HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-01-04, Page 16eale
"-eine- Steel exeiteei'iten",n"Veie'
Card of Thanks Card of Thanks
I would like to thank Dr,
Rodney, Dr. Malkus and Dr,
Underwood for their e$cellent
care and concern while 1 was
in the hospital. The nurses
and food s couldn't have
been better. Thanks again.
Doug Riley
1 wish to thank Dr. Rodney,
Dr. Malkus and staff of the
Seaforth Hospital while I was
a patient there and Pastor
Horst for hie visit and anyone
that helped in any way.
Irvin Leonhardt
1 would like to thank my
family, neighbours, friends
and relatives for cards, flowe
ers, prayers and- inquiries
while a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. Also Dr,
McKenzie, London and Dr.
Payne; Mitchell. Your kind-
ness was much appreciated.
Thank you. Gilbert Murray
I wish to thank all my family
and friends for their"coneern
during my stay in the hospi-
tal. Special thanks to those
who extended their concern
with flowers and gifts, it was
greatly appreciated, Best
wishes to everyone in the new
year. Lisa Beuttenmiller
1 wish to thank all my friends
and relatives for cards, treats
and visits that I received
while in Victoria Hospital and
since coming home, Special
thanks to aii my neighboureet
Maple Villa and My former
neighbours on Turnberry St.
South. Adah Smith
Card 'of Thanks.- •
THE Brusstls Ladies Auzil-
iary to Br. ..218 of Royal
Canadian Legion, would like
to thank all' those who de -
netted to our Invitational Dart
Tournament which was held'
Saturday, November 5th.
i 24041
husband Jack and family. Brad Kennedy by Wednesday visitors with kith, 1oe Shad-
whfe Jean and famil Nis d'OI Lear
•oro '.
t� ir, attendonce
c u5
141,0901 MTORicJANUU..R1L 4.14_ — Alb
. 5 ';: a . let and Pre;Nor* iAlexander'returned-
tome of Th rsda fm en m
' A fair atteadaaee New'. Years Day mgs with Me and rs. m o e C Jr
Welcoming., *ere: Reg and John -Lawson Don and µ'
Ushers were John Cartwright, Rob Radford Thy at Nucor gay '
and.GarY and Dennis>_..;,i tsv Mrs MaryWAightwan, Dtyth; Missoarg-
Colin Saran 'le4 in the worship and" ween Vi Nod Mrs k7orwith
Cardiff, sees spent Nett/ Yeats Eve with
lovtepm a l'AP la rs•' Alli Mas 1404LYoatlud '!F,dytl,eBe. m.�at
Miring memory of Clefts a rm- pfl by"her Ed ,
y: con anOlive dick were randdaugg titer Debbie Shaddick
by children and grandriy i h nn As there was and friend -Michael Vierra of Toronto:
no church Chrisdnas Day, the order of service New Year's Dayvisitors with Mr. and Mrs.
prepared for Christmas Day was followed Bill Sottiauixwere Mr. andMrs.Harold Burch
with Lisa Duizer, o gasket and Gail Lear, ee pembrooc
choi hector, John . Cerrtwright. - spent last week in
PERSONALS Toronto attending Toc Alpha being bus
Christmas visitors on Dec. 27 with Mr. and rePresentative. .
Mrs. Set Saundeekck were his mother Mrs, Spending Boxing jay and Christmas with
Laura Sauadercock, their family Mr. and Mrs. Florenceht, John and Claude
Mrs. John Saunderc°ck and "Lisa, Wood- were Mr. and Mrs. gth Cartwright, Donna
stock; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Christopher of Ailsa Crane Mreandck Kell Joe and and Patricia, London; Mr. and Mrs..Howard
Marlano, Canndiee and Glen returned home to . Cartwright, Carat and Neal.
Toronto on Mon. 26th from $pending a week ' Florence Cartwright, John and
with: her mother Jean. Caldwell:. Allen and Claude spent New Year's with her mother
Dwight Caldwell, Aubam spent Sat. 24, Sun.
