HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-01-28, Page 8WINGI-IAIPS Dress Goods and Trimunin s House - x saamommeminew . laAVING PURCHASED Ml.. W. A. CAMPBELL'S interest in the business of the firm of Ritchie & Campbell, I will in the future carry on the same in the same place. I. extend to all our old friends and customers an invitation to trade with us, and hope to see many new ones. Below we give a list of specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the Iast days of our Great Slaughter Sale As we have done a wonderful amount of business we find a number of " brokens," which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. LOT NO. i -Men's Shi'•ts and Drawers, 50c, 60e and 75e qualities for .40 LOT NO. 2 -Ladies' and Children's Woollen and Cashmere Hose, worth 25c to 40e a pair, for LOT NO. 3-1 table of Remnants of Dress Goods, etc., 1 to 6 yards, for, per yard .20 LOT NO. 4-50') yards Linen and Cotton Laces and Embroideries, for, per yard ' .03 LOT NO. 5.-35 pairs odd lines of Shoes for .25 .20 Alex. Ritchie. Wingham's Dress Goods and Trimmings House NOTE -All customers holding premium tickets will kindly bring them to the store and receive value for the same. No Matter What Your Needs May Be We can supply you with Stationery that is sure to pleaseyou. We may not always have exactly what you want, but we can secure it on short notice. Try us when in need of Stationery of any kind. We receive subscriptions and renewals for all Pericdicals. The latest Magazines and Daily Papers are on sale here. COOPER & CO. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) MINOR LOCALS. ---Snow! Show! ! SNOW : ! ! -The Huron Poultry show will be held at Goderich next week. -The January thaw will have to get move on if it gets in its work this year. -The delayed mails have made a shortage in our news columns this week. -Telephone connection is now com- plete between the villages of Atwood and Monk ton. -Many a man in Wingham would at present prefer the lawn -mower season to that of the snow shovel. -A number of the young ladies of Wingham have arranged to hold a Leap. 'Year Ball on Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 9th. -Mr. E. R. Swarts, brother of Mr. 3. E. Swarts, of this town has purchased the British Exchange hotel at Goderich from Mr. John Tilt. -Mr. W. J. Mallagh, Winghatn's popular and efficient weighmaster, has been confined to his bed for some days sad has been in a critical condition. His hinny friends will wish him a speedy ._ recovery. -The Huron County Council is in session at Goderich this week. Conn. T. Bell, of Wingham; Reeve McCallum, of past 'Watwanosh, and Reeve Isbister, of Morris are a delegation to the meet. Ito:, a eking for a grant for the improve- neelit of the gravel road south of Wing- hone -Mr. Wm. Robertson last week sold Isis house and lot on Frances street to his her, Mr. Michael Robertson, of East airstnoth. Mr. Win. Robertson in - leaving for the West about the 1st and will locate nett r (3algary, k4s win, Mr. W. 8. Robertson has tor *1 S ntouSiss. - The next regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held on Monday evening next. -The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will he held on Monday evening next. - We understand that Mr. Jas. Robert- son, of Morris, near Belgrave, has sold his farm to a Mr. Wightman. -The "Young Club" will meet next at the home bould, Ladies Fortnightly on Monday evening of Miss Greta Cor- -The next league hockey game will be played here on Monday evening next with Mount Forest. The game will be a fast one and the band will furnish music during the evening. -Chief Provost's annual report states that the total fire losses in Ottawa last year amounted to $1,241,482, and the in- surance to $841,413. The loss on build- ings was $196,093, and on contents, in- cluding lumber piles,$1,045,350. -F. S. Scott, of Brussels, who has been laid aside from business activities for several months owing to an injury to his eye, is making favorable progress now and