HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-06-13, Page 18/10. ARTICLES FOR,ALE HAY for sale. 482-3320. • 10-22x3 15 acres of alfalfa for sale. Call after .6 p.m., 527-1947. 10-22-3, TRUCKLOADS off slabs anedgings'from our; sawmill. R.J. Dungey Sr' Sons, ,Mitchell. 348-8477. , ."- 10-02-tf PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Soler Travel Trailers. Lionel Hardtops. Truck Campers and Caps. New and used. Sales, Repairs, Rentals. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8 W Strafford 393-5938. - 10-17-14 A working model demonstrates water erosion control at the Foodland Stewardship Centre in Londesboro. Also to be seen .are Terrafix interlocking concrete blocks and -filter mat used for safe and effective low level farm ' ditch crossings and streambank protection. Phone 523.9719; evenings .523-4597. , 10-23-2, 46 acres standing hay, 90% alfalfa 10% Timothy. Call David Ste. Marie after 2 p.m. 527-1438? _ 10-23x2 MIXED HAY, alfalfa and grass for sale, 27 acres. Phone 482-3129. 10-24-1' USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Deliv- ered semi -load Tots only. (450 minimum)., Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627. Office hours. 10-24-01 TEAK bedroom saite, double bed, with' mattress, night tables attached _to head board. Large 9 drawer low dresser with mirror, $400.00. Call weekdays 2-5..527= 1360. - 10-24-1 28 acres standing alfalfa timothy hay. Jeff Cardiff. 887-6889 or 887-6162. 10-24-1 WEEKLY. -SPECIALS! See our ad in Focus, Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. #4 north of Clinton, 1'/4 mile south of Londesboro: Watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508. 10-24-1 COUNTER -TOP range and oven refrigerat or, washer dryer, continental double bed, desk, kitchen stool, utility table, string art crafts etc. By appointment. Evelyn Brown Harpurhey. 527-D658. 10-24x1 Truckload of 0- ARtI`CLES FOR,SALE COME in and see our new wallpaper department. Campbell's Crown Hardware, Seaforth, 527-1420. • 19-24.2 s , ONE 15 ft. 3 point hitch ,John Deere 'rodeo hoe. Joe's seve ton wagon. One Massey Ferguson seven,' i' t mowet. One New Idea hay conditioner, All in good. condition. Phone 482-7467, 482-3146. 10-24-1 POOL' TA1#LE, large size, like new, with complete equipment. Folding bicycle, good condition, 19'r wheel. Phone 527-0753. - 10-24x1 CHESTERFIELD and chair, good condition; electric Acorn fireplace. Phone 527-0196. , 10-24-1 2 pair pants, size 46, like new, $5.00 each. 1 black ovetcoat, size 46, $5.00 'or all 3 for $10.00. Phone 521-0422 at noon.,,,. 10-24x1 CAT for giveaway to a good home. Grey/white/brown. Answers to Stretch. House trained, declawed and has had all shots. Phone 527-1871. • 10.24x1 TWO 5light chandeliers, one Dural car seat. 345-2636. 10-24x1 NEW HOLLAND 404 hay conditioner and New idea 323 one row corn picker. Stored inside. No custom work. Owner retired. 527-1343., 10-24x1 ANTIQUE Studebaker truck, 1949 model, in good shape with rack; camper to fit ton truck, good stove, frig and 'toilet. Sleeps 4 adults and 2 children. Call 527,-1366. ' 10-24-1 FILING CABINETS KITCHEN TABLE, brown chrome with teak wood arborite top and 6 matching ing chairs new cpndition. Phone 345-2572, 10-24-1 ONE manure spreader and six farrowing crates. 527-1408. 10-24x1` 2-250 gallon clean molasses tanks, priced for quick sale. Glen -Rose 527-1217. 10-24x1 one 8x30 ft. Glendale trailer, o e s late pool table with accessories. Phone 527-1373. 10-24-2 11. WANTED TO BUY PIANO WANTED: Not -necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. - , 11-01xtf 4 drawer - legal 4 drawer - letter size with andwithout locks NORM HAMILTON 27 Piston St. East., Goderich r \---\524-8602 13. REAL ESTATE WANTED for serious buyer, three or four bedroom home in Seaforth or immediate area. $25,000-$40,000 with possession end of August. Mason Bailey Real .EstateLtd. 