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The Wingham Times, 1904-03-24, Page 3
i J, Are sA combination of the sactive princ loo of the moat, xnlnable vebuorrie, EwddfQordura ittbuiver,Stuagak ltd a • 031ok Headachedaundtoo, Heart, cart, theStolnach Dfzxi ete,ssr. Btototlee and Pimpleff, .� t nysaopsla, Soup Stomach, Wa.tolr Ur•aiah, Livev Qoml lafnt, SpUoW oto 117addy.ComplexWa. I t, I , a Sweeten the breath anti clear stay all waste and ,:aisonous inn tter front Cha Rystern. ' . err a he b 5 aAi All dealers Inn 2 0, a bottle or for SIX A, Ta,ts'1. Mrl,3gn# Co., Limited, Toronto, TRE WORLD'S NAVAL d OWERS, TIP British naval estimate's for IW4-05, wlticll wcra brought dawn on �htusdliv, show that Great Tlr•it-vitt is Yrurchasing `Iter supremacy lo'f the seas .at ten Immense east. The total asked for is ; 184,445,000, pan increase Ila oat- 5c.ar of $13160;000, BZorn than half of the increase is accounted for by th' roaent Purchase of two C'hilian battle- ships Of 01'13 'most effective typ^. Ten scars ago the naval expoxiditure*w 8S$ 210,000, and fifteen years,ago 505,- 004.000. Tits cost of the navy, thorn - $ore, has trebled ,in. fifteen years. Ir the same period the annual co+;t of the army has ri,san from *about •$82,000,000 to $350,000,000. On the lst'of-January, leav:ng cut cf oonside-ation all fighting .ships of less' than 1,000 tonsdisplacement, trans- ports, colliers, libspital and t6upply ships, the British Governmentenad 201 effetativeslitpz and 38 building. ^f tcr- pcdo vessels and (submarines she had 22.1 built and W building. Tha United States: 'has 28 ships !building. If the otlmcr nations iso not inarese their gotivities, but maintain their positions othierw,ise, the United States will be lifted' from the fifth to third place amoinr; the naval 'powers, ,with only Great Britain and, France aa'wve her, be the conlpletiou.(of -the ships now in iha shipyards. Ir: the table below the present rank Or the pow;exs tau naval strength is shown a - Nation. Tons. +C:Ieat Britain ...... ...... A„ •,.1516,040 1+ rapid ... 576,108 Russia ............ ...... ... ...... ... .. 416,158 'G•e rm i ii Y. ......... ............... 397,871 U; ni Lad States ............... c........ 404,406 Italy ......... ............ ......... .... 258,838 Japan ............ .................. ... 243,586 Austria ... ...... ... ... f ... ...... ...... ... ' 93,913 111mir rank as ft iwioou:ld be if the ves- sels now buiid)rl;a were, in ;cervico is ,]town bGlaw,:, • Natian. Toms. Grcu,t Britain ............ ... t. ..,1967;250 Xrano:I... ...... ... ............... ... 755,757 United 'S'ta,tes., ...... r...... f,. .... ... 416,275 russia.................. ............ .. 558,432 G erinany... ...... ... 505,619 Italy .. ............... ..... .......... 329257 Japan ............................. .. 253,681 Austria .................... l.. ......... 149,8M O1 "ECURITY F3 s Ca% n'teg!�, r'1q aft Little Uver: HIS14; Must Behr Signature of .G� 1, see 1Pac-simile Wrapper Uc;ow. . . .. .... V ty slltnU rad as oasyr to take as sucox. 'r FOR HEADACHE., C PUBLIC 019hE95HIP Ontario Governmenx'a Tomlaka+ rminq 0111 Gats Soscond Reading. WANTS PROV I NCE TO.OPERATE Mr. Il'ettyplerle rad Dr. ne tie n l.9tag Wmy lar the Advaoatcy of tioveremorAt GW Aloes .nal t);laroting tare 8,e,ru1 Aoado—lir, Usir'agnr Ito sttheol i1ilA-tlrher 11111, Ativanceil, Toronto, !!larch 1G, --The Legio- laturo yesterday passed Lite second reading of the bill providing for the extension of the Tomiskaming Rail- way from Now Liskoard to Lake Abitibbi, The discussion took up the (whole Afternoon and while not objectingx I- to the G teas) n Lite op- position u 1 position took occasion to criticize the Government for the ear:e;ss of cost o t ovt, h' • • 'i it nd t titan - nor u - t c t,s I t tcs a he I n t t i nor of awarding the contracts. Dar- ing the discussion, a strong senti- ment in favor of public ownership and operation developed. Air, k'etty- piece said tiro experiment in state ownership was aleeded by Ontario, that it would prove successful, and that as far as it had gone it had been satisfactory to the people. kill advocated a 0overnlnent rallway