HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-03-14, Page 87 TOWN ifCOMING EVENTS L.O.B,A. Euchre, Monday, March 19 at 2 P.m. Oran Hall. 1-11-1 Orange "THE TOTAL LOOK OF '84", Glamour looks plus colour plus fashions Brucefield Centennial School, April 28, at 1 "p m. Adm. $4.00. Advance tickets only. 482-9153 or 262-2421. 1-11-1 COMING to SeaferthLibrary; Friday, March 16, 2 p.m. "This can't be happening at MacDonald Hall", by Cascade Theatre,, Plays suitable to grades 4-8. Free admission. Funding by Outreach Ontario. 1-11-1 APPRECIATION and Farewell.for• Ken and • Grace Wilbee, Friday, March 23/84, 9.1 m. Listowel legion Auditorium. ian Wilbee Orchestra. Lunch provided. '11-1 EVERYONE WELCOME! Big blow out fitness class March 21, 7:30-8:30 at Vanastra Rec Centre, Kick out winter and ring in spring. Instructor Barb Alkemade. 1-11-2 FIDDLERS JAMBOREE at Seaforth and District Community Centres, Sunday, March 25, 1-8 p.M. Adults- $2.50, Students 51.00. Children 'Under 12,Free, Sponsored by The Van Egmond Foundation. 1.11-1 FESTIVAL Singles Dance, Saturday, March 17th, Stratford Fairgrounds (Annex Bldg). Dancing 9-1..Live band and lunch, 1-11-1 HURON -BRUCE Federal P.C. Association Annual Meeting and fund-raising dinner. Hon: John Crosbie guest speaker. South Huron Recreation Centre, Wed. April 4, 1984. Tickets 520.00 per person available from Betty Cardno.527-1102. 1-11-2 SINGLES: Dances every Friday night at Twin Gables Tavern, 130.. Arcyle $t. Listowel. 9 till 1 a.m, No jeans. Featuring Mike Kraft and The Country Charm. Snacks and refreshments. 1-06-tf CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card Si. Restricted to 16 years or over, 15 regular games of 515.00; 55' least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200 must go each week. 1144-tf BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, R.R. #5, Clinton, 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51; 15 regular games of 520; 3 Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-44-tf SEE two fun plays, coming to Blyth Memorial Hall. "The Shortest Distance aetwenn'Twd Points" by 'Keith Roulsten, March,. 15,E . 16,, .17, 8:30 p.m. ' The Vaudevillains:' by Peter Colley, April 19 20, 21. Subscription for both shows just $12.00. Single ticket 57,50. Call the Theatre Circle 523-9713 or the Blyth Centre for the Arts Box Office, 523-9300. 1-09-3 ALPINE SPLENDOR: Land of-Luther-Ober- ammetgau tour, Sept. 10 to 25, 1984. Karl and Mary Schuessler, hosts. Write or phone for brochure, Bornholm, NOK 1AO. 345-2683 1-10-tf ODDFELLOWS and Rebekah Euchre, Tues. March 27, at 8:00 p.tn. Oddfellows Hall. Lunch provided. Note: Change of date. 1-10-3 1 2. LOST, STRAYED YELLOW LAB in Tuckersmith Township area. Family pet. Any information please call 262-5279. 2-11.1 4. HELP WANTED BABYS111 hit NEEDED: Resyunaible and reliable person to come in to our home to look after a 2 yr. old and 5 mos. old, starting in May. Some shift hours involved. Light household duties, optional. Phone Pat Gillis, 7-6009. 4-10x3 "The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES being held at the Seaforth Hospital commencing Monday, March 26, 1984. The cost is 55.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 10, 1984. For pre -registration for further information. please call the Health Unit office at'527.12.43." ,4'. HELP WANTED WANTED Applications for someone to count dogs and collect dog tax In the TOWNSHIP OF GREY Price to be pald Is $2.50 per dog counted and 'dog' tags solei. Applications to close March 19, 1984 et 12 Noon. JANE BADLEY, A.M.C.T. Clerk Treasurer Township of Grey 4. HELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREER. Become a profes- sional:trans "Ott driver. Contact Mery Orr's, Kingston Iii,, 549-3914; Toronto' (416) 251-.9073;, �igiwe (613) 523-3489; London : North Bay (519)705 472-2910; 4 1�72G ) 32 1 Thunder Bay '(807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-3351. Member B,B.B ,,- 4-10-04 BABYSITTER required in Dublin for shift work, 345.2848." 