HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-04-04, Page 5CAR WASH * with the purchase of ECONOMY BOX, BUCKET, OR BARREL at regular price from dub, • • 74,1;2, , li.W. FRIED CHICKEN &" SEAFOOD,. Right now and for a limited time only, you will receive ONE FREE WASH CYCLE with every pachase of DIXIE LEE FROM CHICKEN. Clean your car of tint and salt the easy way. Our wash features; • FOAM' BRUSHES •• WATER SOFTENER • HOTINAX ° BONUS: Save $2.50 OFF DIXIE LeE PURCHASES GET VOUR CAR WASH SAVER CARD STAMPED EACH TIME YOU WASH YOUR CAR. FULL DETAILS AVAIL- ABLE T' STORE M* ,pih FRIED CHICKEN , 65 GODER1CH ST. E. sEAForro owned& operated by Doug Riiude AINIMI111111111111.111111111•111•1111111.111111111 to,o 46'4, VC. " •,•,• • • ; • 4. ,orot, .1,;7,1'llotl'000r,^Oor " *O. ' 4•PAA`.,•••""'I ,r- ; Correspondent JOAN CRONIN • , 3454771 55 One quarter 01.984 Is over and wehoieall the now andieold,weiOher is gone wig next year. The robins are boat the crocusokare in gloom and the daylight hours are getting longer each week. The enlightelting Uniught of pealing off those layers of heavy Winter attire is a marvelous 'feeling. • Children are enjoying their awing Seta;a game of hop scotch, pitch and eateh.Or a turn with their skipping ropes. The blcycles and tricycles have been brought. out from tbeir winter -tiding spot only to find 4 few ties In need of air. The. lovely sunshine on Sunday brought many people; both young and old, out for a stroll only to gaze about in amazement at all the stones and sticks to he raked nff their .5 kens ona,,OffiterpropertiOlti oft would be if w.eentild get t 4 $90010r and rinae•OWAY the lust of `61 *OA and dingy film that covers the 41r0 nut, - One canhvrdly Wait to so:41;i 008 scent of green grass belne bet 044,401108 the MN of traders in the distance feverlintly working the land* .1114010g, 1., • With the dawn of April ettMek;ti(Surge of energy that mikes, ,one • feel:Bitty could overcome all obati49011494ing 4011 Fool's nu te vulnerable ; nit Ones OA laugh and Dat. It Q00, liFW1i#4 014,4114prove to be ., 4 wee Joke. 'April is also cancer4nOhth and it was good to See a group 01044100.0'Sellinfl 'bunc494 of Montle for theCanadian cancer Society. These Yelitif be 'Commended for giving o thektroelMelor Web worthy • ctSPPo 410:40 they Seld80 Witches of 1 fiowe Niko v: OM gratuulops..osijob wollJ. bli .. .'. . 1 • '' „ fitritlt:',4114 '411';''' A • .;'' ': * residentovobultrot , many'yearl' ..colool000ngoko,.31 1401t':.f10,10:1111'il'Ok, NiQcr. 44;149. ilibi:e.R11;4441i4044' . wit Mr,linditeao;',/illtetenlitait ita gRyFrtn' l'!O-Vgliii6441)°401;4 family. Mr. Conintligtamily all of lo " fMo:.' liht re I; Loue'. ' ', §Masant 01,1 V ':' ' Colund*RerlekiEVAY940, home of Mr. and MOO, 0,', ci. far sulliA(44"•4 "'F!4 A , • • were141140,1linOort:ty' 'iRM,e,' .De ,t'' flv, to ,. '.h!,, eft 014 ,‘ 4 ' 4 s i ,,e• % o; th ' 000. 14'11: on;00Stt, tit ,,1 tto ,4,04, 4.4.,, ' 0 !(!i4clti,0104 , 0,04.,:ni,,a,':0 , .Msoc •wilL —0,o, ;! 44: don ' d ' q Dlstrict . c0q keittitY'igii,!..4 ' al' i., •,od [ pr. 10 era 411'1:4Pt0149'!':0".:'°4;''',oi:;11;19:144:i:i', ;‘' P4 !4° .Lastly,;;#cr • atthc Dub • i 4•1'"4 'q.t., ' _VP Nil 1.;, 1 -14044 )'‘'l nt p 4t:nezt Communit '45 RRGISTRATION .• ST,PIi40S0*IS7OhY,t;''.•.. :Mr.Eid:oM 104:40L:BEELOntn10:,,•:7010: Telephon01404.4510 10110.0048TENKC9.1XRAI1OL, . 019Aspid10071:0,..19.84'3. Rindergarten 'children neet110 he 5.,Yearn of age on or be,foreBeeemfter 31, .1984. ' Please bring prOOf. of44ge Wirth Certificate, -Baptismal' Certificate and. proof of irnmunizatien). • ' • a egIstr uti n . ,410, 41,00,q111; • ,)P of WenlIen4o v' rd Sharon WI gen A .4cr,t e,OhlikhOlehtated .prettenthirewilltanitto:, ,,[-a,''iprlOnt on the ,.