The Wingham Times, 1904-03-03, Page 5THE MEN'S S BORE NEWS
� Glean -up
in Overcoats
AQ Boys' Overcoats, sizes 22 to 30, regular prices $4.75 and $5 00, S.2t5
cleaning -up price -
12 Mon's and Youths' Overcoats, in Raglans and Chesterfields,
sizes 34 10 40, regular prices $7.60 and $8.00 each, cleaning
up trice - = $i5.50
8 Men's Black Frieze Ulsters, double breasted, large storm
collars, sizes 36 to 42, reg. $7 and $7,50, cleaning up price $4.71+1
5 pairs Men's Corduroy Pants, regular $2.75, cleaning -up price $2.00
11 pairs Boys' Kuicker Pants, sizes 22 to 30, regular OOc a rair, .39
cleaning -up price • -•-
New Tweed Suits. New Oravenette Coats.
New Shirts. Collars, Ties, Socks, Gloves, Hats, etc.t etc.
The R. 11. GROWDDR Go.
Men's Outfitters. WINGHA!`L
Headquarters for
CA I S,.
For cheap and medium price Diningroom
Chairs, our styles and prices lead. New designs
with high back, double stretchers, very comfort-
able, at $3.25, $4.5o, $6.00 and $6.75 per i' dozen.
4 sets only, including 5 Chairs and I Arm, worth
$11.5o, for $9 00.
Another lot of 2 dozen Rockers, sold regularly
at $2.00 and $2.25. Our price $t.7J. The most
comfortable cheap Rocker made.
UNDERTAKING The People's Furniture Store
Brick residence, 5th house west
from Ilamilton's Corner Drug
Store, where night calls will TELEPHONE 51
receive prompt attention.
ile•9••••••O•►•••••••d9•••♦ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
y elactselb
®o 0
Just arrived from Bishop
TOILET SS �C Stonier, Stafford-
shire, England, one crate Printed Toilet Sets, ten pieces
to each set. The colors are pink, brown, green and pea-
cock blue. See them in our window. $1.99 per set.
MAPLE SYRUP The good old-
fashioned kind
that you can buy by the quart or gallon, not put up
in tires. - $1.35 per gallon.
The sea -
M,. rnalade Oranges son for
making Marmalade is now here; and to make it properly
you must have the right kind of Oranges. The better
ones from Seville - 20c and 25c per dozen
••••••••••••••••••••••04.1. 4+ 1.•+••+••+•++++++•+4-++++•♦
Spring Poem.
(Sprig Boat)
Id the good old subber tibe,
Id the good old subber tibia,
Strolling through the shady lades
With your baby bide;
You hold her hadd ad she holds yours,
Ad that's a very good side
That she's your tootsy•wootsy id
The good old subber tibel
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New YorlcPress.
The difference between promoting
and investing is the difference between
putting in and pulling out.
A girl gets a lot of extra enjoyment
out of being married if some other girt
is dreadfully cut up about it.
If a man praises his wife's coffee she
would rather have him bilious from
drinking it than to stop both,
A woman can stand it Hauch better to
have a rainstorm' come up when she Is
out in her good clothes than to have it
clear up when she is. out in her old ones
which she wears only in bad weather.
Mr. William Nowry of Palmerston
died suddenly of apoplexy.
The trial of Joseph Kennedy for the
murder of little Irene Colo at Brantford
on Sept. 30, came to an end 1+ riday bight
the jury bringing in a verdict of not
guilty. •
My Donald is the blithest lad
That treads the gorse and heather,
Wi' bonnet blue upon his head,
Adorned wi' plume and feather.
Nae voice thro' a' th' burns an' braes
Is aye sae gay an' cheery,
Nae tate sae bonnie tae my een,
Nao laugh sae bright an' merry.
He asks a kiss and when I Baur
Tae feign au' not to hear him
sale only laucbs an' helps hissel'
Wi'oot th' grace o' spierin'.
In yonder kirk upon the hill
The doutiuie will wed us,
A day sae light wi' skies sae bright
May the Guid Giftie send us.
I'll wear a kirtlo looped an' gay,
Wi' roses ties taegether,
An' Donald for guid luck shall hae
A sprig o' brow white heather.
Oor thatch -roofed Name may not be
Wi' rooms sae rich an' spacious,
the wind may keek thro' ilka crack
Wi' rustle soar ungracious.
But lo's a coat tae thick an' warn
Tae feel til' sting o' weather;
Tho' he it eauld or bo it braw,
We'll face it baith taegether.
