HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-04-18, Page 3NEWS AND FEATURES
Humor makes life fun "Home
Because volunteers are sometimes the
only contact Some people have with the
outside world, they should, -bring laughter,
cheerfulness and a positive attitude into
homes with them, said Angela Armitt. The
Past Dean of Continuing Education at the
University of Western Ontario, she spoke to.
over 100 Huron County Town and Country
Homemakers at their annualmeeting on
"A little bit of humor can change a
person's life from drab to fun. Some people
never pick up the gems of laughter every
day; they say humorous things don't
happen. They happen all the time, said
Miss Armitt.
Examples of humor Miss Armitt notices
all the time are funny signs. One sign
supporting bingo read, 'Make bingo legal
and , keep gramma off the street while
another on a farm. read, "Pray for a good
harvest but keep on hoeing,"
Going into a large cemetery in London,
Miss Armitt read the sign, 'This is a one
way street". Another funny sign at a dance
read, "The management reserves the right
to exclude any lady they think proper.'
Quoting the Bible, Miss Armitt said, "A
merry heart doeth good like medicine;" That
advice can help volunteers especially when
dealing with gloom and doom" people.
"They can really get you because you can't
get through to them. They look for the shade
instead of the sun," she said.
Appreciating the humor in life can also
keep people young. "How is it that some
people are 'so young at 80 and others are so
old at 40? They've never stayed young at
heart," she said. -
People shouldn't let their problems get
BACK TO SCHOOL-SIx of Seaforth's
firefighters attended the regional fire school
held In town last week. George Reeves, Ralph
Wood, Peter Kling, Dave Devrles, Rene
Dupuis and Jim Finlayson all earned
certificates on Friday. (Hundertmark photo)
them down because people have had
problems for hundreds of yogis. "In 1492,
Columbus had to 'Mite months to conyinee
Queen Isabella to outfit him with a fleet, He '
didn't know where he was going and he
didn't know where he was when he found it
and then he had trouble explaining where
he'd been when he got back," said Miss
Though she said common sense is good to
have, she warned never to let it master you
since it can deprive you of all the foolish
things that make you laugh.
"When dealing with difficult people,
remember the tea kettle which sings when.
it's up to its neck in hot water. Or, listen to
Red Skelton who said, °If you can keep your
head when others are losing theirs, you'll be
.aToot taller than everyone else in the room."
Miss Arniitt: congratulated the home-
itiakets . for their work for people who
othe-Wise might not be able to stay in their
"I feel very humble when I realize the
-.mangy many things you do for so many
people. Keep up that terrific work and I hope
,Vow, U always carry that cheerfulness and
joy into the homes with vou."
Board members elected for 1984-85 were
Marie Bolton, Dublin; Beverley Brown,
Bluevale; Elaine Gottshall, Kirkton; Lois
Hodgert, Seaforth; Jane Le Van, Wingham;
Ruth Linton, Clinton; Betty McGregor,
Kippen; Laurette G. Seigner, Exeter; Paul
Stickle, Zurich; Thea Trick, Clinton; Helen
Underwood, Wingham, Eileen Ronnie,
Henson; and Libbie Davis, Grand Bend.
Huron employees will
get salary increases.
In the April 11 issue of the Huron
Expositor, a heading on page B5 was
incorrect. Instead of "Liberal spending
attacked", the heading should have read,
"Conservative spending attacked." We
apologize for the error and thank a reader for
informing us of the mistake.
Experience leads to conclusions
After 32 years in the education field,
Yvonne Rosenberg, principal of West Park
Secondary School in Toronto, has come to a
few conclusions on being a teacher.
Mrs. Rosenberg was speaking to Huron
County secondary school teachers at the Apr.
2 professional development day. As principal
of a school with only special learning needs
students, Mrs. Rosenberg spoke on the
attributes needed by special education
'I'm not a learned authority," said Mrs.
Rosenberg. "Everything i am saying is based
on 32 years of teaching."
There are six common sense qualities to be
a successful special education teacher. And
by successful, Mrs. Rosenberg said she
doesn't mean successful as in being pro-
1 want to make it quite clear. I am talking
abort effective teilc'liink."
One qualify'is committment. Thfs committ-
ment, should be to education, students and
the teacher's own subject, he said.
Other qualities include showing a willing-
ness to work, spending time and energy on
students, being professional, giving clear
erplanations and setting and example.
She also spent time talking about "burn
out", a popular phrase which, said Mrs.
Rosenberg, would be more accurate if "dried
up" was used.
