HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-03-07, Page 4fir �'.F� •
ST. PATRICK'SSeparate,pahoga,;Q,.hbjln;W*s
the host school for the zone -061a
finals on Wednesday. Four top sPeakers of
the 18 who participated advanced to the
district contest on Tuesday. Winners include,
left to right, Richard Schoenderwoerd,
OPEN: Mon. -Sat. 9:00-5:30
available for your club or
Phan ' 271.4743J
^fl 1
411S Erle Street. STRATFORD •
#'auto-, Tort Lynn Stapleton, •senior; Jeanette
c(e.Groot, Junlor, ;and Jennifer? Rolph, front,
Junior. Schools Voir the area 'that partici-
pated Include St. •James, St. Columban and
St. Paarfpl0s. (Wassinkpaoto)
ISoniethiiig New
G.G. Goettliir of Aublin Hine Furniture ,. -
has just received ti complete shipment
of beautiful pictures tastefully matted
and framed. We are enthused!
Our new selection includes hand -colour-
ed, oriental and traditional prints of the
Old Masters; also the Peter Etril-Snyder
collection., All pictures are now on sale.
It is our pleasure, to offer our customers
persgnal assistance to help them choose
the right picture to compliment their
lifestyle and home decor.
ha, iItir;wfl-P alrthj
,,ee a a'.tfs aRosrlibe ef dtl e, •ri
Of"'French lmlnersiost r oq3por.
c ;" areas trdiea rli
• f
:Ovvl r 30 people oo ttthe C
traveled b kis t eftd
meeting of 'the `sdpar'ate ac1#
request': a pilot proj ect ifs' earl t
Immersion at St. Maryts'+Separ
Goderlch this September; °,u"
d y,
4,0., jt
e*Wiliam, lies
f f N reattFmo
qi t
bei mors
I ,, R'luid•t ti>:'program be
4Ireatss"' rreiClt�son
;09#°11..'o40/41111:: y, e
tl a report'
lie) fast:flitu s i err a sr
li o
tQ m e
� � kb a>4'ci k+Y lite ca�tn toe.,
np tools figureakfty 41. the •Minis
11whichhshow that the averagt t
I./ pupil fo a total immersion ip orale;„is
1. The Ministry funds an average of .75
per cent of t esu costs: , r ..,•:-.-t-t..•P.
lite study tit` the request by the fink el
committee of: the • board `will include the
effects of a• French iftiler'sion program' on
enrpiment et'St Mary's Separate 'School in
Goderich and'+other schools in the area, such'
as gale Ste. Marie in St. Joseph's andkthe,
schools in"Kingsbridge and Clinton•: •
Earlytotal French'IMntersson,`start �`ti fire” 3' t .. • i „1; '� r. -^, rs. ,:■tt. { s/!"^ " ' ;.. ,•:�: -. +w�_ 1 i . - k'°!: ,.�,
t ...•
Kindergarten and Grade 1'+Iet`vel. t it 'tit
ta<uglit n French until Gs'a 'q�3�w eta$*
p od"'of • EnGsh gis sitartet i•
'devoted En$lishIrsohppupIts reatOade5er b 00111 41
f , "`+ttriitltllse
Barry Buchanan 'of Clinthq a<>ld
Jasper of Goderlch presentedu a 7 ie c
behalf of a group, parents' In- ,, eric,
and the surroundlng;,.areli,whH re sip ere)
interested in providing a bilingual'educat`i�on•
for our children". ` +, tf.c: ,A,i t k n'r ;
The group wants theiiot� pr'ojedtF o beg%
.offered on a voluntary IMP mind run through
to Grade 3 and'' then be re eealilttted;at that
time. • . , ni l• e . •y . +.�. .w.
;-' , These parelavaA 1s . b .ld` �aitlit4
iilfcrmatign ;meetintsng- id,t e o :fo , b,
pupils ..and. separate,s .:.'o,? ;s i h
request for a•Fre ch'I"mers tui. l .: e
i cit
9 u p
•for"public school students ,west maJ e;Katt the)•:
Huron County Board- of Educatik`n's March 5.
