HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-02-11, Page 4WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Dr. Iiesse's Stock Goods 01.110/10•01s101•1401••••••• el A1 Campbell The Druggist WINGIIAM. Mr, Hugh Graham Of The Montreal Star, and Mr. Is. J. Tarte of Le Patric, were arrested on a charge of criminal U- 0131 perferred by Hou, ttaymend Pre - 1 footnote who has also (tutored eivil acs dons. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Weduesday of eaeh week. The Dairy Cow is an institution thau which Canada has no greater. Every weele she briugs to Cauada $1,000,000 of foreigu money, besides the large amount of milk, butter and cheese consuneed at home, The city of Baltimore, Maryland, has beeu the scene of probably the most die - estrous fire in the modern, history of the world. The whole business section of the city has been swept out of existence, iuvolviug a loss of over two huudred million dollars. The disaster far sur. passes the great Chicago fire of 1871 except that there has beeu no loss of life. The East Bruce byeeilection for the Commons will be held ou Tuesday Ilex t, and from what we can learn M. Robb, the Liberal candidate will win, Mr. R. L. Borden, Opposition leader and M. E. F. Clark, Id. P. epoke in Teeswater ou Monday eveuing in the interests of Mr. J. J. Donnelly, the Conservative caudidate. A meeting in the interests of Mr. A. W. Robb, the Liberal =di - date will be held ia Teeswater this (Thursday) evening, and the speakers will be Hou. Wm. Paterson, Minister of Customs, Ottawa; Dr. P. Macdoneld, M.P., Wingharn; Mr, R. E. Truax, M P.P., Walkerton ; Mr. R. D. Cameron, Lucknow, and the candidate. The experiences of the train hands ESTABLISHED 1E72. ou the Graud Trunk system iu Western nee. Ontario during the past two months 111E WINfiliA11 TRES have been of so severe a character that the oldest employes acknowledge there is no parallel for the weather of this year. The city dweller, whose travels are confined to the summer months on trains luxuriously fitted to attract tourists • Ontario's Big Surplus. have no comprehension of the hardships The year's financial transactions by the endnred by officials who operate trains Ontario Goverutnent will be shown to have been most satisfactory, when the public accounts were presented. A pre- liminary statement which has been pre- pared, shows a surplus for the year of over half a milli= with three million dollars in the bank at present and a total surplus of half a million more. The statement iu detail shows that the total receipts by the province of Ontario during 1003 were $5,469,298; total expen- ditures $4.890,0S2, leaving a surplus for the year's transactions of $578,316. On December the 31, 1902, there was in the bank to the credit of the province $1,415,- 510. J, year later ou December 31, 1003, this had increased to 61,993,827. Since then the revenues received brought the mousy in the bank on January 20, 1904, up to a total of $3,004493. A glance at the assets and liabilities showed a surplus on December 31, 1903, of $2.552.827. Counting the increase in the cash received since the close of last year the total surplus of assets over lia- bilities at the present time is in the neigh- borhood of $3,500,000. E. taillr.r.toTT. PUBLISHER ARE PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1904. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Mr. C. S. Hyman, M. P. for London has been sworn in as a member of the Laurier Cabinet without portfolio. The Dawson Weekly News says the Territorial Government is gathering data with a view to ascertaining the feasibility of a railway from White Horse to Dawson. The first division of the session took place in the Ontario Legislature on Thursday of last week, and the Ross Government has its full majority of three, without counting the Speaker. Wars of the last 3,000 years are sup- posed to have cost $600,000,000,000. Each mon who falls on the battlefield costs $2,740 to kill, and the cotintrxes of on the branch lines in the depth of win- ter, Only commercial men and those whose business compels them to t:avel ou the railways at all seasons understand the nature of a trainman's employment at such tante as the present. While their anger may be kindled against tae company, their sympathy goes out to this engineers, the couduotors and the brakemen. The almost superhuman ef- forts these men have made to keep the service in operation the past month