HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-01-28, Page 6THE 'MOAN TIMES, JANUARY 28,• 1904
They're happy in the kitchen
Since Bovril came to stay,
The chef and his assistants
Have learned the Bovril way,
Of making Soups and Sauces—
Delicious Bouillon, too ;
That's why the work is easy,
And they're so quickly through.
is the most useful and convenient assistant to the
cook in preparing rich and deliciously flavoured
soups, gravies, entrees, etc. One teaspoonful to a pint
of soup produces a marvellous improvement in flavor,
strength and appearance
'r ' �'.'t... 1 l atilt -\-r see
f J �
V Ilia
Kernels from the Sanetum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Oatario county and the town of Whit-
by propose to celebrate their semi -cen-
tennial this year by a big demonstration.
CI Pl '%'C>tXR-XA.
The Knd Yeu Haia Wars B:
Bears the
Mr. D Dineen of Arthur Towrsbip
had his horse and six bead of cattle killed
at a railway crossing near Mount Forest.
Mr. Milton Leonard was appointed as-
sessor of Howick township at the coup•
cii meeting in Currie on Monday, 11th
All kinds of Coughs and Colds. Bron -
The writ for the vacancy in the Com- chins, Whooping Cough, Pains in the
mons for East Bence has been issued. " Chest, Wheezing. Hoarsness, Sore Throat
Nomination will be held on February 9th and Asthma, yield to the Lung -healing
• properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
and polling one week later. Syrup. Price 23c.
Use Lever's D: E- Soap ; s eowdere to The residents of Lanark county have
wash woolens and flu s:e.s,—ce : 11 set aside $0 003 and bave engaged a
it. 3e competent engiueer to carry out a good
r, roads scheme, embracing 125 miles of
Word was received on Thu:3sy t " county highways.
in Rapid City, Man„ ole Wm. eseurray,
a former dry goods men:haat of Kincar-
dine. Interment took p:sce izz tii:ear• \Li'xaLGIA.
dine. "I had been snfferiug about six months
with Neuralgia when I started taking
Laxa-Liver Pills are a eesitive cure fer Milburn's Rheumatic Pills. They did
SiekHeadache, Bellieusncss,€ _n._5ieetion, me more good than any medicine I ever
Dyspepsia. and ail st:emaell „and liver used. Mrs- Annie Ryan, Sand point, N.
complaints. They neiteergripe. weaken see
nor sicken. Price Tee at all dGvlers-
TheKinloss Branch Agricultural 4 3ei-
ety at Lueknow last year had total re- Owing to having sold his farm John
ceipts of $1147 77, and disbursements ofK; night, who has been a well known res-
°.58.4.4.fi5, leaving a balance for the year of ]dent of Cranbrook locality for 35 or 40
years intends removing emo in
511 r
$303 .2i.g 0 t y to Lon -
The annual meeting of the Toronto don, where a couple of his daughters
Railway Company was held and
the reports presented show gross earnings The colored citizens of the Province
of $971,264.46, of which the city receives have a distinguished representative in
$298,839, as compared with $255,551.07 Controller Hubbard, of Toronto. He
in 1905. is one of the ablest members of the city
eta. M, CA i = c2 council, and has never been defeated for
Bears the ,• Tho Kind You Hale Ways Beast municipal office. He is a man of wealth
and leisure, but keeps in touch with his
own race.
Wellesley Township carried the by- DOCTOR THE HORSES,
law to grant a bonus of $12,000 to the
G. T. R. on Tuesdaybya vote of 220 Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man.,
writes; ''My husband wonld not be with -
to 92. They also carried a bonus of $13.- out Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house,
OOC for electrio road connection with Ber- as he uses it a good deal for doctoring
lin. These were the first bonus by-laws Price
the horses and considers it splendid."
Price 25c.
ever voted in the township.
It is with regret that we are called In looking over the health report for
upon to announce the death of Mrs. r
Peter Steep, of the Bayfield line, who
died on Wednesday evening Jan. 20th,
aged 02 years. Mrs. Steep's illness was
brief, with neuralgia of the heart, only
lasting about eight hours.
After a night with "the boys" there is
rio better remedy to clear the head and
settle the stomach than Milburn's Ster-
ling Headache Powders. Price 100. and
250. ail dealers.
Very few of the oldest residents of
Huron can boast of four generations, but
there is a lady in Colborne township,
that has five to her credit. The person
is Mrs. McCann, who is 87 years of age.