482-9371. 13-24-1 OPEN SOON: for , STRAWBERRIES Bell Huron Farms R.R. 2 Klppen Martin & Elizabeth Attenberger TE -EM iIty FARM Still Avsllable-Top Quality BOXED PLANTS HANGING BASKETS & POTS Complete Line OI GARDEN SUPPLIES Fresh From Our Own Greenhouse tDeliclous Red TOMATOES 1 x401 ■I Ib. RHUBARB --35° Ib. you pick _45° Ib. picked Coming Soon PICK YOUR'QWN STRAWBERRIES R.R. No. 1 Bayfield 482-9940 `/lieu n go eq. Ian requires OCCASIONAL TEACHERS 14. PROPERTY for SALE HOUSE FOR SALE, 116 North. Main St, Close to high school, shoe factory and arena. 527-1325. 14-18-tf qq baildroom 2 storey house fpr Ihe�landy man. 527-1366. 14-24x1 CLINTON, 1'A storey three bedroom house, 2 baths, livingroom. diningroom, large kitch- en, and utility room. Full basement. gas furnace. well insulated, walking distance to school and hospital: Lot 66 x 165• Inclosed patio with fireplace. Beautiful trees and garage. Asking $58,500. Phone 482-7543: 14-22-2 115. PROPERTY for RENT BACHELOR APT, for rent. Available imme- diately $175.00 month. Phone 527-0607 or 527-0712 after 5 p, m. 15-23-tf BRUSSELS: Apartment In duplex, excellent condition, 3 rooms down, 2, bedrooms up,2 baths. Available July 1st Phone 887-614. 15-24-2 5 P , .OPERT1Y ft:* RENT 3 bedroom' duplex' available'. July I, 1984. Jnquire .. daytime , 527-0800 ', or evenings 527 7908. - j ;' 15-24x2 GROUND hoer apt. for rent;' available July 1. Suitable for mature persini; Call 527-1931. UPPER' Duplex, - 2," be4drrggpoms, own gas furnace, separate onaratice;' barking. Avail- ableJuly�.527-1833 , . 15-18-tf HEATED 2 bedtoojia apartment,;;. carpet throughout. Close to shopping. 527-0828. 15.19''-tf TWO bedroom apt. in Hrucefi ld. Phone 48243120. Available ;immediately, 15-21-3 FOR RENT on Main St. -,self; cpnitaihed 2 bedroom apartment lei teff. 'Phone •527- 0278 after six 527-1604.' "• 15-24x1 ONE bedroom apartment Or tent. Available immediately:; Apply Box Furnitttte, 527-0680. 15-23'-2 TWO •bedroom apartment, av ' im ble me- diately_Phone 5274680. , , 15-17-tf `18. FOR RENT • WHY BUY? "Rent instead!". Garden tillers,. Campbell's Crown Hdwe: Seaforth. 527-1420. • 19.24.2. FLOOR sanders for rent. B. & M. Rentals • and Sales. Wingham. 3$7-1666. 18-45-tf 19. NOTICE, CALL Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, Driver Supply Division, for qualified road tested class A' and "D" drivers. Full or part time. (519) 623-2430. 19=24-01 FREE 128 page career guide shows bow- to. train at home for 205 toppaying full and part time jobs. Granton .lnstitt(te 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. - 19-24-0 I24.CARD OF THANKS HOORNAFAT My sincere thank you to my families and friends for all the flowers, gifts and visite while I was a patient in Stratford Hospital. They were all very much•appppreclated. Thank you. Wilhelmina Hoornae}t, 24-24x1. IROBINSON I am getting along Well on my crutches and 1'd' liketo thank those who took care of me on the• ball diamond and during my week in the hospital. Thais to all for well wishes and the ways you hav shown concern. Jess Robinson 24-24-1 • ft SOMERVILLE I would like tb express my sincere thanks to family, relatives and friends for cards, -gifts and visits While • a patient in Seaforth, Hospital t alter Somerville, • .24-24x1; ,gryi Stafdrth an 'District Minor Baseballvr4sfies to rxptessour sincere Thank You to `the following goners of new uniforms "thi§ year Archie's S oco, Optimist Club McL8tigh- lin Chev- lds, Hoffineyers Mils. Seaforth I.H.L., Seaforth Men's Ball Lea e, Whit- ney-Ribey Funeral Horne, The` - Miran Egxappoositor, all sponsors. of` the Bantam girls uniforms, Lioness Club, Seaforth Legion acid Topnotch Feeds. 