HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-03-24, Page 10 a VOL XxXiTI.—NO. 16716q WINGIIAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NARC1124, 1904. $ 1. A YEARAt}VANOR Wear Greer's Shoes and 13ubboIrs» W in ( d g eltS, Chosen riends, LOAN 6Y -LAW. At St, Ppl;tl`s BR.ectgr on 'Wedliesday The Grand Couufii of panadi4u Order Millinery !� ; Y penings, evening of last week, Peter S. Fisher Of Chosen Friends it. meeting in Toronto So far as we ba a been able to learn Miss A. Boyd a Di,is$ M4cl?beraooere has been no 0 0 ' ' �, pure maple''Syrop. and Mise LillianF,illian Tree Graham were this week. • The r ,port for 1003 allows Pp t3ltxpn expressed EVERY BOX O F announce its auoth aelalnn that their joined Ili the holy bon a of wedlock, the 25,3�,i members iu ood standing. As- b- the property osners in regard #o the a-mual spring iuilli ery Opanlilgs will be ceremony belug perf ruffed by Rev, sessments cgliegtec amounted to $260,• upholstering factor: by-law, which is to Received, this week by exprem. held on Tuesday O ening of nest week. Win. Lowe, rhe you r 1l'+ very floe art}ole, put np u g oquplq left on 198.71, and intarea. on investment to be voted 0u on Tue ay, April nth. We., .� tins. Try it, They extend ani 'itatien to tills iasis$ Thursday for Toronto where #hey will °13,'l0u".RB, One iitindred and sixty believe the great m jprity of the rate- 'wy" of 'Wingbain and .i0inity to visit their reside, The TiatEs rhea them inauDouglan, y death claims were _laic., tot4lhn / ' gin all payers axe of one nd in the matter, • abosv rooms / happy and prosperone ears. $17,03.1,94. Surplw invested in stocks and that is, that the .law should: carry. .. amounts to 1401,215,44. bast week we stated that by reason of 1� f t� L•'ave 3"our order fn eu�IkTUSEI-z wers; also A nice freeh stock of canned a d6 and Q p @ A. j{ �qa�lr�Q �'j WP.vp. MnAft1d - !QrakeS Selma A. Ynnnq�ne the loan an increase an average of One Dys 80 i Restaura Restaurant, at Star' anitttpd > .gats, at 1;,. G. Ito .�', ilio• Will in the dollar in t rate f t au , a taxation r/= • I'ielvie s old stand. The .North-Western Line Russia- wgnid probably be ne essary; but with Z1\T STOCK, JTablets New Weekl Paper, sillali Atlas. the increase in the as Sament and the Remarkable E cape. Send ten cents in stamps for Russo- fact that thb annual r ayments begin The Trsias has res iverI a copy of the Mr. Samuel Youhill b d a most extra- Japanese War Atlas issued by The Chi- with the first year, it as been figured _ ordinary experience on 'Id last, Colored maps, eacht14x20 'bound Iu one o e increase ill not average are guaranteed .to give first issue Of the Tha iesfors Star, which at that th is published by Mr. ohn G. Hastings, a which he will not soon fO •get, and which a Sai- ���'QC��y O�d�C— - P y more than one-half a m 1. Taking into 15faction in all fgrtllS of - former em to ee #}ills oilioe, Tho veniont form for reference. The East - We are now comfort- might easily have resulte in serious in- ern situation shown in detail, with tables consideration the sub tantial benefit Stomach troubles—or moll Star is a ,peat eight page paper, six coi- jury to him., Flo WAS at 'din on .Tose- showing relativA military and naval which will accrue to the wn in addition �}� Will be promptly filled, with the umns to the page, and the people of phine street, opposite the 'ati, nal hotel, ala antred Jand fina$nci l Resources 2f East to to its manufacturing esti prises, and the refunded. ably alld conveniently ' herr, and