HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-01-18, Page 82.40 KG. 1 '-• .,.„, ..„ • $0,0.014.0i4,040AIRYJe''' _ Next to a *la e family, marriage breakdown a." often tha,'nost devastating -- crisis a couple ini*liay 14face in a lifetime. Often sbattexintva lifctime of hopes and - dreams, a separation or divorce can trigger endless emotional,.Psychological and practi- cal problems which anany people are totaily unPrePaTed to deal with in today's fast - paced society.... However, as with,alt other major changes, the extunimisetharbe turned into a positive' one,with endleisOPPorttmities f growth and fulfilment. These opportunities '* personal may not have existed within the framework of a strienve Marriage, Thd problems of separation and divorce will be the ninjor focus ofa workshop to be presented in Clinton on Fe041,-"sponsored by Women Today, the self-help and advocacy group for Huron County women. quest 4: speaker will be Nancy McLeod, counsellor for the Huron Centre for Children and Youth, a woman who has gained wide tiallia4 hiller work With young people and theh families tjr9iighout the county, , Topics will include how to debide wl•jon to leave a relationship, surVhdlill the *tom% bon, helping the children throtigh the Crisis; how to avoid ot414OROc' brOAISOYi:li'' Olt opportunities for personal growth.' • Group discussion -worbetelieopigot, and .# pants will have the opportunity ways in which they have dealt 'more infc changes jn their litres. ° • 4112:.97 ew Katimavuk rr •:,4, „zip ' • MARC.ANTOINkRAMmriB ken; Allier:tit, follr item Qittatio,' foueffa* VIVIAN STIMIt - Qoabec;.and one frPin .New 1101451.0, • The third rotation has begun fox another Katim8itik group inSeaforth. Katimayik has participated in town for I he past three years. Currently we are 'staying at the Scott Farm -on McKillop side road 30. We will be workingina Romper of outdoor facilities and schoolin the area. In the current group there are two narticipants from Rritish Columbia one MAN The installation* our new shelving now gives us /he room to display OVER 500 NEW ftRODUCTS • for your shopping cony' Our pro rs be a' last July 111 g g u Ste;,,,P,o7) Quebec, situated on the outskirts ,0f glIPOe.O. ;Sell City. In conjunctinu With:the worker's of thp 09„0 city ef Ste. Foy we built a park, in October it vuosCto'ShaWIttllall Vancouver Island; Britith,Polumbia. There, our project consisted 'Of working • with ,,,elry,94 mentally disabled children and adults, ami, 49948; some landscaping. • • &ilia qiit' • . to ii , '. WO Will ..be e :Iraa4,1! sok,gotti s Tot ..:-c 4#1.10.4,1 Schoolyiits,440 the •L lorokr o 0X;tooO t#o aides .,ii O.' b 4a,leirbeeaele which 45ve100 940:,00toO, Meet*** on ' 49 ."P*,94iNV,9 1419ivratlftn- the*91leth 'the town .of ..lan. 4 we arrived here in Seaford' to kSettferthitiOntkanitfling arena: • - , " 4.-44 • , 4A,N,HARY is 'Meath of Dimes month- Dimes, Thelma Coombs, called on her Canvass* *III be calling 9n SisafOith neighbors on Chalk Street lost 'week. • iSsidents until the end of the FiOnth. . (Wenn* photo) ,cinarman of the local branch of the MarCh of • • • ,4 4' • • • , • ' `4 s661.4 to THE I 4.4 LIQUID SAVE 76e THE CREW AT STAFFENS INSTALLS NEW SHELVING CRISCO. OIL '',1101;jibirefAifOrtAFters AgOINStocitkNOHA,Povf'. $141-111149AlsTOFINS ,eFoR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS 99 cAscApE • DET GE T , 1 LITRE tratistattstrit 00," 1.8 -KG. REG 554 oatieiairtheidoet...44,9,. 