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The Wingham Times, 1904-02-11, Page 6
, l~l1E WTIOGI1AM TIES, FEBRUARY 11, 1904 4014,001.1., BOYAI i « the Stitch in, Time" w• hen epidemics of any kind prevail when changeable weather raaI.; '' ca..::chiag cold" ce. :y . At the hast sign of Lfatigue, chilline, s, or faintncs3, take a cup of hot BON JUL. l: wily give instantaneous vigour and lasting energy. 4' r •,w see_- BOVRIL is just ata good as a preventive as it is as a restorative. Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The. Vidette says there is a scarcity of wood in Gerrie. M. Porterfield, V. S., has from Fordwich to Gerrie. 1=3 -A. IS*XI ©R =A . Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature —,l�V� of ▪ :GL(�' Mr. 'Wm. Cur• rie, late of the Union House, Wroxeter, has rented the Gofton House and will take possession on the 18th inst. removed SICK WITH WORMS. Mrs J. D. Mayo, South Stukley, P. Q., wrote the following: "One of my children took sick with worms and after trying everything without getting relief we procured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup which auted promptly and effectually." Jo -Jo, the dog -faced man, is dead from pnbumonia at Salonica, Macedonia. Jo - Jo was born in Finland and had been exhibited in all parts of the world. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signatureof e2:95,l i Ottawa City Council, on the casting vote of the Mayor, decided to reduce the number of saloon licenses by ten, and of shop licenses by one. Lala -Liver Pills are a positive cure for Sick Headache, Biliousness, constipation, Dyspepsia, and all stomach and liver complaints. They neither gripe, weaken nor sicken. Price 25c. at all dealers. Mr. 1. J. Barrett, of the Wallace boundary, is confident that there is salt under his farm, the water from the well which he had drilled last fall being quite saline and a sediment of pure salt forms in a basin when water from the well is left standing in it. The well was drilled 150 feet. AlI kinds of Cnughs and Colds. Bron- chitis, Whooping Cough, Pains in the Chest, Wheezing, Hoarsness, Sore Throat and Asthma, yield to the Lung -healing Properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 23c. The complete cost of the Carnegie Li- brary Building, Stratford, is $15,000. The Carnegie grant was exactly that amount, ten per cent. of which has to be expended in maintenance yearly. Last year's receipts were $1,818.75, and expenditures $1,279.39. There are 0,850 books in the library. Plies To wove to you tint Dr. Chase's Ointment is a certain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding; piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Sec tes• imonials in the daily press and ask your neigh• hors what they think of it. You can use it, and get our money back if not cured. I0c a box. at all dealers& or EDMaNSON,BaTE3 & Co.,Toronto, Orr: Chase's Ointment The Harriston Tribune ssys that visi- tors to town have begun to use the tops Of the telephone poles for tie -posts. The ice on the lake at Goderich is said to extend ten miles from the shore, and old mariners say that the big ice field means a late opening of navigation. The congregational church at Enabro irrmnl tant Tune in was destroyed by fire at an early hour Sunday morning. Owing to lurk of water and the ht•atiway made by the fire before being discovered, no effort could be made to save the building or con tents. The crowd milieu quickly with. eretl at the sonud of tee ii'e bell turned their attention to saving the publie school near by, in which they succeeded. At a small school in the b.leltwoo ie a well'meaning but misgui•ied iustruetot gave pupils the tusk at subr.tracting esti from SS0,768,889 until nothing retrained. as a home lesson. Oa the way home fr.nu school, the children 'deiced et so easy a requisition, but once at work their rejoicing was speedily turned iota sor- row. After working for hours without any p)rceptiblediminution of the figures, the youngsters gave up iu despair. Par- ents thou tried, but with no better sue. cess. And small wonder. Li order to complete the task the number given would have to be substracted 1,400,300 times, leaving a remainder, Some in- dignant parent calculated that, woo king at the rate of three subtractions a minute for 12 hours a day, the task given the children fur an evening's exercise would require a little more than a year and nine mouths to accomplish. Gipsy Girl defeated Looking Glass in three straight heats over the track of the Central CFnada Racing Association in their greet match for $1000 a side at Ot- tawa ou Monday. The Toronto mare drew the pole position and was never healed. Time of heats: 2.20, 2,21, 2.24. After a night with "the boys" there is No better remedy to clear the head and settee the stomach than Milburu's Ster- ling Headache Powders. Price 10e. and 25c. all dealers. Imports for the month of January at the Toronto customs house total $570,000, a -i advance of $20,000, as compared with January, 1903. There was some $50,000 worth of imports delayed on the rail- way which were due last week, and would have made a $75,000 increase. N teeRALOIA. "I had been suffering about six months with Neuralgia, when I started taking Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did me more. good than any medicine I ever used. Mrs. Annie Ryan, Sand point, N. S., t A snow -shoeing club has been organ- ized in Meaford, says the Mirror. A snow -shovelling club would be a yery convenient organization in Wingham just now. WW1 greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 36 The first Summer course of the Cana - Oen School of Musketry will open at kli.ffe Rifle Range, Like1rtt1C 6 t Ottawa, on Wednesday, July 0th, and the second, or rut worse, on Monday, Sept. 5th. Ap. itissitions for permission to take the 41111111016 ehonld be forwarded to headquar- $i.It not later than May let. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Chatsworth News says: "Just thaw yourself out with the thought that oven now they are making the the straw hat for you to wear next summer." It is also agreeable ro think that the iceman is getting a fine harvest against the good old summer time. DOCTOR THE HORSES. Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Mau., writes; "My husband would not be with- out Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house, as he uses it a good deal for doctoring up the horses and considers it splendid." Price 25c. A writ has been issued by the S. W. & A. Railway Co. against the town of Am- herstburg for $10,000. The money is the bonus promised by the town when the line was extended to Amherstburg. Payment was due November 1. Neither the railway officers nor their lawyers know of any reason why Amherstburg should not have paid the money. CURIOUS FACTS. There is a penalty of $50 for importing into England a live specimen of the Col- orado beetle. Every Girl's life Is Between Fifteen and Eighteen Years of Age flow to Avoid the Dangers that arise During this Period. Tho mental activity of school life, coapltd with the telrible straits that tuna emus) thirtug these years, taxes the vitvltty ot even the strongest. A giti at this age often does not under- stand tate physical change she is under. gottig She will an all probability be nee eons and puzzled. She should have Clea benefit of good motherly advice and' it long treatment of Ferroz'ine, which st ill supply new energy to bear her safe. ly past the crime! event. Ferroeoae is the best remedy to take in early woman- hood. because it contains so much nerve and blood nourlshmen t. It corrects all deritngumouts, curs bearing -down pains, nervousness. and prevents head- aches. Ferrozone revitalizes young girls, gives thew vim, buoyancy, strong nerves awl healthy body. Every girl should use Ferrozone, and wise mothers Will see that their daughters hove the benefit of this health -giving; tonic. Mrs. W. E. Michel, of Richmond. writes:—"I can strongly recommend Ferrozone as a good tonic for young ladies. My daughter has been taking Ferrozone for the past six months, and tt has worked wonders for her. Before u>ing Frei ozone she ens anaemic: and nervous and had no strength. But For - rezone has built up her whole constitu- tion and given, her !strength and eiralit;v. Of all the tonics rover used I rtnn't think one of them contuares with Far - rezone. It certainly erlugs health and strength ro young girls quickly." There is no rtmrdv hail so effective as Ferrozone. A trial boon demonstrat- es its merit. Get Ferrozone from your druggist to -day and let It build you up Beware of fraudulent substitutes and insist on having only Ferrozone Price 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from sue Ferrozoue Company. Kingston, Ont. There are at least 1,750,000 Freemasons in the world, of whom 150,000 belong to 3,430 British lodges. Rather than pay 20 cents for a lunch which he considers to be only worth 15 cents, an Italian is having a lawsuit with a Parisian eating house proprietor. A huge bird cage is being constructed at the St. Louis exhibition. In it will be placed a collection of 1,000 live birds representing every variety in America. In Japan what we call "after dinner speeches" are made before dinner, thus insuring brevity and at the same time furnishing topics for conversation during the meal itself. For Oonr Sixty Tears. An OId and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child - softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Death on the Rail Returns from the various railway lines in Canada compiled by the Department of Railways, show that in the fiscal year up to July last there were 459 lives sac- rificed in the railways of the Domirion on the steam roads; there are 53 passeng- ers, 180 employees and 181 others killed. The deaths on the electric lines totalled eight passengers, seven employees and twenty-three others. In the previous twelve turns show 330 persons steam roads as follows: - Bert! Harte says that farming is the cleanest of all ways of getting rich. "Of all ways of making money it's the squar- est and most level; nobody is the poorer for it; our luck brings no misfortune to others. The gold was put there ages and ages ago, for anybody to find; we found it. It hasn't been tarnished by man's touch before. I don't know how it strikes you, boys, but it seems to me t hat of all gifts that are going it is the straightest. For, whether we deserve it or not, it comes to us first hand—from God. months the re - killed on the Nineteen pas- sengers, 146 employees and 165 others. The electric lines were responsible for the deaths of eight passengers. The Hon Mr. Blair, chairman of the Railway Commission, saw the need there was in the public interest for rigid en- quiry into the causes that