HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-02-18, Page 3I 5YRUP1
Heals and Soothes the Lungs and
Bronchial Tubes.- Cures COUGHS,
NESS, eta., quioker than any rem•
edy known. If you have that irri.
toting Cough that keeps you awake
at night, a dose of the Syrup will
stop it at once.
I have used DR. WOOD'S NORWAY
PINE SYRUP for every cold I have had
for the past eight years, with wonder-
ful success. I never see a friend with a
cough or cold but that I recommend it.—
M. M. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N.B.
Alva Stockton, of Ilte 8th of Minto
in W.ollington ,near this Ilowick lreun-
elary, had an exciting experience last
Sunday morning. On Saturday night
a wild cat got into his goosa house.
On Sunday morning Mr. Stockton's
little six-year-old boy went out to
feed the geese and found two of them
killed by' the wild eat, that animal be-
ing still in the corner of the goose -
house. Its glaring eyes and fierce
main frightened the little:, fellow, so
he ran for his father. He thought at
fast to demolish the animal with a
pitchfork, but lie soon found that
,dange.rcus, if not impossible, and ran
to the house for a, double-barrelled
shot gun. When het returned the wi19
cat was making off over the f e.d. Mr.
Stockton, followed the beast, which
halted as soon as it naw; him coming
and showed figth. Getting as near
as he thought safe, just as the ord-
inal was preparing to spring on him,
Mr. Stockton emptied both barrels of
the gun into its face and killed it
instantly. It is large and glossy, and
Me. Stockton intends to have it stuff-
ed. These animals are rare now in
these Parts.
The fair sex should remember that
food and flattery is a combination calcu-
lated to open the average masculine
Cer� e
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Siml!e Wrapper netow.
Very small and as easy
to take as sugar.
:fie,pt,Ptiraly7egctablo. tC.r
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some-
thing to cure your biliousness,
and regulate your bowels. You
need Ayers Pills. Vegetable;
gently laxative. '- °
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
(erne ere _ ....es. 1t. P. RAL. k ro., naafi. N. a.
Premier Ross' Masterly Review
of Province's Finances.
Assets Converted Into Useftst Forms That
Provide a Constant lRosme—A No.
table Example Instanced—What
Has heats Done icor the Farmer
By the Government—Surplus
$2,941,398 en Jan 1,
Toronto, Feb. 10. Premier Rosa,
in a speech that lasted for two hours
in the Legislature yesterday after-
noon, gave a very complete and in-
teresting survey of the financial con-
dition of the Province. His subjects
were well arranged, and his figures
were mar'tialled in forceful style. He
showed that the long -predicted deficit
in the Ontario treasury is still afar
off, and gave striking evidence of
Provincial prosperity. Ile dealt at
length with the Tomiskatning Rail-
way construction and its financing,
and proved that it had been built
with exceptional economy and judi-
cious management. The extension of
this line and other works projected
wero referred to in order to show
that the Ministry was not sitting in
idleness. He devoted some attention
to the trust funds dispute with the
Dominion Government, and declared
that the rights of the Province would
be enforced. Col. Matheson, who fol-
lowed, contended that instead of
the surplus there was an actual de-
ficit on the year's transactions of
$621,000. Mr. .7. R. Pease moved
the adjournment.
The Premier's Speech.
The Premier at the outset stated
that ho would endeavor to give a
complete survey of the expenditure
and revenue of last year, the propos-
ed expenditure Sor this year, and then
discuss various aspects of the finan-
cial question. They began the year
1903 with a bank balance, after hav-
ing paid off the maturing obligation
of the Province, of $1,415,510, and
they had closed the year with a
cash balance of $1,994,679, having
improved the bank balance in tho
meantime by $579,168. In January,
1903, the surplus of assets over
liabilities was $1,939,262, and at
the end of the year that surplus
showed an increase of $609,901.
Now that surplus was $3,551,300,
the cash balance in the bank on Feb-
ruary 9th being $2,941,398.