—M. L. Maypole.
Bronchitis is the most fatal disease in
England, next consumption and then
heart disease, pneumonia, and flcarla .
TUE WING.f . 1 TDJES, MARCH 3 1004
News From Our Neighbors
What Widoawake
Times Correspondents Communicate —• Other
Items. Clipped From Our Exchanges.
Adam Smith and William. Forsyth
waited for several days, owing to the
snow blockade, to ship a car of horses to
the West. They are destined to Lauder
and Frobisher respectively.
Misses Fleming, at Sunshine, are in.
destitute circumstances and wood cannot
be got. If the Commit of Morris cannot
get them to the House of Refuge soon AS
possible the chances are that they will be
found dead from cold and hunger as the
house is not fit to live in. They have got
warning enough to go by the farmers all,
aronud here but always refuse to dol so,
and the people iu this locality are not to
be held responsible if anything should
happen to them. No ono around can
refuse thein something to eat but wood
is so scarce besides difficult to get at and
all agree bbat it is in the House of Re-
fuge they ought to be.
The hardest Pain to Endure
Is the pain of a tender corn, but ex-
perience proves that corns are cured
quickest by Putman's Painless Corn Ex-
tractor, which acts in twenty-four hours.
Putman's never burns .or causes gores.
The only painless cure is Putman's.
Use no other.
lir TTA.
Mr. Wm. Elliott, of Mitchell, district
deputy grand master for South Huron
Masonic district, paid an official visit to
Blyth Lodge on Tuesday eveniug last.
Mr, T. W. Scott resumed his duties as
agent of the Bank of -Hamilton last week
after beiug confined to his home for a
mouth with a severe attack of la grippe.
His many friende are glad to see him on
duty again.
Death visited the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Metcalf, of Loudon, formerly
of Blyth, ou Sunday, Fob. 22ad and car-
ried off their youngest child, aged one
year and a half. Diphtheria was the
cause of death, the child being sick only
two days. The sincere sympathy of
many old friends in ,Blyth is extended to
the bereaved parents.
About five o'clock Wednesday morning
of last week fire was discovered in Mr.
R. R. Douglas' blacksmith shop. The
fire alarm was sounded but the services
of the fire brigade was not required, as
the fire was put out with a few shovels
full of snow. The fire was caused by a
spark from the stove and had evidently
been smouldering all night. A small
hole in the floor was the only damage
Sick at Your Stomach,
Perhaps feeling as it the bottom had
dropped out of your life, It's Nerviline
yon want. Nothing restores quiet and
order to the stomach so quickly. All
squeatnishuess and nausea goes away the
minute you take Nerviline and an extra
dose or two is always snfflelent to set you
tip in first-class shape. Nerviline is an
old tested remedy for stomach and bowel
troubles and always can be relied ou.
Sold in large 25c bottles.
Having sold his farm and bought n few
acres South of Brussels Jatnes Mitchell
intends building a new home next season
on the latter. It will be frame with
cement veneer.
After a lengthened illness, covering
several years, and borne with Christian
fortitude and resignation Jessie McDon-
ald, beloved wife of James Simpson an
old and highly esteemed resident of this
locality, crossed that bourne from whence
no traveller returns on Wednesday morn-
ing, Feb. 24th. Deceased was born in
Scotland and was a daughter of the late
Robert McDonald, of Grey boundary,
who came to Canada in 1855. About 23
years ago the subject of this notice was
uuited in marriage to her now bereft
partner and in addition to her husband
is survived by three sons and three
daughters, all of them at home except ing
Mrs. Willis, of Turuberry township.
The three brothers of Mrs. Simpson are
Antony McDonald, merchant, Crau-
brook; George, of the Boundary; and
Robert, of California. Mr. John Finn,
of Toronto, is a sister. Deceased was a
loving wife, a devoted mother and a
good neighbor. She was it member of
the Presbyterian church, Wroxeter.
Tho old pioneers of this township are
passing away, the past few years making
many breaks in the circle of older re-
sidents. This week we record the death
of Hugh McDougall, at the age of 61
years and five months. Deceased had
been in very feeble health for some
weeks. He was a native of Scotland
and tains to this cnuntry many years
ago, being a residence of this township
for upwards of forty years. He was a
man held in high esteem by a large
circle of friends. In religion he was a
Presbyterian and in politics a Liberal.
The funeral took place on Saturday
afternoon from the late residence, lot 0,
concession 7, to the Bluevale cemetery.
