HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-02-11, Page 1THS WINGHAM 0 TIMES.
VOL XXXIII.--NO. 1670.
We aim to
Try us
or Overcoat.
Homlltft Bros,
Isaned by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,474,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 80th Juno and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
R. Vanstone. Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President— How. Wu. GIBSON.
Vice -President and
General Manager TURNnULL.
George Roach, John Proctor, A. R. Lee,
John S. Hendrio, Geo. Rutherford.
AesiatS,it General Manager—H. S. STEVEN.
Inspector—H. M. WATSON.
twinge Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and Computed on the OM No-
vember and (Bat May each year and added to
speedo deposits also received at evrrent
maw* of interest.
k\ %r* Bought ends lBritain and the Malted
idlers ate notified that the Bank of }Uns-
aid its Branches issue Circular Rates of
'Provincial Dank of England, Limited,
,an be eaehed without charge' or trou-
any part' Of the world.
11.111'DON 4 BOX.MES, Soiioitorb,
Fresh Groceries
New Arriving
We are now in a posi-
tion to supply the
wants of all with
choice fresh Groceries.
R. A. Hutchison
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of ohoicb farm lands
for Bale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a rod blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
To the man who wants to buy:
No matter where you are or in what part of
the country you want a property, 1 can serhe
you. It makes no difference whether you
want a $100 lot or a $10,000 farm or any other
kind. of Real Estate, I want to hear from you.
Just the property you want m ho en my
list, in any event. I may fi it and save
money for you. 7 ani not y in a position
to most advantageously ve the inan who
wants to buy a h use or farm, hut I am in
the best possible posi n to serve the man
who wants to m ce profitable investment.
To the man who wants to sell:
Now, while you have the matter in mind,
write and let me know what you havo to sell,
and how much money you want for it. My
plan will interest you. even if you have no idea
of ever placing the propertyin my hands.
Write to -day giving description and price of
you want to sell.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent
OrincE—Vanstone block, Wingham.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to core headache.
Died at
Mr. John Snell,
made his home wit
Walter Belden, i
the home of his d
in Wroxeter on Si
had been a resid
for many years an
His remains were
cemetery on Tues
ho for some years
his daughter, Mrs.
Wingham, died at
ghter, Mrs. Miller,
day last. Mr. Suell
t of Huron county
i was aged 77 years.
nterred in Wroxeter
ay afternoon.
Good house to rent ; all modern
conveniences. Apply to J. A. McLean.
Curious C
There are some e
calendar. No cen
Wednesday, Frid
same calendar c
years. October a
same day of the w
as July, Septembe
ruary, March and
the same days. Ma
always begin on diff
other and every othe
,The first and last (1
always the same. T
apply to leap year.
endar Facts.
riots facts about our
ury can begin on
y or Sunday. The
be used every 20 NOTICE.—The question is: How can
ays begins on the Robt. McIndoo loan his money so cheap
k as January, April ROBT. MoIaDoo.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Weddi Bells.
A he hone of the bride's mother,
Piet .Valley o Wednesday of laet
week, t, Emm Rush, daughter of
Mrs. Wm. Rush, s united in marriage
to Mr. M. Pearen. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. . N. McLean, B. A.
in the presence of r latives and iutintate
friends. The yo tg couple have the
best wishes of man friends.
Two good strong girls wanted at
once. Apply at Bing Edward hotel. Ona
Resigned is Position.
At the meeting the School Board on
TnesP/y evening r. W. Robertson tend
eredhis resignatlot as Secrerary,owing to
his removal to the est. Mr. Robertson
has held this posit on for nearly twenty
years and has bee a very faithful and
efficient servant to be Board. Mr, Rob-
ertson has held ma y important positions
and in all of them h s given good service.
Last week, as Colle or of Taxes for the
town he returned h roll to the Town
Treasurer and near' every cent of the
taxes had been paid. The School Board
made agood appciut eut in Mr. John
F. Groves as success r to Mr. Robertson.
The new Secretary ould waken splen-
did man for the posi ion.
1000 cords of four fon w d ivauted,
either hat d or soft. F g t cash price
paid for same on deliv y. Wood is for
my own urs. W. H. GREEN.
Nati al Social.