• • o. • .• ,• . 4r. .1. Aitt "IN TN( HEART of DOWNTOWN VARNA" 4 8 2 - 7 0 3 A • 1• e • W�terWell 4-. 41 .41 DRILLING. W. 0. Uopper 4 MODERN No, pus, 344 Jim 9270020' 'S2i4T1 , 4 hs March *finPflualt/Tir i d'ItiscjIP:`'.1!6: ,l'it.;(i42:1,,.' Fc''11$741&•7.1'141714itria,04,5 1 Apr. Mr. .. ' iiIiii*yti.nAh101-,013,14040$.00,00 OttItrtf at • :t qq_4aysqvIll'h,co,,ottt§eit,t, ,,21. rice 26, *140 ?Ilfti RitrollpA),44,i,4'° A - .., 4"; ,eflr;'40'4iiiiiib'eshiesS the beard ot ofte'd,wir. , • *°Aidoe" ill:4'419ov' triOitati„e.Zisa.'itte.IV'hikin.'imil:l'HaAcOttli at'itiatift `illtir 4011 obi bt: !itt,ii,0414,i4er.ewiitli4:-,9k4411401:04Y.4!444t . e•0041lt'Y011 June I.A1,A subject O'MinistlY- yinrflitclitdittil, he PA days. one day more approval. , . ,,, „ .,, ...• 1: ., .i. .,,,.. , • , , ti"thit 14111104*119WeOPYli,F;Minrtri,'°f ' MI. Matteheitte,JorineilittitChull. et St ..• d8cii .C;fie .';'T :' •:.: ,-, _%. ,..,.,,. .,j,,,,, Pont ice:Separate School, urieli received • •The first' day of serlool-Ilw..otilki l': wv,,,, ' word till,,i'vlarah 23 'that.te..hadi'pasSerti,10P students-HIgitoehrttodilnogf etehhoOolicOhlt,00itl,,hyee'u:...:+,..clatald'i-u'i So4petrulite4tibrY,e0OnffiwcoerekticiortijitocatttehooSbtOiarido nonfat Inc tithr''citthittrii4 slholidays With ', Dec.' 21 . as '';ii4inixAstrgttire •asslittantoSineet William 004g -the' last .day 'llieheat and students` Eekettidirbeterofeducation;:stifferedthitirt retnrningtoseli :TOW an, 7?„,Theoait4viiiter . attack tiedio.thie year. ,•., • . ,,,•• . t ,.,-o ., I.. • 44:1 br011it'llinO•80 March 1 .to 15. .' • ,..,•‘• - , .; , . , . ...:., ,.0.• v. ov •Boarti'14iitai- an Bet; Murray, of RRio Kr. Blanchette expects to he'retUreln8„es Behlle'J /404'1 f itemeinhtance ..1;04Y, It no St.:Buepoolrfancete:0,pdrIer:Ipoa;t:i„anin Seepatte::e400.;n isi...e,,,I. eiht4::°(iit:1151:::15,::: 0111f‘)7E41.,..,11:ii' iY3c:, :114:: l'it: .0\1. Mr.d' therBlanchette0p.,:fitiped;t4:ea9tt,';::. 4, theh$1,1yEit.ci':14, sa° ..,a. °.11;.4, l',. .:t•in:a, ":' '1:, ',',...lelt'o.r,- education since Mr..Eekert's absence. '''" Ldri'diaId nietill'''' ".`. ' ' '6.' ..• • ., . ..., , • ,. ,,, ,.. „,. , , . , . , :,.• • ••1? ILANCHED PEANUTS "14,10d or unto operatedi?y 491 -in sridLOrri Ann ivtgoi:e.,?' 't t Flavour ,tove„, 33 ,......F,tfyfurad 0104 DRINK MIX Fruli-Ptinch, Grupo, °novo 1.39'lb. Lb. • ' • . 5. • L491b., titc :or:! -Perth "tilitt.ilvi rticOl" ou,,ii'''tiatti belies" are finance, said °Vitali the litiardi'ecelkiedli 5:S hrasez.tittedxdocrlIN the Perik.Connty per, cent gone . . .,.,o. ; • ;'' ..-• 'in'cre,as' e'fttiepiei'tn,. ee. 0offdtteettOlea 1984 budget ofover 14)from $?1,5milion in11P4,7nilIlent!s ni leu ,, -• year. ' ''' ' Tedloughtcy0tMgelb14enstrian Oithe o:fewavdtcMr. Noble *4the' AitIutd! - 1301'44's ,finance "cOrtiltilttee, told his ',fellow increase for ppeialing• fun4s, f.tidiiiittlii, lttlatces,int Mar 20. that the 198+ budget Jeinletrott;neteased by nnly.l.SferCent.411e ;qui:Senna a5.6. per rent increaSe, oyer lags-`111st Of inprease la isir,eateltidiersaittiAhl 8 Y,Tc41411;(1irliil'4'3V.4.141A11110rig 014,, ItMt-,111P1' Vii#01,„4?!at,1014 ,boix volt go 14 the An eyeralornver $1$ '4' iitf,A)*Citt*,111Cliail :'' ""j ".i?'1%''' Mill10; le 7.41; per ccnt increase 'AVM last "' 47"katir.oviSioitOtsi%5,00gtogit.oinitiiii , year's levy of about Sid million; ' • '• ' ' t' advisory committee for additional computer "It's a very respensIbleAudget In ben of entlipMent.,Software and stipplies • the economic times," .,; said ...,, the Kitchell - The repair of sevetellehocil roofs.tru' • Other highlights - Of the 'bettors '4984. 