HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-02-04, Page 5eta a a' 0 Mammoth Stock -Taking Sale f-�'-- At Crowder's `STARTING FRIDAY MORNING WE WILL GIVE EVERY PURCHASER A Cash Discount of 25c on the dollar Off all Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Pea Jackets, Reefers, Odd Pants, Odd Vests, etc. .25c on the dollar off all Men's and Boys' wool and fleece lined Underwear and Wool Top Shirts. 25c' on the dollar off all Boots and Shoes. 25c on the dollar off all Gloves and Mitts. Our stock is bran new; no old goods to choose from. Every article is marked in plain figures; nothing marked up, nothing marked dow,a, but straight forward business. This is the end of our second year's business in Wiugham. We want to make February the CROWNING mouth of the year. and by giving this BIG CASH DISCOUNT we do not fear ANY COMPETITION. Look up your wants and come with the crowd to The R. 0. GROWDL Go. .,Men's Outfitters. WiNGFIAri. 2 Coon Coats at a bargain. 2 Fur Collars and 4 Caps at a bargain. Headquarters for CHAIR For cheap and medium price Diilingroom Chairs, our styles and prices lead. New designs with high back, double stretchers, very comfort- able, at $3.25, $4.50, $6.00 and $6.75 per dozen. 4 sets only, including 5 Chairs and I Arm, worth $11.50, for $9 00. Another lot of 2 dozen Rockers, sold regularly at $2.00 and $2.25. Our price $I.7J. The most comfortable cheap Rocker. made. BALL BROS., UNDERTAKING Brick residence 5th house west from Hamilton's Corner Drug Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention. The People's Furniture Store TELEPHONE 51 a ........................ ......•..•...•••.••44••••• • • • • ROY A L.'.GROCE RY • • • • • TOILET SETS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D To start the new year with we have just opened up a crate of Toilot Sets, printed in choice colors, with heavy roll top basin, ten pieces to each set. A snap for quick buyers per set $2.24 WATER SETS Also a package of eighteen Water Sets consisting of Six Glasses, Pitcher and Tray. The colors are white and gold, green blue and ruby, per set $1.25 to $1.75 JARDINIERES We have secured a few more of those pretty Jardinieres 4, in old blue and gold each - - 50c to $1.50 AT 41VI ON •4.4•••••••••••++++••+••••• ►••••••••••••♦•♦••••••••• GRYFFIN'S • • • • • • • • • • • •• • a • • • • • • • • • • • 4 i • HOW LONG? Tell us, ye winged wintry winds, That through our whiskers blow, Is winter never going to end? That's want we want to know. Will warmer weather i )ver come? Oh, do not say us nay. Or must we all be friz to death? Say, gentle zephyrs, say, Shall we be carried to the skies On fiow'ry beds of ease, Or stand in drifts up to our eyes The while our marrows freeze? Come, gentle spring, list to our song. We'd have you know that if You don't appear ere very long We'll all be frozed stiff. —Toronto Star. . Every Woman In Poor health Has an awful struggle. Lots to do, all kinds of worry, must contend with loss of sleep, poor appetite and tired nerves. Her only desire is for more strength and better health. This is exactly what • comes from using Ferrozone, the great- est tonic sickly people can possibly use, Ferrozone makes the blood tingle and grow red, the cheeks grow rosy, the eyes bright. Ferrozone invigorates the body, developes new strength and makes life worth living. Ferrozone is the sort of tOnic that builds up, it gives one a re- serve of nerve fored and establishes ;such healthy conditions that sickness is un- known. Let every women use roue - zone, Price 500. ISLYTH. The Misses Malough, of Dungannon, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Joseph