The social he by the Westminster
Guild of the Pre byterian Church in the
schoolroom on Thursday evening last
was well atte ded, and an enjoyable
time was spen . The pastor, Rev. D.
Perrie, acted s chairman, and gave a
brief but inter sting patriotic address.
Solos were co tributed by Mr. Geo.
W. Cline, Mr. R. Maxwell, Miss Ada
Cline and Tena oGillivray; a duet by
Mrs. R. Maxwcl and Miss M. Stewart;
violin solo by Mr Orrie Borden; instru-
mental solo by Mas Nellie Ross; recita-
tions by Miss Bro and Miss Nellie Mac-
donald. Refresl meuts, consisting of
sandwiches. tea, coffee and cake were
served. Tho pro eeds. which are to be
devoted to the yo gpeoples' organ fund,
amounted to abo t $20.
fa7All accounts due us to be paid by
the 1st of March a are leaving Wing.
ham. Settleme can be made at our
old stand.
A. Young & Son.
The second of
under the auspice
was held in the
ou Friday evenin
well attended. T
tribated to by Mi
well -rendered re'
Cline, although
cold, rendered
Duncan, little
Duncan, render
Song" in a please
al selections by t
ed; and the muse
lin and guitar ch
Duncan proved
cornet in the sol
Houghton very
piano. The me
very much gratifi
dation of the citi
have adopted in
selves with unif
he series
of con �is
of the citizens' band
ingham Opera House
last, and was fairly
ee programme was con-
s Brock, in a conple of
tations; Mr. Geo. W.
fferiug from a severe
wo songs; Miss Pearl
ghter of Bandmastea
the "Drum Major,s
g manner. The sever-
e band were appreciat-
of the banjo, mando-
b was well given. Mr.
imself master of the
"Killarney." Miss
bly presided at the
bers of the band are
cl at the evident appre-
ens of the method they
rder to provide thom-
ms and other supplies.
on notes and mortgages? Call and See.
as December, Feb- .
November begin on
, June and August
rent days from each
month of the year.
s of the year are
ese rules do not
Died at L
There passed awe
January 26th, Lillian
ter of the late Willia
Brussels. Her ago wa
months. Deceased wa
A. good, of Brussels:
Antigonish, N. S.; C
Southampton and W.
Winghanl. The remai
hero for burial on Frid
the funeral took place
Mrs. Good. Rev. L 14t.
of the service. Pallbe
Rosa, Jno. Ballantyne
Alf. Baekcr, N. P. Ge
Craoken. Interment
family plot in Brussels
eels Posta
at London on
., second dangh•
VanStone, of
89 years and 11
a sister of Mrs
rs. A. Simpson,
R. VenStone,
. VanStone, of
were brought
afternoon and
om the home of
ebb took charge
ers were 3. T.
H. R. Brewer,
7 and W, .T. Mo•
as made In the
emetery. -Brud-
The railways has
with the bad weath
The storm of We
tied things up in ve
was almost back t
Monday. The C.
from Thursday
morning and Wi
out Toronto paper
L. H. & B. line w
nesday afternoon
noon, and the Pal
closed till Monday.
cardine did not has
day morning. Th
Saturday and Sunt:
ways and mach
The cold wave S
some parts of the t
dition but the ice h
away. The local p
'eery busy day on
London train 21021
besidos the nnmero
fare. This of cou
nd Mails.
had another battle
r since our last issue.
nesday of last week
y bad shape. Traffic
its usual state on
P. R. was tied up
intil early Sunday
bamites were with -
for four days. The
tied up from Wad-
ntil Saturday after-
ierston branch was
Tho people at Kin -
i a train until Tues.
thaw and rain of
y helped the rail-
ight was handled.
nday evening Loft
ck in serious con-
s since been cleared
st office clerks had a
Saturday. Off the
tters were received
s papers and circti..
WAS three days
A Feb uary Wedding.
A quiet we 'ng took place at the
National Hot on Thursday of last week,
when Miss A Lina Shaw, sister of Mrs.
L. W. Hanso became the wife of Mr.
Geo, Mo i1iI)a , of High River, Alberta.