24-24-1 SOMERS I would like to thank the ladies responsible for my community shower. Also thanks to those that attended and alt the lovely ,gifts. Janice Somers 24-24-1 Geo. A. Silts & Sons DOUGLAS JACOB Auctioneer Farm, Household & Real Estate Phone 393-6214 Sebring�iIIe, Ont b VAN HAKE. We ;?wept , -to #hank the Mitchellr _ Fire Department for.their quick responseat our recent ',barn also -to, our;, relativesy neighbors and friends for "their help to clean up ands s¢peeetal,thanks to the ladiesfor their baking•,andhelplat the house with„ the lunch• We,really appec-tate wtat`you;people have d"orie for us Mr.:and„Mrs Herman Van•Bakel and Family 24-24x1 • ''� 'McCUTCHEON - K EEFER We wish t4 thank everyone who supported us at the soctal evening .held in our honour. *m4004(4 16 those who helped make the`. night a success. Your 'thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. ,Brenda"McCutcheon Dan Keifer 24-24-1 HULLEY ` Tlie fainly, `of; the late Ella Hulley wish to expkeess theirr!sincere'thanks and apprecia- tioiZ,tq,:'elatives, friends and neighbors for their -many acts of :kindness `and sympathy shown`. thein ; in the loss of a Mother, ggtandmotber and great grandmother. Also for:the beautiful floraltributes', cards and donations .`Special thanks to Ross Ribey, Rev lVanslykerand the ladies of Northside Vmted:Church. Special thanks also to the staff of.K4lbarchan Nursing Home for their kindness and excellent care. Your thought- fulness will always be remembered. 24-24x1 GLANVILLE Tire family of the late Melvin Glanville wishes to convey their heartfelt thanks to relatives, - friends and neighbors for their cards, flowers' and charitable donations. Sincere thanks to Rev. Duke, O'Connor Fgneral Home, and the ladies of the Carmel Presbyterian Church. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Dr.' Wilson and the nurses and Sisters • at St:-Joseph's.Hospital,.London for their excellent care and concern. Irene, Clara and Beulah J 24-24x1 FORSYTH The family of.the late Ivan Forsyth wishes to, convey their heartfellt thanks to relatives and friends for the beautiful floral tributes, cards' and'charitable donations. Sincere thanks to the Box. Funeral Home, Rev. Cheryl Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa and the ladies of Eg- •mondville United Church. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus," nurses and •staff of Seaforth Community.Hospitalfor their kindness and excellent care. Sincere thanks to all neighbors andfriends who helped in so many ways,' it was all very much appre- ciated. Eva Forsyth Vera and Wilfrid Glazier • 24-24x1 HOGGARTH I would like to thank my family, relatives, and friends who came to visit me for a lovely 80th birthday party and for their gifts. Words cannot express my thanks. Ruby Hoggarth 24-24x1 f24c,RD THANKS 19, NOTICE MCGAVIN I wouldilike to express my sincere thank you tpall my neighbors, friends and relatives for the flowers,, cards, letters and visits while at patient ,in Seaforth Community fidspital Special thanks to Dr. Underwood,'Rev. Gordon Simmons, and ladies of St. Thomas Church the nurses and • the entire staff of the hospital and candy stripers. All was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Carrie McGavin 24-24-1 McDONALD Many thanks for the cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was'a patient in Seaforth,' Community Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus; horses and staff for their kindness. Thanks also to