The Wingham Times, 1904-02-18, Page 6t? • 1 THE WYINGIIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY I8, :)U Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our iixchenges.----_--- - Mr. Tractus WI man, formerly an alder - ellen of Toronto, and latterly a promin- ent fume—dal figure in the United States, is dead. Mr. (leo, Town has sold the Gotten House at Wroxeter to Mr. W. C Currie, who was formerly landlord of the Union Hotel, Wroxeter. NE i AI.ciL . • "I had been suffering about six months with Neuralgia when I started tatting lllilburn's I}•betinuitle Pills. They did me more good than any medicine I ever used. Mrs. Annie ltytut, Sand point, N. S.,, Jas. L. Walkombepurchased lot 23, con 8, 1:Iowick, formerly owned by Mrs. M. E. Stevenson, for $2000 and gets im- mediate possession. Tneslanderers of the Canadian climate should pause when they learn that in our best farming districts the -railways have been plowing alt winter. Ct d °1{9 05 3En. X -Ca.. Bears the _ TheKind You Hatee Wins Bought Sign fttlrn pi -e- `! ,2"-T !/,.%' Mr. C. Ries, notified his ens- tomers at Wroxeter that owing to the advanced price of fuel to run the Electric Lights, he would have to raise the price 2c a week per light all round. After an illness which confined her to bed for the last eight years Annie Hay, daughter of the late James Hay of God- erich received ber release Thursday morning, • All kinds of Coughs and Colds. Bron- rbitis, Whooping Cough, Pairs in the Chest, 'Wheezier:. H•tarsness. Sore Throat and Asthma. yield to the Lung heeling -properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25c. D. McIver is leaving Goderich, having accepted a position with the Consolidated Plate Co., of Toronto, as traveller for Manitoba and the Territories in connec- t tion with their Winnipeg branch. A men in Connecticut who celebrated his 80th Year by a tetamile skate has forfeited his amateur attending by challenging any man iu the world not under 70 years of age to skate for apurse of from $5 to $100 and the septua genal•• ian tulle championship. A Sats Fransico girl has petitioned the city io pass an ordivauce providing that any "untuarried male perso,a over 21, upon being proposed to by any female over 18," must accept orbs punished for misdemeanor. Evidently the girls out on the coast take leap year seriously. Boars the , Tho Kind You Hate Always Bou t Signature of • A wedding took place in the Sacred Heart Church, Mildmay, on February 10th, the contracting parties of which were Mr. Joseph Reinhart, of the 6th concession, and Miss Catherine St. Marie of the town line. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Father Lehmann: Another of El ma's worthy pioneers ]las passed away in the person of George Graham, 8th con. west, who died on Wednesday, 3rd inst., after au illness of a few weeks' time, He had been a sufferer from heart trouble fer many years, and of late had many severe at- tacks which greatly weakened him. Mrs. T. J. Mundigel, eldest daughter of Mr. Jos. Scholl, Buffalo, and a former resident of Teeswater, died at Grand Forks, N. D., on Thursday, January 28, ' at the early age 33 years, 1 month and 21 days. Laxa•Liver Pills are a positive cure for t Sick Headache, Biliousness, constipation. Dyspepsia, %and all stomach and liver complaints. They neither gripe. weaken I nor sicken. Price 25e. at all dealers. A big wedding took place at the Deemerton R. C. church on Tuesday snorhing, Feb. 9th, when Miss Cecilia Grab was united in marriage to Mr Tohn Stroeder. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Father Brohmaun. Several wild cats have been trapped by the farmers along the Lake Range south of Port Elgin. It is believed that the animals are driven oat of the swamps by hunger, they not being able to catch rabbits and such like prey on which they usually live. -tets.:FL iA... Bears the The K"id YIn Have Aleuts 8143 Signature of 6r, Thos. Harris, of Goderich, has sold his farm near Dungannon to Wm. J. Kil- lough, of Exeter, for the sum of $7.000. The farm contains 134 acres and is a fine property, with good buildings and an extensive orchard. In a recent letter to T. Hall from Van- couver the sad news was conveyed of the death in California of Mrs. Lyons (formerly Miss Minnie McCallum), eld- est daughter of Engineer McCallum, late of the Goderich waterworks and fire brigade, but now of Vancouver. sten WITH wOICris. Mrs. J. D. Mayo. South ; tnlsley, P. Q., wrote