Mrs. Mae Rinn, Year's
25 with his mother. Ipngrat1uahons to en cod, wins -ban,
Mrs. Reg Lawson returned home on Fri. haymgbeeniter principal for 16 years blains
from spending a week in Clifton Public pplyncipa• Jan. 2nd of F.E. Madill School,
Ho ital Winghain.
In' Memoriam
NICHOISON: In memory of
Murray who passed away
New Years Day, 1969. -
Just when Murray's life was
Just when his hopes seemed
God took him from among us
To his eternal rest.
Happy and smiling, always
Loved and respected
wherever he went.
To this beautiful life came a
sudden end,
But he died as he lived,
everyone's friend
Behind a smile there is many
a tear,
For the one we roved and lost
so dear
Others are taken, yes we
But he wa>:,onrs
And we loved him so.
Lovingly remembered and
sadly missed by Mom and
family. 25-01xI
Mrs. Rita A. Frieday, 76, of -7
Old Chicopee Rd. Apt. 204,
Kitchener, died Thursday at
the K -W Hospital in Kitchen-
er. Born at Wellesley, she
was a dao�ghter of the late
Leander Harhnan and the
former Ida Adam. • Surviving
are two sons, Bruce, of
Kitchener, and Ronald, of
Brampton; three daughters,
Mrs. Jack (Shirley) Slatterie,
of Sarnia,' Mrs. Ronald
(Elaine) Hunt, of Guelph, and
Mrs. Larry (Joanne) Heintz -
man, of Toronto; also 16
grandchildren and seven
great grandchildren. She was
predeceased barber husband,
Herman Frieday, in 1963; and
one son, Donald, and one
brother, John. Friends were
received at the Ratz-Bechtel
funeral home, 621 King St.
W. Kitchener where funeral
service was held Saturday at
10 a.m. at St, Anthony Daniel
Church. &trim was in Mount
Hope cemetery, Waterloo.
: 't28 -o1-1
Hensall residents will.,met
to discuss school closure
Ronald A. MacKintton, Amherstview, and
Mr. and, Mrs. Wm_ P. MacKinnon, Shaun
and Laura, of London -spent Christmas with
their mother Janet MacKinnon.
Mr. andhIrs. William O'Brien. Todd and
Tracey, of Brigden yiyited last week with
Mrs. O'Brien's mother, Evelyn Flynn_
Herb Redden, who was a patient in South
Huron Hospital, returned to his home last
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mock and son returned
to their home in Vancouver after spending
Christmas with the former's parents and
family Mr. and Mrs_ Ron Mock.
Sgt. Doug Wein, R.C.M.P., Mrs. Wein
And. P vid returned to their home in Ottawa
-after -holidaying with the forger's knottle ,
Mrs. L_ Wein, Exeter and the latter"s parents
and family Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker of
Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship
in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday
with his sermon topic "Confidence irrGod'.
The annual congregational meeting will be
held Jan. 25 at 7:30 p.m. the P.C.W. will
meet m the school room of the Church
. Monday, Jan. _9�__ at�2� pp.m,
With Christmas and holidays, life around
the Queensway Home has proven to be quite
exciting with not too many a dull moment_
One afternoon several days before Christrnas
the ignited Church Messengers were in the
Home with Christmas door decorations that
they had made for each of the residents.
We were also privileged to have the
Hensall Public School choir come to the horn
one afternoon and give the residents a short
Ladies from the Zurich Mennonite Church
were also in one afternoon to play bingo with
the residents.
On Dec. 23. the residents had their own
Christmas party with caro mg and even Santa
Claus arrived to pass out treats to all the
residents. Thank you Santa for making a visit.
That evening some young people from
Lakeview Conservative Church were in to
siug<"Christnnas carols.
