HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-02-18, Page 1THS
We aim to
Try us
Homuth Bros.
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham, Out. No witnesses required.
Fresh Groceries
Now Arriving
We are now in a posi-
tionto supply the
wants of all with
choice fresh Groceries.
R. 1A1 Hutchison
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Who Wants a Farm
I have over 4,000 acres of choics farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashileld Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheep.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per pent. For further par-
ticulars apply to •
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
R. Vanstone, Solicitor,
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President— EON. WM. Guises.
Vice -President and
General Manager —J. TrniNnux.L.
George rPeo S Rendle,GRutherford.
Assistant General Manager—H. S. STEVEN.
Inspector—H. M, WATSON.
To the man who wants to buy:
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Workman Or
Mr. Bert Armstrong
er for the A. O. U. W.
for a few days, and se
plications for Wiughal
After the initiation it,w
Mr. Armstrong retur
early date, when the
have an open meeting,
the Grand Lodge 0
deliver addresses. M
pacts a large number
initiate when he return
No matter where you are or in what part of
the country you want a property, I can serve
you. It makes no difference whether you
want a $100 lot or a $10,000 farm, or any other
kind of Real Estate, I want to hear from you.
Just the property you want may be on my
list, ,n any event. I may find it and save
money for you. I am not only in a position
to most advantageously serve the man who
wants to buy a house or a farm, but I am in
the best possible position to serve the man
who wants to make a profitable investment.
Savings Bank -Hours 10 to 13; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the 00th No-
vember had 31st May each year and added to
titieoic, deposits also received at cprtent
ro.sA a interest.
Drafts on and the Halted
States Bout of
Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham-
ilton and its Branches issue Circular Bates of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
*stole can be cashed without ebxrge or trop-
ble in any part of the world.
CV. COitfOtfy.D, Agent
1401(1111301.1 do 11.O1. +MES, Solicitors.
To the man who wants to sell:
you havethematter in mint
Now, while e
write and let me know what you have to sell,
and how much money you want for it. My
plan will interest you, even if you have no idea
of ever placing the property in my hands.
Write to -day giving description and price of
property you rant to sell.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent
orrlcE—Vanstone block, Wingham.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed toy cure headache.
Grand Organiz-
es been in town
ured several ap-
Lodge, No. 130.
is decided to have
to town at an
local lodge will
find have some of
cers present to
Armstrong ex -
f candidates to
to Wiugham.
Good house to rent ; all modelle
conveniences. Apply to J. A. McLean.
Hockey M.
Two hockey matche
take place in the Wi
first game will be play
lug with Palmerston
evening a game will
Lacknow boys. Ban
ance at both games
skating after the gam
ed. The local boys 1
able expense during
to postponed games,
looking for large crow
To Cure Cold.
An antiquated bu nevertheless very
effective, household r medy for a cold is
prepared as follows: Put into a sauce-
pan a quarter of a ound of butter, a
pint of molasses ant a teaspoonful of
ginger. Let shame- for half -an -hour,
then stir into the xture the juice of
two lemons; coyer e pan and let stand
for five minutes Ion er. Take hot just
before retiring.
All accounts due us are to be paid by
the 1st of March as we are leaving Wing -
ham. Settlements can be made at our
old stand.
A. Young & Son.
are advertised to
gham rink. The
don Friday even -
and on Monday
played with the
will be in attend-
nd there will be
s have been play-
layave had consider -
ie season, owing
IIttc. and they are
kis at both of these
Boy wanted at once as night telephone
operator; could go to school in day time.
0. A. Campbell, druggist.
Store Imprl
During the past we
painters have made a
iu the appearance of t
Alex. Ritchie's store.
row shelving has bee
store has been re-pai
style wide shelving]
position. These ins
store a greatly imp
will enable Mr. Rit
his goods. This sto
announcement in
columns next week.
