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The Wingham Times, 1904-03-03, Page 7
II/ WINO M T.[.K}S, M./CR 3 904 (F1:#3K N ENi(40~4(4%4)10),(41ft•:INSEINI NlM• ALOS7'WJFE 19®- A NOVEL; "•••1••.4..4,7* e. *ri• •4A 1 BY MRS. H: LOVETT CAMERON, Author of r. Worth Winning." Etc. "flush, lineh, dear!" I said, Rooth- ingly, "You must not tlliuk about 'him• it was all a mistake; there is nobody there at all, it was only your fancy." "I tell you he is there, it'isi not my } fang'!" she. interrupted angrily. "I saw 111M there, just inside the con- •servatory door in rho passage, as plainly as 1 see you. I tell you I will .go to him, Freda. Who are you 'who would keep a wife from her husband? Those whom Clod hath joined .to- ,.gother lot no man put asunder!" j 1 hell} her (:town gently but firmly : in the hots, and a sudden faintness .,of terror came into my own heart. "Pall tie, );llin0r," I. asked: "You •say you saw this --this person you suppose to have beenn your husband inside the house?" ' "Yes at the end passage, ( t i l t n< 0f the l n. age, .just at the foot of the spiral stair- case." I 1•ecolketed the broken sleeve -link 1 had myself found upon those stairs; all the incidents cunnecttd with the locked door of the lumber -room; and 'Miss Barbara's unshakable convic- 1 tion that Minor's false lover or husband, wide hover he Wright be, :had found her out! , "Till me everything about it," I said. breathlessly, 10 Ellinor. "What did you see?" "I saw a roan standing there, he had his buck turned towards leo, and he held a key in his hand." "You did not see his fare?" "No. only the buck of his heed, and his cheek," "Then hoax (lo you know it was your husband:'" "Ilett•? What a silly question! if you had loved somebody hetet• than your own life, if you had held his dear head within your hands, if you :costs ( )' t had kissed < 1 cs: (lt' tints every •sof. a( 1 c t curled lock of hair upon it, would you net know that head again. Freda. at..(1i:!; a hundred thousand otbt'r,. (••:: r, if the actual feature: had been lid a fru'( you?" : Si'• vas sight. i`'houl(! T not Law:. 'rl: 'I'hist1rle•. thus any whrrr'? .d dill he see lou ---did he turn roe. •(1?" '•'. i; 7.o' n v.dl' t, 1:1(13( Ili nt 118 if t0 go ha..., tit' v.;nsor:entry, and thea - .1 ser, had ,.. •1! to 1'011, 1 can't think tal:y '. (lid it. I v;r frightened 1 s. uppes,e; it was v-ry 5i I- ly (` :1(-r0 <lilt of a \Vii.• to he fric.l ., 1i o. b:.•i ..tvl, i:,!1.1 it. I`1'r "%•i:' 1 ..',"+bat-,' :1 V. -,as Se; !lig him age!. ... :e' 1 1:lv I:e I:, h:•.ve r:e'1+ ;a; lark as 1 ran away. and I:•' 3/001. c•:' (1011r1. hay,. r((•ot:.ioad 1011. 1(11' (a ! 11ow reek:• 1 of Ice to int':, •atvl 1 e,:- Ist 10 111V0 f01lo0.1rrl illltt. ' Oh.•.�: ie) 1,,t 1!10 111 t, Up?" \ .. 1'0.1111e'F 1 1 1:P; 1 11,'1 yo.s tact Ili' ,; a 0P•'• tam 1(1 a ! (1 no' c.i (t:' when • 1 for ..,, 4." stst1 ' •', 1.,• 6,,. .ear 1 get a ,..'1 bi!:. :a tl..• I ' 1.:.t,. 'r 1 -1 1,1') '• t• t pr• . 1 . _•, 1 1-. 3111s, 1 1: .''.tat 5 ,. . ..1. , '1 1. . . 9*(•.•1 n^.tet •n+ !1i_,1 , . t -ems eat. • '0,1. ' c;: vi. `1 .. tt• 1'. is 1.• ..11'1 t' •.• 'ti'1t.. .. ,. . 