HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-03-07, Page 17Er9Rg. M6qCti, The Y41,91 .March giuM0f participate., CbriMen The themcw Our Hope HOeltgeq& Warnt Welebtflp ..1 .. . . i' e •••..', THE MITCHELL PEE WEES put on a strong ' Seaforth team persisted, winning the game attack during the third period • in their 4-2j! Seaforth advances In the playciffs,, '. Tuesday game tagainst Seaforth, but the ,plifying Clinton. . (Wassink phqto) ., ,..IIIUIc , NIARTMERI,Ipte * - , 4.% 1 ,-, - ' • - !'4`,.,:!. '.. r. an-Coaki'lr•Ms. eTtliorterm'iriesrniteedyi0,411/s.aradnaY with Mr, Mar. 17 at the: nhuniN.-hball:t Britt! t yqufmer: 4 2 7g43 ., , .77, , .;p_Teakriane§04dersa,4a:0:5:a"_77,";11"..: i A A jefftelr Of 4 ' 8iiiiiit-406,0100 'ailitc0:ntlift4:41714, I.:4f !;!arpldrinte-iparty at .2 pm followed;•4iy, a • O• wen li OSeltlf)I4c0fl'Writing5krs. W.L. White `; weekend with her parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. - Sr St. is a patient in London Hospital We John Thompson and grandmother 'Mrs. would like 'to P Wish her. a speedy recovery. Terrence Hunter. : . '''.-"''s • ,,,.' Mt, andt,Mr.s,;gerolt! !garnet,' Beck and Mr. aRol:'140.'gjUterlinutkini.)Sira#0rd. liiitsi'Y of Kitchener were Sunday visitors visited '04 Sunday :Wit4 hIn-lether Mr. tr't•' tbderich : . Cranbrook euc. re eld . with Mr—and Mrs., cart Writer, 'Satidy, Tere*Aurtd,C ;Mitisnigiai: wits: h 111A,Tiollar4 $1,11eY in • ' . 'At- Itestapilnun4 ald Mf! 0,0.,*;.11°..i,„ .,:, Mrs L.,..ges ...vde the neL., Correspondent . MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 ' Anna Lee Smith and children of Torontq visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. StUaltt Stephenson, recently. Mrs. John Vanass spent a -recent weekend with her ' friend, Ruth Jean-Louis of Willowdale. Rev, James Perrie said farewell to the members of Shakespeare Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Feb. 26. Rev. Perrie is leaving the community after nine years as minister of Shakespeare and North Easthope Presbyterian Churches. He has accepted a new charge at First Church, North Pelham and Rockway Presbyterian Church. The induction service, will take place Sunday evening, March 4. Rev. Perrie, his wife Marion and cnildrep Paul. 15 and Linda, 11 moved during the past week. Attending the farewell service on Feb. 26 were his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Perrie, his brother' Donald and Mrs.. Perrie and family. The World Day of Prayer se&ice and the March meeting of the W.M.S. was held on March 2 at the home of Mrs. Clare V‘eitch. to' e Fhomps.oIL. Rev. Don McInnis, minister -of Monkton and Cranbrook ;Presbyterian Churches spoke: Mrs. John Vanass was leader and followed the program •for the World Day. of Prayer. Mrs. Leslie Knight was pianist and Other readerstaking part were Mrs. Clare Veliteh, Mrs. Gerrit Van Veen, Mrs. Stuart Steven- son, Mrs. TerryWilliams, Mrs. Elston Speiran, Mrs. Harvey Smith:Mrs: Bert Van L Donkersgoed and Mrs. Pete Van Veen. Mrs. Leslie Knight presided,ofor the regular mbnthly meeting of the W.M.S. The executive meeting- will be held on Tuesday, March 20, Cranbrook will have a delegate to Synodical which will be held in Wingham, Apr'. 24-25. The Canadian Order of Foresters bad 11 tables playing at their card party on March 2 with winners, high, Thelma Keffer, Ralph Keifer; low, Isabel Craig, Bill Craig; lone hands, Anne Cooper, Elgin Adams; at lucky table, Wilfred Strickler, Lloyd Smith, Ruby Steiss, Margaret Adams and lucky tally, Ross Stephenson, Ken Crawford. The Hall Board and W.I. will host a card party on Friday. March 9. women in the church . • Correspondent March 2 at 8 p.m. The service is being MRS. DORA SHOBBROOK • ' conducted by the U.C.W. and everyone is 523.4250 welcome to attend. The U.C.W. meeting was held Feb. 20 . LONDEPORO RI with a dessert lunch" at 1 f30 .P.miprovided.by ACthei1tt1 nteetiriltirareleetliske Hattie Wood -Marion Snell and Jane Swan. officers including president. 