HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-02-25, Page 6Kernels from the Sanctum MiH
Interesting Paragraphs from our exchanges.----
Waterloo- catepayerscarried a bonus of
$4.OJO for the Waterloo. tee Wellesley Elec.-
' trio 1. itilway.
Weiner-snap—disinfectant—is strongly
re matiaended by the medical profession as
e.: ale;;uard against infectious d;seasca. as
Gurria is to have a new general store
sro be opened on March 1st by Mr, Thos.
Nicliule, ot,F. ordwiclt.
eeeele0ril atratheoua has given ae.0,000 to
Manitoba truiversity ler the extension of
the science department.
Laxa•Liver Pills are a positive cure for
Sic): Head ache, Biliousness, constipation,
Dyspepsia„ and all stomach and liver
complaints. They neither ;:ripe. weaken
nor sillten. Price 2:1o. at all dealers.
Some 35 Chinamen have been started
west on the C. P.R. They are being de-
ported by the Canadian Government.
Linemen of the Bell Telephone Com-
pany at Loudon aro to be provided with
anowsboes, as they find it impossible to
• Flo their work with ordinary meaus of
C.t 4 97 tree .
Bears theThe Kind Y:u Have 9:.;a;s Bought
eligr.:ure ///J F
fit' �.�•' , Tier✓of
Several $10 Dominion Bank bills that
figured in the \:apanee robbery have
turned. eip in Hamilton. They were
never conutersigned by the hank and are
consequently worthless.
All kinds of Cenghs and Coles. Broil-
' Whooping Cough, Pains in the
• %test, Wheezing.Iioarsnese, Sere Throat
Viand Asthma, yield to the Lang -healing
properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. Price 25e.
leotiug on the C. P. R by-law in Mc-
Killop took place last week and carried
by 12) majority. The vote stood 171
for the by-law and 43 against. The
amount voted on for right of way was
$6000 and 114 votes were necessary to
carry the, by-law.
Mr. John Forrester of Clinton, fattened
and sold 1000 chickens last season, shipp-
ing most of them to Montreal. The de-
mand for poultry such as he has been
placing upon the market is increasing
„and prices leave been good. Mr. Forres-
ter purposes, however, retiring from the
"1 had been suffering about six tnonths
with Neuralgia when I started taking
iMilburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did
sue more good than any medicine I ever
used. Mrs. Annie Ryan, Sand point, N.
Re McCrae and village of Brussels.—
Judgment (L.) on notion of McCrae and
Danford to quash a by-law of the vil-
lage for the construction of a sewer as
a local improvement, and assessing the
lauds of the applicants (among others)
for benefit. Application dismissed with
costs. W. Prondfoot, K.0 , for appli-
cants. W. M. Sinclair (Brussels) for
village corporation. This motion was
argued at Osgoode Hall, Toronto one day
Iast week.
Bram the _ The Kind You Have Always Bought
Winston lii;htiii plans has shut dawn
for want of fuel, and the town is with -
coal oil The primitive candle is the
light for a few days.
The Roman Catholic Bishop of Ham-
ilton has forbidden the use of flowers et
funerals, the holding of bazaars and
dances under tho auspices of the ebnrcb.
CZAerte let am.
Bears the The Kind You Haw Altt'ayo Bough;
M. M Hiles, Atwood's enterprising
merchant has sold his stock of dry goods.
groceries, boots and sboes, etc., to A. D.
(xoodwiu of Blooutingville who takes
immediate possession.
Mr, Mahaffy, of Seaforth, who has
been looking for a farm for the past
mouth, has pura'hae ed the McGregor farm
of 100 acres, beiug lot 29, con 2 Stanley,
The price paid was in the neighborhood
of 433200. Mr, McGregor purposes going
After a night with "the boys" there is
o better remedy to clear the head and
settle Pbe ston.itch than Milhnru's Ster-
ling Headache Powders. Price 10c. and
23e. all dealers.
