HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-03-14, Page 924.CARD QFTHANKS We, the Seaforth District. High School Girls Marching Band, would like to thank all the businesses and organizations who lent their support to us over the past weeks. Thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion, Pizza'. 'Train, the Band Booster Chtb, and the ladies at the Sewing Centre. Also a special thanks toDiane Stevenson for all her hours ofhard work. Everything was very much appreciated. 24-11-1 THOMAS 1 watt to take this opportunity to thank my family, relatives, and friends for your kind concern shown by the many visits, cards, flowers, letters, . gifts andmephone calls 1 received while in Victoria Hospital, London, and since coming home. Special thanks to my daughter Ruth and son-in-law Roy in Stratford for their care in their home and to Phyllis Coleman for her kindness since I have been home, Your kindness will always be remembered, Verna Thomas 24-1-1-1 BENNEWIES My special thanks to the staff at Seaforth Community Hospital, also Dr. Underwood and Dr. Wong for their care and attention during my recent illness. My special thanks as well to Dr, Lindsay, Dr, Hussey and Dr. Scratch of Stratford and the staff at Stratford General Hospital. It was certainly appre- , ciated and always remembered. To my family and friends who remembered me in their prayers with visits, cards and gifts, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your hdlp in,; transportation and support for my wife Susan. We both thank you very yery much. ,: Edwin Bennevyies 24-11x1' OLDFIELD The family of the late Annie Oldfield wishes to express their sincere thanks.to relatives, friends and neighbours for 'cards, floral arrangements, donations to charitable or-- ness during our scent bereaveions and ment. Thankacts of s s to Mr. and Mrs. Max Watt of Box Funeral Home, Rev, Gordon Simmons, Drs. Hill and Tamblyu of ' Stratford,, Drs. Underwood and Brady , of Seaforth, Dr. Doorly of Huronview and E nursing staff. Special thanks to A.C.W. of St. dt Thomas, Seaforth and LOBA, members for G the lunch provided. Your" kindness will be B - remembered. The Family H • 24-11x1 • A IVIENHEERE W We Thank you neighbours, friends and relatives or your thoughtfulness, generosity, and help • T with the clean up of our recent fire. Your concern and kindness has helped us a great K deal. A special mention to the Seaforth Fire " Ti Brigade who came immediately and control- led the fire so no other buildings were " affected, We thank you very much. Words can say so little when everyone's done so ,much, Thank you. John, Karen, Steve, Dave and Paul Menheere w 24=11-1 D.Ri(SiCOLL. %•,would lilts to ex ass 1?f, my sincere thanks• to everyone; for the .cards; g1fts,„ lowers and visits while,, I' was•;~a anent .a% Unive city 191.147tal,.don andniso tor,my reccntrstay: eaforth Community blos'(? tat, Spe .ill thanks to,Ur, Malis andthe nursin "raft and doetat'3;ef,6th Boor and.to the`dttrsingk and .kite`hen staff.at SCH. Your thounhtfuiness will always be remembered, Tammy. D.lscoil • e24 -11x1 The fame. ii :of t SHELL Y h late Helmer &nilwish to. thank theirrelatiyes', friends8tid neighbours for :the ,floral tributes, meinorial denatietis,; cards"of sympathy and other acts of kindness, sdunaurs, ecial thankshown toto ups K:rig Rodneyrecent and losthe staSpff of Seatbith Community Hospital. Also thanks to: Rev, J. Vanslyke andthe ladies of Northside United Church. verything was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Margaret Snell 24.11x1 DALE We would like to. thank everyone who sent cards and to the elite of Seaforth for their thoughtfulness during our stay in hospital. Thank you, Alf and Loreen Dale, 24-11.1 The BEER ere hanks Beer or the kind ess showwish to express hem in