW AT WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1984 11 A.M. 3 Pia. bedroom suite; modern Rarrymore lore seat; 2 kitchen tables & chairs; 24" electric stove; ANTIQUE FURNITURE: 24 , pane flat to wail cupboard; 4 wash stands; 1 dresser; side board; -.card cabinet with mirror; secretary desk & book sfhelve% 3 kitchen cabin rte bow front buffet with mirror; writing desk table with pull- out; large cook stove with closet & reservoir; gramophone; records - 33, 45 & Ws; copper tub hand washing machine,; 3 oil lanterns olI frump; small pine table; 2 hip trunks; MISC'SILANEOUS: targe quantities of Pyres, ¥aupperware, glassware; stand's 4 place matting Occupied Japan dishes; E4 pee. lire Willow - made in .Japan; severi;jt nomad milk battles- collodion of penny banks cord doffs - soma of Interest. 21415 15 A PAI'UAL LISTING. PREVIEW: Fddey, June 22, 2-S& 7-5, also Saturday, June 23, 35 A.M. to sale time, MONDE LUNOt JACK ALEXANDER -AUCTIONEER TEL:357-1011 8 357-1442 20. AUCTION SALES 1 LARGE CLEARANCE and Consignment Auction, Friday, June 22, 10 a,in. sharp. Sales held. 4th Friday of each month Approximately 75 tractors;: 25 comb}nes and over 300 pie es of all types' of "new arid used fart ego ent. One, of Ontario's fastest growing onthly farm equiprrient consign- ment auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Highway if 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Phone (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. 20-25-01 24.CARD OF THANKS McT'AGGGART Jim and Mildred McTaggart would like to express their sincere thanks to their friends and neighbors for their cards,, gifts and flower arrangements. Also the person who put the ad in the paper as we were not intending for We would Iike td thank the Rebekah Lodge and the 25 cousins from Hamilton, Toronto and Brantford who arranged the dinner on our lawn and contributed to a nice afternoon. The plaques are beautiful and main we thank everyone for the surprise on our SOth wedding anniversary. 24-25x1 EXEL - I would like to thank all those who attended my community shower. Thank you' for all the beautiful gifts. A special thanks to the ladies who organized it. It is alt greatly appre- ciated. Liz Exel 24-25-1 ETUE The family. of the late Maurice R. Etue wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends, and neighbors for their many acts of kindness to us in the loss of a loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. We gratefully acknow- ledge the beautiful floral tributes, Mass cards, sympathy cards, memorial donations, funeral visitations, food sent to our homes and the many offers of help at this time. Our - special thanks to Father Caruana, Father arrigan, Sister Mary Louis, the Knights of Columbus, Dr. Malkin and the nursing staff of the Seaforth and District Hospital, the CWL for the delicious luncheon served in the Community Centre and. the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home for their kindness and understanding. Mary Etue and Family 24-25x1 JOHNS We would like to thank our family, relatives and friends for all the cards, gifts good wishes, given us on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to all who attended our reception (and chivaree). To the band (Anything Goes) for providing such great music and to all who contributed in making this such a happy occasion for us. Stan and June Johns 24-25x1 HOEGY We would like to sincerely thank our family, relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, gifts anjt. flowers and beat wishes from various'goyrernment departments on -our 50th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to the Triple K Restaurant in Blyth. All these are lasting memories. Blanche and Cliff Hoegy 24-25x1 GLANVILLE 1 would like to thank my friends and relatives for cards, gifts, visits and inquiries while I was a patient in Children's War Memorial Hospital, London. A special thanksaad a big hug for Dr. Underwood, Dr. Deveber and ambulance attendants. Marc Glanville 24-25-1 CAIRNS Alm and Jean Cairns would like to thank their children, relatives, friends. and neighbors for all the gifts flowers, and cards which they received on their 25th armiver- sary. Everything was very much appre- ROBINSON 1 am getting along well on my crutches and r d lite to thank those who took care of me on the bail diamond and during my week in the hospital. Thanks