gives their labors the stamp of heroism. -Toronto News. COUNTY COUNCIL REPORTS. THE WINGITAX TIMES, FEBRUARY 11, i9Oit Mr. l3rydon relating to Mrs. LI yd, sn inmate of the House of Refuge, bud ed - vise that the Matter be left with this Committee to deal with when w e have fuller particulars. We recommend that the resignation of Mrs. French, as mat. ron of Meuse ot Refuge, Di accepted and that this Committee, in coiejunteion with Iuspector Torrateee, have power to provule in the nieuntitue. Teudere for bread and grccery supply are continued from last year. A ne « ender for meat, at 7 eeute per lb. has been aecepted for three mouths,. H. Srameneset, Maintain. The following reports were presented to the County Council as its recent meeting and will be taken up at the' ad- journed meeting on January 16th: - JAILER GRIEFIN'S REPORT. At present there are the following seven prisoners confined in the jail, the first four for vagrancy and the other three are insane: Robert Wallace, Tuckersmith; Joshua Craven, Montreal; John McAuley, Dangannon; John ChM. - well, Rogerville ; David Patton, Goder- ich ; Harry Oliver, Ashfield; Jas. Hardy, Colborne. I sincerely hope your honor- ably body will decide at this meeting to put a better system of heating into the jail. The water pipes have been frozen several times this winter. According to the revised Jail Rules it will be •nec- essary for yon to furnish two suits of clothing for your Jailer and Turnkey. Other Counties are doing so. Hoping these two requests will meet with your approval, Yours sincerely. JOSEPH GRIFFIN, Jailer. TREASURER HOLMES In the County Treasurer's letter to the Council he says :-You will notice in the Europe to -day are paying to maintain statement of receipts and expenditure an "armed neutrality" the small sum that there was a large expenditure in of $50 a second. some of the accounts, particular/3, in Ex -President Pant Kruger, of the Schools and Co. Property, but on the Transvaal, is very 111 at his home at The whole the amount estimated exceeded Hague. He is 80 years of age and very the actual expeniture leaving at the close feeble with scareely a vestige of memory of the year a surplus of 8466.60. left. Ile has been living iu exile ever Wm. Hotams, Co. Treasurer, since his flight from South Africa, during 1 ROAD COMMISSIONER. the Boer war, and since the death of his . I herewith submtt mv renort of bus. MAN'S LOVE CT' THE DOG. Of All Animals, Only the Dog nag Made Alliance With Tia. Mau loves the dog, but how much more ought he to love It if he consid- ered in the inflexible harmony of the laws of nature the sole exception, which is,that love of a being that succeeds in piercing in order to draw closer to us the partitions everywhere else imper- tneable that separate the species! We are alone, absolutely alone, on this chance planet, and aunt" all the forms of life that surround us not one, ex- cepting the dog, has =de an alliance with us. A few creatures fear us, most are unaware of us, and not one loves us. In the world of plants we have dumb and motionless slaves, but they serve us in spite of themselves. They simply endure our laws and our yoke, They are impotent prisoners, victims Incapable of escaping, but silently re- bellious, and so soon as we lose sight of them they hasten to betray us and return to their former wild sled mis- chievous liberty, The rose and the corn, had they wings, would fly at our ap- proaeh like the birds. Among the animals we number a few servants who have submitted only through indifference, cowardice or stn. piclity-the uncertain and craven horse, who responds only to pain and is at- tached to nothing; the passive and de- jected ass, who stays with us only be- cause he knows not what to do nor where to go, but who nevertheless un- der the cudgel and the pack saddle re- tains the idea that lurks behind his ears; the cow and the ox, happy so long as they are eating and docile because for centuries they have not had a thought of their own; the affrighted sheep, who knows no other master than terror; the hen, who is faithful to the poultry yard because she finds more maize and wheat there than in the neighboring forest. I do not speak of the cat, to whom we are nothing more than a too large and uneatable prey, the ferocious cat, whose sidelong con- tempt tolerates us only as incumbering parasites in our own homes. She, at least, curses us in her mysterious heart, but all the others live beside