freshest ponds that aro Thainesford svi11 flrA in Air. Hastings a locking at aloud of wood when a team Ring St. Toronto, Out. extra employment of tab , the desirabil- vltere, good newspaper lura, who is entitled to attached to 4 slei h c e down the ity of tiie parr iu Of the by-law will be _ LO ba lifld ally located in Our new store liberal support. U i old friend has our g 1 g $trabt ar, a rapid ossa. fie driver sills apparent. Vote "for t e by-law" on, ,4J19t LAS 8 best wishes for auCeess in Zitable not notice Mr. Ygnhill, n r did the latter Fruit Institut, Meetings. April 5th. The following Prot" Institute meetingi ! - in the Macdonald block sea the team Oouting tow rds hits until � . 7'�C Druggist. HUfChiSoo •4 AN ED—A wagTon ecalor they were within a fel feet of him. are to be held durin ; Match, by dele- Dred Away fro Flome, R, d an yard, State ca sellon (�tiiakly hp raised leis 1 Yt hand and Gatos, A, L. Sherrie -ton Walkerton; Alrs. T, J. Pattison r eived word by I have room for two students iq & H. Derr s old P. Uarey, Fruit Divisi n, Uttawa. • the Telegraph Office. 1- J " price. Box I3., T tiI S� ufiice, struck one of the horses blow on the I telegram oil Tuesday o the death of her ttt Den - stand), Gild invite ou promptly. Phone 59. �i g� ' y GROCERIES AND oROtlIInRx Exeter, y Mtich 29 Tit, , -- , Guods delivered p y, nose. The tongue o£ the sleigh caught brother Mr. Wiltiaiu asvrence, at Dan- Aied a Exeter. Zurich, Wednesday. tilarch 30 "'- Mr, i'ouhih under the ri�tt arm, and lie .ver, (.ol, on Monday. Deceased was a Dr. W. T. Hplloss Goderich, Thursday, March 31 J11t to call and see us. Y revived word on was lifted clear of the gro-tnd hot carried son of Mr. and Mrs,as. Lawreucv, of Wha• Wants a Farm ? Saturday morning Blyth, Friday, .April ❑ f the death o£ his a distance of eight or tell feet until the Buffalo, and forme£ Be] -rave. He `., Many father-in-law, Mr, m. 'Welsh nt Exe. horses could be stopped. Mr. Youllill , Brussels, Saturday, A aril 2 had been residing inver for three 0��t Ihave in 60,over 4,000 acres a choice farmlands ter. Mrs. Hollows eft on Thursday euivr{,yecl from his rather 3iugerous pori- Lueknow, Monday, A U 4 or four mouths ande weeks ago was , Will be pleased to show for sale, Gee 75,100, Bruce, and top acres, lots in Inst to be at her fath 's bedside and Dr. tion unharmed, but it is=+pedless to say Kincardine, Tuesday, pril v stricken with tyd fever, which ; are received from business firms and Kinloss, Greenock, Bruao, Kincardine, Baron Teeswater, 4Weclnasda April G Many StildBritS are placed in good and Ashfield 'Townships. Good lands with Holloway left on Sat rda afternoon to caused his death, as in his 6thcoed buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. y ho isnot anxious to reheat he expErience. 2 positions each year by the famougOlt the latest and nest g WIty should �%inghat be left out of 'par and left Belgrawith hisy Alsoa good sawmill for sate, a(dwet for a song, Attend the funeral, Mr, "Welsh hadnotioi dong ak od business, for sateehenn this list of places for mee Ings, �} been a resident o£ Exeter fqr rnau for Buffalo about foyears ago. The CEU l'0 - d;lte 1n Gents' A hoteldoing good buaiuess for sale cheap, 'para anal Itad bee confined to his A eats if you wt ntgtorbuy alhoust to p Alsoawagons op, Ageneralstore with largo g , bereaved relatives wave much sym-�RF =Appltrade, live village. Also a 1¢rgd amount of home for some m thS, town, o has just what you cal The Railway 3l eek h . Path' iu their timeouble. , y