A t•legram was received last week
announcing the death of Harry Collins,
formerly merchant of Kincardine, and a
brother of J. P. Collins of Ripley. The
deceased was conducting a general store
about 100 miles from Winnipeg.
' Mr. D. r'. Macpherson has. been
appointed mnuicipal clerk of Clinton at
a salary of $250, and Capt. M. D. Me -
1 Taggert treasurer at$100, Both gentle
man succeed Mr. Wm. Coats, who was
recently appointed county registrar and
has removed to Goderich.
Death has claimed another victim in
our neighborhood in the person of Mr.
John Millar, of Kinloss, Rev. Mr. lMlllar's
father. He passed to the Great Beyond
to be forever with his redeemer, on Tues-
day night, Feb. Oth, from a long and
painfni illness from cancer of the ear.
Mr. Millar was well known and highly
esteemed, and his death will be learned
of with regret by a wide circle of friends.
Ife was a man of noble qualities, honor-
able and straightforward in all his
dealings, kind and generous to a fault,
and those who knew him best respected
him most. He was a devout member of
the Presbyterian church.
At the advanced age of e3 years, Mrs.
Hill Dick, of Ripley, and better known
as Annie D.lcRae, her maiden name, died
in Lncknow on. Sunday, Feb. 14th. She
was born in Scotland, but her early life
was spent in Cape Breton, N. S.. and in
1855 she came to the county of Bruce
with the McCharles family of the town-
ship of Huron, being their aunt on the
mother's side. She was a remarkable
Woman in some respects. Slie bad for
one thing a wonderful memory, and
could relate to the minutest detail events
that oecured from 50 and 75 years ago.
She had also a special faculty of talking
in a Blear, logical way in Gaelic, her
mother tongue.
Mrs J. D. Mayo, South Stuklhy, P.
Q . wrote the following: "One of my
children took sick with worms and after
trying everything without getting relief
we procured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup
which acted promptly and effectually."
An accident demonstrating the danger
of celluloid combs took place in Staffa,
Hibbert township, when, at a literary
society meeting, a comb worn by Mrs.
G. G. Wilson took fire. Her head and
one hand were badly burned, although
friends quickly rushed to her assistance.
We learn that J. J. Killoran, barrister,
of Seaforth, is going to Goderich shortly
to enter into partnership with M. G.
Cameron, K. C. The offices of the new
firm will be those at present occupied by
Mr. Cameron and the adjoining office
formerly occupied by the late F. J. T.
Nat tel.
Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man.
I)r. Stanbury, who retired from the
Bayfield reereehip at the close of the
last term, has filled that office for five
years and for the * i years previous lied
been. a nieniber of the council. Ile thus
gave 10 years consecutive service tothe
corporation, a longer period, than auy
other Beviieldreitii "u van boast 0f. Bay-
field bas not a more loyal resident than
Dr. Stanburt,
L'or Stotnave Troubles.
"I have telt& a greet ninny. different
Medicines for etutuech trouble end con.
stipatiou," sent; 11Irs. S. Geiger, of .Dunk -
erten, Iowa, "but loner bud as gut d re-
sultstroutauy at, tram 0hambriMain's
Stomach and Liver 'runlets." Vex sae
by Coliu A, Campbell, Wiu,;haln.
The most disastrous fire that I3e'liu
has ever experienced broke out there ou.
Tuesday evening of last week and re-
sulted in the total wiping out of the
factories 00 the Berlin Felt Boot Com-
pany, owned by ex -Mayor George Rum-
pel. The two tour -storey maulufactories
are completely gutted The loss on the
property is over $100,000, with insurauce
of between $55,000 and ti(i0,000, the bulk
of it in English eompauies.
You Take No Chances
Colin A. Campbell guarantees every
bottle ot Chamberlain's Cough Reuleuy
and will rctuud the Money to auyoue
who is not eaeistied atter using two-
thirds of the contents This is the best
remedy iu the world for la grippe,
coughs, colds, croup mut whooping cough
and is pleasaut cud safe to take. It pre
vents auy teudeuey ot a oold to result iu
The Canada Gazette contains au ate
plication to Parliament, made by the
Guelph Junction Railway Co., to band
a line from Guelph to Goderich, with a
branch to Listowel, and soother branch
to St. Marys and Cliuton, via Stratford.