us as they might live beside a rock or a tree. They do not love us, do not know IA, scarcely notice us. They are un- aware of our life, our death, our depar- ture, our return, our sadness, our joy, our smile. They do not even hear the sound of our voice as soon as it no lon- ger threatens them, and when they look at us it is with the distrustful be- wilderment of the horse, in whose eye still hovers the infatuation of the elk or gazel that sees us for the first time, or with the dull stupor of the rumi- nants, who look upon us as a momen- tary and useless accident of the pas - tura -Maurice Maeterlinck in Century, wife a year or two ago he has been rap- idly failing in vigor. His death is looked or at any time. Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough ms a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Fol'arat your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens., prevents. *Pm40 'eaitact es Steles .Plutrry Ptsteral senate end relax. I know Afitirs..tlpiLevgizii:AtAksttla;i`eb. 3. v,. aTalt 000 t for Weak Lungs nlyrad Tendencyenooqt ethie The tec c e is to. ward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to prevent than to care. It has been fully deueoustrated that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medical even have to couteud with, call he prevented by the use of Chamberlain's ererugitt fRroetnulahlded orfrraa YolPmo le; :a tloeu influenza (grip), and it has been observed that this remedy counterects any kett- (ionoof these diseases toward pueunton- le. Thie has been fully proven in many of Ca$08 in which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip in recent years, and can be re- lied upon with implicit confidence. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended uu- til It is suddenly discovered that there is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains in the chest, then it is announced that the patient has pneumonia. Iitt on the safe side and take Chamberlitin'a Cough Remedy as soon as the cold is contracted. It always cores. For sale by Colin A. Campbell, Wingham. Re Liked Young People. In his last work, "Facts and Com- ments," Herbert Spencer gives a cu- rious bit of self revelation. Ile con- fesses that, though be particularly liked the society of young people, it bored him to an unendurable extent if they worried him with unintelligent chatter, and that to avoid this it waS his cus- tom to ask them some question which could not be answered without a good deal of thought. He was accustomed to base his judgment of their intellects upon the answers returned, and we can well imagine that those who were sud- denly confronted with some such prob lem as "Why is the sea mit?" must have regarded a drive with the great philosopher as something of an ordeal. -Londoa Globe. Fifteen or sixteen persons were killed and about fifty injurediu a wreck on the 0. P. R. at Sand Point, sixty miles from Ottawa, 1. aseeseesse. "The man I am looking for," said the mature looking spinster sentimentally, "must be utterly miselfish, brave as a lion, tender, truthful as the day, indue- trious, intelligent, thoughtful, of dis- tinguishes' presence and one who never loess transacted since the date of my drinks, smokes, gambles or uses pro- ; report at your December meeting. It fane language. I shall not mind if he contains the amounts of orders passed is poor -that will not matter." Ito date. Have' advertised and. received "Not a bit," remarked the damsel tenders for the construction of three bridges evhich are proposed to be Unit this year. The plans and specifications with the tenders will be submitted far • your examination. Total amount of : oriers issued in 1003 was $17001.14 with $20 paid the Co. Treasurer for sale of material, From Jan. 1st. to date ex- pended $29 45. Jeer. AnLET, Commissioner. EDIVA.TION COMMITTEE'S REPORT. save Stock erartzets. Toronto. Feb. 9. -The ran of stook at the city cattle market is still very light, the receipts siuce Saturday amounting to 37 loads, to -day's receipts being only about 13 loads. Business is quiet, the lemand among the local butchers being not at all active. The market ou the whole is just about steady at last week's quotations. According, however, to some of the reports going around the market as good prices are being paid direct from the farmers as are being paid for cattle delivered in the market. There is uo doubt that some good prices have been paid in the country, too