HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-01-18, Page 6?'w {f. 4• iE MUIR01 JANUARY 1E. 1984 AS� MEWEN etftl,�,s. to Berth County Federation Of Agrieiil i,. tare wants county . council, instead of a 4 p it I individual townships, to give them a yearly by.lkho;l . I. Y grant. Vit , ;,� it'wou Si, comethe fi� • ,P.F.A. President Ron Christie;of R.R.2, ,b get'He.said the caun e, ‘ it. Staffa and other members of the executive grants in"Deceznber. approached county council at its Jan. 12 ,,li'e County organization floes. receive ',' meting about the grant. , sops money Iinithe'farm of rebatetifrom the The 40 -year-old federation has been provincial , federation:; These rebates" are ejiperiencing'financial difficulty for the -past based on increased imeniberrships. Mr. couple "ofears and operating on a Cbristte�sald;Perth has just about/ reached its • i! "shoe -string' budget, said Mr. Christie. saturatio point... •; l He told councillors that' in the past, nine of The a federation' with 1,305 Members, fs the 11 townships have given grants. , is 'the second largest in the province. "That figure has. dro�pped; to as low : as ,,r Hibltert, ., Township, Reeve : Ivan Norris three townships, Said Mr.•.:Christie, noting commented that very lithe of the -member e list year.. -only six townships gave grants. '' ship fees paid by the local farttter'stay in the t „'rhe federation is kin or a $4,000 'grant county,. ' for 1985, with 1984 beingsthe"last year the ''That's been a sore point,'.' said Mr.' federation will solicit _ grants from the •r Christie• Tim provincial organisation has a individual tovinships ull-time lawyer and several researchers on wil' Christie expects the new arrangement Staff, and it operates group insurance and a l btu' "more uniform" and added that the group health plan, he explained t ons, such as, Mitchell, Listowel ,and County council referred the Matter to' its Milverton, "that benefit fromtagriculture" budget committee. , .,t� t hile e era n in it tyre 1984 s out all its • i U I -S3 cou r�t ire bylaw e North Federation of Agriculture wants cot .wide liquid manure storage bylaw Ppitth,,gountbe adopted by all townships in r' At its' Jan 10 meeting, the federation ( appeptgved of bringing together -ail' the ii affdcted commodity groups and preparing a model bylaw similar to the one in Huron , County. The federation's property and 'service dommittee,-chaired by Bill Denham Of R.R,1, St. Marys, recommended bringing together • the commodity groups after investigating Hibbert Township's liquid manure storage 1, • bylaw. .There are some aspects of Hibbert's bylaw Which the committee does support, such as the eight month storage of the manure and dirt burms around the structure to bold accidental spills. But, there are,,, some things- that the committee disagrees with. The height of the wall, which Hibbert's bylaw sets at 3.6 metres or 12 feet, for r visited. 'th Mrs. Moylan ofl the weekend of Jan 14,4 , � The 'Snell household hit..rbly housed heaved, ons too many on the weekend. L4t,the, fru Father Sto h 'kart Count itsof Columbusgame in the euchre nellf.PA , e dkon:Jan..6in the K. of C. 3 Xtlm an, . , Ctl1e winners ;,;were: ladies . h gh,, .Jean Money, mei 'skhigh,,Fergus Kelly; and. for ,ost lone hands, LeOn, :alone :•. C e second game to thet urna tent was •d, no, Friday, fan 13 with, er tournament mak. the. ladies higgh prize,; Pat, Delaney me ;'s high, and Jetty' urray''won•the }'y►;s+,hands. ,' *Ii. card a Friday, n.'