the loss of their mother, 24.11-1 25.. IN MEMQRIAM McGRATH: In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother Harriett McGrath who was called home to Jesus March 15, 1974. Precious forever are memories of you, Today, tomorrow and all life through No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you are always there. Too dearly loved to be forgotten by Michael. Ina, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 26.11.1 LLIOTT: In memory of James Elliott who 'ed March 15, 1979 od took him home, it was His will ut in our hearts we love him still; is memory is as dear today s in the hour he passed away. often sit and think of him hen we are ail alone, For memory is the. only friend hat grief can call its own. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by en and Deb and granddaughters Tammy, acy and Kimberly, 25-11x1 MODELAND The family of the late John W. Modeland wish to thank all who came to.express.their sympathy in our loss. Thanks to the metlibers of the Masonic Lodge and the Lion's Crub.'t311 USED railway ties. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. De- livered semiload lots only, (450 minimum). Reas6nably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627 office hours. 10.10-02 1981 Kawasaki Drifter 440 ISM f,189. Phone after? p.m. 887-6701. - 10-10x2 "' STEEL buildings. Straight wall. I-beam constructed factory clearance. Save up to 40%. Limited quantities. Act now and save. No reserves, Call toll-free. Argus Steel 1.800-268.0822, 10.11-01 USED railway ties. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semi - load lots only. (450 minimum), asonably priced. Phone (204) 725.2627, offic hours, 10-11-01 CLEARANCE SALE: New and used towers, rotors, boosters, antenna wire, fittings and arts. First come, first served. 4 new systems a liable. e.g,40' new system. $400.00 co ete. Call 27.1292after 6p.m. 10-11.3 TRUCKLOADS of slabs and edgings from our sawmill. 11.3, Dungey & Sons, Mitchell. 348-8477. 10-02-tf PIANO REFINISHING and repairs in your home or trade-in your piano. for one restored like new. Village Pianos, Elmira, Winter Special. Phone collect (519) 669-2198. Call now for big savings. 10-11-01 BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and save at. Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy. 04 north of Clinton, 1'/2 mile south of. Londesboro. Watch for our sign. By the case or by the pound. Cali collect 523-9508. 10.11-1 SETTEE, C 1880; carved mahogany and rosewoodinlays, turned legs, three seat, very good condition, damask upholstery. Offers over $600 only.' 527-1860 Seaforth, evenings. 10.11.1 SOPHIE'S GOWN SHOPPE. The Bridal Specialists in the Bridal Business for over 30 years. One of the largest selection of gowns for the Bride, Bridesmaids, Mothers. Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 9-5:30; Thursday, Friday 9-9. 160 York Street, Downstairs at Richmond London, Ontario. Look for the red awning. / 10.11-01 DAY OLD CHICKS and starter pullets, heavy meat type and brown egg layers. Roe Chick Inc. ?:fox 118, Atwood, Ontario 356-2222, 10.10-4 UP TO 10% REBATE on most farm replacement chains and aprons shipped by March 23, 1984. Check with your local dealers or buy direct from Ontario's foremost independent supplier of genuine chain parts at low, no -name prices. Bauman Mfg. Ltd., R.R. 1 Waterloo, Ont. N2J 4G8 (519)885-0912. 10-10-02 12 varieties of brown baby chicks; heavy meat, 3 week old capons. Small orders our sedalty. Delivery guaranteed. Bonnie's Chick Hatchery Box, -154, Elmira, Ontario N3B 2Z6 (519) 669-2561, tee, 10-10-03 2,000 bales of 'clean wheat straw. .80 per bale. Phone 887-6444. =„ 10.10-2 DOUBLECUTred clover seed. mixed grain. mingo and Rodeo barley, all suitable for seedd. Priced right. Contact. Robert Fother- inghant.482-9196. 