the following: "One of my children took sick with worms and after trying everything without getting relief we procured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup which acted promptly and etd'ectuaily." The total debt of the rafted States above the cash balance in the treasury is $911.000,0(10. The experiment of govern- ment on a gigantic scale is receiving a trial in the United States but its econ- omy, its safety and its stability have yet to be shown. The salaries paid municipal officers in Walkerton are: treasurer $275, to include free office, fuel and lighting, clerk $2100, tit+lessor $100, collector $120, waterworks engineer $275 to include free house, fuel and lighting, assistant constable and night watch $365. caretaker of cemetery, 00, inspector of streets and sidewalks V325, medical health officer $25. DR:k. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE ... &MC. Ie tent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Beale the ntcere, clears the air ( sages, steps 'keeping') in the %roatand permanently ture. Catarrh and a Vevey. Plower se. All dealers, ci• in. A. W. Cha,s Medicine Ce., Toronto add Su5ab. Mr. A. Iiardinan, caretaker at the Ttowel public school is unwell and off .minty for Conpple of weeks. Daring ng the past eighteen years in which he km,.wttrnded to this work he has missed only tyre d sys. DOCTOR THE BOnSES. Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man., writes; "sly husband would not be with- out Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house, as ha gdoctoring up the uses horses it a and considersoodealfor it splendidd!t, ;ricePrice 25e. IiIa Brumfield on J1Io•ieday 1'ubcuary • kith. Mrs. Robert W. Marls, a f J3rue - t field passed to toe great beyan,t. 'I he d tueased had reached the good ell age cf 83 and had lived in the ee :ti in for a I great many years. Salt was struck at Kincardine on the 7th inst., at the depth of 875 feet, being over MO feet nearer the surface than et Goderich. They drilled through tlnrteen, feet eight inches of solid salt; from. two ur'dtuary glasses of the brine one and a hair glasses of pure white salt, the stone to quality as the Goderich, was pro duced. There is tnucii excitement in town, and the cowp:iny are much elated with the success of their enterprise.— From Listowel Banner of Sept. 17th, 1808. The scratch of a pin. may cause the loss of a limo or even Meath when bloat poisoning results arum the injury. All danger of this may be avoidee, uuwever, by promptly applying Chamber'lain's Pain Balm. It is an autist•piw and tin, equalled as quick healing limn:ent for outs, bruises autt burns. Pot' sale by °elle A. Campbell, Wingham. A dastardly attempt was made to burn down the Mount Forest Pa, lie school. When the janitor went to the school early next morning he found a hole had been broken in the ceiling over the boiler, the hole filled with paper and set ou fire. Fortunately the paper had burned out without setting tire to the lath and joists. Mr. J. T. Allen, chair- man, and other members of the board, were promptly notified, and they are now offering $100 for iuforwatiou of the party or parties implicated. Typi101ti Vii{• You Take No Chances Colin A. Campbell guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied atter using two- thirds of the contents This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, nought, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasaet and safe to take. It pre- vents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. A Yorkshire Socialist, who was once explaining to a friend the principles of Monday morning. February 8th, Josh- Socialism, remarked that all possessions Joshua Craven, one of the inmates of the should be shared equally. "If you had jail, who was spending his second win- two horses," said the friend, sikuld you ter in the institution, died at the advau- t give me one?" "Of course," replied ced ago of about eighty. Mr. Craven I the Socialist. "And if yon had two had been ill for several months of kidney , cows, would you do the same?" "Of trouble and had received careful inedi- I course I should." Well, supposing, now, cal attention.( said the friend slowly, "you had two' BPhil Piuswouldthem?" 