Fifty Years Married.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Sam Yonhill, two of
Wingham's old ant highly esteemed
residents, celebrate • the fiftieth anni-
versary of their mar age on Monday of
last week. They ha a been residents of
Wingham in the nei hborhood of thirty
years and Mr Youl ill has held several
important municip 1 positions during
that time, being for ; ears the Town As-
sessor. Both are n. w well up in years,
but are enjoying airly good health.
Their many friend will hope that they
may be spared for . any years to enjoy
life together.
Death of Id Pioneer.
Another of the ld pioneers of this
section passed aw • on Tuesday morn-
ing in the person . ' Agnes Henderson,
relict of the late 3' n es Mitchell, of Turn -
berry. Deceased •' as aged 84 years and
11 Months and lai been in feeble health
for a long time. 'ince the death of her
husband. in Jan
u ry, 1902, B
had made her ho . c with her brother,
Mr. Chas. He13dson, of the Bluevale
road. Deceasewas, with her husband
and brothers, a.. (ug the lest settlers in
this section and . ad for yearn resided in
Turnberry, ne. Blaerale. The funeral
takes place this Thuroday) afternoon at
3 o'clock for the luovale cemetery.
k carpenters and
reat improvement
ie interior of Mr.
All the old nar-
removed and the
ted, and the latest
OA been placed in
rovemeuts give the
ved appearance and
hie to better display
'e will have a special
our advertising
1000 cords of four foot wood wanted,
either hard or soft. Highest cash price
paid for same on delivery. Wood is for
my own use. W. H. GREEN.
Purchased St
This week Messrs.
Kerr have purchase(
store property. Th
this enterprising fir
display of their st
cbandise, groceri
move to the ne
middle of Mar
Bros. will move
and tailoring bu
occupied by Me
have the best
continued succe
re Property.
John & James H.
Mr. J. J. Honlnth's
new store will give
more room for the
ck of general mes-
s, etc. They will
premises about the
. Messrs. Homuth
heir gents' furnishings
iness to the store now
srs. Kerr. Both firms
fishes of the TIDIES for
s in their new quarters.
Snow D
A burning question -
A deep subjeot—Th
A knotty problem—
Au empty complim
Hard facts—Froze
Just -ice for all—T
High liviug—Ridia
Tho price of fuel.
Che woodpile.
nt—The coal bin.
on Country roads.
Uncertain element —The mails.
Solid comfort—Fr en whiskey.
A cold outlook—A frosty window.
A fast life—Fast i a snow bank.
A lost art—Mowin the lawn.
A higher critic—The assessor.
MONEY To LOAN at 431. per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A
Dnlmage, Kent Block, Wiugham.
WANTED.—A first- class, up"to • date
dry goods salesman. Must ,lie a good
window dresser, and thor ghly under-
stand the general st re b iness. Also a
lady bookkeeper, h vol}, had experience
in office work. All plications must be
Gone to Forf
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0.
day last for their new h
ces, where Mr. Bell has
large saw mill and rum
On Friday evening a
Bell's friends met hin
rink and presented h
watch, the presentation
Dr. J. R. Macdonald, w
speech, expressing rear,
was leaving Wingham.
imitation au adjourum
the King Edward hot
was served and a happ
speech -making, and s
Bell has been a resid
from his yontli and h
actively connected wit
factories of the town.
with his many friend
prosperity in his ne
ell left on Satter -
me in Fort Fran -
an interest in a
eriug business.
umber of Mr.
at the skating
in with a gold
being made by
o made a short
that Mr. Bell
After the pres-
nt was made to
1. where supper
evening spent in
ry-telling. Mr.
t of Wingham
been for years
h the furniture
The TInits joins
sin wishing him
home at Fort
iu writing, state salary wanted and give
references. JNo. & JAS. H. KERR.
Notice to Farmers.
