HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-03-03, Page 8THE WINGHAJE TIMES, MA11C11 9,
ew Dress.Goods
Everything Fashion Hints About tor 1904.
Nov weaves, new shades, new combinations, news of all that's
new in. Dress Goods, awaits the visitors here in our Dress Goods De.
partment. You cannot go anywhere to see more that is of fashion-
able interest; you cannot see all that is of fashionable importance else
where. Exclusiveness combined with wealth of choi,re, comprehenive
ness combined with taste, our Dress Goods stock for the Spring of 1904
is at once the most liberal and the most safe, the finest and the most
defined, for nothing confines it except refinement; nothing is debarrd
but ill taste.
New Black and White Suitings
New Canvas Weaves
New Worsted Granite Suitings
New Mohair Suitings
New Tweed Voiles
New Saxony Tweed Suitings
New French Broadcloths
New Scotch Tweed suitings
New French Voiles
New French Etamines
New French Crepe de Chines
New French Cheviot Etamines
New Fish Net Voiles
New Fautasie Voiles
New Drap de Paris
New Eolienuee
New French Novelties
Now Cream Fabrics
New Silk Voiles
New Voile Boutonne .
Our Lace and Trimming Department
has some beautiful new goods, including the latest New York and
Paris styles. See them.
The Worst Tie up of the Season on February exanaiirations, Subeeets:
the Railways. Latina, Chemistry, Algebra, and Aueient.
History. Maximum 400.
Shortly after the Timm went to press
last week another snow stormvisited motzir,
this section, and disorganized railway reel Park.. , .. 3131
g Mery Ferguson 3:31)
truffle. The 0. P. R. was tied up. last Agues Wilson . , , . .... 314
week from \Veduesday afteruoev until Jessie Ga:rriclr
Saturday afteruoon, and the G. T. R.
fared somewhat better as their lives were
blocked for only about a day and a.lialf.
Conductor Quirk's train was in the
snow betwesn Oliuten and Londesboro
from Weilno; d ty night until early Fri-
day morning. The tracks were all clear-
ed and the t,aiusiu good ruining order
on Saturday, but again we had our reg.
ular first of the weer{ storm to start
early Monday morning and the only
trains to reach Wiugbam this week up
to the time of writing (4 p ui, Wedues-
day) were tho early train ou tiro Q. T, R.
from Kiucardiuo and the early truiu
from Teeswuter on the C. P. R. Con•
ductor Quirk pulled out on Mon3ay
morning with his train for Loudon with
two engines attached and only got as tar
as Clinton and was still there at the
time of writing. The early train on the
C. P. R. did not get any further than
Arthur. Between Wingham and Palm-
erstou no train has reeved since Satyr.
day. A stock train came down from
Kincardine on Sunday evening and the
stook—four ear loads of hogs and one
car load of horses—are still here. The FORM I. o
pigs made things noisey around the sta- Subjects --British History, Algebra,
tion yards all day Monday and Tuesday Grammar, Arithmetic. Maximum 400.
morning they were given shelter and
feed. This lias been a very trying win-
ter on railroad mon as the roads are no
sooner cleared until they are filled in
again and all railroad men have had
extra hours of labor. We are now up to
the 3rd of March and surely this will be
the last time tits seasou that the TIMES
will have to record a lileckalee on the
I railways, It wt; s expected that a train
1 would reach Wtnghaur to -clay en both
C. P. R. and G. T. R.
Soon 1
But are you ready ?
Have you decided on
your Gown ?
Do you want advice ?
Visit our pattern department and
you will find in the Designer and in
the Standard Patterns a greatvariety
of up to date styles.
A $300 stock of patterns on hand—
you don't need to wait two or three
days to get what you want,
aSuccessors to Alex. Rots.)
Irene Davis . .
Elgin Currie
Marjorie Gordon
Alberta Riutoul.,....
Chits. Gaudy
Mabel Roes
Iiaunah Wilson
Margaret Troy.......