Many in Goderich who remember
Thos. O'Laaghhu as a student at the
Collegiate and Model school, Goderich,
and the tunny friends of the family iu
West Wawauosh will deeply sympathize
with them in the death of the young
man on Monday, Feb. 22nd. Mr.
O'Laughlin took charge of a school in
Waterloo county a year ago. In June
last he was called home by the illness and
subsequent death of a brother and at the
close of last December a sister was
taken, and now Mr. O'Laughlin's death
makes the third troth the same dread
disease, consumption. Ho was of a quiet
unassuming disposition bat took his
part in athloticb as well as in study.
Acting on medical advice he wont west
last fall, but the change failed of the
desired effect and he retarded, just a
short time before his sister's death.
Since then he had been visiting till a
short time ago is Buffalo.
if Women Only Knew
That half their ills are due to impov-
erished blood, they would use Ferrozone
and be saved lots of pain and suffering.
Ferrozone is a perfect food for the blood,
the strengthening elements needed to
maintain health and vigor. Ferrozone is
a splendid tonic for weak, nervous wo-
men and drives away those depressed
feelings of dead weariness. You'll have
strength, lots of it—your complexion
will improve, you will feel ten years
younger after a course of Ferrozone
which builds up the whole human organ-
ism; try it. Price 50c.
— m
One by ono the older settlers of the
village and vicinity. are passing away,
and on Tuesday morning another depart-
ed in the person of Mrs. David Sanderson,
sr., at the age of 75 years and 2 months,
The deceased, whose maiden name was
Elizabeth Deachmen, was born in Lan-
ark Co. Ont., where she was married to
Mr. Sanderson, and came with him to
this vicinity about 50 years ago. After
residing on a farm near here, she ramrod
to Wroxeter about 15 years ago. She
leaves five sons and one daughter viz.,
Messrs. D. D. Sanderson, of Howick;
Henry and Abe. J. Sanderson, of Wroxe-
ter, Matthew, of Oregon, and Thos. of
Washington State, and Mrs. Chas, O.
Stuart, of Arthur. Although the old
lady had been frail for some years, she
passed away rather suddenly, only having
been confined to her bed for a few days.
Her daughter, Mrs. Stuart has been with
her all winter, and with the three sons
here, the old lady's last hours were ten-
derly watched over.
To Knock Out Colds
And cure them in an hour without re-
sorting to nauseous drugs just use fra-
grant healing Catarrhozone —the most
pleasant, prompt and certain cure for
colds ever discovered. No medicine to
take, yon simply breathe the balsamic
vapor of uatarrhozouo. It never fails to
root out the worst colds and is so simple
and convenient to use that no one can
afford to be without it. Carry a Oa-
tarrhozoue inhaler in your pock-
et, use it occasionally and yon won't
have colds. Complete outfit $1.00;
trial size 25c.
At the Strozzi palace in Rothe there is
a book made of marble, the leaves being
of marvelous thinness.
The shark holds the record. for long
distance swimming. A shark has been
known to cover 800 miles in three days.
1::'is he:1' .rS79
'Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Grip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
("nnSotrvn is along established tout standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It
cares cecitis the air rendered strongly antiseptic is rarhiel over the diseased surfarea
of the bronchial tubes t,ith every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment.
'Pins• era consumptive tendency, or snaerers froth chronic hreneh tis, (inti imtacd.uto
relief from coughs or Inflamed conditions of the throat. Descriptive booklet free.
i.EE:IZENt., MSLE$ at Cti., 1651 Notre Dante St., Montreal, Canadian Agents
Cresolene dissolved in the mouth are effective and sale for
coughs and irritation of the throat.
Antiseptic Tablets IOC aDox. ALL D]Rrwrtsa'S
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer, Wrong feeding is
loss, Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Are they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food,if there is anemia?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain. Ft is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Send for free
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Scott& Bowne
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. and $1; all druggists,
untended for last weelt.)
Quito a number are suffering from la
Logs are coming in to the mill pretty
rapidly just now. •
Mr. Walter Burgess of Wingham was
home over Sunday.
Miss Annie Elliott of Wingham was a
visitor at R. N. Dan's recently.
Miss Bessie McIntosh of Lumsden,
N.W.T., is visiting at P. Thomas.'
Miss McAllister of Hawkesville has
beau visiting her cousin, Mrs. McKinney.
Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott, East Wa-
wauosh visited '.'.Tru. Anderson this week.