4-11-4 PHARMACIST, Ontario licensed. No Sun- days or holidays. Salary negotiable. Send resume to Drawer 59 c/o Goderich Signal Star, Post Office Box 220, Goderich, Ontario _N7A4B6. 4-11-01 TRUCKING CAREER. Becomea profession- al transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's, Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) .251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Rav (807) 623=8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-3351. Member•:B.B.B. 4-11-01 WANTED: Drainage,plow operator. Must be fully experienced and quality, conscious. Call Tom Inglis 528-6495 after 7 p.m. 4-11-2 EDITOR required for large Eastern Ontario Weekly Newspaper. Location is in the heart of recreational area offering wide variety of activities including skiing, hunting, fishing. Good compensation plan, Successful' appli- cant will be a leader with strong writing, reporting and layout skills and will want to participate in news coverage. Apply imme- diately to •Che Record News, P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ontario. K7A 4TI Attention: Publishing Manager. 4-11-01 BABYSITTER required immediately for 1 yr. old in Seaforth or Hensall area. Not required for the summer months. If interested please call Joan Wood at 527.0194. 4-11-1 EXTRA INCOME selling from your home. Canadian made water distiller for manufac- turer retailing $239.50. Profit 5100 plus. No investment necessary. LBH Industries, 116 Viceroy Rd. C-9, Concord (Toronto) Ontario, L4K 2M3(416)661-1142,494-9849. 4-11-01 EARN extra cash in spare time. Rawleigh Products needs distributors in your area. Phone collect 519-627-1337 after 6 p.m. 4-08-4 5. BUS. OPPORTUNITY RN $196 investinentinto 540,000 annual income. Exciting business opportunity mark- eting new revolutionary foods and related products. Full or part-time. Phone Huron ,Leaf(519)291=4445. - 5-11-01 L6.SITUAT1ONSWANTED 1 PERSONAL income tax returns prepared. Reasonable rates. Phone Mary Lou Blake, 887-9563 after 6 p.m. 6-08-9 I 7.FARM STOCK ONE purebred landrace boar. 523-4364. 8-11x2 FuepplaatOit Furnace(Lta� and 24 HOUR SSERVICE Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-3'/: miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats process- ed exactly the way you like it. DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 420 Main Street, South, Exeter Phone 235-2966 Tuesday - Friday 9-5 THYS BLOMBERG, D -T FARMERS Think ng about building a new barnor drive -shed or fixing your existing buildings? PHONE: RAY UMBERS CONSTRUCEON R.Rdy2 at ta® 482-3308 FREE ESTIMATES��� BACUERT MEATS CUSTOM KILLING Cutting & Wrapping FR�NG K LLDAY ON TUESDAY All meat Gov't, Inspected on`the farm 1 MILE EAST OV WALTON 557-9328 7.FARM STOCK, HYBRID GILTS: York 'X landrace, open or bred. Also R.O.P. tested and 'health approved, purebred Durec, York, Landrace and crossbred boars. Phone Brandy Point Farms, Kurt and Willy Kellar, R.R. #1 Mitchell 348-8043 or'348-9753. 7-49.52 HOLSTEIN grade . heifers, springers and four fresh ones. Also bull calves. 3452209. 7-10-2 ELEVEN quality cross bred steers, two beef heifers and one holstein heifer for sale, , approx. 600 lbs. Phone 262-3207 mornings or evenings. 7.11x1 FULL quota fresh and springing holstein cows for sale. Ca11345-2017. 7-11.1 FARMERS %.ANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment - times still available torocess 83 Tax Returns in your home. Farm 'Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. E. London, N5V 2Z9. Call toll-free 1-800-265-1002. In business year- round helping farmers for over 32 years. • 7-11-01 [8. FARM'M`ACHINERY INTERNATIONAL 4 row air planter complete with gandy insecticide boxes. Always kept stored, $2500 or best offer. 527.0596. 