Strothers. Mrs. Nation, of Scanlon, Minnesota, id visiting with Blyth friends. The special evangelistic meetings are being continued in the Blyth Methodist church. They are largely attended and much good is being accomplished. At the annual meeting of the Blyth fire brigade the following officers were elected :—Chief, Mr. George White; cap tain, Mr. James Sims; first lieutenant, Mr. R. M. McKay; second lieutenant, Mr. James Heffron; secretary -treasurer, Mr. T. B. McArter. is The directors of Blyth poblie library have appointed the following officers for the ensuing year :—Chairman, Dr. J. C. Lindsay; treasurer, Mr. D. B. McKin- non; secretary, Mr. A. W. Robinson; librarian, Mr. Wm. Robinson; book committee, chairman, secretary, Rev. J. Holmes, Mr. Alex. Elder and Mr. Gilbert Summers. Au order for a lanae number of new books has been given and the same will be placed on the shelves of the library within a few days. The an- nual membership fes is only 50 cents And the library contains 1500 volumes. THE WING1IAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 4 19.r4 News From Our Neighbors Loss of flesh EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate — Other Items Clipped From Our 1'axchanges. CEANnnoir K, No sarvice was held in the Presbyter - ion church on Sunday last on account of communion at Ethel. Jacob Long has purchased the Jno. Knight farm from Daniel Neable, paying the latter a slight advance on what he gave Mr. Knight. It contains 50 acres. Mr. Long will not live on it. The annual report of Knox Church has been published from which the following particulars are gleaned :—Received from Endeavor, $20; Thanksgiving collection, $24.50; for church schemes, $147 45; for stipend $413, total receipts $1080.81. Die- bursemeuts, pastor $500; pastor's As- sembly expenses, $30; repairing church, $66; Home missions, $24; church schemes. $147.4; Sec. Treas. salary $100. Jas. A. McLauchlarr has been the Secre- tary Treasurer but Wm. Cameron will fill the office for 1904. Every Child's Health Demancls The •a a of a laxative occasionally. For a t a. • safe arc certain relief use Dr. H on's Pills of Mandrake and Butter, it.. Specially suited to children. Let you; t ai)dren use only Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. Price 25o. ST. HELENS. On account of the irregular train service our mails have been somewhat irregular also. Mrs. J. Gaunt, Manitoba, who has been visiting? here for sometime, left for the 'West last week. Melcolm Weatherhead and wife, of Michigan, are at present visiting at the home of Lewis Weatherhead. We are sorry to hear of the illness, from pleurisy,of E. elcRoherts,bat hope seen to hear of his recovery R. A. Miller, of Fleming, Assa., who has been visiting in this vicinity for sometime, left oar midst last week The annual meeting of the Presbyter- ian church was held on Monday, when everything was found to on iu a prosper ons and flourishing condition, there hav- ing been $530 raised for mission pun poses alone. Alexander McDonald, who lett the village of St Helens some thirteen years ago to try his luck in British Columbia, has return •d to Outario to see his sister, Mrs. Archie Johust„n, of Ashfield, and other old frit -aids of his youth. His venture in the West has Proved successful and he tippet[( s to have had the best of health in that country. s GREY. Next meeting of the towusrup Council will be held on Monday, Feb. 8th The 0. P. R engineers were through this section last week running the pro posed line, the men travelling on ono shoes. Road will be about i} miles from ie. Moncrieff pestoffice. A salt -mist >eud at yt, least a flag s; thou is promised br'tweeu Walton and fionkton. L • MOIL R14. Township Council will meet on Mon- day next, We aro pleased to report that Robert South, 3rd line, who had a light strike of paralysis, is considerably improved and is able to get about the house. On Wednesday, January 27th, Mr. R. G. Smith, of the 6th of Morris, was quietly married, to Miss Roselle Coch- rane, of the 3rd. The wedding took place in St. Paul's church, Wiugham. Tile house moving sleighs of Dass Cole, of Ethel, have been in use in moving a house front Win. Thuell's farm, Gth line, to D. Mc(lutcheon's of the sante conces• sion. A roadway was made through the fields. The brick veneer was removed ane wild be replaced next Spring along with other improvements. Mr. Mc - Cu 'chew cCu'cheou will have a very comf(.rtablo hones when all is complete. William C. Franck died at his home, Lot 29. Con. 3, Morris at 2 o'cloelt on We.oiesday morning of last week, of ap.t,;lexy after a lingering illueas of near•y 3 years. Mr. Fraliek was born iu the tenuity of Addington 7:1 years alto ant. ,+its a son of B. k'ralick who died in Bri ,•e is 7 years aro a ul brother e) Santee! Franck in the North West. A wit and daughter are left to mourn the loss of a kind husband and loving fattier. 11'• r H. D. McMillan died at his fact. 's horns in Morris shortly after nin •'clock 'Wednesday night hest week F•.,ur mouths age 'he returned home fro. British Columbia suffering with hen or hages, which were brought on by the a 'sting of a blood vessel in one of his 1 • zs during a fit of coughing. To the •rel parents, brothers and sister we ext• : .,nr sincere sympathy iu their ber' 'v•"neat. Ids When You Have Toothache T , t the power of Nerviline quickly ma•. •s Itself felt. Any aching tooth can be • domed by Nerviline in a few wo- rm- s ;y filling the cavity with batting seas• • 't rn Nerviliue. A good plan is to rut '•eins with Nerviline also There ; single remedy that has one fourth rh• nin relieving power of Nerviline ,ie 0 tette like magic. Nerviline kills Os •'ia •nitright and prevents it from rte e• •••mtg. You can't beat Nerviline for tot• ..•n,• or neuralgia; it's the best pain cur ,Ste. Price nit. ti Lr' is Vai.Li:, Intended for last week.) a number are suffering from bad J ants Elliott was at Toronto lar et k i Cameron McDougall is ill, Ate ar• • y to state. 1 • `aarles Coultes of Listowel was h.., . i' Sunday. .;Nester Pugh of Palmerston spent , r his home herr. 1u •tire McEwen was visiring Miss ... ase at Wingham lust week. Laura Snell le•t 1:r.t ,ve•'k for ✓hero she will visit for it time. lt• et,. Peine, of W,ngha,u preached iu 'i•i'..Ibyterian c'curcn on duuday be, The 100 acre farm of Atex. 1i•;Kity, lot 29, con. 15, has been ,.old to Daniel I ,H Neable, of this township, ter the sum of $4.050. Purchaser will get possessele next March. Mr. McKay, was •se health has been poor for several years, will r,t- tire and locate in one .,f toe vitletg• s pro- bably. He was one of the pli„e vs to this section of Grey. A joyous company of 50 or el / e as- sembled at "View Lie F teen," 17• +c tun, the comfortable home of Wi=tit in ,,o.• Mrs. McAllister, on Wednesday .frer noon of last week to wit:eess the matri- monial alliance bet weaeu J•':en S. R:rpt t.• a well known young man in th• NI , ( - borhood, and Miss Dorothy, docent , •/( the host and hostess Tie -or -mon was performed by Rev A. \(a»Ntb, M. A... of Walton, in orth•,d 'x t edits l Miss Annie Fergusou played the ,V• d ding March as the cow reticule part. 