The cutupauy ask tar power to lease te
sell the prupused main line and brttucle
es to the C. P. R. An increase of
capital stock and bondiu; power is in-
volved by the consttuctiou of the enter
prise described, which are sought to be
declared work s for the general advantage
of Canada.
A statement was made by the director
of the meterorological observatory Fri-
day, giving the records of the recent
cold weather, Mr. Stupart said that the
weather in February to date was colder
than any such period recorded in Toron-
to dnriug the past 74 years, excepting the
period from Feb. 4 to Feb. 19, 1875, toed
;the same time in February, 1o95. The
mean temperature at Toronto ap to and
including Feb. 11 was 12 degrees
I lower than the average of sixty years.
The depth of snow, Mr. Stupart says, is
Iprobably greater than at any time iu the
, past eighteen years. f
The scratch of a pin may cause the
loss of a limb or even death when blood
E1 poisoning results from the injury. All
1 danger of this may be avoided, however,
I by promptly applying Chamber]aiu's
Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and un-
' equalled as quick healing liniment for I
cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by
Colin A. Campbell, Wtngham.
The Georgetown Herald says: All of I
the real old residents of this vicinity are
turning their memories back to see
writes; "My husband would not be with- iwhether they can recollect any such i
out Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house, i winter as this. And they all say, "Not
as ha nses it a good deal for doctoring !
up the horses and considers it splendid." i, since the winter of 1842-3 have we had
Price 25c, anything to compare with the present
' season with frost and snow." Iu that ;
year the first heavy stoma came in No -
At the last meeting of the Ripley vember, and the snow continued to I
Village Trustees the license fee for sell- come until the depth was enormous. I
ing cigarettes was fixed at $25.00 per About February 1st there was a thaw,
anunm, to take effect April 1st. Any and then it snowed again until the roads I
Person selling or offering cigarettes for were again blocked. It was near the
sale, either made np or in loose form, end of March before another occurred,
after that date without a license, will be and the snow gradually disappeared.
liable to a fine and costs,
s i
By the will of the late Dean Kilroy,
who died in Stratford, $1000 is left to ,STATE OF ()HIO, CITY Or TOLEDO, a SS.
Lucas County.
the poor of the city, $1000 for a memor- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he I
ial window in his late church, and $250 is senior partner of the firm of F J.
for masses. A number of shares of val- Cheney ee Co., doing business in the city
cable stock go to his housekeepers, his of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will sulibrary to Bishop DicEvay, of London, ONE IOUNDP.En DOLiulpaforle each of
and the residue of the estate to his sister, every case of Catarrh that cannot be t
Miss Margaret Kilroy, ot Windsor. cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
FRAA young woman at Geneva six times A. W. J. EASON,CHENEx' e
, (Seal.) A. W. GLE.SSO\, {
widowed and only 27 years of age, has Notary Public. .
just signed her 7th marriage contract. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally i
The deceased ones were of various , and acts directly on the blood and muc-
ous surfaces of the system, Send for
nationalities and in their all too brief testimonials free.
opportunites taught her to speak french, , F. J. CIHENEY &; Co., Toledo, 0.
English, Russian and German. She ' Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
I Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
ought to be able to keep np a fairly in- 1 tion.
teresting chat with hubby No, 7
Ann Jane Elliott, widow of the late
Wm. McLean, died on Monday, the 155th
iinst., at the Methodist parsonage, Sea- I
forth, where she was residing with her
son-in-law. Rev, Mr. Wallwiu. Al-
though the deceased lady lead not been
in the best of health for some time, her
Goderich friends were surprised when
they heard that she had passed away.
