The Wingham Times, 1904-02-25, Page 5Tiffee Big Bargain Days
At Crowder's
14 Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 35 to 44, regales $7,00 and $7,50, sale $5.00
11 Youths' Tweed Suit2, long Pants, sizes 82 to 35, regular $6.50
and $7.00, sale - s - - $5.00
9 Boys three piece Snits, short Pants, sizes 28 to 38 regular $3.75,
$4 00, $5.00, sale s - $3.00
13 Children's two piece Suits, sizes 22 to 28 regular price $2.00 sale $1.50
'9 only Men's Raglan Overeoats, sizes 30 to 40, regular price $7,50
$8.00, sale -
16 Boys Overcoats, no two alike, for ages 2 to 12 years, at cost price.
Mets Mnleskiu faced, sheep back, wool lined mitts regular 50c
sale - - - - - -
sMen's good. Wool Mitts, a pair, - - - -
.Also big bargains in Odd Pants, Braces, Shirts, Collars, ¶Lies, etc.
Men's Outfitters.
Headquarters for
For cheap and medium price Diningroom
Chairs, our styles and prices lead. New designs
with high hack, double stretchers, very comfort-
able, at $3.25, $4.50, $6.00 and $6.75 per 1- dozen.
4 sets only, including 5 Chairs and i Arm, worth
$1 r.5o, for $9 oo.
Another lot of 2 dozen Rockers, sold regularly
at $2.00 and $2.25. Our price $1.75. The most
comfortable cheap Rocker made.
I Brick residenee, 5th house west
1 The People's Furniture Store
from Hamilton's Corner Drng
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention,
4•••••••••••••••9••00,444 •••4114000•0•00•4004400•41414.
▪ At this season of the year, when your jars of fruit aro running low,
• there is nothing to take the place like California Prunes,
Ks " Harvest Broad," all sizes, 10c, 12e and 15c per lb'
• California Navals, seedless; these Oranges are coming in now,
We are now in a position after the
storm to supply customers as usual.
nice and sweet, - 30e, 40e, and 50e dozen
The price of this fruit has again advanced. 'We had a lot secured
some time ago. 15c and 18e per lb
Nothing so nice with beefsVak as Onions. This season they are
very scarce.. - $1.00 per bushel
• Chieugh K.xatnitter.,
Nobody knows of the work it naakes
To keep the house together;
Nobody knows of the steps it takes,
Nobody knows—brit Mother,
Nobody listens to childish woes.
Which kisses only smother;
Nobody's pained by naaglity blows—
Nobody—only mother.
Nobody knows of the sleepless earls
Bestowed on baby brother;
Nobody knows of the tender prayer;
Nobody—only mother.
Nobody knows of the lessons taught
Of loviug one another;
Nobody knows of the patience sought;
Nobody—only mother.
Nobody knows of the anxious fears
Lest darlings may not weather
The storm of life in after years;
Nobody knows --but mother.
• B
News From Our Neighbors
What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
X0 lt Bid ME LS
Robt. weir, of Detroit, is visiting hi
uncle and aunt, John and Mrs. Mason
3rd line.
Abram Proctor has let the contract fo
the erection of his new cement bloc
house to Mr, Brown, of Blyth.
D. Badgoly and family frora nea
Ethel, have moved to the Petch farm
ath line. We welcome them to Morris
Joseph and Mrs. Connelly, of Ecttnon
ton, Alberta, are at present visiting a
the home of Sam. Jordan, 5th line.
Lawrence Wheeler and family hav
removed from the farm near Sunshine
ripen which they resided for a good
many, years, to their new purchase, 2
miles north of Brussels, iu Grey.
Arthur Hammond. returned to hi
home iu Regina,N.W,T., lust week atm
spending a short time visiting his sister
in-law,Mrs. Wm, Geddes. 3rsi liqe..
In the presence of over 100 guests Rev
A. E. Jones, of Belgrave, tied the matri-
monial knot between Wm. J. 'Stephen
son, of the 6th Con. Grey township, and
Miss Flora May, eldest daughter of N.
and Mrs. Platt, at their residence, 5th
liue,Morris, on Wednesday evening, Feb.