from Tot -onto to :North Day to con- nect with the Tandskuluing Railway, with branches extending into various portions of Now Ontario, and in such a system the 1,rovince would have an asset worth more than cash or bonds in the bank. Let i'rovu•ee operate Itoatl. Another notable speech was that of Dr. Pyne, who wants tile Govern- ment to ot.)erate the railtruy for ten years as an experinrellt. lie propos- es to inLroducet all artionclinent when the bill is taken up .in committee, Along that lino, lir. I'yno said he believed in the civilizing and devo- loping power of railways and looked for the opening up of the great clay belt by rncarts tit' this and other rail- ways. 7•iv agreed with Mr. Petty- pieco in regard to state-owned rail- ways, and pointed out the success of the system in Birmingham, Man- chester and Glasgow. The prosent was an opportune time to build the road and help to open up the clay belt by giving settlers the benefit of cheap rates. Mr. Murphy, junior member for Ot- tawa, opened the debate, He. was followed by Messrs. I3islop, I[enzirie, Matheson, Whitney, Ilon, G. W. (toss, Foy, Crawford, Nesbitt and St. John, The motion then passed and the House adjourned for recess. Lara Yay • ur '1 ettatlors. i The pay of public school inspectors i and teachers tuns discussed at the evening session yesterday when Hon. Mr• liarcourt's bill was up. Tho bill provides for an increase for fnspeo- tors, and Messrs, Whitney, Carscal- len of Hamilton, and Matheson, while advocating this change, also asked consideration for the teachers. The house then (vent into supply, taking up the estimates of the IJro- vincial Secrotal;v's department. Mr. Evantural introduced a bill re- specting the Ottawa River Railway Co.; Mr. St. John, to regulate the overcrowding of street railway cars; Mr. Itichardson, respecting tho Nepi- gon Railway Co. The following bills passed their third reading: Respecting' the assess- ment of James Graham of ;3cileville; respecting an agreement between the Grand Trunk Pacific and the town' of Barrie; respecting the 11. G. and+ B, Railway Co. Hellevilte Oo-ts There. The Private Bills Committee I•a.t[- ry v' find a la of the cit of T3 ill 1 by 1 G 1 1C y for he purchase f B ll v' 1 G t Ia o the a t o P e u 1 as Company for $50,000. Tile bylaw was carried by the ratepayers by 350 to 33'5. 1I a A- I W4,11 + , Rat ,. TELEPN4VE DECISION, ; .run TQ TDE OPPQS1TJOri. 01440 r 30411WAr volumlaslorer .'"14f>r't ' Pboral4 Arm Not lw.sas; art 1)1 lhr Dr• 40gooeat devils 4entr1#04 Dftlree4 bn)e on tlla Arial"W�A' -a.rletiK +iahRrg9. (1.14'• 4. land Holt Co. VAIN. Jil4t)k Illy 11r.'1lenni,tk. Ottawa, March 1Pi.Tho ttcliYery of Ottawa, liZrtrclt ill. --The debate judgment yesta•day morning t tx the upon• the address assumed a doci.Ied- atppticaWon of the municipal tole- ly acrimonious tone yesterday A( - Phone of Port Arthur to connect tornoon and ovtening•.. Opposition with tho Passenger and freight ata- speakers were visibly annoyed at tions Of the C'.P.lt. at thin town, de- the failure of tho Government sup- veloped a serious dld'erence oaf opin- 'tile port tris, to participate in the debate, ion among the members %)( Rail and in the evening porsonalitles were way Coninlission. Mr. Blair, the rhairman, held that the Melt 'role- resorted to, Apparontly with thede- Phone Colnpan,y under :which the lat. sign of goadrnl.. the into a roply, 'Phe Occupants of the Governnrcr#t ter was given the exclusive tight to lilt;ce telephones in the stations of heenlies, nowover, unconcernedly the former, was legal and binding, listenati to the attacks Inacl"t and, with the exception of IYII'. 