1•10.1••••••••••OrlignarimiNeowl.dimilamilnimillimion•MEMOINIO# 'FREE:25-ML-.-CREST--WITH: SCOPE , MOUTH- WASH 1 LITRE • N -DUNCAN HINES SNACK CAKE MIX 400 GM. CYeayseAdeti•df RYI NdRADtAliEiCKiNS r t PART BACK ATTACHED LB 3 LB. AVG. FRESHCHICKEN LEGS I LB2.40 KGj FRESH FROZEN FISH Ffigittlit SAt MON STEAKS f4wAtizEN .LAKE :SMUTS FILL YOUR FREEZER GRADE 'A' BEEF SCHNEIOEWS FROZEN COUNTRY GOOD SAUSAGE SCHNEIDER'S REGULAR OR COUNTRY STYLE HEADCHEESE BOWLS 89 500 GM. 59 375 GM PURE BEEF STAFFEN'S PATTIES SCHNEIDER'S SIJCED BBEAKFASt SKILLET STRIPS 99 LB. REatiAll SCHNEIDER'S SLICED ASSORTED LUNCHEON MEATS 175 GM. 8 1 vi . • • BitEAKFAST.. • BACON:....... 19 9 SCHNEIDER'S SLICED ASSORTED, COOKED HAM I 75 GM. SCHNEIDER'S BOLOGNA 37a/100 GM LB • SANDWICH STYLE LEAN SLICEEr- - COOKED HA440100 GM. SANDWICH STYLE SLICED LB SOO GM. . , 574/1006M: , e tion meeting:!:.• • • s • Wallace Montgotherynt tlintortand Colin ' „Campbell of 'Ringbolt ygOrk:00000";COun„ttli lepresentatitfas * the golittiOVOI4Vmind- dation sandal Tneittrill-*Ter'ordO" They took Part in a seats, of volunteer workshops, which 00444 an opportunity 'dit.elfOlagtiSetter Heart Foundation presence'latheir com- munities. • Mr. Montgomery in kdditiont to attending the workshops, received the Chapters Charter on behalf of President Bruce Shaw • Mr. Montgomery and Mr, ctunphell, repotted that a proposal had been presented and 'approved which would authorize ,the incorporation of the word "stroke" into ,the official mune. Thus, the Foundation would be known as "The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario" Although •the secretary expressed feelings of disappoint. menhir that the volunteers at the local level ' had not been given an opportunity to Submit the /Vilna Coon Chapter ',Supported. the input into anchetimaosal, the directors of pMposed change Muni. emati of the 3unip Rope for Heart COnimittee, Doti Young, Wald on Dec. 5, he and his wife . Maxie, bocl':atcetnpapked the .#016..tflbefO:t.A*Bg9PeerflE P4*.t1 -Rain iepreSe ung anion county, as,wellafj their coach, Dave -Shaw from Wingiutm; dtt Toronto where they attended a Jump Rope .[130gillt MUNI Leonard and Kathleen are delighted 1.e announce the birth of Colon Gtahrim hdteew born at PembrokeGeneral Hospital, Dec. 28, 1983. Proud grandparents are Russell and Olive Moore of tftbden and rank and Doris Ryan �f Seafotth. ECKERT: Bob and Chtista Eckert are leised to announce the birth of Angela on Jan. 8, 1984. A little sister for Evan. Claire and Steven. QUIEPI John and Leanne Quipp are pied to annountte the safe arrival of their son Chtiatopher William John, 8 lbs. 934 oz. both Jan. 11 at the Listowel. htemorial Hospital. Proud first grandparents nre William and Shirley Cossitt, RR2 Bluevale and 16th grandchild for Doug and Annie forHeart workshop and training session. He said4lia,Vtlie team membera and their coach lett it was a ,WOrthwbile and productive VirkoltheYfelt they had received a groat deal "„of • exposure and had the opPrirtiMity to learn,some new stills and JR *rove bomansely On tit* Jump Rope probediuest • 0-15litUg I — ROB APPlaillt Roy 1. Appleby, 69, of Mitchell died Sunday Jan. 15 at Victoria Ifospital, South Street pantpus London. Born in Hu1ktt Township, on Sept. 19. 