HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-02-08, Page 12edellt • MARGKEfHOGGAJITH.'' " 10090 • .• The Kippeit ladies enjoyed another quilt. lag beer On Monday, Jan. 30, Tuesday, 31 and Wednesday, Feb. 1. The quilt belonged to Marlene Bell and*i.put up in her home. Those helpingVin , .v.f0 t were RIVice il Turner, Agnes Byre, , ace, flioattroA, Ot000. Pepper, Pearl Taylor, Gerd, Moir, Ruby _Be Bertha McGregor,Myrtle,:,§bertitt Mattle Megraffor 'Helen MacLean, Mona Alderdice, Margaret -flog - earth; Jeannette, Turner,,Evelyn Workman, and Mary 13rint.011;,,, • ,„ Grant and Helen MacLean recently enjoy- ed A weekend snowmphiling at the.,.!/Xatra Resort. Bob and N40,04,,114:cently a 4 -114.04 Mrs. Ernest Ashman's' birthday dinner in TilliOnburg. Bob, Frances and Lyle Kinsman hcfifect a birthday party on Friday Feb. 3, in Mak of Mary Kinsman, Bob's sister. Guestsalso inchidd Jack an and PSSMIO vv,gexif -February stitui day, Feb; 7.4Arjaiet, .giT4:411r1 quilting .and:cand on Sunday, ettai Jteraett. ;pi from a all V004011Oratton. 'bulbs for the. was "godor000lvoip • 9111,11404 ; yolotitoorom e nitnen rul? , The sermon Al ,coteuplai,ft owat the Centennial' reported on the Presbyterlal the eep on top of the mid mt r bi e t fellowship party WU S naod by tle ", pcomng special events April 23 at'7:30 piamf-u. Out' weekly bingo game n":" exparided ufon: astor A ,„ a V e 11%oke ahoutthe era The...10.100* was preOtedwi , • ,trattw tlleattglq.Otti . available for Salo,' Parr. of' the kaaPaOS c'f P five views of ife that _oak., 'goo the choir alp yOur Burdek em,r, officers kir 1W- „. There are still 'plentv, of church:Wen calendars nincitr oiCfntitil§fleePw°Artres4'iifor the ?..k o'4 Inn, ator ieras, • 1* . T AIr an,dHy these ,calendars help to raise fonds. for the MOreve ‘nteet'afeethfCe4 fc4 ,4401,t .- The Ma 11)6'9 'Happy Hour' group. Joanne • decotatto fr, Florence Slade presented witit 4 gift bt Rileyrel) '. miry p; anatcanif ;Oh w ' Oatteach eed.`. $ *Pt ,the el in bean —Wed employee -,of, "eThluogikerarivlbnoonk cempiled byllorlittlya litnes 040!.. c osed wtt 0; .Joscr,,-.. Tgles,‘",0 ,,jr• ; ere tw°"'IOVS" WirtI411491,11,aP,CrtRitPrtriata '0°' Tit° h°didn pkineletrata, )046400,,Z7,1f . . . . . . . ' .. '. . .. ; 7 •,:, - , 4'4 odk't ProduCers. Meetiti ,, . and - .. Crop Planning Seminar . Feliidary 214g . 22 Everyone illIpWorne Contact your nearest Cook's 'plant for details. , 0 HENSALL: - ..C.NTFIAl_,IA K(RKTON.fi' 262-2410 • 228.-6661 . 229-8686 DIVISION OF GERBRO INC. ..-1 ri,ily i.: .. 6 . , 1 .. ... . ,, ' ,.. . . ,. . . oWe eVaftii,a Mae ago r your front .;einntv he bort nn ardship"e. "reott was read , • di risiA en ?P•b* *die }ley . e)/019 18 ,e d the singing of some 'ere • and Nelliee"!, rot,;0' rwith e:01-qfw,d(r. c OS , ortho',SiindiSi'PRO,001140001:$9 '44 olik ' 'IPP#1,14?•?