HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-03-10, Page 2. 2 TILE WJNUUIli# is 1'1MES, ;. It 10, 1904, TO ADVERTISERS llottoe of changes must be left at this otlloo not later than. Saturday noon, The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. /31STABLIBBED 1672. THE S ING AM TIMES. g, g. p r.rtIOTT. PIIDI.T4HLn AND PRO$UIYTOT THURSDAY, MAR, 10, 1904. NEW GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. THE ROAD TO HE #LTH Lies Through Riche Red Blood and Strong Nerves. Debility is a word that fairly expresses Many ailmeuts under one name, Poor biome weals nerves, impaired digestion, loss of flesh. No euergy, no ambition, listless and indifferent. This condition is perhaps the penalty of overworks or the result of neglected health, Yon roust regain your health or puocumb eu- tirely. There is one absolutely sure way to do this --take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. These pills will bring you new life, fill every vein with rich, red blood, restore elacUsity to the btep, the glow of health to the wan cheek; they will inspire you with new enoregy and supply the vital force of mead gen eetl; '!hero is 1: A a ddihier Of the Civilized world where Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills have not brought health and hope and happiness to some weak, debilitated de despairiug person. if you have not used the pills yourself, ask your neighbors and they will tell you these statements are solemn truth. Mr. Charles Saninier, Corberrie, N. S., says: "I was very much run down and so weak I could hardly work. It seemed as though my blood was little better than water, I tried several medicines, but I got nothing to help me until I began taking Dr. Wil- liams' Piuk Pills. It WAS simply astonishing how quickly these pills began to help me and how much new life and vigor they put iuto me. 'I am a cook by profession, and the fact that I was able to cook for fifteen men lost winter is the best proof that the pills have made me es sound as ever I was." There is uo mystery about the power of Dr. 'Williams' Piuk Pills to put new ,life and strength into you. They actu- ally wake new blood, and that is why they cure all blood diseases, like auaemia indigestion, liver and kidney troubles, headaches and backaches and the special ailments of women, Through the blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills feed and steady the nerves, strike at the root of nervous- uess, cure St. Vitus dance, fits, ueural- gia, sciatic and partial paralysis. All these diseases spring from bad blood and disordered nerves, and they have all been cored positively and permanently by Dr. Williams' Piok Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers at 50 cents a box or six le sees for $2.50, or by mail from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Out. The Temiskamiug and Northern Rail- way Commissiou that has charge of the uenstrtiiction of the new railway that is being construoted by the Ontario Gov• erument through the Temiskaming dis- triot, havesubmitted theireecoud auttual report to the Legislature. Accordtug to this report the total expenditure on the new road thus far for construction and equipment amounts to $2,020,092. The read when completed will be 112 miles; in length and the entire cost as estimative by the Canines -fou will be 0,839,640. This will j..... de construction and fall equkrm" t It is a pretty heavy weight for a single Province to bear but the railway wi:l almost certainly prove a vera valuable asset and it will open up almost another Province which a few years ago Was unknown. The country thus opened by thin new road is aurally known to be immensely rich in timber, minerals aud those who have- explored say there is au almost wnlimited supply of pulp wood, which is becoming one of the most valnable assets of the Province The, a Is, also, a large area of lauds snit- -able for agricultural purposes and these are being rapidly taken up. Let this road be finished and in working order and the development of the conutry will be amazing. The undertaking of this enterprise is oue cf the many good things for which the present Government are entitled to credit. It is intended also to extend it and make it a connecting link witk the proposed Grand Trunk Pacific. Wheu this is done the people of this couutry will have better railway