Rev. Swan, Rev. Duke and Rev. Vanslyke for their visits. Everything was much appreciated. Vera McDonald 24-24x1 BRIDGE Special thanks to all who sent cards, gifts, flowers and visited me while in hospital and for visitsrand food brought to the house since 1 came home. Thanks to Dr. Hanlon, Dr. McGregor and staff at Wingham Hospital, Dr. Girvin and staff on third floor centre Victoria Hospital, the nurses of the Home Care for their care. Special thanks to Rev. Carpentier and Josie, and Rev. Carr for their visits and prayers, Norma McNair and family, neighbors and my own familyfor all their care and help. Everything willalways be remembered and cherished. Jean Bridge 24-24-1 _,MCCALL I would like to thank everyone who sent cards, cane to visit with treats at the hospital an• since coming home and to those - who called t ask about me. Special thanks to. those who h Med ed at my home by babysitting the kids. Ross McCall 24-24-1 -NOTICE -- Ore wer's Warehousing Company Ltd. are pleased to advise that our empty bottle depot is now located at. 80 Jarvis St. Seaforth OPEN: Wednesdays and Saturdays commenting Wed. Wed. June 6 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. Ail classeabtilvestock WE INVITE YOUR - CONSIGNMENTS -Victor liargresves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton, 262-2619 Hensall Barry 111 or 236-2717 Exeter & ~' 9.6205 Kirkton VEALS tl More on E next page . ' I NOTICE First Installment of Grey Township TAXES 'i• ; Public Works Canada INVITATION :TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or f; services listed below, addressed to the Financial & Administrative Officer, Ontario Region, Public Works Canada 451 Talbot St., PO. Box 668, LONDON, ' Ontario, N6A 4Y4 will be received until 1500hours on the specified closing date., 1 Tender documents can be seen or obtained throu'h the Tendering Office, same address as above, telephone • number (519) 679-4323. l PROJECT ,• 093132 - CANADA POST CORPORATION, BOILER REPLACE- ' MENT, POST OFFICE, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO CLOSING DATE: i. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, "1984 The lowest or any tender not necesa'arily accepted. are due June 29, 1984 JANE BADLEY, A.M.C.T. Clerk Treasurer Twp. of Grey R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. t<'L Canada ••••••.•••••••S.••.• Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter WIERCHANTS PLUMBING IEATING 1 EL13CfBLCAL -CONTRACTORS - t 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tpesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats process- ed exactly the way you like it. Phone Home , 527-1620 - Harchvare forty RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. JUNE 16 at 10 a.m. Large Antique Auction of furniture, and glassware, bells etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for Henry Har- burn, Staffs• WED. JUNE 20, 6130 p.m. Tent trailer, appliances and furniture for Noel Dumont, 194 Shore Cresc., Goderich. SAT. JUNE 23, 10 a.m. Antique furniture, collectibles, appliances etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Bam, Clinton for Mustard Estate of Brucefield, plus otter additions. WED. JUNE 27, 6 p.m. 3 bedroom 'house, and household furniture, appli- ances, 'etc. at 128 Princess St. W., Clinton for Mrs. Margaret Moodie. SAT. JUNE 30, 10 a.m. Machine shop uipment, garage equipment, metal the, heat treating equipment to be Id at Clinton High School for the `Huron Cty. Bd. of Ed. to do supply work in the elementary and secondary schools during the 1984/83 school year. Appropriate applications may be obtain- ers at any elementary or secondary school within Huron County or at the Board of -Education office in Clinton, Ontario. Individuals presently serving as occasional teachers are required to te-apply. Individuals who are interested and qualified to be an occasional teacher are requested to submit their names prior to June 29, 1984. Licensed teachers are `requested to attach a copy of their Ontario Teacher Qualification Record Card to this application.