11('1' .:a• • i ira20 ' :04,1 t. ,1. u!i t: ' ‘ •• . •• ., t.111t': I r11• • (l, . ... i,,•'Li:e.. •,.01) (, (Pit:: 111317. . 13•x1.1 ,... f'1., .. •, 1. 1, 1 !. `eh._irt it I -t t , 51• ...:,:.i •,. •}t• oc1 0. c, . ,.1' „'1- 1) (, '1'1:4 : -0 ;}': lit ti.t, t i,•. 11.. r', /14.1 '' 1. 11:e rlgh•- ,1111.1 r•,r!ie•r. 1,1, yi01 1- a lit- tle •!d „ silt(' 1' !mater) 'Blest' it is. (, it 1 1!i'• • 1 tV0'i• ...y c if 1 ,.,... ! :n.. liar'• ;; ! I' t •r iou'.3 r 111. • 1Ve:.1'1 1... if 1 *1.1:1!11 1.11, 1.11!•• 0111 iilmt ,:;tall 1 a1i ti•.,! 70.7" rt.. ir! 1. i 1 1 11 v..:': ;tx,....0 _• 11,. •t�•10 1• 1•.• V. e • r+ ' i t1 11 ti i., 1 r q tl 11 . tri j r t.(•y11; �11 (�'+a . ` The r.:crc mention of these nil- rrlent.s cnggests Dr. Chases' Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine as the most reliable arid Itiost satisfactory • treatl:leIlt. Mr. john J. Benson, I3rookholln, Grey Co, -. Ont., writes : "We have used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for our i children when ;suffering with croup, Icoughs and colds and find it a splendid medicine for all throat and lung;roubbleels�. fb"�1{ Cu, min L411 O %I tri W Lett too tit 7.0 SYRUP f li tl ly n tl ,ti m r tl � ! r a l ➢. 211 coats n bottle, fanily size. (three t n i s as mucht lift cents. nt all dealers, or EJninnson, Batey:( Co., 1 cteente. le protect you naturist mutations diaper. trait and signaterc of I1t. A. W, Chase, thi fannousi receipt book rtuthor, Mre on every bottlb. • Then - kissed it fervently several tittles, and laid - down again quietly an the bed. I did not. know whether I might not have done wrong in - giving it to her. I felt pretty sure that Miss Barbara would not have done so. But still 1 believed that. 0u the whole, if I could only succeed in keep- ing her quiet in bed, I could slut be acting very unwisely. The result proved that T was right. After getting her ring, Ill}'bzor never spoke again all night. 1 do not 1/1.• 1101N!that she slept,, but at all events she was perfectly ca11n and free from, excitement. Ate t ilii e ttnt 1( I sat'• al byher (1•. bedside With an ever-increasing anxiety of mind. It began to dawn upon me that Ellinor was not so mad as her sister asupposed. , Weak in mind she undoubtedly* was: the 1}fe of nt.'er seclusion and absence of occupation which she had led for 80 Sunny years wets sufficient in itself to have made her 80, but that she was actually, mad, or had eevt'r been so, 1 began to doubt entirely. - There was nothing in this last at- tack,severe, s( ( ( as i', had ,(( t been. t) de- note a deranged intellect. It spoke rather of !t diseased heart. And than her whole ac(•ount', of what had hap- pened, tur(1 what she had seen, had been so clear, and so succinctly and impressively related by her, that its bore the marls of its perfect veracity upon the very face of it. I did not believe now that Ellinor had been under the influence 01 any delusion, tiho had seen a. man, net as we had all,snppos'd, outside tine windows, i)ut inside the house! And t hat brought upon Ire by de- grees is dreadful but overpowering convict ion. Eluate duan or other had aSSI1IP sly occasionally concealed