Increased Expenditure,
"Tho expenditure for the year just
closed was considerably larger than
the expenditure for any previous
year in the history of the Province.
I do not know whether this may not
be the subject of criticism. However,
the fact remains that the increased
demand upon tho treasury for the de-
velopment of the country and in
connection with all the interests
which the Government are bound to
protect, will suggest that possibly
our expenditure will be much more
easily increased ed tian it will
bo re-
duced, or even curtailed. The aver-
age expenditure for the last six
years was $4,131,000, while the ac-
tual expenditure for last year was
$4,888,982. Two points had to be
considered, however, in giving this
summary of the actual expenditure.
Firstly, that in two of the six
years I have mentioned, instead of
paying our railway certificates when
they became due, we issued annuities
and so carried them to the credit ac-
count of the Province instead of
charging them up against actual ex-
penditure. For the last four years
we have paid certificate and annuity
and every other obligation as they
became due, so that when the year
was closed on December 31st last
there was no matured or maturing
obligation of the Province that had
not been discharged." The Premier
showed that the sugar -beet bounty
had taken, in round figures, $75,-
75;000; the iron bounty, the appropria-
tion for which would probably be
exhapsted • this year, $25,000; rail-
ways, $230,000; good roads, $23,-
23;000; University and Mining School,
$8,400, all of these being statu-
'tor•y liabilities, while the common
school fund accounted fos $,10,000, a
total of $.437,000. So that the nor-
mal and ordinary expenditure was
about $137,000.
The' increase in the cost of civil
Government of $41,000 was more ap-
parent than real.
Cost of Education.
Education also showed a very large
increase, namely, $1.40,111. A larg-
er grant had been necessary for high
schools owing to the establishment
of new schools. A large vote was
now taken for technical education,
a new department organized in the
interests of the artisan and those
who were dependent particularly up-
on skill in manual labor. There had
been also large increases for the
University and School of Science; in
fact the increase in education cover-
ed the whole range of popular edu-
cation, from the kindergarten to the
university, including public schools
and normal schools, of which they
had one more now at London than
they had a few years ago. There had
been a moderate increase in the main-
tenance of public institutions of
$57,638 in a total of $02.3,037.,
Spent on the Farmer.
Iii agriculture ` there had been an
increase of $1.44,506, due in hart to
the transfer of certain items from
the miscellaneous account. The total,
expenditure was $378,8.0. More
than half the increase was the re -
suit of the contribution of $74,997
to the beet -sugar industry. Then the
Eastern Dairy School got an ih-'
creased grant of $0,374, the expert.
Mental farm and feeding an increase
of $7,452, the experimental dairq
$9,672, while the new buildings i►t
the Agricultural College involt ed sic
ttxlaeadituro•of �12,8S*,, ,'These tltM
1"H H; %%' INGIIAM TIMES, 18, 1904
largo items, " said the Premier, and
indicate a very large increase, but
it is in a direction which, I am cone
fident, the 'douse will approve and
support. Agriculture, lying as it
does at the foundation of our indus-
tries, requires constant attention, It.
is so varying in its forms, it is not
so one-sided as it used to be. and
wo have so many phases in agricul-
tural education now to consider
that we may naturally .expect—I
think very properly so—so far as
our resources will admit, to increase
the expenditure In this direction if
we are to maintain our position as
the first Province in the Dominion."
Tho Crown Lands Department drew
considerably on the reyenues, the in-
crease being $31,713. The necessity
for that increase was the opening up
of new townships along the Tomis-
kaming Railway and beyond New
Liskeard, About twenty-five town-
ships were 'surveyed last year, cov-
ering 532,714 acres. The demand
made for locations by the veterans
and the pressure of the settlers in
the northern district had necessitat-
ed that large expenditure. The de-
partment was asking for about as
large a sum for the current year.
I tritest Iterenne in History.