facilities than the people of old Ontario had twenty- five wentyfive years ago. The commissioners also state t.bat they are having the road cou strutted in the most substantial manner and with all the requirements of a trunk line. • We are All G,>nadians. I A GRASSHOPPER RAGE, (D,•dieated to Iar. Drummond -1 -* In the; great land of wavy Prnvincee, ,Hnektty wen It trce:ueaa the Pro- So severed by swift stre'anI end inland • licensor Got the Wrong Hoole. John W. M,Sek:iy wits an early riser, The years have passed clad still we dwell , a hard worker anti, although exceed- atlart, ingly hospitable, Was himself aGstemi- With knowledge smell and leaking ous and could seldom be induced to sympathy. , Pitts curds for tuonc, , flut then for The "n" nts strange and for• I duly uoutinal. stakes. The only gauze signhahitabartn,steI that scented to uttrect lour WAS tilt' His faith t 'o often widens still the "grusshopper races" with which the 'breech ; wining superinteudcnts on the Coen And"Pnlh'z vans Francois?"' and "Oui, ' stock beguiled a portion of the noon DIe tlsieut,"• hour while waiting fct' luncheon tet the Sti'1 farther places him, beyond our Savage company ltoistipg house.. Boys reach. caught gr(eeeneppers and sold them to Bot DeD"u':ltn9tld .mics t'lei t,•lls $ the players at 23 to 50 cents each. Face tome player paid a axed stake, ranging from ar ' e, o :o,^., a td to env bravery; $1 to $20, into the pool, and the peat Fi sti i flue sympathy and claims nue whose hopper nmade the longest jump heart, captured the pool. On the day before EvnkPR the tear r/,d lightens all with Christmas it 'wee agreed to celebrate Glee that holiday with a pool the stakes in which were to be $100 for each player. The terms were "play or pay." and at the instance of a German professor who was a superintendent of a leading mine each man was allowed to use' any means that he might devise to stimu- late his grasshopper. The professor was so full of tris scheme to scien- tifically capture the $1,000 pool -for there were ten entries -that he commet- nicnted it to a young assayer who was not a grassbopper plunger. 'the pro- fessor bad experimented and ascertain- ed that a grasshopper tient was touch- ed by it feather dipped in a weak solu- tion of aqua nmmonla would jump for his life. The young man also experi- mented, and :es a result he tilled a bot- tle of the same size and appearanee with. cyanide of potassium and man- aged to substitute it for the other in the professor's laboratory. The next day, when the professor after much boasting about his scientific attain- ments dipped a feather in the substi- tuted bottle and touched his insect with it, the grasshopper rolled over as dead as a salt mackerel, amid the roars of the crowd. efackay's hopper won the big pool, and two widows. whose hus- bands bnd been killed in the Yellow Jacket mine, received a gift of $500 End of the Tarte Myth. (Montreal Herald.) The results of the contested elections in Quebec recently will doubtless be re- garded as the moat importaut of all, not ;because Liberals seats have remained Liberal, not because Qaebec still prefers Laurier to all other, but because all through the country Conservatives and - Liberals, too -bad been led to entertain exaggerated ideas of the prowess of Mr. Tarte as a manager of elections, and this was to be the first test of his ability to wean Quebec from Laurier. One gathers that in Toronto and other Ont- ario centers, little attention was paid to the Ontario bye -elections, all eyes being turned in onr direction to see what the mighty Tarte was going to do by way of "delivering the goods." After the re- cent voting there will probably be less said about Mr. Tarte's ability to bring the Conservatives back to power, the one thing that made him valuable in the eyes of tens of thousands who otherwise have no love for him. Mr. Monk's ac- tion in unmasking the situation brought Mr. Tarte more prominently into view than was contemplated for the time by those who believed in his usefulness, but the only consequence is to prove, now, rather than later, that the tales we are told of his power in Quebec are but so many myths. If. it ever comes to a more general test, it will be found that the re- sentment inspired by his conduct to- • ame date, 31st. Decem)eer, 1902, of $81,- $12.47; Cromarty. $12.58; Carlingford, wards Sir