himself with- in the house. He had not been there for some time 1 believed -not for a month: but he was here 110w, un- doubtedly. It was Elizabeth who had admitted h!l:1, and who con- cealed hits: and i; was in t he Ium- b,n'-ro0101 that h:' was hidden; and ti,(' 1(101(0 1,V0.:: 1•a11.2O1•'8 husban(I! What was 1 10 tit) 33!!11 this awful runvi ct ion avh1:11 now broke in upon wit It nr:ls•serable certainty ? What a.1,lyd •1 his. Ulan do•? Vinay had Lee h:dden !!121:;•-1; from us? If be. wanted Ellinor, •,: i!3' did h:' not conte boldly forward a1:(1 claim her? Had 1r.• Leen waiting t:11 this while 1'or 01'•• (1p}'(11•tunit,, of ",I1:•'s: Barbara's a10e0",•. (11' :31(:(5 110 doubt EZ:lbla- 1et11 had apprised hull, to do so:' 0,01 0 !:•ave .(1 ;ha: was I to Q., 1)' !'. „ere. t,• :snug, f,(•w12('d and insist) t1„n 4:11T,•.:'ul:: bar i;l wial !lilts •'„ ; tl1'(1 ra • 1:11 ,tar- ( ,..•: -„i ..11., .1 •, 1 ,1 \'ie.11, '. (' • is, t .1 .( .: ter 1:, 01,,, 1.1' ,. •:11 !... .. 1.1'11 t f (•.. a. ,.. ( t l 1 t 'l, . ! :1 ..4: 11 11. `1• i1.' • , ti '..•..1:- •i • r•. t. ;'1 1 .. • . 1 1' _:. 41.1 1 . .7000,'' ...4.t More than half the battle is cleaning greasy dishes is in the soap you use. 1f�it's Sunlight Soap it's the best.. clil little hopes of bora l'ecovery. 11 eagle and shook his bead, and look- ed solemn, wrote a few prescriptions, took his guineas, and then went his wan', leaving us to a bleaker despair than we had felt befoto' his arrival. For many days Ellinor lay thus, upon the borderland) of the i(-ingdom of Death, and none could tell whe- ther she would not soon overstep the. narrow line, and be lost to us former. Every morning we said to ( a.,11. other: "She cannot live till ).i;hf.” and every night we marvell- ed that she was still. With us. At last, although there was no sensible iml'rovement, the burr fact or her elite being began to ,1 I a S i,e'I1'C SIS hopes. Perhaps, it was the reviving influenc- es of the warm, spring air. stealing in through the white curtains that shaded her open windows, perhaps it was the ceaseless clssi(}pity of her sister's nursing, 3V100'h flagged neith- er day nor eight, or perhaps it was simply the elasticity of a. naturally strong constitution. lie that an it may. 1!:11117(11. 1IPod. She came' back to as as it were front the edge of the grave -paler, Wral(er, thinner filen of old but t still she dict cuter back. And Miss Ilat•baret aacl I, w•Itll teats in our eyes, kissed each other and thanked (sod with trembling joV that it was so. The great man from York came again, said that. she had had a mir- aculous escape, turd that he had hardly expected that she would pull through, •'slut.. mints, Miss 'Pair - honk," he added warningly, "you mist consider lee• quit' 011 invalid. The constitution is terribly under- mined, the 11('1'30'8 sySte111 is shat- 1 toed, the brain and heart are hotly sensibly weakened. I fr of it ley duty 10 warn you that extreme cute will probe;ably be. necessary for 111003' yl'111's• In your taster's condition 1011' other attack could hardly foil to prove fatal." And then he wrote more prescrip- tions, and tool: more guineas, and , departed. ]hn•ing these weary days of nursing and ',vaulting I had forgot 11 n all stout hitter's iu\'st•'e•iolt0 husband, and the n,'rV0.08 tr•c•rul• 1 11au1 once felt concertino:. the matt, imaginary 1+1• othrrwis.