HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-03-28, Page 18• SSIFIE SALES ONTARIO'S largest far* machinery con- signment sale. Norwiebr Ontario. Friday, April 13, 1984, 10 0.114k ,,,(Sales conducted second Friday each Mel). ,Approximately 150-175 tractors plus e types of farm equipmerit. Consignments welcome, For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Sons. 20-13.01 24. CARD OF THANKp PAYNE Many thanks indeed to all my friends and neighbours who 'sent cards and gifts while I was a patient in hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Rodney, and nursing staff of Seaforth Hospital and to Dr. Passi and his team and nursing staff on 8th floor wast of University Hospital. Hilda M. Payne 24-13-1 DOS We would like to thank our family, friends and neighbors who helped after our fire. Everything was much appreciated. A very special thanks to the Seaforth Fire Depart- ment for arriving so quickly and keeping the fire from being much worse than it was. Mattis and Tina Bos 24.13-1 NORRIS I would like to thank everyone for their kindness during the bereavement of my mother Mrs. E. Rising. Your kindness will always be remembered. Lavada Norris , 24-13x1 WILBER Wasn't that a Party? We would like to thank our many neighbors, friends and relatives who turned out to our going away party. You certainly made i a hitppy, and memorable occasion. Special thank you to all who helped in any way to organize the evening, and to Ian, Elva and family for contributing the good music to keep everyone on their toes. Thank you for the cards, gifts and good wishes. Thegenerous gift of money willbuysomething to treasure in our new home. Ken and Grace Wilbee R.R. No. 4 Napanee, Ont. 24-13-1 F1Stat,11 1 would like to thank my family, friends and neighbors for the many cards, visits and treats while I was a patient in S.C.H. A special thanks to everyone who has helped out in one way or another on the farm. Also thanks to Drs. Malkus and Rodney and the nursing staff, All was greatly, appreciated. Laurie Fischer 24-13x1 • 4 ,A( VAii464;(01100 0 tout Swi91041. 01) , The VaniStrjqphitr the f011owinfr, 'PO le who , contributed "snacks for the 6...Nutrition and Exercise -Unit' Vat*** FOrnisilings, 510: Debbie's Custard Restaurant, 510; Ray & Shirl Variety, Olinten, Mac's Milk, Clinton, juice; John Moore's Quality Bulk ?pods, crackers,pettinite; Superior Food market, Seaforth, juice; Ion's Poen Market, Seaforth, carrots;Apple Park, Goderich, apples; Beta Sigma Phi (liltual Chapter) Goderielt, muffins_; Staff in Under, ich office of Huron County Health Unit, fruit loaves; Seaforth Junior Farmers, apples; Pete Gahwiler's T.V., oranges; Seaforth Community Hospital, milk. 24-13-1 VIVIAN would like to thank my friends and neighbors for their visits, cards and treats while in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses for their kindness. Cameron Vivian 24,134 ; • GLAN*ILLE The family of the late' Terry Wilhlam Glanville wish to express their thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for flowersi memorial donations, sympathy cards Ewe food . brought to our home, and for babysitters for our grandchildren, special thanks to M.L. Watts Funeral Home, Rev. Charles Swan, and Brussels Royal Canadhin Legion for the lunch provided. Your kindness will always be remembered, Lloyd, Mabel Glanville and Family 24-1341 VOGELS would like to thank all nay friends, neighbors and family for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr, Englert, Dr. Fellows and to hospital staff for their excellent care. Marian and Linda Vogels 24-13-1 RYAN I would like to express a sincere thank you to all my family, relatives and friends for their many acts of kindness and prayers for my recovery. Special thanks to Dr. Rodney also to other doctors, all nurses and staff, Father Caruana and Father Carrigan. All the kindness from everyone is deeply appre- ciated and will always be remembered. Sincerely Mrs. Mary Ir. Ryan 126.PERSONAL ( DATES GALORE. We are a professional introduction