Wtlfrid Laurier is a most ytl- 636,921. and the samples added during the $2e.90; Caronbrook, $95.49; Douegal, uable asset to the Liberal patty of this year 1902 amounted to over one and half $10.37; Edgecombe, $8.64; Fullerton, Province. million dollars. $42.87; Fish Creek, $26.13; Fairview. In addition to this the Oddfellows have $11.09; Gadshill, $7.23; Hebron, $3.69; 27 Oddfellow Homes in America for aged l Kiukora, $18.61; Lerner, $2.51; Listowel, Oddfellows or those in distressed circum- $212.66; Lisbon, $15.46; Motherwell, stances and for widows and orphans of $18.13; Molesworth, $19.21; Mayne, $14 - deceased; Oddfellows, one of which is 65; Morningdale, $9.93; Millbank, $43.34 situated one mile east of Oakville on the Mouktou, $30.82; Mussellburg, $8.77; borders of Lake Ontario under the man- Mitchell, $323.16; Newry, $27.81; Nith- �t agement ot the Grand Lodge of Ontario. burg, $12.70; Poole, $14.85; Shakc- Nervousness' Atwood Lodge let a branch erne -towel speare, $92.72; Sebrialtaille, $17,755; • and Indigestion Lodge and when they formed a new Shipley. $21.41; Stafi'a, $16.23; Stratford; lodge there a few years ago tooka cox- $1,115.59; St. Marys, $615.17; Trecastle, edzetaesr, and seek -headache cured, and siderableportion ofthe Listowel mealber- $19,26; Trowbridge, $20.10; Tavistock, bealtk built up by Dr. Chase's !verve Food. I ship residing at or near Atwood, but $01.36; Topping, $9.49; Wallace, $19.69; CAPT. W3LLIAM I•i>ti:7l:liasitY, 85 Lockman Listowel Lodge has recently added about West's Corners, $34.76, St., Halifax, N.S„ states :-"Before I began twenty-five new members to ire roll -is using Dr, Chase's Nerve Food I wts troubled `"'♦"-' a great deal with dizziness, nervousness and steadily' going ahead, and is shortly to LIFE OL'ARlrtt. sick headache, which seemed to be caused celebrate its arrival at the century mark from indigestion. Since using this preparation in membership, one hundred -the laund- ers* s► time, all these distressing symptoms bate testi application being now on hand, disappeared and 1 con- sider that I am entirely and its active workers hope to reach the cured. I nevetused any 150 mark before many months, medicine that seemed to build me up so thorough- ly, and to -day 1 am in better health than I have been for several years." 13y noting your increase in weight while using this great food one, you can ranee for a certainty that ill that comes along. By enriching the rt in is adding newt fin° blood and creating new nerve cells, Dr, Capt.Hermebery flesh and tissue to the , boll Through the medium of fie blood scud Chases Nerve Food keeps the blood at y Dr. Chases Nerve Foed sends new high water mark and tine the body' with nerves vi the orand vitality that o'rereomes vigor and energy to every organ of the human vigorand overcomes disease. :so cents a disease. box, at *11 dealers, or Edmonton, Bates and Ca., Toronto. Ta protect you inst iodise Mom tide portrait end tignatete o DW, A. W. Owe, are aa eatery bog. to eat it. INDEPENDENT ODDFELLOWS. And Pierre no ln:lgnr its a foreigner, The tnneh of nature has .now made him trip: No more to English -born a Frenchman sPoma; But he and we are all O,ivadienne Together we may sing, "Gori save the • iiine!" Together beast of land fertile and gree t - Our fatherland of snow and sun and flower. Where fret-tn n dwell within a freeman's state, Such wnrlt is great and Christ -like, and we say: Blesser! le he to whom this power is given : t1ay h" long (therm us, and so help to bring Within our borders peace which is of heaven: That a'1 that revere ne may be forgot, And all that binds ns close may stronger grow. A l'%nd of homes, a land of liberty, So armored we need never fear a foe. At abanquet held in Listowel recently Mr. F. R. Bieavitt. Grand Warden. gave the following particulars in connection with the Independent Order of Oddfel- lows:- A little over four score years ago the Independent Order of Oddfellows of America was formed and started by five then of Baltimore, Maryland, and the two men to whom most credit is due and given for its formation andsound foundation were Thomas Wildey end James L. Ridgely. On the 314. day of December, 1902, the entire parsons be- longing to the Order had reached the magnificent total of 1,329,956; this in- cinded about 800,000 ladies, Rebekah Degree members, therefore the number