was able to take his place as clerk at the inaugural meeting of the village council. -Messrs. Carrie & Rintoul shipped a car load of heavy horses to Ottawa on Saturday. These horses are to be used in the lumber woods. During the past few months Messrs. Currie & Rintoul have shipped seventy of this class of horses to Ottawa. -With its last issue the Atwood Bee entered its fifteenth year. Our old school -mate, Mr. D. G. Anderson, who has been at the helm for some time past, gives the people of Atwood and vicinity an excellent paper. Continued success, Brer. Anderson, is our best wish. 4:oughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets. ten cents ver box. All druggists TILE WINtGIIA t TIMES, JANUARY 28, 1904 Echoes from the Snow Belt. Snow Bound. Splendid Isolation, Now harvest your ice. Our Lady of the Snows. A cold dip reported from North OM - ford.. This cold storage business seems like- ly to be overdone. It is reported that a new ice cream par- lor is, to be started iu town. A man who walked in from Bluevale on Monday reports everything quiet in that suburb. We have more banks iu town than are needed, and there was quite a r.nn on them yesterday -by a man on. snow snows. To Improve the Roads. Farmers and roadmen generally are respectfully solicited to assist in keep- ing ]he roads in the best possible con- dition during the winter season by taking, whenever practicable on all main roads, the right half of the cen- tre track immediately after it is opened, thus preserving throughtout the season a uniformly solid roadbed of practically three tracks' width and making possible greater security and more rapid travel. It is also urged that where such roads are held to be too badly drifted bees be or- ganized to place them in such a con- dition as will admit of this suggestion's being thoroughly tested during the pres- ent season with a general adoption with the succeeding winter. Exchanges please copy, -Exchange. Huron Old Boys. The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys. of Toronto was held on Friday evening last and among the list of officers elected the 'names of many old Huronites appear. The following are the officers: -Hon. Presidents, Col. W. D. Otter, Mr. Justice Robertson, Mr, Justice Garrow, J. S.Willison, H. Mac - Math, E. Flood$, E. J. B. Duncan; President, G. A. Smith, B. A. ; Vice - President, S. T. Church; Secretary, A. A. Miller; Treasurer, W. 0. McTaggart; Executive Committee, R. A. Walker, W. E. Groves, Geo. Deacon, C. S. Mc- Donald, J. S. McKinnon, Dr. Duncan, H. Rothwell, K. McLeod, J. A. McLar- en, Dr. Stanbury. W. Prendergast, T. J. Soole, Mr. Essery, Dr. Sloan, J. K. Lyon. The Association decided to hold an at- home the date to be settled later. The Howicic Mutual. The annual financial statement of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was printed at the TIMES office last week. The company had a very successful year during 1903. The number of poli- cies issued during the past year was 1295 and the number in force at the end of the year, 3672, being an increase of 202 policies. The amount of Insurance writ- ten $2,061,313.00, the amount cancelled and expired $1,600,355.00, leaving the net amount in force at the close of the year $5,681,393, being an increase for the year of $460,958 in the amount at risk. The premium notes held by the Company amount to $284,069.65 and the amount available on said notes $258,938.85. The assets amount to $272,198.76 The an- nual meeting of the company will be held in the Township Hall at Gorrie, on Friday afternoon, February 5th, The directors of the Company are as follows: -John R. Miller, Jamestown, President; Edward Bryans, Jamestown, Vice Presi- dent; Robt. Scott, Fulton's Mills; ,Tames Edgar, Gorrie; James Wylie, Glenfar- row; W. S. McKercher, Wroxeter, Sec- retary -Treasurer. -The following promotions, appoint- ments and changes in the militia were gazetted on Saturday: --- 33rd Huron Regiment -Lieutenant -colonel and to command, Major W. Young, vice Lieut -1 