high, say the local buyers, who say they cannot afford to paid the prices the buyers are asking. The following are the quotations; Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. heavy $4 60 $4 65 Light 4 00 4 25 Bulls 3 75 4 00 do., light 3 00 3 75 Feeders' light,800 pounds wards Stockers 900 lbs Butchers' - Choice Medium Picked Bulls Rough. Light stock bulls Milk cows Hogs - Best 4 75 Lights 4 50 :sheep - Export Bucks , Culls Spring Lambs Calves, each The three applicants viz: Messrs. Mots ti fatt, Cameron and Field, all of whom are qualified for the Board of Co. Ex- aminers have been received. In the • matter of the request of the Trustees Association asking that delegates be ap- pointed, We recommend no action. In reference to claim Or St. Marys Collegiate Instittete, we advise that the opinion of • the Co. Solicitor be the Counciln; guild in the Matter. We received and ot. =fined the Pnblic Sehe01 Inspectors' reports and advise that they he printed in the inintitee at; usual. M. LOCEHAET, Chair:natl. elonee OP nzFron eostsirrrEr. We considered the communication of Itterifilite tho activity of liWOht and tint* 104 illte0vorve cynical old father grimly. "ISte'd have o. fine chance of making money, my, dear." "IloW SO, papa?" "Why, they'd give a fortune for ir Man like that in a show." and up - 800 3 25 2 50 3l2 2 75 3 50 goomng mgoom FINE PHOTOS CLEAR AHD BRIGHT w, aro nowilotng a ,„ Une it $125 a dozen vsfl "d see then at ;; Armstrong & Co's Studio ; WING -AM gggIggg MUM= 3 65 4 25 3 30 3 40 4 25 4 30 2 75 3 00 250 260 2 25 2 50 30 00 0500 3 50 4 00 2- 50 325 8 50 4 00 4 60 5 60 5 50 6 50 , ANADIAN "PACIFIC WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, At3+411.. 30TH TO DEOEMSe Ft 1ST, 1904 Through Transcontinental service Leavixiq Toronto at 1.45 pm., daily (via North Bay) for PORT ARTHUR, RAT PORTAGE, WINNIPEG, noosn .AW, CALGARY, REVELSTOKE, VANCOUVER and IL C. POINTS First class Sleepers, daily, Toronto to Winnipeg, connecting with through First ()lass Sleeper for Vancouver. Unexcelled Dining Car•Service, North Bay to Laggan and Revelstoke to Salmon Arm. Fully equipped Tourist Caro leave To. rent° at 1.45 p.m. on Tuesdays and Satur- days, andN_orth limy at 10 80 p.m. Thursdays and run through to Vancouver without tVINGITARI MARKET REPORTS Winghara, February 10th, 1004 Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Howson, Harvey & Brooklebank. Flour per 100 lbs.... .. ... 1 75 to 2 40 Fall Wheat 0 78 to 0 78 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 28 to 0 29 Barley .... ..... ......., 0 35 to 0 40 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 Tw:keys, drawn ...... ... „ 0 12 to 0 13 Geese, ,,, 0 08 to 0 08 •Ducks, per pair . , 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 60 Butter .... . .... .. .. 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 50 to 3 00 Hay, per ton.. ...... 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 70 to 0 75 Tallow per lb . , .. ... „ , , 0 05 to 0 06 Lard 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 04 Wool 0 16 to 0 18 Live Hogs, per cwt 4 50 to 4 50 FrOach er nod Exbitirter. There was an old (Jerky preacher in Virginia who would never become or- dained, but was content to remain just an exhorter. Vele seemed rather strange to some of his congregation, and one day they asked him abont it. "Well, it's dis way," said he, "When' yon's a preacher, you's gotter have a tex` an' stick right close to It, but if you's only a exhorter you Mu branch."( The Original Onto. Butler-Itut do you remember all you read? taker -4 hope not. V1 did 1 shouldn't enjoy the original writings of sone of ray friends, yon know.-Bostort Tram eerier. Mr. G. P. Hughes, private banker) 'Tottenham, has assigned. J. A. Hatehettoo, X. C. of Lttockvitles has confessed to embezzling :Mout $40,- 000 of his clients' money, and is now under Arrest. ••••11111.. .....W.11..11•01•1•11.111* DON'T INSURE YOUR LIFE OR PROPERTY until you have seen COSENS about it. IT WILL PAY You. Farm Loans at Lowest Rates Abner Cosens change. Berth in Tourist Car, costs in addition to passage ticket from Toronto to Winnipeg, $4.00. Moose Jaw, $5.00. Calgary, 4500. Revelstoke. $7.21. Vancouver, 45.50, For Maps, Time Tables and all information apply to any agent of the Company or A. ti, NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger' Agent 1 King St. Bast, Toronto LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. GRAND