8-11=1 C9. USED CARS '59 Ford Galaxie 500, 4 dr. V8, needs exhaust and minor _work for verification, 5800 or best offer. '76 Chevy Impala, V8, 51100 as is. '69 Dodge Charger 4404auto,. , Good shape, 52100 as is, Phone 527-1701 after 6p.m. , 9-09-3:• MAKE MORE MONEY WORKING OVERSEAS iN COUNTRIES LIKE' U.S.A., KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA, •' ETC. ALSO ALASKA AND N.W.T. • PERMANENT/TEMPORARY WORK- ERS NEEDED ARE TRADESPEOPLE, LABOURERS PROFESSIONALS, ETC. FOR FULL Ir4FO SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO: - Box727, Station "F" Toronto, Ontarly M4Y 2N6 TOTAL STOCK CLEARANCE SAonLE r, TREMCLAD and REZ PRODUCTS 35-45% off• Campbell's rown Hardware 527-1420 DOUGLAS JACOB Auctioneer Farm, ltusehold & Real Estate Phone 393-6214 Sebringville, Ont HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 1:30 p. m. All classes Of -livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Henson Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton Geo. A. Sills & Sons MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING A EI.EGTRICAL 'CONTRACTORS Phone Home - 527-1620 Hardware Seaforth OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY MARCH 17, 1984 2P.M.TDSP.M. Satisfy your eurtssify! COUNTRY FAMILY HOME AND BARN ALMOST 3 ACRES 1 MILE WEST OF SEAFORTH WATCH FOR SIGNS Cen/U W131 rr ' Ili ALL POINTS REALTY INC. likr Member erotrer 0. ARTICLES FOR SALE QUANTITY of barn boards7ft.long; red area 12.348.8771. rug lox 10-11x1 UP to 10% rebate on most farm replacement chains and aprons shipped by March 23, 1984. Check with your local dealers'or buy direct from Ontario's foremost independent supplier of genuine chain parts at low, no -name prices. Bauman Mfg: Ltd., R.R. 1 Waterloo,. Ont: N2J 4G8. (519) 885.0912. 10-11-01 12 Varieties of brown baby. chicks; heavy meat 3 week oil capons; small orders our sppecialty. Delivery guaranteed. Bonnie's Chick Hatchery,Box ,154, Elmira, Ontario N3B 2Z6(519)69.2561 • 10.11-01 ay., 4:30 OPO4. *Way „through Friday 4 ` 9 a.tn. - 7 p.:p. Sa 'a - Iiit,on Ito, twos laidy 10 4 p.m. MLS REALTOR, .117,.,Ohtarlo,St.. .275,28%21` Coit�tact our Iliaddkrislon for all our real entlal and ru rel Ilstings PERCY SdHNEWER':656.2927 OItVAL DIEHI. 273.0475 LOUIS VON EUW 393.6460. PETER McNAMARA 393.5540 WORKMAN HEAL ESTATE LTD. AL E S,TI 'TE 4r LTD -This3 bedroom; 1 floo6'home is located` on a large to; at 48 Et;st William St.. within ;easy walking distance to down town. The house is comjrletely renovated throughout and very modern, featuring gas heat, a wood strive, dishwasher, • formal dining room and much more. All '.this for only 535,000.00 POWELL REALTY LTD REALTOR FINISHING OPERATION* Atwood, 96 rtes, ' clttiacitY' for 700 'hogs. Two Harvestore silos. FARROW TO FINISH: Exeter area. 95 acres systematically tiled. Excellent house and buildings. 80 sow capacity. Harvestore silo. ZURICH: 50 acres, no buildings. BEEF/CASH CROP: Usborne Township `295 acres, good house and buildings. On paved road. HOG OPERATION: Zurich, 200 acres, with house. TWO 100 ACRE PARCELS: Side by side In Hibbert Township. One with stone house, 2nd particel with hog operation. PAVED ROAD: Fullarton, 98 acres, hog operation plus house. PETER BERENDSEN Men [5191666-1010 Rea. 229.8804 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLL HENRY MERG 527.0430 BARGAIN, BARGAIN, BARGAIN: 2 ac. near St. Columban, 3 bedroom house, only $15,000.00 50 ACRES: McKillop Twp., systematic- ally tiled, no buildings, 565.000.00 NEW LISTING: Market St. Fine begin- ner home, 2 bedroom aluminum sided in excellent condition. 529,500.00 NEW LISTING: 2 bedroom mobile home at Heritage Estates, 58,000.00. NEWLISTLNG:3 bedroom bungalow, 10 years old, excellent condition. Large lot. 541,500.00 1600 SQ, FT.: split level on 1 ac. lot,. large workshop, close to Seaforth. HERITAGE HOME: 5 bedroom solid brick home, 2 fireplaces, garage, double lot, excellent condition. Call for appoint- ment. REDUCED TO S150,000.00: 31 acres, 7 year old brick ranch home overlooking 3 stocked trout ponds. WINTHROP: 31/2 acres, 4 bedroom house, $45,000.00. 