Messrs. Pugh and Jewitt shipped two
cars of hogs to Brantford on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kerr of Bast Wa-
wanosh were visitors in the village this
A few of our estimable young people
spent a pleasant hour at Mr. Philip
Thomas' last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. I''. B. Scott entertained
a number of their friends at a progressive
euchre party last Wednesday evening.
Misses Jessie McKellar and Belle Bur-
gess, Mrs. Robs. Shaw and Gordon Pat•
erson were visiting in Belgrave on Tues-
Miss Cora Messer came home from
Listowel last week to spend Sunday and
owing to the storm did not get back un-
til Thursday morning.
There was no service in the Presby-
terian church here on Sunday evening
on account of it being Communion Sab-
bath at the e: poiutmeut in Turnberry.
Mrs. G. Ray and children, who have
been visiting Bluevale for some time,
have gone to Underwood to visit her
brother, Rev. Robert Thyne of that
Each at Duff R Stewart's "King Ed-
ward" shanty last Tuesday night a wild
cat was heard uttering its plaintive
howls, frightening some of the boys so
that they hadn't the courage tci return
to work yet this week. But soihe of the
more courageous returned with pop-
guns to scare away the ferocious animal
and make camp life safe once. more.
One night lately a runaway horse was
caught near the railway track, taken to
the village and properly cared for while' ai, s in ike Back
a message was sent to Wingham to try
Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or
and locate the owner. In the meantime . - Ir, of
the driver appeared, promptly took 1 live nlde condition rn warning is kidneys or Hely
charge e;f his horse and disappeared at zhar ou o nni negf lect,
so iomportant is
without so maeh as saying, "Thank poi,
boys, for your trouble" or paying for They are commonly attended by loss
of energy, lack of courage, and some -
rho message.
times by gloomy foreboding and de -
Branch of Women's Instituto was held Inas taken ill with kidney trouble, and
silmPrices The LeadingStoreIQulckrit?ssalus .
The New Corsets in Spring
Models are now here,
Beauty of outline and graceful
curves mark these models, and many
have the dip hip -.—appreciate(( by all
who like easy -fitting Corsets.
We have not confined c-i]r
purchases to one manufacturer, l�.ut
have secured the best makes. All prices, 25o to $1.25
We are selling agents for the Watchspring
Corset. The reputation and popularity of this Corset
may be depended upon. Ask to see them.
The Tape Girdle Corset is easy fitting and
the correct style for Spring wear. Price only 50 cents.
NEW PRINTS 0 Special at 5c a yard
Just received, 50 pieces Crums
Prints. Colors and patterns
better than ever.
Heavy Striped Flauuellette, extra
Pare Linen Towelling.
Art Muslin, Prints, Plaids, ere.
NEW LACES--- Just received, including Wool and Silk Yak Lace,
Cluny, Torchou, Guipures, etc.
NEW WAISTING—In Plain and Fancy Lustres, Plain nud Embroid-
ered Silk, New Gunmetal Stripes, Figured Sateens, Striped Linens.
Chambrays, etc.
�. �. ISARD & Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Might goods at right prices. aufer=ocrogemEzzanzamaanj
ing "God Save the King." Tho next
meeting will be held on Mar. 10th, at
2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. A. Pater-
son. The topic for discussion being
"Th: Cooking of Meats." All the
ladies are cordially invited.
The Pioneer Express, Pembina, N. D.,
says:—"A very pretty home wedding
tool, place at the home of Mrs. John
Fleming of South Carlisle last Wednes-
day afternoen. Feb. 3r0., when Mrs.
' nS Mar-
sister, Miss MayLout.e
tin, was united in marriage to Mr. John
I. Creighton, by the Rev. T. U. Rich-
mond of St. Thomas. After the cere-
mony, which was witnessed by a select
company of friends and relatives, all sat
down to a sumptuous dinner. The bride
was the recipient of many beautiful and
costly presents. Both of the young
people have been residents of this vicin-
ity for several years, the bride hav-
ing been a teacher in our village
school, while the groom is a well-to-do
farmer. The well wishes of all their
friends go with them iu this the begin-
ning of their wedded life." Tits bride is
the third daughter of Mr. James Martin
of Whitechurch.
Railway Earnings.
The gross earnings of Canadian steam
railways in Canada for the fiscal year
ending June 30 were ;90,004,521, an in-
crease of al2,30S,024 over the year pre-
vious. The working expenses totalled
$07,481,524, an increase of :110,137,932.