W ut. Ishister
Edgar iieuderson,
Viu1a Davidson
Laura Ansley
Olive Ferguson
217 (1)
166 (2)
144 (1)
115 (1)
mese II.
Laura Nay 270
Jauisa Porrie,.., ,... 256
Jiro, Hnttoa .. , . 243
Wut. Linitlater,,, . .....241
Vera Holmes
Ethel Ferguson
Bon Higgins
Annie Law
Geo. Gtegory,
Olive Cruickshank
Geo. Elliott
Alf. Posliff
Lillian Deyell
Cora Currie ,
harry Gresel
Wm. Jobb
Merton Hart.
May Swans
Maggie Stewart
206 (1)
139 (1)
129 (1)
122 (1)
97 (1)
Store Improvements.
— Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, A number of the Wingham stores aro
Sons of Scotland next Monday evening. now uudergoing extensive improvement.
—The regular monthly meeting of the I The stores occupied by Messrs. D. M.
Wingham School Board will be held ou Gordon and John Galbraith are being
Tuesday evening next. fitted up with me ir shelving of the latest
style and are also being repainted. The
stores occupied by Messrs. G. E. King
and W. T. A. Fishleigh are being re-
painted and otherwise improved. With
John & Jas. H. Kerr's new premises
being completely overhauled and the im-
provements to Mr. Alex. Ritcbie's store,
the different places of business in Wing -
ham will present a very much improved
appearance for the reception of new
spring goods. The Times is pleased to
note these improyements and we wish
all our business men a very successful
season's trade.
—The Testes will be sent to icny ad-
dress from now until the the 1st of Jan-
uary, 1905 for 75 cents.
— Scottish Concert Co. in opera house
on Thursday evening, March 17th. Plau
of hall at Campbell's drug store.
—We understand that Wingham will
have another general store, Mr. Geo.
McKenzie having rented his store, op-
posite the Presbyterian Church for that
line of business.
— While in Wingham on Friday last,
Robt. Holmes, M.P., of Clinton gave the
TIMES a friendly call, and we were
pleased to see him looking very much
improved in health.
Mrs. Wm. Maynard, of Shelbourue is
— Court Maitland, :No, C. O. F. has visiting with her sister, Mrs. Abner
sent to Mrs. White and family, a letter Cosecs,
of regret and condolence in the death of Mr. Herb. Bugg was in Detroit this
Thos. White of Brantford, the late High weelr attending wedding of hie brother,
Secretary of the Order.
— In the semi-final j unior O.H.A. match
at Barrie on Friday night, Barrie de-
feated Listowel 9 goals to 6. Notwith-
standing Listowel's . defeat they
win the round by four goals.
—If the parties who are taking wood
from Cassels & Carr's wood yard on
Victoria street continue helping them-
selves they will be prosecuted as they
have been seen taking the wood.
Mr. Will Bugg.
Mr. John Agnew, of the Western
Medical College, Loudon, was visiting
at his home for a few days this week.
Mr. Wm. Robertson has been spend-
ing a few days with friends in Lucknow
and Ashfield Township.
Miss Tena Robertson returned home
from Hamilton on Saturday to spend a
few weeks prior to leaving for the West.
—A meeting of the representatives of Mrs. McLean and Miss Maggie ktc-
the Model Farm excursion was called Lean returned on Thursday after few
—Four weeks from next Sunday will Wednesday of this week, at Toronto,
bat owing to the blocked railways the
be Laster. meeting was indefinitely postponed. were visiting at Mr. Semi. Bennett's for
—The TIMES office is the best place for a few days during the week.
job printing. —Mr. Thos. Fells has purchased Mr.
days visit with relatives at Lucknoer.