10-09x3 DOUBLE cut red clover seed. Birka barley Call Ervin Keyes, 262-5367. _ 10.06-12 11. WANTED TO BUY GOOD used Electrolux 1, shampoo, r. 482-9574. 11-11-2 BEEF type calves, one week -two months old. 345-2017, 11-11-1 PIANO WANTED: Not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. 11-01xtf 14. PROPERTY for SALE HOUSE for sale by owner. Ranch style on Isabelle St., Seaforth. 4 or 5 bedrooms, finished basement, corner lot. Phone 527-0582. 14-10-3 COUNTRY HOME; Newry, Brussels area. 3 bedrqom bungalow with new 11/2 storey addition. Cali Marlene Lindsay 347-2919. 14.11-i2 15. PROPERTYfor RENTI HOUSE FOR RENT: Three bedroom duplex, private entrances, carpeted, clean, central location. 527-0962 or 527-0353 evenings. 15-10x2 ONE bedroom apt., heated, newly decor- ated, immediate possession. 527-0885 ..15-10-tf THREE bedroom brick home, lovely large lot, ideal forrden enthusiasts, very private, setting. Brrucefreld. Available June 1 with early gardening privileges. 482-9890. 15-10-2 3 bedroom mobile home on large private scenic lot, % mile from town, Stove and fridge supplied. S200.00 monthly. Phone 527-1507. 15-09-4 3 Available March m house, 15. Phone 527close to 1822tafter six p.m. 1S -10x2 TENDER SCHOOL BUSES Sealed tenders will be received by D.R- Miller. Superintendent of Operations, for the supply of six (4) new school buses. Tender closing effective 12 o'clock noon, Monday. Marco 26, 1i>tt, Specifications and tender forms are avollable at the Board Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RA.. Cunninphcint- TransportationManager THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO, E. FRAl,YNE Chair4,an e R.S. ALLAN Director FOR RENT in Seaforth a i ;, bedrogm apt, newty renovated. Available immediately. Cali 262.3146 after 5. p m. 15;11.1 3 bedroom home available immediately. Asking $275.00, Phone 527-1577, 15.11.1 THREE bedroom brick 'withhouse garage. 1'/Phone smiles north of Seaforth, Pho 527.0676. 15-11-1 TWO bedroom apartment for rent, Available now, 527-1637, • 15- 11-2 THREE bedroom house. 527.0840, 15-11 x 1 • AVAILABLE May ] heated cozy upper 1 bedroom;apartmentlose to stores, $185.00 er month. Phone 527-1507. , • 15-11-tf TO RENT f17.VVANTED 200 to 300 acres of land. 'Call 887-6870 Brussels area. 17.11-1 WANTED to rent, cash crop land. Phone M & T Farms, Kippen, 262-6068 or 262-6018. ,17-03-13 CASH CROP land. Ervin Keyes 262-5367, 17.10.4 J.18.FORREN FLOOR sanders for rent. B. & M. and Sales. Wingham. 357-1666. Rentals 18-45.tf 119. NOTICE THE Seaforth Dental Office, formerly of 6 Main Street South is now relocated at 10 Franklin St. For appt. phone 527-1442. 19.11.1 ARE you living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help, 527.1650, 19.11.1 PREGNANT and distressed? Married or single. Free confidential support. Cali collect Birthright 432.7197 or after 6 p.m. 527-0115. 19-11-3 FREE 128 page career guide shows how to Crain at home for 205 top paying full and part-timeobs.. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 19-11-01 20. AUCTION SALES GIGANTIC Farm Equipment Monthly Clear- ance and Consignment auction. Friday March 23, 1984 10 a.m. sharp. Sale herd fourth Friday of each month. New and used equipment including approximately 75 trac- • tors, some industrial. equipment, Skid Steer Loaders, Trucks, Seeding Equipment -and over 200 pieces of all types of farm equipment, plus lawn andarden tractors. Special .note, this sale features several consignments from area farmers. plixt an excellent lineup of our own invent Trucking available to anywhere in Can terms Cash or good cheque day of sale. responsible for accidents on property. Lu bj?ot f onounTractors actors sett .at appppt rtiatelF1?30 p.irir °At fibifber's:'Cliff'Gil and Alex Parr. One of Ontario's fa growing monthly farm equipment cons ment auctions. Wayne Ward Farm E ment, Hwy. 06, Wiarton, Ontario. P (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. 