Turning to the revenue for 1903,
the Premier said it had been very
generous, thanks to the excellent
timber sale a few months ago. It
had totalled $5,466,683, the larg-
est revenue in the history of the
Province—(applause)—but not larger
than the wants of the public service
required. A few details of that
revenue would suffice. The interest
account amounted to $195,357—on
trust funds, assets held by the Do-
minion Government, $153,864, and
on balances in the bank of special
accounts, $41,493. "This source of
income, I have no doubt," said the
Premier, "is duly appreciated, show-
ing that the position of the Province
is ono of perfect solvency—lap-
plauso)—that our assets are produc-
tive, that they are living assets.
yielding us almost $200,000 of an
income per annum." He then gave
details in other departments which
wore equally gratifying.
No I. rate of Deficit.
Referring to the estimated revenue
of $5,384,372, about the same as
last year, the Premier said that they
were in the happy position of know-
ing that no sum voted by the House
would exceed the certain revenue.
"There is no fear of a deficit in our
income. Our revenue is secure. No
accident that can possibly happen
to the revenues of this Province
would create a deficit during the
current year."
Cost of 1'omiskamina Railway.
The Premier then referred briefly
to some of the projects which they
had on hand for the current year.
The largest work on hand was the
construction of the Temiskaming
Railway. After showing what pro-
gress had been made on that road,
De stated that the Commissioners
had informed hint that the probabil-
ities were that by October 1 trains
would be running regularly from
North Day to New Liskeard. Trains
were now running three times a
week front North Bay • t
mile, and from that point the v r 57
end there was a stage line,
road had been constructed at a re-
markably low figure. The cost of
construction was estimatednt
at Syo:
000 per mile, while the equipment
would be in the neighborhood of
$5,000 per mile The Canada Atlan-
tic, 437 miles, cost $47,000 per mile,
and it was a much easier road, and
built when supplies were cheaper;
Canada Southern 373 miles, $85,-
510 per mile; Canadian Northern,
1.213 miles, $37,660; Canadian Pa-
cific, 3,838 miles, $52,100; Grand
Trunk, 3,157 miles, $105,800; Inter -
colonial, 1,333 miles, $51,000; Que-
bec & Lake St. John, 241 miles,
$58,100 per mile.
After referring to some minor pro-
jects, the Premier instanced in glow-
ing language the signs of prosperity
in Ontario, and closed with an elo-
quent peroration, resuming his seat
amid applause.
Col. 9ruthoson's view.
Coi. Matheson, who followed the
Premier, said that the House and the
people were anxious to know haw
the/ Province paid its way. Tho re-
ceipts for 1908 were given as $5,-
46(],652, and tie expenditures at $4,-
888,982, In addition to this the
Province had incurred a liability for
wages at the "Soo" to the extent
of about $250,000. The expenditure,
therefore, was about $,3,100,000. The
receipts of $5,'1103,6653 included re-
ceipts from the bonds and timber
sale of $1,335,000, and reduction of
drainage debentures by $21,000.
These two sums deducted from the
receipts gave $1,109,000, so that we
actually incurred liabilities of $1,-
00(1.000 more titan the ordinary re-
t•eipty. Receipts from Crown lands
should. lie considered as capital re-
ceipts, because they must constant-
ly be diminished. In ten or fifteen
sears that source would be reduced
to perhaps :,200,000. The .Ser pay-
ment and the expenditure for the
Normal Seheol anti the School of
tieicnce ntig;ht. be considered excep-
tional. Taking away these sums, the
ordinary expenditure was $4,780,--
(1(tlt. against receipts of $1,109,000,
hetet ing. a deficit of $021,000.
Mr. 1'ense moved the adjournment
of the debate.
Assessment Commissioner Heating Detitie.
Paur's Incrintinatina .Evidence.