evolved this large sacrifice of life and many more mishaps of minor consequence. As a result, he had a clause inserted in the new railway act which gives the board of railway commissioners all the authori- ty they will require to see that reason- able safeguards are taken to protect the travelling public and those employed in the operation of trains and to ensure the punishment of individuals whose crim- inal negligence or blundering is respon- sible for these occurrences. Turkey Culture Turkey nests should be placed on the ground. For best results gobblers should be changed annually. Turkeys do not thrive when deprived of a grass range. For sficcessfulturkey raising inbreed- ing must be avoided. After a month old turkeys cite be fed on cracked corn at night. Young turkeys must not be exposed to showers, or dampness in any way. In dressing turkeys there will be a shrinkage of about one-third their weight. Turkeys are great foragers. Greiner says they are a natural born tramp. Turkey hens are profitable until five years of age provided they are strong and vigorous. - Remove the newly -laid eggs daily, but always have a nest egg remain, or the hen will desert that nest. The domesticated varieties are the I Bronze, White Roland, Narragansett, Black, Buff and Slate. Not more than fifteen eggs should be given a broody turkey hen, or seven to nine under a common hen. Avcid overfat during breeding season, If the tom is too fat there will be a large per cent of infertility in the eggs. A breeding pen of six should produce front 75 to 100 turkeys in a season. Best results in mating come from two-year- old toms to four-year-old hens. STATE Oi OHIO, CITY Or TOLEDO, ss. Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that b e is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE umNDr.ED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J, CHENEY. (Seal.) A. W. GLE.LSON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directlyon the bl d and ood muC• ons surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials free. 1'. J. CIiENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. CURIOUS FACTS What Women are Saying and 4oing. The neat, well shod foot, the short skirt and shirt waist, au English Writer says, are cbarat.teristio of the American woman, Unsightly birthmarks on infants may be entirely removed by eleott icily, The younger a child is when the treatment is applied the better. Nothing is eaeier to transplant than the native feral. whether growing among rock urevia'a or in deep woods. Just dig them up any time of year with as much of their pwn earth as is conveni- ent to carry, take them home and pot them, keeping them well watered and out of the bright sunshine in summer. They will stay green and beautiful all wiuttir. A woman writes, "Love is for the in- dividual. WLe:e man is concerned the individual is always himself." Preferable. [Washington Star.] "Women always look for a chance to spend money," he observed irritably. " Whenever they open a newspaper they begin to study the advertisements." "Well, (charley, dear," answered young Mrs. Torkins, "that is much(safer than studying the horse race entries." tC7.-':0°033.$. Bears the ,The Kind You Have Always Bough Signatrro of WANTED—BAITZI TYI,T w'A E PERSONO CALL C on retail trade and agents for manufacturing house having well established business' local territory; straight Salary 320 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary;osition _permanent; business emeceseful. Unclose self-addressed envelope. superintendent Tr avellers, 105 Xenon Bldg. Chicago. From centre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have Alt the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUG HEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. Now the autumn days are on, walk- ing tours will be delightful. They way last anywhere from an atteruuen to .. week. cycling parties will ,iorlueu, be still more deltisatfui. The tau in the raditnt air, the luncheon racoon ands, the journey home again after renting, the pleasant compete, or the pleasant thoughts and vieiots, if one is alone— Weise arts joys to remember. Hamburg, Ia., has a juvenile girls' baud. 1t 1. composed of misses in short dresses, and their music is that of wind iustrumunts and drums. The pretty little horn blowers are neatly uniformed and play so well that the town recently had them play a welcome to . a delega- tion of distinguished visitors. The first printed newspaper in Eng- land was established by a woman, Queen Elizabeth herself, in 1588. The first article of the first number contain- ed the account of the defeat of the Spanish armada by Elizabeth's fleet. July 21, 1588. Nearly every woman of fashion has her automobile nowadays and drives it also. One of the most enthusiastic of these in England is the Hon. Mrs. Portal, who with her two daughters can be seek daily spinning along in the suburbs of London, often penetrating far into the country. Probably the French woman excels all others in her flow of sprightly, graceful, pleasant small talk in society. After Mr, however, the American woman cer- tainly comes next. A school caught fire, and as the boys watched it one in another school said enthusiastically to his companion, "Johnny, don't you wish it was ours!" Lame Back for Four Months. Was Unable to Turn in Bed Without Help. Plasters and Liniments No Good. This was the experience