•. w}t011 T had flanked to it, colic, -al (1 in the 1:111:,', completely (lie d 03V1.' into in.s}gai le nice, in the face of t1,• more serious trouble a-11.11 "••'11),•11 to threaten the little hats1301(1, .: :4013,'. •e. lt(•tl,o'CI Clot the 11,:1.1': r 1'0001: (loos 3315 u)1b' (il,'(i 1./4 11:.•;4(1, and 114441 I ts',ih(IIi etnll'ttrrd 40 1,• ynit1,1.t..,,t; !'0,..-2,',) 111 It's• 1.1:,, ', tu(I i•",1:, 11400 :-.1,11,11;;;;; 1 con- :.. !ha, 0 1. beer 1:0 fecrth- I 1'r' '41'.! 41::((':11 ., , 1 7. 131;1: it: 11-e1 11(•1 .. '1'11'intt:lr ' o, 1, 'lt be 1021,1 .t.p.0 )', ,. 1: c'61..1 10t 1,1 11:1 12;!;,..11(0 11 .�!, 1101'- •.1•: •111 '' .. . , "ill of my (.w L'. „ •1t ,r et, It 111 "ill 1•1,-11,..- t i t 11.;;;;,”!.:el '.1 110 0070. :41 1 1 . ...,, 1.' 40 041 -1',• . t : . i, 1. .. l'... ' . .•1; . !Ii 1 i, . 1., t . 1:let 1... 7„ • it:'01,e,1 11 ' 1: 7.11 t•. 1 1,• 1 •.,[l v:: ,,. . . i,•. .t j1 1.:21.•t , c,: 1 0001 . sit: w4.. 1 . (0 .,• } 1. 0.1 i 1 ! 1l t' ell ,. 311 • ..•t 1 1 It 1 1., 1,•e,4d 1 ,s1;.� (:.,t• h. 1 i,(• Il •,'ll F .•1.,• 0.211111!'(! 101' :1e121, . :at t.' 6 r• ('1o' )t•li :11 1100' ,•Vr11I1221'• 111 ta?' `i,.27,2;14, ,•1)01 2. ,.41 11:a1tl.t:t!- 1i, t : •,t t ,: 0•(1) 1' 110111,.. 1'11 :11'11t \X\ 111. '•.el 1i,itt 1, ((11' manly days 4•i:1•sat t(1'• 1,0.0 tial,( I utail ltil ,1:1• 1'l., .l i.• and in\lr't 0 11 31,1',• sr•t tat n forever. still I impart to Jtl •. Par!era the tall ,stent of toy feats alai fancies. 11 tto1.111 1a00 1(„(a1 1111 ern, 11y to 111:d t0 tt.•r in.': t;; l,y doing, so. Iii r.(1)'',NT •o hal' 11111shit intestlt11$, when she fist retested, 1 merely tel(( inn hri'lly 111013 1',iliiior Ilan h0, 11 iri¢htO3:F'd, 1:nd fam'irtl she had ,• •t) ! 01111• 1111' 10 the pt,•lsttge, tend 1 1 u•: tan ill 10 1.11k' tight of the croae her si=t is 11101 5, u5 the ( a 001 • total 1; 0ter her condition 3t u5 already, almost as much as a14C R(ti, utile to (0011(1•', l of 1,111lor nest- feiglltiully in ter that. so in that .t doctor from Wits ;sant 1Orr, 1,Ilo grave but •. sit •„!, • ;,1, 1 ••I. . :,11)7003 • . •In. ,n ;1141 1 • 1'1.1 :t 1 1.... •'i.!,. i;.•1 rt. 1,1 11)03::•. • I r -..1! i ,11 (,: e , .. • i't,( . •, - .. .. 1101' 1 t• t l.,' 1111.= , 2.1.11 ,. 1 ., 11 !ler- ie - Now. .• thought, I will speak aiaogt I'1i;(al:etlt's dismissal to Miss Par- boil), But before I had form( an op- pol'tunity of .kitting 80, 'bad 110W0.4 again lo1113(1 its tray to 1Kanototr Scars. 'Tette brother's wife, who had never entirely recovered front the severe illness for which. Miss Barbara. had been. summoned away before, now sickened rapidly from sour' ungness- od-a't after effect of that illness, and died very suddenly at the last, 10th'-. ins her husband and his six mother.. less children in 4 state of absolute despair. ]Hiss Barbara was again sent for, to- go to be help and c01n- fort of that stricken family. And once More 1 was lett alone with Ellinor. . '1'o say that 1 tvas