400111•o11140s•i••s•••• ••eo•asasoole•eeII *Oas�m11a•rt••IIs•
Mr •
• •
It speaks
for Itself:
Otieranteed to Cara tubbier 30 ellatrtey, or rnoneY raenndeaa
All letei Kgists or toiled. The 8erale peened, Co., Montreal tt
461i0. SI•SAISosdlieseiYI5.,e 06.10.1 sst •Ms...*...s
When you open your newspaper it
may cause you to feel some wonder if
yon know that in all probability yours
are the first hands that have ever touch-
; ed its inside pages. The reason for this
is that the paper is made from wood
pulp. The woodman cuts down aspruce
tree. It is Hauled to the mill. There
machinery strips off the bark, Minces
the wood to pulp, and makes it into pa-
per. At every turn cranes, derricks,
chains, cogs, rollers, steel teeth and
other mechanical contrivances keep the
material out of human hands. The im-
mense rolls are wound by machines,
loaded into cars and wagons by inaehln-
erc, put into press -rooms and ou presses
by other machinery, and finally printed
and folded without having been directly
touched by any human hand. This is a
mechanical marvel of today which is,
nodi doubt, tduplicated pli eatmd, i n other Branches
of industry. It is very striking in the
newspaper industry, which stands in
the very front rank of mechanical per.
Are You Troubled
By Sleeplessres?
Overwrought Nerves Gause the
Trouble- Build Up, Fortify the
Nervous System With Ferrozone-.
Then You. Will Sleep Soundly,
'there is probably no remedy that
soothes the nerves and (trivets away those
long nights 00 wakelulness lute Ferro-
zoue. Every person whose sleep is test
testi should take leerrokoile like Mr, ,T,
ti. hlo(.,uw, who writes from Saskatoon
as follow :—
"1. was tethered tL th Insomania last
summer to snob an extent that lily
health altu('ec brolto down. I was.
frit;htluily nervous, If T had gone on
mace loltger I would have been a phy-
slettl wtcck, I read about Ferroawio
w...,..�....J r.�...,., and concluded it
Restful Sleep
was the sort ot
remedy I needed.
1 bought six boxes,
cud took one tablet
tt lila every meal. A
change web et once
noticeable, I no longer .aboured un-
der sueh great mental excltemeut, at'd
was able to take things ruore quietly.
Ferrezure improved my digestion, I
picked up in spirits ane strength, and
in a culuparalively short tittle sleep
oanie the 1010nes uty head toucher the
pillow, Furruz•tne completely rehabili-
tated my- system, and has Made ale a
different sort of luau altogether."
Dent visit unlit your condition be-
comes Iter von; pr,stl•atiuu; it's hard
to eure. 'Pelle Fie reeeeti iegularly and
the cause of your sleepless nights will
be r,•inuv, d, It la ways cures lutrouiata,
Ferrozoueis he greatest health -giver,
the net -t valuable tonic, that motley
can 1,u,y. It will bring yon lasting
etrengtb.vigor hurl health. at small cost.
Ouly Ftrrortntt, tutu do this so 110 sure
the ti,l dislutnest stealer substitutes
something, aepreseured "just ae good,"
No other remedy is so good as Ferro -
Zone. price 0Oe per box of six boxes for
$2 00, ur all druggists or N. 0. Polson
& Co., Kingston, Ont
G•ef,rgs sheat, 13 twmau of Northfield
C, -etre f:,•:ubraa,en his 98th birthday on
Weducaday last. IIe was born near
Niagara anti can remember well the
war of 1812, telling many interesting
stories in regard to it. He has lived
on the saute farin for seventy years.
Settliug there when that part the
country was covered with woods. There
were one hundred present at his birthday
celebration, all relatives, including five
generations, the youngest being Floreuco
Almost. Mr. Bowman still has use of
his faculties and limbs —Woodstock
Sentinel Review.
A Kidney Sufferer
Fourteen Years.
Could not Sit or Stand with Ease.
Consulted Five Different Doctors.