Mr. and and Mrs. Bennett, of Walton
Mitchell's interest in the north end Mr. John Bosmau returned to hishdine
—Division Court will be held in Wing—butchering business and will continue in the West on Saturday after steal -rig
ham'on Thursday of next weeek. the same in the old sand. Mr. Fells has a few weeks with relatives in this
—Mr. Arthur Murphy, of the Wing- a new advt. in another column of this vicinity.
ham Jun'tion has been seriously ill for issue. Mr. and Mrs. K. Anderson, of Belmore
some time. —W. J. Henderson of Wingham Juno- moved to town this week. They in- '
—Wheein need of wedding invitations tion has sold a pure bred Shorthorn bull tend leaving shortly for the West to
or visiting cards, leave your order at the calf to John Webster of Fordyce. The spend several months.
Times of'ice. animal was a good one and Mr. Webster Mr. Robb, of Clinton was visiting at
Yesterday was ono of the finest days will use him with leis herd of pure bred DIr. Abner Cosens' for a few days last
of the winter. Very mild and consider- week. He left Clinton with the inten-
able snow was melted. —A meeting of East Wawanosh rate- I tion of going to Clifford to visit his son,
; -.. payers was held in Blyth on Saturday ebut the blocked railroads forced Der.
Tout Wilson. , 374
Ethel Davidson 350
Bessie Marsales 316
May Lautout 334
Orrie Borden 333
R. Cruickshank 381
Mildred Boomer 380
Fay Patterson .325
Flo VanNormau 317
Eernseliffe Musgrove 302
Kathleen Lowe 302
Frank Howson .294
Pearl McPherson 283(1)
Winnie Armour 279
Rich Howson 279
Olive Manners. . . 278
Everett Glenn..... 274
George Tees.,., 263
Maggie Iiiscocks 261 (1)
Clare Adams. ... 260 (1)
D. MacGillivray 253
Carrol Helo 249
Edith Johnson 248
Bob King 247
Pearl Davidson.... ,.,..244(1)
Clarence Wilson 238 (1)
Vera Kneohtel 238
Jno. Mason ,...226 (1)
Melvin Gowdy 224 (1)
Elliott Fleming ...196 (1)
Bob Brooks 183
Percy Kerr 161 (1)
May Mason 158 (2)
May Fry 14.4 (2)
Howard. Campbell 135 (2)
Ernest Aitchesbn 84 (3)
Millie Turuer 71 (3)
Examined in Arithmetic, Spelling,
Mem., and History. Maximum 660.
H. Jones ....653
R. Jones .... 652
A. Riutoul 637
E. Walsh . _ 622
D. Burwash 618
0. Longman 616
N. Orr 014
A. Barber 609
J. Smale
A. Griffin 577
W. Lott 574
J. Holmes ....... ...,573
L. Nichols 553
E. Cooke ,... 534
B. Gannett 524
M. Welsh ..501
R. Davidson 500
0. Johns 499
M. McLean 487
H. Jobb 461
M. Park 454
M, Paterson 453
L. Harold........ 452
H. Beemor........ 424
A. Bowman 410
E. Whyte ,.... 370
H. Davidson 359
R. Gray .. 355
F. Forler .. - .......311
E. Diamond 295
Pearl Vanstone .2S7
T. Small... .287
M. Ferguson 284
F. Constable.... 265
J. Hanna 254
M. Monk ...... 243
E. Drummond 243
A. Shaefer 233
W. Warder .....,...230
P, Duncan r 200
Pieiu nE.—At the Manse, Wingham, on Feb-
ruary 1Sth, the wife of Rev. D. Porrie; t. son.
C'A!,ipaErd,.—In Wingham Town Plot, on
February 24th,the wife of Robt. S. Campbell; a
Is there any Spring in You?
Go it on the A. R. Smith cash plan. Keep it up on the go-ahead bargain style.
Charlemagne of France was Emperor before he was 2 years of age ; oti the other
hand, Gladstone made one of his most famous speeches when over So years old. It is
thoughts that make you grow old and thoughts that keep you young If you are show-
ing up in years, keep your ideas on the sunny side of life and up -to -the -moment, and
with bear bargains sprinkled on your countenance you will actually grow younger as you
grow older.. They will help to bring the ` teens" of your youth into the second
century, Act quickly, and get some of our Spring, red hot, under -valued, Ready-to-
wear Clothing, GentsFurnishings, hats. Caps, etc.
