HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-01-11, Page 1,• , hrorporOng flrussejs Post - 500 pr copy Be Ig M home elute musing gains in Popederity, *does the jet), of the visiting nurse. Her Job is new fluished. Linda Knight of Itelgreve, who has started up hex own nureing agency, has evea gone out en o snowmobile to see a patient been* reads were blocked, Her choke of mann% differs hem lite regulated, eight hour hospital shifte,t 4 hours do, weep do a week minim. Since starting up Communite Nursing Serviete, her responsibilities have al* inereased- Community Nursing Serviees opened in Hum( Ceelelte this Week, three Months after the Miniffty Health provided additional Molding to the weeity"s Hem Care Program for detente gene terrak patients, Shaw Rome Care was first mantled in Hum County in len. mete, ((short Went patterns who revoked in-home naming, relied on the Victorian Order of Nunes WON, A termer VON name, Mrs. Knklit Belgrave, Mt% the Home Cate Ceeertheiator anti' she decided to epen her own witty. And ea fax, "things we On she wkys, matte pleased." Wishing to rem= to the reusing field and looking far a eliallenge, stearin up her new barium westit diffteult twee* "most deters and patients knew use" sees Mrs, Knight, a life-leng wetrity resident, Besides herself, she has employed LAW* Su %Mee and a termer VON to 4.S.Si'q. Aneffter must has beer% Wed part-time and Mt& Ka hit SOLI1 hems to Oiler taberatere "Beeides the challenge of stextiag up a twines% I will haw the *tedium to make decisiens and can offer ouninuity," she %Lurie Sean left her wine pasitien with tAIN to .be;in Cereenunity Abasing Servitee, • 4 "beeause it sounded and 1 will have more respi4e kiliW 1 1t it Wes au excellent Opportunity ; Mike a job. 'Wale Caw WAS (me SUpPotff,(O, bit sOhle deo* \vele arebelWeee Response has been excellent, says Mrs. Wen, "With u4s -being a smaller( sgeheY; communication will be better and, weer really getrig-ho about it." The Rome Caw 'Program- prevides' fiar patients who do net wish or do nit rerjuire long terra hospital or auntie lame eare, The lime Caw Progratnin Iffnen , CMut4 was allotted a ;!. :1,30 budget bent 00. to meth e'z,. Home Care adnitnistreter, ARIO ViEGNESDAVc JANUARY:11; i9S3 10 PAGES • 1,kttlY,Cffdtto estilates a yearly budgek'ef iCi.141(ffOn CoUrq tees one efthe i i,,,,,t it ; 4)!eee $1 million. - ' 1040.40044 ffttreeerive chronic oaare d , '-' "II*0 Care is tesponsible to see thet '14 Willheatt MY:lease ilk patient vaunt 1W011,lvgme is Wee to those who. write, • • ttetrit woe' it.r *es Mee. o. "There are Offen can hmetiontorwein dy Vol some help rather than n, muskeg home, But oute eteng netd the gmtest amount oftelp, Mal 41.5 etufWe sdereSis ektims." ibSCRANCIE ot*li Ogees wasn't the issue for Mbl Mrs.. nata*of *Alto* the' VON, she said the 'fl'be Still eempetiden be- eP:ekrt leagestablished. Hee rates atAtS' Pet but I= than VON, same ants if we have PI or hen it's therelleege *t28 cents a *eke:Cady Idds you. ,Sontetimes !newt than the arrest bfra; Knight says. *Itis Cale trends axe chanting to .1 initen_jettureing as cempered to ?vital , oleo, it's*e trend of the fireare," says MI& Knight "les an alternative to keeping peiple le hospital% 'eager." Twp. council is almost BY WHIM ONE The deck and members of Inekersmith Tevoriship caturrill !Needed help to get home from their Jan. 3 meddle& Caustillee Gemw Centelge went into a &At rad bleated reads faced the rest who were assisted home by read superintendent Allan Rieke/seat, err a member of Ms read crew plowing a path, Pear township tesidents ettendirtg the meeting fee diecussion of the Wallace municipal drainage repert needed help horie a,s vmd, They were lien Mentes* Rat* Wilson, Douglas Wallace and Red Verne- It4t, Meintosh,MtVantlyedarn and Me, Waserifiled an agreement between the three property owners emceeing the assess - anent on the drainage repott, breeches A and 8. Owned previsioualty accepted the t.rt and set the mut efrevision far date 31 at daS NURSE on pagia sn