HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-06-20, Page 14A14 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 20, 1984 1 TOWN AND GUUNT'Ry' CLASSIFIED• f1.COMING EVENTS GARAGE SALE at 67 Jarvis St. on Sat. June 23rd, 9 a.m. - 4.p.m. 1-25x1 YOU are invited to Tea -Bake Sale -Penny Sale at Seaforth Health Care Facility, Wednesday, June , 2:30 - 4 ,m, Everyone welcome Mar::. g Ontario Nurs- ing Home Week. 1-25x1 BEECHW TTERY: Eighth Annual Show & Sale. New work in porcelain and stoneware by Robert Tetu. Saturday, June 23, Sunday, June 24, Noon to 6 p.m. 21/2 miles North of St. Columban on McKillop Sideroad 10. Wine & Cheese. 345-2184. 1-25-1 9LYTH FESTIVAL. Garrison's Garage, June 21 (preview), 22 (opening), 23, 28, 29. A Spider in the House: June 26 (opening), 27, 28 (mat.). Performance time: 8:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. Tickets: 58 adults, S3 children. Call Box Office: 523-9300 or 523-9225. 1-25-1 BRUSSELS Starlets Baton Competition Brussels Public School, Saturday, June 23, p.m. 1 -25 - LARGE YARD SALE, Friday, June 22 an Sat. June 23 from 9 a.m, - 7 146 King St Clinton, 1.1/s blocks south `of post office Many antique items, crocks, clock , wooden beds and springs, clothing, misc. household items, wind chimes, silver plated items, odd chairs, tools, sealers, oillamps, feather pillows etc. 1-25-1 OLD TYME DANCE, Sat. June 30 Crystal Palace. Dancing 8:30-12:30. Music by Archie Mann's Orchestra. Ad. 52.00 per person. Ladies please bring lunch, Old tyre costume encouraged. Sponsored by Mitchell Agricul- ture Society. 11 A real pioneer celebration, Logan Twp. bi-centennial and Brodhagen and District Chamber of Commerce 25th Anniversary. Featuring Pioneer ojsplays, old cars and pony rides, petting zoo, special guest speakers, home baking, pioneer dress contest, horse shoegpitching contest. turn of the century equipment, and more, more more. Something for everyone. Only $1.00 at the gate at Brodhagen Community Centre from 12:30-5:30 p.m. Horseshoe registration at 11 a.m. The Grand Finalee is a concert and dance featuring the Mercy Brothers at the Mitchell Arena starting at 7 p.m. Advance tickets $14/couple, $16 at the door. Plannow to attend, The date Sat. July 7, 1984. 1-25-2 REGISTRATION for Swimming Lessons at Genie will be held Thurs. June 21, 7 p.m. - 9 p ni. gt the Brussels Legion. Call 887-6432 for more information. 1-25-1 CAVAN CHURCH PICNIC, Sunday, June 24. Regular church and Sunday School, games and BBQ lunch to follow. Bring hot dogs, hamburgers and dessert. I -25x1 FAMILY YARD SALE, Saturday, June 23, 21/2 miles east of Brucefield or 2% miles west of EgmondviIle. 1-25.1 YARD SALE: Three families, June 23, 38 West William St 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. BBQ, double bed, frames with box springs clothes, roof rack, dishes, ladies bike, vanity with mirror, and lots of misc. & household items. 527-0389. 1-25-1 THE BRUSSELS Horticultural Rose Show and Bake Sale in the library, Wed. July 4 at 3 p.m. 1-25-1 FREE ears and oveTENNIS at Vanastra Courts, Friday, Julyy 6, 1984, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Sponsored by Ontario Tennis. Deadline July 3. Far more details and pre -registration call 442-3544. 1-25-2 2 1 d HURON COUNTRY Playhouse presents "A Thousand Clowns" June 19 -June 30. Phone 238-8451. 1-25-1 • 1.COMING EVENTS -! VACATION Bible School, Monday - Friday, July 9-20, 9:00.11:30 a.m. at Zion Mennonite Church, 3 miles east of Cranbrook. Preschoolers to grade 10 welcome. 1-25-2 BOOK SALE at Seaforth Branch Library, Friday, June 22, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Hard cover - 25c, juvenile books 10c, magazines and paper backs 5c. Rain date June 23. 1-25-1 GARAGE SALE at Martin Steel, Vanastra, queen size bed, 2 chests of drawers, 2 step tables, vanity with stool, 4 dining room chairs, 60" round arborite table, high chair, sewipg machine, other chairs and lots of goodies. June 30 and July 1. 1-24-2 BRUSSELS Royal Canadian Legion Br. 218 Rummage Sale, Sat. June 23, 10 a.m. in the Legion Hall. Anyone wishing to donate articles for sale bring in by Fri. June 22. 