With best wishes of A. R. SMITH.
Truth crushed to earth will rise again.
Clothing Trade knows the original. They claim there
is nothing original excepting original sin ; but pioneer
1.. advertising will hold its own next, and I take that priv-
ilege of spreading broadcast through this " land of
opportunities," as Emmerson calls it, the first seeds of
the great enterprise. There is no growth except from
original planting ; real vitality and expansion must be
created, not imitative. The man who tries to graft into
another's tree or plant never retains a natural growth ;
he only passes for a second -hared, after all. The cloth-
i,ig trade, together with the world at large, do not believe
y.., in trailers or imitators. I try to be myself and work out
my own glory, and I never try to steal from others
what really belongs to them. You can bet 10 to z that
I am the first plan in Wingham to circuiari;.e in the
clothing line and adopt the cash plan ; and furthermore, I am the man to -day that hands
out up-to-date, genuine bargains. Try us and experience the truth, and follow the crowds
that throng our shop for bargains. I like plain talk and plain facts, don't you ? 1'Iost
merchants have three hands: Right hand, left hand, and .a little behind hand. We've
only two hands, right and left—we're rarelytbehind hand. Already some of our Spring
Goods have arrived. You can buy from use
Piles of Men's Tweed Pants, at 99c. Piles of Men's Pants at $1.25.
Piles of Men's Tweed Pants at $1.50. Fine quality, $1.75, 52, $2.25, $3
Stacks of Overalls, Cottonade Pants, Smocks, right from the mills before
•the advance in price. So it is right through the store. Boys' Knee Pants,
sizes 22 to 33, from 50c to 750. Glowing and sweeping matchless prices, that
no credit house or catalogue copyist can dare touch or approach, Boys'
Sweaters at 25c. See our Boys' lovely Vester Suits, sizes 22 to 28, Boys' 2 -
piece Suits, sizes 22 to 28; Boys' 3 -piece Knicker Suits, 26 to 34, $2.50 to 56.50,
variety, beauty, value unsurpassed. Youths' and Young Men's Suits. popular
style and shades for spring, sizes 32 to 35. Men's Suits, sizes 36 to 44, $3,50,
5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00, 8.65, 9.00, 10.00 to 15.00.
Winter Overcoats at Cost and under Cost Price ! Our last slap at Over-
coats. Men's Overcoats, sizes 30 to 38, light color for spring sale, price $2.25,
regular $5 goods. Men's Overcoats, black and blue, sizes 36, 37, 38, reg. $7,
our price now $3.75. Men's Raglan Overcoats, best quality, lowest price.
Now is your time for Youths' and Boys' Overcoats. Little Boys' Overcoats
and Reefers selling regardless of cost.
A. R. - SMITH, Chisholm Block.
P. S.—Only 1 Fur Russian Calf Overcoat left; large size; sale price
$20.00. Regular price $27.00. Who will get it?
Night oalle at Button Block, or resi-
dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St.
or third house west of school ou John
street. Shop opposite Macdonald block.
The undersigned has a quay ' y of good sped
oats for sale at his remi. ,, , Lot 40, Con. 12,
East Wawanosh: w• ,rieties, namely, The
Gold Streak Proli , .. id the famous Waverley.
Seed all clean anof good quality. Price 50
cents her bushel for Golcl Streak Prolific and
40 cents per bushel for Waverley.
Winghan+ P. O.
In tete Town of RVln t1sain in the
County of Huron.
Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a
certain registered mortgage which will 1 •
duced at the time of sale there will be erect
for sale by Public Auction by W. Currie,
auctioneer, at the Bru..wick : otel in the
Town of Wingham,-on W' ne - ty,the 2;ird. day
of Mareh A.D. 1004 at 2 • c - c in the afternoon
the following propert • amely,—The South -
half of lot number 4 - • • the east side of Leo-
pold Street, Government Survey, in said Town
of Wingham, containing ono quarter of an
acre more or less.