not nervous at being so left again would be to give myself credit: for more courage than I has e ever possessed. I was very mesa ons) but as the days went- by peacefully and happily, and nothing unusual happened, only FlIliuol• be- came stronger and More like her old self day by day, I begun to take heart, and wrote to Miss Barbara. that all was going on well, and that she had no occasion to hurry Monte, but would do well to stay witil her brother long enough to be a comfort and 0 help to hint. Of course S ) rte there c t was 110W 1 (11.1..8- t T7( 1!011 0( taking wit}Its upon the moors. Ellinor was seat strong en- ough fur walking. 'Di:ere tris a light Bath -chair 3a lls> ( to t wheel her shout- the garden on sunny mornings, slol.,ping every other min- ute by; her favorite flower -borders, that we, might load her lap with heals of white pinks, and cabbage - roses, and lellg traits of yellow lab- ttrul,111, And. '.yen this seemed al- most too much for her strength some days. When 33,2 (111110' in she would go back to her sofas. and Lie there quite exhausted, so still, and white, and motionless, that as I looked at her, a, vague apprehension. of evil would tig}ltt'n at my heart. tike had .lived tilt the summer, it is true; but when the nipping 01111111113 t•:ind5, and the chill winter frosts come again, will she live through the m'3 1% 111 she not rather fade and Cie before them '31.11 as the summer blossoms in her own garden( borders? Alas! it, 5,'0111('(1 but all ten probable. i used to nail aloud 111 het'-- the Tl}LSF shirty -5h' did not cure touch for any other book --and I used to .it at the piano a1001 sing to her for a little wVhile, it lire] 11:•1' to listen 10 ImIsir for Inn!;. 11':1 1t1u1Vre all • 110 liked vie to brine; toy wore, close to her sofa, and to 11.'0t('11 1301' 211; I 1.112/1(1; ;11 in the (igen' '. I ketose( V.0015 001(1 811'(s. tlalklnt,: a 11111' 11 her dee.i11t, odd way 10 1a(' a,s 1 Worlual. 1)0'' (•t', IIIIt Q' W' :=111 111)05 0ift.•1' (111)' i.')00(i••sr1'ii,1 1x1•,:1 1:aa1 1,011 (•1 1101•'( sway -•'111;1:t 1'11 111 13:11411 women, left. :!', it 0.wa l!•1'1.',•l-. 1.0.11 marmo- t.: 10:11 !•y 1i, 0') •no' (,( (1r r:::11' x, feud of in(h:l•3011e it meal half (;tint:••.. 1401d half t•'1., W:all the leaf:.!' .1t ('tr. (ltd eI the table and 1.1; (1,':1..11.1' at the 1,1h, . andi.., . ! ,, 10 '4o'• ,. •11.11- t; 1. 1 r• . ,••,,I (•,.l1. ,.. and . t',.. , r', 1'11 P11 1107 •.:?. .... 7'r '4' Int ,.1:4 i)', I: 1153' 1: i. - . (1',g1110 :1 ant T !t7, !:� :sant,' 1113 ...0 ,vl .:n• ' 1 1:1:11.1 ! 7t . - r t: . 1 c! .:11.71.1 of it y ) 7' - a •,1: , 1 Un .. i lit, •'.1 : y i • • '• . site i a_ ! 1(11.1•1•! t. tl.t t .. . . 114, 1 . 1• .. 4 ,, , , • r time of r' n. , ;7;7 ,. 11 ale: (in a 100 y • .. :.,., :ane;• (altos el u:lily t :, • • 1.1.11:1 00.1.1,1 1•!':r• . 1 cl rill 11). i r .I1111 ! 00' 1 i, at ats 11.t1, ftl• it 4:, t 111 ,,,,), • 1]1111',0 i, •_,ai • •! 1 • I •.t, 1,:. , ., j„e l r •..( , t• 3C, . . t. ? `I 1: • ;0..1 t • 1•,•r poor •-i 1;:e ), : ;! t. • r•,.4. ;OA 1111 ; l,' ! 1 "'•7 . ! 1•••iti.1(•e 1.••t(, • 11..an, •,•.. a .,.