1-24-2 COUNTRY FAYRE in Belgrave Arena, Saturday, June 23, starting at 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. with free admission into arena. Cold meat supper. Adults $5.00, school children $2.25, pre-school free. Featuring crafts, baking, needlework, plants etc. Sponsored by Knox United Church, Belgrave. 1-24-2 LEARN CPR, Mondays June 25, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Seaforth Hospital Board Room. Register by calling Seaforth Hospital, 527-1650. 12(33 40TH ANNIVERSARY: The family of Ray and Vera Murray, cordially invite all relatives, neighbors and friends to join with them in celebrating their parents' 40th wedding anniversary on Friday, June 22. Mass of thanksgiving at St. Columban Church at 7:30 p.m. followed by reception at Seaforth and District Community Centres. 1-23x3 SEAFORTH Lions 60th Anniversary Huron Food Fest and Dance, Sat. June 23 at 6 p.rn. - 1 p.m. Dance to the Kopy Katz. Tickets available from Bob & Betty's, Archie's Sunoco, and Dixie Lee in Seaforth. 1-23-3 BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, R.R. #5, Clinton, 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51; 15 regular games of 520; 3 Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot S200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1 -44 -ti CANADA DAY, July 1st at the High School. Take part in free roller skating and pony rides; carnival booths; dunking machine; fish pond; barbeque; talent show and fireworks. Plan to stay in town and join in the activities. Events axe ,plttnntd.fron 3:30 to 10:30 p.m. 1-20-6 HELP WANTED Clearly marked applications will be accepted by the undersigned until JULY 3, 1984 at 4 p.m. for the position of Grey Twp. waste Site attendant. JANE HADLEY, A.M.C.T. Clerk Treasurer Twp. of Grey R.R. 83, Brussels, Ont. RAIN OR SHINE, June 23, 9-4, gigantic Garage Sale. Baby furniture, clothing, movie equipment, cord organ, plastic baler twine, disc camera, riding lawnmower, dishes, home baking etc., south of Egmondville on , hwy. beside Surge dealer, 1-25x1 LICENCED CARPENTER Custom built homes and complete remodelling Reasonable rates WINSTON POWELL R.R.2, Seaforth 482-7108 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleau1ag 24 HOUR SERVICE Paratchek's• Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 Get. Great Grass Cali 524-2424 VEALS Abattoir find Meat Market Hwy. 83-3% miles east of Exeter 235.1123 Try its for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIAINY Home cured and smoked -meats process- ed exactly the way you like it. TE -EM FARM Wb.,. Quality Counts' STRAWBERRIES Now Ready PiCK YOUR OWN OR WE PICK FREE BABYSITTING Weekdays 9-4 p.m_ Starting June 25184 CANNING SUPPLIES Certo • Freezer Bags Rhubarb Aird Much More BOX PLANTS Still Available R.R. No. i Rayfi940eld 492-9 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Tiargrraves Greg Hargreave i 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensel! BnraT met 236-2717 Exeter dr 229.6205 Kirkton 1.COMING EVENTS 1 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card $1. Restricted to 16 years or over, 15 regular games of $15.00; $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200must go each week. 1 -44 -if 14. HELP WANTED 1 BABYSITTER wanted for 1 yyear old, part time. Apply to Box 3767 c/o The Huron asitor Seaforth Ont 4-25x1 RELIABLE babysitter needed for 3 his., 3 to 4 afternoons per week. Call 527-1104. 4-25x1 TRUCKING CAREER. Become a profession- al transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's Kingston (61416) 251-9073; Otttawa5(613))15'23 3489; LoToronto ndon (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430;. Sudbury (705) 560-3351; Member B.B.B.- 4-25-01 RELIABLE babysitter to look after 8 month old in my home or yours. Starting in September, preferably in Seaforth or St. Columban. Call 345-2469. 4-24-tf • MOyING to Seaforth in July. Need responsible babysitter for summer (stu- dent?). Part time hours will vary weekly.. References. 273-1476. 