.20 at #10,,v4 n the hail. PERSOMI S ' �s Mrs, Gatheripe.,Janossy.of Missis."auga speilditig a fe+ days 0/1111, her motlue�, Mrs aiy oylati SisterJeanMoylanof,,Windsor: ;Tlteyca0i ,' rti all aver to visit with Marg Hicknel1 Cheryl Mehrer' and Amy South cattle:from Ottawa, Kristina Curren from Kanata,, Kathy .Buclay from Peterborough, Per Matthews and Brian Tilley'from Whitby. They arrived. en Friday, Jan, -13 and left on Sunday after, attending the Jr. D All Star hockey gameand dance in Lucan on Saturday evening, . Congratulations to Tom and Lynn Serfage the birth of their first child, a daughter born on Jan. 13 in the Stratford General Hosital. Congratulations to -grandparents Mrs. Rose Burke of Stratford and Roy and Angeline Swart of St. Columban. Congratulations to He ry, .and Cindy De Groo ;,,on the birth of their first 'Child, a Hans' i ter born on ,lair 8win the Clinton. Public 1'S fecitu1'e+ The •Perth Co titl`ty Federation of'Agricul- titre is'armg up fop it " 'Compo ors wi 11b'e theaFeyikrokk derationts theme :on,the t e tin$ da of A Week wliici "runs from fife . --,-..,',7,040. at the ��otford Coliseum. ' Jolin,;Cardiff, a computer 1programmer "torn'T0 , ntowillbethe uestspeaker during • he rho d session and a panel discussion Ol be held in the aftetno�n. i • sC0l!!h ter herd+ alb Pnils&flivare' will he eek, on display, du '8' the day and information s day r#k the annual.' will.be available:on how the equipment can he + applied to agriculture The prQgratn and eddeation committee is also hopmg the:'' federation will Sponsor a series ;of ca r'dlo`puitddnary resuscitation sessions throughout' thecounty for the benefit' of farmers The courses will probably take place 'soretime.duting'.the month of example, seems a bit excessive to the federation's pro erty and service commit- tee. As an alternative, the committee:. suggests two metres or a 6'/2 foot high,.wall would- provide the same safety factor with "a more suitable working, environment". . The. bylaw prohibits the use of earthen ,l. materials, winch the committee does not t, agree with. It says 'this_ type"of ' material has been in use for many years. "and proven to ti be effective if properlyconstructed. The distance from field tile to a liquid manure system is ,set at 15 Metres 10 ;-'- Hibbert's bylaw, but the federatloni feels this is too far. The committee report states that liquid manure system is .irfiperrlieable and therefore there should be no distance criterion. ;; It 'vas noted that Perth County Council had -not prepared a model' bylaw for liquid manure storage because Perthtownships already have zoning bylaws which would affect liquid manure storage systems. •I• ..1 •1 . /rrJfrrr•?1,1 Clean Sweep SUPER SIDE SAVE UP TO ALK SALE 0 %OFF WIAL NTER MISSES SIZES 5 16 GOODS FULLER FIGURED WOMEN 16': 24'. 925 ONTARIO STREET STRATFORD MALL 271 3511 Mit EUCHRE,S a weekly event at the Knights of ::: plays 'her cards: Her look of concentr tion Columbus hall In St. Columban. The ' ghoWs her cards_ may; not be the beat " jack -of -spades awaits Mary Coyne as she (Waslrtk:' rota)' Huronview residerrt� �x Sunday morning worship was held in the Huronview chapel. There was a large attendance. Reverend Pick was in charge of the service. Communion was celebrated. Assisting the minister were Helen Aiken and t Roy Wheeler of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Wilson McCartney with his lively group of musicians, kept the audience entertained Monday afternoon. The program consisted of many old time tunes: for piano and violin. Special Care residents enjoyed a social 4 V . 0t , ,rod . s i n kitchen , 4 r r f y�.....« .:. .�ew,a Sa { i t ,. `'�'`'?� a, 7'I a ` la cooking, try t+ keep la rs Bitridtibus w bn removing'lids or pouk'ing snoopers, sniffers and toddlers out' o the liquids from afeamiilg pots. Potholders kitchen. If you can't, turn pot handles In. pull' should be amply heat -resistant. -Check our up appliance cords so they won't dangle. and kitchen fire extinguisher to make: sure it's in put . sharp knives, matches, household g� working order Ore the feasting cleaners out of reach, says the Ontario Safety season begins. Wipe up spills right away, 1 League. Use a stepladder or ate stool for reaching high shelves. Close cntard doors. • hour together in the auditorium Tuesday., afternoon and were'treated;, to coffee and cookies. • . Working with dough has,become a very interesting -craft and so a Of the residents,t are quite keen: about it.'four, salt and watet .