20-11 ada: Not nch ajwho ge)tl fl0W.eRs find donation gto,variot}s, bort "; organizations in his memory. The ladleseyli stest sent food to us at the house and la ?tied_ r ten- Rev. Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa "\rho Eq , was so very understanding and w'hoscSe-r'vice Ph was so much appreciated. Thankg -to the -01 pallbearers, flowerbearers, the'Iadies who i served lunch at the church and of course Ross , Ribey and Ab Whitney, Irene E. Henderson 24-11-1 124:CARD OF THANKS 1 CUDMORE 1 would like to thank Dr. Hanlon and the grand nurses on second floor of Wingham and District Hospital for such good care. Thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for flowers. visits, cards, treats and phone calls. These were very much appreciated. Peggy Cudmore 24-11-I TOWNSEND 1 would like to thank my family and friends' for flowers, gift's, cards and phone calls while 1 was a patient in Clinton and University hospitals and since returning home. Elmer Townsonkf 24- 11 x 1 LOOBY 1 would like to express my sincere apprecia- tion to my family, relatives and friends for flowers, cards and visits while 1 was a patient in Stratford General Hospital and Victoria Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Payne, Dr. Quinlanand Dr. Cape and the hospital staffs 'or their excellent care, as well as to Fr. Carrigan and Fr. Williams. All is deeply appreciated and will be long remembered. Joseph E. Looby 24-11.1 KERSLAKE 1 would like to thank all my family. relatives and friends for flowers, cards. visits and inquiries during my stay in University Hospital. Carter Kerslake 24-11-1 BEUERMAN Sincere thanks to everyone for the flowers, gifts, cards, phone calls, and visits while 1 was in the hospital and since coming home" Thanks to everyone who sent food to the house for Bill and the kids and to Joanne Maloney for all her help. Dianne Beuerman 24-11-1 We wish to take his opp unity to thank the neighbours for helping with the chores and everyone who brought food to our home during our recent bereavement. Everything was greatly appreciated. John, Leona, Brian and Dianne Oldfield 24.11x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOSEPH P. LITTLE All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Perch Little late of the Village of Blyth in the County of Huron, who died on the 12th day of January, 1984.are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of April, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 5th day f March, t 84. MeCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAtJX & SMITH Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor MILLER Thank you Dr. Underwood, -Die Rodney, Dr. Malkus and nursing staff for your excellent care while a patient in Seaforth Hospital and to Dr. Pass, and his staff in University Hospital, London and also for3V,O.N. visits. Thanks to all who visited me, the many cards, letters, flowers, gifts received. Special thanks to the many acts of kindness shown toward my family while 1 was in hospital and since my ' return home. All this care was greatlyappreciat,d, Marion E. Miller Staffa 24.1 Ix! SILLS My thanks to evtryone for their kindness and thoughtfulness during my stay at Seaforth Community Hospital, Thanks to Dr. Rodney and to the nurses. Also to the Chaplain oCithe week for his pastoral visit. Cora Sills 24-11-1 LAND FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH 1 Parcel Containing: Approx, 12,508 sq. ft. 1 Parcel Containing: Approx. 