w oun z The townsbip Connell will extend Ithe *County oflfmeionkortell Is wealhi contract with Cheinney Sanitation AOthesupagradeeselotetlestlieentuetyintrda ofAuburn ler the Vartaetre garbage eitstiffuets• Staabli Inrkelftdkt gat% coRe ctionts a farther t yens, at the AxiadefftettrantshipeaffeeffeetweempUees presentee* of KI08 per Week: A worded -,AttAtientle.Ken vote requested by ;Deputy -Ree Weave ;:kelteellitehesetripedththeeppeavelef ere &Own was at fake= ban Brown no, nitile Assee:Mtlitu„ ' Reev.ex Robert Bell„ Councillors Bite -:me 1134191M8 Bredboot, and Cartzlea voted rs. ., 56,961,03z, Bobjected becalm he thought the epeeist dray cue et: Varreffre, 5309.02e. term should be gee year and then ftfor yaostri.' xectattroo .1**Itx $17te$sl• tenders, ffikda,S43,674.63tindrtera1.127.04,MPir• the dog tags for the trocksldp. fax year :e -Annoyed fie porneat wine the forkreneg Mk be wile receive 52-2S per tag, 101144e6 nets, /teethe stisSt sad avaital Oat Attlattgart was itt 1144itilebli fee a teed Of siumac„, ler the balanceofthe litfeteadsutraidyftene eeel)taurifi adieetried„ the Meeting at 12 the Miet4 entaasportation and Claramite., *Wert and thenext meatiag oblate P iciatiees S136,000. 'itellrbergin at 4 pie, VielD, *Faso!. Ilteceffekl voftl th atr ' ,etetalefli93.818.71' 0.071ERY Wite-Seettorth an area resi- dents are Maine up tickets for this Saliddara 6Z41.1 draw. A SS minion peke was oleiniedllatt w&/red Bob Bauttentrailler elf Beb wet Bethrs„ the ceiy 8049 ticket meet in ttratt„ estimates this week's PlUe to tee laa0 eiVaX Vie dliblert. aZaak thiS ticket sties &tabled to 4,,Sde. Thh. week he estimates (Leer 10018 von be saki Eceretedy buyini tiL-ke. Grace az= picked her leery numbers Mendes. ON4se.11t.p.hz.t.z). Snow banks, are a problem Although they agree teat the tewri"s employees and eaterebants usearee do a geed lekl at cls mew off Siefert:1's sIde- seateseedirettimers seaweed so it's ben chifteult geek,g &am Mak St. zeoratiy. • elle sidewalks axe dexx new bed eee , lust after the holidays t etas tab bad," toys Arlene Creaks-. 'Tee stew bed ascst IretAtie krkiag istv feeti4 bet it itte411 be' likehavhigeseteplazes to trossetteugh die Xx CLEWS° AWAY' TellE Att88LE-Hetreh- F w Xrattats add sem* sexad tpxn tattged eo teethe end (Why Gtanville liqutryttl, vivtobdaMaetet 01-47411errtnietz tVel Wa.tm ewe thek tired ceffailted Iret phete) Shed collapses under snow After Cathe and leette TZ341 eitg:r4 tt= Van less ham Wit ort:Ie Ethel in Case 'Es Heren EvetesLea, thee took tock tee* sheciss reef het deeded 0 ceeNit ezed to, be cLeased eff. Be. test Preto az d oven, o= vra.0 te-ketel tele of' ft 30" he 91Z)" shed ext.1 "When tee beeto weres peL'ed, the week !to= shook and we therake someone had le0 terdre poee hat itt rer the shed," saes Mrs. 0"enve. "We lest re-et Deed et wasn't the tense," lifer ehsadi eel erne,=z acre Enamel het the treaercints are nee sem ef the weee Of the Sizome eng axlItz=. ttraceee. were daa, hat mot sesicta4e. says, Mrs. (asteelile, Neighbere cif the WeserrU- Wemd tate ee shed down Blastulae aeterneen. "Erweeee wee so reize eeem VCZT SE* 2.MS co cee was lases tta• *It a Et." she Says. Cemetery board hope $ to raise money Hzaer-ehey Ce=tener Beard 4 beee•A to re,42, ectettenee tee -4-e err begat tr... reverewe peeeenni are tette? tteed and se tee WOO asbe ereseed he area attees =Zee &swede:tee **mess teeted tse yeas B=ist,-. at gereetely have teree fear in m ea and =tom' te. Tem- t.tt_10:4 RIM Reshytmriaa Crez Seaftt.-\ er4F has SiS.MIZ ha pespetean wee Peed and tserest remelted a...eve-et az, bee a few handted1 deltas al yean neer the pee -venni acme e,,mdi reNlet cm.al as a tiewree.e. =4 way a=„ean sevretee be torreased is to innease t; End evelted cut &T. Wasram, seire=re-tteaarnee tne teazel "er. beard vemee to maze euee is aa Ct72.5 ibRIMM ftt teaSeflac aMtte oift einceeme. ffee want ts our eeresparit tra the # nem who are bead theme At* ewes a se= ef zeremest* resg=rnseany," beard emeeeehers, Enceade Nbet. rhaemaee .1",a P. Scent and Ed Aree,4rewse. Otte, ef the ceesa ttaiats aft the cemeteTtp ef .r,a3sees R* semcff Nirc-saat mil !wet (5ei bn TM Pre triettstme nzark• i. tbe may he one oft earthest Hem= Ceemee. WARD PATES 10 1148 Beeezded&...