's took their places. The priu"iptt s ver unaccompanied, excet,tulg thrix. little Miss May Veitch, of Galt, uieaen m lint bride rendered service as do For girl in e very neat manner. Eleven English girls thfirst onanis: - ent to be sent out under the auspices of Hon. Mrs. Joyce, have arrived at ?dear real. tat at. *tin t. heti so, nu• u i' w Whoo, Oronc: Asthal: OnESbLENE IS A 130',N sums Aitoheson was visiting ,e,te Elliott in Tarhborry this Islet; Duff, teacher, 5. S. No. 9, , ,.vnuosh, spent Sunday at her r• • Lei, commercial traveller ee u, •.vas storm staff ed at Bl at; ale iv, s, Scott attended tae funeral • u-.r•rn-law, l ir. Hogg at Sea - week. ,l Robertson's tale, which was Limy afternoon, tta:ne off very ly, cattle going very high. relies Walker heel posture up , . r a sale of cacti'., et'11lCii evae to ou Monday afternoon at J. J. ., out on account of the storm itch were to have been ship. .o6 arrive. , Marquette ti.tlw;ty has se- , gut of way ter us Z;atnowi.eli, Walkcrvliie belt li • ,;s)ugh, Croup , Cough, Grip, .;htheria R1Ai1CS Crtasetssis is along medahlisher'tend standard r t r 1)'e. diseases hunt -gel. It carts hecateo, the air render el 'strongly antisept . c : over th.i di,eas(d stouts is of the bronchial tulles , ith every breath, give, r: ILA and e, nstu,t tr'atmeor. Those nt a rons n:I:tire tendency, or sufferers fre „:utSr branehitie, find immediate relief from coughs or inflamed conditions of the th, , . , Neer:Toro booklet free. LEE1111'iG, \11LES et CO., 16511 Notre Dame 5., 11oatreal, ('nreatllan .agents Cresolene dissolved in the mouth are alai and raft for coughs and irritation of the throat. Antiseptic Tablets lee a box. AUG UItirrrats 201 When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and corn- fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve.. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cl1EMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $1, all druggists, ----- EAST WAWA.NoSH. (Intended for last week.; Mr. Chas. Black of Toronto is visit- ing Ins parents here. Mr R ascell Cr tie Sandaved at Mr. Mr. Jas. McCallum's. Mr. Roy Black is engaged cutting wood for 'ea \Von. I3enue•tt. Mr Wm. Helps is very ill at pr.sent Wn hope soon to bear of his recovery Mr. ,Tolun Coupes who has been visit- ing friends hero ;ties any returned to Guelph last week. A very pretty house wedding ter -k place at the residence of Mr Win. Neth• try, on Tuesday. Jan 19, at the hour of 12 noon, when his 'l -lest u-aug•:ter, Ina, brim Ada, Was uni'e,l to ittr. Henry Cr:. ig of Loudeshoro The ceremony was performed by Rev. J Edmonds of Blyth The bridal party sate red the parlor to the strains of Wagner's march from Lo- hengrin played by Mies M icy Fothergill The bride was attired in a .town of tv lite organdie and oringe blossoms. Miss Minnie Nethery, sister of the hridr',aercd as bridesmaid anti was drt .s••'l in white t organdie, while the g •o•'nr was assisted by hiq brother, Mr Will 'Ira.;_, Alter I the congratulations were over the bridal party and guests on tole ringab•et, fdity, set down to a sump! a eu:, tie 1411 ng break fast. The esteem the brine „ass held in was shown by the eteuy iinelsome pros- snots she was made tint ne''lpi'e,t of The groom's present war a iut.ulsoine go:d watch and chain. The brid. ; going away gown was of zibeline ti -unfree( with lace medallions and pout( lace col- lar. The happy comae t,a the after noon train to visit friends in Sarnia. ISARD'S 1 The leading Store !$ARa'a ISA RD'S 20 per cent Discount SALE" Here's the chance of the Winter. We want this February Discount Sale to be the largest and most successful in the history of this store. . �>I•r�''It�• a►�.