'Liszt baiter: President Brenda Radford welcomed all. secretary, Darlene Hulley; treasurer, Lois Elliott. a member for fivelemson the Jennifer Sottiaux; and press reporter, Presbyterial, gave an interesting talk on. Theresa Overboe. The leaders are- Marjorie '•womenfin the church", the communities' Duizer and Helen Kolkman: concern. child abuse. women heaters, The club name is "crazy quitters". Lori alcoholics. pornography and prostitution. Bromley is milking the title page. World's Day of prayer is March 2 at 8 p.m. The next meeting is at Kolkrithns. • with Laura Scott a speaker. The group is invited to Northside U.C.W. Seaforth on March 26 at 8 p.m. and to Walton U.C.W. April 1 at 8 p.m. On Aptil 6 the group will help serve at the Daffodil tea at Si. Joseph's Church. Clinton. A work day at church is on Mar. 20. • SHUFFLEBOARD ar On Feb. 22 shuffleboard winners were: ladies' high. Vietta Hoggart; low. Geneiv Allen; men's high. Tom Allen; low, Lawson; playoff winners, Genevieve an Allen. low. Vietta Hoggart and Reg The next game•will be on March 7. The World Day of Prayer service will be held at Londesboro United Church on Friday Brqssets novice team wins series Junior Farmer AWareRess Night & Tahatit ShOier Monday, March 12,1984, Seaforth District High School • 8;00,P.M. TALENTSHOW BEGINS Singing; dancing, Mu*, public speaking, 'Junior Farmer and Seaforth Area Talent Following The talent show there will be a social hour where you will have the opportunity to view displays on Junior Farmer Club. coutityurld provincial -Clients. and Meet area Junior Farmer Members. », ' • EVERYONE IS WELCOME -TO ATTEND • Tuesday, March lay:1984 Seiddith18,,District CoriiinbnityCentieS, .800 WIC SEAUIRT,ILALUsiORXARMERS,BEOLILAR , MONTHLY Nike -row 9:00 P.M. Following' the inciting, the pnhlIals invited to attend a • ' presentation andfdm On "Drinking and Driving" nuton by ft, . Seaforth Felice Departftle0V4 MON. TUES., THURS.. — Open 9 a.m. - 5:a0pm. 9.9, SAT. 9.5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY • MUT PHELANS PLACE • Free Delivery • Free 'Storage • No Colon'. Charge *After Sale Warranty Service In the first play-off game between Brussels and Elnia-Logan on Feb. 17., Brussels won 4-1. Matt Lee had three goals and Mike Campbell got one, for Brussels. Assists went to Tim Machan. Todd Machan. Dale Wernham. Brett Clarkson. Mike,. Campbell and Matt Lee. On Feb. 24 they travelled to Monkton and once again came out ahead 5-4. Matt Lee had four goaR and Greg Fritz one. Elma-Logan's determination paid off and they defeated Brussels 1-0 in Bnissels bn Feb. 25. What turned out to be the final and deciding game was played in Monkton an March I. Brussels won 5-0. Matt Lee had three goals. Todd Machan and Greg Fritz got one each. Assists went to Matt Lee. Todd Machan. Mike Campbell. Tim Machan and Greg Fritz. INGLIS I 5 CIL FT. FROST FREE REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER • Fall Cantilever shelves • Ratter Conditioner 'Twin Crispers & meat keepers • White or Almond Our Tag Place 919.°' 80.00 01411.1830" Rad WITH AUTOMATIC TIMING CENTRE •Delzte Mu Console •1_t Light • Clock & Aatomatk Oria Our Tag Price 8659." Oer SUPER SALE Ptica $57900 • • arrespondent MRS. ED REGELE 527-1106 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preszcator of Crediton recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Glatiiille. - Mr. mid MM. Lloyd E. Regele and Christopher of RR1 Princeton visited on Sunday with the former's mother. Mrs. Ed Regele. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCowan visited on Saturday With Mrs. Joan Broedett at $100s°° INGLIS PORTABLE DISHWASHER Will ALL TO PUFORMANCE FEATURES -YOU WANT • la Door Canary Basket 2Zall Size Spray irks • Nal Actiaa Alter Ow Tag Price $649.00 SUPER SALE -$549.110 "SUPER SALE" PRICEgFOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. Act NOW! . HURRY LIMITED QUANTITIES HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5:30 Fnda 9.9 Sat. 9-5 I n d a y Evening at 8 o'clock I MARCRii brussels United. Church, Rev. Ooug Zetii - •