%,,atefelectiteian ceeretere beaed can hack t 1$38.. oteretery waos aied ley the entgregetiors of the Mreettiv end Tackanntkh EarleAl Preft, teaks= Chaech. Pre erfe-hab __h= ft^ se,e was tam cremcm whet the eeerceigee eon are -aa.eaterd vaN Fitsft (ame, 16^4th WAL. Saford; kids ant active *me skaters§ M Aft ft,t Erse im nsI& eAreils mooed, "to tree a she: fnr the. pavree aof %raft the ch=eta yard En Ilarv=heer weal divi& the said greneld kne, orr seetecee ef sewn Seer met weer, hy reee Pee mete wed sen,h." h arca decided aft meeettg reet eeet mem pakfee saWarieitiot weld he entitled teem etele teetices kr a gelled". So as ea heureFtea cosTateltIe ettereeraMp aenzegsft Vletet%. • SeeSZIES gMe Mt/4/Ztedi aed etresen tee haat' . M a ZeitySe eceigerge- en ef the 'Ckmbi Hargerher deeded that ft eefee acne seem tin the wed he S4. "1".e e_gita obese Wrremann Reeak andi Paoheett .4e it, merle en [Remit ceautru page ;i Contonakos bank Ric pkyoff position§ A9 .11 if Et vrM xenon !Nob& &boa. =boas new a intro to role che-Leges... good eedetsfs- the way he tikes 0, "Vihememeseltaqetafthtekt4leci and certerpers, ere haeete chreeer sone deem **hang tett:Nodeak wx,th th.= and sertedms What were tereeree • to do, es Street te erer-erekhert td(lhe paters. I weer te talr tektrn, *we amei.ezmerees they helve r=d Wesel beehappy ee-xlraiale t` ratietee fm• whirl were dzieg," saes. - A ewmt= a the se.cee emote* dabs his See sears at fereckside Ilth:Ng &hoe& he tra.esz, eteti=e tee sae -e. wee hy irectre exeen grts e m=ss te the eeeeefl so he cam Leeet ime taa itt• ez:m • "Aoe Fee haw sexes ee '-eaetce/ee 't1 the wm- eat tretale which cakes a =cress cc Eeze ye= treefiensa von eseell a keg tto esen corearatriera vc,h tL en - dem. he sap. Pett wests whit) ee=„.. peeps who cake geed seltzers Ncr,;ee wed vrhh Ent= Glinefeal• Cerzeil w/4,,o 4 .;:11•74erT eree.ert w0hhtn.rearat chaege tea mer school ititef&eg Erse weekat&lz: Seca, ttsscftz3iptel P-vt raft aele, tee to L im ext. 4resre ree "tax".;""e•-• reel eath ^eegress a teach at that 4etel."- T emaer tele= 4 raewe ea th•re's three, the wen wat , kerne," Mr, kext. says eree, sehe era sere clevekeEmg censer arh_h eV1 sehozee sem= t teaed eff eanater, ee ssen he reavee, =me oz".7(am(7- etter greee !:n grades seeeeeJ end re w3eteeeeee- cre theeeeees der Egh .-- t ea,..) bee they eam seemed aft. "Theme is a reee ezesaree... c=1 TL -,4 exm t2, stet ttmtt tz,ts fee eray net he ammd be Eve vars. beLed 'aem fee a Penh the sidewalks were eleand fat freer of stores, Edith Ifturdefforand walking illiket twee of vantet stows. "Vs ire En sperm sometimes. Nit as a rele die storekeepers de a geed ION"' she sos. "Anyone wine dem* site leen evald levee a prellrleern Siam ;the -erar is rieW from. serve places," says Itssie v Stain' ss Sbe doesn't gee easside ech in ere winter anentoretheugh she lardetatesitreethe wieetherWas so nnld. "I Ittivene been eat lant Cheri.',e. ((her trueleter8 wae saline hoe bad it was. When ru ger elite Et% brace ever eve saordetets." she says. "I thiek ety lamp, anew cleared bo enee _eels- get et deareid,-thetes another ee wry tes beer tees seen" tke Seaferet ramehamitsays he had a hied tem gettbeettteugh the sidewelstt Pease see SNOW on Page 3 10001001)7tiVe.7.7- erreen &et ha vez",_ s.eeee t.W're at an e,ere sag. Imre/ft sees hies gadded dcriieg- 23) years cor.p.2:4 t,e'Lzg 1 eat a "mese ‘100 eeweee x - A ease elf Enee fteer"-are, 0,2.1; Sehod1 neat • t'ASSW, he toe& am eseendoelff wes. rte ,,-4,eeete3 teeth Creter-kh Tteere. (D.e.e_a1 Scheee aft Eitorae fee two eeeee. Ee toc== Pkr sztImlik twit -9 IFI&Ja se=a zs vg=4 Brece E -Yea Seenen few= ae seeee weeeeee Lee, 2. Fe= ecearerme, .,L,ertr sae, eller =e, "a peste-"ee eve ,,,ree tere fee tete fe,„- ree • trout ad. icat7zra grow is sreMzg coobooks§ A -r 0