HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-03-10, Page 4WE ARE SOLE
Dr. tlesse's
Stock Goods
CI Ai Campbell
The Druggist
garding Mr. Borden's reilway policy, harnest maker ; Malcolm Campbell, gen-
eral uterchant; James Carr, boot and
!which it took that gentleman over two shoemaker ; Thomas Carruthers, lit:Lok-
i hours to expound iu the House. smith ; Rev. Thomas Cleworth. Wesle-
yan Methodist Minister; Joseph Cope-
land, lintel keeper; John Cornyn, prop.
King William 1-Totel, and stage house ;
Mrs. Mary Coruyn, widow; Robert
Cornyn, farmer; Thomas Cornyn, farm -
Directory. er; John Cosser'sawyer: Mrs. .Au
Curry, widow: Henry Davis, wagon
maker; Alex. Dodds, improved paws.
Tile TIMES bas a copy of Sutherland's and patent chum manufacturer, Arch.
t Couuty of Huron Gazetper and Direc- Fisher, saw mill prop. and lutuber mar,
the Mail and Etnpire'e report of Dr. Mac -
The folleWing eXtra.ct is taken from
Idonald'e speech in reference to the
Government's trauseoutinental railway
policy, at the recent meeting in Wiug-
ham; —
'The adoption of the Opposition
policy would, therease the Wingham
oebt alone sis.ty thousand dollars,
ing his argument. '
just how Dr. Macdonald's ',actual
worcould be so perverted as to bring
out the above statement it is difficult to
huagine. We do not ltuow who was
mspousible for such a gross bittuder, but
stir ely the reporter must have beeu list-
euieg with the deaf ear or an error was
maim iu receiving the report. Dr. Mac-
donald was comparing the Government's
proposition with that of the Opposition,
dud said —"If, as had been stated from this platform, the Goverument's plan
would cost the town of Wingham the
I sum of sixty thousand dollars, then Mr.
I Borden's sclieme would cost double that
will accommedate about 300 persone,
and will then cost about $2,400. KverY-
thing is complete except the seats, stoves
chandeliers, lamps, pulpit, and reading
The WesleyanItethodist Church is a
handsome frame building, erected at a
cost of $1,000, having capacity to Seat
three hundred. Rev, r.Chomas Oleworth,
is the minister in charge. Ile has the.
said the speaker, by way of emphasiz• superlittexidauce of six other churches in
this circuit; embraoiug a large Beaton
of country in the townships ot Turnberry,
Morris, Wawanosh. and Calross.
The regular Baptist Church is a frame,
30:36 feet ereoted in 1864, at a cost of
$600, having capacity. to seat two hun-
dred. This church was first organized
in 1668, uuder the labors of the Rev.
Messrs. Ratcliffe and Dunlop. In 1867,
the present iniuister Rev. Mr. Sinclair
mitered ou the eliarg.e. There is, in con-
nection with this church, a very heud-
BOUM mause, recently ereoted by the con-
The village is distant from Clinton
twenty-t'iree miles, and eighteen from
iliversdele The populatiou is about 500.
Mails aaily.
Thomas Abraham, shoemaker; Wm.
Audersou, hotel keeper; James Angus,
'amount." Moreovt.r, the ex -
wheat merchant ; John Ausley, founder,
I Pressed some surprise that at the Con- and agricultural implement manufac-
turer; Duncan Bailey, cabinet maker;
servative meetiug held in Wingham a James Balfour, laborer; Blackwell, plio•
• •
few mouths ago, two members of the fographer; Edward. Bowers, harness
maker; William Bowers,
Opposition. had uot said one word regard-
saddler and
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
- not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
From an Old
By -Law No..., 1904
chant- Peter Fisher P. 111., flour, grist,
provide for the issue of debentures
to the atuouut of $10,000 for the
purpose of grauting aid by way of
loau to Messrs. Walker and Clegg,
to aid them in enlarging and ex-
tending their maunfact aring estab-
lishment iu the Town of Wingham,
and to exeraut the said mauurtic-
taring establishment from taxatiou,
except school and. county rates, for
a period of ten years.