• are mixed together, tonniake,ti'e dough and from this, the fascinating Jittte'characttr are formed. They ate placed id' the Olen to dry, and then painted or riacqu figurines make lovely u%.it r Communion for Anglicans wits Tuesday afternoon with Reverend Simmons in charge. All residdp�1(' Were invited, and there was a large attendstnee: The Salvation Aryny from Goderich Was present Thursday afternoon, and presented a concert in song and music. The program was in charge of Captain and Mrs. Will. The a er�nent �nrrt residents' enjoyed' 'this:hour' of ,i�n�sppirtition through solos and duets: Captain,•Willplayed the accordion and,Mts. Will presided at the Organ' , • •Several games' ;of' bingo Were . flayed ridgy afternoon, and more • peopare Coming out to try their luck. When word gets t, many of the residents are willing to hike. `part_in the' activities. Mrs. Jejune JCB' has left nvi , s, alit 15: e litgbam. , e:` } ''will 'fin much ibosk *erd. e extend'a warm welcome to Jim; Riley Brussels arca, who :Jolt coria to, xtur view On va tion care. To the family ofe late OrbyXestle, we convey our sincere sympathy. Mr. Kestle was a resident of Huronview. • White or 6,0% Whole Wheat c' r-. Fresh off the .Bleck `Medium Cheddar i Bakelr ► is' How ` 14 MAIN•ST., SEAFORTH 5274803 Do You Need Help? if you ore not bonaflttlna from both • SOUND INVESTMENT INFORMATION - • ORGANIZED PERSONAL AFFAIRS DRYWALL KNOWN FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakos Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398, A. COUII NITY sILVERPLATi THEN JOIN Huron Retirement Club "It's for all ages" P.O. Nos 472, Goderich, N7A 4C7 Telephone 524.4444 WINTER SA 4todetn Baroque' - , 41-> M. teal + 193GERSeSILVEAPLATE A FREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER 527.01$0 HAVING A SUPER BOWL PARTY? T 1int: mei tom. est lenWEI 1111/1 EP' 20 TO OFF ALL WINTER BOOTS HURRYISIZELISTED SNOWMOBILE AND FELT PAC 'WORK C. HE.IFILOOM STAINLESS $ sAibe rt Stfse t CLINTON 26Moin Street South 911AMOaTH 303 DethornStretet fosf WALKEM ON4 JEWELLERS' S' 294 Main St. OEM 135 Queen: St. E. 99. MA*$ Save up to 36% 20 -Piece Set in siWerplate and stainless 20 -Piece Service for 4 includes. 4 Salad Forks. 4 Dinner Forks. 4 Dinner Knives, 4 Dessert/Soup Spoons. 4 Teaspoons A. COMMUNITY* SILVEIIPLATE...-.._..._........SLE $139.95 The exquisite beauty of Community tit unequalled. faegul.4r suggested retail 5220 00 - B. taste ROGERSASILVERPLATE ......_..........SA.LE St14.95 • The Rogers name brings you a history of uncompromising. Here is value beyond price. Pegutar suggested wart 5165.00 C. HEIRLOOM STAINLESS SALE $109.95 Heavyweight Luxury quality Stainless created expressly fdt consunsers�withtesafminating tastes. Regular suggested retail $160.00 • D. COMMUNITY STAMILESS_......_....................SALE $76.95 Canada's best sang brand of stainless. Troy r{rie and superior designs. Regular sutrgested rare 5110 00 E. ONtI)A• DELUXE STAINLESS n .—SALE $59A5 Popular price and poputar design styles make this brand of stainless a fast seller. Regular suggested retail $82.50 Huuy' Sale ends January 31, 1984 MONEIDA The sdvercuhe Ou silversmiths' mark of excellence sal ,e. geg nm i11111111a111111f11111111111111.III ORDER PIZZA! OPEN: Sun. -Mon. - 11 a.m. - 9t p.m. Tues.-Thurs. - 91 a.m. a litidafgh 1`ri.-Sat. - 11 a.m. - 2 a.itt. Witsi MIN Peel 111 ►t`�" HAVE• FUN IMiI S T TOURNAMENTS aLV SHOES $29*5 REG. TO $44.95 et -erin. tin giy MAIN STSEAFOR. b F 1