Ala the excitement didn't end after
Christmas Day betJnSean Dec 27 Rev. Stan
McDonald was in charge of the norm serv,ce
and he brought along members of the United
Church Junior Choir to provide music_
New Year's Eve was also an occasion to
celebrate with
an early evening party. Our
wishMeech of is for the verybest iA 1984.
The Three Tanks Seniors will meet ooh
Tuesday. Jan_ 10 at 2 p.m. in the local hall_
Please nate the change of time to afternoon_
Orr Friday. Jan. 6 at 1:15 pm. the Hensall
Public School will begin the first of a series of
Centenniai idisit es. This past summer irene
Davis. Ambassadress of Heasall l Centennial
visited Hensall. Frigiand andwhile there, she
prepared sfides of the area which will be
shown to the pupils- The public is invited_
During February a whter renew' be
helda bloc School_ w�
A capacity crowd wed in the New
Year at the Hensall Arena and marked the
beginning of Heasail Centemiial celebra-
Lucky winners of one troy oat of gold
were Marvin Maher. R.R. 03 Zurich and Ken
Kippen United
church news
Cardno, of Seaforth.
Spot dances winners were Keith and
Dorothy Volland, George Dowson and Sharon
Love; Jack Upshall and Dianne Gerstenkorn
Matt Haney, of Seaforth won the desk lamp
donated for a special draw.
Men: don't forgetto register for the beard
growing contest because any man riot
intending to sport a beard will be required to
pay a S2 exemption fee.
Please note the change of night and place
of the next general meeting to be held at the
meeting room at the Hensall arena, Tuesday,
Jan. 17 at 7:30 p.m.
A public meeting will be held at the public
school on Jan. 24 regarding a study into the
possible closure of the school.MI residents of
''{helot igthe area §eaim cowel_aa boeh * �V � - •
Irene Davis read the scripture at the
aperirag Sunday of the Centennial Year for
Hensall, at the United Church. Mr. McDon-
ald spoke on the subject "Entering this New
Year ' and Robert Gankstetter was soloist for
the service. The ushers for the service were
Steven and Jeff Corbett_ Margaret Cole
greeted the congregation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood held,Christmas on
Jerry and Betty Smith of Coburg visited on Saterday the 31st for their family. Present
Wednesday with her parents Mr, and Mrs were P� Mrs and Mrs. Bill Andrews and
+cob Burns. r. '
Nancy, Toronto;.Mr. and Mts. Ken Wood, ■� _ __
Mr. Wm. Hamilton' of Moorefield spent
1loug and Karen, Win am; Mr. and.. Mrs- s
Christmas holidays with daughter Audrey
and Bob Thom son who was „,admitted `Darrell Anderson, Scarborough, and Gregg
GQ $
Chnton Public hospital.
Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs'. Glen .'b iv o Wil tonsebrate his 90th to Mr. birthday
Carter were their family Mr. and Mrs. Larry , h
Carter. Stmcoe• Colleen Carter, Exeter; Mr• -
annary 14 e
and Mrs.. Kevan Broome, Lucan„on Sun. Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shad-
Jan,lst Doreea's father John Armstrong. .dicks on Wednesday were Lloyd "and: Dick
spending 2 weeks
Colleen has iwith her parents. to Exeter offer Darli Kitchener, Jeff and Karin Shaddick,
with St hen and Danny, Brantford, on Sunday
Corporal Robert Bello from Germany and Lloy sad Dirk were home for New Years.
Kathy Yell% Toreattespent Christmas weekVLsitots'with Dots Shobiirook, New Years
with their mother Mi, and Mrs, Ken Vodden. and
Mon 2nd were Ross and Muriel Millson,
Laura Lyon' held' Christmas on Fri. Dec, • Woodstock, Sheryl Millson, London, and Mr.
30th for her family with supper at Triple K and Mts. Ken Vodden.