of Mr. Benjamin Stewart, Zionvllle, N.B. TWO-THIRDS OF A BOX OF Doan's Kidney Pills CURED HIM. tie tells of his experience in the follow. ing words: "For four months I was troubled with a lame back and all this time wasutt• able to turn in bed without help. I tried piasters and liniments of all kinds but with no effect. At last I was induced to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and by the time I had used two-thirds of a box my back was as well and as strong as ever and has kept so ever since." Backache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty, Cloudy,Thiek Or Highly Colored Urine, Puffing under the Eyes, Swelling o! the Feet and Ankles, are all symptoms Of kidney trouble that Doan's Kidney Pills♦vtill cure. Price so cts. per box or 3 for $i•ss, al dealers, or . THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL COs TORONTO, ONT. SO DIFFERENCE No distinction is made as to the kind of Piles that Hem -Reid cures. The names Internal, External, Bleed- ing, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc., are simply names of the different stages through which every case will pass if it continues long enough. Piles are caused by congestion or stag- nation of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes an internal remedy to remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is a tablet taken internally, It is a permanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money back i€it does. - A guarantee with every package. Sold in Wingham by Walton McKib- ben. Poverty is no disgrace, but it's a mighty good excuse for heading off a borrower, WANTED A man to represent "Canada's Great- est Nurseries" in the town of Wingham and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com- mission. STONE A WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES over 800 Acres TORONTO, - - ONTARIO FOR GOOD IIEAIT� To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They arc easy to take, They • are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fain. ' remedy. They arc a dependable, hon- est ' ?m":dy vith a long and successful record, to • c' -r,. 'a.ugest"in, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn • _o' ..Lipation, t ':fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • -ttion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular ,• ,atism, sour stomach, bowel and l cr ccm- ' • .'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t l twn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- • • " .ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives P� .:oft tent benefit from a regular use of Ripans '1'.,b',lles. Your drt ggist sells them. The fi'; e - c. nt packet is en ;h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle 5o cents, contains a supply for a year. G,. re p,4yP'R!•'aiixt° }i4 y'..hi,t •.'.Y!!"..., m:e D+r''i y. ,. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely Circulated and Only National Agricultural Moine Paper in Canada. FARMERS ADVO o °Home Ma az't• rre`s PUBLISHED . W E E K L.,,Y: After January 1st, 1904, PRICE $1.50 Numbers. New subscribers get balance of this year free ma d includingnumber. senheist s ma niflc.ant " G B n Don't miss a i your subscription i tion at once. single issue. Agents wanted everywhere; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Wm. Weld Co., Limited, itdout. TIMES anti Farmers' .Ativoeate for $2,25, be - lance of 1003 free to new subscribers, •V."•+b iikll.t.::'Filn.�.ytf.'%i.a4 • .�. 3usiness?ritliciples c Icrm!gg A farmer should have just as careful a business training as a merchant, banker, manufacturer, or any other business man, Should understand all the intricacies of financing ; knee, how to estimate accurately, work out interest and discounts, keep books, etc. A course in the Forest City Business and Shorthand College includes all these studies—are taught by a thoroughly cotu,ietunt stuff of experienced teachers. Every student must pass an examination prepared by a St;:T' of qualified examiners before receiving his or her Diplome. Booklet fully explains courses, costs, etc,, FRE:: for a postal. F. C. .8. a J. W. WESTERVELT, Pahl, Y. M.C.A. BUMMING, LONDON. ✓v K rte" K K • C;4 K K r&c.K ..K'& K` K -K :K" K &' K" K: &'%C• DON'T BE AN ASS. If you are buying a pair of shoes or a snit of 1 clothes you are particular as to the honesty and reputation of the merchant. Your health is of moreimportance than either, yet you let quacks, medical fakirs and other humbugs deceive you by their deceptive offers of something for nothing, sr air • After being defrauded by these medical sharks you Ian" think all doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone ...Zeno.are to evidences them of'their �hones not yrs and t trespon respand onsibility as srefpeerenccialisests.. We have been located in Detroit 25 years and can give best of bank READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contempla. �-- tiug marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE. —"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases'of Men, De'No Names used without written consent. Private. No Medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. Evcrythiratr confidential. Question List and cost of Treat. . meat iFltEit- • t 4•A1A i. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN No. 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT, MICH. 9 'K& K• ..K'&"K,;