HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-06-13, Page 12f,. T E ,HUi1ON EXPOSITQR JUNE. • 13V, i019 -m A11 BTC 0 .'111N1 •OI J71, ... ;1 The calendar's turn from, f . info Attie has taken us uic� th e K. 9 . , Y'lnto ,h i lit o . B P� g. season. Companies, schools anti civic groups hold many golf toir ri aments ,and our regular golfers are out ii Wigg their;,, skills for the summer ahead l'ke• already heard some remark that it's°fpo' hat totgolf. Just thick,, only a few short weeka- ago it was too cold to golf! There's no pleasing some people. An element o1;1 excitement occurred last week wheoi,Ken Doi' : won the Ontario Senior Championship at�`Peterborough. The 56- yearolld veteran wen the 36 hole tournament and becomes the , captain ,of the Ontario that Seniors team willpplay in the Canadian Championship in Prince Edward island this September. ' Since 1 had been planning aseniors article for sometime this • season, I thought this week would, be the perfect' time to focus on seniors' golf. Golf is the game of a lifetime as I've said so many times before. Many golfers enjoy the game well into their senior years. What exactly does a senior's age have to be? Well I have a friend whose husband claimed to be middle-aged at 55 until his wife asked him how many people he knew w bo, were 110. Yes, regardless of how `ypit• look or feel the golf association pegs.you as I• senior on your SSth birthday. The number of senior golfers is continu- ally rising and today,there:is a professional. senior tour featuring the likes of Sam Snead, Doug Sanders, Miller Barber, and other greats of the past. There are also many More senior amateur events scheduled in all parts of the country and our bulletin board is covered with invitations for senior golfers. Locally, we have many senior golfers enjoying their new found leisure time on the golf course. Some have golfed from youth into cold age while others did not take up the game until after retirement. Regardless of the time in life that golf was taken up, golf during your senior years can be a healthy and satisfying pasttime. Our seniors are put on the course almost every day and when the youngsters finish school, daytime golf often, sees old and young heading down the fairway together. Golfing in your senior years will ;often • meati that adjustments must be made to your game and- .your attitude. Being and keeping in good shape is important for the enjoyment of any sport and golf is tto exception, Walking strengthens the legs and , improves circulation and it is recommended that senior golfers only ride carts on extremely hilly courses or on very hotdays unless some physical ailment forces them to ride. if you do share a cart with someone . take turnswalking a hole or two just to keep the old bones mobile. Wear good,.shoes' miss Khios, are the most iiiportantpiece f golf .& othing in any olfer's"warrdrobe T'ry.to whim up before- heading out on the course by hitting some balls and,ddin a'few stret bing..exercises. Staying flexible and avoiding thhat middle- aged spread that comes from too little exercise will helpyou keep that hong. smooth swing of youthfyears. • Physical conditions change as you age and there is more to it than just losing a ,little flexibility 'or putting on weight. Sometimes arthritis can be a problem causing you to have to shorten your swing and lose distance. Sometimesarthritic hands will mean that adjustments will have to be made to your normal grip. Then there are the eyes. As you become more long-sighted you will find it harder to focus on the ball at address or when putting. Don't despair as they even have special golfers bifocals designed especially so that you won't hdve to lower your head into an awkward position in order to focus on the ball. Physical condition is no more important than the proper mental attitude. You're never too old to learn new tricks and during your senior golfing years, it's time to use all the experience of the ast td your advantage:, So what if you can't hit a seven iron as far a"s you could 25 years ago. Hit a five or four iron. As long as it does the job don't let youthful pride prevent you from, scoring welL Be versatile and learn to adapt to your neyrgame. You can u se,inore fairway woods for longer'shots and leave those hard to hit IOng irnr,s in yourlackeri'Even o f thp tee many Sewers ore opting,*,a, two, two; and a hal,, or three. good andplaying a shorter' gaiue'but With more accura'ey, '`. instead • of With to murder. the course With long hitting as you might have done in younger days, use experience and knob, - ledge to develop strategy and accuracy instead. Work on your short game and with consistant chipping and putting you can still burn, up the course. One of the major accomplishments a golfer oh have is to shoot his age for 18 boles,andthat is something many of us are going to have to wait awhile for. Golf Digest has a special award for anyone who. shoots his age or better over an 18 hole course and I'm sure we've got some