The ceremony was performed by Rev
Wm. Lowe. r. and Mrs, McMillan
left on the aft ruoon train and will have
the best wish of a number of friends,
Slaughter Sale of Overcoats and
French Flannels (25e ) at
She tage of Fuel.
Winghaniit have not yet suffered to
any great est nt on account of shortage
of fuel, but any of our townspeople
have been ve close to the bottom of
the coal bin. A oar of coal arrived here
011 Tuesday ght and another is expect-
ed to morro . Wood has been offered
quite freely nring the past few days
and as high s $4,00 has been paid for a
cord of 18 iu h wood. When the price
gets that hi a the purchaser is not get•
ting value f r his money.
Boy wanted at once as night telephone
operator; could go to school in day time.
0. A. Campbell, druggist.
More Sug Beets Wanted.
A represeutati e of the Berlin sugar
factory was iu ingham last weep ar-
ranging for a see es of meetings to be
held in this sectn for the purpose of
interesting farm rs in the growing of
sugar beets. T e capacity of the Berlin
factory is very uch greater than the
outputs which 1 st year was 7,000,000
pounds of saga and the management is
making an effo t to increase the number
of growers of b ets. That the growing
of sugar beets i a profitable business is
shown by figur s given by those engaged
in it. A meeti g will be hold in the
Wi ngliam Opei House ou Tuesday, Feb.
23rd, to be ad essed by Dr. Shuttle-
worth, agriou ural superintendent of
the Berlin suga fnctury, and a number
'of Waterloo co my farmers. All those
wishing information in regard to this
industry should attend the meeting.
MONEY TO LOAN at 43.4 per cent. On
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A
Dulmage, Kent Block, Wiugham.
Death of Mrs.
Mrs. H. B. Elliott
of this paper, rece
Tuesday containing
of the death of her on
Morris, of Gagetown,
place on the above da
whose maiden name
was a native of Dela
olesex county, and w
of ago. For over twe
been a resident of Mi
ris was stricken wit
winter of 1900, and si
been oonfined to her h
a second stroke abo
since then has been i
condition, suffering
being able to speak.
band, deceased leav
daughter, viz :—Dr.
City, Mich; Dr. K.
and Mrs. Martin,
Elliott left on Tue
present at the obse
(Dr.) Morris.
wife of the editor
ed a message on
sad intelligence
sister. Mrs. (Dr.)
ich. which took
. The deceased,
was Lucy Greer,
re township, Mid -
about fifty years
ty years she has
igen. Mrs. Mor -
paralysis in the
ce that time has
me. She suffered D.M.,' .H. Ritchio,Lnc]
t a year ago, and Thos. Stanley, Ripley; s
an almost helpless Wilson, Kincardine;
great deal, and not Dobson,Underwood; flue
Besides her bus- G. H. Mooney, Ripley;
8 two sons and a MODonogh, Luckuow;
m. Morris, of Cass White; Underwood, a
orris, of Gagetown, Amberly. Lucknow wa
of Montana. Mrs. next place of meeting.
ay afternoon to be
Married it
We take the fo
Devil's Lake (N. D.)
John R. Haslam fo
Out, uow of Devil
united in tnarriag
Advent, on January
Miss Mary J. St
young lady of th
groove is one of the
of Devil's Lake.
join in wishing the
prosperous years o
lowiur from the
Free Press:—"Mr.
ni'tly of Belgraye,
s Lairs, N. D. was
at the Church of
20th at 8.30 p, in. to
0000, au estimable
same place, The
ending business men
their many friends
many happy and
married life."
Mr. F. G Sperling wishes to inform
the public that he has an abundant sup-
ply of all grades of salt on band. Parties
requiring same can rely on having their
wants supplied in this line.