Cemparptively speaking quite young,
o have at that age, such. a leemarkable
record. The other members are, a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, Auburn;
granddaughter, Mrs. R. Sprung, Goder-
ich, and this last lady's two daughters
and their children
ror Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Beare the
Signature of
Tho halross Agricultural Society hold
n a
their annual meetingon Wed esd y,Jan.
1Sth, at Teeswater. The auditors report,
showing balance on hand of $97.94, was
adopted. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: President,
V!. H. ,Tarvis; 1st Vice President, Geo.
B. Armstrong; 2nd Vice President,
W. J. Kirkland, Directors- Jas. W.
11.11agh, Wm. Moffat, W. IL Arkell,
Rittinger, W. Thornton, Andrew
lillor.sgue, Fred Hardie, Win. McDonald,
1il,lrs. P'. P. Moore and Mrs. 3. 1. His.
MOW; Auditors e0. S. Fowler e
— I r and
Mex. Mnragae; Secretary, J. Farquhar -
t; Treasurer, W. Little. It wan de -
411164 $lslit�.�*y�..s **next fair Ise held on Sept.
lid igt4:.
the month of November we notice Huron
still retains its former good record, hav-
ing had but seven deaths from tubercu-
losis, and three cases of diphtheria and
one of scarletina from the category of
contagious diseases. No deaths from
the two latter, and these confined to the
northern townships.
AStill CsMt. XA.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
The annual meeting of Howick Dis
trict, L. 0. L., was held in the Orange
Ball, Gerrie, on Tuesday, 12th fust., and
Was vary well encoded, every lodge be-
ing well represented, bat Bebnore, Bros.
J. H. Johnston, .Tos. Hainstock, A. Spot -
ton, Wm. Corbett, J. A. Sanderson, W.
II. Newton and Thos. Goggin represent-
ed Fordwich Iodge, The order is iu
good shape, both financially and numeri-
calIy. The following are the District
officers for 1904:—W, M., Rich. Bride;
D. M., W. H. Newton; Chap., Adam
Spence; R. S., Goo. Dane; P. S., J.
Harper; Treas., Jas. Faille; D. of C.,
3. A. Strong; Lect., Jno. Dano.
tiloo Rotrnrd, Sint)
Tlie readers of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that there is et lean ono
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarah Cure is the only
positive remedy known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat-
ment. 'Hall's Catarrh Care is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surface of the system, there-
by destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its cur•
alive powers that they offer One Il"tta-
dred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. S. CII>~lsxx & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pi11* for conetipf•
I Lien.
Oa Tuesday, Jan. 19th, Mrs. Thos.
Kelly died at the resideuce of her sun -
in -law, John Hurley, Cypress street,
Goderich. Silo was seventy-six years of
age and had been i11 for over a year.
Her husband, a section boss on the rail
toad died over a year ago.
Another landmark has passed away in
the person of Mems Dolene Fraser, relict
of the late Win. Fraser, 7th Con. Kin-
cardine. at the afire of e7 years. The
deceased and herhnsband, who departed
this life about ten years ago, came to
Bruce county about 45 years ago from
Nova Scotia. Both were quiet and re.
spected neighbors.
Mrs. D. French, matron of the County
House of Refuge since its opening. has
tendered her resignation and it will be
dealt with at this week's County Coun-
cil. Mrs, French hes proved a most ex-
cellent matron and her place will not be
easily filled. Ill health is given as one
reason for desiring to be relieved of her
position. There are 85 iu the Home.
A scoundrel giving his name as Kaif•
man in one place and Cooper in aupther,
bas been guiug the rounds lately amongst
the farmers near Waterloo and Breslau.
When near Berlin be says he was sent
out by Dr. Honsberger and around
Waterloo he purports to come from Dr.
Webb. He operates in selling a special
line of spectacles saying he is an agent
of the above gentlemen and charges $8 a
pair for the glasses of which he succeed-
ed in disposing of quite a few,
Mrs J. D. Mayo, South Stukley, P.
Q , wrote the following: "One of my
children took sick with worms and after
trying everytbing without getting relief
we procured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup
which acted Promptly and effectually."
-• _ a
Two important legal decisions were
handed down at Osgoode Hall, Torouto,
on Tuesday. one was au appeal of the
C. P. R., against the decision of Justice
Britton awarding a farmer $28.2 value of
cattle killed ou the track. Held that the
cattle were not unlawfully on the high-
way, as by a by-law of the municipality
all glitch cows and other cattle with cer-
tain ones excepted are allowed to roam
at large and appeal dismissed. The
other case was a line fence dispute, when
the statute limitations took a prominent
part. A full bench of the Divisional'
court suggested that the litigants should
divide the land and each pay his own
To prove to you thn t lar.
