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The Huron Expositor, 1984-06-13, Page 11
' t A10 - THE ,HURON EXPOSITOR; JUNE 13, 1984 Nd S • i � Seaforth Public School 'gamer ,firth I regional track and field meet Olt" Tuesday with 460 points followed by Otral School whir 439 points and Cbntoh, bIi1 School with 404 points. In fourth p18 w'ag Clinton Christian School. with 358'. -ppoints, in fifth was Blyth Public School with 3,32 tppootats and sixth was Huron Centennial School vith 298 points. r Pverall winners are as foljows: senor boys. tied. for lst, Tom Campbell, Huron eaten. vial and Danny Oliver, Huron Centennial; 2nd Bob Fehr, Seaforth Public; School Senior girls 1st -Susan Govenlocjt; ii411ett tied for 2nd, Paul Zondag; :Clinton Ch}istian • and Tara duff, Huron Centennial : Intermediate boys. 1st, Paul ,11oggait, Hullett; 2nd Steve Van den Doo!, Clinton Christian. Intermediate girls, 1st Leanne Whitmore, Seaforth; tied for 2nd, Sherry °Iioegy, Seaforth; arid, Ruth Ann Whyte'," Clinton Junior lioys, 1st, Darryn McAsh,uion Centennial; 2nd, Craig Caldwe 5.thn Public School. Junior girls, lst, Jenny Allen, Blyth 2nd,, Lisa Beattie, Clinton. ' Midget boys, 1st David Vriend Clinton Christian; 2nd, Scott Vodden, Hullett Midget girls, ist Lisa Henderson, Sea - forth; 2nd, Melissa Whitmore, Seaforth. Winners from Seaforth Public Sehool include Terry Gray, 1st in senior boys 100 metre race, 2nd in 200 metre race and 4th ill triple jump; Chris Harburn, 6th in senior boys' 200 metre race; Bob Fehr, 5th in senior boys' triple jump, 4th in high jump and 1st in 40',$.411. saftbaU.throw; and Joe Smith 3rd in seuior bays softball throw, , "t t #x a K kt �, 7n the senior: &!IS, Kathy B11440 ie st ui bulb the 400.metre and 200 (etre,�races. Amy Vanden AkkerT00me:4014n thgr 100 metre race, filoria Sppaarrks dame .5th yin e e 280 metre race, Debbie�.Campbell,came h in the shot .put d Elizabeth $girt► came 6th inthe triple um .. ,I : Trevor FRt tun cue; �4tlt,ilil the i�ltertrte- dia'te boys' softball throw Chris• Reeves nte came Sth in the irmediate :boys' ;triple, jump and Ben Anderson eatnef,tl iu-.the, intermediate- 'boys' high .jumtt ; lit ttiterr mediate girlsa,.Ieanne Wliltmgr ijie lsfitn the 2Q0;pigtre r a ce,�,2_nd tn"the 1 metrerace and:the 400'metre race and the.tdpie;lunar, and 4th in,the'high,lump an softbaltttti r.w. Sherry Hae . came'lst in th s,,9ttball throw, 2nd in,,the 2200 `metre race, .3rd ii4ythe. eltot. Put: 4th in tate lgng jump and 5th in 81000 metre race; and; Cbngie Mccowa11.tceme 2nd in :the ,high jump, • In junior boys, Karsten Carroll cain standing long jump and softball;thrme 't rgw, 2nd in,triple jump and 4th' in long jump, Steven Fritz came 2nd in softball ,threw; Jeremy, ;ane -came 4th lent anti- '6th in standing long jump;, James Willbee carne 6th. in 200 metre'Faoe;Brad Taylor came, 5th, its triple lump and .Brad Schroeder' came 6th in • long lun!p. • • Cheryl And Story came lst 1n junior girls' softball•throW, Leanne,Dolmagecame 2nd m junior girls' highjuin and 3rd,tn istandjng- long jump; ?cronies` Glanvillecame -5th in: junior girls' long jump and Angi¢ R•eid'came k et lto �Jf as: etlitcjNicul came 1st in i t ow 1' is iun-1 Jiit�i j .BiCient efi, ea ae3fd 1n�st Rdil1 toe jump, jh-in ,p1elo00,,Paq . pp r.. came 2nd is ht h+ amp, Aar Sptale, . mn Stb in .softball: Aowwi'and Pat41 Dolmage cam 6th°itt 1.00! e ,visa Henderten aplel lst Its midget giirls' / 11 °+ + Men's,�'�.,i� dUstriol Itr the early game . of Sunday June; 3, Mainstreet beat•the'T1irf Club with a:score df 4 to':'2 