Warning to
A case for damages
tled at Middlesex wit
of interest to towushi
of the case were Mr
McKenzie, of Metcai
be remembered that
threshing engine was
a wooden bridge whit
stream in Metcalf, s
gave away, precipitt
and a number of nt:
below. Messrs. Muur
husbands of the plaint
actions, were among
inet their death, bein,
thresher and killed.
up a claim that the
sponsible for the 1
bridge, and that if t
kept in proper repair
not have happened.
met, a settlement was
being awarded judg
which she gets $1,00
$100 each and anothe
Kenzio got a verdict
receive $1,300 aucl t
divided among the ch
was recently set-
er assizes which is
R. The plaintiffs
Munro and Mrs
township. It will
owe months ego a
eiug hauled across
spanned a small
ten the structure
ing the machine
into the ditch
and McKenzie,
ffs in the present
the number that
caught Hader the
I'he plaiutiffs set
township was re -
'nominee (if the
later had been
• e accident would
hen the counsel
node, Mrs. Munro
ut for $1,800, of
, three children
8300. Mrs. Mc-
or $1,000, she to
o balance to be
West Bruce Co
The annual meetin
County L. O. L. was
Tuesday of last we
good attendance, reo
fact that many of the
almost impassable st
MacMath, of Wingha
meeting, and exteude
vitation to the lodges o
join in the 12th July ce
town this year. In a co
lie set for the advantag
Brace brethren visitin
the annual celebration,
vitation was accepted.
son, who had acted as sec
past forty-seven years
with a gold -headed can
by au illuminated addres
was read by Dr. Bradley
the presentation made by
ley. The following offie
ed:—W. M., Joseph Abe
ty L. O. L.
est Wcst Bruce
ield at Bervie on
There was a
withstanding the
oads were in an
e. Mr. R. J.
, attended the
a personal iu-
West Bruce to
bration in this
vincing manner
of the West
Wingliam for
and the in -
r. Thos. Wil-
etary for the
as presented
, accompanied
The address
f Bervie and
r. Thos.Stan-
rs were elect-
, Kincardine;
ow ;Chaplain,
retary, Thos.
easurer, W.
cial secretary, _
. of6O., Chas. itr
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
At Queen's Hotel, Wingham on Fri •
day Jau. 29th and March 5th.
Stop that Hack 1
o U 1R
Syrup White Pine & Tar
is particularly adapted for
that backing cough .
Cure the cough while it is
in the throat, ore it be-
comes settled on the longs
25c per Bottle.
Walton Mckibbou
Next door to post oMee.
Agent's for " Lowiaey" Chocolates.
Holidays of
Holidays of the ye
lows: Victoria Day
Wien ou Friday; Lai
bey 6th and Chris
Lent commences on
is a trifle earlier t
Easter Sunday will
which is nine days
of last year. Palm
March 27th, and G
e Year.
✓ will fall as fol -
n Tuesday; Dout-
r Day on Septem-
mas on Sunday.
ebu Iry 17. This
an last year and
fell on April 3rd,
arlier than Easter
unday will fall on
d Friday ou April
Auction Sales
J. 11. Robertson,orth half lot con.
4, Morris, will hold n a tio. sale of
farm stock and imp me • t • n Tuesday,
February 16th. F. . Scott, auctioneer.
Auction sale of Farm stock and im-
plements at lot 52, Concession 12, East
Wawauosh, on Friday, February 19th.
Peter A. Walker prop.; John Purvis,
Postponed auction ale of dairy cows,
steers, heifers and c Ives at J. J. Den -
man's farm,g mile est of Bluevale, on
Tuesday, February th. T. E. Walker,
prop.; J. Purvis. a ,tioneer.
Auction Sala of farm stock and im-,
plements at west half of lot 37, toutsS-
sion 18, East Wawanosh, on Friday, Feb-
ruary 2Gth. Everything to be sold as the
proprietor has sold his farm. Jas. Lind,
Card of
Iu retiring from
after an experience
we desire to expres
tomers and friends
ally our appreciati
kindness and very
which we have enj
Having disposed of
Thos. Armstrong,
in the same stand,
the same kindly tri
and feel sure he will
and patrona6e of the
siuess in Wingham
of over tet years,
to our many c s -
d the pabli s,ener-
i of he ourtsey,
libe patronage
ed at their hands.
ur business to Mr.
ho will conduct it
e bespeak for him
mint accorded us
erit the confidence
purchasing public.