loan at 5 per cent. For further par - Furnishings for Spring ticuiars apply to The mild weather th s week has helped ORb.ONT. X. ce Ma Accent, Hol r 'WANTED --A We have always all kin of fruits— insurance Anent, Holyrooci, {;cps pPueral servant Fourth nand Uoncert. the railways and tiPinli ram,people are in bananas. oranges --from oo to Mo doz., This school stands for the highest. W i4r, girl. •Apply to Mrs. R. Vaustone, The Wingham Citiz-ms Band will hold a more oheertul state. Last Thursday's at L. G•. KRt:sn's St estauraut. and best in business vducatlun in 8 ' "' " • the fourth concert of the .series in the + storm again put the reads in bad shape Canada to -day. Many business col- IQEVP COLLARS, ! Advertising t+ Make Money. opera house on Friday evening of tilts and Wingham had o train in from, Presbyte;4an Funds. NEW SHIRTS Real' �5t1�E NOt>(C8. , leges employ our graduates as taacli• The man who $a-$ he can do all the week, The former c+;tteerts have been Thursday until Sund o, Two trains err. We have scores Of applications —NEW 'PIES, Etc. Do you intend to buy property in town this business he wants to without adverbs• well patronized by car townspeople and The receipts of th + various funds under i trom other colleges. Ask to see them Springy If you do, Ton saveyousomonroney were sent out on Satur ay. Quo to Lon- the management of the general assembly the day you enter. Commpuse course If you buy from me. I invite, you to call and Ing would be wo derfully surprised if the concert this week will no doubt be don and one to Palmerston. The first of the Presbyterial Church in Canada, i now. Catalogue free. have a look at what I have to offer you. Prices every other busi ess roan thought the largely attended. Tle band boys are train into Kincardine since February fel. the year 1903-0 amounted to $27.1,-; from 8300 up to 83,500, according to quality and See Our stock before lel liaoce some special bargains that I would same and the wee Iy newspaper quit the taking this means of semring money for 2i th reached that torn on Thursday 317.20 at the close .,,f last month, which Tolike to show you, and I feeleertain lean satisfy field. Nobody is foolish enough to new uniforms and of or necessary sup- night, March 17th. On Monday the G. is practically the t •tal sum which will'. - �� J. ELLIOTT n in house pronerty no matter hotiv p¢rticn• r thick that the ins who spend thousands plies and the censer s should be well T. R. had considerable rouble with ice r you may be. be reported to th, general assemb! purchasing your Spying I of dollars annual! in advertisiu are do- attended. The leo e• know what the on the rails, but Since t en trains have -• i'- PRINCIPAL. Rig sato of hrnr,itoba lands ort g poo fff at present. Call and get prices, rn this purely The following o i t official account of , - !! g P - i.0 phllanthropio regard tativu wottlQ ba }ttLa t,ithoat a baud and been running very well, hough yet for the offerings: Hom, missions. �y113,41Q,- Outfit. O.3. MAGUIitE, p p the concert Janis ar easy sea j fpr the poor edit s, Thc,se artier are p p y in which front being On schedule me. Freight J5 augmentation- fund, : 1:3,13£102; I Real Estate and block, ingbam. Agent (Advertising v Sand fto in or no k e money nefr them. to help support this worthy institution, I trains will now be on the move, If the f, - OIfB'ICE•—'STaliatOne block, RTin�,'lla]n, If�n m'1SSi0n fCl d, q�•iGJ',a�15; FrpnCll re' t purpose. Attend tit© concert ,u Friday evaning. + weather continues favors a and mer- g $t10 Q6.UI: Pointe Aux Auction 5a;e even elizatiou, GENERAL _ The following is the grogram:-- chants will be receiving ieir splayed Trembles, $9,753.