Kidney Pilis
Mr. Jacob Jamieson, Jamieson Bros.,
the well-known Contractors and Builders,
Welland, Ont., tells of how he was cured:
"For fourteen years I was afflicted with
kidney trouble which increased in severity
the last five years. My most serious attack
was four years ago, when I was completely
incapacitated. I had terrible pains across
my back, floating specks before my eyes
and was in almost constant torment. I
could not sit or stand with ease and was a
wreck in health, having no appetite and
lost greatly in flesh. I had taken medicine
from five different doctfrs and also
numerous other preparations to no par.
pose. I' finally began to take Doan's
Kidney Pills and before I had taken five
boxes the trouble left me and I now feel
better than I have for twenty years. Those
who know me know how I was afflicted
and say it is almost impossible to believe
that I have been cured, yet they know it
is so. I have passed the meridian of life
but I feel that I have taken on the rosy
hue of boyhood."
Price so cts, per box, or 3 for $1.25, all
dealers or
from centre
to crust
The Market Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. White, light,
sweet centre; rich, brown, short
crust. Mixed, molded, baked
anti delivered in just the way to
win your approval.
We have all the latest rnachin.
ery, and there is no need of
sending to the city for your
bread or pastry.
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
Heaven's Best Gift to Men.
[William J. Lampton.]
.Theo are women who are pretty.
'rliere ate women »ho are plain;
There are W0Iuru who are flintiest.
There are women who are vain.
There are women who are happy,
There are women who are sad;
There aro women who are pious.
There are women who are bad,
There are women who are ]it list d,
There are woman who are rough.;
There are women who aro tender.
There are women who are tough,
There are women who are heavy,
There are women who are light ;
There are women who are stupid,
There are worsen who are bright.
There are women who aro silly,
There are women who are wise:
There are wotueu who are charming,
There are women who are guys.
There are women who are wealthy,
Tbere are wotueu who are poor;
There are WQlrlea who are satiny,
There are wotueu who are sure.
There are women wlio are noble,
There are women who are mean:
There aro women who aro seasoned,
There are Women who are green,
There are women who are eagles,
There are women who are gnats;
There are women who are augols,
There are women who are oats.
There are women who are healthy,
There are women who are ill;
There are women who are talkers,
There are women .Who are still.
There are wouten who are loving.
There are women who are cold;
There are women who youthful,
There are women who are old.
There are women—but no natter
What the women aro, the men
Wouldn't ask the Lord to change there
If He made then all again.
Hammerfest, in Norway, is the most
northern towu of any importance iu the
World and Puntas Arenas,in Patagonia,
the farthest south.
Tee cellar of the British House of Com-
mons is 200 feet long and can hold $200,000
worth of wine. Usually, however, there
is only a tenth of this amount stored.
Tho number of murderers per million
inhabitants is in England 5.13, in- Ger-
many 5.45, in France 11.55, in Austria
15.42 in Italy 76.11, and in Spain 44.70.
The church of St. Alban,in Holborn,
has a cross over twenty-five feet iu
height, which is supposed to be the
largest in England. It was given by the
Duke of Newcastle.
At Wahrenbruak, Saxony, there re-
cently died a man who occupied at the
same time the, positions of town clerk,
church secretary, member 00 the Pres-
byterian council, commissioner of fires,
fire brigade superintendent, magistrate,
deputy chief of customs,insurance agent,
tax assessor, commander of the guild of
archers, and president of the choral
The first package of Hem-Roid (the in-
fallible Pile cure) that was put out went
to a small town in the State of Nebras-
10 made the cure of a case of Piles that
was considered hopeless.
The news spread and although this
was only two years ago the demand
prompted Dr J. S. Leonhardt of Lin-
coln, Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it
for general use. Now it is being sent
to all parts of the world.
It will cure any case of Piles. There is
a month's treatment in each box.
Sold for$1.00. with absolute guarantee.
It for or sale by
gt;i. s.
Sold in Wingham by Walton McKib-
A man to represent "Canada's Great-
est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham
and surrounding country, and take
orders for
in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits
Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses,
Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e.