of subordinate lodge members, at that date exceeded 1,000,000 and is expected to attain the million and one half limit by the end of the present year. The total net increase or net gain in the mem- bership during the year 1902 was 116,127, or 387 members every week day. The Independent Order of Oddfellows in America paid out in 1902 about four million dollars in relief -that is for re- lieving brothers of the Order sick or in distressed circumstances and in assisting the widows and orphans of deceased members -that is, about $11,000 per day on the average is paid out by the Order for these worthy purposes for which the members pay certain annual dues which entitles them to receive such benefits when suffering from illness, etc., the same as they would receive their just wages when working. Between 1830 and 1962 altogether the amount spent fdr relief amounted to $96,468,525. Notwithstanding this targe expenditure the order is in excellent fin- ancial standing, having invested funds of Grand and Subordinate lodges at the The "hale -nose" by the sea, he is onr friend. And Jergnes no stranger rill be any more.; Ontario's' stalwart yeoman, too, will lend Strenth which will touch the far Paci- fic shore. each from an unknown source. The wheat -fields of the Prarie Province Bemire The Northwest' lands onr sons will help to sow: Monntnin and mine are all within our A good intention land- power. -Emerson. • Where would we sonuer dwell, the Ile that swells in prosperity will be world below? God grant us faith, clothe us wi h charity, Strengthen onr friendship, take dow n land. all the bars, Good nature and evenness of temper That we may serve him and fulfill his will give you an easy companion for will, Till we are called to home beyond the life. -Steele. stars. APHORISMS. clothes itself with sure to shrink in adversity. -Colton.. Responsibility walks band in hand with capacity and power. -J. G, Hol - And may he call by his own magic touch, These who are gifted with the poet's sight, That they may take the beauty they have seen, And hold it up transfigure 1 all with light. And so onr hearts under the charm of love Will know the beet tha; this life can laestow, And drawing nearertoonr fellow -men Unto the Giver of life will nearer grew, The Evidence You Value By word of mouth from friend to friend Dr. Chase's Ointment bag rectev- ea more unsolicited recommendal i. n than probably any medicine you can. mention. The fact that it is an absolute cure for piles has put it in a class all by itself as a preparation of inestimable valve and people recommend it knowing that it is a certain cure.. Salaries Paid in 1865. This item is taken from the Stratford Beacon of February 17th, 1865: - We have just received the report of the Postmaster -General for the nine months ended Juue 30511, 1864, which has only now been issued. The salaries of the several postmasters of the county of Perth are as follows: Avontop., $9.53; Amulree, $3.79; Avonbank, $12.25; Barns, $5.24; Bornholm, $10.59; Brod- hagen, $4.49; Conroy, $4.59; Carthage, A train of thought runs regardless of time -tables. Many a 'man, like the moon, shines with borrowed lig*. The Life Guards are two regiments of cavalry forming part of the British household troops. They are gallant soldiers, and every loyal British heart is proud of them. Not only the King's household gni;ours y , ours, everybody's should have its lifeguards. e Th need 7tes•ry Form a of thorn is especiallgreat when the greatest foes of life, diseases, find allies The healthy body bas a certain amount in the very elements as colds, influenza, of strength reserved In care of emergency catarrh, the grip, and pneumonia do in attack by disease or unusual physical the stormy month of March. The best exhaustion, without this power of resit- way that we know of 50 guard ageinet tence a person is an easy prey to every these diseases is to strengthen the eye - tem with Hood's Sarsaparilla -the great- est of all life guards. It removes the conditions in which these diseases make their most successful attack, gives vigor and lane to 111 the vital organs and functions, and imparts a genial warmth to the biood. Remember the weaker the syetetn the greater the •xpottnre to die - Of course the way to serve a dinner IS ease. Hood'i Sarsaparilla Makes the system strong. Stillness of persons and steadiness of features are signal marks of good breeding. -O. W. Holmes. The prudence of the best heads is of- ten defeated by the tenderness of the best of hearts. -Fielding. e It is easier to enrich ourselves with a thousand virtues than to correct our- selves of a single fault.