Ilth, at 6 o'clock. The Wedding March
was played by Miss Possie Mitchell, of
Brussels, as the happy couple took their
places under a floral ach. They were
unattended. The bride looked very
neat in a cream cashmere gown trim-
med with silk lace. After the hearty
congratulations were over the company
sat down to a nose excellent supper pre-
pared in the very best style of the hostegs.
The wedding gifts were numerous, use-
ful and valuable. A very enjoyable en-
joyable evening was spent by the large
company in music, song, story, &c.
BrusseSs curlers have not had a gums
this. Outside rinks were not in it this
k es: at s.
r covered rink made all the DION appars
on and the necessity of a modern
Rey. I. M. Webb while able to attend
✓ to his numerous duties as rector of St.
, John's and St. George's churches, has
not been enjoying as good health as he
. would desire but we hope he will son
t be as hearty as ever.
W. J. Goodwin who has been cheese
e maker in Brussels factory for W. W.
, Harris for the past three years, has
accepted a position in the Dorchester
cheese factory, 6 ;miles East of London.
Mr, W. H. Herr of the Post visited
Brussels Public School and presented
! Miss Stella McQuarrie, daughter of
. Hector MoQuarrie, 4th con., Grey, with
the silver medal won by her for stand-
. lug second in the entrance class in
Huron County last slimmer. She was
•• only twelve marks behind Carman Hall
of Clinton. who won the gold medal,
Priucipal Cameron spoke a few appropri-
ate words, after which the medal, made
in the form of a brooch, was handed
over to the winner by the donor in the
presence of the pupils in Mr. Carnerou's
and Miss Scott's departments.
Bronehitle Asthma a Heavy Barden.
Asthma is bad enough but when bron-
chial symptoms are added the poor
sufferer has almost an intolerable exis-
tence. An absolute specific is found in
fragrant healing Catarrhozone which
cures chronic cases that other remedies
won't even revlieve. "For years."
writes Capt. McDonald of Montreal, "I
battled with the agonies of brouchitic
asthma. Often I couldn't sleepfor
nights at a time. I spent thousands on
doctors and medicines without relief, but
a dollar's worth of Catarrhozone cured
me." Catarrhozone can't fail; it's guar-
anteed. Two months treatment $1.00;
trial 25c.
The 90.acre farm of James Parish, beiug
North part of Lot 15 and North half of
Lot 16, con. 1, Grey, has been purchased.
by W. 11. Kerr, of Brussels. Mr. Parish
is now living at Selkirk, Mao.
Ed. Smith and wife are visiting friends
at Ripley before leaving for the West,
about the middle of March.
Quite a number intend going to the
West this spriug.
Miss Annie Wilson, of Turnberry is
visiting lier friend, Miss. Ella Scott for a
week or so.
James stewart, of Neepawa, Man. is
visiting relatives in Turnberry and
Molesworth this winter.
John Simpson has been cutting wood
with his brother, Thomas, on 14th con.
Elowick. A tract of 50 cords.
"Resolved that Wellington is a great-
er general than Napoleon" was the sub-
ect of an interesting and brilliant de-
bate iu Victoria hall on Wednesday, Feb.
17th. The affirmative was upheld by
J. T. Strachau, while the negative side
was carried by Robt. Weir. Two other
peakers, R. Simpson and Mr. Johnston
were to aid, but Mr. Simpson was sick,
and so Mr. Johnston did not speak.
Word was received that Mrs. Carr,
vife of Robt. Carr, 3rd liue, Grey, died
in the hospital m Stratford last week.
Our sympathies we extend to Mr. Carr,
in this, his time of trial.
William Mitchell, who has taken the
%Slay Itratr4 Workers -Break Doan.
Man is not a machine that keeps going
;as long as the steam is applied. He is a
creature of blood, nerves and delicately
balanced organisin. Many don't realize
this, bat Overwork the brains and break
down. Brain workers need a strong,
bracing tone like Ferrozone to fortify
their nerves and keep the blood pure and
nab. Take Ferrozone and you'll do
more work. You will have the strength,
the ambition and the desire for work,
because vonr system will be in first-claaa,
order. For your health and strength
take Ferrozone regularly, Price TiOc. at
The Mildest and Surest Relief
For constipated bowels and piles is
Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut whiclt cause no griping pain
aud act promptly. Well known to all
doctors. Use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Price 25c.
Assessor Hamilton is now making his
annual call on the ratepayers.
