HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-03-10, Page 6T 1E WINGRAM 713111 S, MARC1I 10, 1904 Waodstoels olty cantncil is coll"I( vria,g } n BLAST$ FROM RAM'S HORN,V" -.N . • �� " a plan Which blies aH its Obj cC the dittiu• Bast way to near t' n i i A 3kt+ntiul to sticcNt+d. ,, • inK and Paving of ]:moa to the rear of (lu � ley children, Opposition p << r` _ line t7ess hanKes telt nund:t5 Htrer3t, sa itsSelf coufitloncn id apt to marl, the to ti7xhe thein public hi �tivcliys. coward Kernel,s r�f a p t, Develop Their Strength Wlth Ferro• Sincerity iA more titan a match for 1 Oml CIS�CC.�If I�� In the t.ulutadu tirsert thNy have rain zone Which Makes Rich Blood, subtlety, i stcirnis during % hiehcot it siuulu drop 1•lard,v Muscle, Steady Nerves, High spirituality does not go weth law of water touches the earth. Thea rain Childron brought u 7 on=�Furrozolie t r -r _. can bet seen falling from the cloud, high are known by thein strung ruggsd uiurality, TO preserve or restore. It, there � IS I70 bet.Cr - m our Racchsngos- - _— franzrH thvirehubU uheekynug haaith- Ilion do not escape their deserts by prescription for men, women and children Man above the <}esc let. but vvlian the water Y - oter4s itrg l'Ieragrapt+s from eauhea the etraita of hitch dr air br t al u},pearttut t+, Alt,thers hull it all w- blaming their deluders• � ' e Y lti1 ons Tabules. ),he are ccs• to tale, 'I'l�c London jam matters are at press Int The presses of the Bureau of Eugrav- diesel za�ihlt+ tuttia and bully builder, and p y, Jf y nBNtti the clot, It i3 eutlrcly absorbed - in woubituds of liouies no other rvinody Ile Who rilnli may read sa that he who are made of a combination Of Illediel:le:i approved i 'Whullfacturing 600 of preserves a week. it](' and Prill lug, Washington. are now before falling half the dlrt:iilue u7 the 14 WWII iaads may run. ' and used b ever), ;'ll •slc:an, li l t ;lis r al:u;e are The profits oil jam are about$•30 a toll. running night and day on new nati�Uul ground. ,lira. B Moutgoniery, of Pittsburg, There it no reproach in the reproach of a . S y j } } c ` l,a r r bank notes. wrlius. ••A little, Ilivoa chole to Vinic Ilse, p' p' widely used by all Sorts of pco le--bu , .o the } yiCIC Wi'rif WOR1118. __7 and noticing her pall) lupus aril hub. a reprobate. itk.#DIT T1l0l.QU(lt;I, lain eveI '-da folks they Arc t Veri4-,blc ,1'14;1(1 -' Mrs J. D. Mayo, South Statrla P. For O—r atxt Years. tit ;aril lri z) I alai ted ltrr on a centre we have uo right to test another's i plain, i • Y r y � -i Q., wrote the followin i ilo of m An did and Well -Tried Remed Mrs T r;ndi+ %vtall in a l� few weeks washe change luarl kbits by our personal taste, In Beed. gleans Tabule i have become their itnn- g. a. y ohfldren tank sick with worms atul sifter tiViuslow'a SoothingS,yrup hasbeoIIused 'Ttvaula s7,nn Thh: Flory ui Tru ft ill flue t ellen,. list ai p»tlte Chirpt)ti ftp, she Pgilcao h e au Weyer tape the lace of dard fam. 'remedy. They are a deljenc able, hon- trying everything without netting relief for over sixty Yoursbymilllonsofmothers urtadtiitus. _ p y ' P ...�,. had saute spirit and pltiiaut•hrt,py. est ' ',ITI -•dy villi a long al:Gl SUCCG'SSful record, t0 we p7oonrt"rl lar. Low's Worm Syrup for their chAdren wh:l3 teethilai;, with To nae an t ightilenth ealltury phrase, Every t hl 1't•!l 'lh sold tl 1'Uety which anted promptly aticl effect perfect success. It soothes the chit' this is an •'o'tr trne talta " Ifatinet �Illld ; color�catuu into list All moo are generous With the other C' M. '.? 11gt St',►t�, dyspepsia, l:AbitUO.l mid stubborn �. _ �s softens the gums, alloys all pain, cures happened in at siu:t11Virgiuiti to:vi, ill the ICl1j911,'WeS Uq uhurks thAt I ut)vrr man's mussl ..o' .Llpation, z . enSlve breath, heartburn, dizziness, Saturday is much the worst day for wind colic, and is the best remedy for winter of 11102, iv it story vt•ryutncli of ; haw •Here before, I #utas in Bn -land. In ten years 3,393 diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. the presets;' Up to a short liul+i ago Ferrozone sl lay u, ice It is no watt blowing up folly unless you '?i' pion of the heart, sleeplessness, Muscular n.;. Sold by druggists in evt+ry pert of the arra John E. Harmon, of Melfa 8tatiou, u -^-• •"' -y shunt the tilos bud build up wisdom. .atism sour stomach, bowel and Ever ecm- ' fir4a occurred on Saturday, while