('h I se's Ointment is a cc:fain
and absolute cure for each
�`i 'and every form of hell na,
le^_dingand protrnaine piles,
mau cnr � a rG guaranteed •uarnntecd tt. Sce tel.
•n m+ala in t',e daily tress ami a• kra'I;h-
•n- what titer think o' i Yon can use it and
-•t vonr money bark if not cured. ('1e p 1 os, Of.
11 dca'^rs or EmtaNSoN,Ii1TES & T0 onto,
Chase's Ointment
The area of the City of London pro-
per, that part controlled by the London
County Council, is 118 square miles, and
the population in 1901 was 4,536,000.
The) area of Greater New York is
308 square miles and the population
3,437.080. Philadelphia's area is 12910
square miles and her population 1,293,-
697; while Chicago with an area of 190
miles has a of population 1,280,000. It is
interesting to compare with these figures
the statistics of some Old World cities.
Tokio in 1898 has an area of 60 square
miles, a population of 1,440,000; Canton
in 20 square miles, 1.600,000; Vienna, in
25 square miles 1,674'000; Berlin, in 25
square miles, 1,898,000; Paris, in 30
square miles, 2,660,000. Anyone who
has doubts as to the smaller cities afford-
ing more comfort as places of residence
needs but to consider these figures to
have the truth brought home to him.
A jury case of interest to the farmers
was tried before Judge Klein at Ches-
ley. Hugh Garr of 10th con. Brant
gave the Maxwell Co, an order for a hay
loader, the agreement being that if the
loader (lid not suit the buyer he could
return it. The machine was supplied
and did its work as a hayloader in a
very satisfactory manner, but Mr, Carr
found it more difficult and took longer
to pitch off loads built with the loader;
than with a pitchfork. As Mr. Carr has
has no hayfork the loader did not suit
him, and it was returned, hence the
action. The defence was that the order
was given under an express promise that
if the machine did not suit, Carr could
return it. The Court held that the word
"suit" meant the satisfactory working
of the machine as a hayloader and the
fact that the plaintiff had not the proper
facilities for unloading was no fault of
the machine, and judgment was given
for the defendant.
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and
li,em d -•-'4
e .Its
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. , It soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the hest remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twontyflve cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
on retail trade and agentschts for
t man tac
�I Ro 11arIt well established lnsinesvlocalterritory; strra;idt 8al.1ay $20 paid weekly and
expense money advanced: proviot4 experience
unnecessary ; position permanent; business
sticeessfal. Kneloso ;;ell-adelre od. enveloppe,
Superintendent Travellers, 005 Meilen Bldg.
Pale Weak Women
Take New hope
There is a remedy for all your
troubles. Thousands have been
cured. Why not get back your
Strength and Vigor by Using the
Food Tonic Ferrozone,
Ever since the world began woman
has borne more than her share of suffer -
tug. Secret troubles ndderriue her
etrength, yet she seldom complains.
But because, she has sufrered in rhe past
is no reason why she should forever be
dragged dowu by misery and sleepless -
There is a remedy, one that will lift
that awful burden and remove the ills
from which women suffer. The name of
this remedy is Ferrozone which to -day
is a household word throughout the
length and breadth of the American
continent. New hope luxe been brought
into the life of many a downcast won,au,
a new era of health has dawned fur
thousands who have tried and proveu the
merit of Ferrozone.
There is no girl or woman who can
afford to miss the benefit that is 5010
to come from the regular use of this
graud remedy. It acts directly ou all
the organs and insures func•ionnl activ-
ity upon which health so largely de-
pends. Your days of weakness and
headache, your hours of nervousness
and despondeucy will all depart, Lifts
will hold for you many new joys as it
does for every one teat uses Ferrozone
Your whole body will feel the quick
ening influence of Ferrozone The
blood will be purified ants teni4'h,.d,
You will no longer suffer from sup-
pression and iaterferenca with the
menstrual functions. Ferrozone cores
all snoh ailments and prevents their re.
Mrs. Mary E. Cowan, of Hillsboro,
writes: "If half the ailing women in
this world would only use leerrozone
regularly they would save a great deal
of siukness. Before using Ferrozone I
was fatigued and tired out with the
least exertion. I speut half my time in
bed and was forever bothered with
some trouble or another. After usiug a
few boxes of Ferrozone I became more
robust, my strength increased and the
irregularities I formerly had have 'dis-
appeared. Ferrozone is a grand medi-
cine for women."
This is the experience of thousands.