13ouras� and fallure to maintain the e,- Rive feature of the contract entitled sa. who silarply countered the at, the companies in question to cam- tac-k IIy Mr. T. Casgrain, paid ata attention to the denuticrations from Itensation.. The Port Arthur syatem would therefore be granted the or- the beaches to the left of the Speak - der asked for, .subject to cOnpensa- r'l. Ilptl, Mr. Ilaggart, Mr, W. II, Bennett, Mr. L. 11, Snllth and Air. tion, but the order would be Reid in suspenso until the terms of cgtnper- ,label I;ol>inson participated, in the sailor had been agreed upon• debate, 3fr. Smith, in a temperate lsr,er,►sanaorawth si)eeoh, advocated the establishment 31r, harrier's View, Of a Canadian navy and Of an ex - Mr. Bernier concurred in the state- pallment fruit farm fn the Niagara meet that the agreement was valid district. ."Mr. Bennett Charged that and binding., but lie did not go as his opponent Ili the last campaign far as the chairman, Ifo was not and a inembcr of Parliament had red a to s that r e a a an a o .tstl.r t Y t t b Y e - g r. t o r e ve ep I s ns Y r tile both r .ci commissions h t d o tester two companies for their !nut- � SitIO of a docs: at Midland to the ' tial advantage should preclude a . Covernment. municipal telephone , system, from I After routine business yesterday reaching a railway station. Ile in- 1 afternoon Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in re- torpreted the law in a sense as in- ply to !lir. R. L. Borden, promised tending do apply to the general pub- to have the correspondence in re- fit its well as to railway, telephone ferenCe to the amendments to the or telegraph corporations. The or- (_, T, Facifle agrleincnt brought der ou ht to go and the question o g 6. 4 Y e t clown Cfore tile til • d d a eem.n b i a vtt C gr compensation to the C.k'.1;, �lloulcl tvtls taken up. be determined later. He would give the price at which their goods are to compensation not because of the t agreement, but by reason of t.ile fact; ! BRIEFS FROM it16 WIRES. that no party could take advantage 1 Na attended LIP all the 23C1#ooi alriidkea of another without romuntivating Chicago has had 58 incises of scow them. !this winter. beatllsc all records. 0. tial relations between the United I I -'n d 1 a 1 colonies ,,. y •' a •. Iii on act the c C rad n s taint t 0 0 LCs tomo up ' a ► i. 3 �� ,creasing ,aid promises, tta ticvClcir in- bol. wratillrr, wlicn cooking tato sires 46 9 t o CURM ono 01 14rV VOWIX10' iA th:! oc,ar hard^.i#, that peoP.to Ium to cautio yesterday morning said one of the lyzed. future, says til'. A.M.. Grludley in 1, a zoods. S 8 ye11 IA,0 annual report to'theolltlA'on• I7Cp;trt- G Preserved in �rlas9 a•• 'litih{1S1i 0 X'tfklpigs,. N N i wit of Agriculture, -of Ultioll be is ,a+tives wir ` should be, taken with (fond, I -mak. � ifisadaehes, one of the relrt� sea In Great e4 in Mass. that i ;til rou$hmelitt ilii Constipation, Britain, Tits( Ilriti,sh merchants have ground Off the woksltlf bottles befocce' • Loss Of fipA9tjttii little or no 'idea, of the large assort- a fish, the.} are filled, aspic ,.s Of ,glass Ii Avo r nt,cot' preserved ,mats, veg- b^en found in the con Wats and a pvi - . Salt Rhoum, etables and fruits which are liacked judio� created against !goods :Put 1a)li ]vrplpelas, by C;lnatitam firms, in slays. Scrofula,, Great Britain in the past has baugirt ." And all trauble4r tanned goods largely from Vrolnce, 'but lsr,er,►sanaorawth arising from the am �erm''•nytingItaly, owing to the' very friendly which, haataxisen Iver sino•+ Dr. 'Chasela Ridt,or-Liver fills were( first iiti!Groduo,d to rho pabHo Stofllach,.Liver, tfctllang bwweon the 21'other Country and, the sale,, havts oteeclely In vIlst.d, e0olt Or R Qotl. her / Ca,on)es" Canadian firms may e#- ,year horror larger timu tale I0 T rece,d• Reff$Qwels 'athpeot of I3u1 ycitu u` unit 0, a large iuore4s3 In Dr'd:rs, pro- viding their goods (give satlsf aciion as . fill;'. Thil;U Protatlyt'he t-e�tevislertoo. of their renttarkable tfh+ i 1lf y, asst trout. writes; ^i bollcrd rrsards quality and price. ,file lead- trent for ikt#ratio. mems of tbo kidneyx, ` e would have boon In V, 't ut°t lti� u azo°r ins American firans )Vh'oexport canned . fruits, vegetables, .moats, and fish to Iiverandi3OWNIII, The are iUlialuabie M. a fntnxly n,edieittr�. y Burdock Plead lilt, Groat Britain have more push than t Levu. Iwas run down Canadian Mins^s. The Americans . _ _. to such an extent that I could elth:tar- have- representatives of their A School 0cparture • ' tit til• Iy novo ,bent tlw own in Great Britain to h their i� •.g ; ,'. -o, l`Ila,,ar I Falls, i�i;irch 10 � ta,tnford, i house. p o ovoro ecu