7,229sq. ft. 527,0964 TENDER For the operation of the Food Concession Booth, plus several related compliment- ary concessions, at Parkhill Conserva- tion Area, R.R.48, Parkhill, Ontario, All tenders to be clearly marked "Conces- sion" and in the hands of Authority officials ne later than 12 noon, March 29, 1984. For more detailed information, contact: TED JONES, General Superintendent AUSABLE-BAYFiELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 459, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Telephone: (S1912354610 i Township of Grey . GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed, clearly marked tenders are now being received for Abe. `purpose of ,rushing, haii''!tng :r id, Fsprtading of p 'mate $P lY 27,000 cu, yds, more of tela of 5/8" Granular"A" Gravel for the roads in the north half of the Township 61 Grey. Work to be completed by June 15, 1984 to the satisfaction of the Township Read .Superintendent:. The contractor to be responsible for any rules or regulations which may be applicable tinder the Pits and Quarries Act. Apply to thea ndersigned for contract forms. Tenders must he accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid and will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 P.M. Friday, March 30, 1984 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders are subject to the approval of M.T.C. • ROY WILLLAMSON Road Superintendent Township of Grey SALE BY TENDER FARM PROPERTY East V. of Lot 29, Concea ion 14 Township of /fibbed I" Cent:airbag 75 Acres More or Less Pursuant to Power of Sale under mortgage, sealed tenders marked "Tender re East %'s of Lot 29, Concession 14, of the Township of Hibbert" will, be received by the undersigned Solicitors for the Mortga- gee up to 12:00 noon on Monday the 19th dray of March, 1984, for the purchase of the above described lands. with a closing date of April 18th. 1984. The property, -containing approaiimately 75 acres; More or less is located approximately 4 miles northeast of Exeter and approximately 2 miles southeast of Hensel]. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be . accepted. No person shall retract a tender before notification of acceptance or rejection of the tender. Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque, payable to LITTLE & EVANS, iN TRUST in the amount of 10% of the amount•offered which will be returned if the tender is not accepted. Tenderswill only be accepted subject to conditions of sale which are available from the undersigned. Further informa- tion may be obtained by contacting the undersigned, LiTTL-E & EVANS Barristers & Solicitors 493 Main Street, South jP.®- Box 1750 Easter, Ontario NOM ISO (5191235-0670 MUNRO11n 14virilk memory of a another and. ,grandmother Ella Munro, who died 1 year ago, Mitcclt 11, 1983,` If gIi r ail the world to give, I'd give ' yes, `and more 1 hear her voice and see her smile;, And greet her at my door. But all 1 can' do, dear•' mom, Is go .and tend your grave And leave behind tokens of love, To the best mother God ever made, 11,14 to think, When Life is dohs. Wherever heaven may be, : That te'Il be standing at -the door. Up there to welcome me, 'Sadly missed and always remembered by John, Janet, Jered, Nicole and Danielle, 25.11x! SMITH: In loving; emory of a dear uncle Glen Franklin Suitt who passed away March 13, 1983, Forever remembered and sadly missed by Karen and Kevin. 25-11x1 AUCTION REMINDER Self propelled combine, four, tractors, modern farm machinery, 10 be held at Lot 2 Concession 13 Hultett Township, 1% miles south and 5'4 miles east of Blyth, Ont. for Andre Lammerant, Thursday March 22 at 1 p.m. SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL LISTING , AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB Clinton 519.4824898 OWNER: ANDRE LAIVII4IERAiNT Phone 519.523.9406 Owner or auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents day of sale. ELLIOTT-a' 410 ''Iovin 'memory of a dear husband Jairthes W, l lliott who passed„ ttway five, years ago March.l5,-1979, Sometinfes'an old fashioned song Brings me a thought of you Sometimes a flower as 1' pass along Or a sky that is azure blue Or a silver lining in'tl�a clouds When the sun is peepin through Lovingly remembered by Virginia. 