HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-03-14, Page 19A18 — 1140, ,thanged gc and CaMn4 capac1t AMcap�ur The.Evej llnitesl'.Church, 1 Mrs.GeorgeJo members ',KOWA • mtt,r99P, • the Indno, • 2414# reading., Leader MO. Gager Midi $ .'With - '. at 4,0014104e Arruda et Toditte are hank you apending the holiday with their grandmother A10141:' ' ' rt" ,•091,11088„,a: ' , , . - .PIri,,..attkr ' Mrs. Vince akes, Londonof,y.4• l' •'''"'' 11110000. latilfftaYntl e home of Mr. and and • KY Mai Kenneth,vyheeier, ,,,,, .., , • ay Mar. Att' 'tdthe itermY weather all churches in ' s. 0 ', 'lle;11 eitWere closed on Sundays,. • ' ' . : , r 1, rst Ralph Logan. Kevin ' and ..." gh man. Trcyor of Wyoming ` 0110ilt the weekend with Mrs. Cliff Logan and Mr • And L'NFPee. Aib�rt Cook spent a few days last .daughter and busban0Mr, 'and te liner', and family of Ripley, , :`. id PiviatsilLeppington. Aaron al CillittWealietifion her Mother Mrs. V'Ili ti., • aia0",1,0.als6 M.11% and ilifiraileer, ler al llt#11.021- Y1-1' VY,p YFMY OW is -presently.4:4, eifl at the�ray Lodgeinghim.-p'V;(e i! 4 10#340)ioe from 1 '''' . 4; able 10 ,rtUrfl nTs a ,' te.11t ' ; ,, . , '4)1' b ''4;,•c&'" et 0 Mr. il ,1$ • V !,K.,,,.k., 21 thenr,,:r..g,, .. . Garner Itto, shitiLed#1elyit‘ ,ivo0 , One 'brielsrup,041IrS',, .4$Qinalteygl port 'Aftie,'..th e h poem and tbe May meeflng wi1 be held at th BisheRent9Waital enithOO fe)1?1u°Pt tu'41 India 'are' ,rePregeillii*' the td 1,,i• Anglica0f1;itge 44140000010 p009ey will Foundatioktorlife4 ismt qv'. On SaturdaY;IltitchS4the ckey team seai,,,tent node-., ,LocIpttow ScOrVethtli. tgodo iegying,J e ;ace , Lrf„2 for'; : haw the,,endof tbe.tirSt tii heir wot„h„x e qtteerleams t *Ott 1,(,(Ight thechitto froi water in both litiOvice Early in.,* afternoon, Brussels plaved tic notivrea well Metaled Pgineo:gOtihet.,'LlsicluTO, d by Matt 0400,1# !!Artoitma§ • :59 9 , sob two Yeark, . -1;1 feur'conteete, ft!eViltk.,un' student of it,jogels,L,fitttillet005964, „ ,.kilhOtli.-W9P • -Orefillt),;.4,2eatko,r'Vatrict, and, :*ItatrOdisWatet t 1<tttritt 1441;* *40 ,1$06 the Provincial level. She now advances to.the cheques from Brugels' TUTIOUSIV Legion AentorilbritneVPaY'Poe $Atinteieat. YOMIAtrOphias. Ahellcolon Youth Educe- eaalved' One of her national leyel, iyontest, virhere she recelC Ved tion hg airmaO, Efenk,pqrn, Ittel week. 4 Iat,then perie4 sBrussels ed aheactiVitt01 by Todd Meehan, defeating Teesyrater 2-1. e ,• ,. • IV01011 r1410 r a. aii!log, of:tot ancikor 0 s i o els, ' ' a'efi Xciting. Beity.14.,'rncors; . ppriett,,, Tim '.!`, Afterb. the presentation:". :Of t ,t,' , tropc ) aehan opened the'licering.w. it,a •;.assist by . titenibers of the winning ',,'Brussels. tem jt: Matt LeefifYro minutes laterl:. ,itig.4 1pecl the ;:. laen 'iNigffer4, Btu& Eemerinan. Nlicliitidi it • 'Apuck i!past , the Tiverton t .01k 1,Stinle4gArft fie! ; Brett,' ClorksOnsl_Matt. Lee, g4) untistilate . Matt Lee 'eltif‘e „fkleried14'Mite 10414., 7r.0' W"401 back in t third with Snot er goal assistei illittd '‘.' Ci egA* ilyan .Finch; Daniel.Pettrotitt4 X, sehaE,4pen#00gim, Meehan, leavingthe scorei,‘ Or,for14)) inlytS0 pnilDeven Sandernit„i4lerentY V.,90 • „ assisted bv icnaeltIvamtlir liprussels. Less than a •iriingter,1 ,nte.,OcContiori,* ple,h,.; de Wernham. Bob : amiss proudi 40 kiacafett, gicliti: atflparicali'!.ea •Setired a singieW '5P4'" ' . !:," skated Iheir:. Prite around the arena.ampbell and Ti ii onratuiatins to the bos nd to .o . 