TRUNK IVIrEta World's Fatr, $1. Louts, Apr. 30 -Dec. 1, 1004 Forty thousand horse -power required for Exhibition use. Turbine engine, 8,000 horse- power. The New Mill For C fait)ai fine N G We keep the best PLOUR, OATMEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, PEED and GRAIN At Lowest Prices. D. MOCRECOR 'Xis New Wingbani California Mexico Florida One-way and round trip Tourist Tickets aro on sale daily, Choice of Routes and Stop -over Privileges at principal points. Grand Trunk trains make direct connection et Chicago with all railways for the famous Winter Resorts. For tickets, and all information apply to Agents. L. HAROLD. Agmt,Winghem, The Meat You Order 1 ....................... ......... ............... THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR SIRE 'John & Jas. IL Kerr • •••••••••••••••••••••"•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : • • • FEBRUARY FEBRUARY • e : : • • SALE • SALE • e e • • • • from ns will be delivered promptly and you will always find it of tbe best quality. Roasts of Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork. Steaks, Chops, Soup Bones, Boiling Pieces. Highest prices paid for Hido and Skins. We are also prepaiticl to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Poultry. We thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and will give satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. FELLS & MITCHELL. Opposite Skeeng Riuk. . el YOU OWE US A VISIT. • • • • • • • • • • • • Winter Dry goods must be cleared out before pring goods arrive. We offer you bargain chances that yon don't often get. Buy early. Until further notice we will give a 25c per. cent Discount off We will eentiane our,•., sale of winter foot wear aging this month. Money saved Is money made. We offer you. money saving chaneeS. Men's Heavy Rubbers Never Break Duck, 4 ply with rolled edge, • laced or buckled regular • the tehowing lines- ' 'a $2.50 sale price $2.00 • • -Wool Blankets. • • nag Proof Rubbers, $2.25 Buckle • -Wool Sheeting. $1.50 1 Backle for $1.75 • for - • • -Men's Underwear. $1.25 Boys for - $1.00 • -Boy's Underwear. Men's Overshoes, regular a i• • -MUnderwear. isses' - regular 1.80 for - 1,60 •$1,50 -Ladies' Underwear. $1. 75 for - o -Fur Coats, Caperines. regular 2.25 snow ex - cinders 0 e Capes, Ruffs, Muffs, etc., - 1.75 • a -Winter Gloves and Mitts Ladies Rubbers, regular for • o for Men and women. 40c for - - .25 • • -Ladies Coats and Skirts. Lulm.00berfmoran- 's Sox, regular o -Men'S and Bov's Overcoats, - .75 • regular 70e for - .50 • Ulsters and Suits. • regular 50c for - ,37 • -Mantle Goods, ete., etc. • regular 40e for - ,30 • • LONG BOOTS, FELT : as advertised last week. regular $3.50 for $2,75 BOOTS • • Bargains in Dress Goods s Seasonable goods at a big re- regular 83.25 for $2.60 • duction in prices • regular 82.50 for $2.00 * • • regular $2.00 for S1.60 • • • MOCCASINS • Farmers bring your Pota- regular 82.00 for $1.50 • • toes in now. We pay 70e regular 81 .50 for 81.20 at a bushel. regular 81.25 t'or 81.00 is o • •••••••••••••410414410600 OW 0064100•41009101•66410•••••••• • • JOHN 8e. JAS. H. KERR • • MACDONALD BLOCK, - - WINCHAM O 000001/100•0•00•00011)(0011104116011 004110410011104110111111•0•040111•111104.000 We've invited yon to Call. Vite've imposed no condition as to time or Object. If the store'tt open, Walk in. We would like to show you what vre tall a whole lot of the newest fabrics that you'Ve ever bean asked to leak at. We're here to show the goods. We're here to *IMAM` qUeStiOnil-to help you ettlect a chalet's -and to make every cirenmetancs of a snit•choosing visit pleasant. MAXWELL Mott Ant Tmi,cut. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • ,mg•iy.mayal.m••••••••••••=.11•11 vrivvvvvvvvvvvvrrvvrrvvvvy mrvvvvvvvrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvvrvv 4 .Et 4 et & Shoe!: Sale 4 4 4 4 T. A. MILLS has decided to clear out 4 Boots, Shoes and Rubbers inside of 30 days. Every pair is marked down to a clearing price-. all his stock of COST 18 NO OBJECT THEY MUST CO H 4 4 4 • 4 4 If: Call and look through the stock, and I am E sure you will buy your fall and winter supply at prices never heard of before 1 4 Wingham. 44 111" ;. Fur Must be Cleared E m • A 6 4 4 Goods Out in Sixty Days 141 A full line io select from. 1 MILLS1 AAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 04.44AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMA/A01144