Toronto, Feb. 10.—The Asses?.
meet iutest igadoll was eery hot
t est et'cltte•. The forenoon was Can-
sluued With e'tidencc tttbntit.ted to
Jiulgo 1t•iuc•liectet' t•oueet'ttine the
tither branelt of the int estigation. In
the afternoon Assessment Commis-
-Warner Fleeting! nay on the stand for
three hours. Tie denied Page's in-
criminating et ;dons, its toto. and al-
so .acme there teas no truth in the
veiled urcusation which charged hint
with pcteinn All. floods' eleetioa
expenses w'illi a promise of hush
moue;v it the alderman did not
stgueal on the witness during the in-
e: Lig;atioA,
This may seem an exaggeration to you,
all sufferers from Bad Blood should reed
about this miraculous cure by
CURED IN 1885,
Mr. David F, Mott wrote us from
Spring Valley, Ont., in 1885. He said.—
I suffered fromimpure blood and had
over 500 boils, but since taking BUR-
cured, and can recommend it to any per.
son troubled with bad blood,
Mr. Mott writes us from 02 Broad St.,
Utica, N.Y., under date of Dec. 31st,
1001. He says a—Some time ago I re-
ceived a letter from your firm, saying
that some years ago you received a
testimonial from me, stating that I had
over 500 boils. Yes, sir, I had, and
I must say that I have never had the re-
appearance of one since I took the course
I thank God that I have had good health
ever since, for I was a great sufferer.
I wish B.B.B. a world of success, whilb
it surely deserves.
For sale at all druggists or dealer*.
THE T. MIrnuaN Co., LmtIrgu,
TosoNxo, ONT.
Will be Used For Transmission of
Ordinary Messages.
The Grand Trunk is gradually hav-
ing long distance telephones installed
at all the 'leading Cations ops :the
main line, between Sarnia Tunnel and
Suspension 'Bridge, 'atria also at the
most important points on the branch
lines, The work -has been, going on
for some. weeks now, and ip the course
of a ample of months it re expected
that there tails not be a place of any
corts?ouence—from a i+ailroad stand-
point—that will not be in touch with
the other stations by .telephone.
The new 'phones are of the most im-
proved pattern and are specia]le ad-
apted to the ivork di the railroad.
They are a separate and distinct sys-
tem in themselves, being absolutely in-
dependent of the Bell service, and aro
to be used only for the transaction of
railway business. Th'it introduction
will mean :t large expenditure by the
company ,but the outlay is well war-
ranted. There is no central station,
a code being arranged by which one
station can cmfil'another by means of
certain rings,
The installation of the new tele-
phcn^ti does no; mean the stringing
additional wires along the. already
I den poles. The wires used for tete-
graph purposes are. used, for the tele-
phone, and a peculiar thing about it
is that a- telegraph and telephone
mese Igo -can be going over the mane
wire at the same time, and, one will
not interfere
with ehe .
o r t
t n the
slt •
1..'iis similar to the eye -
tons in tee on a number ;yf the Am-
crieun railways.
The telephone Will that b^e used for
ih' handling of trails orders. That
work will still In done by the dis-
taatch"re. by telegraph, but. -the tele-
phone mall he rused for the tran'mis-
sian of ordinary messages. The
'ikons will not mean a reduction in •
the number ;Of telegraph operators
ts here mine Than one is t`ngaged. It
will simply mean a tightening of their
work, u hie!, is generally very heavy.
There are now three. separate Styles
of teleeltones lei i he offices at 1jie
Grand Trunk. One is the Bell, an-
other is tenet solely for trommunication
with the various parts of the yard,
and the third 'is the long distance.
In Berlin 833 public buildings are own.
ed by the state and 407 by the mucid-
It is assorted that the longest lived
people are those who make breakfast
their chief meal.
Mr. Carnegie's present income is stated
to be $10,000,000 a year or $20 a minute
or $1,200 an hour,
Five thousand dollars has been paid
for the drinking glass used by the late
Empress of Austria while taking the
waters at Langen-SChwalhacb, near
A geological survey report on Crater
lake, in Oregon, proclaims as untrue the
assets ion commonly made that this
remarkable body of water is bottomless.
It took a line 2,000 feet long, however to
reach the bottom in the deepest part.