•44.100r '`W efitiorVp the oe40.1.0“ ChATAAM T.PAO eFr*t. '0$0011, with' the hithjg twai 40' lylfe. Deli and ilefleth ft) IhY poem in Ufl tbake tried fili/hr 114"dyaYLa MnPanc4a4408n,litivitle:)COUMP:, 'I Rve.,. '1Setettlifenxilote4!c,b' 4titt-C4toeudStrlithy,k,P'. ifiln''04-ifoolt•°;a:ftii.1;,.11,iplitefl;,•;j114r'h3Sidt;r.library. to ' ti37,7473:917-0,119 years, 5;tiii„iiiii6,ii,•ii.a.. tio.44, bootit. Artangetaaatar0 thavr" 0.:414,, e±Pir ,i, --.',,...Tintek Ch.apter 1.,, ' • ..,,:, Lo .afosiiitshtWflithnarnthelea'ibsatendsielneg: at: 09 Per! - • .• ;•,••18•• 41 Id fit t Gliderliiknecott441rithViirfl. L___ _ . _ V i cder 4ann dWaMd rnsaY ctlEauyn ieevee "Arita Alta sPea'tlef yfr, l',, -,„,„ with shook eptlmr, sr thei,planq!."'llpteghliFC4014:.4int,,,,n y -, ,--60,i44kiiis ix 's m ,;;_•100.11N, to it ,;c4ins , , • fw,.... Ronnie,tlnshal 'etkeannter Xelinp,... 41,2vizie =„7;g_. ,17;y1' 'fit 4071 0 r k ,, . . 40 k* i 0 g t I 41 i P LotVa ore LW ', flebesitt: its thssact _tsa_Oda Etrilt$4.,' tata„0417,,;k940110Vir If:Ater nesday attending -the funerIof-Jimmy resided for thettieetiat4#A0t la...d4 no*t_ffigetifloyill-beiteld**004411 t „.„,,,,...• , , ,„:).010.100.47000. ,,: , • '•.- ., $40,:nici-in *1Es 0(m, s' PC . crow ilti.9, ,, el, toi#;;;#00storsp'eehthAetr' the j1r in Br�ntford on t June 3P. and alsilteNelenteerftk,e.49,1, 0.,:'' ., 4.,4-,;,,,,,, eareff,*,00, t4ex.:7011 gni,,-prn. - parsons, 'kid McGee,,Ron tbleY anti Lorne DettOt Ain titaltaTfkat'ata,?; ' nell and•moy Au*Intin.,v44.'01011, , 1-0)1-: ::0•410-,,,ic000 ••••;,- •: , . (-i,., •:' ., - '''..31/ YZ.:••• '''':',' • • th Rhent'' .nlior 'kr rilrift -tea F9r•COt• roliti.,;• . up5004,0,1figh4::t.0140,: • the re otled for the visitint aomrtutteCI' , ,, - git,,49.,r4 • , K_,_ ,s.z..' 1.; 4,kitiii,,Eit iiitit.threq.,0440$.6 cnonahroottolhopubject, . , .., , h ... p.m. at the oral Ilan, woeipuF, c t.iyy, , . ,. .,§#,:....8 a, .. . ,.. pi,,,, i.,..; . ;4...-ait...,,', ',.:• • •,, 1 -,404,,,,,„ ,,:; ;.,..h.i sii...sistorst, liottv0,41,.. .,.,x111 .,1„•az.;.,,r:i;..,,...., ,A, ,,,,•:49: .on. euchre lin elf,1`,,,,,""."-ai:l'i, "i. efaome, -Tr: : 7- iloor .. tit, • ill tbe.;:,cnittnb,,i Ad, i;,77,. 1, op .., eq,to*.xopidott#;#1.11,b0i,v1,01 goalillni, ''',,, ,... ' ; • ',';',';;' 4 %.7,'" ! , , die MO 'and .Rewbekilttqfg,r: ral 41;50 ' '',4tlaetrtattriZeo rk will be 11014 ,YPAlinsdny Qa,,nn4,';,'"z1t3fpw,, got wippOigall'iiiltt A cles,e Nwiroy,copld 1q4Rethant:11 ?•'?"7i. • - • - • • e liernanitarian qtry1F0-ic,_ jjtjta .4 , : *J.: ,.e 4,01.0 • 4,;,,-,:ni,th,e-loit so$09,04tbe. " „, N4,,,,,ig,,,,Hoitolkd tot tog 'bowler§ With a parentWr; Ah ,, s. ge , „,,.,..„1149n altill.° , ,,M14•41110, octiotk ymotto,p „Oa it!r..,Pi IIP ,hifie baoka Aatirege Itee - '' ' AmBERIOGyi44,0N;s.,,, f.;-,-4 k.:1!.iT'st!,.,. *101.1i0,14o 0. c.,:iic vieli., p4b, iriOliii,o4 gT6:04-444;Hweott*ot'fitlyipptec"1,ated. Feel mTues.61,14eibetto' ' itok,,..0, NA6ie Grand Mrs.- ), erilittetl:,' , glic,ii, .B 94 1 • ' ;„ ik, ,e0Ley! cgA,,OPY-1 , fteeltit• e0,0t4Of the 1°.P1,; e', ''''' -, ''' " , •''' L! :. : " '..,•'..''',!- '' .. hetithnt eteoligRor "'PR' ., ,,, , . i•,...., Tht oiti.",SIOIT 67•48170"ihe to sponsor any • Thti„ottRn,„.M.****.r.*torik,,,, MT,P"1 ' ' onini .0U -ith. - -- ee At a00$•,•: • • . .. • ...FiklitArAfi_411 'MA welt ' pw eat • lv,i.!;'.1,:..,d''7,144''';9.ti '"Itti,,p4011.411t°R,' IC W, .