HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-01-11, Page 11A10 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 11, 1934 Huron OM F After fotirteen yew e a 4Leu1tural Representative and, more ieeeutIy, Farm Management Specialist In Huron County, Stan Paquette has been appointed to he Agricultural Representative . far Brant County, effective Jan, 2, Stan has noted many changes ;in the agricultural scene, including further consoli- dation of farms, increases In praductivity. 40' grading systems and keener awareness of marketing teehniques. He observed that the 70's were growth years in many operations and the 80's are "crunch" years /for some with escalating input costs and depressed I vesteek prices, urine Ms tenure in Huron, Stan developed a reputation as a very sincere,'" dedicated staff member et the Huron office, He worked on mere Ontario Farm Adjust- ment Assistance Program case eommittee situations than any other Agricultural Representative ;Staff Meniher in °Merle., Meny lantlesting.sfriendebiee Were *NO; eePed during egelculteral education toursto western Canada, United Kingdom, Austral. le New Zealand, and Europe, He was long-time secret servtary of the Huron County Cattlemen's Assovatioii. It is expected that a Farm Management Specialist to succeed Stan will be Mulled in the hear fature, Brian Hall will by opt Farm Manage 'Specialist in Huron. ChlrelY, • Brian is a native of North York, Ontario, He received his illechelhes &tete 'of Mime! and Poultry Science In 1978. MIN' to Joining the Ministry In 1930, titian worked on several farms across Ontario. In his 'MinIStey position, Brian served as an AssiStant Agricultural Representative. in Durham Chunty until May, 1983, when he was transferred te the Rural Oreanizetions and Ser0404 Drench in that coinV. Eden medico John Heard who ion leave of absence for two rare' ftenn' the Ministry studying for a Motet's degree in Conservation Tillage from PurdUe Unlyer.' shy, • Don Pullen Agricultural RepreSeatitive Itaf fl!COITtY Several fitm business management courses are now underway, and others will be soon commencing, Each course NORM Kr -ten weeks, These programs An a ee-operative effort Jute:eying the %t1° Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Clinton; Centralia College of Agricultural Teske* egy; and Canada Manpower,' A eteerdinater is in charge of each program, There Is tut course fee because of a special feuding arrangements with the Canada Employment andiMmigradott The followingeoltreee are seltedeled for ' Huron County. You hen register by oiling the Ontario MInlitef of Agriculture and Food, Clinton -482-348, orCentealikColleke of Agricultural Technelegy-228-06911 management; siteap management; Enameled management for farmer; under*ending Agricultural marketing; *deemed • %twee marketing; farm r,aacititetiry Maintenance and repair; crop pest central; eNtit produe- tio'n'leanlIerod intharkemPatknater's In Agricultureetd‘ "Maintenance Welding" Courses are al. ready filled to capacity ethers are rapldly filling. It is important that you act fest. ''64iiiiiioiini tiiiiiiolittiTtei-M1 ' 3•',-. • Klppen, hod the grand champion stee , at tea. elee„ sale. The Steer sold In „the nelnlar ',ler4 ' ' Ontario, Stockyards*ern JunliaentlaeteAengke pound to the Toronto 1.1YeekteiteAgeetlas 0 • Association, Micheal Is shown witirthreirof the-buyerseLentliamble,-1-exeRutherf"----- --- ' Murray Morrison. s FUNERAL DIRECTOR -s) ROSS RIBEY • Remember the goad old day& equality met aomathing, Today, Masterfgeds continuo our tradition of quality In our Vintage Dairy Supplement, Vintage Is formulated tem natural protein to proylde the beat In a nutritionally balanced feed, The excellent palatability and dIgetIbllfly featurea of Vintage means top performance when it comes to milk production. Vintage can be milted into your dairy ratio0 *Id: can also be "top dragged" for that added boost, Vintage—the "all In one" dalrY supple. ,moat, especially balctid to 'provide the bast In nutrition—frothAN cotenant who • quality a starmitd. • Come visit us in our new office and warehouse. Facilities -located just east of Seaforth ammsomIlmmovomormel, AVAILABLELAT REASONABLE RATES - Dog Food> JANtAllti - Cat Food ,SrEc!,._ • - Salt (including Water Safferie/Silt) - Canned Pork 8 Beans (Grower's; Brand) - Packaged White Et Coloured Beans SEAFCIRTII ,027-1301 345-2007 Your "Mostertelds-Doaler" YIA,R0 Before booking your 1984 4' AY10•11, 0 Ilk t� em or John for() \..aaa Complete line ofagricti,iforat:MtinnIcals. ' Order early 8 save yorn. dollars, ••, = • HOWcAN IHELP MY NIECE ACCEPT HER tilOTHER'S DEATH? When a parent dies, most young ' children feel their world haeeeme to an end, They have many questions and , new feelings which can Cause added 'Pain and sorrow, ° Helping your nieee realize that ethers have had to adjust to such great loss may be one way to comfort her -- and red Lumina to Say Goodbye teaming to Say Goodbye, by Eda Le Shan, is an easy -to -read, excellent la* to help you provide the comfort your niece may be seeking, it contains deitriptions of how children have felt when they lost a parent under many different circumstances. One of these is sure. to be similar to your nieces own TiejexPeleaokrlenmis‘designed so it could -he read to or by your niece to give , her astatrantes and lasting comfort. ;four problems armature:anomie PltetWei feel free., to call on us. . 