potential winners out there. This summer as part of the Ontario senior games . there will be, a seniors'i' golf tournament open to men and women at our local course. The date is set for Wednesday. Aug. 29; This is a fun tournament with sten and women 'coin eting in age groups of 55-64, 65-74, attdp75 and over. The Calloway, handicapping system will be used to establish the winners. so even golfers who only play on a casual basis Will haze a good chance at some recognition. This 'tournament is open to seniors in the Seaforth and District- recreational area and , more information about the event can be obtained by contacting Bryan Peter. Metes night winners last 'week were Charlie Malcolm and Jerome Aubin. Ladies night winners were Marg Sallows, Deb Gore and Liz Cardno. The ladies also enjoyed a putting clinic punt on by Cam Doig and a film on Women in Golf. Maitland Country, Flub hosted our ladies on Tuesday evening. for nine holes of golf and lunch and it was a very enjoyable outing.. i .:, 'On Saturday afternoon, the Firerpen are holdingtheir, annual mixed 2 -ball beginning at 2 p.m.'50 regular pnlfe.rs aro ro,nintied to plhy early, Those interestedliir the bus }rip to the Canadian OPen on June 26 ire reminded to sign up soon and any one. wishing to see the lady pros .,tee it vurein • Toronto on • Saturday, July 28 are alto reinded to siren up by June 26. The match play sheets have been posted with all members included, This is a fun way.to meet a number of golfers but it is not compulsory. Weinvite everyone to participate though and enjoy the competi- tion. sler ,makes two, national teams Seafoith native Lloyd Eisler was named to Westminster, B.C. was named to the A both National Fire Skating teams for the team. He was also named to the B team in 1984-85 season Friday. Eisler, along with the men's singles category. pairs' partner Kathy Matousek of New SEAFORTHJUNIOR TENNIS ,INTERCLUB. Competing against,Qthe towns' (Atwood, Mitchell, Sebringviile and Stratford) • k Tournaments in the rno'nth.of July —Comet and make frregdnew ' 'i-:.:6* • oJt s=+ If you are 18 or under come to the Res Office aheplck-up a registration form before FRiDAY,L JUNE 1,.? : • Registration fee is $2.00 pertoumairieiit CUT • FROM GRADE `A' BEEF BLA TEAKS FOR THE BAR -BO Filter ueen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 SEIGEL'S 129 Dundas 330 Clarunco In downtown London ':LADIES' VINYL . WATERPROOF $.001rS: sane I •FACTORY SECONDS 9 zehis fine markets... of fine foods HORT RIB ' Ib. CUT FROM. GRADE 'A' BEEF ROAST SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WED. JUN 13 UNTIL CLOSING ; SATURDAY, JUNE 16 BLADE BONE REMOVED mane LE?ZIF mane Leal HAf` REGULAR, BEEF OR BARBECUE WiENERS HOT DOGS 4 121 OUR REG. 2:68 mane Lea F 1 cANA JUf CELEBRA ! Pre ocanadlen' ySlsesb; j 7./.1.11 -4 • at the Seaforth District High School NO ADMISSION. from 3 = 5 pin :Qtiiiy `°...1.1$1 AIF 'R`Ioi. Free Roller Skating (arena) -Puppet Show • , -SDHS Girls B'btitl"' (3:30pm) GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE. soo s vKo. IF �4. REGULAR, BEEF, GARLIC OR THICK BOLOGNA 7 500 g PKG. SLICED REGULAR, THiCK OR HiNT OF MAPLE SIDS BACON - Free Pony :Rides -Dunking Machine 'F'iah Pork( -Carnivoi Booths ADMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING Adults - 12; Children (12 yrs. A. under) -$1 Pre-Schoolers - Free. 59 OUR REG. 3.19 BONELESS BLADE ROAST STEAK 4.17 /kg'4,89 ' Ib. Maple Leaf 8 VARIETIES MAPLE LEAF MEAT STICKS :f.89 Lear 149 41 OUR REG. 2.98 SWEET PICKLED PORK BUTT BONELESS COTTAGE ROLL TALENT SHOW 8 9 t5 pin - FIREWORKS DISPLAY 9:30 10:30 pm Free Parking of the high School • 8 Curling Club Bring Your Lawn Chairs OUR REG. 3.69 AL 4•3?1•99 ib. Nr CROSS CUT RIB ROAST oa STEAK ib. "1". ie‘ pry. ear FROZEN MAPLE LEAF BEEF BURGERS 79 .ear FULLY COOICEn MAPLE LEAF HAM STEAK 75g BONELESS CROSS CUT RIB ROAST 5.49 ,kg 2.49 Ib. torte tear MAPLE LEAF BONELESS SMOKED PICNIC PORK SHOULDER 4.8/k3g 2.19 Ib ZUW BRAND FORA t IEEE !BREAKFAST LiNK SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF SLICED COOKED HAM MAPLE LEAF SUCEO 5.6 9,Y.58 . CHICKEN LOAF IdAPLE LEAF REQ. OR PARA 4.37198.. BOLOGNA 3.2SrngI.49n. SliOPSY'S POTATO t. EGQ OR MIXED BEAN SALADS. 73k9%69th. MAPLE LEAF SWEET PiCELED AEG. WINN CORNED BEEF BRISKET. MAPLE LEAF VEAL STEAKETTES NIAPtELEAF ENGLISH STYLE SU.ICED BACK BACON No NAIVE NOCK CHICKEN OR MACARONI & CHEESE S. 73 Re RAKE SMOKED N /k9, 6.9 POLISH SAUSAGE g Ib. COUNTRY C&0 FULLY COOKED ROUND DINNER HAM 93/k92/69ib. 179. 149 139 4.39fk91e 99b. 6.57/k92.981b. 750 9 175g 37'5 9 LINK STYLE Offer expires Saturday, June 16 fre a With orderrdery •40 Or make all her wishes come true. The Diamond Anniversary Ring. A band of diamonds that says you'd marry her all over again. ANSTETT JEWELLERS bh Ti}"ts14 C Registered TM of Canada's Wonderland Ltd buy one get ene free sneak preview port coupon DeI,u el the sloe 8 Albert St. CLINTON 284 Main St. EXETER 26 Main St. South SEAFORTH 135 Queen St. East ST. MARYS 203 Durham St. E. WALKERTON