Annual Meet'
The thirty first a
Howick Mutual Fi
pauy was held in th
Goir•ie, nu Friday
meeting was fairly
1 was most liarmoniou
Mr. J. R. Miller, pre
aucial statements we
which Mr, John Stet,
chairman and disch
that position in his u
ner. . M easy
s. Jame
Wylie, whose term
tors, had expired,
acclamation. Mess
James Foster were r
Ata meeting of th
the annual me
officers for
John R. Miller,
Edward Bryans,
dent; W. S. T
g at Gorrie.
nal meeting of the
e Insurance Com -
Township Hall at
last week. The
ell attended and
. The President,
ided until the fin-
disposed of, after
rt was appointed
ged the duties of
hal efficient man -
Edgar and James
of office, as Direc-
ere re-elected by
Robert Miller and
appointed auditors.
held after
ing, the followiug
1904 were appointed:
iamestown, President;
amestown, Vice Presi-
cKercher, Wroxeter,
are guaranteed to .rive sat-
isfaction in all rut m, of
stomach troubles—or money
The Druggist.
I have room for two students in
the Telegraph Office.
The Courses of Study
OF EXCELLENCE and that is one
reason why this popular school now is
enjoying a'•record- breaking" attend-
ance. You want the best training
and we, give it, therefore enter at
once. Circulars free.
Watch en Cent Pieces.
Five taut eces converted by hy-
draulic pressur to the size of ten cent
pieces is the la .st form in which an at-
tempt is mad to defraud the public.
The couuterfe coin co .e i8 made exactly the
same size as t e ten cent piece and has
the figure ten impressed upon it quite
legibly, alta gh the word "cents" is
slightly blur ed owing to the heavy
r ur
ass a to w ich the cora is subjected.
A mail cle
ed at Moose
feu thousan
disap peare
Ik named Wilcox was arrest -
Jaw, charged with stealing
dollars which mysteriously
between Winnipeg and Van -
lecturers, T.
John Bell,
chosen as the
Canadian Press •sociation,
The forty-sixth annus meeting of the
Canadian Press Associa 'on was held in
Toronto on Thursday a. l Friday of last
week. The attendance this year was
not as large as usual, o ing to the storm
and bad train service The program'
this year was compos: of thirty-four
subjects which were su , gested by mem- '
bers and in the discussi'n much useful
information «as given. The reports of
the Executive Committ:: and the Secre-
tary -Treasurer were ve encouraging,
and showed the Associat a to be in a
very flourishing conditio The Execu-
tive Committee was ampg vered to en-
gage an organizer to est blish county
associations, and in this way increase
the membership of the ce. tral Associa-
tion. This year's meeting was the best
that the writer has ever h. • the privi-
lege of attending. The o cers elected
for the ensuing year are S. follows:—
President, J. A. Cooper, C. • adieu Mag.
azino, Toronto; First Vi. President,
Arch. McNee, Record, Wi ,dsor; Second
Vice President, A. H. U Colquhonn,
News, Toronto; Sec.-Tre ., J. T. Clark,
Star, Toronto; Assista t Sec.-Treas.,
J. R. Bons, Star, Toro to; Executive
Committee ---W. F.. Sum field, Mercury,
Renfrew; J. F. McKay, 'lobe, Toronto;
D. Williams, Bulleti , Collingwood;
M. A. James, Statesma , Eowmanville ;
H, Ireland, Star, Parry Sound. Audi-
tors—G. L. Gibbard, T ronto and D. N.
Dillon, St. Marys.
Oxford County 'Con oil passed a by-
law t� purchase the •.unty toll roads at
to cost of $35,000.
"Let Go"
Shoe Prices
We are conducting a " Let Go" Shoe Sale,
and we shall give to shoe buyers the opportunity to
buy guaranteed, up-to-date Footwear at the
lowest prices ever known. Our cut prices have
become public talk. In consequence people come
here in daily increasing crowds.
Whether you want Shoes for Winter, Spring or
Summer wear, it will pay you to come to
this Sale.
And the earlier you come the better for you, while
our stock is complete and before sizes begin to be
broken. It'll be many a day before you can buy
Shoes at such prices again.
Note some of thein :
30 pairs Women's Felt Boots, regular price
$1.25 and $1.50; sale price .... .75 and .95
50 pairs Misses' Slippers, regular price 50e
and 65e ; sale price ...... , .25
50 pairs Children's Rubbers, sate price �0
The Shoe Man. W. J. G RE• r E .