The Canada Furniture Manufacturers
The members of
Brigade held their a
rooms in the Tow
evening of this wee
vited guests wer:
members of the To -
did spread of oyste
by Mr. W. J. Soo
Vannorman was
a pleasant evening
making, singing, e '
he Wingham Fire
nual supper iu their
Hall, on Tuesday
A number of in -
present including
Council. A splen-
s, etc. was prepared
after which Chief
ado chairman' and
as spent iu speec
To RENT — Corner s ore in Button
Block is for rental, Appl • • W. F. Van -
Dr. Brown will be at the Queen's
Hotel, on Tuesday, February 23rd from
11 a.m. to 7 p.m., for consultation in eye,
ear, nose and throat diseases.
The citizens' ba.
give another coucer
on Thursday even
The concerts given
thus ler been well
expected that they
Following is the pro
1. Grand March, "
2. Piano Duett, "
Misses Irene and Fl
3. Waltz, " Damsel
Orth •
of Wingham will
in the Opera House
g, February 25th.
by the baud have
tronized, and it is
ill continue to be.
am for the 25th: -
he Pythian,"
t, nd.
May Day,"
nonce Vaunorman
ers of Love," ....
4. Song, .... Selec ed .... ....
"Harry Von Til -
• •Reverie"
to Borden.
.. Selected
ser, Horuuth, For -
5. Medley Overtur
zer's N
.0. Violin Solo, ..
Master Or
7. Brass Quartette
Messrs'. Daucau, Fi
PA T2.
1. Overture, "Con ert,"
Orel estra.
Song, "The Ro d to Slumberland"
Cecil l omuth.
Trombone Solo,"Only a Dream of
that Beau iful City."
M. I. muth.
NOTICE.—The question is: How can 2.
Robt. Mcludoo loan his money so cheap
on notes and mortgages? Call and See. 3'
RonT. McINDoo.
:The Elect. is + ights.
A number of Wingh• •sites expected
that when the corporatiie got control of
the electric lighting sys em we would
have an all night service installed, and
many are now wonderin- if any steps
are being taken to have .uch a service
started. +Yinghanl sho ld have an all
night service of the inc. •descent lights,
and would it not be wel be give the ser-
vice a few weeks trial :- d see if such a
service would pay. lee lights going
out at 12 o'clock on vin. nights and at
11 o'clock on Sunday ght is a
great in-
convenience to many people. Even if
we had the service xtended until 1
a. m., it would be a eat improvement.
We understand that many of the pro-
perty owners voted for the by-law,
thinking that this ne • service would be
started. A better st eet lighting service
was also promised, ut this could not
be carried out, owin , to the very dis-
agreeable weather. This will come as
soon us we have avorable weather.
Many ratepayers w• uld like to see the
all night service ' nd we believe the
number of light us .rs would be largely
increased if this s• vice were started.
Notes from xpert Judges.
We have this we r received a copy of
the report ou On . io fairs and exhibi-
tions, published b3 the Ontario Govern-
ment. Mr. S. B. tiller, of Woodstock,
the expert judge ( L horses reports on
Wingham's fair a follows: —
'Witigho in fell vednext in succession.
The grounds were splendid, with a half -
mile track for here speeding and it was
well patronized, a the racing was plen-
tiful. I judged i ]together about one
hundred and seventy-five horses of
all classes in one a ` moon. The horses,
especially in the lig t classes, were fine,
the brood mares onl - fair and the others
poor. The director • here are a good
lot of men for the p ition, very enthus-
iastic and hard wont lug." The judges
on cattle, sheep and wine, G. B. Hood,
Guelph, and Mr. M. ummrng, Guelph,
report thus: ---"Eve ything considered,
this was au exceedi• ly good show, the
display of cattle bei ig quite above the
average is quality. In Shorthorns the
classes were well fill d with animals of
considerable merit. The grades were a
fine lot, just the kin to attract the at-
tention of the butch • The sheep and
hogs shown were ab. e the average, and
the whale display of ive stock was a cre-
dit to the exhibitors. The directors de-
serve great credit fo , the business -like
way the show was c. duoted."
Mr. F. G. Spallin: wishes to inform
the public that ho ha an abundant sup.
ply of all grades of sal on hand. Patties
requiring same can r ly on having their
wants supplied in th' dime.