`.' l widows' And r- Auction sale of house and lot on Char- t�EN ► o l ERAL LOCAL NEWS. PAR U I. supply of goods. The exp sacompanies haus' fu ^ � les street, `Vingham at the Hotel Bruns - p fund, $10,76, _0, assembly fund b ' ;1 Lunches and oysters, any teiN also have handled considerable merchandise o ' i wick, on Saturday, April 2nd Tomuth �,iso cream; t11e place f r a g d stew, ie' 1. March. "Vi'aslzin;ton F1Tilitary'..•,. �Sh,81 .69; a„ed ani infirm ministers, ; , at 2 p• nt• I Campbell s Headache Wafers guaran- at allhonrs,atL. U. k: s, Mclielsne's Ttat ]�ti�D. I during the past r'ew weeks, that would $9,93G.i6; Knox �cliege. $0,033.tii�; 'See posters for particulars. Andrew ' iteed to cure headache, old stand. 2, Duett.."The Ulct$rigatle'' hive been handled as freight had the Queen's College, :3,127.80; Montreal Huggan, proprietor; W. A, Currie, Gro, W. ULINE aND F. HILL. I freight trains been runnt,I L: h I auctioneer. ' J. & J. H. Herr's old stand 3, Patrol. , . "Create amity" g• P t•o College, $,685.90; Manitoba College, l i New Gen pal Stare, Married m e Township.STRINr+ (tU ltrETTr. • "' ' ' i Tuesday afternoon no tra •s had $4,032.70. y yet The aug aentatiou committee i Macdonald Block, - WINGHAM Messrs. Keeler CO., of Mitc}iell are 1. Waltz... "!tion -At lour" , . , , , , , , , , , reached Wingliam oyer tie C, P. R. at a recent sessi ,n settled nw)n the _ making arrangem is for the opening of j A very linppy pv nt took place ixi Grev Tal I3< Nli, The Inst train to reach Wi ham from H ron- Peo, a in Asylums. Tewnship at the h me of the bride's par- 5. Song. "Mamma's 'inky Headed.... Toronto via C.P.R. was 11 Satarda grants to the foll�tving presbyteries: ' Out of a total of '7, 748 a general store in Geo. 1ticTienzie s ( Coo +' y, (slashes, $1,011.50; Montreal, $2,100; ! patients that MARRIAGE LICENSES block, opposite th Presbyterian church, ants, on Wedthele-y, llarcli 16tH, when Pebruar 27th. A blocks a of near]' Gleugarrp,$445; Ot awe, $1, 19; Lanark t have been confine rjn our asylnms in pE_tl:r 11 xcAx. i y , ,.2 ',Ontario, the count of Huron has sent issues by I+`a,.:vt; PATErtaON, No. i,'3 victoria The Spm expects o have their , Mr. J. D. '�1cEst n, of Wingham, and : 6, Son , • , , , four weeks is a record tat we have and Renfrew, �Jt, -; Brockville, �J�U; ; „ � goods Miss C. E. Hiner a Attridge suers; joined g "" Selected.. t ,OG; of this numb. 9 have been sent street. Wing"m. Ont. No witnesses required., reach Wingliam, i the course of a few 1 ATrs; T• V( ILLtt tt tr, I never heard of. April 1st will soon be Kingston, $905; ' cterboro, $550, and i fdrys and will the soon be ready for in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rav, D. pAR7' TI. here and we will now lil:el have a daily Toronto, $970, , the past year. Tl Se still remaining in E. McRae, of Ora ibrook. The wedding .. „ t 'these Institutions at September number business. i. Orerture, Golds Crescent .... , .. 1 rain service. The rail's ny hien will J p DOMINION BANK' was a quiet one and the happy couplo (By l:+•+i tc:,t. 'never forget the winter f 1001, which SEED OATS,—The �tiew Waverly is � 14'x' sprl;d otcr follows:» -Toronto 6, were unattended the ceremony being Tttr•, B N" D'. , i.Ondon 103, Iia Ilton 3 tiTiuiio 3 To RENT —Corner store in Button �' ! 