25-11- I SMITIF in; loving memory of a dear brother Glen Smith whopassed away March 13, 1983. Memories 'are like threads of gold They never tarnish or grow old Sadly missed. by his sister Agnes wrier, 25.11x1 RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-1898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. MAR. 17, 10 a.m. Round table, furniture and appliances to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, for Vera Jackson, Egmondville plus additions. THURS. MAR. 22, 1 p.m. Combine 4 tractors, machinery for Andre Lammer- ant,1 % miles south and 5'/, miles east of "Blyth, Ont_ SAT. MAR.24,10 a.m. Farm machinery consignment auction at Lobb Brothers , 'Auction'Yetde Hayfield • Road. .Clintonee Ont. , THURS. APRIL 5, 10:30 a.m. Combine three tractors, farm machinery for Lloyd Squire, 314 north and % mile east of Mitchell, SAT. APRIL 7, at 10130 a.m. Three combines, three tractors, machinery , for Allan Haugh Farms, 1% miles east of Brucefield, Ont. TUES. APRiL 10, at 10130 a.m. Combine three tractors, farm machinery for Dalton Steinbach, 2'/i miles north and two mites west of •Mitchell, Ont. TIlURS, APRIL 12 at 1 p.m. Combine; swather, four tractors, farm machinery for Art and Ross Smote, five miles south of Dublin anch2'/ miles west, SAT. APRIL 14 at 1 p.m. Combine, two tractors, farm machinery for Ron Ryan. 1% miles west and 2'/, mites north of Dublin, Ont. SAT. APRIL 21 at 10 a.m. Tractors, chicken equipment, household effects, lumber for Stanley Enright, three miles north of St. Marys on East River Road, SAT. APRIL 28 at 10 a.m. Household sale for John Modeland estate at Lobb Auction Barn. Clinton. Ont. AUCTION SALE Round dining table, furniture, photo copier. appliances, office desk. glass- ware, tools etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction, Clinton, Ontario ,for Mrs. Vera Jackson of Egmondville pros several additions. Saturday, March 17 at 10 a.m, Round dining table with octagonal centre pedestal with claw feet, six oak dining chair's and buffet, Wes inghouse frost free fridge. Frigidaire 30 inch electric stove, Frigidaire au matic clothes washer. Frigidaire harves gold clothes dryer, two three piece bed m suites, 3M photo copier. double ped tal office desk w/locking drawers. mo ern chesterfield and chair, recliner c air. Zenith floor model colour TV. Eureka vacuum cleaner w/attachments: daven- port couch, dehumidifier, humidifier. Eureka carpet sweeper; chrome table and four chairs, wooden dining table w/leaf and 4 chairs;'tound kitchen table w/4 chrome chairs, night table. card table, small table with drawer, floor lamps, table lamps, ironing board. record player, tin shelves, step stool. lawn lounge, lawn chairs, 2 alumittumn step ladders, end tables. dishes and glassware including some antiques, pots and pans, electric guitar, Craftsman skill saw, jig saw, three electric drills, wood chisels, small vise. two battery fencers, drill bits. saw blades plus our usual Targe offering too numerous to mention. TERMSCASH AUCTIONEER=- RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 A MORE ON NEXT PAGE LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONSALE Combine, trucks, tractors, farm machin- ery, some tools, etc. to beheld at Lobb Brothers Machinery Auction Yard. Bay- field'°Road, Clinton, Ont. Major consign- ments from Glen Barker, RR#2 Seaforth, Maul Cook, RR#1 Clinton plus local farmers, dealers and Peat - Marwick trustee to sell equipment from bankrupt- cy. Saturday,; March 24 at 10 a.im. • FROM GLEN BARKER: 1972 Dddge 500 truck, Vbfive speed with Parkhurst 13 ft. grainbody wooden floor front mount pole hoist, 42,000 miles, selling certified; Case 600 self propelled annabine with cutter bar head. Innes pick up • straw chopper, two 'row ;wide cairn.herd. international #56 four raw corn plater in good condition, MF 1080 diesel tractor w/cab, hydraulic outlets recent engine overhaul. International 710 three furrow. semi mount 18 inch bottom plow with materna lc' reset. International 45 vibra shank 1 , ft. wing trailenItivator, MF model 33` run seed drill. 