1' - .' :. The late game resulted with' the Creamety 6 and Queens 2 with' a homerun by . Jim 'Finlayson for -the pueens • Oir Monday, June 4•in the early game, tate 'Bears downed' the Villagers 14. to 4.' For' the .Bears," Bob `Ktstner bit a tr pie'. and Joe pubin a double for the Villagers; Steve ;Henderson 'get a 'triple on it .Bear's ..etior. In the Oat game the Firemen beat. Topnot:I::15.to 11 'Wayne Cronin hit a triple ,and a ble.' for' the HOMO while Dave Nigh. htriple, and Howard James ;tit a double T'opiloteh. { i; Oa, ednesday night betweent-�� .theQueenand Firemenhueens lost only loe run in a 10 ball 'game Gary- Schencsaoiedthe.only run on a !saltire hitbyl;GorMacLean.; .. t ° In the late°game, Doug Leon arc t pitched a no ruin'gamedefeating the Seaforth •Bears 6to.0 : -:., On Sunday, Anne 10 in the nlak up gangs at 4 5p m;. theMainstreet ter". boat Jthe�• et 101E metre: Lace,, 200 metre race, standing long„ lump;:: ;long jump, triple jump, high ' jump a d. softball throw; Melissa Whitmore t ante ,2nd in midget• girls' 200 metre race, 40¢triple' jump, 3rd' in 100. jnetre race and 0Inetre race. and4th in lon jump; Sherry • Harrburn;came 3rd in softball- throw and 4th iti'atanding; long jump and Darlene Cain. uhoun• came 3rd :in high jump: hal#. -standings• Q-eamery with .a score of 2 to 0. Then at 5:30 p .m the c4.tBears beat the Firemen with a sQAre of"' $' tort, 0.or the 'Firemen, David Lon steff hA' Ruble while the Bears iatt d' wh doitliles being hit by Rick Dale, Boli' Kintner and, Randy Gridzak. 1n ill p regularly', scheduled games played on' June; - 10, the Queen's - won over MainStreet' with a,6.to 5 score in the early game.Steve Webster. hit -a, double for' the Queen's" while Doug Elliott. hit a triple for Matnstreet. ' During the last'game_ of the evening, the C4th Bearsfearned a 5 to '2 victory over the Top�h steam : • . STANDINGS W'• L T G PTS. Creamery '' _ 4. 1• 1 6 9 Maiostreet C4th 'agars TurfElub, 'Village Firemiirs Qreense. ' - • O'opnetch 4 3 1 8 '9 4 1 0 5 8 3 4 • 0 44.- 6 3 .4 0 '‘ 7 ' 6 a"3 5 0 ,8 6 • 1 6- 1 8 3 TRACK CHAMP -Leanne Whitmore, (shown above) and Lisa Henderson both Seaforth Public School students wereRy nil winners at the regional track and field!` eet. Seaforth Public School won the most points over four schools at the meet. (Hundertmark photo) SIU 1:79 "iC'. FROZEN.. • 1 kg BAG - SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS Playschool (3 yrs. to 7 yrs.) Playground ( 8 yrs. to 12 yrs.)" L.I.T. Program (13 yrs. to 16 yrs.) CBNCENTIG,?EO MOTwTS:: APPLE JUICE OUR REG. All programs run Mondays to Fridays July 9 to August 24 Fees: 535 Full Days 520 1/2 Days for 7 Weeks $10 One Week (Full Days) Register at the Seaforth Recreation Office prior to July 2 0 1.39 ' 355 mL TIN AT WORTHWHILE SAVINGS Regular $23 00 'ULTRA BLEND POLO SHIRTS DRESS SHIRTS 10% OFF In popular plain shades of white, beige, brown, navy, burgandy. Sizes small to 4XL FATHERS DAY SPECIAL 1Tl5 • Other novel pattern KNIT SHIRTS in a wide variety • new Spring 1984 designs and colors From . . . 11.65 up MUSCLE SHIRTS.9.85 up OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES All the latest colors & designs • SAVE 20% ON SLACKS FOR DAD Regular or tropical weights, in the latest washable dress pants Regular 27 50 to 39.50 FOR FATHER .22.50 to 31.50 SAVE 20% ON OUR .ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER JACKETS Popular nylons, poly -twills and novel fabrics in a wide color range. Sizes 36 to 50 including tails. Regular 13.95 to 45 00 REDUCED TO 11.20 to 36.00 • OTH ER e SEALTEST .. SOUR CREAM 600 - �� c"AFI CHEEZ 'WHIZ ZOO 9 1 zDitiS't3NI,"EO WU CHEESE Sao SLICES 16 or 24 iop 21 V7 e SILKIENCE REGW{RtMe1RM/t10DY 200 mL f 59 'Pm" SOFT MARGARINE Bow, 3 9 VACHON- 1 12 CARAMEL 6LCHOC. HAL AfOO S 1. 