The net earnings totalled $2-,553,003, 1
1 or $2,200,00`2 more. There were `22,148,-
74`2 passengers carried by steam rail-
ways, or 1,408,708 more than in the pre-
vious year. There were 47,373,117 tons
of freight carried, being a gain of 4,900,-
800 tons. The total mileage on July 1
was 19,077, of which 15,714 miles were
in operation. There were 200 miles
built (luring the year. Gross earnings
of electric railways amonnted to $7,223,-
67 7. a gain of ;737,239 over rhe year pre-
! vious. The working expenses were $4,- I
472,855, or $070,003 more than for the 1
The regular meeting of tlae Blnevale 1 spon(leiicy.
J beranu' so weak I could scarcely get around.
last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. I tool: medicine without benefit, and flnallq
VTasman with an attendance of sixteen decided) to try hood's ttarsaparifla. After
ladies. :t` veryexcellent paper on "A the first hot• le I telt so murh better that Tet
p routiuuea lis use, and six bottles made m
week's work for a busy housewife" was 1 a new woman. when my little girl was it
read by Mrs a. Paterson followed by baby, she could not keep Ii ytcliling ott her
' stomach, anti we gave her oo s arsapa-
au interesting discussion. Many good rills which eared her." Mas. THOMAS ix -
and helptul ideas may be gathered from I NIS, Wallaceburg, Ont.
this topic. A vocal selection was ren -
Cures Sarsaparilla
dered by Mrs. W. J. Johnston iu a very Cures kidney and liver troubles, re -
able manner. Three new members were Heves the backs, and builds up the
received, Meeting was closed by sing- whole pystem,
year ending June 30, 190?. The net
earnings aggregated 82,700,819, as com-
pared with :i;2,0S3,553. The passengers
carried by electric railways totalled 155,
002,812, a gain of 17,981,410. There were
371,280 tons of freight carried, an in-
crease of 105,104. The mileage on July 1
last was 729, showing that 201 Utiles
were constructed during tho year.
Notice to Farmers.
The Canada Furniture Manufacturers
are now prepared to pay the highest
price—much higher than ever before—
for all kinds of hardwood and Basswood
Sawlogs, to be delivered at the Button &
FessantChairFactory,Wingbam. Those get out logs this season will
profit by calling on Taos. BELT.,, Man-
High Price of Eggs.
Various reasons have been given for
the high price of eggs and poultry i ut a
partial solution has come from Win-
chester, Ont., as follows:—The other
day W. M. Bolton, near Winc::ester,
lost two $1 bills, and soon came across a
hen trying to swallow one of theist. The
hen was captuted and beheaded, and her
crop opened. Inside, rolled up tike a
pellet, was the other bill in good .oh:di-
tion. No wonder eggs are dean: when
hens are living so high.
oughs, colds, hoarseness, and oti,lr throat!
Minn.:It, are gtiir•l.iy rel:rv, t by ( • ).'.
tabloc, ton cent.- per b ,x. Ali dru mfr ,
Ho, for Summer Climes:
The Grand Trank Railway ;-(.,;cut
have issued a handsome pnblicat.ol: en-
titled "Winter Tours to Colorado and
California," and which are now in their
City Ticket Offices for free distract -tion.
The publication deals with the attrac-
tions of the States of Colorado an.'. ? •ali-
fornia as winter resorts for iea.t. rn
people, and as the present soasou ea the
time to visit these Western rosette; for
pleasure, and the invalid for heaaiti . Cite
pubhcrtion is issued at an olive -tune
time. It is handsomely illustrate; with
views of Manitou Springs, Pike', F\'ak,
Gateway to the Gardens of the Coats,
Grand Canvon of Arizona, views at the
Yosemite Valley, and the )lig Taaa of
California; also views of iii e . <, hat;
roitits on the line of the Grant
There is also a fund of infoin tic a re-
garding Personally Conducted :KUM.
to these Western Points t u IC
tables of trains, maps, etc.
Copies may be had on ip,alicat. :o .1.
D. McDonald, District Pas:le•nge. t,;: at.
Union Station, Toronto.
The longest span of life 1:i thata. the
elephant which will survive toa tt•1i-
About 100 competitors have e.a , a
0,000 miles walking cotutest aeata
The checks which pass thro the
London clearing house its am w,., are
mare than equitl in amount to 't_: Cie
coin in the world.
Sturgeons are the weakest of (s-11 tido
in proportion to their sire. z . s + 1;,,,m
weighing over a ton is peafect.'r 'i°_e41)•
less if attacked by a sivall sworty, !1s'i.