4-25-1 YOUNG man to work on farrow to finish hog operation, Must be experienced, honest and willing to work. Apply in person to Rieny Van Loon, R.R. 42 Rippen, Ont. 527-0546. 4-24-2 ARCHIE'S Sunoco requires part time help for the summer. Apply in person to 24 Goderich Street, East. 4-24-2" [BUS. OPPORTUNITY, $10,000 Second Income. Be a part time representative selling and renting our line of high quality distillers for purifying drinking water in the home, office and factory. Become independent and be your own bass in a growing industry. Excellentibility of becoming full time area distributor. Contact us today for more information. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario L7R 2G6. (416) 639-0503 5-25-01 EARN EXTRA INCOME. Join our growing family of independent dealers selling highly successful qqu���alitp wooden home accessories. Contact Skahia :ly-cod Craft, OkarHgaq Falls, B.C. VOH IRO!' 5-25-01 16. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG man, 25, raised on a farm interested in haying. Phone 527-1956. 6-25x2 CUSTOM round baling 4 ft. x 5 ft. Scott Consitt, 482-9297. 6-24-4 7.FARM STOCK PUREBRED and Full French Charolais bulls for sale. Avignon breeding. Contact Fergus Kelly. 345-2197 (Dublin). 7-24-4 rROYAL MEM , . CORPORATION OF CANADA. REALTOR NOW AVAILABLE: A 21/2 storey three bedroom house, just 2 blocks • from downtown Seaforth. You have an excellent location with this attractively i..>ry home. Only $18,400. THREE BEDROOM 11/2 storey home on Railway St. Mortgage payments on this house may be less than you are paying to rent an apartment 518,500. BUILDING LOTS: 54,000 each will purchase five building lots in Seaforth. Only 520.000 for this Louisa Si. Property - COUNTRY ESTATES: We have several properties in the country available at a range of prices. One of thein may be ideal for you. 1270 MORTGAGE: This low mortgage rate is available for a full fiye years on a centrally located 3 bedroom home. A qualified purchaser ceuld expect sub- stantial savings over current bank rates. OUTS•PANDING VALUE: 2 storey, 3 bedroom home on Market Si. Recently insulated, modern kitchen, tastefully decorated_ 539.900. HOUSE & WORKSHOP: in Egniond- vi1le. Large 4 bedroom ranch style home with 32' x 23' recreation room. 46' x 3T workshop. S79,000. EXECUTIVE HOME on Isabella St. Spacious 3 bedroom ranch style home has swimming pool, double garage, two fireplaces and many extras. COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Two storey brick on Main Si 7 apartments and 3 stores. An excellent investment oppor- tunity. GRAVEL LAND: 29 acres of rolling gravel land in McKillop Township. Yours for only 560.000. WE HAVE YOUR GLASSES: A pair of ladies prescription glasses have been left at the Royal Trust office, You will not have to buy a house to get them back. Just call. For all your real estate needs call LARRY DILL -ON OFFICE: 527.0677 HOME: 4:82-7151 90 Main St. St$aforfio 1 7.FARM STOCK POLLED HEREFORD Yearling Bulls from a champion herd. Available immediate ser- vice. Suitable purebred or commercial herds. Performance tested. Registered. Wotton House Farms (416) 985-3212- 7-25-01 FI York Landrace Gilts, open or bred, also York, Landrace, and Duroc. cross -boars, ranked good on the R.O.P. herd health program - all gilts and boars guaranteed breeders - all new genetics derived from weekly Al breeding. Delivery available. Call Kurt Kellar,- RR.#1 Mitchell 348-8043. ' 7-21-tf 19. USED CARS -0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 9. USED CARS 1977 Bobcat Wagon, as is. 51500.00 or best offer. Ph. 262-5062 after 3:30. 9-24x3 CONVERTIBLE: 1975 Olds 88 Royale, silver with red interior and black top, one owner, excellent condition. 56,500. Call John Wise, 482-9644 or 482-7265. 9-25-1 1979 Cutlass Salon Brougham, 4 door, p/s, p/b, radio, cruise, sport mirrors and wheel covers, undercoated and also oiled annually. Certified. 