She doesn't like the label stating it is too
general. -
Burn out is a symptom of several possible
causes. These causes include stale teaching,
physical exhaustion and personal problems.
She suggested change, either change of
professions, schools. or just a change in
Department heads and employees of
Huron County had salary increases of about
five per cent approved recently. '
Department head salaries are as follow$,
with 1983 salaries in brackets: clerk -treasurer
and administrator $46,228 ($44,044), deputy:
clerk -treasurer $39,000 ($37,154),' county
engineer $46,228 ($44,044), Medical Officer
of Health $53,586 ($49,400), chief librarian
$33,514 ($31,928), planning director 013,446
($41,392), social services administrator
$31,330 ($29,848), Huronview administrator
$36,08$ ($33,150), and museum curator
525;688 ($24,466).
Both the MOH and Huronview administra-
tor moved up one place on their salary grid on
top of the five per cent increase.
Library staff salaries are as follows witil
1983 figures in brackets: children's librarian.
and assistant librarian $11.60 per hour
($11.05 per hour), van driver $6.75 per hour
($6.43 per hour), caretaker $491 per month
($468 per month), branch staff ranges from
$5.86 to S6.57 per hour ($5.59 to S6.26 per
hour), library technician ranges from $14,924
to S17,966 (S14,222 to $17,134)
Planning department staff salaries are as
follows: planners range from $25,792; to
534,450 (S24,570 to S32,812), junior planner
ranges from $20,046 to $25,506 ($19,110 to
$24,310), planning technician ranges from
$19,162 to $24,492 ($1'9,110 to $24,310), and
contract, planner S18,174.
Board of health staff salaries are as follows,
with 1983 salaries in brackets: director of
public health inspections ranges from
$26,130 to $32,578 ($24,908 to $31,044),
director of public health nursing ranges from
S26,130 to $32,578 ($24,908 to $31,044),
nutritionist $14.26 per hour "($13.59 per
dour), health educator ranges from $23,582 to
Still under board of health, home care
salaries are as follows: director ranges from
$26,234 to $31,928 ($23,140• to $2$,574),
physiotherapist $28,288 ($26,962), occupa-
tion therapist $15.99 per hour ($15,23 per
hourj, social worker BSW ranges from
$22,568 to S27,066 ($21,502 to $25,792), and
social worker MSW ranges from $23,582 to
528,288 ($22;464 to $26,962).
Also under board of health,public health
inspectors and clerical staff salaries are as
follows: public health inspectors salaries
range from $21,814 to $26,208 ($20,800 to
$24,960), dental and vision technician ranges
from $14,274 to $17,004 ($13,598 to $16,198),
senior secretary -steno and secretary' book-
keeper ranges from $13,754 to $16,328
($13,104 to S15,574), secretary -steno and
clerk technician ranges from S13,156 to
$15,600 (512,532 to $14,872), clerk typist and
dental assistant ranges from $12,610 to
S14,976 ($12,012 to $14,274.)
HEAVENLY MUSIC -Mary Hearn, of Clin-
ton played a few selections on the harp for the
Town and Country Homemakers at their
annual meeting In Seaforth last week.
(Hundktmatk photo)
Seaforth ladies get first vote in 1884
APRIL 18 1884
Dr. Reeve of Clinton has sold his farm in
Hullett consisting of 100 acres to Joan 11.
Medd of the same township for S2,350. The
farm is not a bad one, but tenants have
allowed it to get retty badly out of order,
James Turnbull- of the fourth concession of
Grey had a ewe that gave birth to a Iamb on
Monday of week •before last_ Nothing vtry
wonderful in •that,• but on the follod+ing
Monday she gave birth to a second larnb.
Both mother and lambs are living.
The vote on the Van Egmond bylaw was
taken on Tuesday last. There are on the roll
269 male and 23 female voters. Of these 32
voted against the bylaw and 146 in favor of it
leaving a majority of 114 in its favor. This is
the fast time in the history of Seaforth that
ladies have been permitted to exercise the
franchise, and to their credit nearly every
available vote was polled, and we believe
most of them in favor of the bylaw. Who will
say after this that female suffrage is
impracticable, or that it should not be
extended to municipal and parliamentary
APRIL 16,1909
Mr. G.M. Chesney has purchased from
Alex Sinclair of Tuckeramith his fine heavy
draught chestnut team for which he paid the
handsome sum of $600.
Wm. Slavin of Chiselhurst had the
t misfortune to get his leg broken on Thursday
of last week. Reeves turning a. log, with the
.,horses, a spirited team, when they moved
, too quickly rolling the log on him.