•r 1, t:•1;' fh'r .. ).t • f I'•1,er. y t .. • .1 1., 1111 ••1140 1: 01.1:1 •,1°1• It, i, r 1- •,. .r . t 1. , eel !,: .1 0 11:1' .••i w;11: ,': • are ratifies a ot(,,..- A, z needl:..-w crit,” "I do not think X was irrev'er'ent,)' was her tulsw(r, "Oh, n1(1; 1)th You >seenit•d so lead just now." "I did not meant to be sad -the Bible Billle never 'rakes ma sad. Sorge-, times I think of the past -of MM.•- - €ted that su(ldl, nns Wo; but'the I3illle, ()h, lu'VF'1',1, "Do y0u.,.kt1ow," she said, present- ly, after we had both been silent for few minutes, each absorbed in her own thoughts -"do, you know t feel' quite sure that I shrill see 3Uy bus-. brute} again before I die. 1 have dreamt of hint three nights running. The first two nights it Seemed all vugn' and indistinct, 7 could 13artily' see }lint -only I knew that he was there; but lust night I saw him, oh! so plaitlly. It was in this room --he stood there --•just beyond your chair, Freda." 1 could not help half turning ra0n(i with a little 811301', "I saw hien quite well; 110 looked as handsome as ('veer. I cried out tG hint --hut he. would not look at mei- he. lerhe. mistook y011 for Me, 411(1 held out his arms to you --and 11e neve' loot. -r ('d at me -and then it ai1 grew dark and black, and when I looked again he was gone.. Oh, it was dreadful!" lenni( shs de d'hr}(ld.her face in o htt hands; Iler strange mood frightened m'. Was this the beginning of another at - 's, i ck of illness A el 1 wondered, in terror? do 1 1• 1 did nay best' to soothe and calm her. "I)tnn't think of it, deal': 110110d3r )'ev n (eo. you now-th /1)1:10.1"‘t11144 rc1i''v(all nnnsi'russt'.sStroll 1ksing yoeyu something?" .1 jumped up, scatter- ing ray bright wools and silks on to the ground, and mored to the piano. It would. alter the cuter('of i t ut her thoughts, I said to myself, as 1 op- ened the piano. "I will sing 3'ou something cheerful and ni'?rry," I said: "w' have been in the blues quit' long ')tough for one evening." 31y lingers wandered idly' over the keys for a wiru t,—then, half-uncon- 00(fously, 1 broke into that tear, tower old English ditty that I had snngaso uft,11 in my happier days: •tone(' I luv'•1 13 lankiest Taira, Ilut she (lid (10'l430 me, 5110• to Venus might cou))'t11'0. In lay mind, believe nu'." As 1 sang, 1111)P ton Sears. poor r.11iuor ell her 07001011, the living real- ities of my present surroundings vanished all at once front before in, eyes. 1 saw once more De lla's little (To be continued) Keep the Children Healthy. If the ahil:drail'4 cli1F';aive organs are all right, the children tate all right. T'ilt'y '4.111 bo !,'arty, rosy, Imppy anti hungry. They 33111 t b0'1) well, 1403(1 3/1/0.;* W(.11. 3OI0 ('1)1 r_1't ;:ol1r ch,l'.i:en ri_11t, and 1..,'p theta ti.;t':t by tit- use of Baby's (7,tn Tal'1e•t*, which earn all atoulach and flow, 1 t,ttb!'•', n'-3^: •')tt(n^18, irrita- tion awhile t(•(•t?ti) b1•, al: 01) colds and fevers. prevent_ errllp and do stray W01118. Ariel you have 10 : e., 4.3, , ; •t' lute: that t(:,1e 1• 1L7 0;iatel or harmful drug in 1'il� Fll•'. "!d, 711)'8. ,T,.(•.11 !Torbert, 11' 1.1. 1: y, (1•'t , saes 1131111 glad to 5213' ha I; ,i,v's Own 'I';, i.'