HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-02-08, Page 17Brussels stoc ' The market at Brussels Stockyards traded actively on all lasses of cattle at firmer prices. Pigs sold sharply higher. There were 702 cattle and 978 pigs on offer. Choice_Steers.84:00 to'fi .00 with sales to 90.00. Good Steers -81.00 to 84.00. A fancy light steer ?ccitisigned by KeVill Shea of Seaforth weighing 970 lbs. topped_thP market at 90.00 with s his lot of 27 steera averaging 1116 lbs. selling for an overall price of 84.50. A steer consigned Ay: Hodgins Baia. of Parkhill weighing:1440 lbs. sold for 88.25 with their offering of)3eiteers averaging 1243 lbs. selling for ariVll price of 86.66. Thirteen steerscopigned .by Jim Poor- tinga of R.R. 1, Wiiodham, averaging 1174 lbs. sold for 85.60. Seventeen steers consigned by Ross Durnin of Lucknow averaging 1102 lbs. sold for 85.70. Five steers consigned by Ron Gordon of R.R. 2, Blyth averaging 1210 lbs, sold for 85.50. A steer consigned by Gladmere Farms of R.% 1 Elmira weighing 1440 lbs. sold for 87.75 with their lot of 6 steers averaging 1390 lbs. selling for 86.70. A steer consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Thingannon weighing 107011). sold • 4 With their efferirig of steers i.raging1jQ6 lbs. selling lot an overall toti4insignedb'T John Thornton of !mr,;04ent ts.coonvseitintag:jbg;142601belabsj.sosltdofonsr, „ of Petrie veraging1261 lbs, sold fiir. 85.60.- _ A steer consigned b G Farms of Wingha''' lieCa Lilestwsth4 ', for 86.00 with thineirwIlleriniliggief8:°51 sitcom averaging 1241 lbs. , selling for 'an overall Price of 84.83; Seven steers consigned by Glen .191MIStall of R.R. 2, Bluevale averaging 1101 lbs; sold for 85.45. • Four steers conigned. by Donald Dow .of R.R. 3, Wingham averaging 1290llie. sold for 85.60. Eleven steers consigned by Fred Konchtet of R.R. 2, Gadshill averaging 1151 !bk. sold for an overall price of 85.78 With his son, Doug's steer weighing 1040 lbs. selling for 86,75. Choice ExMic` Heifers -82.00 to 86.00 with . sales to 89.75. Choice Hereford Heifers -79.00 to 82:00. - A heifer ciOnsignedby,Robert Lowry of R.R. 1, Kincardine weighing 1010 lbs. -sold :for 89.75 With his offering cifi,5 heifers averaging -1058 !by. selling for an qveinll prim. of R6.25.- ' . • .. ' • .. • ; ' 1 • • • °P • ,, ,• 4 . , •P'••' •••• • • • !,•'' '•••••• . ,. •• • • • ., , ,•:.•• • „ ' , ' - ',, , , , ' , • • , .•:1•11•P I •• % • 1 . ,,r4•4ki , i • . '''• • e:' " ;;:, •••4•01!? '.•.',,,, , , , • , ,, .444,'. . 4,, . , , , , , ..,,,, ;., ,,,.. . , • , - :tii. . i ,, 4 , ,; . , , . 0 ,,,,,, , ,,.. ,. •,:,,,4 k,,-4 &K., -,:4-4-i„.4 44..;?4,4: • 4,4.144,1,4,:iV, • ;'• „6..,,O,D i, , ;",,,- ,' , :'?,',.',-,T; ,41, '1,:',4, , ,"g ' • ,.. • ,,,,,, 4,, ' • . ' ',„ .., ',',', .4 ,, • • , ; 4,4 • .,, . . 1 URt)fil .. FaeralliliE FE EPARY 8 '19841.,- Al? A heifer consigned by Wallenstein weigbig '1140,1s,Soldfor'87,50 ° with hie lot of 7 heifers averaging 07,5 lbs." selling for f15;20. Five heifers consigned by Gordon Dott.' erty of ILL 3, Goderich averaging 1116 lbs. sold for 84.50: • . • Six heifers consigned by Neil, Rhin:nil of R.R. 2, Lucknow averaging 1103 lbs. sold for - an overall price of 83.70. Font heifers' consigned by Jim Milner of 1114,04:,, Dundalk averaging 10771sold for Olvi.heliers consigned by Gorge Blake of ' prilsSela, averaging 1088 lbs. Sold for 85.35 with his offering of2IThetfers aiteraging 1,03 selling for an Overall price'of 83.50. &heifer consigned by Bill Bio of R.R. 21 Walkerton vireigbing 1090.1bs. sold for e.50. • Choice Cows -48.00 to 62.00 with sales to 53.50. Good Cows -45.00 to 48.00. Canners & Cutters -41.00 to 45.00. 30.to 40 lb. pigs traded Ufa high of 38.75. 40 to SO lb. pigs M a high of 44.00. SO to 60 lb'. pigs to a high of 50:00. 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high of S8.50: 70 to 80 lb. pigs to a high of 64.00. 