The people of the United States are
aiding largely in the development of
Canada. Within the past year millions
of dollars have been invested there in
agricultural and timberland, mining and
manufacturing industries,
A fine Worcester cup and saucer, dec-
orated with exotic birds and flowers, was
sold for £55; £32 was paid for a Lowest-
oft dinner service; and £100 for a set of
china armorial bearings of well known
Mirza Ghulara Ahmad, of Punjob,
India, who claims to be the promised
Messiah, has challenged Dowie, of Chi-
cago, to a duel of prayer, in which each
of them is to petition the Almighty that
"whoever of us is the liar may perish
first." The challenge has not been ac-
cepted up to the present.
Otto Failmetzger, a schoolmaster of
Schwerin, Germany, was run down by a
motor cru. He was badly bruised, but
well enough to beat the driver into in-
sensibility. Next he seized en axe and
smashed a car. The driver is suing for
damages, and the schoolmaster counter-
claims for the loss of a suit of clothes.
Hemyock, Devon, parish registers
show that during the last 257 years
there have been only nine rectors of the
The International challenge cup yacht
race from Oporto to Caocaes, a distance
of 163 miles was won by the Queen of
Portugal's schooner Lia in 19 hours.
Tendency of the Times.
The tendency of medical science is to-
ward preventive measures. The best
thought of the world is being given to
the subject. It is easier and better to
prevent than to cure. It has been fully
demonstrated that pneumonia, one
of the most dangerous diseases that
medical men have to contend with, can
be prevented by the use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always
results from a cold or from an attack of
influenza (grip), and it has been observed
that this remedy counteracts any ten-
dency of these diseases toward
i . This has been fully Pr ven in
of cases in which this remedy has been
used during the great prevalence of colds
and grip in recent years, and can be re-
lied upon with implicit confidence. '
Pneumonia often results from a slight
cold when no danger is apprehended un-
til it is suddenly discovered that there is
fever and difficulty in breathing and
pains in the chest. then it is announced .
that the patient has pneumonia. Ile on
the safe side and take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as soon as the cold is
contracted. It always enres. For sale
by Colin A. Campbell, Wingham.
Sentence Sermons,
[Chicago Tribune.]
There are no sour saints.
The devil never labels his bait,
Faith cannot be fed on furniture.
Handcuffs do not make honesty.
No prayer can rise on wings of pre.
Many things are cared by being
Doubt should be but the vestibule to
Happiness is simply a stray chunk of
He who has an eye to the fleece has
no heart for the flock.
The best preparation for death is the
perfecting of life,
No man is ready for his work until he
has learned to wait.
Heaven has no smiles for the man who
never smiles on men
Conversion is a starting point and not
a terminus in true religion.
The kind-hearted have no trouble in
finding a purse that does not wear out.
The ship is lost when the cargo gets
out of the hold into the captain's heart,
The preaching that meets most human
needs will never need to drum up a meet-
Sermons would be shorter if they had
to be practiced before they were preach-
The men with the smallest stock of
religion are likely to put out the big-
gest sign.
The habit of letting the devil down
the throat is not cured by letting an-
other one out of the lungs.
The fires of Eczema.
So keen is the suffering of many people
who endure the stinging, itching sensa-
tions of Eczema that they speak of the
skin as being on fire. By its soothing
healing, antiseptic influence Dr. Chase's
Ointment positively cures Eczema, Salt
Rheum, and every form of itching skin
disease. It is of inestimable value in
every home, and when once introduced
becomes a household necessity. Dr.
Chase's Ointment is the standard the
world over, and has no worthy rival.
Many Descendants.
Mrs. Gibbs, of Stratford, aged 82, wi-
dow of the late George Gibb, of Downie,
has, with her sister Mrs. Ballantyne,
widow of the late James Ballantyne, of
the same township, a history of no lit-
tle interest. The former has thirteen
children, three sues and ten daughters,
all of whom are living except the eldest
son. Mrs. Ballantyne is the mother of
ten children, six sons and four daughters,
I all of whom are living. Mrs. Gibbs has
i in all forty-seven grandchildren and
I twenty-three great-grandchildren raudchildreu while
Mrs. Ballantyne has forty -live grand-
, children and three great-grandchildren.