`a,v.w,'we+e•�.o.bwrzvw, $ YOU SAVE 0$ 20 CENTS . th.'rale•wr.yw a,wo•eq wewv For every dollar's worth of the following 'lin -s you purchase we will hand back 20c, or In other words you get one dollar value for 8oc. 20 PER CENT. OFF :. . —CARPETS —BOOTS anri SPICES —FUR COATS —FUR RUFFS —MEN'S PEAL JAerra•rs —CURTAINS —RUGS S —DRESS GOODS—LADIES' UNDERWEAR — LADIES' JACKETS—Cmttniu''s UNDERWEAR —TOP SKIRTS —MEN'S PANTS — FUR CAPS—Mr'•'s & Boys' SUITS —MEN'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS BUIL' NOW AND SAVE MO:i EY. TERMS CASH OR TRADE. A:i goods marked in plain figures. II. E. ISA RD Co. Op osite Rik of Hamilton Highest price raid fa Produce 1 • ''rte' ilii r�.�"r` -, Deese ANNoet. We sincerely regret to have to state 1 that sir . J•is Walker is vary ill. hut ha,co that the venerable lady may soon recover an I be spared to her husband for some years. Au at.her pioneer of Ashfield and for a unmher of yeers a resident of C -,borne township, i• :he pers'.lr of Alexander Shields died suddenly on Thursiay,Jan 21st at his reei(tence at the age of seventy five years His remains were interred in Dungannon centetry on S.itnrdny, the 23rd Inst , being escorted thi•her by a lare?e cortege cit friends, tu'gnnintances and ne,ghbors Rev. H. J. Wilson, of Nile circuit. nom -butted the solemn Oise- quios and P H -Retain, ,Joh,[ McPhee, I ,Ins. Knights, J. hn Black, Senn. Kerr, and Win. Ca: r were the pall•bcarers. The following is the report S. S No. 3, East Wawatiosh, for the month of Jan- uary The main.—,s ar arrailge•l iii order of merit. Fifth Class --Willie Eitiott. Sr. Fourth—Boil:a McDougall, Stanley Elliott, Ella Walker, Wry mond Elliott, Willie Shoobottocn. Jr. Fourth —Harvey L'nklatvr, Roy Anderson, Laura e urrie, John Bluebell, Annie Leaver, Sr. Third• --Tessa And-r•e in, Wilfrid Pocock', Herber t Burchell; John Kerr, Katie hiell, Maggie Sided, Gaafleii' Shoebottom. 13GCsSELs. Communion sat•vit.a was held iu Mel- ville chnrch last Sunday morning. P: -e. p:trntory services was hell on Sat•.rday I afternoon at 2 :i(; p in. Rev. A..MeeNnb, of Walton preaching. Owing to shortite,e in fuel the electric light was Allot off ott Friday night, Jan. 22nd The bail roads rendered wend hauling impossible and the canrell,ttion of freight trains shut off the arrival of roti sutnoly. It wee derided by the Brussels Bible Snriety Directors to hold - Union Cent- epnr= servile in the Methodist Church ou Sabha' h evening March, 13th. Ad- dresses .:ill be riven and the services of praise lead by a T'nieu choir. cut form r townsman, D. A. Lewey, who has hien at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont- ::rin, for;. few years, has decided to re- turn to awls and has leasers the cotuf•,rt• able residence of Miss Campbell. Queen street, au 1 will stove his family here. The A 0. U. W. At Horne, which Was to have been held Moe:dav evcninr~, Jan 25th vain ;ostpluted owing to the inability of Master Wnritumn Gibson, of Ingersoll, to get here owing to snow blockade on the railr,ruis. It will be held later of which due announcement will be give e Jr. Third - Si mien Rintoul, George Walker, Gwendoltne (Currie, Geergo Carrie, Mary Elliott, Walter Pocock, Get the Afost Eitel Elliott. .Tr. Ste-mid—Charles Fonleton ter, Part 11 Verna 'Taylor, Jr Part 11 --Harold W direr, Harold Currie Avie age attend ,11ee 21 Ariel, Dear. Teacher. 0 1 Holynaeux St J ,hn, ;;.•ntl• in in nehar of the Black Rod in the senate, died Saturday, at Ottawa, from the affects of kidney trouble. A petition is being eir.