The C. P. R. surveyers have been
working in Blyth and. vicinity during P
the past week.
lace of Robt. Henderson as assistant
lacksmith. to Geo. Eekmire, of ,Tames -
own, is at his duties.
Let us remember that "spring is coin -
ng," even when the stormy winds of
'winter roar in blasts around its. Have
atience if you can, without having
hem frozen.
To Cure Fever Chills.
And sach complaints as "Shivers" and
ague we recommend Nerviline very
highly. Twenty drops of Nerviline
taken iu hot water with a little sugar
three times daily not only stops the
chills, but knocks out the disease com-
pletely. Nerviline has a direct action on
fever chills 413d removes the conditions
causing therm In stomach and bowel
troubles Nerviline never fails. It's
pleasant to the taste, quick to relieve and
nlways cures permanently, Gat a 25c.
bottle to -clay.
Mr, W. E Binning, architect, of Lis-
towel, has closed contracts for a new
sobyterlau Church at Auburn to cost
Mr. and Mrs. ,James Hewett and
daughter, of East Wawanosh, returned
from their trip to Scotland last week.
They were absent two months and had a
delightful time with old friends and rela-
On the evening of Friday, February
19th, the friends and neighbors of Mr.
John Pugsley assembled at his residence
to spend a few hours ia social conversa-
; tiou before Mr. Pugsley's removal to
Wingham. Mr Pugsloy has been a resi-
dent of East Wawanosh for upwards of
forty years and is held in high esteem
by his friends and neighbors. The fol-
lowing address wasread and Mr. Pugsley
presented with'au easy chair:—
Dear Friend and Neighber,—In view
of your near departure from this neigh-
borhood where you have resided for so
long a time, to seek a new home in
another port of the laud, we, your old
friends and neighbors would tako this '
opportunity of meeting here with you
to -night to give an expression of our
good wishes toward you, and hope tor
your future comfort and happiness, and
in presenting you with this chair would I
ask yon to accept of this small toketenot
because of its intrinsic value, but as au
evidence of tfe esteem and friendship
we feel towards you Iu your future
and declining years as yon sit in it and
enjoy its comfort, may it recall to your
mind tender memories of bygone years, !
and the old friends left bel
these thoughts of the past bringnd ky
cheer. perhaps in lonely days to come. I
And while we may regret partings here, I
we hope to meet again where parting is
110 more.
Wo bid you now'goocl-bye, dear friend
And wish you. reat• • e4.,
And hope that soon in your new home
You may happiness possess.
And may you soon gain many friends,
That'll prove both true and kind;
But still we hope you'll not forget
friendsThe you've left behind.
Signed on behalf of friends and neigh-
• hers.
James McGee,
James Dow.
Mr. Pugsley was taken completely by
surprise at the kindness sho vu hhuand
was unable to more than heartily thank
those present for this evidence of their
friendship. After the presentation, sup -
Mrs. Curtis is visiting with friends in
Englewood, Ill.
Mr. A, H. Wilford has returned home
front Guelph, where he Was attending •
the Agricultural College.
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Parker and fatally,
who spent the post seven weeks visiting
with friends iu Myth and vicinity, left
last week Jor their home at Willow
Range, Manitoba.
Mr. A. Wettlaufer has the contract to
supply brick for new houses for Mr.
James Taylor, of Morris; Mr. Win.
Nethery, of East Wawanosh; Mr. Charles
McCrea, of Morris, and also for the nett;
Presbyterian church at Auburn.
Mr, Malcolm Somers, who has been
residing in Owen Sound and Wiarton
for several Months past, is tit present
*siting at the home of his parents here.
Ire roportm lots of !MOW and cold weather
On the Shores of Georgian Bay.
, 1S79
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Grip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
entsat.r.Nn 'Pi a lone: rqahlished and standard reined:, for the diaeasv iilittl. It
env,. 1iP,..11180 the air rendermi strongly antisepticis enrried over the dint tel Qurtan44
ot the bronehial ttibec mdtit every breath, giving prolong( (I and constant 'treatment.
Those ot a eonsimtptive tendeney. or sultrrers ,hroni find immediate
rehot ,,nitglis or infeansa vonditions 05 Lite throat. Descripth c booklet free.
tEEIIIING,3H11.113S t ('O, 1685 Notre Dante RI., Montrt•al, Canadian agents
Cresolene dissolved in the mouth aro effective and safe for
cost& and irritation of the throat.