-BrUyere. The individual• who is habitually tardy in keeping an appointment will never be respected or successful in life. -W. Fisk. TOWN DIRECTOR V. B. 'yisy Ozlultori-Sabbath services at 11 a ill awl 7 p en. Bandits Scheel at 2;i3Q p General player meeting on Wednesday ervouiugs. Rev. 3, N Mo. neon, 13,A., pastor. Absuer 0.,n«4us, S.S. 4nporintendent. METHODIST Cuuitou-- atbbath sorVit % at 11 a its and 7 p ni. Sunday School tet 3:30 It rn. l.pworth League every Mon - 'hey evening. terenoral payer meeting .su Wednesday evenings. Rev. 3 R. x:urrly, D.D , ptr'tor. :1 `rimier, S. S. enperiuteudeni,. 1'Rc.snv'rnitIAA Curnate-Sabbath sor- views at 11 ,: iu and 7 p t,,. Smitten ••houl at 2::i0 p to General prayer me ..ing on \VSerities;lay •inirigs. Rev. ). Pert -ie, pastor and a -i, Superinten• lent, P. S. nen* •.'r tit L. Herold, -Nhtit:ttnt S .-. Sup net !•' nr- ST. PAUL' b (.•tical' H, 1.r ttie.:uP i -..`fab• rath service's et 11 a :n a. '1 7 p 1t. Sun - :ay School at 2:80 p In (i,,tlar,.I t,rayet •teeting on Wedne• rley r .' iui;i. Rev. crm. Lowe, Rector, F Sh ••re and Ed• emistant S. Sine -Ante ••t eat•+. SALventos tuna -B I es. .• er . mud 11 In and 3 and i p nl. .a. 'faunas. and 1vtry. t+vnniihtt ibtrlug 't• tr at , ''nlook at the bar e's-eke PosT ()v'rIoa-1'• etas ' ,rnud Blouk lerdteee hours fecal ' A. t•. 1:30 p m. ter Fi sh.'r. ''tot,ttl5t,'•' PUBLIC Lf8KAlie-Lits eer Wed fret 'tattling recta in the T win• se Open every aftont, s.,l fr.,n1 o'clonk. and ,rv'•ri ensuing from ' • , 1':30 a'cloc?t Miss M:lti' it.'h'•rtsoti ihrarinn. TOWN Co1.:Nom- R. Vanes, Mayor; rhea. 13e11, Win. Holmes. \'1 .1. c+reser. furls, Artudtroog G 1-., 0 . 44iliikin Oavi.t B --It, 0 tanoillors; J, B. e'er- nnnth, Clerk and Treasnrer; \t filum !•;Iri;,L, Assessor, Wui, Robertson, Col- inctor. Roars meets first Monday even- . ug in each rnottth at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -.I. J. Iiomnth, (chair • stall), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Donglas, H ii.srr, Wut. Moores, A. B. Lloyd. Dr A. I. Irwin, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wtn. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. 'lteetingssecond Tnesdny evening in eacb nonth. PtrsLlo School. T►'Aostells.-A. H. '1a -grove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Oornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF FEALTY -Mayor Vanutoue, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer Eating Norma. All nations save the worshipers of Buddha eat the flesh of animals. Even the lowest and most dlsgeetine to eye and palate find a home where they are welcomed. \Vorms and insects must furnish food and grnce the tables not only of the poor, but of the rich. Think of the gourmet who praises the luscious woodsnipe, and still more the black mass from the inside that he carefully places on his toast • and ents with a feeling akin to veneration! He is eat- ing the worms that live in the snipe's intestines. Of equal value is the fa- mous palm worm of the West Indies, which forms one of the best dishes of luxurious dinners. Its near relation, the grugru worm of Java, is said to be richer still and more delicate. Nor do costly silkworms escape the fate of all that is eatable. Freed from their co- coons and daiutily dressed they are highly prized and largely swallowed by the people of Madagascar. The Coln Flee. Corncob pipes are as old as the settle- ment of this country, and the proba- bilities are that the pilgrim fathers found the Indians sucking bollowed out cribs through reed root stems There is a historical warrant: for say- ing that Andrew Jackson smoked cob pipes and was fond of them. Tradition has it that after that famous dinner of sweet potatoes General Francis Marion proffered the British officer who was his guest a corncob pipe and a mole - 'skirt -pouch of son cured leaf tobacco. Not to Be Budged. "Move on, now," said the policeman. "No, siren:" replied Mr. Haieede"dog- gedly. "I guess ye will. Ie've been baugin' round here half an hour." "Yee, nn', b'gosb, here's what I stick! !rhe gent that tuck my watch