• From the information indicated on the - application form, lists will be prepared and circulated to the appropriate principal. Individuals having inquiries with respect to supply teaching may ' contact Mr. P. Gryseela, Superinten- dent of Personnel at 482-3496. Rall. ALLAN Director E. FRAYNE Chairman • LARGE AUCTION SALE Antique furniture, . glassware, collect- ables, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Ram, Clinton, Ont. for Henry Harburn of Staffs. - Saturday, June 16 at 10 a.m. Antique combination sideboard and china cabinet w/curved glass door, three chests of drawers, brass bed, dining tables. several wooden carpenters planes, sausage press, old wall phone, sad irons, pressback rocker, two copper pails, several oil lamps, sortie hand painted, wicker rocker, large cabbage cutter, large apple peeler, small Iran kettle, treadle sewing machine, bag cart, library table, wooden drop leaf table, antique meat scale, system pump, nail scale, old organ stool, cant ltoar, cross cut saw, coal skuttle, cream can, milk cans, antique platform rocker, hand corn planters, trunk, antique shelf clock, several old mantel clocks, aid toffee grinder, wooden butter bowls and ladels, Beaver jars, old fruit jars, 4 and 6 gal- crocks with lids, approx. 30 creeks and jugs, 3 chamber sets plus odd pieces, selection of old befit, butter prints, bottle capper, beer stein, pickle cruets, silver pieces, large offering of dishes and glassware including green and pink depression glass, ruby glass, shaving mugs, clear glass, Irls,pattet'n, cups and saucers, plus niany itetns too numerous to mention. Plan it attend this large auction. TERMS CASH ; AUCTIONEER -- LIICH`ARD LORD 78411-- - - - AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery and some household effects will be held for James Mair, lot 26, concession 4, Morris Towrtslifp, 21/2 miles north of Brussels on County Road 12, then one mile west on - Saturday, June 23 at 1130 p.m. AUCTIONEERS WALLACE HALLAGH Teeswater 392-6170 and GRANT McDONALn Ripley 395-5353 kturdtty,.hoe 76th 60 Tractors, 15 Combines and over 100 plus of emilpment. Brindley Auic tions HINGANNON ' Ili* lri.B.eiGabriel' 519.939.7625 AUCTIONEER' DIMOf4 H. MUM= RE -ROOFING PROJECTS at Zurich Public School, Zurich J.A.D. McCurdy Public School, Huron Park Seafoitlt'Public Sebool, Seaforth Goderich District CoIIeglato Institute, Goderich Colborne Cents al Public School, RR 3, Goderlch HOWIck Central Public Sehool, R1r 1, Sante Sealed tenders properly id*miffed, addraii d to the Huron County Board bf Educa- tion, Will be received by kyles, Garrott 4 Marktevitx, Architects, 165 Huron Street, 'Stratford, until 3:00 p.m., Thursday. Jun, 25; 19114. Bid Bond or Certified *toque is required In amount of 3% of tender price. Suc- cessful contractor Will be required to supply to 30% Performance Bond. Tender documents available at .Art lteet's office upon deposit of certified cheque ,of $100.00 per sat. - Lowest or cony tender not necessurtly accepted. EVENING • AUCTION SALE • or FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ANTIQUES• AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ETC., -SO SE' • HELD AT WALNUT LANE FARM, 11/4 MILES • • wisT of •ORNHOLM ON • . • • MON„ JUNE 18 at 6:00 -p.m. • • OFFERING INCLUDES: Admiral 4 burner • • gas range: Moffat refrigerator w. cross -top • • freezer' (harvest Gold); French Prov. • • chesterfield and choir, wooden rocker: • • tapestry orm chair and folding rocker: • • Magnus chord organ: coffee table: mat- • • thing and tables: vinyl rocker; solid state • • AM -FM stereo radio, record player 8 track: • • 3 piece waterfall bedroom suite. 