Mr. McIntyre of Hamilton who recently
purchased the hardware stock and coal
business of the tate firm of Reid and Wilson,
has taken into partnership with him William
Hills, Mr. Hills was with the old firm for a
number of years.
A complimentary farewell supper was
tendered G.E. Parkes, late manager of the
Bank of Commerce, who has been trans-
ferred to Dunnville, in the Commercial
Hotel, on Monday night. The landlords of
the Commercial did everything up in style
and between 70 and 75 people sat down to
prettily decorated tables and enjoyed an
excellent dinner.
APRIL 20, 1934
Mayor Sutherland, in a response a
petition from a number of mercha , has
Avoid battles
REGISTRATION NIGHT-Seaforth's sunt- ' first joint registration night last week at the
mer sports and community groups held their Seaforth and District Community Centres.
PROBLEMS/m°rn page 1
problems "and we shouldn't have to research
a firm." If Mr. Ward had explained his
position before, we wouldn't have had to
discuss it at council.
"if i don't get'a signal, it's not the fault of
my television set," said Mr. Ellis.
In the flyer, remarks made by councillor
Ellis at the Feb. council meeting were
included and the flyer said Mr. Ellis had a
conflict of interest because he worked for
CKNX in Wingham.
"Saying 1 had a conflict of interest was a
cheap shot, said Mr. Ellis. "I'm employed
with CKNX radio, not television. They're two
separate companies."
He said the cable company has an
obligation to bring good service to their
subscribers. "We want and enjoy cable
television and we hope the quality continues.
But the company should also be able to take
"1 never had so many people thank me for
bringing the matter out in the open," said
Mr. Ellis:
Separated and divorced couples can still
parent together. That's the aim of a pilot
project at the Huron Centre for Children and
Youth in Clinton.
The program, the first of its kind in this
area, attempts to help separated, divorced
and divorcing couples to make mutual
out-of-court agreements for child custody and
The Huron Centreroject has been in the
development stages for the past year -and -a -
half and is under the direction of Centre
consultants Sandy Stuart and Shirley Hack'
The consultants are offering confidential.
closed mediation between parents in an
attempt to avoid ugly court quarrels over
child custody and access.
"Closed mediation is seen as a preventa-
tive action," Shirley explained. 'It helps the
children before damage from divorce is
She said that acting as mediators in
custody and goers cases used to be a risky
business. Mediators, took the chance of
being called to court themselves.
Consultants at the Huron Centre will not
act in a partisan manner. Their program and
work is protected under new legislation in the
Children's Law Reform Act which allows
mediators to carry out confidential proceed-
ings. Under the new legislation, only the
agreement reached by both patents in closed
mediation is sent to the courts. if no
agreement is reached, a report stating this
can go to the courts.
Closed mediation provides parents with a
safe, confidential means where they can talk
about their children and their future, without
the fear that their private discussions could
be used in court. The program stresses this
fact and clients work under a written contract
that guarantees that discussions remain
The concept behind closed mediation is not
a new one. it has been running successfully in
Toronto and Hamilton for the past four to five
years. Mediation is used in Europe and in
some areas of the United closed mediation is
a legal requirement.
Mediation serves a number of purposes, it
helps families come to mutual out-of-court,
settlements and avoids the emotion upheave!
and damages that can result from prolonged.
angry custody battles. This method also
saves a great deal of time and money that
MacNaughton M.L.A. for the riding as
standard bearer Li the coming Ontario
Workmen have comtwned teartn cute
the rear portion of the Stoped iceJ
proclaimed Wednesday afternoons during
Ma,, June, July, August, and September as
„Civt ehalf holidays,.: Whgn a,' legal„holida3t•...,
comes in the week however, there will beano
Wednesday holiday.
James Ballantyne, Reeve of Usborne
Township for the past eight years and
ex -warden of Huron County, was nominated
as Independent candidate representing
Progressives, Liberals and Independent
Conservatives at Monday's convention for
the riding of South Huron.
Mr. W.H. Armstrong, Hullett, shipped to
Toronto market on Saturday a Shorthorn cow
about eight years old which weighed 1890
pounds. This is the heaviest cow to pass over
the Seaforth scales.
Alex Bethune was elected president of the
Seaforth Football Club at their annual
meeting on Monday night. Other officers are
Charles Stewart, Sam Jackson, Charles P.
Sills, Lorne Dale and A.W. Dick.
APRIL 17, 1959
Huron Conservatives meeting in Clinton
Monday evening, nominated Charles S.