60,000 miles. Phone 527-0670 after 4:00 p.m. 9-25x1 1973 Dodge Dart with good motor, less than 63,000 original miles, for parts. Phone 527-0669. _ 9-25x1 Tom Reidy Realty Ltd. LOGAN TOWNSHIP: 100 acres, 1'/2 storey 3 bedroom brick home, barn set up for cattle. $180,000: LOGAN TWP.: 50 acres, 42 est. workable, systematic drainage. LOGAN TWP.: 25 acres, approx. 18 workable, modern 4 bedroom ranch style home 579,500. Contact Joe O'Reilly 345-2465 Robert Gilbert 34S-2654 • Tom Reidy 347-2358 Realtor STORE FOR SALE BRUSSELS, ONT. DEADLINE FOR'CLASSfFIED ADS iS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TO%VN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON. Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone num- bers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 2 wA4s-$3.75 17c per word there- after BIRTHS -No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of $6 with picture 510 prepaid, 515 billed. . MARRIAGES -Free for 8 .weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. Complete write- up $25. IN MEMORIAMS-53.75 plus .35c per line of verse., • COMING EVENTS -22 words, 53.75, each additional word 17c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words, $3,75. Each additional word 06c. 50r DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOIL NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 53.00, each additional week - 51.00. - SEMI DISPLAY -1 Unit - 59.20 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 Jewellery Store includes display count- er, glass shelving, etc. and Taylor walk-in safe. Two bedroom apt. above store. Located in downtown section. Immediate possession. $42,900. RUDY ARBEITER 878-3558 19 ilftYf11$flll(i i A. E. LEP.AG E MINN REAL ESTATE SERVICE LTD. MILTON, ONTARIO 878-8101 WADY LTD., MUMS Open Monday through' Friday 9a.m.-7p.m. • Saturday MLS REALTOR 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 117 Ontario St. 273-2821 niact our rural division for all oar triennia and rural listings. PERCY SCHNEIDER 656-2927 ORVAL DIEHL 273-0475 LOUIS VON EUW 393-6460 PETER MsNAMARA 393-5540 IEN McDONNELL 595.8119 WORKMAN HOME OF THE WEEK 189 S. MAIN ST.: Picture yourself in this 5 year old 4 bedroom brick 2 storey h0ine. Imagine yourself having a house warming party in the large family room with bar. or cooking breakfast in the spacious kitchen, then give us a call and make your dreams come true. Box 269 Clinton, Ontario NOM 11.0 Telephone:482-9371 COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT: Living accommodation. Well equipped. Lots of parking space. FARM & ACREAGE 4 ACRES: Dinsley Terrace, 1 floor home, garage and small barn. Very neat hobby farm. 4.6 ACRES: Londesboro. 4 bedroom brick home, large barn with stable cleaner. ideal for hogs. 46 ACRES: Near Varna. 25 cropland, 9 bush, large 2 family home and barn, drive shed and workshop. Ideal for hobby or business and/or livestock enterprise. 2 ACRES: Near Seaforth. 3 bedroom bungalow home. new shop 40' x 64'. Start your own business. 95 ACRES: Hulleti Twsp.. good crop- land, all drained and no buildings. 31/2 ACRES: Morris Twp.. frame /maim. large barn and shed. Well fenced. 100 ACRES: Highway farm. good buildings and fences. 200 ACRES: 190 workable, East Wawa - nosh. hardwood bush. good barns. fieldstone home. 150 ACRES: 100 workable, Good brick horde near Auburn. 20 ACRES: 2100 sq. ft. ranch style home near Varna. inground pool. paved drive. new steel barn 40' x 160'. being sold ander ,power of sale. 20 ACRES: Morris Twsp. Good frame home, hog finishing barn. liquid manure system. Easily converted to farrowing barn. HOMES: HOMES MORRIS TWSP.: Custom finished 5 bedroom home with workshop on 2 acres near Brussels. WALTON: A handyman's special( 4 bedroom borne. Asking $14.000.00. Make an offer. WA AGE OF EGMONDVILLE: 4 bed- room frame home on double lot. Well treed. IVIORRISTWSP.: 4 bedroom brick home on 2 acres. Like new throughout„ Vendor will finance. BLYTTII: 4 bedroom, 2 storey, executive rlaca home, heated workshop and many extras. MAUREEN WILDFONG Res. 482-3224 NEW LISTING:,3.31 acres outskirts of Seaforth-3 bedroom house. small hobby barn. NEW LISTING: 87 North Main St.. 3 bedroom home in excellent condition, modern kitchen. 