4a. Barrie encourages local lobbym • • , the near future, retirtng OFA president Ralph commission. With the possibility of a federal election in beef farming better," Mr. Barrie said of the ' , travelling around . the province irtihtg - , Barrie urged local, federation members to Mr. Barrie said the commission will be, other provinces to see how the market bees. ' feedback from beef 'producers And vtith start pressuring their MP's, The Lanark County beef farmer has been . . . travelling across the province iff the past : 25,000 plus Ontario Federation of Agriculture . EgA producers get increase. - • , • , week, spreading the same. message. to the members. Mr. Barrie spoke to Huron Egg producers in Canada will be paid one will remain in effect until the full loss has federation members on Feb. 2 in Clinton, The current political situation,- the federal cent more for a dozen Grade A !are -eggs been recovered. Conservatives leading in the opinion polls beginning Monday, Feb. 6, the Canadian CEMA sets the producer price of eggs at and an election in the offing' make an ideal Egg Marketing, Agency (CEMA) annminced, the beginning of each month to reflect time for federation members to actively lobby There were no changes in the major cost on-farm costs using a- cost ,of production formula monitored by the federal govern - said Mr. Barrie. . factors - feed, pullets (young layers) and ment's National Farm Products MarkOng a Three particular issues he emphasized wages - over January but egg prices have Council. Prices paid by thcOnsumer are were capital gains, changes in the Income been increased by one cent to recover $1.9 - determined by wholesalers and retailers. e Tax Act and major improvements to the Farm million lost by producers during a two-month The one cent increase offsets a recent one Credit.Corporation. . price freeze last fall. The one -cent increase Mr. Barrie defended the provincial organ- cent decrease paid to egg producers. ization against criticism that it isn't aggres- sive enough in its lobbying strategy. The suggestion that farmers withhold their products for' a day is not favored by the retiring president. "We den't have the clout to withhold our products. Not in' reality. We onlmake up four per cent of the population,"said Mr. Barrie. . Besides encouraging lobbying, Mr. Barrie apologized to the federation members for 'jumping ship' between OFA elections. Mr. Barrie was recently appointed to a three-man beef commission established by Minister of Agriculture and Food Dennis Timbrell. "I'll feel good if we do something to make Ontario Humane -society-hears - about rabies The Hunania Branch of the Ontario Humane Society met for their annual meeting Wednesday, Feb. I. President, Betty MacDonald opened the meeting with a short synopsis -of the past year. Following Betty. Dianne Foster, secretary gave her report Treasurer, Laurie Jeffrey's report showed that the fired for the animal shelter has now grown to over $3200. Guest speaker John Chi% from the Huron County Health Unit, gaie a very informative talk on rabies. Rick Koury, an inspector from Head Office spoke next. He met with Goderich Town Council earlier that day to discuss purchasing land for the shelter. Following council's upcoming meeting on Monday. an applica- tion will be made to the Committee of Adjustments to amend the zoning. Providing there are no objections to the zoning, the transfer of land should be completed within 90 days. Following that, negotiations will begin 'to purchase the land. Jim Sharman is the new acting inspector for St. Catherines to Goderich and surround- ing areas. Goderich police and 0.P.P. will work with the society on complaint calls. 1984 board members are President -Bev Chowen. vice president-Melodie Howse. secretary -Toby Rainey. treasurer -Marty Bond. directors -Sheila Lancaster. Dianne Foster, Betty MacDonald, Catherine Mc- Knight Jean Fox, Betty Daer and Gloria Atfield, IlteR•S•P• Registered Retirement Savings Plan Now Paying 1 0 % on the' Variable Rate Plan *No Charges FIXED RATE PLANS Now Avelleble to 1 1 % COMPOUNBED ANNUALLY defm.szeovw=rre Moos sololoer ro thong, oiltheat norai Clinton Community CREDIT UNION ammo DIETER. 40-3467 235.114411 • For a better deal... See us today! 7, FULL LINE OF: 5 ,4r45 Or .irceeive OP extra • pi9nsoi!oorias ore develoP441040 tested by 9-#.104fiki:1*ricri largest reioarAytita*BoOtouOr ..obodivillpleleit and breeekiFfiSe3quallfled hyinf#110•Int 0;4040 ,'ealbetieniksOrn borer. and tworm.toI.rance. MAZDA AN I), VO LKSWAG E V•W DIESEL $ 7a a c PLUS FREIGHT 'Priced from ur‘u Um AND TAX VW RABBIT SALES -SERVICE & PARTS NEW & USED CARS mama GLC 0/1410011117 Stratford ti • Serving Penh County fak 31 years Highway 8 West 271-7520 leader hybrkfitha, can PIoneeruitrforinaine. BRAND sgfp C •om*- SOME'Of THE MANY VARIETIES, 4 OF PIONEERSEED CORN AVAILABLE 9849 !;978 13925- - '3851 li49,5Ac *3949 •-!;950 • GOOD SEED SIZES AVAILABLE IN ALL VARIETIES. ALSO BANNER ALFALFA AND SILA-BAC AVAILABLE. 1%y...or Nite the Service is 44044 t a .1. IMEGY'S FARM SUPPLY Brodhagen LIMITED 345-2941 if busy phone 345.2311 PHELAN'S "1111=11.10.. , 4 :; :•••:••• iimicsipaPner NAB" MOFFAT MOFFAT MOFFAT . 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