Station at the corner of Godericli and /s401
Street this week. When the haelt section has
been reineqvyed„ from,. tha.,buildiug, built in
1928, workmen will start construction of a
modern station directly behind ,thb,pxisting
Seaforth Legion was represented at the
Spring one meeting on Sunday held in
Wingham. Attending the meeting from
Seaforth were president Riney Nesbitt,
past -president John Holland, secretary Ken
Powell, vice-president Allan Nicholson and
comes Ted,Brown, H. Nicholson, George
Charters and Charles Wood.
An investigation is proceeding as to what
happened to 500 gallons of water which
disappeared from a fire truck while it was in
the fire hall. Water tanks were full when
truck was checked on Tuesday of last week.
Six days later when firemen answered an
alarm for a grass fire, they were found to he
empty. According to information given
council the only way the water could have
disappeared was a result of somebody
having drained It out.
rough. mediation
could be spent in the count system.
Research has also shown that mediated
agreements are durable, where court settle-
ments often end up back in the courts within a
few years time.,
The mediation process does not attempt to
replace a lawyer s role. Couples who seek
mediation assistance are each encouraged to
have their own lawyers to carry out the legal
aspects of divorce.
We're not replacing lawyers. We want
the lawyers there. We don't give out legal
advice and don't touch any matters other than
custody and access," said Shirley.
The Huron Centre consultants act specific-
ally as objective go-betweens for couples who
want to consider the best future for their
children. As mediators, Shirley and Sandy
are not giving treatment, they are acting as
facilitators, helping couples make their own
decisions. If couples feel that they may
require some type of marital or emotional
therapys five other workers at the Centre
offer this service. As mediators, Sandy and
Shirley, won't serve families in both
The mediation program is not designed to
bring couples back together. The program is
specifically geared to separated couples, not
as marital reconcilliation. Other help is
available at the centre for this.
Mediation is not a magical, easy way out.
"Mediators work damn hard to hammer it
out. The goal is that they can remain parents
to out kids. They may be separating as a
couple, but not as parents," said Sandy.
Couples who seek mediation are already
concerned parents. They realize that parent-
ing can still involve shared responsibility and
decision making.
Mediation offers a positive approach to
divorce, for the sake of the children. The
process itself can involve stressful confronta-
tions between couples and intense emotions,
as court battles can, but mediation allows
couples to go through this period in private.
with the guidance of qualified consultants.
As well mediation promotes personalized
agreements that reflect on all aspects of the
couple's and their children's lives. it takes
into account finances, ages and work, for
Mediation encourages joint custody, where
both parents establish equal, but flexible
responsibilities, geared specifically to meet
the child's needs.
The process takes about six to seven weeks
to complete. Mediators meet individually
with couples to explain closed mediation.
Likewise they contact the couples' lawyers to
explain the process, then draw up a written
Depending on the degree of discomfort.
mediators may meet individually with the
husband and wife, or preferably together.
The meetings are basically held to plan for
the future of the children and to realize and
learn how divorced couples can still work
together as competent parents.
At the completion of the mediation a
written agreement is signed by both spouses
and is presented to their respective lawyers
as a parenting agreement. Mediators also
encourage future appointments to ensure
that the agreements are working, or make
adjustments if needed.
Please see BATTLES/ on page 5
If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area
residents, phone the recreation office at 527-0882 or the Expositor at
527-0240 or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron
Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO well in advance of the
Scheduled date
Wednesday, April 18
1:30 p.m. Sign Language Classes at
Seaforth & District Preschool Learning
Centre to run for 10 weeks. Cost for book
only. Open to public.
1:30-4:30 p.m. Shuffleboard for Senior
7:30 p.m. Minor Hockey Awards Night at
Thursday, April 19
9:30 a.m, Fitness Fun for the Over 50's.
Joy of Motion. Orange Hail, Seaforth.
8 p.m. - 12:30 Teen Dance at Arena
Saturday, April 21
fd 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Story Hour at Library
8 p.m. Harmony Kings ,
Show at Arena
"Take Me Out to the
Ball Game."
Friday, April 20
8 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Roller Skating
Sunday, April 22
7:30-10 p.m. Roller Skating at Arena
Tuesday, April 24
7-9 p.m. Roller Skating at Arena.
10 a.m. Registration, 1:15 p.m. Opening
Session. The 37th annual meeting of the
Hamilton and London Synodical of the
Women's Missionary Society, Presbyterian
Church in Canada in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Wingham.
Space for the Community Calendais donated by The Huron Expositor J