iuulics Foods 0a +if tlioy�consilan L'O ,British xtxm tos, ll An commission illPy fisc township is considering a scheme to 4 0 bAckaches end ddz i• Item; Iny a;)eetito the price at which their goods are to eotutralize. its ilublic sohco:s, and maker erre big grade, sDhoqi, which would was Oao And i was unubYo to ria 1py be sold, allowing a good cemmisSlon, but ;roil allowing prices to be cut in Na attended LIP all the 23C1#ooi alriidkea tense ok o w r After o using two bottles of order to effect sales.. In nddititia to [n tile township. The a' P. T }do . is taiA'av+ Vehicle% run. by different routes 13, It. B.t I found my hw 111 f lay restored, this they enclose handsoaa a embossed tltr0u"tglI, the township every morning I rlul refire d a In n tfi 9. W C � it to a i tfi•tid and 0 cards in each case of goods upon wbieli us 1 in a l marke t tai i i p , 3 d he ro 1 pr cca n .take to carry the childroul to school and , n them bads, home at night by �e I worn outrtiouacu," English money. The goads them- selves have attractive labals, !raking some means. The advant.igf,y of nI .,.:__ .__ - _ ...,>...._.___. _ .__ ._ a nice ,window ornament and the +ctrl- graded sohuol over the usual rural school are ver; great, and the cost �, IEPAR�{n �1 /�}+ �t 'tpC TMENT OF AGRICULTURE bossed card with reasonable price in Plain figures attracts custamerd and the proposed system would be about: �— sale-, are made wboro Canadian goods th3 same as that of the olds system. It is in UbL j in several of the Uutited} .N EINGIII$11 yIRW O TUE API'LL3 of enuull5 .goad quality, but not 1lav- )ng such an attratItive label, andlitiv. States. and is heartily endorsed by Ron, Richard,•..gareourt. 11i;inister of , TRIlUIa. -• s f, ^ C fl it .2. fixed .c. , 1 rack r .t d .e. J SI axesd .,, p Education. .. 'CIL'e LundOn correspondent o4 ilte, It has hien found that large quan•. titles of tinned and bottled peas, b^ars " -' '!entreat "l�am:ly, herald and Weekly tar contributes to the Feb, 17th is- and spinach have been "g•reenc+d" by a treatment with salts Of copper. The rMAD IT TE101tOUGU, us of that paper an interesting re- fees of the Canadian apple ta•ids w•iLb public hav3 been warned against the P consumption of thcse.+gocdgiiaY !catling — a auld toil This , ,or , , � t ,+ St to Tell It 1u t 1 1}n Britain, rrivpoints Ytin (mf titG.tl and fan journals ac and show lieadliues. iletshi i eats at. goo:l u0n ]I- p a I remains far Canadian packers to shn,r o To use an eighteenth Gentury phra8e 'n•. anrt eel +1 ,veil ttin,vncn„ .,nnn..A_ .� . .>____ __- _-- _-- _ _.. . _ -., ,-.. 11 , „ this i9 All O Pr trl1A tales 'FTavina .. - , - .•,.......... I 71111,tovj- J.l j,Jvi„11r11b' 1u1 a "AS in,l; Lv,2t,o era,( OL Lute Iran% It WOutel quallty as the British merchant hits ... Tiacuv,..0 xr n,11r1J, virr,,uJi1, tuw1,,.11 cup Dr. Mills, the third member of the . rn[litaly demonstration on May -.Ik, pay' shippers to use boxer instend of been .getting• from -other. m' untr[es winter of 1130;3, is a story vory much of Commission, declared that the ex- , One boat, with 30 people of the b;lrrcls for the better kinds of ap- (but rrl,falh arc entirely free (rani rd_ the preseur• tip ro aihol•t time alio elusive privilege in the agreetuent be- Aramo, wrecked off Queensland, is . Plo-s `,particularly such fancy var)e- ' alteration) In order to oreate a large Mrs Johu E Marmon, of MelfitStation,, green the O.1•',R, and the Bell Tele- i still missing. .t_ i tics as Kings and Blenhelrns. In this damund for Canadian 'br,inds. VB,. had Lo p rponal knowledge of the phone Company aimed at creating a ! 