200 ACRES: Hullett Twp., excellent home, beef barn, 5245,000.00. REDUCED TO 521,500.00: Welsh St. 3 bedroom home, good condition, large lot. NEW HOME: 3 bedroom brick. 5 level split in Egmondville. WITSON ST.: 11/2 storey 4 bedroom home in excellent condition. 549;000.00 3 BEDROOM:: SOLDcelient condi- tion, highway I at Seaforth. EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bung- alow with me room. 533,900.00 iMeKILLOP TWP.:5 ac. with 3 bedroom home'and 50 sow barn. Only 545,000.00' COUNTRY HOME: 4 mi. from Seaforth, triple brick, 3 bedrooms, very nice. HULLETT TWP,i 2 sc. on #8 highway, 3 bedroom house. 529,900.00 APPROXIMATELY 2 ACRES of vacant land in Seaforth. Call for details. REDUCED: To 565,000.00 4500 sq. ft. commercial building in Seaforth. Ideal for Tight industry etc., large lot. 2 TROUT PONDS: 80 acres, small cottage, very picturesque. 5100,000.00 HENRY MEROS27-0430 1 MAUREEN WItDFONG Res. 482-3224 BRIAN POTTER 4- Res:'.357-3622 NEW LISTING: George ;St. Egmond- ville, custom built brick Bungalow, formal dining, 3 bedrootiisgas heat, plaster walls. Double garage. 1555,000.00 - • NEW LISTING: Cozy '2 bedroom bungalow, 18 years old, full basement, gas heat, spacious • lot.545,000.00, NEW LISTING: Egtridtidville, 3 bed - robot, one floor "home, laundry ,hand family room ott`'inattl,,"patio, single garage, $46,500,00, •50:ACRES: Hull t0 workable, no buildinf{s, ceO`'• 'NORTH MAIN: ,Mai a6"'offer on this •11/2 storey 3 bedr4tpm house, modern 'kitchen,` 2 baths,,' formal dining. GODERICH ST. :'2' -storey stone block home in mint condition. Open for offers. Spacious lot. 33 ANN ST.: 20 " year old brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms plus a den, att'd carport. DUBLIN: 526,500, 1'/2 storey redecor- ated throughout, 3 bedroom home. Spacious lot.�+ - GODIDLICH S7 SOLD.m bungalow. dose to uptow. MALE ST.: One floor 2 bedreom home Mint' Condition, paved drive. huge, $30,000. 6 ACRES: Near Brucefleld, 2 storey • home, large well maintained barn, steel she'd, S° x,000.00 31/: ACRES: 1vteKi,..,p. Open for offers, 1'/a storey 3 bedroom house. hobby sized barn. CHALK .SI ,E?Evitif, r home, 3 bedroom, ne spacious lot. WEHAOTHER PROPERTIES TO CHOOSE FROM. CALL FOR YOUR CHOICE TODAY DEADLI 4E4i30 FOP.MR CLASS,MONDAYIFIED ADS iS DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS 15 MONDAY NOON. Charges are based on the number of words. Set of "numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone num- bers or prices count as one word per set. Words Joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 wro ds -53.75 17c per word there- after RIRTHS-No charge ENGAGEMENTS -Flat rate of 56 with picture, 510 prepaid, 515 billed. MARRIAGES -Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo' and outline only, 515. Complete write- up $25, IN MEMORLaiMS,-S3.7i'plus .35c 'per litre of ;verse. COMING EVENTS -22 words, 83.75, each additional word 17c. CARD OF THANKS -25 words. 53.75, Each additional word 06c. - 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEH,FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS' OFFICE - 53.00, each additional week • 51.00. SEMI DISPLAY -1 Unit , 84.60. 0. ARTICLES FOR SALE t APPLES, Spy, Macintosh, red and yellow 71 delicious. Empire. 54.50 a bushel and up. Potatoes, apple butter, honey, fresh cider. $1.75 a gallon. 524.8037.. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 10-07-tf Royal Real Estate Ira EXECUTIVE HOME: This spacious two storey house, on Mill St. has four bedrooms. The main:floor features a huge kitchen, living room, dining room and family room withstone fireplace. It is located on a double lot and has a two car garage. 