to have my name engraved on to it told me to slay right here till he got back." • PicksnM compares'. "Old Bunks boasts that he never,, las a cold." "It's nothing to boast of. He's se NeT4BLI8IUED 1872 THE WINGII0 TIMES 1 113 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office, Beaver Block WINC*HAM, ONAIMIO, Tattxe or SSU'astilttl.'TION-$1 Japer annum to adwuice *1.50 if not so id. No paper (lison c- tinued tib ll 811 arrears arb paid, except at th option of the publisher. ADVIIllTlsgNu RATSS. - Legal and Oise: casual advertisements Se per Nonpperiol line f.,+ first insertion, as per line for each subsequen' insertion, Advertisements in Ioeal.columus are chargeri 10 cts, per line for first insertion, and 5 cunt• per line for each qullsequent insertion. Advertisements of Last, Found, Stray'oi, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar. SIM for that mouth and 10 cents for teeth subsequrn' month. (iONTKAc1 Rants -The followln K table show. our rates for the Insertion of advertisement.• for specifies) periods:-- aYAOE. 1 Tn. 6 leo, 8 MO. 3M" One Column 560.00 595.00 115.00 1414... u el Milt Column 85.00 1500 10.00 4.w Quarter Column ... 18.00 10.00 9.00 2.0(1 Advertisements without specifics direction, will be inserted till forbid and charged accord. tng)y. Transient advertisements must be peed for in advance. TBR JOB DAPJRTMItNT is stocked' with at• extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in tht county fon tnrnine out fuel; ((lase work. 'Lard• typo and n proprlate cute for all styles of Poet - env, Band Bills, etc., and the latest styles oe choice fanny type for the finer classes of print- ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher What has h.,com.+ of the old -fashion• sl yonne folks who wort to merry for Somehow :e .+:aewe, c•tn't believe the: '1%- filen ie •, leer wh 1 says nine thing', .. tent bee rads +u ty e. .' • anti Lilo; !clay go bat • ,bbl' go. s o" •ur.•vt-i. Tae hs ,,;•,art! r tablet is the less nee err melt it 1e;' ret- hist You assn ne rly 'al nays; flatter a man r t"!ling hen he eau 't h.• flattered. Nn train fully appreciates hash anti filer he has eaten dinner at it woken,. hoot. The feminine idea of a sptlrcdthrift i .'r.t'er woman who lives beyond her limony La grippe, pneumonia and influ' enza often leave a n* sty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with Shiloh's Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Prices 25c., 50c. and $1.00 S. O. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.it g t Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Lt dies' Pavorite, Is the only sate, reliable J regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1. -For ordinary eases le by far the best dollar medicine known. 317e. 2, -For special eases -10 degrees stronger --three dollars pet box. T.adies-ask your druggist for Coon's Cotton 'Root Oomponnd. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on `receipt of price and four 2 -cent postai; stamps. a Cook Company. Onto' No. 1. and No 2 are sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell, W. McKibben, A. L. Hamilton, and R. A. Douglass, Druggists. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. RA t :RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM won't G Mean that even a told wont have any- thing to do with him.' --Exchange. Teem/ to "lad Taste. "That young vixen told me she wept over my colurun." "You ought to feel flattered." "Idiot! it's a funny column!" Force without intelllgende ie like a 10cotnotive 'without a track or an'engi• 1 Toronto and Esgt ..... 1,14 p.ta....10.48p.>b fCery-SChooltnaetcr., J. ill, BligyiEii, Agent. Witgha . TRArN8 LCAV'A von � endon ... 6.50 e.m.... tl.10p.m. 'Toronto & East ,.9 a,m.. 6.56 a.ni.... 8.OSp.m. Kitioardine..11,10 a.ni... 1.40 p m .,. 8.88p.m. A1tk1` 4'1 FROM Kincardine ...6.50 a.m.. 9.0.1 a.m ..' 8.05 p.m London 11.10 a.tn.... 7.55 p.tn Nalmerstrsn ., 11.10 a.m. Toronto k Ew,t 1.40 p.m , ... 8.89 p.tn L. HAROLD,Agent, Wingh'pn. (/'•CtANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. - EJ TaAIS$ LIAYA eon Toronto end Eget....,, 6,67 a.m.... 8.49 p... Teeewater 1.11 p.m.. ,.10.41 p. Annrgx • ragq1K eMrsa .. . 