HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-03-14, Page 14Tai777+•n y .,,t4 , A14 - THE HURON EXPO TM, MARCH 14, ,18.84 Tradin The market at Brussels Stockyards; traded actively at higher prices on both steers and heifers. Cows sold steady. Feeder pigs wore steady. There were 960 cattle and 979010 on offer, iE • Choice Steers - 85.00 to 88.00^with sales to 92,75 Good Steers • 82.00 to 85,00 A steer consigned by Dick Fitzsimmons of R.R.2, Cargill weighing 1170 lbs. sold for 92.75 with their lot of 13 steers averaging 1161 lbs. selling for an overall price of 86.13 A steer consigned by George Adapts of Wroxeter weighing 1210 lbs. sold for 91.Q0 with his offering of 44 steers averaging 1201 lbs. selling for an overall price of 87,35t,' A steer consigned by Laura Knectel of R.R.2, Gadshill weighing 1280 lbs. sold 'for 87.50 A steer consigned by Mac Willits of Wroxeter weighing 1440 lbs. sold for' 89,00 with his offering of 57 steers averaging 1215 lbs. selling for an overall price of 86.66 Three steers consigned by Doug Wagg of R.R.5, Mitchell averaging 1153 lbs. sold for 88.40 with his lot 49 steers averaging 1163 lbs. selling for 87.45 Ten steers const ned Hodgins Bros. of R.R.S. Parkhill iierg ng 1196 lbs. sold for 88.60 with their offering of 52 steers averaging 1161 lbs. selling for an ovcralf price of -86.00• . A steer donsigned by fan Wilbee of Walton. weighing 1220 lbs. sold for 89.50 withhis lot of 11'•steers averaging 1189'1bs. selling for 86.40 .. A steer consigned by Maple Emblem • Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 is Farms. of R.R.1, Dungannonwet Icing 1,310 lbs. sold for 91.50 with their •offering, of , 28 steers averaging 1203 ibs, selling for .an overall price of 85.70 Ten steers consigned .:• by John . Petrie' of Brussels averaging 1193 lbs. sold, for487.19. with his offering of 49 steers averaggin° 1250 lbs. selling for an overall prig of 85.69 , A steer consigned by Stam Farms of %R.4,, Kincardine weighing 1340 lbs. sold for87.75 • with their lot of 6 steers averaging 1283 lbs, selling for 85.45 Seven steers consigned by Jerome ,i det of R.R.2, Walkerton averaging 1148 lbs, sold for an overall price of 85,77 • Seven,steers consigned by Elam Weber of R.R.5, Mount Forest averaging 1120lhs. sold - for an overall price off 85.00,' Choice Exotic Heifers - 83.00 tp18740 with sales to 89.50 11 Choice Hereford Heifefs'. 80.00 to 84.00 Good Heifers • 76.00 to 80.00' -A heifer consigned'. by. Ron'Kestner of R.R.2, Mildmay weighing 1020 lbs. topped the Market att89.50 Two heifers'consigned by George.. Blake of Brussels weighing 1070 lbs. sold for 87.50 Witl?his lot nf 15 heifers averaging 10681bs. selling for an overall price of -85.28 Four hereford heifers consigned by Ross Hurst of Atwood averaging 1132 lbs. sold for 84.70. with his offering of 21 heifers averaging 1040 lbs. Selling for.:an overall price of 83.98 Sixteen heifers consigned by Ross Fitch of R.R•1, Wroxeter averaging 981 lbs. sold for an overall price of 83.29 • • • . A heifer 'consigned by Jones Farms of St. Water Well DRILLING W. D: Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell . Durl Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 73 Annual Meeting Family and Children's Services of HURON COUNTY DATE: Mardi 28, 1984 TIME: 2:00 P.M. , PLACE: qq,,6 Gloucester TerraceG�der ich, Ontario 11,. Public is cordially invited to attend. Mambrships available) at the door - '1.00. RD Store Cut MEDIUM CHEDDAR Reg. S3.09 Ib. 00\N 2.59 Ib. Great for Lunch Boxes MINI BABYBELS Reg. 3/51.00 '144/1.00 Dutch Style MINCED HAM Reg. 52.69 Ib. 014 2.19 lb. Aviateur PENCEES 725 g pkg. Reg. 51.29 0044 ■ ■ 9 ea. Dutch Style Smoked PORK SALAMI Reg. 53.29 Ib. 14°1%12.89 om2.89 lb. Hiller DUTCH RUSKS 110 g pkg. Reg. 79c each NO\N 2/1.00 08, MON. TUES., THURS. -• Open 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 9-9, SAT. 9-5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY • t RM SPJ ,w Marys weighing 127Qllts Seidler $9r001vifih h fe c li nQd by Blll Person their offering o 121100p av'erah ltig 993ibs. selling for 85.00 •,• A heifer consigned by •Mervin�Rodgers,of R.R.4, Durham weigiin 1050 ibs. sold for 87.00 with his lot of 10 heifers averaging'1007 lbs. selling for 85.25' . " A heifer consigned by J P Connell dF,S.pns of R.R,3, Palmerston,we`l�g 1n,811�5 1i)s sold for 87.50 with'their' ofteritig' gf 24 .mixed heifers averaging 1036 lbs.'selling 'far an overall price of 83.45 i . -•. A heifer consigned by Don Egan weighing Heavy Bulls traded.to a high of 8.006 990 lbs, sold for 88,7$ . 