Stock true to name and free from San
Jose Scale. A permanent position for
the right man on either salary or com-
3'0 STHILL 1TriosERIi S
Over Seo .acres
Oldest, Largest. Most Widely
Circulated and Only National
Agricultural Home .Paper in
r 0tidrr1e Maga :
After January lst, 1904,
PRICE $ I.10 Numbers.
New ya i,scribere get balance of this year free
inclutlinginagnlllt•entCltristmas=bber, Scup
tit your subscription at ones. Don't miss a
;Angle issua5, Agents wanted everywhere;
liberal tern t given. Sample copy free,
The Wm. Weld Co., Limited,
Lonflvon, Ont.
'stilly{ and Fritters' Advoeete for t•U$, b1t•
lance of 1903 free to new eubseribere,
;Y,,. :,;,a._y� t:.i.. n►L,.4,aBq; i ( *.445t b ..t:4dtr�4310i
To preserve or restore it, there i,; no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They arc easy to tale. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans T abuics are
widely used by all sorts of people—hut to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fan, r remedy. They are a dependable,. hon-
est ' gym':dy •vith a long and successful record, to
c• r,; ':l. 1lgest.'rtn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
_a .,�lpation, t •:zensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• *Oi' ation of the heart, sleeplessness muscular
t-' �atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn-
,' .•.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
t h-hwn systems, restore pure blood, good app --
t • .; .1d sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
.tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
'i'.1bules. Your drl ggist sells them. The five-
e�ni packet is ell gh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle 5o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
ro41.:..r4"A , . , .t. • 4
Dermcaydfor Competeqf elp
Canada's ntarinfacturirig and commercial enterprises are devel-
oping so rapidly that the question of properly trained business:
help is becoming a serious (1410.
Tho (108810(1 for such help in every largo city and town is
greater than the supply, and every student from the Forest City
Business and Shorthand College is quickly provided with a
remunerative situation.
Why not take advantage of the good times and take a course
in this loading College
The time necessary for a complete course in either Business
or Shorthand is only six mouths or for both coarses, one year ;
tho cost is small and the results aro permanent.
Booklet, containing complete information, ria:s for a postal.
Y. M.C.A. Bali.niso, LONDON.
:r I iti Gia r.cv,u..n
A' [' -�n7r:syr:i*•:,*,!«:,p ,. ..�
,,.,.,,..,••�,,:1:its IKaa*.vnoS,•n'3.,
Iscas:- .41c-
THE RESULT of ignorance and folly iu youth, overexertion of mind and body
induced by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives
and future happiness of thousands of promisidg young men. Some fade and wither
at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a
weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach matri-
mony but find no solace or comfort there. The victims aro found
in all stations of life—the farm, the office, the workshop, the
pulpit, the trades and the professions. Nervous Debility end Seminal
Wee noaa are guaranteed cured by our New Method Treatment or No
Pay. You run no risk TS years in Detroit. Bank security.
CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. No names used without written concent.
"I ain 33 years of age and married. When young I led a gay
life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for ate.
I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I
feared BrIght's Disease. Married Life was uusatisfactory and
my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took
treatment from Dra. Kennedy & Kergan. Their New Method
built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act
tike a man In every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are honest,
skilful and responsible financially, so why patronize Quacks and Fakirs when you
can be cured by reliable doctors."—W. A. Belton.
GORES GOIIRANIEEO OR RO PAY. Consultation Free• -Books Free—Westin Bleak Froe for Rome Realm!.
148 Shelby Street,
Drs. Kennedy a Kcrg n, Detroit, Mich.
Clubbing Offers - 1903-04
.tel• a iele'e44•:;••1••1••i• 1•+4'•4"tel •t •'r 3••1•+•3•+ •e••t•
THE T181Es announces the following low -rate
Clubbing Offers for 1903-04:—
Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 $1 00
Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated
supplement 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario 1 '/5
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50
Times and Weekly Sun.. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe 4 35
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25
Time and Toronto Daily Star. 1 80
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15
Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85
Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 30
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