1liero were .,,a0 cars of settlers -j way it would ba liossible• to avo)d the The following lines a nr in good de- rare curative properties of 0hamberlaiu s monopoly, was intended to stravent j effects en routo to Canada at Portal, I biuisings whick Inaka such a vast dif- mond • Cough Remedy. "Last January," she competition in tyre telephone buss- : N.D., Monday. Rienea in t)le price of .dessert fruit. Canned and Mottled Teas, -Tile says' "my baby took a dreadful cold, and ness, rllterfored with the autlllc in- + The body of Samuel Nilson, aged i A laadinJ Autlior'ity on fruit grow- at one time I feared she ,would have terest, was against ! in_g i<> ,,Leif d to the effect that it I British vo�nsumn r prefers a ,smaller- pneumonia, but one of m neighbors hbors told g public pulley, i 4,1, was founts seven miles out from q sized 1;;m than is usually packed in � P ' y g and in consequence debarred the con- ! town, frozen. would not Pay to buy Canadian opple�s 'C'anada. The following grades acre Pie !toes this remedy had oared her IiiGle tracting parties from all ata[ins fat T1lirty-five .7apanese arniti ot1YDCrs for oidar making, unless in an exce�p- wanted: 1 boy and I began gh Ing it to my baby at tronal season ttoh s the 2 t when , Eitl. fine, , size of mash for once and it soon cured her. I heartily compensation. Reasonable 'campers,- ! have left Now Xork for Vancouver t _ s a 1` s ' f n gra lug, 7 milleweters; fine, 7 1-2 I there (vas a acaeral shortage of apples ' thank the n1a}tuPacmrers of Chamber tion ought e s granted r.p rho C, , cn route home from wil Europe. , Iin €beat Britain, milleme,cers; Mo'ycns, 3 millemeters. laln's Cough R.eniody for plardmg so I'. R. for the use of their premises A grand jury will investigate tht, g French leas are ;generally colored by great a cure within my reach, I cannot t Ir..r^„ard to the fruit l4Zarks Arr, pound of by Port Arthur, and the expense of ; corruption charge against prominent , „ , , •, � usin;�� .6 grain copper pel' operating the telephones at their 1 citizens of the American :foo, th).. Cerrespandant :,.Lys. On all bli.t., peas A preference is shown for the recommend 1t too hi;,ghlyorsaytpoinuClz 11 have livard very favorable• reports in its favor, I he pH all who read this stations, Essexville, :Mich., residents are ,,I to illi:, s^,son's apple shipment<, l French style of tin for peas, 'the will try nuc! becoliviueed all I teas,” For The judgment of the chairman of 1 looking for the incendiary whose lit- � ,1 rei;•ort reached nra this week from' French tin being taller and narrower sale by Colin A Campbell. the Commission is the one which ! est work tit the Rosary \cacii'Illy will ,;.c,oth,nd. fha Dundee fruit mer- to diameter than the tin generally us- _ goes into effect, as section 10 o[ the prove fatal to one girl.. Icli.ants, at: their annual u:eeting, wem ed in Canada. A slight additicu oi' T Railway Act provides that the chief ;i addif issed by Mr. Joltli Sinclair, the ` `ugar tell. Improve, some varitaik•s of I New Baptist Editor. Commissioner's view shall provail 1••rallee at„i llrtc,tiH• e -.%dent, ,who referred in culogiatic I p'''as' 11x. G. R. R'aberts, ,who has been for { ra• upon any question which in the I 3'aris, March 10,-2'h,s recent visits t*,ems to the imi)rovensents ,whic)r + Ca*fined 'ti>)lle.s in one anon tins aro sf,teral years ,once,l manager of Ther opinion of the Commissioners is a of M. Paul Calubon (French Ambas- i have be+en effected in the packing and + let good deniand, but fault has been Ovilad)an Baptist, has reskgneci, Mr. question of late. 'lhG Judgment in the sailor at London) to Paris to con- t� ra:elint of C'aat:eeiian fruit, since the found in=�nttdian goodson account of Roberts bas been connected wIth the case of Fort Arthur also applied to fer with Foreign. 1,linister Deleasse, !1)0111ialion Government had taken Lhe some firan_i putting; different varieties DiiPtist. book Room for twenty years, the town of fort 'ttiilliaan. have revealed the fact that the tie- t matter in hand and the fruit div)sion i of apples Ili 'the same tin. Some var- acid will b, greatly mis-,eo, lie r0sig- gotiations for a settlowent of the had exerci.s• :l their active and ivell- ieties cook much faster than others. n !tion will r^suit in several changes „ „ Another complaint is that son^ park- in connection with the manag A80LISii TfiB BAR." outstanding difiol•encos between , d)r:r.ted supervision. This esprc+: • << ..,emend Prance and Clreat llritain have beim i sl n of •opinion is endorsed in other ers apparently' list cull fruit" -tad of th^ 13api.ist W.t-ckly. T;he Offleas, resumed, after having he;n Inter- I Illarket centres." nave not sufficient fruit in the tins, l