Whereas Clayton M. Walker and. Richard.
Clog g carrying on 'Magness in the Town of
4/ ra.Vs --,......eae=ta •
Now is OM best time to miter. The ilantlarY
rush is new over. The beginners live well
started in their work, and, teachers, 'ctin there-
fore give more time to new,students.
It is now current talk throughout the country
that the student who intends td take a business
or shorthand course, and wants to be placed in
u paying place when graduated, Should attend.
The Canada Business College,
Students of lust year alreacly earning over
$1000 per annom. 346 placed. in 11 months.
1)o yon know of any other business school
getting such results? We pay your railwav fere.
Rave yeti over seen our catalogue If not,
write for it and enter now. Address
D, MoLACIILAN CO., Chatham, Ont.
gggggM WMggg
Winglunn under the firm name of Walker & •
Clegg, ana being, the sole manufacturers of up- ft
holetered fiwniture and mattresses in the said
Town, have applied to the Municipal Coun- • •
eh of the corporation of the Town of Wingliam
for aid by way of the loan of money to the
amount of Sle,003.00 to assist them in enlarging —
ana t!.xtenaing their menufacturing eatablisla
mem in the said Town, and for the exemption g •
of the said netnuflastaring establishment from We are now doing a nice line at
taxetion. except school and county rates, for a
in desirous ot assisting the said industry and g ,Ind. see them at
period of ten s care;
Anil whereas the said Municipal Council, las
$125 a dozen.
Promoting the said inunufnetures, have deemed
• f
it expedient to grant the Bald aid to the rand
Messrs. Walker and Clegg upon and sulnect to •
Armstrong & Co's Studio
tS.e. enlar-einent and extension of their solid tt) W I NG 1-I AM
certain terms. conditions and restrictions as to
manufacti'ar'n• e lablishment and the inn •
in the mortgage. hereinafter mentioned, and
ment of workmen therein ite will be con tiiincTd.
subject also to the further condition that the
said advance of $10,000,00 be repaid to the said
Corporation withoet interest in ten years from
of 000.00 annually during the snid ten years Solid and. Progressive.
the first day of .Tvoy, 1904. RS follows: The Kim -
mid the balance at the expiry thereof, and, that .
and restrictions and such, repayment of the -----
the performance= ofthe said terms, ' conaitione
said advance be neared by first inortgage upon . Another year of steady and suhstan-
their real estate and ineehmery exeental by the tial g re wth, in every branch of its bnei-
said Messrs. Walker & Clegg to tae said Cor- ness, has been experienced by
THE WINOitiAlil TINES. loaued ns.by Mr. Janis McGuire, local Flack. tinier, currier etc; Charles Fos-
wooleir, and saw in' ill prop; Jos. A.
o the debentures authorized by this tory, published published in May, 1809, which was poration of the 'Iowa of Wingliam before t he
one of the pioneer residents of the town. general blacksmithing: George ,
—reen _lege have agreed to the said terms, eonclitioas
, and restrictions ;
THURSDAY, MAR, 10, 1904. ,eneral merchant, dealer in dry goods, And whereas for the prirpose of granting
14.141I3AOT T. PUBLISHER ARO PROPRIETOR agent of the Cauadian Express Co., and ter, waggon maker; James Graham, ana whereas the said Messrs. Walker and
There have been many changes in Wing -
ham since this book was published -85
years ago. Only eleven persons, out of
the names of the business men appear -
The Mutual Life of Canada.
Business written in 1903. .. • •
Gain over 1904
- .. .. ..
groceries, crockery, etc., W. M., L. 0. L. the said aid it will be necessary to Issue deben- Business in force, Dec. 31st. 1103 ..