1 ship was briefing in a drove of cattle to I that's getting ower near home, said the Mount Forest the cattle bolted crossing I other, shyly ; "the knows I5ve got tea e Dan Dineen of Arthur Town- Recovered iilea nems LDIi4G 111S WAaTED FltAinbl WITH FERROZONE, if it is. Health, l<lenewetl Vigor, Well' Balanced Nerves You Want, Try 'I he k nod Tonic Ferrozone. No etre tiger evidence than the case :,f Jun. Al. Auestee la use stet to pruvu rl nt leri•i,.•2011e an uusutpus.t'd as a Wale and rebuilder. \'Praia{ bunt his home in Beru,uvilie, Air. .dut+tee says; "I shad tt timed lever two yeses age, and for a Mug time l'linititt't get strong. I cant teelt»rt cl toy duutur's orders out - for luo:,ttis took ids tleilieahe regnlatly but no neuter what I did i cuuluu't get up enough &traugru to take up seem etsepluy went nl;e.ut. Lake most weak people I wile alt,u uervuus anti newly bud to i;IVO up the demote. I reed of Ferro - zone end decided to try ir. 1 took the Rest box wast stir r'eaiult s. I felt stronger. tato mewed box, t tau,shed inn and my strength rett',ruett very remedy. I kept et uu uug F'rrroznee and my IIieun ds the nutieed how gawkly I was improving. TThist:ucearagt•tt mu to take mow Fel roe zone and toy st,engtli all returned ; in two mouths. Wheu I loaned P rrozone I gave up all Muer nn'ch(iues and can say that it elute) restored mu. Fur weak, utrveos p..opte, l+'erroznuu will do more good thou aue tlttug wee." ll'errozone is both a food and a med. iciue, It builds up the wasted tissue and strengthens the v ealrehed nerves by giving the seri eel a ple,tttful supply if Wire ituurishtui,' blued. It puts new vli4t.r Lau every organ of the hotly', dis- pels nerve sickues,t id lassitude. The pl' ,tton 'met uses Ferro,oue will have as good appetite, healthy noni}.lexiuue good digestion and a reserve or strength that protects you against pneulrer.ia and weukeniug revers. 11\in-ozone is not a nauseous ced liver oil mixture-, bet a chocolate coated tab- let, emulating the most stix•ugiheiting el.iuients iu concennaxed loran. Very easy fo take. Its sale tats multiplied year by year end nu remedy to day holds a higher place in the esteem of the public. The Maumee of Ferrozone is due • to its ability to give strength to the weak and cure the sick of their troubles. Insist on getting Ferrozone when you ask fur it, autl refuse to deal with any druggist who tries to induce you to accept some substitute affording him more profit. Price 50 ce}Its per box, or six boxes fur $2.50, at all drnggists or by mail from N. 0. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont., and Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. Of coerce the difference between spec- ulating and gambling is that if it's gam- bling you lose. andgiveShe Bright's six of them were killed. A boy i Lever's '17-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant ' Hcarpt !'z 9 p ed. driving them with a horse and cutter I Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens I was saved by jumping, but the horse was , the water and disinfects. 33 killed and the cutter smashed. B. Bothwell, ex -principal of the Lia- FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS. After a night with "the boys" there is I towel public schools; met with aparticu- j , • o better remedy to clear the head and ; larly painful misha• p. He banked the ; settle the stomach than Milburn's Ster- ling Headache Powders. Price lOc. and 25e. ail dealers. A great many farmers and others who have had stray animals come on their premises have beep under the impression that they can claim costs from the time said animals came to the premises, whether they advertised them or not. This iswrong. They can claim expenses only from the time they are advertised. A. man up west had four cattle on his pre- mises two months before being adver- tised, and on claiming damages was only allowed by the law for advertising. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 14 444. furnace fire for the night and went up- i stairs, but turned to go downstairs again, t lost his footing and fell headlong down I the steps. The lamp he was carrying I . was smashed, and the oil, vvhict covered his face and head, took fire. Mr. Roth- well sustained several very severe burns. I his left ear being amost reduced to a crisp. A charge of murder in the first degree, j against a Nebraska man has been with- drawn because it was shown that a microbe having a most formidable name I and a well-established reputation for manslaughter entered the wound of the I man and caused death. A bullet enter- ed the man first and in all probability would have caused death