of editor of the, publication snit man - Premier At;aln Supporta the lfropnalti011 to d.ih4.ral CHauup. ± rupted by til•' outbreak of (var. It ` ---- !the scrods kr•ing turned "sloppy," ager 'cf the book room will be, divided. only tit^ best a:rades should Ix, ea- Th:. first Position has been offered to Toronto, !larch 1G. -The Liberal is undclstood that th,. cluostion for ; BRITISII ;...OLLM13IA APPLES IN 11>orted if ire- wish to held Or Increase I?ry Dr. W. J. 31cKay of trutford members of ar Ontario Legislature settlement iltchu., taesc relating to , . BRITAIN. + our trade with Oreat Trtiain, as there Platt the second to 'Mr. R. B. Warren again met in caucus yesterday morn- Morocco, Rg•ypt :tuft the Newfound- - � 'I-- keen comletiti.;n from all parts of of Gcory,lDan, Rev. Dr. 'Mialiay is land shore fishories. Concerning" 'ram ovc,elh,at samples of Er)tish ing. Egypt, it is expoc•tod that PranciCOIW,Ibi,i agpit:s have reaoileci this ,the ,rand for the Franco markets, ''1f Ontario of the btao,li Convention WiO- 7'1.14 temperance question was not �oauntr fThe+ Coated Mates, I ranee, Germany, I v^2 Jntario and t?usb_•c•, ani Dir. War - discussed, but Premier Ross took will socuro a modification of certain y of late in the form of small tltaly, the Australian Commonwealth. ver, is ilii proprietor of the George- restrictiens placed oil comms pica- I trittt shipments, says the •'bruit i P ' the opportunity to ergo upon his Grfatl'er" of London, Ennd New Zealand are shelf>ping h^ivy Lo,rn 13'arald. a successful c0uiltry followers the aclvisibility of enders- tion tvitll take Tchad, t g., it Litethe issue lire& of canned ,goods. During, cool :;ea- ,rc.ekly. Neither gentleman has yei, i of Feb. li, i.)0;. "One lot rw;is di�- ing tho suggestion made by him at sons like the past two, only the best a.cc;pted the ;lffers mane them by the Vire cornrt•a1L Y''a•��ad of at Liverpool, one at C�tas- the last Ineeting of caucus that a ! gees, arid finally one came. to London.) 1gratIp.,4.are in demand, It fis during 'lubiication Committee. ' bill should be introduced abolishing ' Cornwall, Ont., !larch 16. -About Th; two foriner'shipments (private'l -I. -� hotel licenses and placing under Gov. 4 o'clock yesterday' afternoon fire sp-eulatic,n_) realized very satisfac- • ernment control the retail sale of was discovered in the inule room of i tory prices. We have had samples of liquor in packages. the Canadian Colored Cotton Com- i tit:•• fruits .sent us, and these ,were of ' '�? A k3. 31.mlr " S Railwaj subsidies and other mat- pauiy's Canada mill. It spread very iezr,,Ilerrt quality- and in sound condi-: 2 tars occupied the attention of the t rapidly until the (vest enol of the ;tion, We shall dvat further, with i � i( r' I1?ja'•it;f�•`6� Z' �4" g (Ge cauculi. upper Door was alllazt•, The cool- illi . ,,,bier: in an rarIy' isstie., I �t�; '(��f(i�II'i �/ I i I ., ) pany's fire brigade rendorad good i �� � 1I I l �` . jp'/ I . J - . •i,,. J sir 110tH C.,usct,ered. I I To those well Inn in else will raa.,e off, es ae.- t: scrt•ict• and with the ofd aP the .,�—� , � �� p London, March 1G.—Asked if the town )>riz;ade they hoot this are in i' • t'3\ �UL1ti .tPl'Ll?ti IN !•i:fiU � '�-.!''i }ears �Lerec.,n"�"eam- ,ally t,ac•l"", """ipa- Government intended to take any the room where it origivatod. ' The NI AI; KLT. l ` I - A , I .. ion to t;le con liCon of the tion, blu idcr trouble, fall - steps to protect the iron trade of lois NY fire Ives very- shalt, but the I i .,�� 'I ` systcm, :hci: r.:.aa err• of i In= ap aerie, and iudiges the United Kingdom against i••'1t.•r ,::,u:S„d considorablo dntruure. Tlrr T,oe.l, "ylcrrury” sas.,; I)ur-, ./�f i _ ill, antl eu rrin;. Some ti.ul. if ANrt-1'ILL is used g a),a est Cana- ' ' ar:," t lr: IY.-Iv1 k.'w' Y:•;a r^i 1.a11asiill:l t 11- i ) . vonn,4 ,. t "1 P ti ,all .a ) ` �, dian bounty -fed competition, .Austen At is tau rorty to 111.11-0a ;toper r•s: ,l:ic.:, t,;tvc f,,uu(l a restly nlau'ka•,. in / ` i ! are , in,4 ,1 .t, twhil. 1 • %1:e�eol,1 .'.,.Mies i S4 1 .. , le lit b I t. fully r .. •. Y„ • .. 'In -r, of tit(' ., t i is 1 t 1 r Chamberlains t, at said the abolition o abo Its others • r t a i 1 ..i., t..a. t .:,:, i• f .