2. Dttt-tr, "The Pil Bran". , , , , , , (will go down iu history a the winter of nosy admictecl to be t.t� heaviest cropper , oil 'Block is for rental, Apply to W. F. Van- performed at 12 clock noon in the ,pres- , GBo, W. CLINE ND F. , HtLt.. ; railway blockades. Th 0. P. R. ex. and best strawed Uar es er brought to i Brockville ;, Cob atrg E;, Urillia 17, WINGHAM,Stone. ! enoe of the rolau es and intimate friends. 3. Cornet Solo. "Go d Night, . .... , . , ; pest to have this branch o sued last Canada' 6V a have them at half seeds -1 — Mr. and Mrs, cEt�t en drove to the ; Farew It P men's prices. Ueo. E. Klxu. > I night and traias shout be running as...�..... froom s farm on he Ist line of Morris on . J. i� . D xeAs. b Easter Exa ninations. i k. Characteristic: It arch ens Cake- I usual to day, t p�, The uniform i Thursday attrl r re now getting nicely walls. ,"Ciud reilaSoot, Died m Dover, Coi. ° ��a a�i'� i ai��il` aiiiil (its prs notion exams. for f settled iu.thrir h me. May the young i Iinron count will b: -bald ou Thursda y y g Ttt> BAND. i A dee glootu wa cast over the town Capital paid ups ! 3,0l'1 0 too 0 y e � y i couple have mal years of happy and' S• Chinese Tustrurnez tal ...Selected. , A Royal Entertainment. on .Oatu da • last, s lien tho report sit: and Friday, March 3 and„1, Papers will prosperous life to ether is the wishes of. Clt RLlr•, UITlr (Uhinaman., y 3 P its "' r Reserve Fund and be sent out for proii�ition from the Jun G, Clhsracteristic March "�, Day in The Royal Scottisl Concert Co. ap• its rounds that M Roland G. Gordon,; ; : n ry r for and Senior III c.sses, Teachers are' many friends, th TIME; included, the Cotton Fields" peared in the Wiugh in opera house on son of Mr. and h a. D. M. Gordon of Undivided profits $ 3,474,; Q U requested to notify the Public School ,. Serenade."Cupid' M3,TrE s" , , j Thursday evening las , and put on one this town had pas ed away in Denver, z �- Inspector of their vision, as soon is FioL°sE AxD Zox F'or SALE,—That Tin, 13", < D. of the best eutertai ments that have 001, Mr. Gordo received a•ntessage on , ©: possible, the numb of papers t�ey will beautiful and commodious large brick GOD SAVE T E KIN(, � been given here in re ant years. Owing Sntnrday mornin = informing him of his Farmers' Notes discounted, ! residence on the, corner of John and HITS$ XoR-m.%. Di k. Accompanist., to the uncertainty a to whether the sous serious illusos and their being no ; + require for each ci ss, to be tris train accommode._ion here, Mr. Gordon Drafts Sold to illi points e. Canada, r .Air. H streets, . Immedi belonging to Admission 10 cents, Seats will be re- members of the comp, ny would be able set out to drive o Ciihton, where he +lir. Hugh Taylor. Immediate possession the United States and Europe,SA I , I given. gTitls house should fid read served until h; o'clock for ladies and, to reach Wiughain a d carry out their would Cake the t ain, blit at Londesboro' i Fox. Manitoba class 4 section of � sale Apply t0 Ja:sl, W�tz1;Et; at the their escorts. en , the att ndanee was not SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest land inManitobs 6 miles from 73amiota a ( pp , � engagement, be was Wiese aw re of his son's death allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, bargain if sold at once. Apply to, C. J. � furi:iture store, � large, but those who ere there soeak in and returned ho e, and made arrange- tate rrange _ _ inputs by tele„r h for the forwttrdiu and added to principal 30th Jane and 31st Maguire Real !;state agent. ( terms of highest praise of the