'f?' j.fridil,1,140 Orbia tl` Ore,: ; 0‘,' LA.4etcrmittect Tivertonttea itopee„tha.),' 4,BsiLglier.. Wallafter Oord W48Fh060. ti," 15 tcoring early in the third period ena 'Offer. The McDonald Home All ponspiel was held at the B -.M. &G. Community Centre 9n Seturday, Mar. 3. There were 40 curlers participating to fill all five rinks on one draw. , A lunch* was served at noon by the Brussels Ladies Curlers with, the evening meal catered by the B.M.O. catering group. Aftetthrees; six endgames Veil McDon- ald presented the overall trophy forthe day to the team of Mervyn Bauer, KIM Bauer, Kerry Bauer and Panne Bauer, They had total of 46%. points; '• , • PrizeOvere presented to ell the rinks taking Pert in the bomspiril. They were second -Ross Veitch; third -Bruce Coe; four- th, John Ertel, fifth, 'Murray }blether, sixth -Bill Spink, seventh -Jim McDonald, eighth -Jim Patterson,' 'ninth -Stew Steiss, tenth-tvlichael Bishop. The Curlers were pleased to have the - junior curling rink 'Of Michael Malmo participating and would welcome any other juniors who wanted to enter a team in future bonspiels. 4, Corresp•" MRS ftgalLAN l887-9084,'‘ On Monday, Mar. 5 the Brussels Majestic Women's Institute were !If st for a., eachre party. There Were seven tab os of etteltrei and one of Uno. The following were prize winners. High man', Carson Watson; high lady. Edna McLellan; low lady, Mary,Clarke. most Ione Mends; Ruby Steiss. • , The Uno winners were high, Jane DeVries. low, Laura Lucas. HAPPY' 414THpAlt.l KATUY WORKJ1AN • • , • Kathy' wighp)10 Congratulate herself on making itkto her 40th' birthday. o „, To mark thle occaslon an OPEN HOUSE. will be held at the ninth end of Crenbrook on MARCH 22 - A.M.10.11 P.M. CaMpsitab available BEST WISHES are required as well as tasteful gifts. Ladies piease bring lunch. " E; 4+ 1 ° Desp the.ittilny weather on Wednesdek Feb. 29;59 ladles attended the bridal shower for SharoirEgelt lktiblejnggins greetedfthe ladies at the dour4listoll's aunt, Fran Exel, welcomed 1110 ladies. Another aunt, Anne Vader lead the la lealri Several contests. 4 poem, telling a few stories of Sharon.' was read by Ada Haasneot, another aunt. Sharon epenedher,maAysiftei assjsted by her, sister Melinda. and her cousin's, Andrea Hattstioot 'and/Michelle Vader,klunch was themserved bySherini's relatives, assisted: bir.,..Tane Badley and, Shirley,,' Snyder. ea West daily ,We reed,:0,anOther Case soughttoesteblish hulitan dignity .0`ti" rape 40 -Melly more are there 'that lfriV,d..,"!b454 of alVnuaranteaditidiVnitiat rights ',40 never been reported.hf the victims of 'OxtttC',?libertiee.',GOod for him! Let's hope that other assedtatidab There LitleAftAinly young judges see it 'gig'tiffinei;!Wev ;••wheit, thcy • ..14140.:1104 **Men,' 11040 tiOtIreport afratttiek sentence a rapist. ;, A •t• :fatlheYdettOMOM trelitee'thebumillation Of • ' .- • th� itithiltlei Suffered.