- 0 of o f ecu.... 1. 1 0 n + t L.. c . u t .an 1. •:•d.i 1 1., e eo'v •I , J - insurance. 'rho m ] r na d 1 elle! 3 modification of the Canadian boon- covered b} t su a t e antle Dorn t fair I•re•l:ort)on of tine suet,!}•. Tt � `E. ---- :lute twi': be awuide.l. To tics would be a subject for consider- will probably be running again in A Is a st.t•ik;n_ tiibui • to Lite. duality' rlderlypeoplcwho once 11ror" tali::,, sena! [t) tL'rl- - ,tion when the fiscal and Comma'- coy oft o cf the fruit 'htt 'Ilt)•.auvh OIL ,uppiv' use I;r Ieunlaardt'• 1r•`- ! .n„ -'err•• t:tt \''••are •or's tial relations between the United I I -'n d 1 a 1 colonies ,,. y •' a •. Iii on act the c C rad n s taint t 0 0 LCs tomo up ' a ► i. HaltfHx AIa 1 Yrodloaruent. Halifax, N. S., ltiarcll 16. -At filo 1 g for settlement. London, March 16. -The Express ; p opening yesterday of the criminal ,Vin It Be Morgan? f Prints the following from Montreal: Great continue fn Eas- sittings of the Supreme Court, Judge Ritcitie ordered an indictment pre- snowstorms Now York, lurch 1G. -The World ' I tern Canada, and industry is para - pared against the Mayor of the yesterday morning said one of the lyzed. city, A. B. Crosby, on a charge of ii�eacreatfontest financiersconnectedwith !the aS eShaabuild1 ! The railways are blocked to traf- interference with the administration of U I fie roads are impassable, and the of justice. A prisoner under a crimi- Ing Company will have to face a cold is intense. The price of food is charge of grand larceny., Another mai Charge was released from cus- tody at a city police station, and in consecluenco Increasing, and in who oolongs to the salve firm as the many districts which are Cut off frons could not be found. The Mayor is former will have to face a charge of the rest of tho ,world the inhabi- foC er in the third degree. Six: or thus held responsible for the release. S y b tants are practically starving. seven others rnen will have t0 face 10,000 Ont of wr oric. less serious charges. - _ r+ia .�8i1'N of I'a'I, }•fltl•t Ili. New York, March 16. -Ten. thou- t•oretbly l,epor,ed V.don slen. Halifax, N. S., March 1G.-Notlt- sand lfthogrpahers throughout the Telluride, Col. March 3G. -Ono sof ing has been heard of the hissing country will be out of work to -day hundred members the Citizens' Al- ! steamer Pro Patric, or her passen- as a result of the failure to agree liance, armed with rifles and revol gers or crew. The steamer Harla.w on the acceptance of a plan of ar- vers, scoured the town and took in- • !las been chartered to carry the mails bitration offered by the employers to to custody between 70 anti. 80 union 1 and the cargo that has been accu- be operative for. one year. Dist � mien and sympathizers, who were ; mutating here for St. Pierre. The night an unsuccessful attempt was then marched. to the depot. As the ' Ilarla,i will sail oll�, ThllrSday in by the Civic Federation to special train departed they fir„d vol-' Ing. bring Lite two bodies togetilei. lays into the air. ARa IL�0 FOr DIZZINESS. cave slntoe to ca,,nda. dTTLE FOR BILi©USNESS. London, Dtarch 16,-'-(C. P.) ---J. FOR TORPID LIVED. C. Colmer, reading Notes on ;Soma I VER FOR CONSTiPATI,a1(�. Canadian Questions to -day at the Pd �'L5. F013 $dLLOW SKIN. Colonial Instituto, urged the British papers to devote more space to Can- FOR THE COMPLEXION adian affairs. J. 1AT. Courtney said ,�Iai=91(I MM auata,tr,� y,os,trlmt, the belief that the future, of Canada rmoYs'Vegetablo.,.6�ic.'�/i.trrC , depended on the United States was '"�"'""""""`"``✓"_ as extinct as the buffalo. , CIJI19; SICK WEADACHl3a _ . . _...._---..__-,--- .,.....,....__..._„•_.,• Vest, 11111•litaay of intereeta. Bremoid, March 16.' -Tho Weser zei- Lung says the German Steel "frust is about to begin negotiatiblls with Dizz _ � vita n British, • he �PnpSflpated? ilio American andcompanies etite poor? f►OWreIS toward a delimitation of their re- 'T+ongue Coated? s orld's markets, soheres of tasstto Ili avoid Head ;ache? Itis y0t1r Ji Verl ruinous competition with each other. 