805; John Gregory, grist and saw mtil tures of the said Town for the sum of *10,000,00 Gain over 1902 .. ..
as hereinafter provided (which is the amount Cash Ineome, 11103 .. ..
prop; C. Griffin, prop. Wingliam Ex- of the debt intended to be ereated by this by- Gain over.1002 .. ..
change Hotel • Jsunes Haines. carpenter ; lewl, the proceeds of said debentures to be ap• Total Assets, 1003 . .,
plied to the. purpose aforesaid and. no other; Gain over 1e02 . ..
And whereas the total amount required by Surplus, Dee. Stet, 1900. ..
"The Municipal Act" to bo raked annually by Gain over 1002 .. ••
special rate for Paying the said debt and inter-
est is the sum nt $1200 90; whereof $400.00 is to
be so raised. aunnally for pnyment of interest
John liebblethwaite, cabinet maker and
Tip to March let 78 notices of applica- ing in the 1100k are still residents of undertaker; Charles Herbere miller;
tions to the Dominion Parliament for Wingham. The description of Wing- Thos. Q. jackson, general merchant,
legislation have been given. Of these '
nine are for divorce bills. Last year
there were ten applications for divorce.
ham given in thisbook will make iuter. druggist. opposite P. Fisher's
esting reading for our readers and we E lwiu Kent, (Stiles, Kent & Son Sex- during the currency of the said debentures,
tns Kent, (Stiles, Kent & Sou;) Wflhiatn and $1400.00 i= to be raised annually for the pnr-
give It in full as below:—
Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson and Mr. D.
R, Wilkie interviewed Premier Ross to
urge that the Government subscribe
$5,000 toward the fund for the erection
of a memorial to the Outario men who
fell during the war in South Africa.
Wixonast—A post village situated on
the gravel stage road leadiug from Clin-
Kirkby, dealer in groceries, provisions,
crockery, hoots and shoes; Charles Lloyd,
cabinet maker; F. Lougdale. watch -
ton to Barham line the township of maker ; Donald McGibbons, grocer;
Duncan McGregor. tailor;
James Me • whereas theexisting
amount of the de-
Turnberry, the different branches of the Gnire, storekeeper; D. B. McKinnon, benture. debt at the said Municipality is $101,-
Maitland River unite iu the village and (mcKintion &-. Theobald;) McKinnon & opsoT7r.h.tuei?.0.oeifloIeldenmoupnairetipisalincyaurfinro:i the oar.
afford au extensive hydraulic power for ' Theobald, D. B. McKinnon, & deo. theTown oE Winghnin enacts as
driving machinery 311 tile place. The Theobald, genera 1 merchants; B. follows:
pose of creating 0 sinking Lund for payment of
the debt secured. by the said debentures;
And whereas the amount of the rateable pro-
perty of the TOWLI of Wingham according to
the last revised assessment roll thereof is WO, -
village was laid out by thti government I Mooney, tinsmith; Rev. Wm. Mnrphy,
til, , . _ 9 Town or ilivii.igilam shall
ti In oTil Munieipal Council of the Corpora -
Russia's debt is about $3,800,000,000.
in 18e8, in 1860 the first house was erect- 1 B. A., Church of England Minister; advance to
sul: $60,aoloatiyessly.Wte aleceent tiendatiFilegmthien esittiiinrof
That is a good deal, but Russia is a big ed by Mr. J. uornyu, and opened for a 1 Thos Netherfield, laborer-; Joseph Nich-
country. Her annual revenue is about tavern known it Ring William Hotel, 1 olas, carpenter; George Pettypiece, mer manufacturing AA
_ ink; and extending their
ifitswetnareenst ifor the h the tnoroev,tino n of the said mann-
$1,000,000,000, While she holds about from that time the village has increased ' chant; Samuel Porter, hotelkeeper;
very rapidly. Among the principal man- Thomas Price, general merchant, dealer 2. factures
the purpose aforesaid the Mayor of the
in dry goods, groceries, medicines; Mar- s,lidliTnosiaviia ?IfeWangliarn. shall cause debentures
tin Richardson, laborer; Joseph Ristion, of
Nvlich said dZi!IntoufreNsVistailtn notbe
$100,00 eaeh; such debentures 811011boebbleuesssisealed
shoemaker; John Ritchie, carriage and
with the seal of the Corporation of the Town of
$400,000,000 of gold in reserve. Russia's
weakness lies in the fact that her people
are taxed to the limit of eudurance. They
ufacturing establishments may be men-
The large flour, grist, and oatmeal mill
will not stand many more turns of the. of John Gregory, the building is a frame,
40x50 feet, three and a half stories high,
screw. with four run of stone, propelled by
water; and a large saw mill and lath
The Departments of Agriculture and
Forestry are already on the look -out for malchine, where six hands are eniployed,
antic; onefeineitloliAnatfr atnonfulanimlyber sawn, and
seeds with which to beAin the forestry M.