.1 t: have rope 104yi tS „teles one a r :(tt1:•''1 rd. 1 }r,3o' 4) 81•.g:.0 1 n!'o`',17•• Tata, thetO fri.11(10 1.0 112.2Ve. 00110.1 11t.•;;:i r.1'11)11? sat1^i,4ot• 'e. ,;!1 r Gt. ,:•rli thei a,� ;if 1. l )1.r• 1:1 1 . 1' ! y,171.0.1 1 1 Ti=' ;7;1- • li,1• '04 - .. , .. • 1. . ,:r41 .,:k 11: , (.)at• • 111919rt Lrllllll„9ggd9'•q'1'; •1'IftgltlJ'BIII+'h '411 AVegetable PreparationforAs simiiatingtheFoodand Regula - ung the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful- Hess alldRestgontat ns neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral, NOT NfatCOTIC. iiir peafGUTse..511.' ,22;1'IT,.”" i 13ampkil4 Sad' Alx.Jenna i Amanda efevrl llama teed Co:aro l Jrlyrrr ifla.taran norm Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Iliarrhoea, 4Vorms,Convulsions,Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tsc Simile Siignnaturre of (4/14,4 x. NEW YORK. Por Infants and Children. The Kind -You Have Always Bought t Bears the Signature of 4,1 In Use For Over Thirty Years XACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPANe NEWYORK CITY. .i,; .a•k1tiei73::riafw",°'.;s .w..• n:t:w:zee:1uo4 E•., . m�'s��a^a^rv`ivme�moo^?rooaaoao^('neer^ a�'^^oo•^^o^o^Y or^neo (u (o (• (• Ca (0 (0 (5 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (o (1 (© (.9 •fraw• ao A Coiled Spring Wire Fence With large, stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of T11E FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the running wires with. THE FROST WEDGE -LOCK, making an absolutely Stock -proof pence. The Locks bind without kinking or crimping either the stays or lateral Wires. Will not slip, and our new method of enameliing and baking prevents rust, which adds greatly to the appearance of the fence, Make no mistake. Buy THE FROST. It 15 this heaviest and the best. ror sale by '! FS 1 "11 :7MAIT FD iT • • 0 0) 0 • 0) 0) •7' • O• 0) •3 • 0) s 03 C:p sues(' 9/11.4 m a e. N• yt A •yT G .Y•,.u�v...4.J.¢i+;,v t'-1.y�•�:ivvvu�vw*lv'1�• e'•'vv vvvv•"✓v�� �: vsvJd—•.�•v'� VV�'`"wv`?,rti^iJvrP:.�•Y �i4'�'7''(/'�"+J�`s�o�w\+1`W�'4`.+1.'•v �.�rvr er w'^;i:':v, nrr�,'. p,<n�T: fs Pci,ac:i • . , vert II 11-0 • ; :) 1'.',e ... , 1?6'.o' .. (o;(7% 42, till/ C1 1.I ,' .• . 1 1 •111.1 .:.. 10; (.:1034 it: ... 1, .1 1 , .',;, (1.•.,t , •:1't 11"• : r• • • ..• o- 3:11• ,:1 ,1 1 _ ,:,4 t 1: it' b i. at-. (1' 1 ( 01 :11 :"i 14. .I,. .. ::::...;!://:1-.;; '.I . ( • 1 1 1,• Pi ;flirt , )'; 1,,1,.. It. 01, I):t(0 !' 't (001 1.Fr:1 • t... et' - 1,:11'1; 1:1a11 I r' 1t a' to 141 111411 their r.V,') 11:211 2)...o'• r. eked 1'ailfa7. 10 1'1:ir- 1 all'•. 1.1 Lai.) 1.,,a Nina ina in any wary 1h• '11(;,!11011. 3•t ., t+ 0,,it r,. 1311 111.' 00111 of ;;ay, \al•. 14 111t• sun1al. t !'110,•4 \rrdY, (.14 1(•1110.3 11.11 111 11.1• 1,,111(12•11. and 11:,' 1,1,..t....0,2i110 all eye's 13.0 10,1••-31)111, }'either began i0 ((1!12,• dl)W)4011111'F 11370)!•1. 1(11(1 WW1 Mid op(n' (!r•- 'Ma for 110j11's daily- by iL' ol'')I 3,!ll!ow of 11'r own little :1.01'1)itll:"'0 4-1(1. 4 Hist, li;u'l,u0.1 resumed, st('rtMit ('^(tent. 11.1. 10.11411 1t o011ut10111 and rte • (311 imr:un 10 :link' oft till' heavy olo'm 5'1!:•11 lunars liar u pelt over the hous!