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The Huron Expositor, 1984-02-29, Page 9
A8 ® THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 29, 1984 WINNING RINK -The Bill Campbell rink of Seaforth won the 11:00 draw at the Fleming Feed MITI mixed b9nspiel on Saturday. The bonspiel was held at the Seaforth curling rink. Skip, Bill Campbell, foreground, guides the sweepers and the rock to the proper position. Don Tremeer, left of Clinton was on the Campbell team. (Wasslnk photo) r' 1 Atoms defeat Mitchell Seaforth Atoms entertained Mitchell on Feb. 22 and defeated the visitors 3-I. The victory gave Seaforth the best of three playoff series 2-0. They will now meet the winner of the' ! ©WQong k©ave, Clinton, Wingham series in the next round of the playoffs. Steve Papple scored the first Seaforth goal with assists going to Brent van den Akker and Ted Sills.. The last two Seaforth goals which were both unassisted were scored by Jasen Muir and Ted Sills. • Mena high single, Pat Kenny 311 Men's high triple - George Love 785 Ladlea high single -Ruth Clarke 249 Ladles high triple. Linda Ruston 583. Laker° 113, Tigers 102, Cardinals 54, TI -Cats 84, Blizzards 47, Globetrotters 82 MIXED DOUBLES Weekly ladles high single, triple -Mary Beuerman 238, 853 Weekly mens high single, triple -John Coleman 306, 677 Season's ladies high single, triple, average -Mary Beuerman 332, 785, 212. Mans' high single -BILI Coleman 333 High triple- An Finlayson 797. High Average -Jack Bedard 220. Standings: Art's Ahgels 98, A.Team 97, Teddy Bears 79, Optlmletics 70. Alley Cats 65, John's Devils 53 THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLERS Ladies weekly high single -Deb Barry 249 Weekly high ,triple -Sandra Butt 600 Season's high single. triple- Beth Caron 307, 727 Season's high average -Beth Caron 194. Unda G,Idzak 194 Men's weekly high singie-Dave Nigh 323 Weekly high DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 NOTICE OF MEETING Seaforth & District Minor Baseball Wed., March 7 8:00 pm -9:00 pm Seaforth & District Community Centres Purpose of this meeting will be to Discuss & Plan the 1984 BASEBALL SEASON Please plan to attend NOTICE OF MEETING Seaforth & District Minor Soccer Wed., March 7,1984 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Seaforth & District Community Centres Purpose of this meeting will be to Discuss and plan the 1984 Soccer Season Please plan to attend triple -Marc Caron 727 Season's high single, triple, average -Brian Dale, 393, 801, 214. Standings: Expos 96, Mlndbusters 88, Lucky Brakes 77, Jays 67, Fling Dingers 66, Doug's Digger° 82. TOWN AND COUNTRY BOWLING Rad Hots 781/2, Ferraris 90, Bowling Stones 73, Pros 78, Dynamos 661/2, Blue Jays 100 Ladies' •high single, triple, average -Sharon Forrest 249, 601, 189. Mens' high single, triple, average -John Van Bake! 287, 708, 224, SENIOR CITIZENS High ladles -Rachel Mehl 587, Win Murphy 501. Men's high -Philip James 657. Oliver Pryce 595, Berl Walters 535, Harvey Dolmage 549. High lane' Katie Philips, Grace Pepper, Rachel Rleht, Philip James, Andy Lunn, Bert Walters. COMMERCIAL BOWLING Ladles high single -Patti Fuhr 222. High triple- Gwen Harburn 583. Men's high single and triple -Cor Dorssors 281, 747. Team Standings' Pussycats 100, Black Cata 94, Cougars 78, Stray Cats 82, Kitty Cats 55, Cata Meow 54. THE CASE FOR GOOD BUSINESS SENSE. lisit us In Seaforth, Ontario EVERY MONDAY Representative. BOD M4:CLINCHEY t simply makes good sense to meet with the representative of the Federal Business Development Bank who will soon be in your area. There is no obligation and no cost to you. And there is so much you could gain for your business. Come talk with us if you could use financial aid, in the form of loans, loan guarantees or even selling an equity position in your business. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course of growth and success for your business. And we can provide you with direction to government assistance, both federal and provincial, as well as other vital information. For an advance appoint- ment call: 271-5650 (colloeb or write: 1036 !Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario Federal Business Banque f&dbrele Development Bank de developpement Your future is our guarantee. Canada spptizeg Seaforth rink e BY JOHN PATTERSON`SR.' A Seaforth rink skipped by Bill Campbell with Doug Rowcliffe vice, Don Tremeer second and Neil Dolmabe lead played in .the second round of the intermediate O.C.A. district 13A, -13B playdown held, in Listowel Feb. 26. They lost out to Owen Sound and Holliston in /that order and were put out of • further competition. Seaforth curlers have been very busy in spiels in and around our area. Listowet.held a ladies spiel Feb. 15. Irma Pryce took her team of Joan Beuerman vice, Marj. Coleman. second, and Mary Anne McNichol lead and came away with second prize in the first draw. tfI Tillson g held a weekend mixed' spiel Feb: 17-18. Gord Pryce skipped his' rink of Darlene Hetherington vice, Jerry Hethering- ton second and Irma Pryce lead. They were second in the main event and each won a 32 cup coffee maker. Belmore held a ladies spiel Feb. 22. Sheila s�- r Richardson skipped ,a-. Lriik- . •With Loretta Dcilmage vice, Barb, Jarrott second and a lady from Belmore filling in as lead. A good fun day. • Exeter hosted a ladids.spiel on Feb, '22. Irma Pryce skipped One team with Marie McGavin, vice, Joan Beuerman Second, and Mary Ann McNichol leading in the first draw. In the second draw Terry Ward skipped her •team' with Sheila Richardson vic¢, Liz Ward 1 second and a Monkton lady leading.. No prizes won. Seaforth hosted a mixed spiel Saturday, Feb, 25 with Bill Fleming as a sponsor of the event. The ice for this event was in good shape. The first draw winners were, first- Bob Fotheringham's rink of Marie Fotheringham vice, John Bennett second and Della Bennett lead. Second by Dave Calnpbell's Seaforth rink, third, Bob Fackham's Mitchell rink and Garry McNichol of Seaforth won'the console- tion prize• The second draw was won by Bill n CA event Campbell's Seaforth • rink with Flo Smith, vicing, Don, Tremeer second, and Audrey Beuernian leading. Second went to Clarence Denomme's rink of Seaforth.Third to Bob Campbell's rink from Seaforth" and the consolation to Keith Siemon's rink from Seaforth. I' It must be said that the kitchen Crew which served the usual fine food were wearing sPecially made colourful hats. We must'find out who made those. They *ere something. MEN'S DRAW Feb. 13-J. Hetherington 'def. S. Brown 9-5, J. Patterson Sr. def. D.. • Beattie 8-4, D. Cornish def B. Menzies 6-b.• D. Tremeer def. G. McNichol 9-4, D. Roweliffe def, L. Fisher 9-5, G. Pryce 'def. B. Fotheringham 8-4, B. Campbell' def. B. Nuh48:71, The 7:00 o'clock draw was won by J. Patterson $r. with 68' points and the 9:00 p.m. draw by G. Pryce. They will play off for a trophy. Feb. 20: B. Jarmuth def. 'J. Thomson 6-4, D. Beattie def. D. Cornish 9.5, S. Brown tied J. ' Patterson Sr. 5-5, M, Thomas def. D. Underwood 8-5, L. Fisher tied G. McNichol 4.4, B. Campbell def. D. Tremeer 10.3; G. Pryce def. D. Rowcliffe 4-2. JUNIOR bRAW S. Dolmage def. P. Ste. Marie 6.4,.J. Miller def. 'f, Doig 6-4, G. Rose def. Wm. Fotheringham, MIXED DRAW D., Rowcliffe def, B. Roberton 7-2, J. Patterson def. C. Denomme 8-3, S. Brown def. B. Menzies 8-6, G. Pryce def. R. Beuerman 7-3; B. Fotheringham . def. A. Aherns 9-3, R. Beuerman def. D. UnderWood 7-4, B. MacDonald def. G. McNichol 10-4, T. Collyer def. J. Bennett 9-2, B. Campbell def. D, Campbell 13-4, B. Jarmuth def N. Boswell'8-1, K. Siemon def. N. Dolmage'.6-3. INSTANT MAXWELL. HOUSE COFFEE. 10 OZ. JAR • 1p C%ewitlidieterIpmeil REGULAR OR MINT 'SAVE $1,10' COLLATE TOOTHPASTE 99 c9c.�rr.r � 100 ML. REG. 2.09 SCHWPEPPES ROgular & GINGERALE' Diel Sugar Fr,r.•a 24-10 OZ. TINS REG. 8.99 69 AUNT JEMIAAA 'REG. OR BUTTERMILK' PANCAKE, MIXlK. .' AUNT JEMIMA REG., BUTTER ti UTE TABLE SIRUP 1 199 MAPLE LEAF 500 GM r' CHEESE SLICES 249 CHRISTIE FLINGS 2100 FOODLAND PARCHMENT MARGARINE F R 1 LB. PRINT N LIBpY'S 'PURE' TOMATO JUICE4BOZ, 79 PRODUCE PRODUCE PRODUCE PRODUCE O. 1 LETUCET FACIAL EEN ,.ssu PKG. OF 200 4' "LIGHT N' LIVELY' YOGURT 500 GM. 99 KOTEX SAVE .70 New Freedom MAXI PADS PKG. OF 10 REG. 1 87 117 CANADA NO. 1 'CRISP' CANADA NO. 1 GREEN ONIONS RIO -WHITE 159 MUSHROOMS 3F O CANADA NO. 1 R ,RADISH SUNKIST SIZE 138'S NAVEL ORANGES 13 1 LB. PKG. 2 F 0 R 1 FAMILY SIZE 450 Ml. HALO'SHAMPOO 249 CHRISTIE 300 GM. RYE CRACKERS 79 TEACHRISTIE TREATS 79 FROZEN HIGHLINER BOSTON BLUE FILLETS PUSS CAT N FO 80075OD 14 OZ. BEEF • FISH • TUNA QUAKER 350 GM CORN BRAN CEREAL SPECIALS 4' 89 16 OZ. REG. 2.4) 299 139 LB. DOZ. am; .1111lithelli LIMITED M•F •rtr. n„ •W. •O,rM,• 000,410 4( aim moues MONDAY to FRIDAY 0 e ni ,pop r•. SATURDAY 9on, ,e5p rn SUNDAY CLOSED •ffe<,rve 1.11 <Ip„ny MONDAY At 0 1 M PLEASE ROTC: itswoe,,,F de- a oa h n•,y. We* -rte Of. Irp- Ykd,ea•,