experimentation at the agricultural Mr. Peter Fisher's woolen mills, is a
farm at Guelph, outlinedlarge frame. four stories high, where
in Hon. John
twelve or fifteen hands are employed,
Dryden's speech in the House the other and first class carding machines used for
day. Mr. Dryden said it was likely that custom work; also ftillying, dying, cloth
the Province would be divided into sec- dressing, and manufacturing of tweeds,
tions and instructions be given the farin- fancy fiaunels, &e. Mr. Fisher's
grist mill contains three ruu of stone,
ers as to which of the valuable timbers and 125 bushels of wheat are ground
they can grow in each section.
A good. specimen of the style of cam-
paign that is prosecuted against the Ont
wagoumaker; Frederick H. Roderus,
boot and shoe manufacturer; Mr. Ross,
shoemaker; C. Tait Scott, Notary Pub-
lic, commissioner in B.R., coroner. con-
veyancer, issuer of marriage licenses,
money lender; Rev. Thomas Sinclair,
regular Baptist Minister, res. parson-
age house; Robt. J. Sloan, M.D.. phy.,
surgeon, coroner for Huron; Robt.Small.
blacksmith; Mrs. Spence, grocer, aud
fancy store; James Srigley, laborer;
Stiles. Kent & Son. (Thos. Stiles, S
Kent, & Edwin Kent,) merchants;
Thomas Stiles, (Stiles, Kent, & Son ; )
J. E. Tamlyn, M. D., physician, surgeou ;
George Theobald. (McKinnon. & Theo-
Winghain and. shall be mimed. by the Mayor or
other actino head of the Council and also by
the Treasurer thereof.
3. "vile saki debentures shall bear date on
the first day of July 04, and shall be issued
on the day of the MR'S thereof and shall be
made payable in ten years from the said date
at the Mike of the Treasurer for the time be-
ing of the snid Town of Wingham mid s'hall
have attached to them coupons for the pay-
ment of interest.
4. Tee said debentures shall bear interest at
the rate of four' per cent per annum
from the date thereof and said interest shall be
payable annually on the thirty-first day of De-
cember in each year extent the last payment of
interest which shell become due and payable
on the day ou which the debentures are pay-
able; said interest, shall he payable at the
piece where the said debentures are made pay-
daily in custom work. bald; George Warren, provision met- 5. During the currency Of the said deben-
The saw mill of Mr. Archibald Fisher, chant; Thomas Welsh, carriage ironer tures there shall be raised annually by special
70x36 feet, cuts one and a halt million and general blacksmith. ,, rate on all the rateable property' in the said
'. Town of Winghain the sum of $400.00 for pay -
feet of lumber, and 400 M. feet of 11411 inent of hiterest on said clebenturee and the
ario Government was furnished by Mr. annually, giving employment to twelve said sum of *030.90 for the purpose Of ereating
a sinking fund for the payment of the debt here -
Sutherland, of South Oxford, in his de- hands. Live Stock Markets. by secured, malting in ail the sum of $1200.90 to
The tannery of Mr. Joseph A. Flack is 0
beraised annually by special rate as afore -
bate on the address, when he declared. a handsome frame, 36x24 feet, where a Toronto, March 8—Receipts at the city said, daring each of the said ten years.