5149.000. • LUXURY HOME on Isabella St. Two fireplaces, decorative masonry, private pool and many other extras. This large three bedroom house has a finished basement, a double sized garage -work- shop and it is located on an 80' lot. $115,000. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW: This three bedroom brick home is in excellent conditions It is tastefully decorated and cared for by a.family that is proud of their home. LOCATION: This 2 storey 3 bed r,.m home on Market St. has been reconditioned and reinsulated with fiberglass, 545,000. MOBILE HOME: 1•2' x 60' Regent with 7' x 10' foldout, `located at Heritage Estate's. Only 56,500. BUILDING LOTS: 5 building lots on Louisa St. Purchase all for only 529,000 o:p make an offer on your choice, CUSTOM BUILT 3 bedroom home on Centre St. This 2000 sq. ft. house is nearly completed and ready for you. The slit level plan features family room, recreation room• den, a full basement and decorative masonry throughout. 594,000" COUNTRY. HOMES RENOVATED 11/2 storey brick home near Winthrop. This reinsulated home features 3 bedrooms and a new kitchen. It is located just 1/4 mile off the paved road. 529,900. DURUM This attractively decorated 1A storey home on Mill St. is in excellent condition, it has been com- pletely renovated and has new siding and roof. 549,900.'` VANASTRA: Three bedroom, 2 storey frame, home on 98 foot lot is now available for only 518,500. For all your real estate needs call: p LARRY DILLON OFFICE 827-.6T7 g0 Main St. HOME 482.1151 Seaforth Tom,Reidy Reaity Ltd. LOGAN.. TWP.: 25 acres, approx. 18 workable, modern 4 bedroom ranch style home. $70,900. McKILLOP TWP.: 29 acres gravel. good potential. 5100,000. Price reduced GREY TWP.: 7'/, acres. 75 sow farrowing operation. 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home. 8165,000. Contact Joe O'Reilly 345.2465 Robert Gilbert 345.2654 Tom Reidy347-2358 u ( Realtor,, BAILEY 41/2 ACRES: 13th of Hullett. 100 sow farrowing barn, 4 bdrm. home, selling as going concern. 2 .ACRES: 1 mi, south of Seaforth. 3 bdrm., bungalow. new shop 40' x 64'. Ideal for business enterprise. LONDES13ORO:4 bdrm. frame home on large well treed lot, selling under power of sale at only 520,000., low down payment can be arranged. 20 ACRES: good frame home. hog finishing barn with liquid manure system, land mostly wooded, Morris Twp. 127 ACRES: 100 workable, Harriston loam, no bldgs.. 3 miles from Clinton. BLYTH: executive class home, 2 storey, 4 bdrm., electric heat. field stone fireplace, many extras including double lot with heated workshop. AUBURN: 11/2 flog aluminum sided older type home, °it heat, only 520.000. to settle estate. RESTAURANT: SOLD equipped. targe apartment BRUSSELS: neat 3 bdrm. frame home. well located. priced at only $19,500. Try an offer. 2 ACRES: 5 bdrm. home, like new throughout, insulated barn 32' x 64'. Morris Twp. 2'/. ACRES: 11/2 floor, 5 bdrm. brick home, oil heat, nicely treed. 6th line Morris. BRUCEFIELD:3 bdrm., 1'/2 floor frame home, F.A. oil heat. RESTAURANT: service station and body shop, living quarters. hwy. loca- tion. Reduced. 150 ACRES: 102 workable, 5 bdrm. home, barn for 500 hogs, liquid clean- out, 3 mi. north of Auburn. F.C.C. mort. 200 ACRES: 190 workable, E. Wawa - nosh. good hardwood bush. excellent bldgs., field stone house. above average barns. BLYTH: large commercial property. 2 apts. above, Queen St. Can be• pur- chased urchased with or without existing stock. Good terms. 2 ACRES: 2 mi. from Brussels, spacious 5 bdrm. brick home, custom finished throughout. new garage. Owner will consider mort. or Trade. 100 ACSOLDlett Twp„ bldgs., equipper 95 ACRES: cropland, Hullett Twp.. all drained, no bldgs. 46 ACRES: 25 cropland, 9 hardwood bush, large double home, barn. drive shed with workshop, on paved road near Varna. 100 ACRES: general farm on 13th of Hullett. 69 ACRES: near Clinton, 35 workable. nearly new bungalow, insulated barn Recreation potential