0e2e WHITNEY-111BEY FIANERAL, NOME orn producers' association i!:I" second year TheOntetiocaraitotfiiii0-kmaoon begineltigl second „.;t;1'401— & series 01 growee.meetitiga scbeduledftit4iit most counties, of Seittlfeln. Ontrh. The Assekiation Ilrst formed itt late Member. titaahl9ear:in'itaisthOghlieVYATSnletlinialt°1)4V7rn. 14144:already 't f, Dona Branton of Caltipbeltritede•PeeeAdent of the Association said 20 per ;mit Of the Ontario corn =cue is now represented by its members. sedate perizettAes-97:ted ' to rise substantially by the ,ok1.904. Present activities of the don include its efforts on behalf of Ontk4e= corn farmers to seam a firderar, payment for the 1982 am, the &sedation is acilveli Involved In attempting to stone cornpensatkistcr the cern farmers Who stand to lose nearly S600.000 over the receiversldp of Niagara Grain and Feed Ltd. at Smil e. Ontario. At tate same time ands are beteg nude to desetop- effective, but low-cost mecha- nisrn for inefeetiag Ontario gra* corn ucem from Adore financial diSaStatS et this type. protecion. at thel,_ lowest possible coat to prod-lbeucerag°?hilliblarisantoinintha 14"thitliddeoloPeetiPttlde ot small elevator oporatom audits* deaters in Ostmuidat teakeeretodeoir vow SPECTACULAR • YEAR. END GENERAL ELECTRIC GE MICROWAVE TIME & MAP 111POWER MILS GE 7 CYCLE -DISHWASHERS .$5'190� POIITAKE '$ S 4 9(1° $49900 BUILT IN LE Admital ADMIRAL WASHER tepaed-acyres 56900 ADMIRAL DRYER strioadry iUY THE PAIR 36900 $5 9 9 00 GE RANGE *digital clock *automatic on *glass control panel , *black glass door $74 9 00 GE FRIDGE •1$CU. FT. •2 door frost free eadlusteble shelves *twin crispers & meat keeper 92500 Adookuil PORTABLE DIHY/ASHER 43 900 Atuttoll MICROWAVE 41.4.0. doer 4111power Omsk %kr 4v-- 1 Q00 MOFFAT RANGE deck& matomottcovim. sin 9900 Admiral ; 24" RANGE MOFFAT REFRIGERATOR $41900 —4 *haw REFRIGERATOR 13 CI. T. MKT Ifitt- REFiltaRATOR 11 ale, !T.. 114111110T 5:1 900 URRY, LIMITED. QUANTITIES Sehfilt ille w. 013 cu. ft. frost free *2 door eediustatole shelves $ 5 9900 MOFFAT DISNIVMHER eloallt.lastrytle 4 9900 Regular Siert, Hours: Mn.-Thurs. 9-3:30 Fridley Softertjay PH. 393-6181 'titian 114 AO MlitiaittY and Food to tattoduce * laykeid tot then silage roduvvexneetiags are Wog held in Mast comptoducingcounticstimost soother* and eastern Oak* itt mid iar late Jarmo to disease all of the above, andeAteeldt other counties, watabits undettaktzt bY the Asseeleitkeire any producers' oephilonsionwan attgivitittirm "bolo beele used to fatal COVAttthatelitta et the Ontario Cent Ptexhicete. Associatio,. WS* lie dense metier/swell be peibficiatedleitally4 and can be obtained also from county offices of the Ontario hEniStryotAgrieulturesad Food. re front the Associatielt offke in Onelpb. Brumfield pageant presented after postp nernent mat TT 482 -?13.5 ° lertreelleed Kippen thefts, andel- the leadetship efBertara Mentor* presfttel theistmes around the wield at the 'euint smite &inlay • n .lag which was post- ..preeed, from Chtielma,s Hite The vaarratews vocze Pati.111 Wilson, 43nlie 'ibwnsend, Robin Nevake fIt. Janet Mcgiaet and Lei tivitteraziree The sem wme Dana Klass and &eland Meek 'lemma= After Kee pageant the nester, Mr. Moffat cozel---Med the rw of the sh_.' tea, everyone iM their co.operatien East weekend. Mr. and Mts. Don Moffat and farn4 so Wanatebnrg with hw parmts Mr. and Mks caw a- and with his parents, Mr. and Nis. C. Mdfat. Soa chnt74, the ttesthav wok. Lie7an Marfa' of lionden spen Ceeries with Mr. and Mrs. Royeft Also viefing Ce:r- trees Day were Mr. an Mat. Dan Clarneb. Lendme Mr. and Mts, Iran Irkezt-- victt!,d az,xitg,Dy vet!, Mrs. M. scot and f of Beega-ae. ffame far Christmas were the fame Ner. and Mrs. David Triettelr frem-blietn. firgea., RR* l &wen, Melee/ and Fora Se. John, R.C. Mss. Steve tem.and ,e4c.-.-.4 spent the balk* with ((Aloe Mande; • Wendy Mustard and tri -teed, of Termeze Kita3rietmes with her father tWe Mr. and Mrs. Crow, of Breathed •spaneeve t.heitteristinat week with Mr. and Nras.. Sohn. MAUL. • iikoiene Ntettemey sent New Toes weekend with Mer. and Mts. Wawa McCaeety. 12:SCIEESPoN1ATONEKOS OPINNOVOIONILV AtientilettrefronGseeple, tiettaiie„erect "1 hitt Mawr been thiefiestic *bentte perteetal waynewhieh CSC Canada backs 't•e. tete net* of the Third' NOM end tries to retake the attest el the New* deselect 1 hue appedertcoatolhatersa'sittottlinneed sen titottace rgsterteetheigneepkinekteite` me4tien in sapped et Ovet MO selbep and tslecOtliettriteiehtsbeAsinandAftiese The teleisetSE SpanU Street, Ottawa, 6