to all for well wishes and Me ways you have shot,in concern. JeffRobinson 24-25x1 BOLTON My sincere thanks to family. relatives and friends for cards, gifts and flowers i received in Stratford hospital. Special thanks to the Drs. and nurses for their kindness. To Rev. Vanslyke for his visit. it was much appreciated. Lau Bolton 24-25x1 HENDERSON Many thanks to my relatives. friends and eel bouts far their cards, flowers. gifts and visits while a patient in Stratford General Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to all who have contributed food, cared for the boys and helped at home. Words cannot express my thanks. Evelyn Henderson 24-25-1 ELFORD Many thanks for the cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. My appreciation of the food. Slieryai thanks to Dr. Rodney, sio-therapists. nurses, staff and to Rev. Cheryl -Ani Stadelbauer-Sampa. Alva Elford 24-25x1 - JOHNSTON Many thanks for the cards, treats and visits while I. was a patient- in Stratford Hospital and since coming home. A special thank you to Dr. Hussey, the nurses and staff on the 4th floor, also to Rev. Swan for his visit. Words cannot express my thanks. Hugh Johnston 24-25x1 PIPE My sincere thanks to friends, relatives and institute members for cards, treats, gifts, baking and inquiries. A spacial thanks to the ones who came to my aid and got me to hospital. Everything was deeply appre- ciated. Freda Pipe 24-25x1 'McNICHOL: In memory of a dear mother and grandmother (Verna: McNichol). in our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother That we do not think of you. Fondlyremembered by Sharon and Bob, DavidDarren and Matthew Elliott 25-25x1 McNICHOL: In loving memory of a dear wife Verna who passed away 1,1 years ago, May 23. God took her home, it was his will But in my heart she Iiveth still. Lovingly remembered by husband, Andy McNichol, 25-25x1 1 126. PERSONAL MEET your match. For all „ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9103.' Hours: Noon, to 8 p.m, , 26-25-01 129. ENGAGEMENTS GASCHO EXEL Mrs. Hank Exei of Brussels is pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter, Elizabeth to Brian Gascho, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gascho of Millbank. The wedding will take place July 14th at 3:30 p.m. at Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, Ontario. 29-25-1 "RYAN - HEENAN .. Frank and Doris Ryan, Seaforth, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mary Lou to Mr. Frank Heenan, son of the late James and Rita Heenan of Granton, Ont. The wedding will take place at St. James Roman Catholic Church. Seaforth on July 21, 1984 at 3:30 p -m. 29-25x1 DOUGLASJACOB Auctioneer Farm, Household & Real Estate Phone 393-6214 Sebringville, Ont NOTICE First installment. of Grey Township TAXES are due June 29, 1984 JANE BADLEY, A. M.C.T. Clerk Treasurer Twp. of Grey R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. 22. LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of MERRIAM SHOLDiCE All persons having claims against the estate of Merriam Sholdice. late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, deceased who died mi the 6th day orf May. 1984 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of July 198-4. after which date the assets will bc''disiributed having regard only 16 claims then received. Dated at Seaforth. Ontario. this 14th day of June, 1984. McCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAUx & SMITH Barristers Tcc., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor RE -ROOFING PROJECTS at Zurich Public School, Zurich J.A.D. McCurdy Public School, Huron Park Seaforth Public Schaal. Seaforth Gaderich District Collegiate institute, Goderich Central Hurafi Secondary School, Clinton Colborne °antral Public School, RR 5, Goderich ttovride Central Puristic School, RR 1; Gorrie Seated tenders properly identified, addressed to the Huron County Board of Edaica- tion, will be received by Kyles, Garratt & Marktevitz, Architects, 165 Huron Street, Stratford, until 300 p,nr., thursday, June 28, 1984. Bid Band es Certified Cheque is required in amount of 5'. of tender price. Sue- ressful contractor wiH be required to supply a 50". Performance Bond. Tender documents available at Architect's office upon deposit of certified cheque of s100.030 pet Set. La est or any tender nal necessariiy accepted. Huron County Board of Education