excellent m the remains t Win Ilam, Deceased ; t �� December eabh Year. A New Bei ial Ston 1uu !lush Died a Old Age. programme rendered. Mr. George %sill, was in his 30th ear and had resided in! D. T. HE,1'13tJRN, MellageY', tenor soloist, has a very sweet, ret Wingham nearl all his life and was t R, V'anstoue, Solicitor. r y. I , rel -Lt of the late John. Got• T 'powerful voice, over s hick Ise has per- field In ilii h est m by a large circle of The Tiurs serial siory, r'.A Lost Wife's j by, who lead beei seriously ill at the �/'+'�/ ALA � � friends, who he d of his sudden death feet control, and his r dition of "Mary with musts refire , his death making the is concluded in this i :sue. We expect to home of her nice. y 11irs. Amos. Tipling, r. . P of Argyle,"Gome Z` dor Ma PIaidie," first break in the 'amity. About 2 Years , RAINY commence the puhli ±ling ofa new story, liinnie street, fol romp weeks, passed and "Of a' the. omo th titin' can $law " ago, deceased be a very serious illness, i = � � 64 SANK OF HAMILTON "ATtn ledWab" I awe - an Saturda last in liar 53rd ear•. ; were hearth• hitt heel about c�iipletely recovered and g �y Mrs. Alexander y Y Crea � ,apprPt+ia est the audiencein our issue of Ater= 7th. This would. Deceased was bop in the Township of last Augast leftViugliam forwwuipe;, jH demanding an encore t each, whlpli was where he was aligagpa 1h esavpIiing y " be r flood time e C •inmeuce taking the King and with este husband, settled in graciously given. AAs u accomplished through Dfanitol a fox a wholesale dry; Trsts and get the opening chapters of the TOsvnship o. ellesley over sixty Tllis softens the sl,itl <zncl violinist, Mr. Mackena' linrdoch ranks goods hoose. F oni letters received ht, , the new story, TI—EB sent to any ad- )'ears ago, rvfielt t t place was a dense said he swag enj ing excellent Health, Capital paid up, $2,000,000,00. , forest. Some two ( - :'high, and on every apps pence was greet- but some six we s ago Ile was seined - , It's Spring s bad walking these dress till January t, 1905 for seventy --five years ago, de- lies s it so. 1 pp t early `prim• r'ays—and every lad Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. p ed with the a royal r of his hearers, with a severe sol and left at once for ! j = that is obliged to be out ofdoors s Total Assets, $22,000,000. five cents, ceased moved to tie • VG Ingham Town Itis imitation Of the sin mg of the Liutie, Denver, in the h pe that the shrugs of , , �--- Plot, where her hu band died sixteen t)r Chapped Hands it 15 climate would b of benefit to him, but i , should have a pair of Out a Scottish wild bird, nd e. the bag• Fke9irieiit- pori VV I, Grosse. Greb>Y vegetables, such s lettuce. 'pars ago. Since t death of bar. (Tot• ; unequalled. , Contains 110- � pipes, ryas well givOn, Mr, FTarry lruu- it proved other }se. He passed away in ; . , Vice-PresidentGllasu rind onions, celery, radish , c age and ri a by, deceased has ml' a her home with tits hospital in enver, and his death is Waterproof, hi.,,h rjut roe ably contributed o the Humorous made the more orrowfnl from the fact deuer¢lhtauager—J:�utt�gtnn, Pat - tomatoes, at L. G. iI 's MOZielvie s hprdau litets nein thing StiCiij' Ol" gl'e1iS', yGrmee Iiliinlb'1'CiItS ' g , principally with old stand. part of tills programm iu Oharacter sad that h0 vas so ar away front home. par George iioaeh, Tehn Proctor, A. B, Lee, her daughter, Mrs. ichard Anderson, ;comic songs, etc., svhi h provoked much ants and inti its friends. Owing to ; ' Bohn