on Fri- world. Twenty. five cents utotrle. Its Va . had i,o ptr.,onat kunwlydge of the started to pick tip, iiliu lu haven weeitd ' rare curtstive a liaaveuly vibions do not make vision- +ts, The Stre then weal: stornach.3, build -t1 dad; there were only 3,005. value is incalculable. Besure you ash 1 roperries of Chaniberlaiii's shu lIdd gttuied alutost- elghtpuunda and y p for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and Cough Remedy. -Last January," shu just luuked the p.cturu ut health. I all 'net'. of 1 ' J-�wn systems, restore pure, blood, toed a e - C ' 3 �, take no other kind. says, "my baby took a dreadful culcl unrl tulult this aliuuld b,• au extiwplo to Flatter is a force well understood b 1 y ' p Everybody T?P 7, Bearstho Tho Kind You Have Ahyayc Bough, at one times I feared she would have many iut,thc+rt:, and l Nolle that uthela Y y ; ".id. sound, natural sleep, Everybody derives ,�% that false. Sigaatnra �����✓��-//?�¢. � purnmouia, but one of my neighbors told will try 1+',:t•z'o;�utle fur tnair little boyh � a;011 tznt benefit from a regular use U;< I'Zf)ans ' of 9j London cabmen pay from about $2.00 the flow this retial y hal oured her little anal girls. I ant tn.,rouahly eouviaurd Itis nevwe worth while arguing about' Not Chinese, but Japanese, are the to $3 per day for a hansom according to buy and I began giving it to my baby at that it's the. amst stre.,gLiteuiug Ionic. the religion you haven't gat. ` 'I•.t %les. Your drl gist sells them. The, five- �. ouce and it soon cured her. I heartily It has my strongest ei,d, r.-atloll C,:nt packet is eil rh for an ordinary occasion. greatest rice eaters, Each Jap eats the season. A drivers profits average thank the nlallnfact urerai of Chamber. The reabou Futruzuur• works so bene• A roan M,, es not stumble over the moral The Family Both ;o - cents contains sun )I Ri on an average 300 pounds of rice in the nearly three dollars per day. laiu's Cough Retnody for plaeir g so facially with childr,,u is that it. sots du'- law until he tries to urns it. % ' ll, - 1 y -J course of a year. Until the late years of the last century great a care within my reach. I cannot Body uta their blotto, fruetug it of till for a year, t7 recommend It too highly or say toonlneh nuhet0thy ivattt+r, tit it saint) time Some men shout their convictions so Lyons was Europe's chief silk market, in its favor. I ht pe all who read this riving it an additional supply of iron. as to silence their coubuietil DOCTOR THE HOr.8ES. Milan gradually ousted it from the posi• will try and be convinced as I was," For This at ouce results In Inure strewgth. You oanuut Sing a long -metre pro. _ Mrs. mhos. Thompson, Roland, Nf+in., tion, and in 1902 its receipts were 37 1.2 sale by Colin A Cumpbell. nus•+ spirit trod rrneivad vitality. J oat _ ono tablet tit ineal riino wuiks wonders. fusaiuu to tt short•metru practice. writes; ' 1\1yhuHbauci would not be wi.{t• per cent. larger than those of Lyons. - 1'au must be i;nru t" gut 2'urruzuuu, Ie lookb queer when rile deacon bolts ® ®1= N; - out Hagyard's Yeallow Oil in the housE), _as l:a esea it a good deal for doatorins,' A dentist of Bergerac, England, rush• rotuse to accept any as licit tilt) <lrug;tistup to heavou and dlrop; au opera ticket M p the horses and considers it splendid."` WANTED. ed (Iowa a hill at furious speed on his bi. may say is jest ah good. Get what yon Into the offering, Jj S Price 250. ask for, Ferruzoao, anti t.hau the result �! SPECIAL 1' Y.EPRrsrNTATIVE in this cycle. Arrived at the bottom, lie was we gualautee will bo satisfactory. Price Blessed are thtxy who baro God aG the county and adjoining territories, to re- unable to check the impetus, and the +loo. per bvx or six bvxes for $2.50. By wheel bekJrA the hurricane uY temptation Paris has now fifty-seven women doe- present and advertise an old established machine and rider went up a flight of 8 mail from N. 0. Poisou &Co., Kingston, business house of solid financial stand , reach a them, tore out of a total of 8,600 medical eras- n , t+te Is leading Out. and Hartford, Conn , lJ, S. A.e _ titioners. In 1882 Paris had only seven ills,. Salary nd weekly, ych with expenses; I i, to a house, through the � 0itrist shows his regard for his body, paid each Monday by check direct from open door acid charged into a party of physicians. q P Po ladies ill in inner hall. No