Statistics gathered, at thismee g' show
that six children from St. Mary's m�oder'ici
and one from St,, Joseph's, Separate School
Kingsbridge would be enrolled this • fall in 4.
pilot project. •
Twelve grade one students front St}
Marys, one from. Brookside Publ1iJc,Schon
and one from St. Joseph's in Clinton, would
enroll ins pilot project this September.
The report also shows there is interest for
one childfrom Kingsbridge for kindergarten
and for one grade one child from Goderich;
The group asked the •separate•`sschodl
Co opdent •
.7 24I9ONBiAR1}T
The flowers) on .the altar in St. Peters
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, on Sunday
were from the Siem*n-Bennewles weddltlg
which took place on Priday evening.
Marci Scherbarth and Donna Van Bakel
were among the French exchange students
to visit in Sherbrook, "Quebec r'ecentl_y,
There' was a good turnout ori Friday
evening for the pork barbecue held at the
Brodhagen Community Centre.
Eric and Susan Lazear of Portland Oregon,
are the proud patents of a baby be , Blare
Charles, born on 'Friday, Mar: $. _Cangtntt-
'•G'L -4 `TS1c a 4 a LEA .-uiations.40t .thefc:lp,■tenta y'i'unclet oto
r� `=Tits; ,.Edwai Sch
U�'Bernheim. '
Mr and�Mrs
Q " Congratulations to newlyweds Mr • anti
Fine Furniture 'Mrs. Robert Siemon, who were• tfatrled op
Friday evening, Mar. 2. They will beside in
There was no euchre party last'tuesday
due to the stormy weather. h -
SEAFORTH—Inthe•March 14th edition of The Huron Expositor, advertisers will
pay Th OrldiN forr their advertisements whefl`they buy a 1/4. page size or larger.
,That Means you'll get twice the:epace for the regular cost of your ad, if it's a 1/4
page or larger. The increased Site Will pay off when your customers recognize
your business and respond to -your .advertisement.
Cali The Huron ExpoSltor early and 'reserve your space for March 14th.
,S'r, 0aad fa>bii
Ct 4 x' hill i$frs, le04;,ftlrs = Terry Cronin the timrnaaaePt will be held Mar. 9 at 8 p.m.
Cgrres ttt��sttb. f a family.'%°' " i in the lc of C. hall to S# Columban. .
9R. ia7( , ` ,, ori fi Dayr;;oi ' r yep' was 'het. , at St.: iMr.'and Mrs. D ottt tie01".
lvlurr Rondld and'
a ,�y
3d t 0 :, + Columban Rvt'i'lant.Catholic Church on Friday Janice returned home. on ;F, idsy,, from: New
-. 1 ,'.• Mr, r .. a .'. d;,...^:, Mar ::,at2 .m,i..: ,•a,ry
Ste n Pay1;. stly , sir d . - an 'Ahs U. •60.ladies from Pete s. ` we l it visi i.bf a Sag ja}, pd' . pe Y serum a
r P i� , ,�; �,„ . hP .�' ,� R,t,. ,{ t,,, �, thel•.an. yyegle'v�SitilnJ�Wikh JA�h arfd Helen Young•attd
C A in wits bafttllz6dl o Si!ln ay,,i ar. 4 tat, St, . Church,! Bredha en, First,I,utislr a:, hutch', family '
:Columttban R,ofti<tan sat tic,.,t:`' c ? Father Lo a r' .,t•• 1t trio 'saR;C �.. u , Du 3tn'and r ,
P. Oost ene, ,h4ty. P s� a ,G'ii. r' FSS
J� e er ell `Drutten. here he'd •'hRtne ree
�Raul's�� od a •%-,./,,,Q,407'' ,� • ,. St .C'otut►tbg>cw�R:,C�"t Cti;t'�' ��tlida , � i L.
day. fridm 'spelt
Fri pith hi where he t three
! palC net: nr ve S. Jeanne Fatl1er� V,1°,"!.4;1!"•°, )Bt) ,a i!n yr s;•t e;gp st weiiii tq t(n jt�t iiis;slstet w,h4 is spu4usly
Regie- of itoh!ener., n ,, .`: spea}Iter: . t s ..