79 PKG. RECUR* OR Me AUAFRESH T THPASJ'E 150 mL t519 I DIET COKE OR DiET SPRITE M750 590304LDDEP. NOS SIZE ROLL SARAN • WRAP METRE f.99 0*A1I t1AY0WED CRYSTALS CRYSTALS 1P31.Of ♦ sf 49 IrELC1LS MR GRAPE JAMoR JELL' 500 mL 1149 CAKE DIET COKE DIET SPRITE 21,4)2SL 6.99 PALMA �i CANNED HAM1QO �' 454 9 • 9 SANK INSTANT COFFEE 8 AR 6. 9 J� NN� I V AH 575 9 t 79 MAO CALIFORNIA ICED TEA SOO 9 f 99 CH'IEF ROY -ARMEE eEEFARONe MINI ems, e(_EF ilA MINI OA 71tf?tf RAYitttt -...425 g 89° UMW ?ACM SANKA COFFEER 369 9 199 FOR MR LAIIMMY FAB. . DETERGENT 2 4 Kg 3/ 99 DOM FIR itSRES PALMOLIVE DETERMENT INE 149 0 SWUM/ mill Tact BUCKS ' ^' -PICKLES mat% 2199 DESSERT TOPPINO BIRDSEYE COOL WHIP LITRE 159 i ILUEWATER ROSTON BLUEFISH FFIIES 0!i KRISFtS 227 9 f air GRAND BUTTER TARTS OF d •29 Special prices in effect until closing Saturday June 76th CUES HOUSE CBOV O BLACK PEPPER 113 9 23 RH t, ROOD DEODORIZER CARPET FRESH 400 g 2i .<_ 4WD itsamIES COLONIAL COOKIES 400 9 all 79 . ASSTO VARIETIES MISS MEW CAT FOOD 170 9 SPI KM -RATIN TENDER CHUNKS "g 5199 I'tOO. OF U.S A CALIfORUu CAN. lEO. 1 IOMO WHITEi NEW POTATOES MUT SPINACH PROD. OF ONTARIO LEAF LETTUCE BULK 4fE3 Tr1 ! 7' ,, BAC3 t 79 100Z lor 21.19# PROD. Of ONTARIOPROD. HOTHOUSE TOMATOES CAM NO. 1 3.06 1.3 9 A.ro. OF S AFRICA GRANNY SMITH APPLES CAN. 1.74 7 ' FANCY / Ib. PROD. OF U.S.A. CALIF. P> AR N°•' GREEN SEE©GRAPES LESS 4.39 1.99 /k9 Ib. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR DAD DRESS SOX 2.50 up REGULAR "T" SHIRTS 5 95 WALKING SHORTS SWIM TRUNKS 12.95 up 12 95 up SUITS & SPORTS JACKETS . .20% off nioo. of usa: rauF. cA1L Ma 1 LARGE SIRE •'le^ POT 12 95 STRAWBERIZied �,RI 199 OW OF MONOMhAf 4, 99 DOLE PINEAPPLES �. patoII� ONT. CAII Wit Y 1.79 199 2.39 IDA' ICED APPLES; 3 Le BAB . _ . . TROPICAL PLANTS it PERSIAN VIOLETS TABLE FERNS Pm' 4' POT REIGER BEGONIAS 4' POT GREEN PLANT INAMUG WE-RESEgYE THE THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: r o.tFUSACAL .COLMO.1 CANTALOPES suE 1e .... .. t2 rt0D. CF 1.SA. CALK. CALL R0. 1 1.69 LARGE PLUMS eP.6Z�s%19a. t'A00. ar 1 S.A. TEUS• ca*. as. 1 EA. 199 SPANISH Tr13E ONIONS 1.t t14 49r.. RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY F HIGHWAY NO.8 GODERICH ►4tiifan:e ur me,•nw GREEN ONIONS BUNCHES - .. 0/99' r><OIIYCT OF ORT BUNCH RAISHES 2/S9'. rfta. K u.s:L CALIF. 0511.110. 1 CAULIFLOWER . -EA • 179 Ml/D: OF u.S:A. CAIK.'CML M0. 1 C0.CUMBERSM.110, 217999# Flagg LEEMANE 00 CRAPE COWAN. J.B. D INKS 1.5UTRE ..., AMILY REQUIPEME.NTS. MON., TUES. 9 TO 6 P.M. WED.,THIjj ., Fol. -9 TO9P.M.SAT. 630TObP.M: JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO.4) WINGHAi111 975 WALLACE AVE, N. LISTOWEL OUR aEO. 3.89 LUVS DIAPERS 24SMALL• 16 MEDIUM OR 12 LARGE RAW PLAIN OR MEAT 396 POWDERED SPAGHETTI mL AJAX 400 9 SAUCE 99'. CLEANSER 69' CM Haan ucou CHHSEMDEN SALAD 90 g COLEY 227 9 TOPPINS 179 CHEESE 189 SURTEC GARBAGE BAGS 149 CUM 806SE WIDEN VECETAILE SALAD 84 g TOPPINS L f9 PKG. OF 10 5. OF 2 BATH OAR IRiSH 2809 SPRING 1x`9 6ADEN CHYNX STYLE SLIM CHEESE 340 9 299 LIGHT N LIVELY ASSTD FLAVOURS SEALTEST 11(9 YOGURT it -,Y LEMON OR RASPBERRY WESTONS rG BUTTER- 6F 6 HORNS 1.39 zehis fine markets..: of fine food`s INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON., TUES., WED. • 9 TO 6 P.M. THURS., Fill. 9 TO -9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 R.M.