Another B
The railroad people
this week. The ligh
and Monday filled u
the different lines.
shut out from the out
day morning's C. P.
reach Orangeville ins
stalled near Grand V
R. train reached Win
day night until to d
fared better in this s
B. line being open e
one train was sent ea
The line from Wing]
has been kept open, t
Lucknow to Kincar
deal of trouble has
winter, it took five e
plows two days to
4. Song, . . Select•d ....
Miss aid.
5. Waltzes, "Ins, iratlon"
The and.
6. Recitation,elected
Mrs. B attic.
7. March and Tw. Step "Southern
The B
Miss Reynolds, pia
are now prepared to pay the highest •
price—much higher than ever before—
for all kinds of Hardwood and Basswood
Sawlogs, to be delivered at the Button &
l•'essautChairFactory,Wiugham. Those
intending to get out logs this season will
profit by calling on THOS. BELL, Man-
Stop that Hack
o U R.
Syrup White Pine S Tar
is particularly adapted for
that hacking cough .
Cur.) the cough while it is
in the throat, ere it be-
comes settled on tile lungs
25c per Bottle.
Walton McKibbon
Next door to post ()thee.
Agent's for "c Rowney" Chocolates
ad another tie-up
snow of Sunday
all the cuts along
ingham was about
ide world. Mon -
R. train did not
it Tuesday, beteg
ley, and no 0, P.
ham from Satur-
The G.T.R.
rm, the L., H. &
ry day, but only
way on Monday.
m to Palmerston
t on this lin: from
fie, where a good
been experienced all
lglues and two snow
ear the track.
SEED OATS.—The New W.verly is
now admitted to be the heav' st:cropper
and best strewed Oa eve • brought to
Canada. We have ti e • at half seeds -
men's prices. Geo. E ING.
Liberal M s Meeting.
A mass meeting it the purpose of dis-
cussing the politic • questions of the day
will be held in the own Hall, Wingham,
on Eriday evening February 20th, when
the Government's ranscontinental Rail-
way policy and M . It. L. Borden's alter-
nate railway pol cy will be discussed.
Other policies o the Government will
be discussed. I he speakers will be
Senator McMulle 1, of Mt. Forest; Robt
Holmes, M. P., linton, and Dr. Mac-
donald, M. P., ^ ngham. The Conser-
vative candidate Dr. T. Chisholm, or
any person in his • ebalf will he given an
hour in which to iscuss matters from a
Conservative sta 1point. Chair will be
taken at S o'cloc: sharp. The public
cordially invited. and seats will be re-
served for ladies.
Death of
Readers of the
friends of Thos.
of the Canadian
Thos. White.
MES and the many
hire, High Secretary
der of Foresters will
regret to hear of is death, which oc-
curred at his h e in Brantford on
Tuesday night. le . White had been a
great sufferer for s me years with au -
injured knee and so a months ago his
leg was amputated nd he made splendid
„ ' progress towards r covery until about
nd. two weeks ago, wh n the leg was found
o accompanist. to be not healing as rapidly as it should.
Usual price of 10 ce ts; seats reserved
until 8 o'clock for ladi s and their es-
Presented wita Watch.
A very p1 a u took place at
e sat ev•nt
the Hotel Brunswick .n Tuesday even- ,
ing, when a number •f the friends of I
Mr. A. Young met ai d presented him
with a beautiful gold vetch. When the
company had gathere I Dr. T. Chisholm I
was chosen chairman and explained the
object of the gatheri g. After the pre-
sentation a pleasant t me was spent, and
many were the regret; expressed at los-'
iug such an estimab • citizen as Mr.
Young has proved hin self, but all wish- I
ed him every success i his new home.
The following is a co ry of the address
which accompanied t presentation:—
Wiugham, I+'eb. 10th, 1904.
To Mr. Alex. Young:
Dear Friend,—We
opportunity afforded
press the sincere. regi
view your departure
•fish to take the
s to -night to ex-
t with which we
nm our midst, to ,
take up residence in an other part of this
fair Province of Ontar ..