There is on the proper ty a small frame dwell-
ing. TERNS of SALE :—Twenty per cent of the
purchase money on the day of sale ancl. the
balance in twenty days thereafter. The pro-
Fperty will be sold subject to a reserve price.
urther particulars and conditions of sale will
be made known on the day of sale or may be
had on application to the undersigned.
Dated this 20th day of February, 100I.
R. V ANSTONE, 'ingliam, ,
Vender's Solicitor.
P,rtoI ne- ;`Ic•Do ar.n.-1n West Wawanosh, on Feb- NORTH END
ny sac age
ruary 20th, the wife of Mr, Fred McDonald; a
afternoon of last week. The meeting , Robb to retarn to Clinton.. von,
issue will have to be overlooked. :Co ,
mail into Wingham since Saturday last. was called for the purpose of considering Mr. R. A. Kerr left last week for Salt Wasirlxurox In west V'awanosh, on Feb.
the advisibility of submitting another Lake City, where he expects to make the 11th, tile. wife of J. J. Washington ; a daughter.
---Two rinks of the Wingham curlers C, P. R. bylaw in the south end of the t sale of alarge silver -lead -copper property SS'a,t•t:Fn.—Tn Wingham, on February 2'arci.
townshi ,e al fe of Wcslcy tiy. Walker: a sun.
p• that he is interested in. fie will stop ,
+over in Chicago and Denver on his way, 3IEuc �t F,—At Belmore Feb: 25th the wife of
—The Clinton-'Wingham hockey ^ Ralph MectcaIP; a daughter.
match advertised for Monday evening and latter go on to the coast.
—David G. Wilson, Seafortb ; Peter will 1101 take place till Friday evening of Miss Lily Sheri., pupil of Miss Spar- ar ltnil Ii'
Douglas, Blake, and John !Madden, Er tar M.—Cout-r if.—In 13orri, one 11 met01
( this week. The Clinton boys were not ling, passed her Junior pianoforte exam. , by Re+. Mr. Ja:u•c, oP Eelt rave, at the lieune of
Crediton, have been appointed License ;able to reach Wingham owing to the with honors and Primary Theory with ' Diorri,l'4di,c b[ay±gi rCo of t� t C Jir,4tPet
Commissioners for South Huron. blocked railroads. There should be a first class honors at the London Con- Eckert, of London.
—Messrs. Burchill & Robertson and large crowd at the game on Friday night. servatory of Music. She is also studying Dint)
1) I.. McDonald each shipped a ear load , —Mr. Robt. Mainprize, a former resi- the pipe organ with Prof. Campbell at grr,r„- 10 Win .ham, on I'ebruary :7th, Dora
of tattle and W. F. VanStone a ear dent of Wingham last week sold the Clinton. E., wife of Joseph Hill, aged 27 years.
load of hogs to Toronto on Friday. Brussels electric light plant to Messrs. Miss C. Macdonald, Travelling Se- rit•oflvrges,i'February Lower Wingiw aged .
—A new paper, The News, will make lames and Robert Thuell, of that place. cretary of the Canadian Young Women's m,,1 on.—In Kinloss, on 11,ittarg 1<itih,Jolin
it first appearance in Seaforth this week Mr. Mainprize will be in charge of the Christian Association was spending a ! McLeod, aged el year.
to take the place of the Sun, which plant for a time, instructing the new few days this week with her parents, I ,,.Die Drsrtenrr.. In Tiuiiberrr, on February
ceapublication some months ago. proprietors, Dr. and Mrs Macdonald. Miss Mardon- # nioi tixuglr McI)mg611, aged sl sears anci
Mr. L. M. Appleford is the editor of the
-The lnarriage of Miss Ella J. Truax,
ltte.tt daughter of It. E. Trnat, M. P.