Col. J. A. S. Varcoe, transferred. Lieut. J. A. Jackson resigns his commission. • Mr. John Alderson, haggageman on the L, H. & B., met with a painful acci- dent on Wednesday of last week by which he had several ribs broken. A trunk fell in the baggage ear and struck Mr. Alderson, with the above result. He has since been confined to his home, but will soon be able to be around again. -Dr. J. R. Macdonald's-horse took a run on Sunday afternoon. The Dr. had been visiting a patient in the county and in coming into town the cutter struelc a piece of ice and upset, leaving the driver on the side of the street. The Dr. received a bad braise on the knee and the cutter and harness were con- siderably damaged. Auction Sales Auetiou sale of Farm stock and im- plements at lot 52, Concession 12, East Wawanosti, on Friday, February 10th. Peter A. Walker prop.; John Purvis, Auctioneer. Yarmouth possesses a female auction- eer, who conducts sales of goods of a miscellaneous character. PERSONAL. lir, A. E. Lloyd is away on a business trip to Winnipeg. Dr. Geo. Ball, of Toronto was visit- ing with his parents in town last week. Miss Gibson, of Lncknow has been visiting with Wingham friends for a few days. Mr. Walter Rose spent a few days at his home in Mitchell during the past week. Mrs. Walter Hutchison and child, of Calgary, N. W. T. are visiting at Mr. R. A. Hutchison's. Mr. and Mrs. Thom, of Grandin, Dako- ta, were visiting at Chief VanNor- man's, last week. Mrs. J. F. Morrison, of London return- ed home after spending several weeks at Chief VanNorman's. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Virden, Mani- toba, spent a few days at Chief Van - Norman's, this week. , Mr. and Mrs. Purcell of Listowel are visiting at their daughter's, Mrs. An. drews, of Wingham, President Moffatt and Secretary Robertson will represent the Tnrnberry Agricultural Society at the Fairs As- sociation meeting in Toronto on Wenn. 17th and 18th. Mr. Hugh Clark, M. P. P. for Centre Bruce, was in town on . Tuesday and Wednesday. He went home to Ifin- eardine on Saturday night and owing to the railways being blocked has not been able to return, Re drove from l ln- eardine to Wingham on Tuesday, think- ing he would be able to get a traits on the C. P. R. to Toronto. _.-111l111lIr - Second of the Series. The second of the series of concerts being held by the Wingham citizens' band will he held in the Opera House on Friday evening, Feb. 6th. The encl. lent xc l - lent programme provided, and the very modest price of admission, should result in these concerts being largely patron- ized. The success of the first one was very encouraging to the members of the baud, and it is hoped that the second will be none the less so, The band under the able leadership of Mr. J. W. Duncan, is doing nicely. The following is the programme for Friday evening Feb 5th: PACT 1. 1, -March, " The Three Links,'z The Band. 2. -Song, (Scotch, by request). Mr. Geo. W, Cline. 3. -Serenade and Waltz, " To Thee," . , The Baud. 4. -Recitation, .. Selected .... Miss Brock. 5. -Song,' " Drum Major's Song," Pearl Duncan. 6. -Characteristic March, " Pokey Pete" The Band. PART 2. 1. -Song, (Irish) Mr. Geo. W. :Cline. 2. -Overture, "At the Concert in the Park," The Band. 3. -Ballet Characteristique, " Carnival Chimes," Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Club. 4. -Cornet Solo, " Killarney," , . . . Mr. J. W. Duncan. 5. -Descriptive, `Dance of the Skeletons' The Blind. 6. -Recitation, . Sele6ted Miss Brook. 