(,1e441e.:' !,'4:-'fieAil: SecTfk& 0 'TimMity,. The ''',Oepre yeas' duestorrefltotitta flog Acrwmew A. v4r3;d4iiwvv.410, ..047;role ,i,Y.,:ft • Ansa etniil tea: in7e reel" keen' rn.f!' wh, 1.?re nP. ,...40.`"KoF- d'' m': prOlOovhenA41r, ' 140,-M,M*Vtlimpiz, . ht,tei f,4itk,,,,',014. d 17_ ,, ,. :., , . '''..of :the hoard 'W$S'le'enttria, 1ff1tt,..„._.4",-4.',"i,93..?' '' •-. ,,,, ' . ellent attendance. et the . ' 0,BnediViefainti70"4' nneit#2,F,f.4 - -7 ' '77 . ' ' ' ' tb 0 ' Nell Regan Weltelt'' ' sit d•regos Y ,•• . rsq, , ,M4 I , - '1 ''''' . 10,40, ' 4,4'j,04 ;i041111; ' .. - ,, 'ICeihult are tn4ie discifised Idatejih i..;.., „, , .' '' . ,_,r, liiii , - A:group, Of elefiern 'tont 414' ch' "r141' BusinesSeonChide, ,, , .aflil.. sqv-Pra!',, 'TIP.Illers• 1110- ' -ThOUngregation were reminded that next sjptPX0Tobitital;,'.14.,5'..°,4d.r°11?::14r4::, ..6i,-,1117- a * " . - GAVItatettet. OatY ICYle, ICYle who greeted the congreagsation, as i ted 'by itYan . M:r:tc.,1111,,,,,,,:d,:tti:1:..07, ;,:•tt:O.,.:70,,r1,t7F CY .: ' - '' ',. A ' _ ,:. •'. A4ek. •-• ,r.t.'1‘ • ,:, ."4 ''-':.'.: .:.'rti..1''FIPle ' 11URC11141- ' 1 azC7N: - - ,. EriICEia'0S'12plek!OD/. 1ii3PA : eieane:i9r0es. personal 801.:vic.** 115C•011YRRRO P,1,nte.', SALES itt SERVICE installation & parts KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. ILEA WALTON Low 241,4734 FON FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES Expert Interior & Exterior Decorating Walleoverings .1,„ .41/:(WliiindKocon•ISPhaaidnef,ts HILDEBRANQ PAINT 4401D,,P)412,,Elk Phorit5274880 IS Main Si ...Sea forth Apdilance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE I. limBrnadfoot rt 48247032 15 Ma InSt: • Seaforth Office 527.0555 Res. 527-1784 \' Complete Floral Service with a penanal Much 1 SEWING MACHINE SUPER MARKET ove, 100 machtnes On d. sway Soca 10 all "sakes Sa7es-VVbtte. Etna Huatvanta Lois 01 uler/ maCt003 1,001149.95 • SEW ANQSAVE • CENTRE LTD. e.2 doors sourittlfHuds"4t. 1 44 boxiifie SI Strairoird,rt -956D ROSS. V11„RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth ' PHONE 527-1 390 Sincere and Courteous Service • SEAM 39INSURANC Math Sf„ Seaferfh • Hoina •S • Farm *Auto .Lie *Sickness and Accident Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroletim Supplies, Heating Oils . Seaforth Co-op 5274770 Bus. 527-1242 Res. 527-1942' T. I. DEVEREAUX B.Sc., D.C. Chiropractor 77 Mein St, Seaforth,Ont. NOK 'WO NEW • Mon. (1130.1,1 • 14104400 ° Tues., Thurs. 84842Wed Fri ' * 540•802 Sat- 8Itl)41* Painting, Decinp, ' Paiierhoging InteriorandExteriar PRiEESTIN1Afee Phone527-1582 SeaforKOnL FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Aluminum sitting; home tentivatiens, additions, framing. roofing, fesi. clential and fern build. ing FREE ESTIMATES PETER FIANAGAN sa74399. • Mufflers guaranteed ; as long as,you , own the ciir SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. ' for, • • DIAmptios •• 4• FWE V I 11 NAETECCL "H1 N i 1IA* Gifts for every. occasion iti.02VO Al rrYPee tit-lieOstre) toni INTI/401! EXTERIOR