•nhtted among farmers for prasentation to the Lt•1;is- later•-, asking t .at lu vie•v of the heavy fire losses o•e flan • nil• illgs caused ' y steam threshing engines, legislation be enacted giving • roteetiou against de- fective toilers and incompetent engin- eers. Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stonnach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of a"weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch- ing. "I have been troubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I heard of, but never got anything that gave inn relief until I took )food's Sarsaparilla. 1 cannot praise this medicine too highly for the good dt has done me. I always take it in the spring and fall and would not be without it." W. A, NUGENT, Belleville, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. • l,a Grlpp. Coining Again The doctors le ,;rive an- tiler epidemic' of G^ipnn i her.. and air ratite mapy ante suffering. Tin- medical men are o'.t afraid of Grippe .:ace, Catarrhozooe Writ introduced. ant: t ;aim that no one will ever catelm this cm,- ease with inhales rho flagrant h•-Idin'r vapor of Catarrhozune a few times dans•. Cratarrh'Izon•• )tills ter, Grippe germ •t'Id prevents it spren•1. lag through the c,;tern • Last wit) ter 7 had art attack 'r Grippe" writes 0 p Mackinnon of Ft J•-hn's time I found i : got crhnz ,rN inief a short anything else better char Yt, a:. r-r(s eel ed by nit.. g. it " (•.star,'h„r 0'- pr,v- r,r, anri ' ••eft Gripe,. co! ds and natt,r'•h. Two m ••,ries' treatment 'yt.4G -ins size 25e. t'• SLTON. The annual e..n.;rega:,on.,1 meetlpt.r • t Duff's t:icnreh, \V 'ion, was held Oo tb•• evening of 're, .rlay the twenty tire: It As tee w•' -.l iter wits storm. rhe ralt.is very • time attendance. v,,.s not so larg • nes , .tal, Time abseuoe • 'lie pastor, Re •.- A. M' -,b front tt.i. meeting, on tie.: • t. a: ltl(e+>s was 14•i, •. red by all presort. John ithan 1i&uit, was appointed iit-i:.',U and Tt,-.in,• \IeF,u:zdan St••'•.tar v. the fins,,,,..: srate,n(eut rasa .•r the Treasurer l.. exceedingly gratatv1:1g During the „ inure than eit•vc', mind:•e,t dollars nihil been received i:t • II pure e:es O ,.. ,. atnt:unt the Latta s Alt Society coni r, , •• uteri ; II OU, he:, le, this a Nile of qw. and clothing valued at $25 had beet: s r•. by them to tis tt,lit,iren's And &•ci• t Torous:,. Uoutnoutions of the Y P E. were $1(1.6O arid fr. •'it t t„• 5. 5 $18 . ,. w'eta 'e,•e')ve,i A aceu).•ut a alk. veteu a and other '4f'i,lso r• -pairs t, .ve been c if ptted at r,';. a $i8tlOil Althu•. Sripen•t had b,•eit inert ased $100.1 i. caretaker and or;; Inlet's salary are , crewel oleo yet these demtiads Ilam b •. met wi• •t no deficit except a few dolt by the Lefties' Aid Soci-•ty who ti. . undert:tk, n church and manse retan . For rile pree,eeut year lime organist 1121 Aunt i Ferguson, and caretaker, Andr' Joh.)••ton were re-engaged at the saws salarita;, ar last year Thomas i1Ion. scan was reappointed Secretary ar. MI Mat Smile, Treasurer. The he ilies connected with the congregation :.t the close of the year are fifty-six a•••• members in full communion one hite tired and twenty one Managing Boa, let year, Thomas McFatizean, Jot, Ewen and Wm. Geo. Clark; 2nd year, Robert 6IcGaviu jr., Jas H. MoLaug :• lin and Win. A. McCs,11; 3rd ye -i. Andrew Johnston, James A. Moore, at: Joins Smillie. Fifteen to twenty thousand sailors are shown by a return just issued to have claims against the British admiralty to: prize money which they so far have neglected to take advantage of. Hon. Win. Patterson will address a meeting at Teeswater on Thursday ev- ening, February 11th, in the interest of Mr. A. W. Robb, the Liberal candidate in the bye elections in the riding of Vast Bruce.