that the Provincial Secretary was gOiDg large business is done in tanning harness. cattle market to -day were 50 loads. with Coriloration of the said Town of Wingham do
6. And the said Municipal Council of the
and upper leathers, and kipps and calf
to address meetings called in the liquor
interest throughout the Province. It
turned out that it was the Provincial
Secretary of the Licensed Victuallers'
-Association. It illustrates how ready
the Opposition is to credit the most un-
likely yarns about those on the Govern- alsd castings of all kinds are manufac-
Zaent side.—Toronto Globe. tared.
A mistake crept into the report in last The pump and patent churn factory of at that.
Mr. Alex. Dodds, claims particular no -
week's TimEs of Dr. Macdonald's speech tice for the superior quality of the work The following are the quotations:
It the mechanical department we
The foundry and agricultural imple-
ment manufactory of Mr. John Ansley,
whose building is frame, 84x24 feet,
stories, where agricultural implements,
860 head of cattle, 541 sheep and lambs,
1,000 hogs and 115 calves. Business was'
fair with the market just about steady
at last week's quotations. with very
choice butchers' cattle a little firmer.
hereby further enact that the said manufac-
turing establishment so to be enlarged and ex-
tenaed, including all lands, buildings and ma-
chinery connected. therewith and used for the
said manufacturing purpose. be exempted
from taxation, except as to school and counts*
rates, for period of ten consecative years,
commencing with and including the yenr 1900,
so lone as the said establishment shall be
There is is a scarcity of good butchers' ated in accordance with the terms, conditions
heifers, the offering for the most part and rrAtJ4ictitown..lalivey otrueiterefeegeedi teen. the
eeilni abliii
consisting of steers, a little off in quality twelfth day of April, A.D. 1904.
8.The votes of the electors of the said Town
of Wingham shall be taken on this by-law at
the Yellowing times and places, that is to say,
commenting at nine o'clock in the forenoon and
A.D. 1904,
on Tuesday the fifth day of April,
continuing till five o'clock in the afternoon of
the same day hy the following deputy return -
at the meeting held in Wingham on Feb. turned out. Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs.
26th. The doctor is reported to have Mr. John Ritchie's large two story car- heavy $4 25 $4 80
said that the total trade of this country for the manufacture of carriages, wag Bulls 4 30 4 75' In Ward 1, at J. B. Cumming& shop. 'Victoria
400 mg ofhee s•.
riage and wagon shop, stands unrivalled Light 3 75
for last year was 52,543,000,000, whereas ons, buggies, sleighs, cutters and every- do., light 3 50 4 00 street, by J. B. Cummings, Deputy Iteturning
Officer for said Ward 1.
this amount represents the aggregate thing in the line. Feeders In Ward. 2. at the Advance Office, Josephine
Mr. Thomas Welsh, general black- light,S00 pounds and up- street, by James Meaty, Deputy Returning
trade of the country for the past seven 0 - ifi ford Ward 2
. . smith, has a large shop with two fires in wards
900 lbs
Rough 3 25
Light stock bulls 2 25. 2 50
Milk cows ..... — . .. . SO 06 65 00'
.................o..... ........................“
I J011ll & Jas. . Kerr 1
. .................................................. e,
• •
'• Is
0 , IS
: We take pleasure in announcing that on March :
t5th we will (health and weather permitting)
• •
$ 5,011,090
Abner Cosens
30TH TO DECEMB -R 1ST 1904
years. In speaking ofthe incr full blast, where carriage ironing and
trade, Dr. Macdonald gave the figures blacksmithing in all its branches are
representing the aggregate trade from executed with dispatch.