This makes in all one hundred and forty-
one descendants sc
c ant of thetwo sisters. e It
will be seventy years next May since
they came to the Huron Tract with their
parents, the late James Simpson and
wife from Peebleshire, Scotland. They
arrived in the Classic City on May 1,,.
1434, when Stratford had but one store.
Pointed Paragraphs.
From the Chieng•r News.
It takes a smart man to write 'an un-
important letter.
Trusts are like babies—they want to
grab everything in sight.
When ignorance is bliss it is folly to
Theisolar Plexus i dicover that you are a fool.
Is the largest nerve centre in the sym-
pathetic nervous system, is situated just
back of the stomach, and supplies nerv-
ous energy, the vital force of
the human
body, to the stomach, heart, lungs, kid-
neys, liver, etc. By creating nerve force
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food directly aids the
solar plexus in supplying the power
which runs the machinery of digestion
and so cures nervous dyspepsia, head -
i ache, dizzy spells and bodily weakness.
Wise men are wrong more frequently
than fools are right.
I A gentleman who calls another gentle; ,
man a liar is no gentleman.
It is easier to win a wife with flattery ,
than it is to maintain her on it.
Many a man who wouldn't;sell his vote
has foundia $2 bill that was lost by the .
I wise candidate.
{ Those who send their good money to
1 others for get -rich -quick information en-
! able the others to get rich without any
i information.
If you want to' know anything about
club life, ask a policeman.
Women are more forgiving than men,
because men need more forgiving.
Some men will work harder to get a
divorce than they will to support a wife.
Any num is liable to make mistakes,
bot it is the other fellow who blunders.
Use reason why fat men are good-
natured is because good-natured men are
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New York Press.
A woman and money are soon shop-
Woman is a citadel taken not by siege
not by assault.
The more a man loves a pipe the less
a woman's temper irritates him.
A woman has as much respect for
logic as a man has for old love letters.
The devil would go oat of busines
if womeu could have all the clothes
they want,
Silver Threads.
out It sone. r;
,on t
Darling, I am growing old,
Silver threads among the gold
Shine upon my brow to -day,
Life is fading fast away;
But, my darling, you shall be
Always young and fair to me;
Yes, my darling, you shall be
Always young and fair to me.
When your hair is silvery white,
And your cheeks no longer bright,
With the roses and the May
I will kiss your lips and sac:
You, my darling, you alone,
You have never old grown :
You, my darling you alone.
Fou have never older grown:
The private bank at Embro owned by
Lieut. -Col. Munro, M.P.P., for North
Oxford, was burglarized Friday morning
and $80 stolen.
TIL^ gaestion of raising and selling
steers at an earlier age than fartn+er-+
ly was tlte. mistime is receiving as
tench. attentitilt in England, as on this,
In these Slays early maturity playa
an important part, in the business. of
meat production, and helps breeders
to play the double role of pleasing
the palates of the people and eompet-
in somewhat successfully against im-
parted produce. In days gone by fars
mere fed their cattle for four and
live years; to -day, by forcing theca;
,from birth :sash abundances of ,good
food, whish of len .;hosts more per
pound than, bread, they are ready for
the butcher two years earlier, while
the meat is much more tender.
While the farmer or Zeeder strives
for great weight and exces-
_sive fatness for the show ring, the
public decline to buy excessively fat
meat, and es a conseauenec', the
butcher's influence Upon the farmer'
is. such that he does not producer it,
Abelutely lean meat is not "eonom-
ical, 'because. pound 'for pound it roam
tains au immensely larger proportion;
of water and so tie happy. medium is
11 is four or five years since the
first carouse competition, wets held.