1..Ayer's Pills are liver pills, All 900411% sh* W if Die, vegetable. ne1,Iw r. 0.lt>.brbe:. p ifxty ;rears, Lomeli, Must �'t, Jahn, X.B., March 16. girl, Millie Gee, who was shot illi Went your moustache lorbeard Sunday, will probably dia. Sha a beautiful tfrow a or rith blar k7 Use suffers int6r!86 g gonuy. The prisoner, Cleo ge 006, e cousin, says that Ile Is not soilry for the deed.. t'T Bole - „ BUCKINGHAM'S CYE to (god she will dio ,f, thlf most k tt Met . s,11 bass Ir 1Io'„ WAIIIWA, its , 9t ! jllik%, Cil�1 lab tit blit bf ,;itltltid . Three Men Xilled. Sherbrooke, Que., March 1:13.--A Collision near Lennoxville, between a freight train of the Boston and Maine and a freight train of the Canadian Pacific Railway, three Igen were killed.Boston and' Maine engine on the B_ _ X11Ied By Toy' I'lstal Cal3a: Chicago, March 1G. -Throe persons were killed and eight Injured ill ah explosion that wrecked the plant of the Chicago Toy Novelty Company, caused by the ignition of one hun- dred and fifty gross of toy pistol 'caps. !flet Death Stiddenl>. Oakland, Cal., ilIarch 16: An ex- plosion of nitro-glycerine resterday in the California glant powder works on the bay shore at Sobrante, kilted two laborers. ...,.-.r.,... :111 On* test. Brisbane, 4tteensland, March YB.+- The missing boat of the Arat sae leas: been reported safe. All tiro mtsslug pasaenEelc i have b4etl I#Adid,# . ' of late h.n. h•en lit ;•xa:•is of the do - eland, Pr;c.', have a.l *htly inereued.; For cooki.nv riurpos:e.eNorthern Spies' are strong"ly recolinnended ; whilst , Baldw4ns and Greeninggs are also very! goad• There I.; very little difference in the pric:• ,Of times- varifet les, one and a Half pnm to three: pence being I tivi general viiarge. Newton 1'ilrpinsI ane! Golden Ru,"ets are exc.41ent des-! sett ample.. Owimr to the splendid i quality^ of apples from the Domial-I ion, the dcumind for those from New fork has suffered considerably" _.- _ _ CANNED AND EVArORATED GC30DS1 TRADE, 1903, t 'Tha Canadian export trade in carnet! I and evapo•ratea -goods is ;I compara- tively' new one, bat it is :3toadily in-:' .�I. I .1114. ar "Hie one., - - - vow London, Conn., March 16.- - ® � William L, Miller, V.C,, who claim- 19 ed to bo a survivor of the Light a . t Brigade, is dead. Tie was born lit - Scotland in 1.828, and enlisted in A the 11111 hussars, Afterwards lie a served in the U. S. Navy during the.+ a Civil War, s e 'Vnntld rial•hnbrt tlnnhpeaed. London, March 16. 7Tkwis Vernon e . !Harcourt, eldest son of Sir William 11 3 Vernon Harcourt, biv4 been elected unopposed: to represent the Rossen- +e dale Division of Lancashire. It nny Ito lien •ti. `i ' lir s 1G.�1bei . w a ci tis t�.lk Ottawa, C . s Are `Tru Heart True # T Tonic, among the Ottawa Liberals of ask- a a ><e Ing Thomlas Ahearn to 1)econu• their Mirvepoodand 61pod Endebet'. They build English-speaking candidate »t the kstect too ug_4of eboaytandrestbr61pbr! ctand healt& neat general election, ,. and + vigor to the entltesystba+. Nervousness, Sleaplassno,ts,Nbtvodi pees, nyoxmite Etplaaibn Xilla TWO. tration, Grairt pall, faick of Vltalfty. After Effects of La Grippe, Anatole. Wank and 11a,lifax March 16.• --In a dynatttita r , Dizzy Spblls`Lobs of rleltAory, palpithtioe at the Noe#t, 40fa Of Enare . Shortness of by explosion at St. btargas et a Day, on dtaath, etc.. tap all be icured using the construction work of the South- I;lburn's Nets rt�1tt'tye pills. western LailWayr two tiler Avera kith er>xj 11rfo666o-aboltar3for4I.*& Alldeatentot 't'iiT4,MiLaUrx 0%,Lnilrlsb,TotolltofOat. ... tt .. ! . •... ., t a y I'M clnd tl.al :t luv In::. r,.'- i Fait, : )•,. , fur a free Fant• C I,f r ( Pr .1 f :•' ” r ,a we t. . 1 1 lo. .ter: -I rLr. i5 Sold ol.i'tIy Of Vile trouhtestluitnotl. rv, , 4r.._,;1,•!.S, at 0 cents S6 box. ,., - -- • - .1 v�t �, ePl '1,,. FOR, SALE Il WING EIAM BY W ALTOi' A%XIBBON. Don't plod along like your grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing; beading and rubbinge Kv M1V "I-12 DUST 41iiiiwv %0�� -sices housawoeic easy. it eleatiis everything a Injures nothing. M rg economical than sok 1. 44 Made only by Till~ N. K. C'AMSANK CoMpAXy, L"w tl>to. Vow York, Boston, SL Ltt}3s. morift.d.