4.4%.110.1agreethit with all things brought lind11Ot are: IftitiVard-itiS*140-meimbittlitet.itshouid ",._. -The seerOultalf4of .tlio estiniated tat of . bentoted .1 . •". :that. lei ' not so much a $500,000 for an addition'and rentrilatiOnt tn. percentage of IncreaseAhott dIslotha rate. .the Betas- admitilstratton. centre In • Sir* payeriebot tbtarnount of dollars, spent and ford of 3250;000 Is being put in tette/b.' the grodUelliity,'Iald chairman Dereck -Ritheinent itultinsfor 11 employees in Wat. 1984 has beenbudgeted at $158;000o . ,1"Ivi'n noLtrying to slander administration 1.1 Early retirement incentive Bit, six ,ortneMbittllofthejeacilingStaff,hotit hasn't emPloyectils $0,000. , - ' • coniehometothe board enough how dose we The „i single expenditure by the have to teen an eye on sidaries and bingo board is S 9. . million for Instruction costs. tomeilW., . • Thla is up 5.7 per tent from over S27 million BOltifObleo, superintendent of business and latt year. . • , , , '' , • "•\",". STORE HOURS: Mori. - Thurs. 9.6 Fri, 9'9 Sat..9S OFF. THE PRESS TYPESETTING STAFF: Dianne McGrath Marlene Charters PROOFREADER: Christine Trameer Behind the scenes at The Huron Expositor you'll find busy group of people working together to produce the newspaper you read every week. There is more that goes into the newspaper than most of us realize. Every story, headline and advertisement must be typeset, proofread and then placed on a page in a particular order. The timearid personal attention that is given to each story and advertisement is what gives The Huron Expositor its tidy and easy to read format. The newspaper you are holding is the result of the efforts put forth by the Expositor's Production Department. 0 you would like to contribute any news tips or photography ideas please CALL The Expositor at 527-0240. OANOLE LIGHT --Students et St. James Separate *hoot, .atti participated ins caindin light neterikinY liat week. The event %lambent in St, jamas Roman Cannata Church as Nor, ot tee Easter celebration. The Celebrettlyi Of Light saw all students Ming into Machete -Iv with Candies and foliewinp the ceremony, they watched a Alm which Militated Saatiery and sunlight. 13.6% approved (Contkitted from P. A3) Another lafge Ira of revenue for the corn ntilTh are tees and service charges of $1.4 • The fattest Moine in this area are from ilmonview residents of $2.,,3 ntillkin, This will Offset the finrotiview budget of bdiratiSt Sa The 1983 Stitglits of 5314,000 is included as. revenue in the 1984 bridge. The largeSt, eXpendintres for the county nein social services, which includes general - assistance, Buronview and Family and Children's Services. This portion of the budget totals 56.3 million. 1'rans1ortatIOnserVien5,,incitiding1234100 tot the airport, totals 55.5 million. • The rest of the 1984 expenditures include SO Million for health services. S939,062 for general administration, 5901,281 for recrea- tion and cultural services. S439.808 for planning and development and 5164,315 for niembers of council. Those ved1rt4In favor of the budget inkluded Robert Bell of Tuckersmith. Tom Cronin of Myth. Tom Cunningham of trullett, Bill Elston of Morris. Marie Bicknell of Meltillop and Harry Klungel Of ilensall. Absent from the meeting were William Campbell of Seaforth and Calvin Kreuter of Brussels.