* the hands of the. • ' ; ;rapi,iesicialoer 4,..',060(ippetirat,10060 , The • menibers of the Liberal party who .often,the Victims are triedeldtkeistill. It .:PePefh17, all#101140 tPli*TP4.1sPaIrs phwe encrairaging40 learn.`that rt'ehenge•, ?it; 'law as leader Of thiLiberaIvertY.aithoitkii, as1 had takert pit* to protcct victims fr�m some now. have net publicly announcecl thOir this. The rapist. many, tiniesfgeta.a':thiner intention of liC,Icga,CandhlItto, are in tact Ott sentence. it was gretifyin g' recently the campaign tralt-Tkey. busy nialtit/g. that judge of 0: Ottawa • themselves' .,$ery;.,!visihle— 'WhettOlethtid imposed an 11 year 'Sentence on a rapist' Wherever' possible. : Ml 'althea.' they entice- DifYlgtect. Of :se$11011:0100uit;.eausinkbodily ,yoer lo.preseoftheniselieS1,4,,,Mtaliblent. harm arid forcible confinement; He said that'''. cape* fellOwd, each one Sure -he is the ROI • iteeemed to him thetthe Canadian Charierot person to he the next Liberal leader. and ' , 0,eVer, PrInte, Minister.' With the June; BRUSSELS Convention. (Witereithe 'battles for that right' will be foughtein devious backroom planning: " " Owen as on the floor) not far in the offing. "COMMLINITY' there will soon be deluge of politieoF siseechetifinnt those who asimne they. havoa • 1.ENSE in years past there was nodoubt who was. ' head of the family.. it NM the husband who made ali imporilintlind serious decisions. The majority of wives happily accepted relleVett that the final reeponsiblfity. was not theirs. It was traditional. it Is yet so in some homes but thdoltas been a definite change ' the last fev,,,Icirs. In earlier days. the husband was the breadwinner.. the wife the homemaker ft rewarding and dcmandinh role as It stili is). -Now In many families both hproUstsAnsjdottaarbdestores's l*Tridw,9erbkaingring ihnoutshek; hold And family duties in the'lintne."There,is consultation and discussion before iicelsitari tlee`":111ide. Natlei kitrigsbtitY. 'a human PcSOOSOf university professor has sit,,afier etindirothig a teeth( survey on fatally Structure of career -oriented couples, she - taunt, men ultimately still wield more clout in important decisions. "but only slightly".. U ;announce.' Ryan Drying, Walton asdOp�tfor ,Oiligen and 'Acetylene Customer owned cylinders ..Sunday Evening at no'clock mAnski 18 St Jolla's Antjkart Clitirch Rev. CharleaCarCentler DAIRY SYSTEMS- LTD Soles. Service &$•istalletion of Milking Padilla's 801,? -6063. R.R.Atw SUPER SPECIAL BEEF CHUCKS 60-80 lb. Avg. (cut Er wrapped) BEEF PRICES ARE ON THE RISE, BUY NOW AND SAVE! III SAVE on SPECIAL PORK PRICES SIDES OF PORK PORK LOINS PURE PORK SAUSAGE Ib. cut andivracced Check our cortipetitive ;prices on cdetorti Kill day OveryTuesday. We also Offertutting: 3 methodsquick Cut, regular cut and deluxe., nut • ROSTON BLUE FILLETS • OCEAN PERCH FILLETS. %A -VIM -..• • ..-f.ae GgE6. y aoomi$199 slimnpoo,SOO ml ONLY CONDITIONER $ o" Kal. itiVIMOLCO TPVZ SZA7FtSlii FUER ONLY 89c,..: vextrairissfemsla,....ISZafil 'Mak; NOXZEMA $1 69' ROLL.ON ANT1-PERSPIFIANT SO MI ONLY - 400 LIL' • VITAMIN E 100 CAPSULES • aid . OISPOSABL,E RAZORS 7'a ONLY 99 ,ftelstavegemeat PAMPERS al 30, TODDLER 48's TODDLER PLUS 40's ONLY. TRIANGLE 1:11SCOUNT.1 • 9/2 The soutire,Ooddlet Main Corner, Clinton Main Corner, Seaforth • 41;3111C;2‘7C7C?Cr;30,LI