1883 to 1869, inclusive, as $1,434,000,000; The village also contains four wagon
shops, four blacksmith, three cabinet
from 1890 to 1806, $1,625,000,000; and makers, four shoemakers, two carpen-
from 1896 to 1903, $2,543,000,000, ters, one saddler, three tailor shops. The
mercantile businees is very extensively
carried on by Messrs. Price, Jackson,
aud Green, each does a large trade
having extensive stocks. There are sev- Hogs—
eral other merchants and grocers doing Best
b • thelace Lights
Bucks.... . . .
style for the accommodation of commer- Spring Lambs
Mal travellers, and the public generally. Calves. each ..
The Union School is a handsome fraine
building erected in 1857 at the cost of
One dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral at bedtime prevents
night coughs of children.
No croup. No bronchitis. A
doctor's medicine for all
affections of the throat, bron-
chial tubes, and lungs. Sold
for Over 60 years.
%bee used Apse** Merry Pectoral la my
Welty for eight yews. Therelanothignc*glikt
I. it aska colde,*specially for call.
Wes. W. N. B ;man, Bbeibf,
PAC 3. a, emnest
sts. for LOW Mem
'fight Cou
2 50 3 i2i In Ward 3, at the Town Hall. by J. B. Fertu-
n Loiigheed a hou.se, jose
2 75 3 50 s r‘i.peErely.LRIReturning Officer fpr said War 3.
Settlers' One -Way
Excursions, 1904.
To Manitoba and Canadian Northweet. will
leave Toronto every TUESDAY dining March
and. April if sufficient business offers.
Passengers travelling without Live Stock
should take train leaving Toronto at L45 p.m.
Passengers travelling with Live Stock
should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 p.m.
Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each
For full particulars and copy of " Settlers'
Guide," "Western Canada" and "British Col-
umbia," apply to any Canadian Pacifib Agent,
or to
Assistant General Passenger Agent
1 King St. East, Toronto
in Aim. street, by John F. Groves, Deputy Re -
4 25 4 40 turning Officer for Ward 4.
9. On Monday the fourth dny of April, A.D.
3 85 4 15 1904, the Mayor of the said Town shall attend
4 25 4 30 at the Town Hall of the said Town at ten
2 75 3 AA o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to at.-
"'" tend. at the various polling place.= aforesaid
There are five hotels. The King Wil-
liam Hotel, kept by Mr. John Coruyn,
and the Wingham Exchange, kept by
Mr. C. Griffin, are fitted up in first class
48Th 5-00
400 4 25
2 50 325
330 400
525 575
550 6 50
$1,120, where 150 pupils are educated
under the charge of Mr. Charles Stuart,
first class teacher and principal of the
schools; with an assistant.
L. O. Lodge No, 805, meets on the
first Wednesday of each month. George
Green, W. M.; Robert Saddler, Secre-
There are four churches.
St. Patire Church, (Church of Eng-
land,) is built of brick, and ui the gothic
style. It is 34 feet wide and 68 feet long;
the chancel is 12 feet deep, and 15 feet
wide The windows are of lead se& and
enamelled.lights, with a narrow' strip of
-Mined glass around each. The chancel
windo*, (a triplet) is all stained glass,
and of a beantifnl pattern. The telling
its of narrow pine boards, !stained, and
varnished and on the lower side Of the
principal raft.rs. The cornice of the in-
side is a beautiful Pattern of grape vine.
rivotiorri with chit ty; the model of it WAS brought from Vi'est.:
• at Not or,* minder Abbe/ mouse 'years O. by the
roes who did t e work. When seated it
Wingham, March 9th, 1904
Corrected every Wednesday afternoon
by Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank.
Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 00 to 2 50
Fall Wheat 95 to 95
Spring Wheat . 0 00 to 0 00
Oats, 0 29 to 0 30
Barley . ...... 0 40 to 0 45
Nati . 0 55 eto 0 GO
Turkeys, drawn 0 12 to 0 13
Geese, " 0 08 to 0 08
Duck's, per pair 060 to 0 75
Chickens ... . 0 80 to 0 GO
Butter ...... 0 15 to 0 16
Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20
WW1 per cord 2 50 to 3 00
Hay, per ton........ 7 00 to 7 50
Potatoes, per bushel 0 70 to 0 80
Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 06
Lard .. 0 18 to 13
Dried Applea per lb 004 to 0 04
-wi. OtOti,W604110 16 tia 0 18
Lire Eoge, per cid .. 4 60 to 4 65
World's Fair, at. Louis, Apr. 30 -Dee, 1, 1904
Finest Bancls in the world engaged; including
Sousa, Grenadiers of London, Imperial Band
of Berlin and Garde Republicaine of Paris.
and at the final sumining up of the votes by
the Clerk on bele& of the persons interested
island promoting or opposing the passing of
this by-law resnectia•ely.
10. /he Clerk of the said Town of Wingham
shall attend at the said Town Hall at tett
o'clock of the forenoon of Wednesday the
sixth day of April, A.D. 1904, to surn up the
number of votes given for and against this by -
Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of Wing -
ham this seventh day of March A.D. itos.
Billings, Mont
Colorado Springs,
Denver, Helena,
Butte, Ogden, '
Salt Lake City,
Nelson, Rossland, B.O.?
Spokane, Wash.
Portland, Oregon,
Seattle, Wash.,
Vancouver, 'Victoria, B.C.
San Francisco and
Los Angeles,
Preportionately 1<,w rates to other points.
Tiekets on sale daily until April 30th, 1904.
MAKE NOTICE that the above is a trne copy
X of a proposed by-law whieh has been taken
into consideration and whieh will be finally
passed by the Council of the Municipality (in
the event of the assent of the electors being ob-
tained theretki after one month from Inc first
publication in the Wingham Times, the. date
of which publication was the teeth of
March, A.D. 1901, and that the votes of the
electors of the said Municipality Will be taken
thereon on the deg and et the hours and places
therein fixed.
Town Clerk's Office, Winghani, March 7th,
.1.13F. PRM:8)N, Clerk.
For tickets, and all intortnation apply to
• L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingham.
Burglars fiundered Mrs. Zeba Smith,
aged 68, at Londonderry, N. H.
Henry Hasinflag, carriage maker, was
found dead in bed at Milverton Wed-
nesday, aged 65,
Detroit Connell by 11 to 15 has voted
to refuse Andrew Carriegie's offer of
$750,000 for a library, in deference to
niofl euitisnent,
This store has been re -painted and such other
improvements added as to make it the most up-
to-date store in Huron County. This splendid
store, 24 feet wide by'12o feet long, will be
equipped with the most modern and complete
store furniture, which will enable us to give our
many customers much better service and will put
us in a position to successfully cope with our
constantly increasing trade. This new estab-
lishment is an indication of the
Our new store with all its modern equipment has •
involved a large outlay, but we trust that with
increased facilities, double the floor space, splendid
light, modern fixtures, larger and better assorted
stock and attentive and obliging employees, that
our business will increase more rapidly.
We thank all who have in any way assisted us in
making this business what it is to -day. And we
trust that when we move ,to our new store we
will be favored by all our old customers and
many new ones.
• •
Remember the place: Homuth's old
stand. Look for our sign on the front of the
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[ Garden and Field Seed 8 1
we've invited you to call. We've
unposicl no condition as to time or
object. If the store's open, walk
in. We would like to show you
what we call a whole lot of the
newest fabrics that you've ever
been asked to look at. We're here
to show the goods. We're here to
answer questions—to help yen
select a choice—and to make every
eirenrastance of a suit -choosing
visit pleasant.
Hoart Attt amot.
—Common Red. Clover
-Mammoth Alsike
—Crimson, Lucerne and White
—Orchard Grass
—Kentucky Blue Grass
—Meadow Fescue, Red Top
—Lawn Grasses, in packages of the
finest mixtures.
—MangOldS--Intermediate, Long Red,
—Giant Sugar Beets
--Goose Wheat.
Call and see them.
4 -