Restaurant, Blyth and returning to her home • •Mreand Mrs. Vic Stackhouse spent New
for social ttmewere Murray and Shirley. Brad. Years with Fred and Laurie Rantu, Wood -
and Deanna Lyon, Bert and Joanne Lyon, Ron stock••.;
and Laura Moes; Wayne and Jane Lyon, l'at'Stackhouse of Woodstock spent a few
Clinton; Doug and Gerald Neil, London, ' dais with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic
Cheryl Lyon, Calvin Bakelakaar and lydytke ' Stackhouse and Mark.
ay'... �..
gq the Week
Fish dish makes six servings
750 g Arctic Chari or salmon "steaks, cit 2
cm. thick
1 package (200 g) crab meat. thee:red' —
2SO,rg4:dr1 jiitee — -
2 mL self* a rdr, ,,
Dash tarragon
1 rot dill weed r25 mL
+ '
15 mL finely chopped green onion I.
15 mL Ebur
5 mL lemon juice
0[ mL chopped parsley
�l 'The Soapmaker'
Dish Soap, Laundry - Softener,
Liquid Hand Soap, Window
Cieanei, Shampoo, LigUid Dis-
infectant Cleaner, All Purpose
Cleaner, Degreaser and Stripper
,. crab; remove 'any bits of shell or
ca . `•°ge. Combine wine, salt and herbs.
Erin ; to a boil and add fish. Reduce heat,
and simmer 5 to 10 min. or until flesh
' is op : que and flakes easily. Arrange fish on
-dish and keep warm... Reerree
Woking liquid. Saute onion in titifferihitii
tender. Blend in flour. Gradually add
000kinp liquid. Stir and cook until smooth
and thick_ Add lemon juice and crab; heat
through. Pour sauce over fish and sprinkle
with chopped parsley. Garnish with lemon
wedges. Makes 6 servings.
.�... WE DO -.
a Athan Street CiailleN
2d1Aoirr Streit South elAineeraa
203 Durham Strew? East WALKERTON
281 Main St. EXETER
135 Queen Si. E. ST. MABYS
Save up to 36%
20 -Piece Set Sale
in silverplate and stainless
May to FrklayOpaf 9a.m. to 5:30 p.m. _Saturday -90.m. toS p.m.
OpatlThtarsday and Friday Nights Until 9 p.m.
ea -Piece a Serv-xe to, 4 ineeries:4 Salad Fortes, 4 mew/ Form,
4 Dinner Knives. 4 DesesAlSoup Spoons, 4 Teespoore
A. CO*Wul a7Y• SnLVERPLATt SALE $139.35
The exquioe beauty at Cannaxniy is ElreCilta7dad
Regadar suggeVarl rete S220 90
The Rogers name trees yauatesteryot
eracorrerixneing crattenanstiee. Piens to se
beyond price._
Reg„ &ar sugginied serail $16.500
Fes. luxury quality stainless a-eaed
alpine" Tor container* *Hat Wgitat ? $181100; faces.
O. c ariliarary STAP4I FSS , SALE 518,95
Canada's besi seting brand rel sYs°mss. TnL+y fate
Regular suggaVed rear S110.00
Popuaar pace and fcgdffi design StARS Rake tics
brand ot staleess edema Briew.
sys ed miaa $82.5O
Hurry! ends January 31, 1984
Dir h Rorer
lnnwlasa Sneaked
tom. Ma R OGG U
The combine coragregatiens of Kippen
and Brumfield (buyeb held their New Year's
Day service at Bruaefaeld on Sunday Jan. 1.
"Christmas A.roud tae World". a meal
presentatiOn by St Andrew's and Benefield
United Church Choirs was perfumed at this
The narrators tepid of how Christmas is
celebreted varians mutinies around. the
world and carols 1?er 'rag to each of the
ores were sung. The Narrators :
Robin Novak, Estella Wilson. Janice Moffat.
Jahr Townsend, Claes MacDonald. Janet
McBeath. Dana Ktoss. and Lori Livermore.
S-kests were: Raquel Beim. Dana Kloss.
Vk irhts Van Gerber). and Mark Ler ease.
Firm or Medium
2219 Pk91 -
We Make
Cheese Trays
All Occasions