While we feel that a your removal, 1
we, as neighbors ant fellow -citizens,
sustain a loss which v ill not be easily j
repaired. We also ta.e great pleasure
in expressing the rega d and esteem in
which you have been held by us all.
We recognize your mat y good qualities
of mime and heart, ani there lingers a
grateful remembrance •f the many acts
of neighborly love a d kindness we
have received at you hands; and we
trust that in your new home your years
maybe long and abnn. antly blessed.
We desire to show :n some manner
our appreciation of our many good
(wenties, as a neigl bor and citizen,
i h Irefore ask your i •ceptance of this
Gold Watch, not for the value it may
represent, but as remi der of the respect
and esteem in which on have always
been held by those, w I o through years
of acquaintance are b at able to judge
of your sterling qualit s.
The address was a gned by J. G.
Stewart, Alex, Orr, David Watters, T.
A. Mills, Thos. Armstr.ng, John Givins,
J. J. Cunningham, W J. Greer. Wm.
Guest, Alf. Glover, Dr. T. Chisholm and
Geo. C. Hanna.
The following is the text of Mr.
Young's reply:
Taken by surprise, L' can scarcely ex-
press my appreciation of the kind senti-
ments contained in the very flattering
address or thank you n a proper manger
for the beautiful gold watch with which
you have just presentbd me. I can as-
sure you, however, 'flat in the future
as I mark the days a d years on this
magnificent timepiec my mind shall al-
ways revert to this evening and the
kind friends I have 1 ft in Wingham.
Thanking you for th support which
you have given me in )many other ways
daring my stay among you, I assure
you that if any of yoti should ever visit
Toronto you will receive a hearty we.
comp from, "yours truly."
On Sunday, 7th ins
a severe chill and n
its effects. Mr. ti'F
twenty years Higl
Canadian Forester
elected by acetate
ill high esteem by
Order. His bereave
will have the symp
of friends in their a
vale on Saturday
containing purse v
rimmed glasses an
er will be rewarde
., he was seized with
;ver re 'over d from
c e o
lite was for nearly
Secretary of the
being every year
ion, and was held
le members of the
d wife and family
ty of a lar. circle
]ugh n and Blue -
a 1 y's handbag,
til ouey , pair gold
tiler articles. Find -
y leaving at Tines
are guaranteed to give sat-
isfaction in all forms of
stomach troubles—or money
The Druggist.
I have room for two students in
the Telegraph Office.
The Courses of Study
OF EXCELLENCE and that is one
reason why this popular school now is
e njoying a "record-breaking" attend.
ante. You want the best training
and we give it, therefore enter at
once. Circulars free.
Auction Sales
Auction sale of Fa m stock and im-
plements at lot 52, C cession 12, East
Wawanosh, on Frida , February 19th.
Peter A. Walker pr ; John Purvis,
Auction n Sale
of farm
stock and im-
L t
plements at west half of lot 37, conces-
sion 13, East Wawanosh, on Friday, Feb-
ruary 26th. Everything to be sold as the.
proprietor has sold his farm. Jas. Lind,
WANTED.—Batter 17c • a ried Apples,
5e; Fresh Eggs.. 20. a are cleaning
many lines of season able goods.
Geo. E. Kies}.
"Let O"
Shoe `'rices
We are conducting a " Let Go" Shoe Sale,
and we shall give to shoe buyers the opportunity to
buy guaranteed, up-to-date Footwear at the
lowest prices ever known. Our cut prices have
become public talk. In consequence people come
here in daily increasing crowds.
Whether you want Shoes for WW -inter, Spring or
Summer wear, it will pay you to come to
this Sale.
And the earlier you come the better fur you, while
our stock is complete and before sizes begin to be
broken, It'll be many a day before you can buy
Shoes at such prices again.
Note some of them :;"
110 pairs Women's Felt boots, regular price
$1.25 and $1.50; sale price .... .75 and .115
50 pairs Misses' Slippers, regular price 50c
and 650 ; sale price .25
50 pairs Children's Rubbers, sale price .20
The Shoe Man.