2 baths. Att'd garage. S40's NEW LISTING: 26 acres with good home and barn; systematically tiled. 87 NORTH MAIN,TA 2 'storey brick home in`�ucendition. modern kitchen. Att'd garage. GODERICH STREET: 2 storey 3 bed- room home or office in excellent condition. Double Garage $SO's. McKILLOP with a 2 storey 3 bedroom hor lDin sun porch, propane ileac. patio. Well treed lot. COMMERCIAL: " with sales area, located on LD.xtion with large paved lot. EGMONDVILLE: Custom built 3 bed- room one floor home. family room with stone fireplace, laundry. den. walk out deck. Att'd garage. 560's JOHN ST.: 2 storey 4 bedroom Lome. family room with fireplace, , spacious living room. Garage. 559,900.00. EGMONDVILLE: Custom built brick home. 3 bedrooms. family room with wood stove. Good area. Well Con- structed. GOIJINL.00H ST.: 2 bedroom home. excellent starter. family roam. wood stove. 2 baths. Quiet area. JARVIS ST-: 2 storey 3 bedroom home. redecorated throughout. laundry on main floar. Det'd garage. $40's RAILWAY ST.: 2 storey 3 bedroom home. remodelled throughout. Spacious lot, full basement. 530's NEW HOME: Country living - paved road. One floor brick home, 3 years old. Att'a garage. S50's MARKET ST.: Cozy 3 bedroom home in excellent condition. laundry on main. List price 529.900.00. GODERICH ST.. 2 storey raised ranch style home. 4 bedrooms. MUST SELL! needs work. $30's "OPEN TO OFFERS' LOUISA ST.: One floor 3 bedroom home in good condition. Excellently located close to uptown. 540's JARVLS $7.: one four 3 bedroom hoine in good condition. 3 bedrooms, laundry on main. spacious living room. Open to offers. GODERICH ST.: 11/2 storey 3 bedrooms home, modern kitchen, dining area, 2 baths. OPEN TO OFFERS. CHALK ST.: One flt am home, close to uptown. t>c it.' REAL ESTATE LTD, CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEW-LZSTJNGr Seaforth Taxi. The business is being offered for sale. An excellent part 'rime income. Call for more details. NEW LISTING: 12 ac. hobby farm. large brick home in excellent condition, double frame barn,' drilled well. much more. 574.500.00. NEW -LISTING: 49 building lot subdivi- sio) in Seaforth. A great opportunity for any builder -developer. 538400.00. BENSALL: Large commercial" tot with 3000 -sq. ft. frame building, gas heat. 550 hydro. etc. OPEN TO Oi nef(S. AUTO BODY: Re -pair shop. Very modern shop with or without all equipment. inquire. SIDE ST.s 3 bedroom 1% storey home completely redone throughout. fenced yard and single garage. A good buy at 534,,500.00. 5 AC.: McKillop Twp., near St. Columban, no buildings. 532.000.00. 10 ACRES: 2 storey brick house. 2 sheds, pond, very nice. 586.000.00. NEW LISTING: " p 1 bedroom solid brick home SOLiJ- condition. 544.500.00. 2'AC.: Tuckersmith Twp.. 3 bedroom house and large barn. Only 534.500.00. GODERICH ST. W. 2 storey 3 bedroom home in excellent condition, inground pool. Reduced. 550.000.00 GEORGE ST.: Excellent 2 bedroom home on a large lot. Close to downtown. 532.500.00. 2 LOTS with an older frame home in dowi4uwit Cranbrook. 515.500.00. BRUSSELS: 3 bedroom 1 floor home in very good condition. 526.500.00. RETIREMEN1 1f close to downtown. Excelle L�,. Priced in the 40's. 3-2 BEDROCtilit Anent building I with excellent --. 40.000.00. EXECUIWE chalet style home on 2 a, Close to Seafarth. 1500 SQ. FT.: raised. 2 years old. 3 mi. fio:oi Seaforth. Many outstanding fea- tures. ONE FLOOR COTTAGE: Nice location. dose to uptown, attached garage. family room. fireplace etc. HIGHWAY LOCATION: 1 mi. from Seaforth, 2 storey brick home in beautiful original condition. Large 1% ac. lot. Only 560,000.00. 100 AC: Systematically tiled, 95 ac. workable, 5129.000.00. 37 AC.: McKillop Twp. large steel barn. 3 bedroom house, nice flat workable land. Open to offers. RIMER FRONT CAT in Egmondville. app. 11/2 acres. 39GODERICH 5T. W.: 4 bediuunr, 1'/ storey in good condition, 2 baths. hot water heat. excellent location. 535.000. 2 COI4 MERCLAL LOTS on South Main St 48 GEORGE ST.: 4 bedroom 1'/, storey frame home, good location. 534.000.00. HENRY MERO 527-0430 is