5 section diamond,har ws with pole.; " FROM 1'A COQ(: Pont Jubilee tractor, MP, iesel'fracier w/multi- power homema a cab; zee an front end loader w/hy bucket, 14x28 chains, MF#10 PTO hay baler. 6 ft. single auger snowblower; international 130 double beater PTO manure spreader, 5 ton Martin wagon. Cockshutt 411 seed dhll, • two furrow trail plow. MF 9 ft, 3 point hitch t h disc; Ford two furrow wide bottom mounted.plow, MF 10 ft. 3 point hitch nWli tie TS85 Y id �Boisi8 hp}id tag latirn.s tractorw/34" cut, electricstart: flat rack 1 year old on wagon. Smoker gravity bin: 28 plate trail disc. Speed King 40 ft x 6" grain auger, Geo. White 30 ft. has and grain elevator, 4 section diamond harrows w/pole, McCormick #7 hay horse mower, cement mixer w/electric motor, New Holland 66 hay baler, 225 Lincoln welder. FROMPEAT MARWICK: John Deere 1120 diesel tractor w/model 145 3D loader, John Deere FB -B 15 run seed drill. 2`ftat racks, gravity bin on John Deere wagon, Maurer type 4 row bean puller. Listen four row bean windrowcr w/cross convenyor; New Holland 67 hay baler, New Holland 325 manure spread- er; Allied 36 ft x 6" auger. John Deere 640 side rake. John Deere 1240 four mw corn planter. OTHER CONSIGNORS PARTIAL LIST- ING: 1968 Dodge truck with 5 speed trans. new tires and" paint. as is; 1971 Chev '/. ton truck, as is. Speedy front mount six row bean puller with dividers: tunes six row bean windrower w/centro discharge; Century 400 gal saddle tanks w/certrtfugal pump and electric con- trols; John Deere 6 R. three blade belly mount mower; Lily one ton trail fertilizer spreader; IHC 4 row bean puller fits on IHC stuffier model 401, Hergott 12 0. cultivator, 13 ft. double land packer. Geo. White 400 saddles w/hypro roller pump, AC 200016" six furrow automatic reset plow, DMI 5 furrow adjustable semi movant plow, J.D. 800 self propelled 12 ft. swather pick up reel, water cooled engine, Allis Charmers 500 four row adjustable corn planter, W i insecticide boxes. AC 2000 three furrow semi - mount automatic reset plow. AC 330 six row narrow planter w/insect- icide boxes, FM radio set, three rears old with one base two mobile 25 Watt Johnston model PPL 6000. 18.4 x 34 duals, Case 1830 Uni loader. Innes 570 windrower w/cross conveyor. Henry 4 row winder w/crass conveyor, 2 New Holland 512 manure spreaders. MF26A 15 run seed drill. 12 ft- Deagleman blade for four wheel drive tractor. John Deere 430 gas w/three point hitch. JD 4630 John Deere 2130 diesel w/cab, IHC 454 w loader. DB 1200 w/cab. White 1755 w/cab, DB 1210, DB 950, DB 1212 cab and pa.. MF 4080 w/cab. Selene 5 hp riding 'newer, ialF 7 riding lawn tractor" TOOLS AND SHOP EQUIPMENT: Ho- bart 300 amp DC portable welder w /gas engine. 150 ft. of cable, Lincoln 350 DC welder. 550 volt. Hobart 250 DC welder, 500 volt, selection of bolts, roller chain bearings. pulleys. 60 torr hydraulic press. 10 new tarps,' 10x10, 12x20, 20x20, 10x20, 15x20. two new 16 speed 5/8 drill presses w/electric motors. combination wrench sets. socket sets. 2 new bench grinders. NOTE: LISTING SUBJECT TO ADDI- TIONS AND DELETIONS, Plan to attend this good sale. TERMS CASH LABS BROTHERS AUCTIONS Richard Lobb, Auctioneer, 519-482.9898 Fred Lobb, Sale Manager, 519-482-34tt')