service designed to introduce compatible people to each other. For all ages. Pestige Acquaintances. Call toll-free 1M0-263-9103. Noon • 8 p.m. 26-13-01 David Peterson at ROMA meting On February 6, David Peterson, Leader of the Official Opposition addressed the Rural Ontario Municipalities Association. He summarized for them the initial findings of the Task -Force on 'Rural MunIcipeides appointed by the Ontario Liberal Party after one year of hearings in 8 out of the 9 R.O.M.A. zones, Many rural municipalities voiced real concern over the government's discussion paper proposal on Unconditional Grants. Many felt that the government was trying to rush through important changes without allowing municipalities a full and fair opportunity to assess the impact of the changes. Exeter for example stand to lose 34 per cent of its Unconditional transfer payments under the new proposed changes. Another concern expressed by the munic- ipalities is the inadequate attention to the road system. More money for improvements would only come from the Province if more industry was attracted to the community. Yet in order to attract development, roads need to be upgraded first. A major commitment to an upgrading policy is the only way to break out of the cycle. The declining provincial share of educe - tion costs is - also an issue. In some communities, the educational component of the levy is so high that the municipality is in a fiscal straishijacket. In some ,comreunitial• more thee 80 per Tent of the' property tax dollar is spent on education. The most distressing concern brought to our attention, Mr. Peterson staid, was the deeply troubled agricultural sector. Every single agricultural representative and farm- er that made submissions to the Task Force impressed upon the Task force the desperate need for government help ,to bolster the farmers of this Province. M. Peterson outlined the 8 point emergency program of the Liberal Partyto ROMA, to reverse the decline which included ore capital assistance, interest relief, help for young farmers and an expanded tile drainage program. Mr. Peterson said that a clear pro -devel- opment policy involving greater provincial investment in a long term employment and wealth creating improvements to the rural infrastructure is needed. Keeping rural Ontario strong has to become a central priority of the Provincial Governtnent. DE THERAPY CLINIC tiev4 Goosticti 3.1 West St. (Kitty Kamer Potts Station) 524-66$11 A.C. Foige D.T. TOLL FREE 1-800465-1415 Weeleelays, Evenings & Saturdays BY APPOINTMENT ONLY KINCARDINE nt Durham Court (freside post office) 390-412,35 NOTICE: BUS SCHEDULE CHANGE EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1984 • SHERWOOD TRANSPORTATION INC. GODERICH-CLINTON-SEAFORTH-MITCHELL-STRATFORD READ DOWN ' 4-1-84 , 2574 . READ UP 0 Daily Friday Only 5 Su IAF Stijl P.N. P.M. A.M. •P.M. 6:30 100 Lv 'STRATFORD, ONT. „STI , . Ar 10:20 6:15 6:40 1:10 Sebringville , , 10:05 6:05 6:45 1:15 Seebathill 10:00 '6:00 6:50 1:25 vM17CHELL - 9:50 ,,5:50 6:55 1:30 Dublin 9:45 5:40 • 7:00 1:35 St. Columban 9:40 5:35 7:05' 1.:40 'SEAFORTH 9:35 -5:30 7:20' '1:55 vCLINION 9:20 5:15 7:25 200 Holmesville - 9:15 5:10 7:45 2:20 Ar s GODERICH, ONT . Lv 8:55 4:50 F Su H Friday, Sunday, Holidays E Su H - Daily Except Sunday & Holidays 0 - Trip will run Monday Holiday but not Sunday before - Prepaid add Collect parcel shipMents received and shipped. Every endeaVOUt is made to maintain aii-published schedules but the company accepts no tOSponsibility for -failure to do so and such Schemes and tenas. are.subject to change Without notice. STI Shervmed Tiantoortatkin Inc. Ight ter -troy ye( Tho tflionirfProop:ite itt t#"lipAte.:Otonigetietae,:o4i,t0;.i..T040r 0 ots:ty...,;..itoln4:10:00;::14:x0,!f:4(40.,$:,..I7:,:t,S1/:!,,,, ,,,,; '7, NEr Qtt_qtannin:Oi .altikle.collinitiOld440,i, !SO*, .00114804f.:POOF'.004,.,074 t') ' C°130004' ' • - .i' ' ' ' • ' ' . :."' '''' 0 , In Oeteirie*IiStiani4ine *iient ' Both ' ''##10 ad' , at , id .,n1 at ceStra,1:',HUr011,5' OtAIry,:$0; 04.4,f,', ;;LAIEA04,0.1014:;',Otimmrberse ,. C Co riUnit*itt Of itg,#$:03(04gridelt, ,:',efitinnItIonktle,,Pnlg 0,,Xen ,. i * the', , estern nItide I at Upper MOS ''EICInen ' .. 