•1101(1 tall}rlt is tisit'(I by sore SbCkIIeSS, \'nn 111tt1 mot :iter! 1 z ''ilk 011 1 11 a •'t''l . n• } ,lir 1. .4 1. shade ten haat' , 14 0 1,0 1 ., 1 1107110 'int Viae. 1 v.3,1...1 .1l' UI'. 11!'1till' t11ic!,11''•1 i (.;)t 1..11 1 1. 1' t'1 it„'(1l,t11'tlity, 0: her ; lel; a... ''\:..int an <1('.1 ail you 041” I nt. 1'or: .1 13,,).,0 to ago ;t011 t'.er(' .11p- I 11r0'ht .•, ( to trniirself. and now,ttu j} Iyinn IL,. 1.-Int:i(ti. of ?r:kiel's •t' 111(f• 011}!.9 '.`, • i 0. . E. .,1• • 1 1) 111,• t:•.(:•! 0.4 • ' t•11v:in. d. (4i 01 '.•,41 •: 1: al:, ale! at 0. '1 ,,t0 tl 1:... •lir let (:.111•. el 3 trityl her ('yes, I !:('a3"0,1:: v 4 „n:),1C,, to tnl•).i' "'1• ,h herh'nt•!c way 'i ll v: it :-d 13"1.!, 'Co!• l;±sett-:! clay: :tor t• iLlet�)1' , u1 sled Il with eig:15. e 1 + 'tl 1 , ▪ '1•!)t a' l'!e-'t0'874 o''';•1 111 1" 1 11 ] .1"t'.. ti1,3•'r u'tr,t; ]t, t.411:11 a 1t.sl r 01) 1,11111.\ -hat ;''y 'V,,)(1tl lovers nave in store li 111,21.1y111;; .1111.1 1111„•1.• 1 ?1131)111 4"111103(1.1001'! 1.ty a •111 1}41.14(,the ehei 1,'a`ts 8)1(1 tho Sweet lan';ht)'r 7111'1 r:'gr'tfndy Ilec'tlletl the 0rtft }:titers she cia(1 shown along the happy wily. This morning I beheld hint close Al door behind hila and desc!'1111 The 14''l)3 that {('tenni in marble rows, And tiled he turned! --ah, Cupid knots Tie- honeymoon is not the end 1 2 il„ 043+10(1 iusld1 the window there .\11(1 held, with Meet 1111(1 loving ('are l !ally up, that he might see --- How glad a world this world vett be, Flow }*..4134 its ways MO x11;1 how fair. gay, v7 y . -"'tD wt or/ 7 • t t t ,. - .•.1 ,"V.1.721.�•... :,) :,dal•.. .:0,111 (1t:,. t' Ir'' 1':1211,1, :8 0 .. - .1 33... •,] t3, tt5.,'* all.. •....,.:] ,. i • t'n(`e:ii,l'3 '.1-011.• , 3111,: 33 its .,, 3V(11,.:111'1. „ , , , ..e ;: • :Il. 11 tc•. tti :31( 11 who k:iow 13-13:'03 111 get • 11 rely 1!:,7 10.1 :ell 11'0.0 41st 37,41,1%; 141',..1• tin,t it. r• i ` WANTED a i::,t 1 10 re}lit 04, lit "0130101440'r;;;..1.4:-. est lca ,4a-:. 1i'' Ll the town t!f Yl it,,,Tut.a at101 04U11' ,U11•Ii.a;2 , onitt2y, 1:1,(1 t orders torp t� C.,i ae HARDY SPECIALM8 in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatt:es, :e• Stoll: true to 1latno a31(1 free froth :`:an Tose 0ealle. . pernttlnetat position f(ar the right lean on culler .clary or .•0111 - mission. STONE diff, �i PiiiLLII Qic `ON l'()N'rflTt.L Ni'1IS13I;TV04 TORONTO, oyer 800 Ayres ONTARIO 4=A C: 4' i:a.C717r.h.e C:1 1:fin:n s 11101111 X1'41 S11 (`7"11@01,D'". 1111)3IljJ DJE✓33vs,3_ ' 11`uiyy �.3 °: i1A. Mgt* fat- \` ' ars. <; 1 ;,'lt:'r,• i t 6' ti'. 170;31).131 p,l0(.5 ter :'9 L. 1...5 Poultry. W'• thank our CAr.iotse1'.1.. liberal 1.lttrel,n:r 111 the 1,10.4. Will 1l giro hath'fa tl:,gi 1.1 favor us with their 17rtlt•lA. FELLS e MITCHELL Opposite Skat3,;, Dial,. ..>;r se . ver.m cxaec_eszaa ax•aves0T •ai...••'>mis. ar It is the fence that has stood the test of time -,-stands the heariest strain•-ittiver • world over. Order through our local agent or direct from us. saga -the standard the ryes i*1kertllle Oils. Montreal, (Me. 51, jam,Lite tunntreb, Mate: 'THE PAGE WIRE r�ri:Nc� cos 'L.IIYIItED► r 201