30 to 40-1b. pigs. traded to a high of, 30.75 Seven heifers consigned by Glen Johnston 40 to 50 -lb. pigs to a high of 3,7.75. of R.R.2, Bluevale averaging9781lis, s6l'd for . 50 to 60 -Ib.. pigs to a high of 40.25 84.50 i ,.. - 60 to 70-h, pigs to a high of 45.00 Gardening is new 4-H prosect • Learning to plant and, care for a garden ' choose what is grown ;in their garden, They will be the focal,point of a new 4-H project on-. must grow one new, vegetable which they gardening. ' have never cultiyated before. The project will also cover home and, farm Senior .members will be encouraged to Two el rs p sig of Ethel a!veraglhg #220'bs, s0d for 84,90 with his lot of 10 hefffers 'averaging 1089 lbs. selling for 83,08 Five heifers consigned byloyd Appleby of R.R.2, Blyth 4yeraguig 1. 4, lbs. sold for 83.35 - The cows were mainlymornin pews Choice Cows $4',00, to 58,00 with sales to 60.00 Good Cows 51.00 to 54;0,0 Cannery & Cutters. - 47,00' to 51. -1 . beaut ca on which will help Ontario to look its best as it celebrates its 20Qth Birthday in 1984. Members will learn how tobest • use the land in their garden_for the produce 'or. flowers theywant to grow. Soil Sampling mid testing wilbe done to show the young ebrtheirates ile w they can improve the growth P Solving weed and insect 'problems, and caring for lawns and shrubs will be covered in the club. Members will also learn haw to exhibit the vegetables. Members ,may 0.6 BRUCE SMITH Sales Rep el:entitive Mitchell Co-op Vora 130 Georgina Street Mitchell. Ont. Nidi 1Ne Rus: 34$4975 Res: 341:9975 co-opettoL . INSURANCE 'AND FINANCIAL SERVICES LIEN • NOMI•• AUTO • RUMNESS • TAM startsome perennial plants like a rose garden, a grapevineor rhubarb.,, The home and farlm,beautification section will involve taking "before" -and, ""after'i photographs. Most c1utui will start in April and finish at an -Achievement Day where. • metnbers will display' the "fruits of .their labor." Everyone will• be interested in the 4H Gardening Club. For mote information contact the. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office in Stratford, Ontario. 271.0280 or Clinton 482.328. Sun Life Assurance Company Of Canada =AND EINSURANCE PLANS, DEFERRED ANNUITIES INCOME TAX DEDUCT18LE FLEXIBLE N0 LOAD .R.R. S.P. NON-SMOKERS RATES AVAILABLE REP - 'Arnold Stinnissen 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Tel. 527-0410 THE ANNUAL' MEMBER of parliament dinner sponsored by the Huron ,County Federation of •Agriculture. was held In Clinton on March 10. In he photo, from left to right aro Hurbn Ceent Warden Tom Cunningham, HCFA vice-president Doug Garnlss, MP Murray Cardiff and MPP Murray Elston. SoiI' erosion (Continued from page Al2) "We have been hitting a' stone wall for several years en this issue and it remains a major concern in Huron County, "•said. Huron federation vice-president Doug Garniss. • "Mr. (Hon. Dennis) .Timbrell says the closing of the 20 per cent tax loophole has RECIPE OF THE WEEK LEPRECHAUN'S LIME DELIGHT 6 eg s - separated . '• Fine y grated rind of 1 lime 175 mL (34 cup) fresh lime juice 7 mL (1'/s cup), unflavored gelatin 2 mL ('/a tsp.) vanilla 12 packets Equal Garnish Weight Watchers whipped topping - 500 mL (1 pint) Fresh or frozen raspberries In the top of a double boiler, combine egg jelks, lime rind and 1/2 cup (125 mL) lime uice. Mix well and place over hot water. Stir and let mixture cook until slightly thickened. virtually stopped foreign buying. We hope he right•; -but our information is that south Huron and north Middlesex' may. be a new area. of absentee foreign buying while presently threatened areas in' north. Huron and south Bruce could face purchases again in the spring," he said. Meanwhile sprinkle gelatin over remaining '/a cup' (50 mL)' lime juice it will soften within a few minutes. When egg -lime juice mixture „has thickened, remove from hot water stir in •gelatin. Let cdoi to room temperature. Stir in vanilla and Equal. Beat egg whites until stiff, but not dry: Fold about ' a of the egg yolkmixture into the: beaten egg whites. 'then fod in remaining egg whites. Carefully pour mousse into a mould or wine glass, cover and chill until ready to serve. .Prepare 1 pint (500 mL) fresh or frozen raspberries. Wash, dry, hull, slice. $25MEN'S 'LEVI JEAN JACKETS 99 STUDENTS (Sizes 14-20) JEAN JACKETS $23 99. JR. BOYS (Sizes 7.12) JEAN JACKETS $2299 CHAMBRAY & MUSLIN SH Men's 1 8"siSBas'�q E"' $3' MENS RUGGER PANTS Z Purchase any ladies' regular priced brand name 1 jeans - SCRATCH -VISA -DANIEL HECHTER-FARINI etc. and \\get your choice of a spring blouse or T-shirt at 25 % off.) , ON SALE MARCH 14-24 GERRARD'S FASHION FAMILY CLOTHING WOODSTOCK • STRATHROY • ST. THOMAS EXETER . MITCHELL 9