114#01090.22101,,,'IL,#. School,thin all came true when 9MY;f1Nkfili; ;t1:4tetti '405;&;,i0jOttl Under''',. Arll finill'Or 4•1!ti,f,A ::14;A gif:, 014.,)."-.hupbui, p010;;Zisni:.coffi ativ e�mpeted;ii." 4 40 1" W�st�rn "LatiL and '1.11/4'er :c1:aart-t)r aari'ieidii44tili.: 7:11;'*:;1" ''''.64'rg*i: go Otoe' repriO'nfited' Ontario-. for the • Congress,.(7,..,7,. i,ti't4-•,`" -1i "ii4(i'4,Y 41'ili;;i4 f, • Canadian Youth Team Tourfierneut4euorvIng .: lurtertust, p, -e1? . ,. 9e,p ' oirt in 'English Eroitation;, •Western Horseman.. . events,.Piecing: ,overY;1s`pprifiliiiiiitelY,.:10. ...: Ohio, Western, 144104, Lngn. Aelning, .,;'' .4,010t,,,Ptiltibitereln ,,Mach piss; with , her' horse , 'rbutirie virinalug, the urllantehtfehelllilhllP : '..i 7. 'Bald Twist''Miss': "Twisty" .bits . oble'r _ . ship. This was no easy $06,1eI,00.t. 0.00111k, been sold and now .iiirec, nearMilan,._Ita)Y.i .; •team as Alberta, SaskatcneWart; chlanitelia' . PO also showed her rienr„quaFternoxce - . and the Maritime Provinces Were there with Mare :l!Siarli1Cdely`!••..; in Youth Activity . their best too. Up to seven riders in each eVents).4484tQuarteremi '84,7fbeypligged team compete, an ,under the age of 19. • ilf0r..in Western: Pleasure; seventh; ''...ln : ....,..1 e • Weliptii ,... Horsemanship antl.', eighth• in Lynn and her qearrele Mare "MOS., , ,E0 or Eduitatio* Alice 1700, Appxozip 014e Otoe" .clualined for 0. Quartir,ani . nOfely 50 fiiuseif, or more in each event, ' Youth Team m Western Horsemanship 40 , • • ' . 2 English Equitation but, were unable'M.. Quarterama '84' was also tne debut for ' thcoempQeutearteinratteatedaume totouthrneatUoeontectepertid .09no: ,.. ..Tii and her nen, AQuarterhatio , gelding . -arrival of "Missy's" first fed. . Yinith AeivrtyPeldinge and5 MiltriananiP; "HobojthuRing".. They :0104 -nintil'hi Lisa, under the instruction of Kathy : tildtinWeStertt Mediu*, eighthin Western Patterson, R.R. #1, Bornholm, wee .the .40:SeillaOhit and goOrth, in Hunter Under Ontario Reserve High Point Youth 14-18 in ''.:Stnitilo.Igt19nnynn won the 11 and illidati 1983 and Lynn, under the hisiruptlotA of, .Shownninehip class. Murray Smith, R.R. #1 Dublin, gatnerectilte - This is the 1.0th, yearlor:Qpirtermita, the sante honors in the 13 and under gronk-lorgost OtrattorhOrse show in Canada sad in 1982 and 1983. .,, ; 11150.C.rttrfl;lilSeSt,in the world. : .,,..., , ,:. • ,,, I, HITE . , • ° • • High,. pit, need pr Assoe.Agatep. During the past *0 °Owe weeks there 'have been three ot four seminars In Perth County johiting10 fifee411g rileL high producing cowl . , In one seminar It was pointed ont,that the feeding cycle covered a- 365 day pedori, or from ogre calf." Therefore I , bunt POsaible refer to the need; of the' prOdUcing.00*-, in early lactation Without. g IlfAOVaiire! the special uirententt of (1) the dry enW12)4 the Pre4Inis cow Owe to three weeks prepartum) (3) post freshening to early =Won .(4) midlaetrition (5) lite lactation.' It wit pohltedout that mWmum milk yield is obtained when the cow Is given a 60 day dry perfod. Conditioning of the cow for the next hactation should start during late lactation because the cow is much. more.efficient in converting feed energy to flesh (75 -per cent • while lactating than when she Is dry.) Excess fat on the cows can reduce 'feed intake after calving, by releasing larger than maul *moots of free fatty aids into the blood, which depress appetite. In order then, tb ease the transition from dry cow ration to milking ration, the dry eow should be given grain, one pound daily, Increased one pound dilly to MAXIMUM of eight to: 10 pounds tuna calving. (In my cxpctlence, excellent results have been obtatncd by extending this period from 14 to 21 days depending on the condition of the • cow); Whir "priver7feed formulation at 'this time, milk fever udder_cedeuta, Nittosivand other InOtflplia.firob1rof can be ay:Me8. Mae croWebangerfrom liOnlatialittgtO a pealemilk flow (70-110 pounds ofirtilk); the nutrient rcqulrementz uteruses 300400 per cent as a dlrect result of mammary gland nerldtofor tnflkf1ow, 'lids very mitical.petiod goes from eavintfour-10 weds poat r201n9ajeiinlakegged lags be d Pr4muxno even under the best of diett, high producing cows draw upon body reserves to nuke op this deficit. Protein and energy are the major critical nutrients In short supply. Energy however, is moblEted In kris* quantitks than protein. 