1914, he is survived by his ireife, the former Helen 'Hogg**, whom he married July 9, 194.5. Also surviving are two sons, Allan, of Loudon Ilutl•Ken, of Mitchell, one daughter, Muriel, UM. Waiter Scherbarth, one sister,. Merle. Mrs Ed \Johnsen, of Durharn'and Seven. graxtidthildien. He was.predeceiSed by one sister, Jean ;1 igh in , Funeral sety14;;eiaiiittittesday. Jan.!! 7 at the Lockhart futiefatlionte. MitchelP with Rev. Donald Pletscifofficiating. Inter' Ment Maitlandbank cemetery. Cleland of Listowel. Third great grondclind for Dorothy Linstead Of Listowel. FM Jim and Linda, Monkton are pleased -to announce the arrivalof their twths. Christine Aileen Weighing 4 lbs. 6 ozs., and Daryl fames weighing 5 lbs. 2 ozs. on Jan. 9, 1984 at St. Joseph's ffospital, London. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gnichelium, ltRA, Sesforth mill Mr. and Mrs, William Pol, Monkton. CARNOCHANI Alan and Jane Carnocham 3211 Barr Road North W., Calgary on Jan. 12, a daughter, Stacey Jalane. Proud grandparents are Milton and Wanda Dietz, Seaford) and Tom and Anne Mulholland, Mitchell. Great grandmothers are Pearl Goor, Mitchell, Elizabeth Carnochan, Huronyiew. BRODHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Results of 3rd Annual Cross Country Poker Rally - 1ST. SHIRLEY VERHOEVE *5114/ 4 -nines 2ND - RORERT MaDOUGALL 45.110 K's over *tarot! House 3R0 - DIANNE OSBORNE '40.10 4111- TRACY SCHERBARTH °MOO . STH - WAYNE WOLFE '30.00 LTH - wA THE WOLFE `23.114 7TH - KIM (ox) LfONHARDT '211.00 STH - WILLIAM HULLEY \ °13.040 STH - JOHN SEATTIE I•TH - ART GLENVILLE • * SAO Three QUIDSITS Congratulations to these participants. 3's over 2's Full House Q High Straight Ten High Straight Nine High Straight • Three Aces Three Aces *ULU Three Kings NOTE: For prize* not already claimed: CONTACT MERV LEONHARDT AT 345-2430 Winner crf drew for trip f* Florida :MR. JOE DELANEY. DUBLIN • Consolation Winners MR. DOR OSBORNE - RR 3 Mitchell MISS KELLY MURRAY - Dublin MR. MIKE SCHERBARTH - Brodhagen MRS. JOANHOWATT Myth -*lathe -'50.110 -'23.110 Ashnowledgentents to the following for ntakiag this year a seeress: Queen's Hotel The rurniture Piece Vincent's Fenn Equipment Logan Sarin Equipment • Ward's Fenn Equipresent Mitchell Co -Op Donde Cycle center Lobb* Sons Aides Dakeng ros. Joe Son/lens Doses tt Motors Art tikez John Ellhpen Electric Dublin Natal Moffatt 41 Powell Ditier Travel - H stof.& lestectiol: Equipment *nil Mee litablishlog Ltd. Aids Sedge Merderere • Mikben Consinottken Ltd. lieger Stereen Scotts Menus Wisrterseres Country Stores Campbell's GrOVM Hardware Rothe Food Market Cronin Transport Dynes's Herd -Lip Roost Women Ileennorevies O'Rourke Transport Dvbttn Feed Mills McCrelght Horse Hardwares Mehl Automotive Ltd. Jeeksoti's • Mitchell L. Moogges Welding Gee. Corder Donk of Contmarto - Dublin Reek 05CA:remoras - Mitchel/ Toronto Dor:drams Ronk -MibeII Haugh tire .1 Muffler - Clinton Co-Opteritons tesurente Thompson'. - mItthell Jim 4 Sena:ft Ilarber Shop Woodier:A Electric SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL WORKERS. A