anyhow, but rhe bacillus got there too, and therefore the charge against the shooter must be changed to assault with intent to kill, larson, disorderly conduct, or something "equally good." The law is a wonder- ! f al thing sometimes. Mrs. Goodridge, one of the old rest- SrAxE or t7HIo, CITY`TOLEDO,• t dents of Clinton died at the residence of Lucas County. i SS. her daughter, Mrs. W. Murch, base line Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Hu]lett, on Sunday Feb, 7th, at the age is senior partner of the firm of Ig' J. of 3 years and 3 months. For a number Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of years Mrs. Goofridge resided in Olin- of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ton with her late husband, William Oen. Ire snul:D DOLLARS for each' and Goodridge, and even after his death eon- every case of Catarrh that cannot be tinned to live there np to about 10 years , cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHrNLY. ago, when she went to live with Mrs. (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Murch, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and muc- ous surfaces of the system, Send for "I have taken a great many different testimonials free. medicines for stomach trouble and con- F. J. Cnnsi " & Co., Toledo, 0. stipation," says Mrs. S, Geiger, of Dunk. Sold by all Druggists, 73c. erton, Iowa, "but never had as good re- Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- sults from any as from Chamberlain's tion. Stomach and Liver Tablets." For sale -- -- by ('olio A. Campbell, Wingham, There died in Edmondviile, on Friday morning, January 20th, Mr. Leopold Otto 'V anE ;mond at the age of 86 years i months and 26 days. He was cue of the A petition signed by all the business men and many others of Milverton was ELT EbAK AND f EMUS. CaL313 SCARCELY EAT. TWO BOXES OF MILBURN 9s HEART and NERVE PILLS Cured Mrs. Edmond Brown. Inwood, Ont., ' whoa she had almost given up hope of ever getting well again. She writes : "I was so run down that I was not able to do my work, was short I of breath, had a sour stomach every night iand could scarcely eat. My heart palpi. tated, I had faint and dizzy spells and felt weak and nervous all the time. My husband got me a box of Milburn's Heart 1 and Nerve Pills but I told him it was no use, that I had given up hope of ever i being cured. He however persuaded me i to take them and before I had used hall the box I began to feel better. Two boxes made a new woman of the and I have beet well and have been able to do my wort ever since." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and 5o ets. box, or 3 for $r.25, all dealers or THE T. MILBURN CO., Lim itedl TORONTO. ONT. presented to the council last week ask- most remarkable anon amongst the early ing that a by-law be submitted to the settlers of the Huron tract; a direct ratepayers of the village at an early descendant of the celebrated Count date for the purpose of raising $2000 to Edmont, whose tragical execution by purchase the right of way for the pro- the Spaniards is a momentous event in posed C.P.R. extension through Milner• the history of the Netherland and ton. The council took action by at once Europe, His father, Colonel Van instructing their solicitor to draw up a Egmond, was an ofiizer in the army of by-law that it might be submitted to the 1 Napoleon Bonaparte, but previous to ratepayers at an early date. For Oohs sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried R m e edy---lairs Winslow's SoothingSyrnp has been used for over suety years bymillionsof mothers for their children wills teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for tlittrrh oea. Itis17 1 cosset to the taste. Sold by druggists in every pert of then world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bemire you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other sins. being with Napoleon he fought with Blutcher in the famous battle of Water - leo. Colonel 'Can Egmond and family n came toCanadain i had 5,.7. Ile a ear. . e tx contract with the Canada Company for opening the road through the bush from Stratford to Goderich. WANTED-PATTI/11UL PERSON TO CALL en rota€ltrade and. manufa • trio a cnts for g Ott g Neuse having well (:ttabli4hed businteet; local territory; straight salary Se3 livid weekly and expense money advaneed;previoutcat!crimes Urnlo ecaarr;, llesition permanent- biusiness sutteesful. Eneloae