The result has been that breeders,
and feeders of cattle and sheep have
been ashamed of their stock when,
displayed in the carcase, and the geese
ucl is that the fat sides of !beef, ye•1,
low and oily, and the carcases of
mutton with a couple of inches of the
raw material of the candle menu-
facture on the loin and ribs have mere
or less disappeared.
From tlri> information it will bei
seen how useful are the detnonstra-
tions of judging cat ti^. on the hoof
and then in the carcass given every;
year at the Guelph Winter Fair. Ifr
the farmers only knew the money they,
would save by attending these and
practising the lessons which they,
would learn, The Winter Fair building
would not hold the crowds tba.t would
go to uc'. taught.
Thanks for life!
Thanks for a world of beauty.
:bright ;
Thanks for the morn, the noon, the
night ;
For cheering plenty, beaming plain,
For dropping `sttotit'ers and heaving
main ;
For song -birds' music, flowerets
For hill, and stream, and balmy airs;
Thanks for health!
To lenddelight htmoral
to state. i
Olt, may we never learn too late
That health will shun us when we
From rightful pleasure's tranquil
Thinks for every sense to known
Time bliss of life and health below;
Thanks for friends !
For soft affection's tender sigh,
For pity's gentle, tear -gemmed eye,
For peace, and home's undying joy,
For love which time can neer de-
And all the sacred ties entwined, -
Around each sympathetic mind!
Thanks far bop;. i
Though trouble's derkest cloud may.
I aur,
And dins the present fleeting hour,
Oh, may t:;• never cease to feel
Th• futur hold -t a balm to heal;
D: epond me thou at winter's cold,
For ennui) e. tae!lows us of old!
Thank: for all !
Know that a thankful, loving heart,
Is duty on cath creature's part.
Know that a thnkful nature finds
Jess undi:,co:creel be selfish minds;
Arid eeclt dark spat fronns darker
stil t
1't> ti't••eon'entect Mind and trill.
Mr. Creorge Fleet, who had long `fresh
a resident of the east end of Listowel,
died very snddk my while cn his way
home on Feb. 10th, with some mill feed.
lie was quite dead when found shortly
afterwards. The remains were removed
to his home by some of the neighbors.
An inquest was not considered necessary,
his death being attributed to heart fail-
ure. Deceased leaves a wife and two
r'hiltiren, also it grown -tip family by his
first wife.
Husband and wife are seldom one, un- — -` -•`�
less one or the other happens to be the
!whole thing.
A contented, willing laborer is worth •
50 per cent. more than the dissatisfied,
compulsory worker.
There is no earthly hope for the man
who is color blind, if he is unable to tell,'
1a greenback when he sees it.
Sprains, Strains, Guts, 'Wounds, Ttt-.srs,
Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and i
Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted
Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis,
Croup, Sore Throat, Quidsey, Whooping
Cough. and all Painful Swellings.
Do it Now.
"Get the habit!" you who haven't
All the wealth you want to use;
Word your ads. so folks will read them
As they do the current news.
Print 'em early, print 'em Often,
your profit u -to-date--
Profit oce o sleek and bulky__
Davin es smaller while sept Wait
A LARGE BOTTLE, 23c. ' 11 .
Th.'re Is a :;rest ileal of
pain and vita termed Men -
mat ie ----$tapetum', calle'1
Kidney Main. 'the haci:
aches, sheul,l,'r., niers 9111
trips. A cold will enure
pain anti lit the
back, Ktdnev and Madder
trouble. /ti r':15ee of thi4
kind use Anti -fill aril see
how quickly t'.'u will got
t,die f, It acts on all the
Lag. rtaudv of the hotly.
Any one who doubts „hanl,l
omits' fpr a free sample to
Wti Hex-I''t t.11 4'o., Maple
halls:, nut.
Ur. f.eunhtartli'a . ,titi4111
is a perfect System Too.
teat.. Price, i9 cents,
11 "011 AL YI GfIK BY 1 O ISt(ltIBBON.