one was kill- Not the least curious of bujinaN'ses'in the church, by his disregard women h sicisus. head natters. r`x asses a vauced ; si- i,ard for his body T,a.a%, Liver Pills are a positive cure for titin permanent. We f rnish every- ed which wonwn aro ruga ed io gist entered on the cross. °e . e e g , r the (Earl �, � �a��t���o :Sick He ldache, Biliousness, coustipatiotl, thing itpoo by Mitts 1lotiq 51i9fdon, of Friend Tito People who can speak ill meetitlga it Ifyspep rias and all stomach and liver Address, The Columbia 630 1slonou Piles To prow to you thlt Dr. r are not always the ones who have most Success in after lifo ea zdo lar. -el• upon +complaints. They neither gripe, weaken Bldg , Chicago, Ill. f'h�.sc s elute urofo re awn •'ship, iV . J , W ata }las. t ,ar`ed a frog farm Y pe, y p t the trai^iaz n},£niuto cure for eaoh + , o nor :.luken. Price 25c. at all dealers, ----+ ,�,' every •Tm of itohki7, ' p' rtfthwettt3 aGl t'+ Pata h of swamp. weight on the street. receives w,lea young. Last year Great Britain bought abroad The United States clod file Uni$C {{• •tfie mil icclf.,11Na�on�uaa steed it inlG©,tee- Her In ,: re;O course, of the edible It is not much use dragging a man No boy or girl should enter business l:'o in those s Sys of keel , - musical instruments to the value oY 9$G, • Kingdom produce between 2.3 and 3 4 of 1 amonlals in thc.daily press and ask yenrneigh• variety' uO hind legs are beloved of ; frobi tL'e devil in the saloon if,you are competition without proper preparation. - ry the world's cereal the United States l gore what they think ofno You can ase it and the p u iet, and the j 760,000. More than half came from got your money bank if not cured. Horsell d i'. r y find a ready sale, going to drop him at the door. The mind should be trained to grasp and understand com- t Germany. produces over one-third, and the United all dealers or ED_MANSON,BATES & Co.,Toronto, Miti,� „,don is said to make a clear � mercial matters quickly, and every young, man and woman should Kingdom produces a 'little under one- ®f"e Chase's Ointment v2,5' ., li year pttt of her reptilian ktock 1 Some oliristians make a paint of s nova' receive a thorough, practical training bo`ore entering any business Cj �, � Ill © XL g _ lni; 06d's power to skive the soul by tit r house. Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought third of the total. ill ade. The airship wbicn Dr. Barton isr>vi;�- �„ � power to save Btleir salvor. 7 Tho Forest City Business and Shorthand College trains over _ Signature The cinematograph seems to have been structiug is approaching complt�r ii. It Men never object to being overrated The sugar- to- the -saints and sulphaistwo hundred and fifty young mcn and women overy year, and still = of � rather successfully used by Paris sur- except by the assessor. to-thesermon has never saved any the business world is demanding more. - • will be supported by a projegtfle-sbaped - goons for a very novel purpose—namely' Division among families is an ensill souls et. Booklet ex r_ Ill the park at Yildiz the sultan of balloon having a capacity of 30,000 cu• y � explaining courses, costs etc., sent sa_- for a poctcl. that typical exhibiting to medical students factory sort of arithmetic, The shoo who serve tha world are �_ ^, ° Turkey has made some inland zoological bac feet, and bring 170 feet in length. _ how typical surgical operations should The deck will be 123 feet lou gardens, and a launch is always ready g. When - — - - -- - • -- . never worried as to whether you axe be Carried out. o , •o 1 to o to convey him on a round of inspection.. _ I the motors aro put in and the crow is on - watchiisg their smoke. ,.1 All kinds of Coughs and Colds, Bron- _v board, the total weight of the ship will Lame Back for Mein would have more faith in God if J.