P. of 'Walkerton, to Mr. E. Parkerltiiller
of 'fault Sta. Morrie, Ont, 1011 take
place in Walkerton on 'Wednesday,
i'lia'ch 22rd.
drove to Lucknow yesterday to have a
friendly game with the curlers of that
—Mr, Robt. N. Scott, brother of Mrs. ald has just returned home from 0. trip Mc•RAY.— In Turnberry.• on February 24th,
Rob'. Maxwell, of the Bluerale road, through Manitoba, and in August next I iTa trifle i iKi venin , relict of the tette .Tunes Mc -
died at his home in Galt on Saturday, leaves for .japan where site will spend I (, tt,E,Rov.—In Brussels, on Eel). 22, William
February 20th. Mr. and liirs, Maxwell, seine time in one of the largest Ladies; Cameron, in his TOtlt year.
lir., and Messrs. Wm. andRobt. Maxwell Colleges in the World. iSANnERsn.r.--In'wre+ee:tc•r• of rel). 23, Ellett.
bath Deaclnan, wife of David Sande iron, aged
attended the funeral. A lengthy refer- I m years.
once to the deceased will be found in The Argentine Republic has now a !
9txrs :s. --In (9rt+t-, on p"elzrtraf'y, 21, Jessie
1 Diileona d. ba loved wife of staves enupson, In
another column. of this issue'. compulsory odecation law. ,ter Sara. year.
Having purchased Mr. Mitchell's in-
terests in the Butchering business, I will
continue the same in the old stand, and
solicit a continuance of the liberal pat-
ronage of the past, and guarantee tho
best of quality in
Boasts of Beet, Neal,
Lamh and Pork.
Steaks, Chops, Soup
Bellies, Boiling Pieces.
All orders delivered promptly to any
part of the town.
Highest cash price paid for Hides and
Opposite Skating Rink.
Tho undersigned offers for sale his farm pro-
perty, being the south east part of lot 80, conces-
sion 9, East Wawanosh, containing 25 acres of
land, more or less. On the premises are a good
house and barn. Possession will be given as
soon as sale is completed. For particulars
apply on the prernises,
Marnoch P. O.
For cash, without loc
DOSS, Real Estate or
where located. Sen
price„ etc, Addr
10 W. Moha
1 publicity, your Busi-
'artnership, no matter
me full particulars,
rk St., BUFFALO, N.Y.
Camp National, No. 130
TT OLD their regular greetings on the 2nd
li and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd -
fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome.
R. M.+.xwELL, C. C. R. H. CROWDER, Clerk.
A. CURRIE, Wingham, Ont.
Why go outside for a good man when you
can get one at home 7
Orders left at the Tibias 02103 Will receive
prompt attention.
Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected, Con-
veyancing done,
OFFICE—In Vanstone Block.
01)en Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock.
DR. OVENS, of London,
Visits Win„tliam monthly.
Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and
Deafness treated,
Wingham Office -.-Campbell's Drug Store.
London Ottce--225 Queen's ave. Hours
to 8 pan.
Dates cf visits --Mondays, Feb. b. 1, Feb. 20:
March 28, May •: May '30, June 27, July 25,
Sept. 5, Oct. 8, Oet.31, Nov. 2s.
Do you want the latest and most reli•
able War News, well illustrated, then
which is clubbed with this paper to new
or old subscribers paying in advance
$1.15 for both.
A fine Map of the Seat of War, in
three colors, 1$x22 inches, will be mailed
floe to every subscriber to the two papers
remitting ne two cents extra for cost of
mailing. Address
THE TIDIES, Weetsiu. i,
The New Mill
For fabt and fine
We keep the best
At Lowest Prices.
The New Mill Wingham.
with the
clear out
to part of my store falling down
recent storm, I have decided to
balance of nay stock of
regardless of cost; want of space compels
ine to do this, stock is all new and up-
to-date in every particular. No reason-
able offer refused. This certainly is
chance of a lifetime to buy any of the
above goods at your own prices.
Thanking my oustonaera for past
favors, X remain,
Your humble servant
T. H. ROSS..
Stand beside Presbyterian Church,