7. -Waltz, " In the City of Sighs and Tears," The Band. Miss Houghton, piano accompanist. Admission, 10c. Seats reserved until 8 o'clock for ladies and their escorts. SCHOOL BOARD. The statutory meeting of the Wing - ham School Board was held in the Town Clerk's office on Wednesday evening of last week. The Secretary read a com- munication from Town Clerk Ferguson, stating that Thos. Abraham, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr and C. N. Griffin had been elected members of the Board for two year term and Dr. A. J. Irwin for one year. All the members being pres- ent the Secretary declared the Board duly constituted for the year 1904. Moved by R. A. Douglass, seconded by H. Kerr, that J. J Homuth be Chair- man for 1004. -Carried. Dr, A. J. Irwin resigned his position as a member of the Public Library Board and on motion his resignation was accepted. Abraham -Irwin -That Wm. Robert- son be re.appointed Secretary at a salary of $35 per annum -Carried. Kerr -Douglass -That J. B. Fergu- son be re -appointed Treasurer at a sal- ary of $25 per annum. -Carried. Committees for the year were appoint- ed as follows: -Finance -Messrs. Doug lass, Irwin and Griffin. Management - Messrs. Moore, Lloyd, Kerr and Abra- ham. The Principal's half yearly report was read and on motion was adopted. The Finance Committee recommended the payment of the following accounts: -Peter Stewart, wood, $2.50; Fred. Lewis, wood, $id.37; T. L. Jobb, work, 40c; W. Taylor, work, $1.50; C. J. Reading, work, $3; Wm. Nicholson, work, $9.90; J. B. Ferguson, services at election, $3; Boiler Inspection Co., in- surance, $10. Douglass -Moore -That the report of the Committee be adopted and the ac- counts paid. -Carried. Trustees Lloyd and Kerr presented their report in regard to the enlarging of the school. They placed the estimat- ed cost at $3,600. Griffin -Irwin -That the report of the committee be referred to the Manage- ment Committee for further information. -Carried. Irwin -Douglass -That W. H. McKib- bon be appointed to complete term of Dr. A. J. Irwin on Public Library Board, and that H. H. Wightman be appointed for three year term, -Carried. Lloyd -Kerr -That a duplicate cheque per x;..36 be issued to Geo. Mason for one lost, bearing date of August 12th, 1002. -Carried. Board then adjourned. 11UEN. Mclrwnr�.-In Howlelc, on Jan. 8th, the wife of Chas. Mellwain ; a daughter. Aswtov.-In Howick on Jan. 16th, the wife of Mr. Geo, Ashton; a daughter. MARRIED I'ORTziwtELit-WALE.-In Trinity church, hordwielt by the Rev. Mr. Hall on the 20th inst., Mr. M. Porterfield V. S.,to Miss B. Wade, all of Fordwich. tinAtcs--NnTtnEliv.--At the residence of the bride's parental East Wawanoalt, en January - 19th by laev. J. Edmonds of Blyth. Isabella Ada, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Nethery, to Mr. Matthew henry Craig, of Londesboro. To Whom It May Concern Take notice that, pursuant to R. S. 0. 1307, ,ltapter 187, see., 2, (the undersigned will offer for sale by puhe auctionon the market square at the Town of Wingham, on Thursday, the 11th day of February,1904,✓ttt 2 o'cleek in the afternoon. bY Jas. liendao,,'mon, auctioneer, one i.arge Sorrel Hors 'alma 8 years old and about 10 hands high, whidesaid horse was left at our inn in said Town. of Wingirann by one Jim. Wilson and the amount owing to us for the keep of the same to the date of said able is the sum of 117.00 Dated this 27th day of January, 1004. ORI) Bi:0t3., Wingham. Notice to Electric light Users. ' All electric light users are that they will in future be pairs made and all 1 mp installation in suppl ereby notified urged for all re - camels and other s urnished them after r she s ustallatlon in filen' ses o p N'or furnishing candescent lights after 12 o'clock, midnight, $2.00 per hour will be charg- ed. Notice that such lights are required should be given the Manager not later than 3 o'clock p. m, preceding nights lights are required. By Urd� rB FERGUSON, Clerk. Wingham, Jan. 27th, 1904. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No. 139 HOLD their regular meetings on the «nd and 4th Fritlax in each month, in Odd• fellows' Hull. All visitors welcome, R. Id.AxwEr n, C. C. R. H. CRowDEtt, Clerk. IV A. CURRIE, Wingluun, Ont., THE PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER. Why go outside for a good man when you can get one at home 4 Orders left at the Trnri:s office will receive prompt attention. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINDHAM. Night calla at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. C. J. MAG tJIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts. Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done OFFICE -In Vanstone Block., Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock. DR. OVENS, of London, • SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly. Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Wingham Office -Campbell's Drug Store. London Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours : 11 to 8 p.m. Dates cf visits -Mondays, Feb. 1, Feb. 29; March 28, May 2, May 30, June 27, July 25, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28. FRUITS ND CONFEC WONERY I am offering Oranges, Lemons, are all fresh goods should not be long ORANGES - Regular 70c Regular hoc a Regular 40c a Also a line at N LEMONS - Best Lemons, er dozen, 20c, RON-BONS Choice Bon -Bon , just a few on hand to be sold at cos price. W., . SCOTT Opposite Presbytern Church. special cut prices on on -Bans, etc. These and at the low prices in moving out. dozen, for 60e. dozen, for 50c. dozen, for 30c. dozen for 25c. Hassey - N rris Agency. HAVE YOU A CUTTER ? If not, call and examine our stock before purch sing elsewhere. If you will need anything in the line of Farm Implemeu s or Machinery for the coming season place your order early and got the , est. Massey -Harris goods are leaders e :rywhere. Agent for - Kemp Manur: Distributor Melotte Crea Separator We also handle t U('IES and C ackledged to dur le to be had. e Wm. Gray & Sons TERS- universally e the best and most ALF, LOVER AGENT, WINGHAM. Owing to part of my store falling down with the recent storm, I have decided to clear out balance of my stock of CUTTERS, ROBES, HARNESS, EUR COATS, PIANOS, ORGANS, And SEWING MACHINES regardless of cost; want of spaee compels ino to do this, stock is all new and up- to-date in every particular. No reason- able offer refused. This certainly is a chance of a lifetime to buy any of the above goods at your own prices. Thanking my customers for past favors, I remain, Your humble servant T. 11. ROSS. Stand beside Presbyterian Church. VVY'VVVVVVVVYYVVVVVYVVVVVVY AAAMMAAAAAMM/1AAAAAAMA• Overcoats Selling At Cost ! NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING. Two years established in Winghani. z; Business rapidly increasing: S A. R. SMITH GENTS' FURNISHER, - CHISHOLM BLOCK, WINGHAM. 1 AMAAAAAAAAAMMAAAAAAAAAA VVVVWVVVVWVVYVVVVY lV W - +•t -l'+++4•'s +++++++++.l•+++++a•+ ++++++++++++++•44++++++++++r 4' [� I Goal Bills too Laro Some Ranges are like some people. They have in- satiable appetites, but they do very little in return for all they consume. The Crown Huron Range burns less coal and does more work than any other Range. It gets less expensive every day you use it. Made by Western Foundry. Go., Ltd., Wingham, Ont. SELLING AGENTS : ALEX. YOUNG & SON WINGHAM. J. BUCC & SON Wingbam, Ont., Mal'ch 6th, 1903. THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., LIMITED, WINGNAM, ONT. Gentlemen, -I take great pleasure in saying that I have used several different makes of Ranges, but consider the " CROWN HURON " the best of them all. It uses CONSID- ERABLY LESS COAL and, gives a more even heat than any Range I have ever met with. So far as I can see, the " Crown Huron " Range is perfection itself. Yours truly, C. CAMPBELL. 1. 4' k .1, VYvvvvvvvvvYvvevvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvnvvrvvvvyvvvvvvvvey ► 4 IRON and BRASS BED S 41 r • These goods are ever becoming more popular, • and to keep pace with their growing popularity and • the consequent increasing demand for them,, the have placed in stock a few lines from which we are sure everyone can make a pleasing choice. r PRICES, - $3.75, $4.00, $6.00 $6 50 ► ► Ir WALKER a BROS. & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. The Furniture Store opposite the Poet Office. iAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAI AAA A good line of Dressers and Stands to match. A fine line of SIDEBOARDS, BEDROOM SUITS PARLOR SUITS COUCHES, etc., All up-to-date goods at the lowest prices. 4 wj.