3 piece • • bedroom suite; chrome kitchen suite: rugs 9 • • x 12L 6 x 9- wicker rocker: wfcker ternary: • • meat grinder. bed and dresser. vacuum • • cloaner,.picturo frames: hooked mots, bed- • • ding and linens: sausage stutter. table d) -id " swag lamps: floor romp: small kitchen op- • • Ounces: picnic table. lawn chair: mirrors: • • stainless steel pots: cooking utensils, dishes • • and glassware including antique pieces; an. • • tique floor radio: antique sealers; brood • axe, and much mora. • Terris: Cash • Est. of Fred Sanders, • & Peart Mueller • Props. • Not responsible tor accidents day of sale. • • • • • • R.G. Gothke • Auctioneer • • •••••••••••••••••••• ._....->c.,Sba.:b af6 Lj' t5C'Z efP1C. FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION We have bean instructed by the secured parties to offs, for sats by public Auction scottipiefa line of form equipment. Tits safe to be held at Mossstman Farris, 2'/, ibis north of Grated fend on Hwy. No. 21 on THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1984 AT 12:30 P.M. COMSIN£S - John Deere 7700 D 13' Grainhead with robot floating system; Massey Ferguson 5100 with cab 13' grain head; Massey Ferguson 410 with 13' groin head. TRACTOR'S - Int- Harvester C Narrow front end with cultivator; Int, Harvester Super C wide front end with side dresser; Int. Horyester Super A Wide front end with cultivator and side dresser; Massey Harris 44, gas, 3 PTH; Int, Harvester W4 Tractor. SPRAYERS - Versatile 200 gal. 30'; George White 300 gat- with delavan turbo 90. centrifugalpump. PLANTERS • Int. Harvester Model 10 - 13 run witli grass seed box: J.D. 4 Row corn planter with insecticide boxes: I.H. 4 row corn planter: 1 row Holland transplanter with water tank. - HAY EQUIPMENT - Gehl Blower: Ford 315 hay rake; A.C. 1.1' hay rake; Hesston P.T. 10' hay bin (Bite new) Gilmore model 610 high dump; 2 - Gehl forage wagons, double beater with 7 ton running gear; 2 - flat rake wagons; Fox 900 harvester vrith 2 heads: M.F. 6 bar 3 P.T.H. rock: New Holland Blower model M 28 (like new); 10' Owottono Swathe,; Allied bole stocker. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT - Cosa 10' disc: 4 Furrow Overum plow 16", 3 P"T H.; 3 Furrow Case, plow 16" trip bottom: 10' land leveller; Allied 20' wing cultivotor: 1 H. 10' wing cultivator; 13' Kongskilde with finger harrows, 3 P, T. MANURE EQUIPMENT • New Holland 512 Spreader 250 Bu.: Int, Harvester 200 spreader; Beatty Model 971 Honoywagon 800 gal, MISC. - tracks for Ford, Massey Ferguson or 1.H.; Freeman loader for I.H. 245 or 414 30' elevator; 2 - Gravity bins 125 bu.; 17 Fertilizer auger with boxes; 8 ton wagon; V typ'e snowblower: Farmotic feeder with auger model FMC: two 350 bushel JM gravity boxes complete with 12 ton running gear; wind power 200 AMP generator; 4 section Allied harrows; Gorman Rupp 2" water pump: chainsaw, FORiXLIFTS - Tunstack T.S. 3-3000 lb. 9' lift plus charger in good shape: Massey Harris pony with Ford lift 8' lift. Forfurtherinformation contact - DICK ROBINSON TONY GOLD) - MOSSELMAN FARMS Rale Manager 014)4112-711111 or 1116 Huron County ward of Education (514) 238.8628 g4LCD e./7tG. AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS, TENDER BROKERS& BUSINESS CONSULTANTS Hwy # 4, Brucefield, Ontario - phone (519)482-7181 Ontario's most aggressive Auctioneers