• Other guests' ;attest iln'g?:-the, baptismal Eight�fabies'were�in pay at the.,Kni:ghts bf ill; He: a it %her wh'� with, Mrs. acini Von
ceremony andlater^at the::tronin. home ere' olu s euchre. tou m t in $ti ;Copt A 19.s.mother who will. ' t : yearsfo• on
1Y, 'ml FP..en••air Mn;ar_;;19,• .
the grandparents r, f14. is Albert Cro it, bat) o ,' iiday,night ; P;;,''.r ,P . 'e .
ofR.R.4, Seaforthillr,'tapd.Mrs. Harold Ott . The,4winners'were laddies', FrancesMelady;. Pat`Subject and family of Kitehenerspent
of Listowel, Mr.'and Mrs. Dave Regi*• and " men's,R10401.'Sttnith,and,;for the'wmost lone, the weekend;with Mr. sand M:>is. 'Clarence
family of Kitcheber, Mr, and Mrs. liint Cronin har i Thprrca,,t� ir,npv",; Thi. filum anme in,, Ryan.' 'Q- ' . •
usgDIe t :aytie
The Ausable . BH�ieId ' Conservation is for aulariees;,and benefits totaling $194,1• i N23,89....„...... , ,..„ ..: .:, 5s' wz s actually, spent on ,members`
.Authors approved a 1984' budget of almost This is up from the $159,590 budgeted for •allowances ,,
$1.4 million at••its•t�Feb. ,38 -annual meeting. last y,.ear, )tut actually 5177,203 was spent ft t _ ,�; t •',
The 32 municipga,�lities iii. the Ausable:. salaries._ and benefits.' , lie chalrm'an's stipend refnalns at54.0,00.
Bayfield watershed will be sharing. the Authority ihemliers' allowance\increas'Is Vast,actually spent,on
municipal levy of $147;870' which is a seven this:year from 517,000. to S25,000. Last year the chairu}an e: expenses • ; . •
per cent increase over the, 1983 • metticipal } • t• ;
Specialievies,.tobepaldby munidipalIties �.�► tl 4 .e ?p �t;J'y�r '� t roJ. ,e ` ,. _.,., :w.
benefittingfrom a specific'project, totals
n "' • ,,•. , ill
Salalried e"tii p,�loyees' ter; NNW Cdu ,, ':'t T id total .i`cre se ': fi,:i4l lays is Atb u
$35,307.. g h n a a
The Since, -throe it• the Ministry of received an- $800 'a year across the'k.9100, l7,000for 13 employees;' •iiproximatcly five
pro g 47 try increase;plus one' er cent o tT eir s lar.t. , er cent" of total ova es';:• .
Natural •Resotil�ces,' wilt `pay 5747,345 in p rf a Y„ •., • 1' o wag
A federal grant of S31,000 is Salary increases foe' employees Were The. 1984 salaries range from 513,288 per
included in the 1984 budget. appprovepd at a' recent meeting:., of County` 1.J
g Concil. Year to S46,140r Three emjtloyeesreeckvcd• an
The rest-of',the budget will be paid for"adjusfinentofinerit"saidWarden'Calghlin.
through Meney'from conservation areas and Couucilmile mileage
rate. a with their tiivnpper
property leases totalling $404,370. diem and mileage rete. They receivii$2,100 All hourly employees. with Perth CatYnty:
The authority's administratiftn budgeter annually plus 589.25 for a full day committee that. have been employed for 12, month's:
t`h`e year 3s . S281,1300; up froth $2;, 6,300 meeting and 552.$0 for a half day committee received a five per cent increase. Hourly ppaid
budgeted for last year. Actual adniinistra- Meeting. The mileage':rate is 22 cents per employees' wages range from S6 to ,SI .40.
tion costs last year were 5267,837. '• The kilSalari e. per hour,
largest portion of the administration budget
. Salaried employees increases range from The warden's expenses were increased by
four to seven oer cent. five per cent to S4,410 from S4.200.