Antiseptic Tablets oc latto .w OM CMOS OR
BI od
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not needto give all
the .reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does.
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest' in strength, least in
Young women in their
" teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in
pal eness, weakness and nervous-
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion.
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
which so many young women
We will be glad to send
a sample to any sufferer.
De sure that tlas picture in
the form c.f :Abel is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Ilniolston Sou buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
, per was served from well filled baskets
provided by the ladies. The evening was
spent in social chat and games of various
kinds until the wee sum.' houes, when all
left for their homes well pleased with the
evening's erjoyments, but sorry to part
with a kind old friend and neighbor.
Miss Rosa Beam, of New Hamburg, is
a visitor with the Misses Michel, 12t1i
Charles Pepper, eth ecu., left last week
for Heusall locality where he will spend
a few months. '
Jno. 13. Hyde, 12th eon.. who has been
poorly for about two months, is some-
what improved. His ailment is a stom-
ach trouble.
Juo. Lindsay, 7th cou.. left last week
for Toronto where he has taken a situa-
tion on the G. T. R. We wish him sue-
James Mr.elfiliau, who was employed
by Geo. Best at farming on the ell con.,
has moved to Walton where he will re-
sume work with the McDonald firm in
the sawmill,
Mouday, the 20th inst., is the date for
voting on the C. P. R. By-law. Polling
will be held at Tarnbull's and Speraiu's
school houses and Oliver Turnbull 'mid
Neil. McNair will be the Deputy Re-
turning officers,
Thos. Harris, of Ci-'aderich, has sold his
farm near Dungannon to Wm. J.
bough, f Exeter, fornierly of this town-
ship, for the sum of $7,000. The farm
contains 134 acres and is a flue property,
with good buildings and an extensive
Reflections of a Bachelor.
Two poor lies don't make a good. oue.
jThere is a great deal of money to be
made by not speculating in stocks.
Somehow a girl's lips never taste
right when she has been chewing gum.
I Two is company, three is a classed,
is o mo lei -in- aw
when it is a mob.
V When a girl gets to know she has a ,
!I figure she lets other people get to know
it, too.
When a woman dreams of being in a
celestial choir she calls it it beautiful '
;revelation; a man a horrible nightmare.
When a woman deals with a businese
proposition, either she takes it up as if it
I were poison it a pair of tongs or she plays
with it as if it wore a year-old baby.
A woman would have more respect for
a inan's cigar if she could heat her crimp-
, ins iron with it.—New York Press.
Inmates of St. Asaph workhouse, in
Wake. roesess a pony and phaeton, a
piano and a library of over 000 volumns.
All are provided by generohsly disposed
persons in the district.
In Abyssina it is the law that the
murderer be turned over to the relatives •
1 of the dead person, and they, if they I
!please, may put him to death in the !
same manlier in which the murdered I
person Was killed.
ISARD'S The Leading Store
20 per cent Discount
Here's the chance of the Winter. We want this
February Discount Sate to be the largest and
most successful in the history of this store.
r11.111Nellele 0,11,419,104/40VtelV:ieWir%
20 CE; -TS .
For every dollar's worth of the following lines you purchase
we will hand back 26c, or in other words you get
one dollar value for Soc.
TERMS CASH OR TRADE. All goods marked in plain figures.
H. E. ISARD & Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid far Produce
Rev. Father Tobin, Stratford, has
been appointed successor to the late Dean
Maitland Presbytery will meet in the
Wiughana Presbyterian Church on Tues-
day next.
Rev. J. H. Oliver has been tendered a
unanimous invitation to remain as
pastor of Listowel Methodist Church for
the third year.
Rev. Dr. Daniel, M. A., of Goderich
has received a unanimous invitation to
become pastor of Colborne Street Metho-
dist Church at Loudon.
Rev. Dr. Wardeu states that the Pres-
byterian mission aud benevolent funds
require $100.000 to be free tram debt at
the end of the Church year.
Rev. Richard Hobbs, formerly of
Wingham is preaching a series of special
sermons in the Strathroy Methodist
Church. Next Sunday evening he will
preach on "The Evils of Dancing."