�J.LWWESTERVELT, PRnc Y. M. C. A. Bun amo, LONDON. For A Disor+iered stomach. chitis, Whooping Cough, Pairs in the be nearly seven tons. Chest, Wheezing, Hoarsness, Sore Throat "I have been troubled for some time they saw more tvorks in oleo. .., 41 a3kvktyi x ail »ly .:a= and Asthma, yield to the Lung -healing with indigestion and sour stomach," says T)se Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to 2Z our MonthS. Some men creek a clear track by de - properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass ,, wash woolens and flannels, _you'll like stroying the signals of conscience.Syrup. Price 23c. "and have been taking Chamberlain's The fur of the sea otter is the most Stomach and Liver Tablets which have 't' 3- Was Unable to Turn in Bled It will not do to promise Gal the faded 11 helped me very much so that now 1 can Tile annual meeting of the Westernflower when he asks for the bud. • vaimabie in the world. Though only eat many things that before l could Without Help. ®� four feet long and at most two feet not " If yon have any trouble with Fair Association took place at the city Gravestones do not represent r©served& 'PRU&B r your stomach why not take these Tab- hall, London, last weep, when the direr• seats in glory. ° I%L ri wide, $750 is sometimes given for late and set well? For sale by Colin A. tura, in the course of their annual state• �l3Ster5 slid Liniments ' Specialists in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and 5exuat Diseases of choice skin. A man has no more religion in Min nen and women. 25 Years in Detroit. _ Campbell. ment of the affairs of the Association, Na;rNo Names used without WrJtten Consent. Cures adaranteed. — o Good, than comes out of him. made the gratifiying announcement that c Thousandagf young and middle-aged men are annually swept x�rRAL(kzA• The Berlin municipality has an agree., s there was a cash surplus in hand of I Salvation is not by culture, but culture to a ) ematuro grave through early abuse or later excesses. chas. P g I p Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued ire time. He - 10I had been suffering' about six months This was the experience of Mr. Ben}arnin comes by salvation. ,��.' says: "I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over mo. 5 meat with theeleetricity works whereby $4,194. This was notwithstanding the 1 Stowart, Tie2iviIIe, PJ.B. I could feet it; mp friends noticed it. I became nervous, despot. with Neuralgia when I started tasting The hungry ha Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did it can take over the works in 1915. The fact that Thursday, always one of the I g y cart is the only payment door's ,miction ad uo ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, God will take for the broad of life. ♦ P , pimples on face, back weatc, dreams and drains - mo more good than any medicine' ever town receives 50 per Cent. of the net pro- largest days, was very wet. at night, tired and weals mornings, burning sensation. To make ' TWO-THIRDS OF .er BO?i OF matters worse, I became reelcless and contracted a blood disease. used. Mrs. Annie Ryan, Sand point, N. fits after G per cent. has been paid on the The grumbling Clsristian is more i I tried many doctors and m¢di,al firms—all failed till Drs. Neu- S."share capital u to five million dollars greedy of Go 1's gonds than of his prate. nedy & Ii:er an took my case. In otie week I felt better, and in a P P CA T 1 � I r II few wt Sv ciai entirely cured. They gra tL•e only reliable and and 4 per cent. on any excess over that ®a.� S The more we aro burdened with sub- i. 1 y honest saeciattsty in the country,', Oil cake is the most valuable form of amount. I READER—we guarantee to cure you or no pay. You run no For Infants and Children.. II stance the greater shadow we cast. risic. Nye have a reputation and business it ctalce. Beware of • s frauds and impostors. we will food for stock. Three pounds of oil cake o IIILTHOD TRLI pay $7,000 for any case we take that our NEW q p y ( The Kind You Have AlWaYS Bought ' gdney l���u It is easier to be forgotten than to for- . urs Ne vo will nett are. ° ` are equal to ten pounds of ha or flue wa treat and rare Nervous :Debilit varicocele, stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney Well Again. get. and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call. or write for Question pounds of oats. CURED HIM. hist for Some Treatment. The many friends of John Blount will i Bears the Church membership is not an elevator ��•'ta KENNEDY �C,g��r. i� ,�7 Cor. hitchtgan Ave shotty 5t. C.A. RC "V O R Z.A- - be pleased to learn that he has entirely Signature of • into heaven. DRS. KENNEDY ��Y.ti�GAN Detroit. Mich. 8earatneAlauilt irecovered from his attack of rheumatism. He tells ofhis experience in the follow. We are only .