Dublin planning ma -p causes • robl+ems_
A Dublin street that apPears • end dis- action to clear the matter up but he added that situation could come out in court * Mr.
appears was thetopic of a meeting between • regardless ofthe townshipeouncil'sresponse Krotinensaid.Reeve Norris disagrecdsaying•
Hibbert council and Leo Kroonen at the. he would be taking action. it would not solve the;problern.
regular,,"meeting- of Hibbert council on "1 am ,going ahead even though 1 think Mr. Kroonen left the meeting after:Iclling
Monday Mar. 61' someonein the township is }sing delaying,• council the case would be heard in London
' Mr. Kroonen appeared at council to tactics," he said. and his lawyer would be subpoenaing the
request th,'at.ast Street in Dublin be closed In response Reeve Norris denied the' township bylaws and correspondence on the
and a uildingpermlt be issued by council so charge adding that someone would have to matter adding that he felt it was the
lhc'could afart:construction of a home on the make a ruling on- the matter. ' township's responsibility to solve the prob-
land. But according to council reeve Ivan"Wecan'tiustcloseastreet when wedon't fem. -
blo�a there: is one probicm; there is more.. know when this happened. What happens tq "Hibbert created the problem in the. first
a` Itliihing mapfotfg'hlln ondef` theettherlots„Are you saying Bcli Tekphontt place so why shisild:11#,ay.e,tR.pay..• he asked
em ace.the same,. -< doesa't-own their -lot, <=Mry Norria.asked. , council. • . ., r .
The maps, which date back to the 1800's During. the discussion Mr. Kropnen-told ; Reeve Norris said he. did not feel taxpayer:
th the most recent being 1878 do not the reeve that he would be going; to mutt to money should be used to come up with a
nfirm whether East Street exists or not ,eget the matter settled and suggested an solution.
which causes a hold up in the issuing of unorthodox method to involve the township. "We, cannot just go and register a new
Permits. "The,quickcst way to deal with the matter plan. We have to do the research. l think it is
In his statement to council. Mr. Kroonen would be to punch you (Reeve Norris) in the up toyou Leo. Afterall it is your farm," Reeve
laid he felt the township should be taking nose. You could lay charges and the Whole Norris said.
Treat your family to a delicious Dixie Lee Family Pak Meal
this weekend and every weekend this month and save $1 00
off our regular price.
Everything's inetuded: Chicken and/or fish, Golden Fries
and Salads all at One IOW, Tovi price.
The perfect way to teed your family.
• S pietas of golden Fried Chicken
® 4 pietas of English Style Fish ``��� • �9
® 2 Medium salads for your choice) golden O •
Family French Fries
at your Local
Seaforth Sun.-Thurs.-11 arm-10:p.m'. Clinton
527-0220 Fri. -Sat. -11 a.m. 12p.m". 482-733?
Owned .ba
T ...by Dong B1hQd° 411,
lx • t
the' et t-t,Jwziusr'
Sales R.presentetlee
Mitchell Coop Store
1St Geon tn. Street
Mitchell, Ont. malt ma
toss 1414475
two 345.4173
ethe co-operator
lest 1,401AN(, AND/ NAN! at l,.V,t,\
LSI • NOM! • AUTO • Nj.itiil • 1AIA,
Reading beaks or pamphlets which
describe how others have adjusted to
death can often provide insights and
Studying these books will help you to
help the child and will suggest ways to
communicate with the child effectively
Some of the basic books on this subject
which we recommend are.
Learning to Say Goodbye by Eda LeShan
Telling a Child About Death by Edgan N
Explaining Death to Children by Earl A
Helping Your Child Understand Death
by Anna W M Wolf
Death, Grief, Mourning, The Funeral
and thef'Child by William Lamers
Consult the local library for these.
DiScuss it with your clergyman. Or call
us, If you have any special concerns
about children and death, please do call
on us so we can share our professional
iutderstanding with you.