You really ought to nee Ferrozone,—it
will do you so much good. Don't lis-
ten to the druggist who urges something
just as good. No substitute compares
with Ferri zone, which does all that
is required of it. Price 50o. per box or
six boxes for $2.50, at druggists or by
mail froni The Ferrozone Company,
Kingston, Out.
The Wrong of Yesterday.
(5. E. Kiser, in Chicago Record -Herald.)
If nght were always right
And wrong were always wrong,
How easily we might
, Go rollicking along,
With ne'er a doubt of reaching where
The righteous hope to go,
1 With none to scoff and none to dare
To try to drag us low;
How gallantly we might
Be bold and firm and strong,
If right were always right
And wrong were always wrong.
The wrong of yesterday
To -morrow inay be right;
The world still has a way
Of changing over -night,
Self-interest may serve to make
That which before was wrong
A thing of beauty; for self's sake
We join the weak or strong;
When what was base will pay
Or help to bring delight,
The wrong of yesterday
To -morrow may he right.
French drivers and firemen and oven
French fuel will be imported for the trial I
in England of the De Glehn giant loco-
motive engine which is being built in
France for the Great Western Railway.
A Kidney Sufferer
Fourteen Years.
Could not Sit or Stand with Ease.
Consulted Five Different Doctors.
Kidney Pills
Mr. Jacob Jamieson, Jamieson Bros„
the well-known Contractors and Builders,
Welland, Ont., tells of how he was cured:
"For fourteen years I was afflicted with
kidney trouble which increased in severit
the last five years. My most serious attack
was four years ago, when I was completely
incapacitated. I had terrible pains across
my back, floating specks before my eyes
and was in almost constant torment. I
could not sit or stand with ease and was a
wreck in health, having no appetite and
lost greatly ht flesh. I had taken medicine
from five different doctors and also
numerous other preparations to no per.
pose. I finally began to take Doan's
Kidney Pills and before I had taken five
boxes the trouble left mei and I now fed
better than I have for twenty years, Those
who know me know how I was afflicted
and say it is almost impossible to believe
that I have been cured, yet they know it
is so. I have passed the meridian of lit*
but I feel that I have taken on the rosy
hue of boyhood."
Price So cts, per box, erg for $1.25, all
dealera or
r- tTO11ONT0, ONT.
Pointed Paragraphs.
From the Chicago Nows,
No man ha property to buru unless it
is fully insured,
The actions of a phonograph make a
lot of unnecessary talk,
Tears will often move a jury if banked
by suffioient good looks.
Sometimes a cigar draws better than
the actor it's named after.
It takes more than a visit from his
wife's mother to make a man happy
Many a genius thinks he has invented
a Ifs lug umoliiue until be tries it.
Nothing bores a sensible man like
having 110 talk about nothiug at a social
If a man's ohildreu turn out half as
bad as lie was at their ase lie thinks the
world is growing worse.
All the women's clubs in the world
cannot alter the fact that both the sew-
iug machiue and the typewriter were
invented by men.
Sometimes a woman has aspeaking
acquaintance with a woman across the
street, and sometimes they know each
other so well that they don't speak at
Some die of heart failure and some
live with head failure.
Nethicg jars a men like being com-
pelled to love, by contract
It isn't always the btst autress that
gets the must tullowers.
Somehow a man generally loses his
nerve just when he needs it most.
In order to start the political machine
one must drop dollars in the slot.
Every time a roan calls his wife an
angel she thinks he's been drinking.
A good many things are bad enough,
but the worst never really happens.
No artist should attempt to select a
hiving model unless he understands fig-
After marrying the man who courted
her a girl is apt to find that he's auothor
Truth is constantly getting in the way
of some people. That is probably why
it is or•ushed to earth so often.
A \\'ouderful Book
As a work for family reference there
was probably never a more useful book
than Dr. Chase's Receipt Book. Be-
sides containing the symptoms of dis-
ease, there cause and clue and the great
prescriptious gathered together during
half a century of medical practice, this
book is replete with receipts for cooking
and has a complete department devoted
to the care of farm -stock, bees, (lomestio
animals, etc. For full particulars write
Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
Two submarines made a sham attack
on the French squadron at La Rochelle
recently in the evening, and so smartly
were they handled that it is said in ac-
tual warfare the whole division would
have been annihilated.
Besquered has shown that radium
emits cathode rays, moving at a velocity
of over 120,000 miles a second. A par-
ticle traveling with this velocity and
starting from the earth would reach the
moon in two seconds.