'Renee ,the need to lupPly higher levels of priatein for mindunim MU flow Is paramount. Thik positive response in milk flow hu consistently been observed when high uteri ate chal- lenged whit extra -lu during the, Ertl 60i9odiysafterfrea. tiner2y, protein mid librebutst bp invert? b&hanced, not only foe obtaining maximum mliklinwp but ilso forprope,r rumen. filmdom Excessive letike of concentrates not only seduces rallkfit percentages, but also muses reduced feed Intake and rumen dysfunction. Mtudnutintnergyintalre is attained when the dry matter it made up of 040 per cent good quality roughage and 50.60 per cent concen- trate. ANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE SPRING PROGRAM '84 STARTS: APRIL 9,1984 to JUNE 16, 1984 482-3544 to REGISTER IRMO - YOUTH RED CROSS AQUATICS YELLOW Monday Saturday ORANGE Monday Saturday Tuesday • Saturday MAROON Tuesday' Saturday SURVIVAL Tuesday . Saturday" SLUR Tuesday flatierelay OMEN Wednesday Saturday Thursday Thursday GRIT Witill 3:11 - Stift pater. 1:11- p.m. 2$4 • 340 pan. 5:35- p.m. CIS - 7:01 pan. 2t141- WO pan. 3:110 • 5:31 pat: Cal. Tat pale. 3134 • 1:00 pat, - 34111 poi*. -1411 pan. 248 • 340 pat. - 3:30p.m. 1134- MN p.m. 244 • 2:311 path path 1:34 - 240 parer 340 -5:a3 pais. 5:43 - WO path PRI.SCHtsoLERs '4.4.1..i444.41144146.44mmimomme til;wnt a Tot $21.410/14 weeks Monday 7:011 - Me p.m. Wednesday 5:30 • 1140 a.rn. , Kindermblett $11.14/15wiwits Wade Wednewies & Gym $21.40/10 weeks RM. 1.0141 (gym) p.m. _ Item isathn) 0406 _ FITNESSID $.12.44/14 weeks (includes sauna 1. swim) Monday Wednesday (Moderate) Thursday 11441- 12:01 pan. LIS - p.m. 2:14 • kW p.m. 7:30 • 1.134 p.m. 7130 p.m. NIW1 Jan Aerobics • Deslareed to Improve Cardiovascular 'Want. Ooze & Dance thertrentent Included. Wedrumitly Sti4p.M. ThUrldeip MO • ti20 p.M. ARTHRITIC CLASS 121.00/1 weeks Water exercise Monday 1b4*. 11:011 SACK CARE PROGRAM atone wiooks • Ploaresercises Wednesday , UN- 2:011 RLSS & RED CROSS INSTRUCTORS May 1101, 211 / Antal. 2.3 Application deadline April 14/ M. call to register. NEVA PRE POST NATAL FITNESS 411.44/1$ weeks Off sra fierisfits of emotional support. new friendships. specific exercise% eiluserthas and comfort. Monday 110111 444.44...4 ESSO SWIM CANADA $24.00/11 Weak* Competitive sevirerninat Steer's, turns, strokes. Get ready for summer meets. Monday 7:30 2:35p LADIESTAQUATICS 0•114$0.401. valets Aqui& "sultry . Stu- MN sion, floaltitter 1 lleedeener 3• MORIfliV thill- 111 ellitim ligohilliy 141.4.1stin.M. A,ced &way thig .-12 poise ftlonAtafioloor Monday 1110 ,12tOgoal. . ADULTsmousuktitis -, Non-Settereer ietadity Weftristgay • lidielleitittli toisoliy , • 100044044v ....,. sille. id. p.m Irs,.. SAG paw liso-tes p•m• slot. tuts paw., 8416.-11131 p.m. sicastio With. Wien ONO art OfWeiter Whet thuraisy tee &MU p.m. GENERAL ADMISSIONS POOL Childs .14 Student 1.23 Adult 2.40 Include* Sauna mnllyi 11.4* (seuneseattra) SAUNAr $1.44 ignites *001Ar 111.31 SWIM VMS Adolfo Mon:- Pd. Wiehrestieley Opens fitreiteTay Tuesday ' Wednesday Thenteday fader; Sat. & Sun. Fondly Only: friday IMO - tag p.m. - 1040 p.m. MO • Mil p.m. MO. ICH p.m. Sta. 10:611 SKIS • 7:34 p.m. LW • ICH p.m. 6411•111:00 pan. 30 • 4:34p.m. 245.2:11 p.m. MEMREFtS141PS POOL 3 Months I CHILD 014.00 Student ADULT 124.10 Pettily PULL Pool. *lune. Silesia Ruin 3 Mottilts , &dolts , • Finally Yearly adults • ramity. *24.00 $31.41 131.40 172.40 111440 1112.00