S. Hendrie, Cleo, Rutherford. lata of Howicl; 'Tow ship, Mrs. (Gotbv � Sc per Bottle. the disotganizci marl service the family! : - Made its shapely' lasts --- not , Assistant General hTannger-Ell, S. Sr> vErr. WcsOdmen of He World. lits bebn a life•Io p laughter. Mr. A. L wrence Murdoch here were not 1 opt in touch with his ' ' clumsy ; made frcni Call, Kid.' Assistant Ge er, WATaON. g member • of the presided at the piano nd during the pro,, condition In D Inver, but received on , and L' Darnel Leathers. The dead Camp of the WOodliidn of Methodist Churbh, d Was beloved by Th:irada "phase Shoes are r nncessitt�, gramme rendered so oral Instrumental y last t number of letters, which ,> , to 1. a I#ank f $l i%ua ip to 3; Saturday, 1p the World, was in sp sibs at Hamilton ;largo circle Of ft! ds. Slie was a six= soles iii t ver • least had been delay :d, stating that he was in $1.50, SJ;..00 and $13l ()(i ra the to 1. Dotsosita of $l $nd rtptvards recoit� Yn- 5 p F; lutinu0r, '1'llp I terea't'4111 "ed, and computed on the troth No• last,week. Stoady. . ogresa vat inade ter of Mr. David R hof this town, sand � ro rainiilu tlir u 1: a vpr� l?oor stn a Of haaith; other letters price, but then may savA a sloe• _ Pi ncipa d Blab ntny each year and added to (During the year, La 'es havo been ad, is SUIVIvb l by the f lowing children :_ 1,1,01. BALL nr P g b K o It Was of a very have since ben received. Deeeas0d ( tor's bill of several times the Mr. Milton Goth !high order, and thord ighly enjoyed by was a member the Canadian Foresters, I amount. guboLp aieoolsits also, received atburrent I`nittedtothe sictt its ranee audfuneral y, ' f Stratford; Mrs'. ra.�en at interest. + those present. We v inture to stlthat Woodman of t e World and Orange Or -1 _ benefits. Thele is increase In engin• John Tilt and Mrs. Tilt, of boon; i sit der. Tile bbl• wed arents brothers! � are h e a d rl tt a r t e r g for r I)rattd tfu err t Britain and tills t�tnit6tY should they retutu to Wingham at any and sisters *1 have the dee est c err , Its RgEUS. - Statee:'aottsht and sold. bership of 500, atm he total insurtince •Mrs. Mcceeight, of Berliu, and Mrs. future time then won t p , syutppa» rAverlAPs ripe ndtttied that the n - _ • . Mdibbo�9 be greeted by a till' of the spm unity In �tlieir sodden i _ e sa k of gam tiarrled Is 9�0,842,00t`, ar ail aysirage of Achard Anderson, ref tiV�ngham. All8W crowded house. a understand that slid sore bere enieut. T'lib 11 it ltndits Branches issue (iirealar�, tog remains! Slatibnnl Provincial Brink of Kit land, Limited, 1,1a3pe>r m6tahrr. The eotleotions for the members of the t'a oily attonded:the �i �►latoh tan be enshed x ithant a Fuge br spelt- assessnlellts escebd.:l` ,thbs f » • + 1hp Ii oval Seottis C bill O e r t C o, nrriyed in Willi Ham on the 11 silo, traits I 1' ♦ a s r Alb in Aby pt,rt,urcn6 scoria, w h t b b the pre funeral to the i>Wi, hIon cemeta y ou 1>i YG��� 1 will return to ti'Pingit in the pOtitsd of 3"estardaq and t e funeral will take place *Ions yours Jif $r0, ..01, anti there. wills 'Mond& , exoe t Mr.. N", Tilt, who w'as 1 from the fatdii residence, Shuter street 4ti1180CTT,D, Agent y p .. 1tTextdiar tdlios oitit:e. a tow weeks and giv a oOncert tinder this (Thnrsda n , , � _ ��� S�li�� 1V��1I�, ]t►7[t7Xi.1V'I 0 g ()7t,71lt�S, �olicitora. an excess( ovgr Iossox of $90,060,10, ill and tillable to lea ro hbr home. yy fternobn at � ,30 b cl0i!1. .� � the auspices of the NVOstininster G•nild, for the Wingha 001notery, 1% I• , IL =-� ., ati