From centre
to crust
The Market Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. White, light,
sweet centre; rich, brown, short
crust. Mixed, molded, baked
and delivered in just the way to
win your approval.
We have all the latest machin-
ery, and there is no need of
sending to the city for your
bread or pastry,
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
Oldest, Largest, 11Lost Widely
Circulated and Only National
Agricultural Home Paper in
"Horne Mac az i n'cS
After January 1st, 1904,
PR1OE $ 1.50 Numbers.
Now subscribers get balance of this year free
including magnlfieentChristmas number. Send
in yourse,bscr9
tton at once. Don't
misss a
single issue. Agents wanted everywhere;
liberal terms given. Sample copy free.
The Wm. Weld Co., Limited,
London, Ont.
TIMES and Farmers' Advocate for *2.25, ba-
lance of IW1O free to new subscribers.
1 I rt,• ^:vc.r '.4 .,'*41,i rl"',,' •! y, •
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children thp,n
Ripans Tabules. They arc easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but .o the
plain, every -day folks they arc a veritable friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have beco,mc their stan-
dard fam. remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est -dy vith a long and successful record, to
e• rt. ' eegest,,,a, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
c ,tlpation, t ':pensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• ,-);' ttion cf the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
. .atism, sour stomach, bowel and l:ter com-
' • .'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build 'up
t :lawn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
' ' ~ id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
o t Cant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
�b•tles. Your dri. ;gist sells them. The five-
c.,nL packet is ell ;'11 for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bott'_-t 'io cents, contains a supply
for a year.
., .. eiag ot,,,,siAt4w.e?4,e• .mfi(4i:14ty •ornhitidiXAk•-ri.r`..c: ;h, 1f`!y"Hi'? i n,_ i9 s`r. -'i - •
K. n! ; Jx�,.,; .. y...:y1'u��a.�..r'..'44 a♦ r', i',a•naa+' 'f)b :ti
the Merit or fipprerjtke.
If clerking in a store or learning a trade, why, not prepare
yourself to reach the top of your business P
A business training combined with your knowledge of your work
gives you the necessary advantage over others to make this possible.
Tho Forest City Business and Shorthand College Course
includes Bookkeeping, Financing, higher Accounting, and every
modern principle and method used 111 business --in not hampered
with old-time systems and methods.
A complete course in Business and Shorthand can Le taken
in one year ; the cost is small; the results aro quick, reiaua.°r.:tive
and permanent.
Booklet, containing complete information of courses, costs,
eta, sent to any address for a postal.
m o
` ifA.: ,,.uoan\or,•rw.... , nose•. r.. •. " ';
�Rt . S7:Jv°..4:,.ha ,.:.;�.% �4... Y'. , ...r°,t +�...,, ,i.:•. , .:«yyr..r,Ucs:.•+,,. >;i".*.x(.
•K.14( 804c:..K: K, -K'..
Specialists in the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of
lien and Women. 25 Years in Detroit.
ANt'•No Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed.
Thousands of young and eniddle•aged- men are annually swept 1K'
to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas. !'^
Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued is time. He',
.^¢ says: "I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me.
alt. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despoil -I
.Yc dont, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings,
'poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains
at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make
matters worse, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. E'
( I tried ninny doctors and medical firms—all failed tilt Drs. Ken -1
nedy & Kergau took my case. In one week I felt better, and in a'
'r I few weeks was entirely cured. They are the only reliable and }r
honest Specialists in the country."
READER -we guarantee to cure you or no pay. You run no 1r ' e
ss at make. Beware of
frauds and impostors. We We have
pareputation00for any case we take that our NEW
METHOD TRLATMCNT will not cure.
We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele; Stricture. Weak Parts, Kidney
and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call or write for Questiou
List for Houle Treatment.
DRS, KENNEDY & KER iAN Cor. mktlligait,,he Shelby St.
''',V -.V tom:✓'+ ICfM.:t�J zr.'ii� PC ;Cwt!' Cotr'L\ ,
Clubbing Offers - 7903-04
THE TIMES announces the following
Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 :—
Times till Jan, lst, 1905
Times and Weekly Globe with 8.page illustrated
supplement .... ,
Times and Family ,Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50
Times and Weekly Sun.. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe 4 35
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25
Times and Toronto Daily Star 1 80
• Times and Montreal Weekly Herald .... 1 15
Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85
Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 30
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We cart
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down
so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use
asking for cheaper rates.
In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the BALANCE OF 19o3 IiREE. The rates quoted
are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
Call at the office, or address—
$1 00
1 GO
WIIN`4,.1{ EA.1.' E