6.Nf a.lo... RAS m ter... to STOUrOFN OYSTER' TOLD 13Y HIMSELF ABOUT HII4kLF AND MIS, TRIBE. The Trials, and Tribulations of `tie Succulent Bivalve From the Time ot Planting 5Jntil Ilii(( Appearance on the Plehmonger't Counter. There were about 000,000 of us when, as tiny flakes of spawn -or "spat," as the oyster spawn is called -we floated out into the water one day on "the flats," At first we were white and apparent, ly lifeless, Then we turned gray and finally black, At this stage we became visibly alive. 1t'or several days we floated, the sport of waves and tides, Some of my brothers were carried out to sea and so vanished; others were -swallowed by fish, At last we nil be- gan instinctively to sink toward the bottom. began again terrible destruc- tion. Many fell on mud -the most fa- tal thing a young oyster can do. These perished at once. Others attached ten :wolves to plants and weeds which grow at the bottom of the sea, They lived for :t time -so Iong at least as the plant remained alive. Then, when the plant died, they perished es well. Fortunately for myself, I drifted on a bit of "cultch"-that is to say, one the old shells which the dredgers id oyster men so carefully scatter all ver the sea floor of an oyster bed. I SE with my deep shell uppermost nd my fiat or right shell nearer the round. At the time I did not know by I did this. 1 have since realized tat it was because in that position I ictus be more easily able to eject the and and grit which a rough sea some- ines stirs up. In shallow water. I at- iched myself firmly to my anchorage f "cultch" and felt myself at last fair- y started in life.` Soon I noticed that every single mor- el of shell or stone around me was enanted by tiny oysters, all lying in he same position as myself and all firmly anchored. There I lay, unmoving, for nearly a ear. Food, in the shape of tiny ani- ualculte, which an oyster loves best, vas plentiful. When the water was (lick with it, we all opened our shells wide', and, making currents in the wa- r by means of the tiny hairs which ringe our gills and which men call our beards, we washed the dainties into our mouths. Our choicest delicacies I' the minute green algae, which V to full grown oysters that greenish Inge that is the mark of the aristo- cratie native. When I first anchored myself, I was tut the twentieth of an inch in diame- er-so small, indeed. that a microscope would have been necessary to examine me. At that stage my shell was per- fectly transparent. At the end of ten months I bad in- creased in diameter to fully the size of a dime and become what is caller! 'brood." During all this time I had been learn - ng many things. I found out that It w•:ts necessary to close my shell tight when dangers of various kinds threat cued. when the tide was low or, in win- ter, when frost was severe. You may perhaps league that an oyster is a creature of such low organism that it cannot see or feel much of what is go- ng on round about it. But you are wrong. The mantle fringe of an oyster is very sensitive. If you watched us Eton] a boat in calm water, you would scc that the mere shadow• of the boat crossing an oyster bed will cause those of us upon whom it falls to close onr shells immediately. It was necessary to be most careful. Dangers were many and terrible. Sea urchins prowled among us and de- voured many. But of all our foes the worst is the five angered starfish. One of my sisters, anchored not a yard away, fell a victim to this terror of the oyster beds. It clutched her with its long fingers. She closed her shell. But the creature was not to be shak- en off. Hour after hour it clung there until on the second day after its first grip she. poor thing, opened her shell to get a mouthful of food. At once the starfish injected into her a fluid which stupefied her so that site could not close again. Then the monster turned itself inside out, shot itself into the open shell and devoured her. Then, one day n year after I had floated. as "spat," Came a startling change in my existence. Something huge and heavy cane out of the shad- ow of a boat above and approached, rasping and grating along the bottom. It was a great triangular dredge of wrought iron. At the bottom was a fiat bar with a blunt edge, t:nowht to the dredgers as the "bit." As the "bit" approached it sernned the bottom of the sen clean. and tibxt instant I. too, found thyself lifted and dropped into the net. together with hundreds like myself and a misceI- Mueous collection of small soles and other things. One of the men sorted over the catch and., having selected all the oysters and spat, "shaded" the rest back into the sea through a porthole. I, in company with enormous quan- tities of other brood, W(IS put into a "wash" -a measure holding (ive and a quarter gallons --:incl reknit. here life s. r food nt �len- s eventful and f c most wasle.. eletttlac of t 1 Ilea. To fatten well an oyster must have a certain =omit of fresh Water. L] this snug retreat I passed from brood to half Witte and from half ware to Ware, or full grown oyster. 