PAINT anadlon and Importod WALL COVERINGS ORAVES Wallpaper & Paint hi St. Soaforth 5210.0850 • 'A'. • 11010140t47, 11*.0 sEPARATBOARD k40., lesidetimitelsRegletOonWhit • TbstaMardlt p11.184m. :54101p4tit, .141inwatant** Rasireet000ntal t 3 PrtThdPki Sesforth,,Outfizto 4 ,- LS�O No. 527.0321 Kindergeitin ehihlten need to be 5 years -of age on or before December 31st OK Flew:bring proof of age • Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certifietto and proof of innitunientios. • 4.4°• • Repair ' • • Maisitemanee • Improvements Furniture Striping and Refinishing paDavid Longstaft Ltd. - Optician 87 Main St S. Sentortb OPTONIrfiliSTS015 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Preseripteft;piiiFilled RIgthiLAR1101111S1 Min. Tees, Thurs. Fri. 9i00-5:10 Sa ClosedWednesday cOMPLETEOPtICAL SE,Rvreg 5274303 • BUSES AvARABLE,FOR CHARTER DOIWILIO Highway Coaches AetIvifillusiss • !Custom Vans Philo Watt Gadericit • _ 524-722 *Concrete Forming and Finishing 'Framing *Drywall 'Roofing *Cabinet Making tilioksatti;listiR titifoos Stoog,kokis kill day Tolidiy. leak 007 own chaiW, sninitnif‘ 'Wtotnntsii Polish & ittialteier Seiluta, jektiftiii rk and ProOnsed Ka* 1 inedielt• Our Motto i$ Ride" JOHN ELLIGSEN Etienne LTD, Form *Itaildantlat0C.aaaninitil / 24 fitatittiteriletacti sat**, Na: Olioifon ' • Otriiattental irthi Wdti' . FtaiAlittiMaehlet 4106 . sTrailet Hitaite• Hog Feeiletso • diOtota rabivattdo*. apOrtab1Viteld4id'ii Mila-nanti of Seaforth - • ‘-, 527-0114 , • V140 MINE ''SUCIIDEN-(NPANY:DEATH- SYNDROME? :this is the occasion when a child, well oared for and robust, usually between the igk. of., three weeks and twelve months, 5 put to bed; a short time tater the Mother returns to the bedroom to find khe,chittl dead. There is no sign of • stiligite although -the child may have changed position. This type of death is often called "crib death.": it is a particularly devastating experience for parents of the child. They suffd feelings of guilt -which they Shouldn't, If they have used normal care and .precaution, there'sabsolutely no reasotl for thatil'fo'bianie themselves. in situations such as this, it is recommend- ed that the parents parents consult their minister; dotter or psychiatrist. Ongelek medical research has -not yet beerfable to find any reason for thii type of death; or can they predict or prevent It, "Old wives tales" and much misin- formatiestitrounda the sudden death of 44 infant wider these otherwise normal , #retinistances, 11'1004. this WOO to someone you hero, qty to understand their own itelltieSatieSS and the lack of knowledge ;Vow aviIable, .. • ST.THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH 21 hole St., Seaford) Rev. Gordon Shama,. Mulder SUNDAY, FEBRUARt 12,1984 Services• : 1st and third Sundays Mordinglimyer 2nd and 4th Sundays, Holy Ctirnmunion Sunday School and Nursery EVOYONOWELCOME tt.ii.-PAUN MEIJI liktIONE 911411" OMIDirector 54 GodertchS‘Went,Seaforth Rev. .1.0, Vatia(Ati, Militate; SUNDAY, FEBRUAlti 1.984 11 si.O.Church Servicei dwell School , and 91Unitit,* ISN'TRESPECTitRILIV ENOUGH?