safeiddresetel Meloftw !! Superintendent Travellers, Ord Monon Bldg. Chicago, - From centre to crust -,,.may The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDINGG CAKES A SeECut.rY We have all the latest m chin• ery, and tiere is noneed of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D. LOUD HEED Opposite Presbyterian Church, The Grated Trunk roundhouse In London was built suds a century ago. owl it heel riot ectal nn idle dray since, While men has npprnached the North Pole within 23-i miles we One hes yet stood within 772 wiles e,f the South Pol., For 1004 there are no eclipses of the moon, but there are two of the sae, both of which are invisible to us here This is the seediest number of eclipses that. any year teen onntain cud whenever there are two they are both of the son The report of Inspector Wet. David- son of the Perth .longe of Refuse shows that the avertate nn tuber of inmates tittle lug the past year was O5l4. The cost of maintaining them and repairing House was $6,310 57 The actual cost to the county is $4,874 20. Huron's record for contagions diseases during December was much the same es past months. with the exception of deaths form 'tnhereolnsts-4 sting ae corded. There were two cases of diph- theria and one death, and a case of scarletina, Mr. Wilson, who lives near Feng on Falls, recently found one of his best cows staggering about the barnyard in a somewhat hilarious condition, and in- clined to hove every cow in the yard take a "horn." A veterinary was called in, who, on investigation, decided that the animal was on a "(torn jag." She had been elven a liberal supply of dry corn in the morning which fermented in the stomach, producing alcohol and setting up all the symptoms of intoxica- tion. On Tuesday Feb. 2nd, there passed away the oldest remaining settler of the 2nd con. Stanley, in the person of Mary Fraser, relict of the late Donald Ross, er., at the advanced age of 88 years. Sho was in her usual health on Sunday evening, Jan. 31, when she had an at- tack of pneumonia, and succumbed to the disease on the following Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ross was a native of Nova Scotia, where she was born in Cumberland county on Feb 6th 1810; she lacked only four days of completing 88 years. In 1845 she was married to the late Donald Ross, sr., when she lived a short time with her husband in Piston, then they moved to the "Huron Tract" with their family. Some tiros ago we requested Mr. James Reid, treasurer of Mornington, who Is now serving his fiftieth year in that capacity, to let us have an early statement of the township's finances that it might be contrasted with the present and show the progress that has been ob- tained in municipal affairs since that time. Mr. Reid favored us with the first statement made out which it will be noticed is in £, S. D., a Canadian £ be- ing worth $4. At that time Mr. James Whaley was reeve of the townships. The receipts for the year 185.4 were £340 5s., the expenditure was 2246 5s., balance on hand £75.—Milverton Sun. The magnificent new post-<ilice, at Clinton recently erected by the Federal Government, ata cost of about $15,000, on the most prominent and accessible corner in the town, was opened for busi- ness on Feb. 10th. The building is of red pressed brick, with stone facings, and consists of three stories and base- ment. The ground floor is occupied as a post. office and Customs collector's office, while the upper floors are fitted up for a janitor's residence. The whole building is steam headed, and electric lighted throughout, commodious, and conven- iently arranged, and up to date in every particular. The citizens are deeply grateful to Mr. Robert Holmes, M. P., to whom is due the credit for procuring for Clinton such an excellent post -office. WANTED A man to represent "Canada's Great- est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e. Stock true' to name and free from San s Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com- mission. STONE & 'WELLINGTON I O TILILL Nt'ilSEItIES over 800 .acres TORONTO, - - ONTARIO Oldest, Largest, :Brost Widely circulated and Only National Agricultural Jiu•nre Paper in Canada. "Horne 'M ; z i r\e " PU.BL'!5HEe W E K.L'!il( After January 1st, 1904, r n I 'j E $ I.50 Numbbers. New aubseribl•i'e get balancr of this year free including ntagnifteentchristmesnumiter. Rend in your subserlptiou at once. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Wm. Weld Co., Limited, London, Oat, Times end Partners' Advertte for $1,23, ha• lance of 1003 free to new subscribers; L MM. Lill To preserve or restore it, there i:; no better prescription for men, women and children ihan Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicine ; approved and used by every physician. Rillans'l'abuit':: are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fain:.' remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est '".'rel 'Gy with a long and successful record, to t r -re; 'a-ugest'n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn kzensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • .dtion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver coin- ,- .'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up 3 'wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- . - .id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives ,:on tant benefit from a regular use of • Ripans T.,bules. Your dry ;;gist sells them, The five- c.int: packet is en ;h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. -.,,., ., w-.'.•.. "x•F?,YR,: ,.,^A. tytS' Y?~.'i`a'... a• t roar, •,1 sets "4✓:11.w. rc:,-. OA. `w'ICkzC'rJvs w, ,. i -e reeSax: rye:• teaVe Wee t;. 7/ie pay of ,go ung „gene Tho best positions with large Commercial Houses are now filled with young men front eighteen to twenty-five years of ago. These young men reach their positions by keeping in close touch with the managers. To get in touch with the heads of such concerns it is neces- sary to have a thorough business training. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College gives a complete and practical training in stenography, financing, book- keeping, higher accounting, etc. Has the best organized and most capable staff of teachers in Canada. Writo for booklet giving full particulars of courses, costs, etc. 1, O %AP, 0 J. W. WESTERVELT, PRIN. s. Y. M. C. A. 13UIL.nINc, LONDON. it w T. ?e; verroXifilS +eeZe.'E sre,9eveact : ..,,rte' -. {6 BLOOD DISEASE CURED. If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe until the vireo or poison has been eradicated from the system. Don't be satisfied with a "patch up" by some family doctor. Our New Method is Gaatramteed to Cure or No Pay. foto Name9 Used without Written consent. Cttar'od When all Else Failed "Could I live my early life over. this testimonial would not be necessary, though I was no more sinful than thousands of other ▪ young men. Early indiscretions, later exccs'es, exposure to contagious diseases all helped to break down my system. When I commenced to realize my condition Iwas almost frantic. Doctor after doctor treated me but only gave me relief—not a cure. H,it - Springs helped me, but did not cure me. The symptoms always returned. Mercury and Potash drove the poison into my systetu or- instead of driving it out. I bless the day your New Method '. 'treatment was recommended to me. I investigated who you were first, and finding you had over 25 years' experience and re- t suonsible financially. I gave you my case ander a guarantee. I, 25 Years in Detroit. You cured me permanently, and in six rears they has not been a sore, 250,00pa0in,Curedulcer. or any other symptom of the blood disease." . COI•:Y. We treat and curt Yartcocele, Blood Poison, Nervous DebilMityA, StrictNLure, impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Question Blank far Home Treatment and Books Free. DRS. KENNEDY et KERGAN9 145 SHELBY BBTREET. DETROIT, MICH. ra ;rlOk .rn1 a.. enternvA ailr:1 A Clubbing Offers - 9903-04 THE TIMES announces the following Clubbing Offers for 1903 -o4: -- Times till Jan, 1st, 1005 $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with S -page illustrated supplement .... , 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun.. ti; 1 75 Times and Daily Globe 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25 Times and Toronto Daily Star 1 80 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... `.; 30 low -rate' We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. V6 e can give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our Fl:clRATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent , to new subscribers for the BALANCE OP 1903 1.111%. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers will receive ve the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address -w THE TIMES OFFICE wixt+aaas. ]lBAVER nom OSEI?IIINE STREET',