'Bet I still went on growing .and developing,. lentil one day the dredge swept rile up Again, and I was raised once mere into the upper nit and .rapidly brought in. I was then dropped into a large bag land suspended in a tank of fresh sett ;mater, which Is eonstdntly renewer). Where I await lily final fate, *Web 7vill, I fear, bon ftghmonger's counter. t 1Vei.! Yv>k News. a._.e.....� -.._ )T P KENNEDY, M L.. M C. P.13. O. 01 ken. Gold iter o o h British Medical Asmocin a in matinee, seen& ttentiou paid to disease,•. of Women and Chili O en. Oahe hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p.m s f m, �. 11 1 yt. MAC DONALD, R 1 J Centre Street 11 11 Kingham, Ontario, s DR. AGNS W, t3 Physician, Surgeon, etc. t` 0 OiSte-Maedona+7 Block, over J. E. Devin 1 Drub Store. Night calla answered at the office. T. CHI SHOLM. J. S. CHISH01.M s s.x., M.n., c.M., x o.P.s.o. aR, lm,ax., a OP s o, t ' DRS:"CHISHOtM& CHiSHOLM t PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETo. omen -Chisholm Block, Josephine street. 3 IttcstnaNce-In rear of block, on Patrick St., t where night calla will be answered. v t DR. BROWN. L. R. u. P., London England. Graduate of London, New York and Chi. t sago. Diseases of Eye Ear, Nese and Throat. f Will be at the Queen's hotel, Wingharn. 410 rtleadayill each month. Hours from 2to 9p.m. la VANSTONE. I Lt. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. t Private and Company funds to loan et lowest rate of interest. No commission charged :wort- gegen, town and farm property bought and eohl. Office, Beaver Block. Wiugham. 1 f A. MORTON, t t BARRISTER, &e. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DloxrxSON DOVUM HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Etc. MONET TO LOAN. Orrice: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsyivnni s Dental College end Licentiate+ of the Revel College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Ian T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingharn. D. D. St), -Toronto University. L. 0.8 -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. ,; , Has a new method for painless tire '''i'. extraction. No cocaine. a 111 especial attention to the care of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed Orrice.- In McKenzie building, opposite National hotel. JOHN RITCHIE, • GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER . For the County of Huron. Sales of e11 kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the Trues office will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales; of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Ti S. SCOTT, Bruasols, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Specialuttention given to sales of farm stock And implometite. Dates and orders can niways be arranged et the Thetas office. Wingham. FARM ERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should advt+r rise the same for Sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get acustomer. We can't guarantee that you will sell became you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. fiend your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. .,•.1... H EXPGii1F_NCE r , y'1"tY.l'1t!.^:v;v,+ t+ ..t'.A ., a;" TRADE MARKS Dro1GNS . COPYRIGHTS a&C. Anyone sen-Iing a stceteh and description met ()Mame u.+certain ear opinion free whether me ' Invennen 11 probably pntentabtq. Commnnlca twin street, confidential. Hnndb(tok on Patent' • cent free. oldest agency for meenring patents. Patents token through Siunu . d'. Cho. remit, Weal notice, without obarge, in the. � Mittman. n� e�it A handsomely I11nrfratr,G weekly. tautest rte isolation of Any eetetman I mer:eh Tencel ill t t fnnr Moot is, 61. nerd by:cn ' errad�+er }, ner!Rif & Co 3616foadw y. Nie' V rc 0( (��i breach OtEtts. (tom' . Ii 111... Washington. D, 1 too 0