At a recent meeting of the Official
Board of the Luc:knew Methodist Church
a unanimous invitation was extended to
Rev. Mr. Millyard to continue the
pastorate for another year.
The steamer Grosser Kurfurst, hav-
ing on boards S50 delegates to tile
World's Sunday School Convention, to
be held. iu Jerusalem on April leth, lath
and 20th, will leave New York City on
Tuesday next. About twenty delegates
from Ontario are expected to lie on
Among the many stockholders of th
Atlas Loan Company, who have been
held by the Master in Ordinary at To-
ronto to be liable for unpaid stock are
the well known St. Thomas evaue.elists,
Crossely and Hunter. Mr. Crossley is
held for d,0)044on 100 shares aol ei •
Hunter for $1,000 on 60 shares.
The Missionary Society of the ehur,•11
of England in Canada has just cOtaplot-
el the first year of its existence. It sot
out at the beginning of the year to raise
73,000. Its financial statement shows
$7S,761 paid into the treasury. over
two-thirds of the dioceses make up their
Itching Skin
Distress by day and night --
That's the complaint of those who
are so unfortunate as to be afflicted
with Eczema or Salt illieutn—and out-
ward applications do not cure.
They Can't.
The source of the trouble is in tha
blood—make that pure and. this seal -
leg, burning, itching skin disease will
'-1 was taken with all itching en Day
arms Whieh proved very disagreeable. 1
vowludett it was salt rheum and bought a
lee tie of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days
atter 1 began taking it 1 telt better and it
was not long before r*as cured. Have
Ilner Liivtlamn,yeoslc.ient" Estee.
rids the blood of all impurities and
mires 1I eruptions.,
full apportioments, and some wen 1 con-
siderably over. Huron Diocese shows
an excess of $231.23.
Thursday evening of last week Rev.
Mr. Lowe, Vsilughani, delivered his in-
teresting lecture, on "Ireland and the
Irish" in the school room of St. John's
chureh. The incumbent, Rev. Mr.
Webb occupied the chair. Rev. Mr.
Lowe is a ready speaker, full of humor
and goud sense combined and the Emer-
ald Isle and its people received a good ,
recommendation at his hands.—Brussela
Owing to a plague of vipers in the
I Canton Vaud, Switzerland, the authori-
ties are giving one penny for every dead
snake brought in.
All foreigners not authorized to reside
in Spain are to be expelled under a now
Government order with. regard to anar-
At the University of Upsala, Sweden,
an exhibition of English school hooka
and English teaching methods will be
opened shortly.
The newest fashion in mountain -climb-
, ing is to darken one's face completely
with soot. This is said to be a splendid
protection against the rays of the snn.
Sixteen motor cars have been delivered
to the Chinese Empress, who had ordered
them from a Berlin firtn.
The Mexicans as a people are fond of
flowers, roses and potted plants, which
aro sold very cheaply in all the large
A tierman inkeeper on the Swiss bar -
der bas undertaken as a result of a wager
to roll a barrel full ot wine across Swine
laud and Italy to Rome.
The heart of a vegetarian beats Gn an
average fifty-eight to the minute, that
of the meat eater seventy-five. This re-
presents a differerce of 24,000 beats in
e4 hours.
A portion of one of the walls of tut
old fashioned residence in Albany,'N.Y.,
is adorned with a, wall•paper valted tit
$200.000. It is ie composed of very rare
revenue stamps.
naitery was consmprod a
11111it is now grown Ina, a ens.
tote. ---SC rue.
ChrIstfrota Itteldn.
The itraci ice of ringing tit
helis to aanotinta! 111,, (liming I ChriSt"
ni104 LCI (111iiilt i;10
11110 Of the Catholic church "ri Laving,
first mass of the festival at tieirifielit.
Chorvit AtIlertisentolttt4,,
itt Tarniltilii, Australia, it a elniteli!
labeled in large letters et i 1outeitIej,
•walls NViiit tint 11t11110S It91,1 oP 15
greeer, a .draper, 111,1iniee and 0 1./111te.!
These tradesmen built ilw &tic li itt
return the adVvriiseiM,at 1)71-
oceivit Treat.
Trout are believed to be ex -Susie tey
fresh water fish. It happens, :mem,
oevasionally that some are caught ii19a
the 'terrine, in the (Serum. oee a