�, f The Ind You Have A�lw•a Y signature %°�%�% ,(f y�G i(/1� Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cured tion ing words: "For four months l was troubled .good when we are good of 7j/ after the best doctors in the town (Motion The reasons why some men roXnain with a lame back and all this time was un- for something. Ind, i had failed to give relief. The Theword"aha sans" now applied to g unmarried gra two—either, the women able to turn in bed without help. I tried It is always easier to draw money out • P pp prompt relief from pain which this plasters and liniments of all kinds but with a they have wanted to marry would'ut of a leari purse than out o� a mat one. sharkskin goods, came originally from, liniment affords is alone worth many I I no effect. Kidney last I was induced to try g Y Clubbing Offers _ 903 0 1„ tititues its cost. Sold b Coliln A. Cam have them, or they }lave never ltd en- Dean's ICidne Pills slid b the lima I had The most strikin sermon is usual] the Persian word saghri, meaning bell. Y P PP Y Y ed to run across a woman who kindl•.d used two-thirds of a box m back was as lye one that hits the man who is not here. the back of a beast of burden. Y in their hearts the III ilrau e s ark well and in strong as ever and has kept After a night with the boys” there is - P p` so ever since." loo better remedy to clear the head and Peto Guieff, one of the chief leaders that drives men to tape chances vastly Backache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty, settle the stomach than Milburn's Ster. of the Macedonian rebels, took an oath greater than any the law imposes. I Cloudy,Thiek or Highly Colored Urine, ling Headache Powders. Price 10c, and when he was a boy at school tbat•in later Whoever proclaims that his sinsle state' puffin 2a -c. all dealers, life he would go to the mountains and is a result of his own deliberate and final Sunder the Eyes, Swelling of Among 5,000 street car drivers in Vi- devote himself to the liberation of Mace• choice, made because women and laws the Feet and Ankles, are all symptom; enna a recent census showed that there donia. Some of his schoolfellows took are not different from what they are, is i of kidney trouble that Doan's Kidne3 I a mere humbu whose fitting Pills will cure. were 400 knights, about 50 barons and 4 the same vow, and who are now mom. I g• g fate price go rte. per box or 3 for $Lxg, at counts. bers of his band. would be to fall helplessly into iufatu- dealers, or --� _ ation with a woman capable of suing THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO, Colds are Dangerous. t3eware of Ointments for Catarrh that ; him for breach of promise. And no pun- i TORONTO, ONT. Contain Herenry, `:` ishment for lying could be devised How old," andten you afeearw days latered. (It's as mercury will surely destroy the k which would be severer tbau that.—New only a cold, and a few days later learn as of smell and completely derange I York Times, that the man is on his back with neu- P the whole system when entering it � ' monis. This is of such common occur- At the present time there is a keeper through the mucous surfaces. Such art,- ence that a cold, however slight, should Iles ehoald never be used except on pre- on a Hertford estate, England, who has j " not be disregarded. Chamberlain s scription from reputable physlcitms, as about twenty shots in his ear. �tiearly, , Cough Remedy counteracts any tenden- the damage they will do is ten fold to thirty years ago this man wns accidently cy toward pneumonia. It always cures the good you can possibly derive from From centre C n 11 �� and is pleasant to take. I� or sale by them. Hall's Catarrh Cure planufactur- shot by an underkeeper, and there were 1 Colin A. Campbell, I ed by F. J. Chen( & Co., Toledo 10. 22 holes in the hat he wore, which is re l ---+ ---- contains no mercury, and is taker' in. j served to this day. The injured man 1 _ When Mauritius was ceded to Great � terdnally, acting directly upon the blood i never had the shots extracted, was long l TR crust WANTED A man to represent "Canada's Great- est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Ste. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale.. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com- mission. STONE & WELLIN GGTON I'01THILL NURSERIES over Asa Aores Britain in 1810 there was a gigantic tur• anmucous surfaces of the system. In between life and death slid completely TORONTO, - ltlo in a court at the artiller gbarracks at bill Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you I j' get the genuine. It is taken internally ' lost his hearing. Port Lonis, which is still there, al- and made in Toledo, Ohio, by ". J. The Czar is not less careful of his life The Market Bakery Bread is I though almost blind. It weighs 330 l Cheney S. Co. Testimonials free, perfection itself. White, light, l Sold by druggists. Price ; ;a, than his predecessors, but he adopts dif- ; pounds, and stands 2 ft. high when walk- i per sweet centre; rich, brown, short inga bottle. forent methods of safo•guarding himself. oda•darry t�Its qo moll on its l;ticb with easel is 8 1-2 feet long, and l baked ±tioTake Hail's Family Pills for constipa• ; Instead of having three trains ready i d delivered cin justtheway to t l when he is going on a journey and lean- I s""`"" - ---_- •--•--- - ; ing anarchists to guess which train is ! win your approval. IrO�sMoossa,i�*aaea000049000000000tr+woee0oas00too 00*06conveying him, as his father did) be - , • Itapeafce for Itself i s ,simply allows no one to become ac- • quainted with his plans. The route is, ALL KINDS OF PASTRY published but lie never sticks to it. WEDDING CAKES A $PWAL7Y 0 Yount; man, boware ofithe girl who is ? - We have all the latest inachin• too lazy to return your kisses. Ift e I cry, and there is no need of +I► a A small boy sale that �d+lu wvtti tl a' - ONTARIO Tim, TumEs announces the following low -rate - :Clubbing Offers for 1903-04:— ldgafe ntimastutr ey incuinnign tChrittniteSna in your subscription at once. Don't mis., a Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 ........................ $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8 -page illustrated I 1 territory; straight Wary $30 paid wrt+kly anti ; Opposite PrCsl+yteYiaXl Church. supplement .............................. 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with w premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and given, Copy The Wm. Weld Co., Limited, the Province of Ontario .................... 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.............. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness ................, . ... 1- 60 Times and Western Advertiser .................... 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun ........ . ................. 1 75 Times and Daily Globe ......................... 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate .................... 2 25 Times and Toronto Daily Star .:........... . . ...... 1 80 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald ....... ..... 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily News..... .. .... ; . 1 8 Times and Toronto Saturday Night .. .... ...... . III 30 Oldest, ]Largest, 11Iost Widely Circulated avid. Only National We could extend the list, dbut it is not necessary. We can. ARlriculitural glome ,Paper in give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine Canada.published. The above are our FI:t.ED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the TALANCL 1)r• 190; FREE. The rates quoted' are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers '11 rece'v the tr1'u dv t" d b L -I!& - tVi 1 t) pre i ms a er ase y t e 1 (rent papers. only man born grown up. 1 + _ sending to the city for your After January 1st, 1904, p p t ! bread or pastry, * ` P R � C E $1.50 ,,umbers. Call, at the office, or address--= (ry-._� - a' 2Oe CURES HEADACHE MuyiARA ` s • wA:tTTD IAIT88LI,PRl90:i TOCALL! D. LOU GnEED n ridadltradeand agents for tnianufantilringj I ll having well rv;tablichod lmAilll looal ldgafe ntimastutr ey incuinnign tChrittniteSna in your subscription at once. Don't mis., a THE i Mwttw A I 1 territory; straight Wary $30 paid wrt+kly anti ; Opposite PrCsl+yteYiaXl Church. sixRle• issue. Axonts wstnted everywhere; liberal tErtaq Sample tree. 'o Goiatantil 10 Cure withis 30 Minutes, or uosieq staita�de+ll Mdotmal w expense money stivaneed: previouaex ae rieven tl utinerteesatr:� �taaststtten prmaneait; liu»neaq t given, Copy The Wm. Weld Co., Limited, All btuggiatser?nailed. Tke Herald RemedY Cd.. N060* 040006000 000if66060000000sst/•se�swestoeisa►1tt+a A suorievful. Saiela-e :elf-*?f �f3uper}ntendintTravellers, tui Dlouon $Ids. London, Ont, mrnts9sntl)Wxtmer4' A(ivoc9tefOr H„}d,ba• BEAVER BLOCK Cilwtijiu• lance of IN3 tree to ilow attbserilrera, :05EPHINE STRIIl{T, TIMES OFFIGE WIN 11.L Xo 4 °